Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Dec 1935, p. 13

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Qne cent a word. cash. each inser-! tion (minimum charge. 25c), five in- ` aertions for the price of four. 25` extra if not paid within ve days or date of issue: also 10c extra when re- 1 plies are directed to The Examiner. Store or b1.Isin(,=::.~: ndvcrlheing tin cl\.ding ngcms) in this column, two; cents per word. cash with order` (minimum 50 cents per issue. '70 cents if charged). maul :4`l klnds an |Cuunty. Tul(`ph( '3 Iii! 1V[lll(.`I. S1. \ : HANDYMAN. CARPENTERING 1.`\1LL`l`llilIl]S. hmwoud fl0m'im.',. ()d'.| zinhr: llnnn :1! runsm1mblo rates. Ex- i'I`ENI )I;.`.S will be rvcciu-(l by 1 1LUld|`l'.\'if4nt`d for the puI'('hu:~zu of 1 '_ East hull of Lot Numbcr T\\'om_\'-` iv K`.-!(i\ and \\'L`S` hall" 01' Eu.~:1 half I '- Number '1'\\'0n1,\'-five I254. both in! )`Ic`|fIh 151 (`nun-n< nf ihn Thu 1.`\lLL`l`llI(InS. n:'u'r1w0n(1 1mm'Im.',, um: 1] iiuhs dnnu :11 ruusmmblo Es-` ;t(-ed. L. Lalunvillo. 215 Bznyfit-lrl: ism. ~18-52'.) I` ;IilHil\L`S frvc. Satisfaction gL1;x1':nx'u-,: `NO'I'IC I7.- I`l\e parlnL~1`.~:hip hcl.\\'cvnl; .1\1'1hur Lilllv and Norman I-Im`cl21k(*1` * '11: Thomas Sign shop has been d':.<~. sulvcd by mutual uureenurnt. Arth-` ur Lmle. C(mt1n'.u'n_x; business :11, .256 Eli /.:1b01h St. 451-5231` u .??:_ 3 I [424--um I iNu'r1c'I: RF. `mun f`.:'\ ()l`](`\' brzlkcs, must be seen to be npp1`o(-1-I ulcd. .Ior_v .-; (`.ara;.'o. Bnyfin-ld St. 49b| \ i Is pr0pzu'_( uf n`! In l [`HRYSI.ER SPORT ROADSTERI u'iH\ hr-ntnr run`:-Ilrxnt r-m1dilinn.19 (3H.`\lN v\:\ \\'lu~.z11. W11 trurrk :nv::_\'. phnnc 1-176. |NllInD01` I\\'om,\'-nvo IL. mom 1:` {Fifth (St Cum'os.~`iun of the To `ishm of Orr`. in ihv County of Sim mp to December 14th. 1935. at 1 1n'(`ln1-L nnnn nI\/I\I\arI\.|A4 ulrns. ['.\'HlCR .-\N[W HY \'IRT['E Pmxn--< .x1 Ruin` .--\v\?;n1n\ui m SHOOT IN MATCHES n A- 1-... 1.-.....n.-um-. ROOMS X510 BOARD .-..... ll xn -rm. E-nmlmu ['IC'[?. RF. I ()'.I'A'I`UES~l.. .InhI1-' 2:`) Orlvy Avc._ '.|"umnto. wishes` atulv that hv is nut me Jnhnsolx; mg \\'hnl(`sa|(' produce who Is` to ho p.'1_\'im.', by cheque. as he` < in cash. 49-5. I FARMS FOR. SALE nun n In This I'vnrnIn:u-I IVlORT_GAGE SALE -F-ARM FOR SALE "MORTGAGE SALE- \\`l\ L`\' \'lI)'\`Y'|.` ._- MISCELL./\NE0l $- -n... n In 1'... Ev9\n\|nnr-V ].`[E[ J) II'}:\S \\' :' QIHJIH \'.'n`iL`1\ . nn` J. c. SPRING: AU CTIONEER AU OMOBILES in a.. 1-... :.......|... nun u,r,u_- u: ESTEN & ESTEN. Bm Sulu-Hnrs fur thy` 1\.Inx`1ev:1 STEWART R- S'I`EV\'AH'I`, u|i('iln:'< POT.`\TOES---1.. .l_uhI1 v A\':-, '|"m'nmn. \\'1sh(_- 0I1('un1`.<. BARRIE. Omar an _mo_ 11 paid m I -cu----v -.v...- __--.._- _ `,WANTED--Smz1ll house, twelve 1 `:s1.\:-roamed house or bumznlow. LCXHSS tenants. Do _yuu rc-nlizo your lu.<.< it you 1 :\ tn`c`. ln.~`.urv \'mn' ht-!un}4in<~ I . ' . " the (,unudum Indemmtv. ! . 1Tue: 1)e<`omhe1- 1l)-~I~`:1rm stuck I and implements. L',r;1in and feed. Tho undersigned has 1`c('L'i\'C(l in- struct>ns from Doug.',lns Lov- L-ring: ml 16. Con. U. Tow ship of nm 1.) sell hv nublic mic nn mic L-ring Lot ll}. Con. U. Om. to sell by pul)li(.' : l at 1 0 ;-luck slmrp. i Thornton, RR. 4. Oril .'I`hLn'scla,\'. DecL`mh<`r 12 l Pmm In! H, (`rm_ (5. l r'1r;1.1J x-xunn \\ Kmull \':u`iL-`._\'. zu W. H. Hunt. (' Balrriu. 0111.. pm plus. TAKE NOTICF. that u\\'m:1'< UL" (luuri ifnund rluming; ul l. l1`_L`,(` in Barrio will nbv p1`u.s'ucult-ri \\'|th<>nl furlllvr nut- iice unclcr town bylaw` m:1l this iillognl. lSi_L:nurit AI.I".XAND}`IR S~'l`EW:\R'l`. I ('hiul' Cun.c'.:1l)1':. l 11\Il.'|\/L4 |\:4 lJ\J\oLJ A `tsignudv /\I.l".XANl)l`2l( :~a|'1.'\\':\|< 1. Cnn.c'.:1l)1': Bzuwio. D(`(`cmln-1` 3. 1935. NOTICE TO (:E1~:D1ToRs; il9.'$h. m1(!1' wlm inf the Estate \` |<(`1$ Hf UK` 13> : Hit]!-ri 1h(-rnh) I` Iwls nx UK` 12> ilitlod thereto 1 Jhe claims ml" ' !h:1\'c l|(IliL`l`. I nnNA1. Barrie Real Estate Office` SALE aw Lpas An\l\IJlb\lAu my-----.- Farm Stock and Implements For Arrears of ' IN THIS (`0UI\"l`\' mv To wrr: ?\'(YI'1(`I*' -; hu'1`n'h\' I1: T'}..;}s`a`;`y,"ijc;.;;i;e} '12 I .u'v\' ~ 1:."->\_\\r'i;?:`iET g linhlv mum I 'il{Ul`. PIGSTG |)lg.`,>, 2 mun` GRAIN AND l-`(,)V\'l H vnvv.-(`I 0|`.-In " UNI >IfJ01".lC`_i RE DOGS? CHALMER PRATT Lot 14, Con. 6. lnnisfi! . \\|*\f nI' III:-h\\.A\ H fAULCT.119EN. SALE AUCTION SALES l|(IlI(.'l`. DONALD F. l\`I:1L'I..- Knlit-Hun` I'm` VA 5:n'1`I1`. Un the mm :11 "|`\\'v|\' THE BARRIE EXA $9 . (`names 11.; )1-illiu. 48-49b 12 A Chz1lme1' LS. Inni.~ (1415-' ru_\' Ilb ~I"2n`nx ` 11 .`x':1|n ml 11 1 .RI(`I{ HOUS 13'.) Burton .-\ |mn_ Apply HHUI". Taxes t-` sn\~u'01`~: 3 r(-;n1; '. hrs! Will prove that a box oi our Homemade Chocolat- ...n1 I... .. .... \c.`4\!v ULIL LLUILAUIILLLLAI; \ es will be a Christmas Gift. 111. I.-. Licorice Allsorts .. $250 I Noilson's liosebuds 250 I Jelly Beans ...... .. 17c 1 Mixed Czmdy ...... .. 15c I Chocolate Peanuts 25 I Hot Flltlge Sundaws . BBYSONS \Jlll IOUILILLJ Lallllt. Try 21 10c bag today 20 kinds to choose from I~:)-< K. E; PfS:ff)RTE Phone 39 POSITIONS wAN'n:F Lag. .. ..., n In 7|... I \X/.R.\X/ILES CITY DAIRY BRICKS 25c-ll:1ll` 13c Boulderfel Greenhouse H. M. LAY 74 Blake 5!. Phone 832 'l`()\\'.\'.w'lHI HI" \'i`I.iE l{.`\ Wedding Flowers Artis;ic Floral Designs 1rAxrs> LUNCH AT CHOICE FLOWERS AND PLANTS `I301: sAI.1 In: To LET rmxu H In Th. Fu.1n\IlIl~r\ P'.1} ;lhll' in ()m- l ;'._\. l)c'('Hn|n'r H. ISM} IN MEMORIAM BORN DIED .C KJIIULUILL u * worthy nu .`d by |\` :I|h : Ii). K I mox'cn:1nu1sor. I Rt-t;1ilox's have 1.zm(hm1ly 1oz1l`r1ed `the more mer('hundi.se that can be .5:-on nmdily by thv custmnor, the `lmuro 1119111911 register clicks. Studies of pLn`clmsing` habits of cust0mo1`.. 'hnvo n-\`onl0(l clrug and grocery .H\0I`(_`hI\(ti2~`(` loss saleable behind` glass. Items` must be out in the open ~`n that tlw L'us;tun1m' virtually,` ,hump.< into them. ln2~'toud of the plll`t`h\St:l` lmvilw, to inquire wh(`th or vc1`t:1in itvms are .~:t0::kvd, the itvms speak for thmnst-Ives from mn. (`I)lll1ll.`l' and flour dis- `pI.'\y. 'I`h- nvw (lm:1rim`. .<.'Iys. "On: .101), mil in th(' upvn " I l.~:Iun(i whivh nw1`rl\:m`.s `lw\'vtnf felt cluttvrvd l'l .\().'l(`(E [and hzunpvrvd l)11.-'hws:.< .u'v. nmv` ;(un. .'\ lmun tn tI`1l(t(`. b(`(`'lllS(' th-~ nwrt-lmm'.is(\ has been nmvcd 1<'l<) tn thv ctlstmnvr. ` > I`lw. l\t`\'.' (t( \'(`ll\})l1\l`Ilt.H` h:1\'<-' t.',l`(`1ltl\' uitlc.-ml hrzuut svlliltu. After inn ndvx-r1i.~mnunt in the pnpvr Imam < ...:.I1...- -.n.l Ihn v-||u9:\I\1l\|' 1 us.-. vu. u. ..u. \I.I\vll u Shelf and showcase display has] disappeared almost completely from our grocery and drug stores. These `are display vehicles of _vest0rLlny. says an editorial in The Madison 1v Iox'ch:1mlisoI`. I DnI\iln.~.- `*\nI-Ix nwnln-allv In-nwunyl . "l`()(l {i-(`}1{ S.-\!.l-I . -I>A ll .- TI.- V ||1 u-r Im-m mm rn:In111uvu1rvrs \'u- wn: guru` zumlhvr for . in ihv retail- it-r`.< : 'l`lu- nwrvh:1n( is ovvn ro- `-lio\`(-(i '1` sotlim: up his own di~ "I`hv In:umf:u-1uI`m' is gland in (In it in `rohzrn Fm` the :<)):I(`t' uffordwl hi.\ u-uuhu-( 'U.'l'll l|':l lmm ilw: `tho t'('> :ho inlvm 'i1m Av 1\I\t\ nun! 3 If lhv p1'v.x'm1l trtmrl rm1lIm1('.-'. 1\\`.:lH . and 114135 Sh(\\\'t`ll.H`()_\' ,\vIH bu ('()HlDl(`1(`1_V nb. behind lhl;.`,h (1z. buildup.~' nnd may |(`r\n)pl(`1I`I_V (%l:I:l])})1|nI` as Lzrocory and {drug sturo fxxtur(*.~'. I ` 1 ;.-\(l\`(`l'li.'-lil.11 i ALONG THE MAIN STREET (jet Out in the Open r .1 -1. _.,...._ .1x_..|. n 1111- 1'u. 1 I` m-\-.' d(*\'(`lupn1un1s '<-r1i.<<:n1unl mud and tho x~u. w.'1lk;: 1' >`mrv, the slurt- (.`~'])lil_\' (lu(`.~<[ I by rvmindinLt tho (`u: \:1(l(-(I to buy iho :1rl\'vrli.~:(-ui` mm ln'll]llf2l(`1llH`l'S \'i(` with .\ll..\. 4 1 Hun m-I-nil, ~u\-1n:\ in the llnmv Town l :npvr| , . R.l'2l .\lR (ll-` M.-\('|llI\'l'Zl{\' I (`nrvful rvpuirim: ml` tillzugu mn- ('hinm`y uuvh winh-r or 1-.'u`|_v .xprin;; `with I`1-plncvmom uf duulxlflll or worn parts lmx lwvn [`n`(l\'(`ll to p.')_\' lzlruo di\'i(l(-ml.-4 by prt-\'n-mim: llllljril` 1.-nstly ropnir.<. 1`ill:u,n- implvms-nl; gt-ncr.'lll_y 1'v<'viw- lvss 'zm- mu! num- h:lr(l lmn(,'k:: than any nlhm` (-Izmsz of farm Inzu-him-r_\'. 'l`|n. nn ml" :n|\' inlnlnnu-IIC l`.'II| IIIFIH H1'l|'lHIll'I'_\. | The \'ulm- of :m_\' implmm-n1 mm only be Int.-.'1. by it. u. in ZI(`l'l`S L'u\'m'(-(I. nf vvurk} done nml frm.-(lmn frmn tlw vwm-2:-| Isily of ('U\H)' H-pznir.-; zmd (lvlu_\':`. ~D(-lu_\':~' (luv to ln`vzIkdn\\'n.~`. (luI`inL: lh01'u.s`h lillzuzo .<-nsun of nprixxu zmzi : ` , 7x01-`NTS \ VAN'l`lD :1 In Thu F`x.IlIIlI\r"'\ 99?mYM.93. 5*1-9WP'i9 7 Beef Hearts ........ .. 100 lb. Roast Beef l1c-l4c lb. Sausage .......... .. 2 lbs. 25c (' Emr ` R.Lu.s`?,r2E%:;'f\\I[ lN|$TER I Ilal IJIIPIIGI. \/III-Il\-Il <(flz1ppc1`tnn S211-1-lb REV. W. K. Ix . li.\'I"l'Y. Mimstw 11 Dunlop Street 5| .VIl.'.l` III'.\ 1.! WHl'l'|' (}H'"|` 5l'IR\'l('l-I Tim UNITEI) ('llUH(`H U!" CANAI).-\` K I F;-en'ch Cobbles and Disco Horses and Colt__nr Sale u---..'-n-.-nu.-u.-u--.-..~.. .._.7..... .~ IRll)1\Y AND S/\'l'l"l(l):\Y, l)l'l(`! .1\5|3l`Il`, lih AND Mth HELP WANTED I'll]: II In 7: cu-unxm MAN WAN'I'ED tn du ('nu1'Cs` nu: farm Slulv wagc.< and c.\'pe1'iem-a-A to Jnnws Irwin. Allzmdulc. RR. 1. or W. Irwin. 12 Wm`.~:|1.-y SL. Bar-4 rie. mg i 4 colts, Lwo-ymu'-ol(ls 1 1'ivv-_\'<-:n`-nlcl. broken 3 Lh1`eo-y0:1r-ol(ls, l)1'0kvn 5 ) six-_w:1r-olds. broken 3 f0111`-your-0l(l.k;. |)r0k01: 4 lnorsvs. 8. 9 zmd 10 yrs; This is an extra good loud (`mm Rvpjnu (listrict I- hun(*. 1164 SUNDAY. [)1-I( EI\rlHF.I( Miss I-.`lsi [H Inn 111 . l\/H n I`: Choir-L(ra and ()ruauil!t l`ll I . |:|cs'r `I,- 0- 5NN;9.. E`... onus---.u--nun;-u----n-u-- n-u wwpocAHoNTAsmmm ----u--r-u-c-n-n D.IA.M.0ND If wcxs Evr:N1N.c{ \\'O0l) M. J. BRENNAN -u--- .u-- mo---...-.--n-... u- -..,-.-av--an HORSIC BARN. l`4\lH{ll'I l".\H{ (ih',1)l`N!)S America s Smartest Truck Investment ALBERTA com. R!'Il.l(}I( V;-:1: SEVEN HORSES- .--2----uu------j-2 IJUIICIUDH Pot Roast Beef 13c lb. Fresh White Fish FOR. l.l\7'.Y '!`_AS'1'ES1 H(`I'l-` E! lHI`Hl (h'HL`i(('_\' mm \-sill to:n. :m_'.' l:u;uim: uppetlt-.` intu :I<'li\`iL\'! Freshly made, 1:15:11:-IL-1n1)lixw,I_\' sU. i.*2()l'I(`(l Pork Szxllszlgc-s! (.')'i.\ -bruwned. pur- suly ;:u'nishu(l~-mashed pota- toes. xnn_vhe- what a dish! But -mt our F;n`m-Recipe Pork Szm.-:u:.;u-.-:. '[`h:It's impurt:u\t! W A N'l 11.1) WU`. [).'l)' w:u\'. :\|ml Bacon Squares 18c lb. Boneless In 1 1 us 0 11).. II. :.m,~.,m.-1 Ilnrdy. Mus.3uc.. F.'1`.C.M. ()ruuu/ESL and (flmirvnaster ,1 ,_____V__` A nHHl.\'lL'1` 1 . 4 / ,_ Colher St. United Chm` Hl.\' l.'l\'."I.`.s'I` I2` LONG, B.A.. 8-. .'\1Ir.:.x'lI'r Fresh PouTtrr';'r," (7)KysKt;;, Fish and Vegetables RIIV J .)' .`JH()l( .'I"l`, M.A., D.D. .\1; ..).-1...- \a\l4 Regular 1:.-.\' .1 I S.-\l.\".-\` l(I A nun nnxn .. Phone 50 or 51 LLOYD ` Collicrstreet , (V, b 5. 1935 ` jecom er um uuu I l'.I\r `HIE MINISTER --r-_ BARRIE. ONT. >N SLIPI-`.l{N.`\'I`!i an sJII\aI.l Baptist Chu :1 :;.-\mm;, 1*u.eu um um: I M i N IH'I'EH Page Thlrlufl H'|llIl ~r_v I11-'I('hill(` care- wurn or stripped wkon spring wash- Itmsv U1` HIEICK mm-r lift lnenrings, :1)! moving parts :1 I`m' wvnr. Clean nf nltl x,rrv:1so, oil. .~c:1-I...,~ mnh knrn. '1`!!!-`l`()RD ul (Ihoirmastef HI Ulll ).{l'('ilSl', Ul'.v !i<'l(-1: with kcm-" with plenty of L`l`.Ml1l'IH H. 1935 null ('u::ily pre- wx`. wi|h in few mm-. will (`heck -rv working or |n-{urn h(.` is go- hinu '``.P-2T`V-I_!3E}t : mnl. `~"r srznvl \'V U M P.Jbl`;,I '\I i .\|. URSHIP 'l'.l{Y ;\ T().\' I \ (`Mi WRUUTI-.`S . in. S. Sin 'l`\\'u ggnna Fur sulvr -U . AI`-_L',ll:i. phn 'l`lt2l) - U:1I:~`. I |ll2ll'k(`I .~\m1l_\' Wvs. ?:_\-N'I`F.I) nv nnnnli TOR L"2\PABL.FJ WOMAN would lik_c 3 work of any kind. Apply 195`) Owen, .' reel. 40;) ' 2 W:\N'l`F.D i \' L\lL`Kmr./.1`:-` .;..m -...a HH u-nvvu. wzmts hunw. Pl(`i1}~`l! Apply BZIl`l'il' 49}: 1 and '\ Ill` \.\ rm: mm ullm_L:c1`. 4911 xruv App! szhvrl V .-.-----:j-------- {CHILD'S TUBE SKATES s.-i-m 1 in nrmd v(m(lili0n. ..l DTGUITAR FOR SALE. us good us) lncw. Jnck McDouga1l. 108 Penetzxnuu : !St.. Barrie. 49p [ BABY_.-%L'Ei(`}I-I for sale; also bo_\"s!_ {high cut bouts. size 13. Apply 29; ` "I`nmmn St. or phone I-484W. 45);; 5 Iusmn COFIFEE GRINDER 1 }\vi`h motor. Brown & Co. WORK URGEN I`l.Y NEI-ZDEJD by young married mam. Imxwsx, 1'vliubl:-, gnotl \\ ()1'kL'l`. vxpm`imu'v(l trtxvk (lri\'- ` cl`. RL'fc1`u11cv.~:_ Box l\I. -3xun\in- --I' 4!): GOOD QUAI.l'rY 1\1ANuU1.u:s 10!` `sale. $5.00 ton; also some ulfnIfu.'1`<*I- `-ophnnc 1222W. 41).) Won SALE (`HFIAP _. {mud wan-C'L Ilmzltcl`, ulnu (_`l(`(`Il`i(.' l`:lnL:L`H(`. An-I ply lvfrs. R. Dunnotl. 56 Y-ism Rd. 45)) : I PANDORA RANGE. like now. for 1 `sale or <-x(.'han;::' Fm` vow or piu_~.`. I E/\ppl_v Wm. Booth. l ..R. 2, Allan-I `dale. 49;`) i 1 `?'1`EF`.L S-2\\ \." IERAMFI fur .<:|l(`---J\IIus- `-cr-v_T-|'n|'|'i-4` nlqn 5-hm'.~:n nmvt-.r L Zls`- ;s'I`1-Jm. :s._m ` SC'_V-1'['Il'l :<: nlinn nnuiln `s(:_.v-nm'1 .. :11 uhne (`ngim-. `Phone 350W. HOI\H-I\'IAl`)E ('RlSTl\/IAS CAKF.S. ` nntlrlincu: lHiIIl`l` lnl`;Il_ T0) .\'Ell(`2[ HU1\Ir;-1v| p1I(|dim,:s. `. .'l'WU H l`2I\'l'l`)lib Qm-hoc lwzm-1`. (`X(.`(`H('Hl shzuw. ht-th St. Phuno ` pmldu11,:.~`. mun `. In Phmn: 501. Burr YOUNG GIRL. hm1sv\vm'k in v: .'~`lnl- xvzuzvs uml Exzuninvr. TVVO MEN'S C'O.'\'I'S for emit`. Si`/.l`; 36: wmn:m`s (`lnth mm: 51-11) mm. ~ n:i'/.0 Hi; :xl. nnir fm` trimmed gn- lm -H McI')nn:1lrI S1._ Burriue. 491) 'r7.7\MI1.v C`U'I"I`l~)R my : \\ :l| ~44-ll rmuunnzlh MAN .\ HL.LIr. ?l)n_\".< btmis: an high top mm . t'.'xbri(' jacket. 77-Ll. l`.`\Mll4Y . V light (IL-|i\ .~\pply at N `-177.]. `MAN'S B[.UF. 1hnv'< hnnh: nn TWO r{E-A'r1'-ms Ch u-hnr- hr-ntr-1` I `SI-{:\"l`F)S AND f-=(\('Y1`S. mgn' $3.01); l{i)'|'57. (S. $2.00: IinL-mans 5 unrl hnH "s'Cl1{\' hirln :lI'(\h*h(`l`< MODERN 1"xF.SIT\ENC F2. vmw in 'l`m-mun Fm` cult` C";-OOD QUALITY MAN('}OI..DS for: sale. $5.00 ton: also alfalfa. 'l`<~l- I my, mun u Ill $30 mun `."'.f |-'- Kins` W1\N'I`_[~ED TO BUY -'.\`l:lI(' hnrs an rolw. z\pply Exmninm` ()1`fim 1` R 0! lTl;_'l`Y TO LET ... 7:... c......... \ l.0.\'l` A\\'D F0! ND FOR SALE ... E4\|L4 In 1.. 1'... Eu: l'U B15 Sl\A'l'l'L5 I Rood comlilion. l` HIHVII`. H11 . ` .' '1Vl(I.\' {so 5-hnrso p()\V(`.l` gas`- Apply 58 BzI_vl'it-Id SI. -1913 (')\r'I'}RC'(M\T, Si /.(` 38 u! Z7." hn\".< mt nu` sum - - sell r(`u.s*n|ml)l*: sh-i:.:h. in ,v,u0(l shape. `(wk SL. Barrio. Phmw 49?) KlU(N'l .'|ls`.n. I 1Vlunm'(' `. .'\m1l_\' ' 482.1. x ('hun(`0 to make mh Pull nu In-Hui. JSF. I-`OR S:\LlL inli 'v:mL:n.~'1 x bathrou um: priv Sl)iI1'lZlH() S K AT W 1` ':klH`\` xi/vs lmncc in m.'1|~:o Full up. hung- M. Shun `hues- nrumn. 3--19p I lo!` mun. Unv - 1): ); two furl free (1clive1'_\'.} 5 . aing. 4()tf`.) v 1..'H`uv! vh, both in} 250 E1i'n-,=, mp 10 fnrty ll).F ' $8.70. Onv U I\\'n fin` ` HI(l_\' s lur| Telephone ` 49:) ; Ah L, :'u\|~.n. for llul>h:u'd.* dun ` for IULPIH l|`Il|1 um: nm\'l_\' | \'z`.1c (h'i\'<:. v 1111' |\\'1'(`1\-1 p1`zu'!i(`ulI_\ Sxx well- m unn nntl C\;AN'I'I<'1l`) and ten lungs, I-nvn Arnnlrl. Phttrlc 49b 4. .m'.;: .\`Hh ml` w- hnlh mm. 1 4911 I I(\lll`.` 49;); -m. `Hip , [ l`RU(`K FOR SAl..E--4930 Fnrcl. dunl ; . l\\'hL`cI with .~:t:|Kc ruvk and dump. F 11*`irs1. (`lass shape. Wilson's G'u`:1uL-.1 __ Minosin_L:. 4.`)-50p ~ ---- I ;rS1`I()O'I`IN(`. MA'I`(.'H for Lzoosu. nn[ `l'I`L1<-sdzu; Dvc. 10. at Alex. F""m- | '_ ; ing's. at the Townlino between Bar- ; tin and An;,'u.<. ht.-side C`.N.H. m`u\'0l ; "pit. Shntgxnm and rifles. shells sup- | plivd I'm" 5Imlg\u1.<. 49h F ` _?--.._--_____._.___ I` IIIIAVICI I` \Jll \JAll.ll.4 ' (On you saw ll In Tho Exnmlnon E !F:\RM `OR SALE--Nu rvznsonable`; m1'1`er refused. Frank Crawrn-~d, ishanty Bny. 49-50p; ?2 GENTLEMEN BOARDERS wan!- Jird. Home pri\`ile1.:0s. Phone 950. 491)! I ------- . `LARGE BED-SITTINGROOM, wzu*n1 gzmd bright. Apply '11 High St. 49-lp, VVANTED---~1I|`|lU'(`d 1-;1t`.lv : hL`HUh_\'h(l1`.\`L`!~'. 'l`-luphunn liuthvun Fox Fan'm. .*\lH:~:Iu 901`-12. nuI`I7AL.o nov. w.\N'rm cunditinn. :\ppl).' x\ls~Kmr/. virn Stzmun. liuvxivlrl and 1 . id ROOMS TO I.E'[`~Furnished or i unfurnished. Apply 24 Brndfm-d :31. 49p |(`l-lRYSl.l<.'H SI UH'l' l(UAl)bl'1`.H 1 ,with hczltc-r. oxc:-llont condition. 19:-16; `brakes. must be to be npproci-| `zulr-rl .lm-\"-.- (`.:n`nu(,-. B:1vl'iL'l(l ht. 491)! - ; N()'1'lL'l:; 1; 2 Wsun. _ tn stale 1 >_ |bLI_\"u1;; whnlo: H_sz1id pa} .___:__.j_-.._ isu0o'r1Nu M/v\'I`(`I{ for H7111 l{a\':1nuL:h s. nunr I`JXirwsin_g Slu- geese ul - Minn rm I-lighway 26. on 'I`ucsrln_V :11`-; `lvrnmnl. Doc. 10. Shul_x;un shells .mp- Eplwd. `mp _ `; 3 HOUSEWIVES-Your problems will 1 - ! be solved and quickly ux1s\\'cre.'l` ':whon you gel your hurdwtuod flunxzcl lwaxod and polished by A. .l. L.u-` I presti. the r_eliable floorman. lnl ;(-are n1` Examlncr O1'l'ic(`. 49x %CIIOPPIN A I` JORYQ MILL at` `hnlutnn un I\ Innd:\\ s and '[`uosd;n's.] ?CHOPPINC} AT JURY.) l\1lL.L. at *I)z1l. un I\ luI1dE\_\'>' '1`uosd;:_\'s. ` -1'7-4.`Eh `r y }PAI{KVIE\V RIDING ACADI-`.I\ IY~ - Upon for lxxmixwss. fm`m(`r1_\' Fx`unl<`.~:.| ;Sp(-vial attvnlirm given to I:1cli0.~:. ]Pzn`k St. Phnnc. night 1255. dm` ` ` 1167.]. 48-521) ` "C.*\RI`EN'l`ERING. shop-work dnnr, mnk flunm. nvw. and repair \\'nrk. :An_\'{hin;; in tho lirw U1` building. `P1"l\`(`.\' 1':-usoxmblu. J. R. C`r.'1\\'l'nrcl. i {R6 Szxnfurd SL. B.n`ri(:. 48-52;) I GRAIN W:\N'I`I11l) ():1` wlu-:11. Will mu marl

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