Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Dec 1935, p. 12

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.- 491) Y hers would do well to read LE La/.f:rt s notice in this issue. -Red Cross rooms will be open I on from 3 to 5. l --Try a ton of guaranteed Crozier` Pocahontas Coal. Sold by Jenkins`, Coal C0,, phone 326. 49b '--Ce1ery hearts, 5c each or 3 for MC; cooking onions. 12 lbs. for 25c.1 Phone 130. Cancilla's. 49b| --Choose your Christmas giftsl '.'rom the very attractive novelties at the Mary Payne Shop. 49;) The Barrie Minist.eri.'il Association 3 will meet on Monday. Dec. 9. at 2 p.m.. at the parsonage. Burton Ave} A,i..m-oa........ ....,. ....,.,.-i A) ..-. .._-;__. 25c to $5 IER.FUMES Da i mil 5' packaged `len: lst \'ice-president. Tom I\I:t_\'e" `Se1*g`t.-:11-Arins. ".`h{lpl1lln. Adjutant Whitfield. Him- The annual election was (1 \'er_\' lame z1ff:rir"w`l`tlT`n1Tl_v"m1`C"t'gT1`tt'. The result `wa`s`:'P1`c`s ident. B`c'1`t Al- Eddie Henry Jame DZl\V'()llI . Jnd victxpresidcnt. orary and other ut`ficer.< will be sir!- iecled by the Executive. The cnntt`. (`lused on I\':)\'. 30. 113-` sult. including bonus. will be n`nuu'. .'>n(- hunclrcd and H Ill'1}"-L`l_lIhI toys.` .'I`hC vmrk nf our many fricn(l.\' in g:athcrin_L: wrnm3ex`.~ for us is ;.:re::tl_\'l eipmecizitecl. By the `.\'.'a_\'. we cx-i poet to enter the mntost ngzain next I _\'e.'n'. | A ..;..:i -I `I ,\)l|l` 4u.\U. 5 Our president-elect is entitled 1 ilho loyal support of his officers (`vs 3:15 he \\'as .'1l\\'a_\*s :1 d(`p0l1dil`l)l(` sul` `urdinalo. He has earned the hunm .h<.\\' be. upon him and n our members .\h0lll(1 turn out 1 hnln hirn nn nll nl`r-ntchxnc - nun UL'>lU\`. L'C4 I .\l help him on all 4 T1 mun ..r o.~- n vxvu . exam \\'as no 1Saturday. Nov. 30. at which Ham }Gurtncr represented tho Cnnadiz ;Lcgi0n. Anrnhcr exam. m`aI, Vxiil I `held next S:1lurdz1_\' for (`:n1'(`tz1k4 of Ihv .'\1'muurio.<. It is tu bu hup: nu... u..... n 1... .. ` Decemcief ` Real VV inter Weather A 3 8 Below, Tues. Night u. on uL'_L,..L`.\'. my 6 p.m. \V lI|1 1l1"` "`11z1nging of the wind thv 1<-r.11w:':1- `?lll'(`. dropped to 6" ;1l.)o\'v. At mid-I night, 1? xvas 3` hclnw zero and tho! fiuwest during: the nigzhi w:1.< 8 190-! low. At 8 n.m. yn`ste1'd:ay mm'nim.f if , `\va.< 5 bvlow but the \\'cath(>1` moder- mtod and at 2 p.m, tho n1er(`.u1'y ;.<.ho\\'od 12 :lbOVP. HL`l|) HIIH UH EH1 The sale of ti( '1 close and the `~ta_\' tho loasl. dis :-.n~n in nr .s~....nl .v- -v. -u\l\- xv. Klndly p`:u':- your (flxn-istxnals ordc 4 ('.1Ll`l_\'. j l llilll 11150. luv`: u LEGION NOTES STATIONERY un1IIull&'.\. H IS ll '1') will be nblv In (By Ask Emma) 250 to $2.50 . Butt EATER?" .\ll\U`.\ Ull Ill`. L` induslrinu. mung poplar: for his win Cleland Bros. -3<&KE_RY - $11.25 $9.27, $9.9 ) nun.` ()p(`l'(| `DR. J. A. KEARNS /. ` lgaving been in poor health for several years. Dr. Joseph Aloysious Kearn. highly esteemed physician of Phelpston. died in Royal Victoria Hospital. Barrie, on Tuesday morn- ing. Dec. 3. 1935. Born in Barrie 51 years ago. he was a son of the late iPeter Kenrns: and Ellen McBride. _Ile received his early education In] St. 1\`Iar_\".< School and Barrie Colleg-. late. graduating in 1910 from the School of Medicine. University nf Toronto. Dr. Keurns interned in St. 'AIexis Hospital. Cleveland. then spent :1 your us nssistant with Dr. |W. A. Lewis in Barrie. He went [.1 Sturgeon Falls in 1912 to practice until heyenlistted with the Czmadizm Army Medicnl (L`orps at the outbreak '01` the war and szerved at various c:nm)s. After the war he settled in Pheipstnn. Iie vvns married in 1918 tn Irene Cnt'1'(-_v of Barrie. who sur- vives with one sun. Jnhn Kearns. :1 student at Barrie C.I. One brother, Patrick. and twin sisters. Mary and_ June, of Barrie. also survive. TN".-mum! 1I'I\l' -. unnnslunv nr Qt vJiH|U, UL uu1L'n'. Cllbll l.|lVl\/L`. I)vcr:usc(l was :1 mon1bo1` of S1. I`:m'iL`|('s Church. PhCl])!~`U)l1. 1110 IIh:I_\' Name Sm~ie1_v and the Knights {Hf Culumlms_ Oi` slt-r|in;,v vharutrter. ghu hnd Inzldv :1 I105! 01' friends in `I113-1 (' and H1mLI_uhuut the munty. by all uf whum his death is lduo]>l_y reg:-vtlvd. I lhmuimu hiuh Inux: u'nc rxhcnn-unrl |uu:nI_y an ()riHiz1. 28. 193' [don pm: Im-1<. l\ .lnte Th `\\'h(`1`o I .v,.n.~..\- . \II\.\ II\ \~1I.V -nun uuu \1IlL|\: nu. \'(I1H`I{.`_ mnnhnnrl was spent. until he mm'lin: :1 {arm at Jarrntl. muvinp. to ()rilIin I uurl:'(m _vc:n'.~: ago. In 18%)!) he married Matilda Beard. '\\'ho .\`l1l`\'i\'(:s him with one son. Ern- wst nl` Edinrnmni. There is one z.:r:mclmn. Also sm`\'i\'in;; are twn I)rnth~r< Bishop Rix nI' Priiicc Rup- vrl. BL and Wo. :11. (.`1'u\\'n Hill. and l\'.'n : l\'Irs. ['Ill.mi(3i'(`, (',r:xi;.:- lm1': mid Eliyzzilioth zit C`m\vn Hiil. 'I`\\'u . and two bmtliers produ- igczxsttcl him by : yc:u`.<. For r~c\'o1'.'il _\'u:u's I\-11'. Rix was _i:z1i' :11 "Suulh\\`m- the . home 1\.-T`/1|` 1..i\....... "3-*'1Ur T'"" c"X1ZE'" Rcg`uli1 r- 35C for 25 lb. ltx...II.. .. |lll.'k'|)|_y` xLgu,n'Iu-u. I Requiem high Innss was observed in St. l n1riL-k`s ('hur(-h by Father (lslcx, on 'l`lm1': Dec. 5. In- tcrxm-nt was in St. l\ I:n'y`:< Cemetery. |12n\`\`iu Willinn rlunlv :11 |:\..:| .. l\.`.`L (ll 13 |L!l'(1H(`l.\ I)l1. l)1-ntlwrs. Ion. B.C.. |:md 5 I......... unrn: nu _\ uzub. DUSILIUS Il()I'l.l| Ll'lD- Kulcs from the immL'dinl0 l'ricnd.< }\\'erv flmvcrs frmn 1\Ir.<. W. R. John- lmn. l.ud1,;c No. 192, AJ". & A.M.. Or- Iillin. St. A1|mnu.~;ius C`hurch. I-ienr_\' K. Wzlmpolo ('0. I.t(l.. Perth. Geui S111-L-1 and Suns, zmrl nlh(:r.<. i ` .- \H'.-1* zm illm-ss of but thc denllm rat Nlrx Oran (:11:-:'m`u on Saturd \'m/. i|\t\I!`u\ n4` In-v~ rl-nvul-Ann l\ l-`H. alxlI|H' |lh(` hnxm. nephew: IIiH.nI`- B H|l.l\'. ! Am tlmsv nttondimg from :1 dis- Htnxu-c \\'vrv: W. R. Jnhnstun of Tm`- HUIHH. W. H. 1\I\(lL`I`H()l1. Gait. Jzls. and !I\`Ix`s. Ellsmero and I`|m.s'. lzlllsmert`. ;(}u]dcn V:1Iio_\'. :1nd Gen. and Mrs.i Ellsxncru. T o\\`ussun. g :1 constant attendant at] ru_ . L_AIl.\H|\'|l7. I \l\\ nl.\.\ 5 -110 \\'as St. Alhzmmzius Clmrch and warden thvrc for ,\'c:n's. Besides floral trib- ulcs Irienryl IR \\!nmnnl.. r'.. I nl n....n. rim. (I l CJIH 1)!" M1`. The !Cl.lZ:\H!-l'l ll :\.\'.\' \\'l(ilC STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL I\\'.- w....I.| |... ...u.. . -1! um .-u m.. 1\mln(1a1e. wnn :n'1 nmu'I~: as the direct (rzunso. nd tlzlzuahlt-I` uf lhv latv Fran- ml Ohvizx \ViI1inm.<, who cumu ix <'uun1r_v from Cornwall. Eng.._ .\'.1.-: burn on Dec. 29. 1852. near . 7\1in:\u A K .. ..l`:I,1 ..\.,. ......... 4.` an nn|'.'.\\ HI Llul |l\'(.' Uilyxl nth rut` Ivlrx. Wicc oc-1 S:mn'du_\_'. 30. at the, of I191` rl.'m;1ht(-r, lVlr.~'. Wm. In -.n Alfred SL. Allundale. with: '1 '>H-,u-L- -no Hun rlhuu-Q .. I ) |.'|lI .` wnthwne Juhm r........` \V M. J. RIX m J, Rix passed :1wn_v sud- ! his hmm` ill 2320 Hnrvie Sl., mm l'lmrs(I:I_V nmrniml. Nov. . in his 74th _v(`:u'. His sud-E ::in.r,~ \\':1s: (luv 10 a heart :11- .'II'. hlx \-was the sun of the ..nu...- Iliu ml` f`:-nu..~. [III] IJIYIH UH IJUC. AH. 1035. n(!ul`U Iinvs. As :1 child she came to and after hm` m:n'riz1}.{c lived `)1h!inn..fln..i I ....m uh... BBITUARY , omx, CANADA I! ll Om u... n.l|;;\' Ill HI(' and the Rev. 4` (fhurn-h. and Tim pull-l)u:I ` ./\u:~'lin. Milh \1u I '.\/. "11.. .. l.\ \.`.il.`~' UK, SUII U] llll" Hix of Crown Hill. 1.\' burn and where his mrl 1'z1rm nrhlnn vn.-n~u nun I r _-___. .,-..u- I.4VL-ll\l IVV(' \\'uu`(l Iw glad to lmvv _\'uu 1 u' pull-IJk'ilIl.'1.\ \\'I.'lL' .\L\ Min. Milford. Jus. and . Jus. Rix and Bert Ells- on I\1I Rev. W. .I.| 'l'\'lCL' Hi I ` 6. "Thou I full ago nne1h_in n nl.un.:\ lull. I Sam Todd spent the weekend in- Toronto. XXI D Ch"... ..,... 11......" .....) um... urumo anu marxnam. Miss A. J. Allan and her sister. Mrs. T. G. Reive. attended the fun- eral of their cousins. Mr. and Mrs 'Gardner of MeaI'ord. who were both buried the same day. Vilwnn Rniun ic hem1.- an-\nr\r1 nu uurieu me same may. Vince Reivc is back among us again and ready for the curling scn- son, his boat being laid up in Port Colburne for the winter. Churchill Junior In.s:t.itutt- l rescnls Succes;s:ui Play On F`ridn_v evening. Nov. 1: ). the Churchill Orange Hall \\`lS crmwtcd for the presentation ml` the play. I`ho Gatc to Happiness, put on by mom- bcrs of the Junior Institute with tim aid of some Junior Fzirnwr::. '1`lmu_uh many had to stand. thv wzis _pe1't'eCt. The stage. riccumtr-(I with L-vor;.zreen nnrt plants. made :1 ln\'t`I_\' garden scene. 'l'Im churv 1-nnlu-up .t.-.......i tram. 1 1. Mrs. O. Todd's Bible Class and the Sunday School teachers held 21 social at hr home on Friday night. Ev erybody reports a great evening of` run. an... rl-...I.: ..._....n 11.. _......v,-..,u LUl`UHl.U. W. B. Sloan. son Har1'_v and Mrs. Wright spent a couple of days in Toronto and Markham. 1\l[im~ A T A|`I\n ...I L..-... ..:..on.. [..`,illUL'll .\L'l.'l|L'. The stury vuntrvs .'Il'(IlIIl(l lidcn (}:1_\'. :1 more mm] dancer. who supprn'1.~ her ('l)1ll`(,` l'umil_\'. Shv rvhlrns iv hm` native villngc in finrl that {m to small town |)l'('jll(li(`t'. hm` l':Imil_" has circulated the l'i<-lion Hm! hr is ltzlchimz school in New Ym`1:. In this 1-!1u1`u('1cI' szlw 1nvot.~' lhv sun M the village minister and HI('_\ fall it. lnvu. His parents (H.<('n\'(`1` her irlx-ni- il_V'ill1(lLll'j.!L`h(`l`HUI In ruin hi: min- isurrial (.':ll`(`(`l` mud in 1)lo:m- Hmrr She [)l`()(.`]liln.'~i her (`H_!1lL`,(`Hl('ll1 in :~ New York ntlmirer. In Ohn nun! In-..n In.-.. ..-H. ` 1V1!.\\` .`llu lV1l`,.Nl U!" `. Christmas Gift China V MODl'CR1\'I`F.L\' I"RlCEl) (?ln'i.'l.Inu.< (.:u`d.~', (7:mdl('s. l i::. 'NuL|1.v. Mr. (',lll{IS'l`l\l.-\S (`.-\KI`IS. l'l'l)I)l.\'(i.\' /51 15: . - IVUVV IUX It illlllHl'L l'. In the end true |n'.'\'~ n\'u-rmnm obstacles and the Hill`: rlnnm-r her reward. `Finn nun! Inn]:-yin. I.`,l.... l'.... JIIC (IEISI. lHL'|U(l(.`FI l';fl('H Imfr. WINT- ujurio Curd: hm` Izmw . Ruth Stewart: hor (wunplninim: mml. Glatlys (,`I0n1(*nt; hm` (lrunkvn fnlhvr. Allzm Tudri: hm` i|'l`(`.' _~mm1,'! brnthm`. I\'(>m1(`th R:1I.~.1:m; inn: {lup- ncr bride. I\ |.'11'g:m-t Roivv: Hm min- ister, .I:nne.<: Angus: his will-. (:uurp,',iv Rcivez their son. J.'1('l'. Roivt-, mm the New York admirer. Harrison. M.'m: The Junior Nur.~r~.: ur thv - u._\~tli Victoria l'I0. t"!li(")`i.'lilH'(i th-, i Senior Nur and their fl`i(`ll:i_-' l:t.~:t W i F`i`i(lay evening in the Nur.~'c.~' R . deuce. The first part at` thv l"\'(`HiH'{ was spent in i)i'i(iL{C. After >Ll})|)l`l` `there was dzlncing,-x . _._ Fur rvsmnu: yield zm zmnu :01` $(i5,()()().Ul)(). I Tell the :|('lvm'iis(-1` 3 iadvt. in The Exmninc-1'. [E%E%%%w@n@a@w@w%@a%@$%@n%a%w@v 1 LJUBL \`v cum 5 guy I L'.~gJuIH|I'H\ I The Sunshine I\ Ii:;.\iun Band :11. H:1ll'uaH1s." the hunw 0| N iBn_\'cs.b on Sziturclay :|l'tvrnmm. .Gen. Constable :x(:1ud as |('1l(l(fl` Gladys K011 wa.< in ('hznx':!.r: nf ,mcolin;{. lvlrs. W. S. Butt an \'_\'nU1)Si.\` of th(` -\tn1')'. "l rim'u ma." by l)m't>1h_\' Kilp:11I'i('k. `olhy Lucas played an piano 51:10 The Wnnu-n'.< In nwt : S. I(cll's. Nov. 27. with n In tond.'nu:c. The .'1n:~.\\'n-1` In 11 call was the name er :1 f.'1\'m`it It xvns decided to hold 1111,: I bcr meeting on Ihv third '1` instead of tlw fourth \r'\ -I (`hrishnnx clwor is boim: dis.-1 by the Relief Cmnnlillvv. 5 "uh-rl in n< in |\-n-in-I [Hm ` U) LHL? I\|.'lIl.'l \,UHHIHLl(' voted tn :|s.~:isl in p:1}'in:: omlinn rm :1 nocrly nI1(`. nrnmcnt ;;r.'m1 \\'u.= .-:1 Splendid Current F.\'cnl.< My Mrs. G. wico. Am. I` talk on Ih!z:(iim: for Wi im,'.-'.' gave as 1'e:1sun.< I` rducutinn, recreation an ;unship. A paper (m B luv Ml`< Tu`. W K'In:u-.-u inhi '\lLIL(l|.lll|l, ll?\.'l l.'(I|lUIl illlll l'UHl]li||| P.uIh::. `uix-1-xx! by Mrs. E. II. Slmm mid us-. 1hr- rli'.'- , rvrcnt 1'erlili7.cr trvzulmcnt Fm` Ihv. I `liffcren! bulbs. also thv mmmt-1' um! i time of plantim;. The mvnxht-r.~r. \-.'('n~ gplcasml tn lmvo J. A. IVI::cI,.:xrmx uf IBm`rie give a talk on I-Im'tI(:1|lturc. IA hearty vote of thanks was mun-rl oy Miss A. .1: Anm-. to Mr. Mmul I .n\-nn uyuunun uuuuu uully, `i>UC .M't|`.rnnun Tr: mad 'I`< :1` (fun R1-zulin; frum 1: p.m.-li p.m. Mmuluy lo I-`riclzly. Jlfw l l'l.'\'\v'ill (I. The cast include ' nvin F`-n~rl- |.n. I. Iirlmx (Zny. (Last Week's C(n~rL-. 'hn Qnnchinn 1'\v`H~.Inn (fhurchill Vvnnu-n`s lnnufimlr `Let us help you wlc-('1 :1 ; .ilt(h.1t\\'illkn-1-pm1;:'i\ im; fur ('uul1ll'.`\\ ('hrixt znnsvs tn vmnv -- that is imnu-nwI_\ .l('(`l'pl;ll)ll`, mm! is ;\ h;Ipp_\ H-mimlt-r an M` )'!ll| UHIU`.Lhlllllll`*\~. ` t`\(`l'\' xu-vk cpl" thv _\(``.II` on uush (l;l_\\. Cmn1(n'\\ ush0r.~` [nxzznc 3-_\cur glmnnnvc on porcelainn1mI'lx,4-sen)"g1un'm1h'cu11T}1n171n Hl()(IL'l.\`, us urn ! us I2-_\cur n'u11liIinmhg gllL1V`(l)X5t't'. mum 'Y.\ ...\ . . I 512:` 1.12) 1.m9.n|a9 --..D--. .. ,..._, .............u,.-, COI1St.l`1lC`L1Ol1 New silent motor New streamline self-'.1dju. ... ~.\.. ....'.I. urn .~.Lxuunu1u' .\z'.n.u|1u.-~_u|: A IIID \oIII IOIIIJUIO \\'1'i11_uc1w'1`.11 j1'.x`.\.l)- full I `+",`9.';.` 13.`: 19.38? L.-------------------- SEE FULL DISPLAY OF NIODELS AT OUR SH()\\'R()O.\I H"-.. --..-. The Thormo principle of con struction in the now Co1m0r~; gives you evem tonmmrztture for the sum: throughout the`- wash. Connor offers you more {on- tures than any other machina- in its price field. Here are some of the 11-'.1:1:1'-s" Two-t(mc lifv-t.im0 finish. Rugged 3-ply (insulated) tub nnncfu-nr-. If\I`\ A. IWOFFATT PHONE 531 CHURCHILL I_h_e3 Corner Cupboard u_'>. niuin L111). WI.II- ' lumo _vmxn_.'zi 1. I?nlu1nn' ;.a.- H-..\.\ llll' lllllll ILIU?-||I_I' t'(lll{`.`:(l:l_\'. di.=:tr1I)x11v:l[ r'rnnnxiHnt- Q. u"|L`I m'rL-spmIdr:n<-L:r met 3 nI' N.'m<-_\' V Mrs. Led mm!" Chill`_L`,(.` of tho: Butt L;nvu ml `or_\'. R::-l l)n1`~5 .~:uIu. I 505 Rnyul this In.-z` I H` 4.4 ,.l`1|\.. ...-... ..,. ..u.. ' 1`(`mlim:, (`()H1])ZlH' IN nivo-n |l\l.' Illillh. 2 D(*('<`m Tue:-.rl:1 \- Let 99~ 3.9~ 9*-"`.9 .94?J~`: .-z?.9!5.C a.%117 9&9 .-. . %'i &"i"f1`% ~f"Z'35 I I 7 i5l'n |)l'Nl.()l ST. Q 6 Chocolate 13;u'.<. M any kind . . j 6 for 25 `:3 clear DeLux<\ Jelly Powders. 6 for 25` A T "s Who-at Krispics `with doll . . 2 for 25 ' pbell's Pork and I3...unu `If! my ... TIn`11_\`/)i'I//rc- . r. ta/1=.z')1g II) /1111)` 3 . x . , Give I ' ui/d i J1 FFY 0/m/ma`:/z u ` ' 'gw:r-'_.'u:::'xw:r:_zy.r.= ` E . 1 1:`; -`-`A "1-.2 4-` mg I " " \\"() quick steps get the picture with Jiffy Kodak. 'I'uuc|1 :1 l)utmn---pup. it opens! Tnuch :muthcr--click. it snaps thc picture! .... ,..u...... Yuur choice of two models. '1 he Six-21), fur 2` 1;" x 5`j',," pic- tures. costs only $8. The Six- 1 6 for 2] 3" x -S`/4" snaps is .1 bar- g.u'n .'1t 3` t`1\:v\>\ .4 Hath arc siurnly, waaawvawa j.--n.r.-.;-.a-un---gp\ *9 J2. `,r 1;: i c RGSSLANB SUGGESTS CROSSLANQ l !10n(- 5 L` up .~.mx.:. God Saw: -- T 1 T T II `T }:Tn_i0y L0ng.-w:w(` pmg 1`;m1.`; .\])()1`L-\V;1\*t' l`.`vi'n_-1:-,'n 1~v~<-.vpLi0n; An1nLmu`, I r>li<'<>, Ai1'pl:m~ um! W'(`;uIl1v- r-1' Sigllztls. Enjoy [)0 F0x'o. C`mslr*y <`x<-.l'.u:~:ivu .`i:-:4 Point, (,`onLrol. - . . .n|\l:-7. I | uu|.\un -Christmas Candy Special Lunch Daily, 40c Tr--. mm '1`. 2| (`nu Ir.-...n... uuunn... Alli) nzuunup ul. 1 IIUIIU uh)-1. 1 Weather probnbilitlos. as supplied 1 by Canadian National 'I`nlegraph<. are as follows: Fresh northerly wlnds. partly cloudy and some-whnf colder tonight and part of Friday". .__rW'UnI'nIfnc nitrru-:< .....,.1.:..... ..._. lirauvlic-s us low 44; S ()1/.wr I\'m/.11's' /`rmu S De Forest Crash m'n;`1':m1.<: :xlHnri~\v:1\>o- tn-.:-.-1.--.. ` _pgQ!.g'_l.'[?`? A HIGH QUALITY Easy Terms May Be Arranged $79.50 to $155.00 I 7 OF/-' 7/1/5 510/7//V0 TU /A/0'P/{Nil g` and NEW RAY- DIAL `"l3`aFoREsfgRosLY delivw Furniture- , ll/11' 118 DUNLOP ST. To Your Home This Christmas v.-ow-uvs--. Jilin .-r-.....-.-. '&w4@E aww$vwu .n-u_-j-u ..as .n`uIu-`ou `.._.:,... .. ...-. .u--.-u Comma Vvashar .-\d \'I` III u rt'. 01.; uplnv :I hn0k~ In!` In nun of "fl"-lI)l'I.; 1 vnurn: I - Special this weekend I'II'\IV'IrII A . .-._. l.(~utI|rr-lmuznl (bum (ll Slmkt-_-;p(`:n'( ((:um|I`( U) '7 I) ~. Thursday. Dccemsll D : ~o~ ../fatgaxgt I ` Dunlap 5 Ltl us (l.'li\'(`r _\'0lll to The Family Gift LII]-l\l\.AAu .\-an uuu euns. 16-03. mm rford Pears. ~10. 2 squat nus 'rk's Tomato . up . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 for 1son's Cocoa V -11). tins Ideal Efl` 5, 1935 -------9 l ..-\l{l{l I`) U`: l"|'1UIVl:. U'l--Wl:. DELIVER .`-Ehant r s Grocery We urv four )":II'.\` in the g:'rocor_\' husinvss on D(`(`(`lllh(`l` 7. To mark the :\lllll\'(`l`S`.ll`_V` we am` giving` you the following specials for \\`m-k ol` l)ccviiibor 5th 10 l`2lh. PHONE }4o7_.w1-: DELIVER ` it NEW SI l {PM ENT 01'` ` (N-r. rul - _ _._ -L,, , These Spec : 4-string Brooms ............... .. 5-string Brooms ............... .. Sugar Krisp Corn Flakes . Bust. Tousties .................... _ Grape Nut Flakes .......... .. Grape Nuts .................. .. If Ma.\'\\'ol1 House Coffee .... .. Baker's Cocoa .............. .. 1-- xltlllul up unit. `Jill DLIIICIEC. Lllll LIJII l`\VL'.| Advertisers are urged to get their; advertising copy in early--by Mon- day. if possible. With a little plan- ning ahead it can be done. G.;.;...l..I n..1n n_u,: . . u I O\"EN S'I`.. BARRIF. als are for one week only 19(- 35 l COIIH` in any time to look urouml. l A. F. A. Malcomson won (5 firsts, 5` seconds, 4 thirds and 1 fourth on an! entry of 20 birds at the Royal Win' ter Fair and was the biggest winner [in B.B.R. Game bantams and Arch- lzmgel pigeons. The classes were all uwell filled and quality high through- out the show. A 1;` DlIf1l\ T) KY Cs-uniils T3 `X7 uuL Ine snow. I A. F. Pugh, R. N.. Smith. F. W.. 'Dobs_on, W. B. Coutts and Warren: Wilgar, members of Barrie Lions. ,Club. attended a meeting of the North Bay Lions Club Tuesday, cveningand brought back ihe Tm-I velling Lion" which is now in pos- session of the local club \ Tn nnnnniinn uvlllu H-an nnmnk n\v '51.-sslon 01 me 10081 club In connection with the coach ex- cursion to Toronto on Friday and Saturday. Dec. 13 and 14. the C.N.R. are running an educational all-ex-i ipense tour which includes :1 sight,-I seeing tour 01' Toronto and :1 visit to Casa Lnmzi. Royal Ontario Mu- s'eum. Parliament Buildings. and the` University of Toronto. An nrninnhln . 1I`)':In(fr\n1nn9 has I I I lJIllVh'I'SlL_V Ul 1()1'r)nu). ` I An amicable arrangement has! lbeen arrived at between the Gov-: |ernment and the Harold F. Ritchie; ;Estate whereby the public purse is] enrirherl to the extent. of $350.0I)(l from additional Succession duti-*<. During the last session of the I.egis-- 'ature. former Attm-ne_v-Genern' `rice warned Premier Hepburn thn`. . I we would never be able to get any` were money out of the Ritchie :`l..|. ..~....I.....: `Lat 111115 uuuuu n, Luu LIL` uuuu. Y --Special--9x12. Feltal b()l'(iCI'leS5= rugs. in attractive patterns. $5.95 euch at. A. E. Smith's Furnitur(:| Store. 129 Dunlop St. Phone 535. : 1x7....4L.,... ....,.L,..x.n:. 1.... mum n. r. u;11'x'Cu 101' me use mg the Capitol Tluonlrc (:11 Tuesday for: `he annual Toy Show. Abnut 7001 zhildrcn ultcnclvd 1110 show rmdi brought alum: l0)'>` In hp rlisiributcd] `.0 nocdy (-hilclrcrn ll1ruu;:'n tho Sco\'.1<' and Kiwanis: Club ' mA.\'Ks I-`ROM SC()[=; I`S i I TO MR. C.,\mu-:"r'r{ I ISL lll[. ,l'll.. ill)()lll [WU l1Ul'|(1l'(`(| EH-I '-nding. A feature was the pro:`~'0m'r~ f the ladies and also of the mem- `mrs of the cast 01' the rocont Linm:| Tlub "Minstrel Mnnnrch.<". and dun`-i an the evening, various members of; he cast. intrtrpretocl their pm't.< onnr-} mro for the p.`mtific.'11ion of H10} udioncc. i T\\- A '1" T Hln l \/I f'\ LY l\1\;~ ...\ IILIIUIICU. Dr. A. T. I,.itt,l0. M.O.H.. lmr` ro- Wivccl a report of :1 recent irmpoc-i `an of the four milk pnste\11'i7.i11`: `nnis in Bawie by an official of H1 "~par1.n1ont of I-Ioallh. .}onm`:x1l_v 7~.'Ikin}:. those plants S'h()\\' \"~1'y nisfnctory rosuI1::, it ro:1d<, Tl1m'( ' "e some chilngos n0(~dr=rl. but 111!-so way be classed as of :1 minor nn[1m`. "he results that you are obtaining! ` `F. inrlit-n91-rl hv H1-Nun hunts: I-nflnr-1| Ill.` l'(,'5UllS lll?ll yllll ilI'U UUIEIIIIIHH. l *1 indicated by these tnstu 1'oflr~c1 `front. credit on you as I-Iomih Offic-` `r. and on your Board of I-{o.'1lth".r \ decided impro\'omr*nl was noticccl r1 Ihe bactc-rial counts of thc mw nilk in many cases. illL'. Barrie Lions Club mzwkcd tho urlh nnnive1`. of its founding `ere when the annual Chm'10r! Tight" was celebrated by :1 banquet nd dance in the Masonic T0n1p`f` Isl. night. about twn hundred :11- -nrlinrr A frunhn-n u-nu Hun nv'r\L'nn4vrVl JUL` DU) D('()l1l.\' (WI 15.'lI`l'lL` \.\'1.\'H hank R. F. Gzm'clt for the `kn r"-.nH..l 'T`Iu...u...\ ...` 'r*......A.... r. 32-oz. Jars St1'uwbo1`ry or R:1.spbe1`ry Jam with Apple . .......... .. 270 (`uch New Layo1' Dates with sto_1es 3 lbs. 23- Nvw Layer Dates pitted . . 2 lbs. 333;- New I-Iullow-.1i Dates pitted Mo. 2 lbs. 27(- Cooking` Apples. R_n9 |'\c)c~ nl '3'..- xvuununp. Axyynvov 6-qt. basxet . . Grape Fruit 3 Fresh Cabbage 2 lbs. Bologna Breakfast Bacon 3-lb. tin Headcheose 4. 45- ..._y.u, xx. \,u.. A .u. oqumr.-. I-Im`2`_v W. Payne. iJIlI'.`<:.`I` of the S5 "Caribou". plying holwt-en Ow:-' Sound and Michipicnten. 1`ol,L1rn(,-r yestm-dnv to spend the winter at hi: home here. All the news while it is ncws~~']`hr In-n'r\m~ . u .1..." \- nnlwlsln - u The Boy S('(ml.~< n1" Barrio \\'i. in hand: 11` T.` r`_'\v\-1\1C L... H-... H-.. uxunnunu in piece SATURDAY SPECIAL 20c Doz. l)l{l.l('l()I'.\' l)()l7GllN l"l'.\' . 3 for I . 3 for 3 2 for I 2 for I -lb. tins 16-: ua uwcn DL. 49y Inspector J. H. `Pulmnn of th' Ontario Provincial Police. Bzlrri hcnlquzwters. has rel,1n'ned in hi duties after four months` leave 0' absence on account of illness. He i greatly improved in health. r*lm.:..c........ .......x.. I . _ , , ,,u n. .. -) 9 t` 354: . 390 lb vxrk 5c each . Sc each .1- 11 .`1H'\} '. uh: Hnkins: ud\'nn`.u: imnitios zzppcnrir I xadvls. Ill ` Mrs. - u` .\`pu-ial Tru . u `nlltlllll \\nI.` FUKIIIU that this was 1 fire '11.: 500!) L11 been confined to a.\.uu_y- uupnuvuu Ill uudlul. ~Ch1'is1mas cm-d.<:. boxed. I2 fn 24. 21 cards fur 496. 12 gmvurr cards 69c. large z1s.<:or1men`. of 5 an 100 cards. Hislrwicrnl cards. seals an Wv'z1ppin_q: and gift .*:lnti()n(.*1`y. H. V Pnync & C0,. I".O. Square. 40' T-hn-vv H7 1 1rnv.. .. ,-.uA_r-r .. .,..m. ..-. I\I/lV [or and m(:1'(:}\unt for many yozu`.=. ;A1'tm` his death. Mrs. McG1':1w \\'u. anppnintccl D0S1l`1'h'l:11(`l`. this 1:110)` 110-: Hnp; Iran. in her d.'u1_:zh1cr. the ]wosom po.~'txn:1: 1\ Ir.<. Reid. Mrs. McGmv\' has a host of mem- ,m'ic.<. v. so far as Innisfil its cnn(=:`x'ned. She has S('Cn HM` !1n\\'nship hown from lhu hush. as it xvvru. (`1`:.i:;\'z11v. which was m lnnv time :1 busy mil stzztinxx and mm ..;H.....\ ..|`.\ . . I. ..... I You can 3 E subscription 9 nL-inn vurhvr Jul]. \\` .10 the E.s`L|1(`1' ` icd by 1 Sarah J `ILIIL | Members and ot`t`iL:or.s' of other` L`l`:ilD[Cl'S of thc district joined with \Innist'i| on an invitation 01' Distri(-I Deputy Grand Matron. Minnie Leon- ard. 01` Strand. ` The p:'o;;1`.'1rn tank the form of general instructions in the \\`m`k 01' {the Order. Nearly one lmnrlmd per- |\'l')H_'\` \\'(?|'{` D}`f`\`l`11' L - % i Fire insur_anco farm properties. Q 1 l'i1`. clzlss farm 75(` pm` ` hund:`c-cl 3 _\'v:11'.<: barns and live stock. :11": lnunrlnnrl " |.`-l.l.! Ixumluv .. nu p1'L`lnlLlIH |n B011 G. Smpkin. Stmud. 48x l(fmig'vnlc Rt`.-:idr,nt over 90 Years Old Mrst. McGruw of Craigxralc. vvlm? was ninety years of age in June thi= * veal`. is one of 1110 s1nar1o. pm's0n.~` for her miu it x-nuld be nn_vnn."'.~' p!c:1.<\1rc- to r~-.*.:w:-'r.~':- with. Mrs. Mc- ` G1':'.\v. l m`m(`r`.,v T/Ii.<.< Sulh(~1`I:-Ind. ;- uum hm-n ..n nu. 0..-..l:.v. A.` `r.`.-:.. MUHUIEIA lll.\fll`LlU|l)l1S the sons were present. u 5`-nu . out `ccvptvd an ms all sm Grand I\'Ia.!.ron Visits U.E.S. : Inni::t`xl (`h:1plc1'. Order `Iastt`rn` Stnr. were hostesses on Nov. 22 Ins! ' 0 Wm'1h_\` Grand 1\/Intrnn. 1v1.v:v.;.` C.s`1|1(`1' Wilkvs London. :u'comp:m- : Cd he`: Gmnrl Oxguunist and IVh'\'. 2 iarah Robertson. Past Grand Mul- nu I139 Maprle Ave. Phone 107] I $6.25 $6.95 | $7.95 $8.95 Douglas i\)t/17ug Store ` Phone 75 Iulnzluv \\ . llll ln'nk`l'i) N1l.\'.\' D1IlH('l'ldH. burn on lhv tmvnlino 01' Inni.~'-` .c:n' (_`. She is :1 sister of` .m~4 Qnxnvl-1nn' r e4.~,...,1 cl...` ' U.\L'xu'xnL' Thomas ` neighbors -n nan :\1 INNISFIL NOTES IT)-v I ) f C\ aquarv. -New low p r-nnnm nun rl.-nm. . I ll|l' IIIHHU ll\|\\ Ill` nnd her married aid. and hu. past office at Cru . Her hu.~'b:md was ma` rln-H I1 `l\/I uu- l\/Inf` r_ 1am.m'mWf `Av: 11.: |1\J I (By R. G. S.) Isicr Nesting all Stroud H. q K3-lU\\'H. bill.` 151) SiFlL`T (.`I` hcrlnnd of Slrmxd. Shel - hnmu now m-cupiorl 1);-1 manrriod dzlujzhtvr.` which 3. :1 Crz1i,<:;\'a]e. u'-' x` p0s1zn.'x -rvhzmt fm' mnnv vnm DRESSER SETS H IUL YHi1I]_\' _Y(' Nlrs. .'1::t(-1`, 0 or. I1 .<. has Im an (`nu n.. 1.... x. u._- us nu .'\l llll .\|.'l'Hl' U] Hll` U('i|\'(`l'5 K 1' cnmml huvim: mions more were two .~lid:-.< an` h(` -`'-'\'t` P1D0~*'- bank down which the induslx -~~-~-.--` I z1}?ixn;1l dragged the yuunghpn] 0 PHN` 0 I! ."`nI"n` t at 10 was cutting up is N HH.\'_ \\'t'<'|< 115' a ter . of food. of bU.\`xn.`.' ODIN!" ` This beau-x' is thought to be in The Exunnncr ; 4:-ugh! _\'eur.< old. Abnut 8 _vc:u'.< __ ______` .5 -:1 pair of beaver were open Exquisite odors. Ease Twelve

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