Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Dec 1935, p. 10

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7hi3ght.' M1` Y , ._ _ Three-pieces. Brush. Mirror and Comb in ..,.._,. g- .._a These sets were or- dered last spring` in order to get these prices to you. Hand Bags In nmvest styles $1.00 up and many other `specials for your trhnivc. " . t - roll call was answered by ;1! inn for (hv Christmas Ch(- t. and the motto for the momh 1- on r,-arth. ,r:,ond will toward , Erwin member tank a gift. and I for 15. pmceeds for Christ- -hnnr Lll I\llXl'l [Hull lJl'1L\ll.V L URI}-(XI with black a(:ces: Mr. F.!'n0.\`1 Miller attended the . H. l-.n.u- u-n-..-in.r -\ n-null;-h I THE BAIHLIE EXAMINER. BARR. WEDDINGS 18 Dun!op St. Phone 360 .* Women's Institute hold! 1' meeting in the Public 3. 1935. 1VIrs, Mills pre- A -up uu 11 $7.95 Inn ., .. Mr. and Mrs. Alhvrl I-lngan at 1(nd~rl the ordination <'m'mnoni0s 01 mo fo!`xnex".<; cousin, Rev. I.:1urnnv-.- 1\/TcAulis5`.(`. in Toronto Inst S2l1UI'dEL\`i and his l'ix'st solemn High Mass ut[ Ennismore on Sunday. Rvv. I-`r. Mc- Aulisse loaves .-:hm'tly fur miss-inn wnrk in China. | I "I"!-un nun-nrnn-n.-n-:0 3. vn-xnnnnnnrl nl very becoming Bomxty rough II-r-nu-:nI'inu NY!` K {s w PROVES DID ('lIl`l`l?C' L i l `Chonita, Gypsy Romance,` . Featured by Fine Music ` and Dancing Barrie Kinsmen Chxb made its r bow to the pubhc in the presenta- tion of Chunita." a gypsy rurnance R with music from themes by Franz: \ I :....+ :.. um.-;.-. r'nHAdi')fL) Anrlvihnu! \VlU'l l`nUSlC LFOIT! II'll11t3S my I`|.| Liszt. in Barrie Collegiate Aud'itm'-`!` ium Thursday and Friday vve-ningsi last. Large crowds ailenderl both pertbrmances, and :1 Sllb. sum of money was rzaiaed I`-~r ihn Club": \ve`il'are work in Barrie. The show, which was produced 11n~ der the capable direction of Lloyd 'l`hLft'orcL was :1 fine . from` every point or view. The music i,-ontaineri the hat-1nLin_L: meindiezz nE| ;-gypsy life in Hungary. the stzixizing was excellent. and the :u`tin_q and .-singing nf the n1ember.~4 01` line oust uznrn nI' nn r.\\'m\ml.innnH\' high r)l`(l.`i`_ runglng 0! [HQ n1emLmrs U1 Illt I`-.I.\l ` were 01' an excvptiunully hi_.:h I')l`(lf.`x'. 1 The talent was all luc:-1.1. `l; "uking plzure about 13180 in TIun_.'.- l: ury, the (:Lu'min ri.-40>: in the first :.ut rm :1 ],'._V[).' encannprnoni :11 night. ` The principal (-h.'1r:x(,-tors: are Muri- Knox as Murrlu." forceful lvucim` n1` .1 band or .L:.vpsies. and the futlwv Hal` Chm1itu." u houulirul half-,:yp. ;tn`l whose mother had been :1 \\'hi'u ;,ventle\vnmun from Budupesi. 1\ Ii.\`.< 1 . Jenn Kcurns |J|uy('rI this: leading purl very :1c('cptubl_v. The part 01` "Dnyn." her old nursv. war: p:u`licu- lurly well taken by Mary lI0('l.~`. :"Stcfan," the-, minstrel of the gypsy well plzlycd by Duxro Wiennnd. Gyp- `ugv dancers were l\/Ii.s's:(~s H. J;m(~1ns:. If. Hartley. D. Bnrilcy. P. Shannon. M. Fu|I(`x'lon. (`. .l:m(`tn.<, \vhns:e rIum-- in.-1 \\'.'\s of high quality. The first not was fenttlred by solar: h_v Stol':m :md Duvn. l"I... ltribe and lover of (`honitn." us` l Trinit `their r lxn Kht` I zbefure : ,.........-.....__... _uv.-. \.uAA uuup.-ux. -..; n..u..4-u. ~_mpearunce rweuted m xh-on` 1` lbut the men claxm Ihr} had mme. ;fun than the :mdionm,-, z A. G. Jzlrmnn. president n! the `lab. was the capable radio :mnonnc- f for tho Cvntonmal Fnhznn Par-<` `ade. the highlight of the pro_zram.5 Waller MacNutI pla_~_.'ed npprnprmte: music as characters for the pas! 100` years marched up the aisle in cos-| tume---and wh.-n costumes! H. A1 Sims as a bride. Dr. Sprott us a flap- ` per. Nick Thomson as a grandmoth- er of 1935 and Harold Wardman as Mae West finished up the parade and the folks are still laughing. R. F. Grant was perfect as the 1835 par. 30] ). T.he 1835 sewing circlo brought the characters together on tho stage in ii`6W"'l'*R'6VES i BlG_$[J%CCESS{ my Men's Club pr: maiden efl'nrt"' in the: - T :n`ish Hull, Mundny 0 ` a (`rmvd which filled 1 "Fl... ..I..L. ........n, I_T.ady s Hand Crusined Caught in Wringer Mrs. Thns. R. Cnldwll. Owen SL. Sul`l'ercd :1 painful ancl slmz-klnq ac- cident when she had her left. hand cruslmd in the wring.-,er of n \\'nshing machine on I\/I0n(luy morning. Nov. 25. Mrs. Cal(l\vell had been claim! the washing when. ubuul 8.3!). her hand` L-nugln in the wrinr.:er and be- lnro she crmlcl get the (`Lll'l`ellt off. the hand was badly m~u.~:l1erl. The palm \v:\.'~: broken nnrl the \\'uuml was bleeding prnfust,-ly. l\/L L. L'.h:mtlor and R. G. llou_uhton, who were in Mr. C"nanller`.~`. store next door, were called and they ;u.<.'~'iste l\/Irs. Cald- well until Dr. .I. H. N. Smith ur- rivod. Nlrs. (`nltlwvll `.\`:`:s' lukvn lu Ihv hospital but \\'u.~` nhle in n-tum hume after the \-Jmmrl hurl l)(-`(W11 .l... nun ! u funny skit with Ivlnjor Knowles lvauling; lhv Iuu_::h nm|<(`rs'. Squadron Louder Brnokes plll un :| mnnulogmv. "I Bnu1.{ht :1 Bed." pm't,1*uvin;1 :x busy hnu::t=wil'o tr_vim:' tn tnlk rm lhr` `phnne and {xvi what shv \'.':1n1v-rl. l.\`dllt'I uLHUnL'> [Hll UH u lII|Hl|1lU].;ll'C. phnne | Hzlrnlrl \'V:u`(|m'.m. Bill .S`u1cIift`<` and BM) [)1-Iumxv opened (ho pru- `..',I'lnl with :1 s|'mrlowgr:1ph, depicting am um-rmirm. The debate on homo- cle,-uningg I'enlurv(l Archdeacon M0111 ton. Dr. Spmtt. N. M. Thomson and I V. A. I). Ba-:u`h. Dixie Corbett gave :1 pzlpor. In 2035." and another :m1u.~:im.> sl-til |)rmIf.{ht Squzldrnn lmmlx-1' I3rnhk(~.: unzl nthr`1`s in thv "'l``u 1 :1rly." hmnurnu,-: inkvoff nn lznlinu n|' lnrlnv h-A\'nuv :uI'lIM'nnnn 10:: (;L6vEs KIMoNAs{ SCARFS am-I NFC! I(`.F'F-`Q .15c ea. up Page Ten _q_...__..-...._. Chinese Novelties ()\'e1` 150 Dolls to choose t'ron1--frrm the tiny d in China with hand cxnhroidercd clothing to known Shir1e_y'l"emp1e. in all sizes from . .' . 2 KERCHIEFS Ski Coats Ski Mitts Cushions DOLLS DOLLS DOLI |\u|I_... I V 1Iv4u. nor Sl.\`X(.`I`. (`IL-vclnnd. Mr. and u|'\:|\'n nunrr-1 BRYSOIWS ,_ Frank Si:11'y attended` the St. Ana . i ew`s Ball in Toronto last Friday . FROSTY u . 1971-` MONDAY ...... .. I`lTESl)AY .... .. \ VEl)Nl'}Sl)/\Y THURSDAY .. FR.ll)AY ........ .. S./\'I'l7Rl)AY ....u u....\.....\........ M` Ende.-rduwn. Kt-n\wmd_ Cloth, Wrml Flzumel. Nlmr. Crvpt-.~:. Prinu- ('..'r 1-1:` PHONE 26 FQRTSPECIAL DELIVERY gnd NEELIGEEE Yrrzr r'nm.('e` `-1 ow: rmmplr *-- -~'-wk R4-1; U) 34 05 z Salt P13. 4 z 3 Fine Hats Your <-hnwe ml :1 tv .~.'u<-K. R4 on own: 94 Q n.n... ..`....v \..\I.. l)=.`-"x. M1115` the`. 1.13`. S2 8:110 P1'z<'u I ` WYEVA:E- DRESSES R ('l`.\_ ,lU ' Wwzm we-e:2-:% SI'E(`I:\L FOR S:\TURl').-\Y. DF.(`. I-`OR \'Vl'll'IK U! l)l('l'IL\Il .lI{ 9 .rAv AAIILV LAYER CAKE. 1,-11011 . . . . . . .. ... ..... ...-.....u ..[ rune Bread per loaf ............... .. . Spice C()ff(.`(` (Take. (`1l(`h .......... .. ..(,Tl1e(~se Parkerhnusc` I{0li:~'. do /.. ..Dut.ch Brown Bread. per loaf ..Prune Bl'(':ld. per loaf .. ~0I'l1)!,`?[t` I arkorl1o1Ise Rolls, (hr/.. Cflot h .|__ .Ir.`I >"?\'l'(i(':ll\` Weekly SPECIALS BEDDH Il\] V Y`Il\lI'I1I. "K.I` I l\!\ I I \( H \l,'l\ l Il.l.HV\ C \\|,\' IN \\IK'~. `(U \l{F\ \!\l)|'l|{,\ l'.\}.\\ lHl\'}\`l. l.l\I.\\' TU\\'|CL.~'. Th u I'.`-'-'(.llt_\'. D(.`(:t' nllu-If : .._..._?..__. BSILK SHOP Kc-nwood B33 LIN ENS Ii: :1 Apr!-.' ( omlnrte Shot". S4-'. \\ ml lilnn Hand Bags 30 10: ' 10c l?.(` Just. the thing for SiS1.f`I` Nell. Baby Brother. Aunt, Kate and Father. Novel . .,.s W. dnsig-S V J nu 1...;/uu;.:. mm verses worded to fit just. that person you have in mind. Come early for :1 y,'x'm1Ler choice. All ('.'11`d.; :m- priced from SC up to 15. also box assurtnwnts: at-`15c.A matching envel- ope is included with ev- ery one. Wiweaylvulh I King: lHm'k .l\`ll . uuu leave today Ca'=ifo2`nia. WEDEST SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS CARDS and * today `u nrnin ALSO THE NEWEST IDEAS IN `vvmpping Papers Wrapping (`ords Gift Stationery Party l~`:u'ors Mrs. Arthur Mocking ' ' to spend the winter in rs\\ SATIN 51.195 Penmans Perfect Firsts Ringless Chiffon and Service Reg. 85: for - - 59 _2_BaTit for - - $1.29 , .... J -4.. mmk Robinson of the Al- gonquin Park Headquarters staff. is spending a month's vacation a: his home in imvn. T\/[inc Dmnt-I` Y\/Yicx` Nfnvric] Brock J._ B"mv`n of Kitcth ' - 4* N'- B0.\l-Zl) Aladdin and Pcnm-ans 491`. 691`. 89.` Y BELLE V'Eb'I` AND BLOOMER SETS IN (.`EL.-\SU!`IDE AND SILKKNIT L.`-3:7 l Silk and on! Hust`. by I l`.(). Square SPECIAL THIS WEEK \l;hone I38! New Lowell. the marriage to take! place quietly lhis month. The engagement is annnucned <)l' -l`/In-bel Blanche. younger (l;u1g`l1tor of Mrs. Geo. Nowlen ul` l"(2rntlale. and the late Nlr. Dalton Mnntgoznery Wt` Midland. to Mr. Clifford Freder- "`l< U~"`y. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. 3 .'red Urry of Barrio. the marriage ` to take place quietly late in Decem- I` bet. 1\I| :(-0 Dncnlxuurl AI-doll nf Rm-rio ber. Miss Rosebud Ardcll of Barrio was :1 member uf the Levzmn Coun- cil committee in (-lm1'g.{e of the 19:1 holrl in Ban Righ Hall. Qum.-n's Uni- vc-1-:~:it_v. for the froshettos and tlu-rir qeniors un Snlurrl:I_\' zIl'l-rnnnn. Nmn 10. This tea is an annual event and is arranger] In cn<-mirage 1`riemlsl1'1ps among the girls. It also :\ffm`d:; am :)pporlunil_v for the Kingston uirlxi to meet the girls in residence. l MRS. EATON OF 0RH.Ll.`\ GIVES FINE ADDRESS, ST. x\NDRE\\"!~';! I`ll/INK-()I~`l-`F.RIN(i 01-` $151.00: m town. Miss: Brock. Miss Muriel and Mi:<'s MacDm1aId of Toromz` have been .- a few days :11 1hei1` Barrie residence. um-nlrl `Fnrl .nr1 Mr nnrl Mrs. | The thank-u1'forii1;z meeting` of St.` Andn`w's W.M.S. wax hold in the` lecture mom on '1`hur.s'd.'1_v. Nov. 23. On(- hundred I:\di(`.s' ultundqrcl includ- ing visitors from Allzmdaln. Stroud.' Guthrie and Orillia. Mrs. Rooke pro-{ aided and welcomed the \.'i. "Fho thrmknfft-ring amoumed tn $l-'34. 1 Wire l1inu'ntn|v I7n\'r\ n hihl l`F:1(l-I ['1 no Inrnumm-rxng amoumea In mI:H.x Mrs. l)in\\'n(>d_v gznvc` :1 biblv read- ing from Psalm 103 and Mrs. (`um- crnn of Allundnle and Nlrs. Steven-{ ston led in prayer. Miss Chalmor:+| rzang .1 very pleasing: solo. i M1-e f~`.n1'nn nf (')riHi:| rrnvn :1 nmsf I` VHHK '1 V(.`l')' [Jl'.:{lSlIl}. , SUIU. l Mrs. Eaton of Orillin gave a mus`. ` in::pi1'in_L: a(ld1'e.~'.<. She said the rea- son so many women are not inter `.\'l.( .d in missions is because they 'lu not keep tlun1. sufficiently infnrmecl on the work. lnfnrmutinn m all I1`li.\`. nctivilies is founxll in the Glad Ticlimzs which should ba- `n the pu.<. of every woman in he (`hm`(`h. We sheulrl ha\'e that` vi.-:inn of Cht'i.\`l such as Paul had i*'n that we may be able to say, l.m'(l. what wilt Thuu have me to. ulo? We will then be willing to ded- liente Ulll` lives to His SC-l`VlCC. Mt`:<. Rm-kc thanked Mrs. Eatnn `fur her splendid arlrlro.<:< nnrl in~: `vitecl all present into the lzulim {p:u`lmn' where ten was : and u > :'.n('i:1l time. enjuyed. " p".L:& L1; 3.1 . `.3/` C. Walls and Mrs. H. A. Patterson. plus 6: 3rd. Mrs. C. C. Parsons and 1 Miss M:n'gm`e-1 Parsons. plus .3 -_~` _ On the whulu the distributinn of` 1(`:1'.`(l< wax` unusually int('ru. ;\\`i1h hunnl No, 8 the highlight M ; ;1h:\ evening. This tray cnntaim-d :\' `-mull ::lnm in lwnrh; or :1 large slam? ix. I)1:ummL fur the East and \Vv ;pL l)'(.`Y'.`= and um! pair : :11`-1 `rl\'r\rl :11 thn mm-r nxmrm-I S(mlh'.*:| BARRIE DL'Pl.l(IATE CLUB An in1vreslim.{ naoeting of the Bar- ric: d11nli(`:xt<- club tuuk plum on Nov. M :11 the Queen's Hntel. Thirty l)()(\1`(l.\' \ve1'(.' playvcl, H19 most inter- ('slin:.:` })rub;|b1_\' hoin:-,3 number 9. E\V<`*vI'.< hand held 8 hearts` with tho! . L.-....\. H. r. .....I ..L.:I.. :0 /\.xrsCI\1'I\1\:,` ....\. ._. ... 3 prub:U 1\ Vr'.~'l's 1 five hc:m;urs. :1 :-=m.1ll slum |(.`a.~'t and west `or bid beyom f`|~n nllionhn M l most '\ 8 thr` and while it cnntrxlmwl in hearts \vhlvh ovary crawl pair made it wzw nm'- ,or beyond live h0.'xrt.s. The Mitchell movement was play- ed and tho fulluwing is the ranking cf the pl:1_`'m'.r: . 1 I ll`l(.` HU|1ll(`lll( , Cllll) lUUK ])lRl(`L' UN] 1 ! E Nnrlh and S:LlTh--~AU(`l':1gC 75 I1. mr.. ...`,1 M... rt n rum. I V;`l'(Il1 . ,. , . 2nd.M1`s. J. G. Brown (Kitch- ener) am! Mr. Parsons `3rd.Miss H. Gz1':1'eIt and Mr. ` Pnttm-.-on .. L`...-| unrl \l1.-A-1__Aunv~-\u:.\ I f I.llt'1`:"`) 1 . ;1.-1.Mrs. A. H. Willett and Mrs. Pu1`_snr1s Eu.-zi und \Vust--~Averag<* ' 2n(L Mr. and Mr.-A. Wibii. `1'v1L~- T Kmnon . .. mu vu.... 1\`1'n..;.... ...-..-I ;1`L` ipluyurs unu Lulu pan :~Lu'\\'>!~1un_~ ux - 'ri\'0d at the latter <'nmr:wt. Sm1th'.~: I hand contained (5 Clubs and 6 Spud- ` cs headed by an ace in each case and one North and Snuth pair. not b(`inZ| \`uln0rub1o. bid ::c\'en Spades us :1! "il(`1 ifi(`L`. This p'.`m`cd in be 111-.` b:-st` d(-1'cncv against the pcwvc-r1'u1 hold-_ xng.- mt" HM` F.;1: and `.'vst pair and} rc>`ul1o in :1 mp board for the North ; :nuI Qnnlh nnir 1hei1` Barrie resmerice. Harold Todd ..nr.( Mr. and Mrs. Victor Davey of Noranda werc- vis- itors; this week wiih Mr. and `i\~i'v.<. W. H. Todd, Mary St. Wi`h`.'-1m Row:-ll left Saturday righ for Schrciber, where he wil srmnrl several weeks superintending the erc<~1;i.::n of a sk-.1t.in;{ rink. In the recent mimicipal c'}(`ClirVn' at Wcyburn. Sa:tk.. W. H. D-.mc:.n - 1'onnori_v of Sivoud and Barrio. \vu.~'l re-4.-lc.('t.ccl mayor for :1 thirzi 10.-m. um. .....I .~./1.... 'r- n ua.-.......-9 ...n.~n See our ultra sheer 2- threzd chiffon -- ring- ] _,_ \ RIFUS U1 [U I uld by Examix 0 Or _ ` Atlractyve g.ft l:oxes sl(.\l'r|l'HIl ,. .,. .... .. . I.z\.~`.t Night's Game .1151. nigm'< game at the I fol 1`-csxxlted as Inows: ll`.-.u `Dull and 89 pr. 7 1h ate V:cke:'s glock 1wni~'.{.{ W{.n&i" mg _u'1.~'. xrl Mrs. G. 0. (`am- p`us 11`;-i Queen`: ..-..-....,.\. AIIIAJVII .. . .. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. SlD.\vm't. \VC`l'L` in :1 large par1y of guesls en1ertain- ed by Mr. Justice Keiller MacKa_v to (1-'nnc1` and at St`. Andrew':: Dal in th(- Rnyul York. 'I`)`mn1u. lust Tu`:-i.-In u +17n_, +111 - EQTTR. "TiaJ%T01%Ri%?1~La*?rN&C yANNlVERSARYLn }@LLlE;RgjiN!TEDf:i ' E `Winnipeg Minister Deliverr . Inspiring Messages to : Large Congregations ' 1.ax`gc (-ur1;:rvgz`:tinn:: .'1lh'm.lc-cl Hm! '~mniver::nry .-'(~r\'i(.-s in Collin` SLI United Church lust s`1Ix1(lL1_v xvht-I1! "hc Rev. E . Bruce 'l`hnmton. D.D.. of St. PauI':~.. Winnipeg. xvax the spe- 1:1! p1'caL'l1cr. D". Thormon s nmrnims. text was Laken from Ezekiel 3:15. "And I Sat where they sat". Is this not tlw 1:-pxrit we need today in our vonuncm `lrelzuiom tnwnrrl nut` l'L'1l<>w mcn'."` ':x.~'kod the spoukmx "W0 judge tun ;h;:x`shl_\' and \\'ill`mul knmving all u- El'nc`..s . Dr. Thcmhm puintv-:1 out H1111 'i1' :1 mzm ix hl)I`10:~'U)' l`.'lp|)f-/' in hi<| Hvwn hum:-. h>'- ('.'m f:u':\ ;m_vth1nr; run! .v.-Jpn ur....l 7U\VH l|UHll', 11*` CHI] lil|'1' ;lH_VHHl|`.; and make :_.',(md. "And I rm where they sat." Dr. Thornton asked if this wm: not thnl mirit noudod in the church tu<`;a_v. "We arc living in :1 critical age". |h(- said. "and eve-x`_vthing is being Itum apart. cros:<-ex:nninvd_ nmst Lzivv an re:1. for u .~:ten('o. We had .bL'ltcx' 1:00 0lll`.\'(`I\'(".\' as n1hc1'.~` :=1-:.- '.... ....r1 ;~ ...|~...-n 4L....- .;q " '\\d.\ HUK lI\l.' \|Hll' . \\d!~. lH\' *`H`t`L`I~~` \\'n-rv ligh'.m` but xhv hxlls "Wound and the Sea of (`.'.11ilvv wcro hv :i`.l11 .`. Hu urgvd anv uf his aud- inws` an to Pallvsiinv. I1 wil` lrvmko C`hri~'t live :\no\\"'. he .'1\'0wed `Some incidents in Nazareth were related and of Christ`.< early life. J.` in "We have :1 curative religion and we have px`c\'enti\'v religion. but we` haven't made the shift". he said. `Much depends on the young peo~{ ple. ~ All the news while it is news-The "Hnlf the problems of life cmno Examiner. from the wrong emphasis.` said Dr. To make your auction sale :1 sun- . Thornton. "We should have :1 :`our- .t`o_').~x. advertise list in E:ami_ner. for Christmas Giving s9!*e7mgzrv%zz`*?Ps;*?v*ar TOILET Watch and Clock Specials| 9:9iECf}.1P?ne w%w%n%nww@w% IH Ill!` nuyxu lulu. nun-nu-. nnml I"ri ` I-3.nbr:1'1. /\. Norman. father of R. G Norman 0! the Bank of Nova Scntia. Barrio. was elected Mayzn` 0|` Picinr \ on Monday. Alllmmzh hv is 79 year: of ago hv \-ms (-l<~(-It-(1 by :1 recurci rr.;1_inrily. M'v- .-mrl1\/l'r< D J QninI:+n.Ba1'1`ie` with l.V(l`_V 501: s'pv1:t in our rluro frmn wi'| rm'N\'c- at. number roupun. l~I\-my 'hum" for 3 Valuable G; NOW THEN ! You do not lmvc to he in town to win. 1 fur our mouth from Into of draw. nu-. Men's Pocket Watch 17-Jew- el, lever movement $9.95 Boys` and Men's Wrist Watch- es from ...................... .. $5.00 up Girls` and Ladies` Wrist Wat- ches from ................... . $5.00 up Do not, overlook our fine dis-- play of Lorie, Bulovu, Rolex and many other high grade movements. Mantle Clocks, Normandy chime, special ................ .. $8.75 We.sLminst.er chimes from .......................... .. $19.75 up Before you select. a p;rund- father clock. see our prices SPECIAL MUSIC 3-pioce Carving` Sets in SI/(lil1l(`SS Steel. $31.50 up '2 dozen Knives, Ivorian handles mirror finish .............................................. .. $1.50 (102. ALL THE ABOVE l'l`E*'\lS ( iUAR1\N'I`El'Il) BY l-I Reeve s Jewelry Stores (VIr-1'40 "l`IIA'I` I 76 Dunlop St. Phone 273 l|L'l'lliIllUHdl illlll Ail`. hll xday." 1 .Iesu< Christ. God at and He is still wii nu A1\u`4\lv Ann! "KI/'.. rr.;1_mrny. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Quinlan. Barrie` ."nn()unL'(\. the (-mzap;(:mr.~nt of their (l5lllL(h1(.`I`. Amws: Elilh`. 1n Mr Maurice Juhn Duvisrm. sun of Mr nmvl 1\II'1-e Q l T1vuvk1n~. nf Tlnvrin Bird Diamlnnd Rim-,- vuluo S: ;U.0() I LULIil_V H1 UUY l'UlIlHlUl :u`d mun?` mkm: tm 'i1l'mu1 1h< M-r\h\n nnini 'IznI1H\:\ 'PECIALS : of any of tlu*.~:(- prizxx; may (-x(-h:|m.:"e for nllwr goods na- . on-"rs THAT LA'ST . DIAMOND 1 MERCHANTS S I \Jll'lllL'l\ (II L\'ILll_\|llZIU, rthc ' bride ul Louis :'Czunpbcllmn, N.B. j The bride wore :1 2-gown of Am<`rican !I-1-nun u-Hh hlnrlz zu- A quiet xvcdding was solemnizedi :11 the (`uliier United church pur- sunugc. Barrie, on 'I`hurst1:1_v. Nov. .01 E ` """"" """"""' I I Q , 11135. at three p.m.. by Rev. E. E. Lung. when Miss Mary Olenick. eldest daugglcr of M1`. and Mrs. I". 1 | I()iomCk of Mz1x'_vl'icld, S:1sk.. became 1 |..\'l..~i.l.. ..r 1,`. .. rs nn`... . ..c! . W .. .. crepe, x 11m! M1`: cmxple, d1`L`:~`s n I black :1( he]: can : I t.`..||.. EBARRIE \ V()MEN'S lNSTITL'TF2 Y'l.:\N FOR. (TIRISTMAS (YHEER W0l'K In LIIIHH. 1 The r-ngagemont is nmmunced ox Viola Mildred Bu(`kin).{h:|m. RN`. drmghtor of the late Mr. and Mrs.` Jxlxnos. B1Ickim.:ham of Stnyner. 1n Norman Woodward Maxwell. son of Mr. and Mrs. lfznmld Mn.\:vm]1 off ll ,,....--.... .... .,.....,. nms chem`. Miss Scott of tho V.O.N. gave :1 vc-ry interesting talk on her work. Mrs. Baker put on :1 c(:nte.~4l and her humc-made candy \vz::4 much enjoin ed. The ticket was drawn on the pillow cases. Mrs. Drakv being the 1lu'k_\' pm~;:nn. The meeting rlosed `with rc!'1'v:.1nm-n!.< and :1 half hour [ ..n.. ..\..o I iTen Cars Derailed 1 North of Burks Falls } Auxiliary from Here .lt`>ll> }7I|1l'11YTl \\'ULH(1 VVUFK WU` h..\'e been on the verge of . nd moral bankruptcy for thr past: (we years. he stated. What is go- ing tn happen if we don't chunge'."" l`L..-. l~I\;\r\|r4\-1 l\-`A-\`AIur~;-1:11. .l.x.-..\--.;I iuh .~- ....,.y... .. w- hlkllll .......,,-. The speaker emphasized depend- ability. There had been a shift from} -:urati\`c In preventive medicine. curative and have we peo~ l "ciiei" .-`I of R0g'rr:: I88! Sil\'r\\':1rc v-.1!uc- S.'{1."5 u now until. (Ihri.-Imus you ry numln-r mt.m.-; one nmrus Lucky numbers will he hehl )1: Vllh. l'L1HL'Fl, Wlllll ' iIll.L'HLlClJ |Il\f 0, the latter xvezlrimz 21 modish nl` hyacinth blue crepe with . nccussories. The happy couple m u .<}mrt motor trip In Niagzxm On their return they will ` thoir home in Barrie. ho'L1lLa 10-piece Pearltone Dresser Sets in case. a... nun: ,lVU.lllI'[C(` -llbn LHIVISHH. SUI] Ul XVII and Mrs. S. l.. D:wi. of Barrie Hm wt-dding` to lake place Dec. 9. nn.. .....n 13.... nn~....o u,..u~..-. no \

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