Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Dec 1935, p. 11

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Most of the work of the County, Council is reflected in the reports of the several committees. 'I`hei' recommendations. outside of those cf the special committee reported else i where, were as follows: 1 1 V I Finance Committee Industrial and training school ac- counts totalling $2.294.70 were ord- ered paid. N n nrtirm wnc tnkren rm the re- no. v... -v-. W. J. HARRIS E. E:_.% HINDS which ended in`-; l \( ( ()l'\'I`|.\'(i SUPERIOR STORES OF BARRIE PHONE 12 P. { KEARNS Look! 122119: 9!1I.|i!X! FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS BAKIDIG AND mm COMPARE THE PRICES! l..\.\'lll.l(iH'l S l'.\'I'Il) uni: \'l(`.lt1` ill] l|lL'I'\ nshlights. .1 n.-.....-1 WINTER ACCESSORlE.S G.M. Anti-freeze, Preston: II . \lI-.,,, Ll _ _ L _ ___ ELECTRICAL GIFTS \5cIVIa l"II\I'IICGlu(J, I lwusvnuv Hot Water Heaters Defroster; C.M. Batteries Engine Jacket Heaters u ....x.1 Inn ..r..V.. v,. .s .. -..-.0-u-u vu--.-... - . . - . . -- We \\0Uld be pleased tn shmv ymx these. v- juvu '- vat GI-INERAI. .\l()T()RS D -1.-\l.F.RS 75 El.l7.:\Bl'I'I`ll STRFIE1` 1 AYER.I...s...t!:3.!il;R! H! Steam-Heated STORAGE $5.00 per month 24-HOUR .\Il-l(`|l.\.V l( `.\l. SICRV I( I". `nlll.\ l .\l`.ll I-'0]! .\'I('-HT \\'.\l.Kl.\'(i l'iIl'l.' HI _ a] light of .4 es, cnnccs 1 1.....- !\ ll IIIHIH`? nllt' 4 1 for light but demand for e mdingz tn the (If the Czmzuhz Autmnutic Tu:\.s'l.e1`s 1 EHONE 164 EHONE 354 '.`i.VcLMMNs `i=`L"iv'.' DOBSON 5f? %*5 %"~?$9`4t5*~79%%$"%`. (`ut .\!ix('d Pt-9! p(`l` ll). ..................... .. (`hoice N.(`(`l(`21lIl`d ` (`urrn nts Ym'kshirv 2 .\iin(-mnomi ...... .. l :1 Flour 331-lb. l ;\}r.,' ............. .. E1(`<`t1'i(` Irons . . S133!) Sandwich Tn:nstm*s $1.79 I3v:\utit`uI Elovtriv Cnl`1`vv Urn Sol . 14.93 B1`1111. 2 S:11`(lin(~.~: . t S11pO1`i()1` Baking Prm-' 8-02. tin . l-(,)'/.. Lin .............. .. 4 Crown Brzmd Syrup. 2-1b. tin L _1,on'.x' Rod Lube} 4 rr1 I II-. I'\|r1\~ Lux 'I`r>i1ot. 3 S0211`) ...... .. bars Mnxwvll Hnuso (Tr)f1'<`(`. 1-1b. vzwmlm pzwk tin .................. `. Swzmsclmvn Cukv Flour. pkg. I W `.1 Si11g`z1p0rc Sliced Pineapple 2 for 5. 1913.`! Auburn Sodux ` 15:32 Buick Sedan _ 29152 (7h<'vr0l<,~t, (`MC 193;! Chevrolet S-(la L 1929 Studebaker Se 1930 Chevrolet Tru` 1930 Oldsmobile Tr; 1931 Ford Truck " 'roR YOUI CAR : l.1?'*? <". Q9< ar:+7!s;?9:: main =*?!e:s?!~: -Q 1:2; %%%%%%%%%%% M 23c 25c 2 25 L iiigx/'x"()l;e;E">/391 L Buick Coupe,` I Termplano Se` l\ |(l(,'U)l". 1` f3:1lz\vl:1 fur H1 fl. .l.lI.alu knot . )illilVl-'1 I 1.-ch] ght .000 ball 1 flnuhli .....,. plllll` ll[)|')li( rrr In 62 tins I ' I-II0.\'~E_`l :v.:<-. \\'unr`.v1'I ul \';\1::v ` 1 \\ 12u}`.\' and \\'um`n`.< S2 -- ' " - V \ . ` Q. `i .72.; _-..;_`_,_,,7_ ' bk.x'm.s Jud b11m`.\' u muaw%nxnxwxv@u%aw%wa@ Useful Home Gifts \""`\ :m~m_x- Sk;1t`.< for , . .- " \ ` ` I __ -I we 206 17 A zzc `ac Vase 239 Pyrex (.`assm'o1v. chrom- ium mtnw spvcnll .. . . . . . . ._ n Nomu Ch1`isu1ms Troo Sets. Mazda lamps (not, pine cone which nrv Jup- '.1h<`.\`(`). Rog. $1.19 89c Sp(`(`i:1l . . . , . . . . .. .. EMPKEMI;-IABDWARE |llU|L'l|.\L' HI .`,)_.\I\( Illll ` the fn|1nwimJ_ report: into her duties. and SUBS(`Rll`Tl0NS l'C(l palu. No action was taken on the quest of J. H. Mitchell for a type- writer I m' the Surrogate Court of- fice. Payment, of account of W. A. Colwell, Bevton, for cmbalming and funeral s01'vi<-r~.s for the late Aaron Sheffield (balance of mtcount un~ paid nmnun1in;{ to $11.65) was rc~- fused. An account of Sf'cven:: Memorial H02-zpilal. Allisfon. rm-: $24.50 for X-Rny. anaesthetic. etc... for Chzn'le.<: H.'u`ri.\'. was not paid. | An .'Il'I'I\IlI \` nf Rnvc nnrl RhVS.| Gifts That Last (Wu "" stm as )7 (ll [V1155 AV|. ho Chilcl1'cn's inl c-nmmittvo So.<. roo- nf S200 frnm nuvin :1 rm-unx-1' ` $6.35 } `tn ('1 .' `that I` 1H|L`5. Thc` rnlloxvimi xvvr until tho Ja `an. .. .\.-...v:1... ..I GIFTS FOR SPORT so Du;al6p St.,7 Barrie Hotpoint, I`o:1sto1's. S-1.3:`) (nroxnu Walv Iron. 1-.xr;>.'e size. with heat in~ div'.1t.01` .................... .. $5.7 ) I+`lo<`1ri(` (`om I npp(`1` .................... .. $1.6`) 101" unarlesz l'l.'n`l`l.\'. was nnr. pmu. 1' An account of Boys and Bhy.<.' County smicizors. for $324.35 wasi` m'dm'cd paid. Dr. Grahznn. Ramon." will be t,om1m`ocl $15 in full settltn mom of tncr.-ULIM of $31.50 for servic- Us to 1110 Info Henry F`r0ckin.<:. who was zlrlmiilml tn Allislrm Hospital from 1hr- Hm.<'v of Rofugzrx Rt-funrh: x-.1` taxes paid by muni- cipalities on Iols used for rnfnx'o. 1i0n were m'dm'cd as fullm\`.<: Fluml $17.13: Vospx-:1 No action w:1.~' taken re tI10.'u:c:nun1 nf A. C. Bishop. and Son. T*`.lmv.'1l0. for funeral costs: for Ruborl Roll. All r.'nn1m1xni(-n1i0n< an run nnnniI'in(I rt`: Mirllzuvxvi nnrl l|lII lll\' portion U Pyrex Cust-.1111 (`ups and Rack . l-lnusolmld Sc:1l- S- vs. Special ........ .. Chromium ship S` on blue mirror .. Coleman Lamp S] Special. Complete \ 1`equC. were nnn:>n`\' !`\' 1 55c `L69 $1.49 :5.75 1, lvftit (13 |..I.n_ I1 :l'.\`i|! k.UlU\\(H\'l. l| \III`|II||\.\. \V| nu`-..... ten miles. , I The County Road Cnmmitlcv was ..'u1l`.:m'?n~(I to enter into an z1g1`cn3- |m(`m with the County of Peel to ismn wnn :1 copy 1-czuxy nu l:u\'n Emombcr. Nu .'u~Linn \\':1.< taken on I thn request of Cnuns. Palmer and JJrink\\".1(c`1' in cumpiI`_.,a._`s_c11edL11e 01: mileage to the 1O\!`Ins and villages] and places of intercsf in the County In place of this road. the follow- * ing mileage was dcsignniecl by by- ,la\v: tnwnline between Tay and Me- Idnnto '1'0\\'nships. cast from High- :\\':1jv 37 an \V:1\'m`lo_\' tn Hi;1h\\'a_v 1'2 - (`:-.lr{u-'|f1n` -. rli'.1nn?'(` of about. and Santa, listen `.21 at \`V:1\'`1`lc_\' In r1l_.`. ,l1V\d_V ml Cnld\\'ato1`. :1 dislnnt-c 01' about. fm` liuhnrt livll. /\ll r..'nn1munic2umn~ on file enquiring: 1'0 Micllanvl and Porit-tzin;:uisl1(-iiv t'imnic<`s and (lo- bC'l'lllll`CS wore l C`r(`l'l`(`(] tn the Spo- cinl Cnmmitton zippninterl in Janu- ary. A (.`f)ITlrTll11(`,(` ('nn.'~'istin;.' of Rcovc Cnrltrin. B(`(`ll)l`l. Reeve Braw- lc-y .'in(l Deputy R,oov(\ Henclersnn. Tcr.:um.<(-th, xvorrr (lvlngzatecl to 3102 at] tho l'l(`(`l`S.\`}ll`_`y' information on the maintenance cnstq nf (mo F`rc-rd Rn- tlyk in tho Tlnspitnl fur (_`.m`.. tivr-s. Weston. To Mothers Allmvancc Board That Warden for 1936 and County- Treasurm` D. If. Colvmnn be an- pnintcrd to the Simmr: County Mr)- ther.<' Allowances Board for 1936. Pziymnnt of Relief It was (Ir-cidorl that the rt(`(`.i.\'inn of whon p:-Iymcnt of relief slinuld bu: maclr: shmxlct be loft to tho muni- cipality. accnrrling to the ro.unlution` of the County Cmmcil of l)nt'l'c-rin County re the payment of relivf by` municipalities which w.'i.< c`ndm`:=ocl' and the Dcp.'n'tn'.mil of Welfare will i be so n0til`io(l. N0 lnr.'1'on.<(,- for Miss Jn.~ No action was taken in tho matter, of incrc-.'1sinL' tlw .<:ilar7' of l\`li.<:s M.` 7....a:,.... , nI' H1.` r`hilrlvnn`< ....,.....a ..... Tinker l'u_vs 591' l.;n';:v Toy \\':1shvr. .. . $1.19 Linm-I "Hicks-_\' Mouse" 'l`r:1in. $1.3!) .\l)'.~`lm'_\' ('ur 690 We have the greatest selection of Toys in Barrie Double 9's Domin- oes 39 ll)-inch Husivzxl Tup "Pnuck l{uj.:m's"' ;\utom;1li(' Pistol 351' We Deliver Phone 108 TOY- LAND Large selection at 19c to 51.25 DOLLS Iome to (H ICl'L`.'lSlllL', nu` .\.uru_\ Justice. secretary nf H11 Aid Snciol_\'. Tho snecin appointc-cl nt iho Jum- ommonrlorl an inc1'cn: \ $400 to $(i()0 in fnlln "After looking" .196 itions now on display in their sit)l`e.<. iaiid rlisi)|a_\'e(l for you here in this i - . . The [axaminer on nearly lissue of :e\'er_\' page. Cheek \\'ith the st1g;:e:<- tions listed in the Barrie inereliants`i`h`-' ` `'`'`' ``"`-`"C H W W'l.`i' it` 1-`~`i I `I method `(?hristinas messages first. It will 'simplit'_\` your slitippiiig and make it ,easier for the .- to serve you. construct the road on the south l)oundar_v townline from County Road No, 10. eastei'l_\-' to the York .boundary line. a distance of approx- ` (Turn to page fourteen. please) DALSTON Miss Ruth Watson is on the sick list. Mrs. F. Burner is visiting in Tor- onto. Arnold Forbes and Ernest Kenton went north on Monday. Mrs". Lorne Handy entertained about fifteen girls in honor of her daughter Fay`s thirteenth birthday. Saturday, Nov. 30. They had a most enjo_\`able time. 1 3 l ti .2 I | the Ladies` Aid for 1936 elected at `their meeting Tuesda_\'. Dec. 3: Pres.. M .-c W F`m~hn<- Viz-E--Pr0s._ Mrs. H. l of (`i1C(`klll_l. ,' and selecting your gilt` list with their stocks of _L`ll't. Stl__E;.C.\'- ml the Province are vcwy wvll >`21ti.~'-- [to be provided out of current rev-' ,imatel_v Ila: miles. when this road enue. The cost of relief was hl'll1}.I ',has been taken over by Peel County. charged to ordinary (?.`i])l`n(liilll`(`.S.! The t'ollo\\'ini: are the officers ot':$1_280'00n this yem._ Ht. nmnned iety oi matters. Pretliet llziliiiieetl l iiulgel. I I think. on the wholti. the |7(`(it)lI`: I tied with the Governinent in D(1\V(`1'i since July ISIIH." l-lon. Dr. Sinipstni declared. 'l`h't 2 G()\'(`l'l1Y`n(`lli had i)t`(`ll; able to fill most of its Dl`0lTii.`~'(`S. anrli be hzil-` The nirli tultillt-d. The burlgvt will aneed. perhaps next year. I of the Conser\':iti\'t~ (o\'~' ernment was to Chill`_L (! ordinary ex- penditures to capital debt. wlim'e:i-. the present, govtwiiineiit was t`har_L:- ing them as ordinary t-xpiiiiclitiiiw-.:?| I l l I i 'Relief is costin:.: the Province $3.- 000.000 per month or $.'3ti,l)0(l.0(ltl per` year. Add to that the interest` charge on the public debt and you. can see where the money gt>(-s". he remarked. Premier Hepburn Improving Dr. Simpson 1'eporte(l that Pre- mier Hepburn`s health had improv- ed very rapidly. and he was doing very nicely, and is back from the south to attend the conference. open- ing at Ottawa on Monday. The cost of administration had been cut to :1 very great extent. the saving in the, `Department of Education being some of the plans, of the Depart- ment. in nr\\1r~lIIQinI\ hr Stimnstm t`t`-t 01110. ' | T`l-un ('nl1n\\'inn` nrn H1!` nfl'i('(`1`.< Of. [wont Mrs. H. Loftus has secured a posi- ' {ion in Stayner. I\/Irs. Ed. Gray has gone to Elmvale In... I... ..-:..n:u~ r\\nnIHc Icn_1o_\'abIc nme. - of! I`ue-sda_\,'. Mrs. W. Forbes: Vice-F'res., Mrs. Osborne; Secy.. Mrs. L. Handy; Trcas.. Miss V. Osborne. ,____:___.__.__% {Ion m staynel`. for the winter months. [ Emmett O`NeiI1 of Toronto called: on rolalives here. Monday. Mrs. J. D. O'Neill and Miss Mary \`i. in Toronto recently. n.- 1` A Rnnrnc nnecorl nwnv nu \`l.\`l[(`(1 m 1()1`()nu)1`l:L'L'nu_y. Dr. J. A. Kearns passed away on 'I`u0sduy morning at the Royal Vic- toria Hospital. Barrie. Much sym-| 'pz1thy is extended to Mrs. Keams zmrl son Jack. Fm` particularze see nbitum'_\' column. 1 , ,_____.__..____.__:__.__.\ v Miss Vera Chappoll of Tomntn .- .nnnrlinIV 1\\':\ \\=N`-k<' h0Hdn\'< :11 nor numo. . l\/lrs. Vernon Caldwell and two -hildron visited friencls in Turontn as! week. Her sister. l\-lrsl Cron- 'iIl0. returnod home with her. Word \\';1.< rm.-ei\'ed on '1`hursday of | 1... ...,x,:.-..` rln-xh no` uiininm Riv ml ,horse power against xrom A.auu u.p. tn over 6.000 h.p. for other types. vxhile the minimum weight of the i1vC(Vl`l1I'Itl\`O m~d train. normally 300 urns. is 120 tin-ics that of an aero- piane. 66 iimos that of anautomobilc ard 37 time: that of Lt speed-boat. The "6100" tvpc locomotive of the Cnnadian National Railxvays. which weighs 334 inns. itself. is rated at 2.000 h.p. 3 ' `?'?> L"i7.'\7*.>`?.`>97 13`./L\"~T" Q'*`? *?`.*.`"~`/' -Q=`?`Ff> ~?5 "'*? C'-`-12 ="l9"*7 d$f .. . Lula) Vkflu pun spending two r hump THE nmmlr. EXAM M CROWN HILL PHELPSTON nappeu ()1 xurullln weeks` lmlidzxys (Continued from page nine) were contested and had to be put to a vote of sixty delegates. I flnxn r` Allan l.r:frnv,brnmzh1 |a vote or sixty delegates. I Gavin C. Allan. Lefroy. brought up the matter of appointing a com- mittee to draft a constitution for` the Association. After some discus-~ 'sion a resolution was passed on mo- tion of G. C. Allan and R. D. Henry. Thornton. that the executive select a committee to draft a constitution and report at the next annual meet.- ing. This committee will also (-un] sitter the matter of holding open or closed conventions. ur `I Utlnllzzw Ftm-rim dN`lnrr\.'i closed cnnvennons. W. J. Walker. Barrie. declared that. he was sure all were glad that Dr. Simpson had recovered from his} operation. He was making an im-j print on the life 01' the Province. and he was very much missed in the town and County. No doubt much would be heard from him in the. future. He moved 21 resolution. se-l conderl by Alex. MCKOO. Mim~`. of cmlgrnlulations and cm1l'i(10n<'re. Du-nuirlnnl /\lI:m imrmlnoorl Dr. C.| O] cnngrzuumunns zlnu curlluwxurt-. President Al|an inlm(lu(-orl C. W.`EHi:<. Bradford. who stator! mm. the Liberals used to be few and Yuri between but are now in('!'(`2lSin_L thrc. Lrnn hr Qirnncnn m\n:r|~:vh|)n1r\rl` there. Hnn. Dr. Simpson (`()nf,"l`l!ill1Z`tt(.`('t` `the meeting on the :~'pl(.-ndid feeling of harmony and unanimity that ex- isted. and exprc=.=scd his thanks to the peonie of the riding for their thoughts and kind deeds (1urin5.{ his illness. He said he was ,v_'x'z1(iL121il_W getting bnvk to normal. ' I Dr Sinmsun said that the nruan-, Vafious Matte} Dealt With By County Coun .' Committees [getting DEICK 10 normal. ` D1`. Simpson nruan-I ization in Centre Simcuo had been! one hundred per cvnt. gnarl. and! lhat before the 1934 ul<`('1i0n, C1-nlrv Simcne had about as good an nr;:un- ization as any cm1stiIu(-,nc_v in On- tario. O1`gnni'/.inQ in thv .<(:pz11':a1(-, muni(`ipnliti(~.< was prnhulyly the `most imporfanl thing. Thu qnnnlmr cnirl 1hnI' thv, duties: The spcnkm` suit] 1hnl' of :1 Minister are mzmy zmtl \'zn'ic~(l.{ ,zmd are not (xmfincd to his own (It.--! lparlnwnt. .I`l1oy include :1 wido vnr-1 Hoty of n1:1ttm':~'. ' 1 n.....I;.. n-.I:.m-ml Hmlm-I I `H1051 1l1l})()I`IZ`lnl. IHIIIK. "L"Il'3'IiiK'L`ii`iz'Ix'ii ! s1xu1_ TERM; 1 ' . `. I ` In conclusion. Dr. Sm1p. nu } [erred sympathetically In the dc:1th' of Dr. Joseph A. Kearns. Phv1ps1>n.| whose wife is a prominent I.il)e1'n1i worker. and to that of Mrs. A. J. |Sm'jezmt. B:n`rie. whose husband is; president of the Barrie T..ibo1'aI . sociation. ` unfna-n Han cinsrina Hf` H1!` `x\T:lH()I1l]` sociauon. 4 _, \ .. .. . ,, H H Befme the Smgmg "F tho N`"`] `iilmiiiuiim:iiir1`:.:ii` ltri` il`t i"7|lIl|l:`i`~i`ill< `Anthem. R. A. Sutherlzmd. Stmud Tsinwm,` {m N, (.,,,-lvvnunn hm; `president of the Dlli'f(`l`ih-Sii'nC(H" ,m.(,d ht. Federal Liberal Aratociation. gn\'c `Ir! ' ' _ word of advice lu tho committee nn\ . . the matter of holding upon or (.'In. ! Family Dlfferences I E Lead to Charges At Collier Choir Concert ` I`l`.Z|1\S I`.Olu'. . living boy singer." This remarkable boy has been I` claimed by critics as the "greatest f, The quality of} the boys voice is oiitstzindiiig. clear] and deeply impressive. his intonation * being perfect. In all. Master Dewii has won over 200 p:`i2.v:: in cmn;wti~ lions. i His repertoire coiisists of sacred: 30105 by Adams. Handel. M:n`tin. Mendelssohn. Stensnn; and his sec-. ular repertoire by Horne. Sc-hnbet't,l laydn. and Songs of Wales. ' EIUCIICIICCS HI C\'L'l'_Y L\l.\L'. He IS appearing an. soloist over 1 am` on the cclcbmlud Paul wm man's hour. rr-1..-.. .......-".1.-,.m.~ hnu hnc hr At Collier Choir %w%@%y%w% %m%r= L'|HIV(.'l||l\II|.<. mittoo In In` gdecisinn. zmd isimcnc. an I!pr0\'erl host. A xwwspnpm` has to dnpend upon in; snbsoribm's as \`.'t`H as its ad\`u'2.~.m's to furnish the necr-..sm'_v nancial support. to cnnblv iis publication. Thvsn urn diicult umes. and o.`:r,x'o:no- Ii; so for thb a\'em'ge mwspapcr. Individually sub3c1'1})tion ac- counts mo small but in the ag- gregate Hwy form a cnn. able Volume of money. Tho Ex- nminvr \vou'.d nppro<:ial.o it if subsm`ibc`rs whose accounts aw in a1`1'(`m`s will romlt. :>mnmt`._\'. Thu` uddrr`s.< 1n.l)r~1 tvlls H19 date to which _\`0'.n' suhs<-ripl.im1 is pni(l_ i;ijX`iii oA'rs 23 (7l,()VEli LEA F S()( 7 K E Y E s;macg__ A l.YS'l`l{1\I.l:\N .\lTS l`I{1\l.l.-\N ` Sultana Raisins 2 lbs. 239 l;dhk.2;RlIl:`.ANs 2f0r15c 1(3- 2:3-OZ. JAR IIlLL(`l{F.S'l` mi;-X`iJ'5':i;l`urrER 25 ~|s?'&e*!'JQV"*??>' V'Q*?Vb*?_I1*?2>-?"`*??>iQifizmr x>'~m?e>wsrs,1 GRAPENUTS 18 = i{1".5.` {;p}'i.1. able light. Pun-0 horn lame ngm. V Furthermore. over :1 period of sev- 1 : eral years. farm account books bringl out an increasing number of useful; pfacts. The records suggest that dif-' ifercnt fields need different soil `treatment. They give definite stand- l ards of performance in the use on feeds, in the production of butter! fat and other livestock pmducts. and ` ` vdn much tn change the _v(>arly plans; ID{ the f:1rrn(-r from :\ nuutor of '*('han('e and :.zuc.<\vu1'k into reasoned l .]p|nns based on donmnstratod facts? nnd 1-nlnlim1. 1 pmns cam-u nu ` and l'(`l:lli0l1>'hip.<. -07.. TINS (,`L:\l{.K'S PHONE 145 PHONE 295 PHONE 158 `.`Il:lVV.mCHEESMAN lul ull Illl npplimtu. - light, 0\- l"IRHl'!-I

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