Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Oct 1935, p. 8

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REV. ERNEST L`. LONG. B.A., B.D .\h'ni\-Our CHILDREN'S and JUNl()R.S CQATS Introducing this NEW STOCK llx TlIlll'.'x`d'.l)'. 0(`N)lH`l' 3, I935 . XVII! hnriv I1.-.~ IVII .` whn Jnn. l`/lr.<. Justin and run llvrbvrl of Tm-untn spn-In thv wookoml with hm h:n'vnl.-~:. Mr. and 1\ h's. F. Wi.s'c vntln Mr. and M1's. Hubert Duft` and mu have taken up residence at I88 Dun- Iop St. Mice Lnniun ].:I' (`.ln\'nI'\'iHr- lVl I". lhv \\'m Qt YUL. . mun. Mrs. I-`rr--n'1:m Cult` nf sw-nl n vmrplv 4)! weeks \ am-.~:. Mrs. l'u-1'00. and EVENING AT 5 Spcciul .\`cr\'ic:` \`n.\-uh.-w NEXT S["NI):`\V\"A. "k7`("1'0}il:'.H .\nni\'.`r~`:n'_\ Scr\'icc.~` Page Eight 1'1lF`. (`IL-\R(`.F. 'I'() THF, (`HURC ()1-' THE v\|0DF`.RN \\'URI.D I~`.\'l-`.R\'R()D\' \\'l-'.l.(`0x\lI.. Miss Elsiv Clmtghlcy. Organist (`l'I:\"l'h`.I\l. (.`Hl;RL;l FULL GOSPEL ASSEMBLY 43 BAYFIELD STREET, BARRIE MFFTINCQ . ()1\1;|in \'(H`l\` l* l\ ll7. ('1 WY 1-! Mi 13:11:-'. Hv;u11`\ l`m."r\ in nu!` DOUGLAS DRUG STORE BARRIE Hus Ihcm un Di.~pl;x_\M in mm" \\'in.lnw. Our Firs`! Shipment ul H.'1rl1;1 m I mic l':(`;|lll} .-`\i\l~ h;l.\ iuxt . I BARBARA DALE H(),\'. y. c.n.\l:.a1 L. Lu/nu. EI..`1.,J Mini.~`tvr LLOYD TLTFORD Organist and Choirmaster 60133:! St. United church H`|' |IUH\(` EH 6! H0 Bl. illU'l" Minx: lho summm` in Wi."u't rs`. .`w'lunlc.-y l.a.~'hor nf C'am'.1jn- 1', N('\\ \'m'k statn. is visilim: . W. .1` l`:|tl-nun. 79 Mary St. at 1.. F). Millvr nml l')magIas.} > .\'p'11t`th(` :=ummvr munths in riv, la-ft nn Munrhny fur .1_\'ngnlu.l ANNOUNCING D .5: I.mxis4- I.zIshm'. (.`vl()\'(`l'V'i(`.',! , is visiting: Mrs. W. J. l atters0n.l lI:n'v Q0 EXCLUSIVE DISTRICT AGENCY In mwn. and Mrs. A. A. Smilh spent '(`(`k('H(l visiting with friends n :u'_v.-4 and London. nnrl Mrs. Andrr-w Carson two up. m-xl xvr-L-I: to visit lheir sun. . A. (`.m'.~'m1. in (`la-voland. ;. Dr Norman Rngors hm: nvrl hnrnv uftt-1' ::pmulin;4' {Wu 1: in 'I`m'nntn and Buffalo. F I`.M.-'-TIIE !\H.\'lS'1'F.R We Deliver I-COMMUN 101;` SERV ICE |.u I`.-nxhnr .1 -)0 ?'H\ nu. Appointmcnl of-- `.-\N.A`.DlI-IN -Ind -\nnuu CHURCH : REV. LOUIS PICKERING MINISTER; (I: IIEJ 1RA\Ii' ):\Y. f`:("I'0BFR 6. M135 .1.-l`0L\' (`O\U\IUNIO.\' THF. CHURCH SCHOOL 75 >JI.IAI:Jr1|u. 1 I r\.Ivl.--u I .11]. l.JU I .|Vl. Week days: Tuesday and Thursday, 7.30 p.m. Phone 1: La: 3 I u nn.4:...4-.r 3.1 I l\l-JL.d I , l.JJ"Il\l\I MEETINGS: SUNDAYS: 11 A.M.--3 P.M.--7.30 P.M. III I .I-____ I`._-__I_,, __J 'I`l , ,_ I -1 -an L)IFINN`f.' \\'.|.-h 1\1.. ' mu-1' :.| mm T Bnim-.<`l a. I '1"! I). hm -m` In svucmu `SEVEN L` It)!` I A . .u-gum `.1 l`.M. (`RUF:'\DERS BH}l.F.`. CLASS .. |\nI F Midland I with hm- ! Mrs. P`. >TC '\cn I . i Tell the adverusur yo advx. in The Examiner. illlll lVll'>. LV. VV Mrs. 1.. A. Jens. Stoplwns : tor. BI`ndl'm'Ll. with Mr. and M lnp SI. R/1i<< RIIHI Kw !ll|L'l|llillI L'UUl'.\'l'. Mrs. lrzmk Dul.c,-her. 47 Cnllim` SL. will rvcoive Frlrlay aflornuon. ON. 11. from 3 to 6 o'clock and in the c-vonim.: from 8 to H) n`clock. Mr: Illx-l H F` (`I-nu-.-n Inf! ihic l'\'lTll|H).'_ IYUHI U [U HI 0 CIUCK. Mrs. tI)|'.) II. C. C1`:-use left ihis aftomnnn via (`.N.R. and I.0hi_uh Vnlloy Rnilmarl t`m' Atlnmic (fity whom sht` will spend a v:1(-ntimx. Mrs. Allan }`on(-ock and L-hil of Hrdmplun :-pent lust \v(-wk \'i:ul- ing :11 tho homo n. 1101' pm`(>n!'.=:. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Asnph. I3n_\'l'i<-M St. Nlrs, I. A .Tmw< |`m`nn1n T\'h~~: Mixx Phyllis Smith hm: tukvn a pnsititm in Vir-tnrin Hospital. Lon- don. where she will complete her `div.-titinn emu`.-"0. I 1 live 1.`.--ml. n....u.n.. 4'7 A\:r\|0 cq SL'N'D.-\\ . 11 :\.M. -'1 v\,\v. 2.30 P..\'..----R.-\Ll.\' D.-\\' IN THE BIBLF. SCHOOL. u.-.\ .\f Ix udhu |\.\1n H. Al lVl rs. ur. 1'(`?urm`(| hm W(`t'k:< Tn n! A u OCTOBER 6. 121:5 1HE PR.-\\'F.R FC 1 \' DUI` \I\ " ?L)NL`EIliNiN(3 ..`RR!-IL"I`lON." 1111. I .Inncs. Tax and Mrs. ` \vm'o Sum MY.-c `U R V :.m_y cu :uu>`n;. il.(Jl1HUH. 1-.ng., and |\(1ix`iSi :11 lhv !\lcmi`o1.s`. Uhui!` ,cnncvr1s; ;\'mr_v Siu'ubsnio. viniinist. land H-yr-air-old gold nu.-dallist in rlhv open class at the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition this year: James Nnmzim. xylophonc virtuoso. and [soloist on the Nvilsnn. Wrip,iuy. ?|CFRB and Radio C0mmis.xicm pm- Lrrnmmnc "V ;\ST()N-FAl3X A quiet wedding lnuk place at St. David's United Church. '!`nrnnlu_ when Doris G(`l'LI'll(l(! Funx. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Faux. was nmrrir- in Mr. Arthln' Aslun. sum M` Mr. and {V113, Juseph Aston. 'l'hu t-on-n1 '21:; pm l'm'm(':'1 hy Rt-\'. lI\'[|` I`.:\.i|1\\' 1.!` (`rm-nun-n Thu `\|'ill.| 'l'L`l`t'lllUH\' \\'El.`4 ]1('l'l()l'l'll(,`l l U) H(`\'. Mr. `miley of (`rot-nnure. The hricln. who was given in mm'riaLze by her. l'nlhm'. \\'or(- her lrnw-llim.: r`n.~:lunw of navy blue with uccessurivs in match and :1 .s`h()1lldI.-1` cmwngt-. A reception fur the immvclinte fnmllio:< was held :nl`l(`r tho uex'uxn0n_\' at. the VV)'(.`h\\'nm`l lnn. fl)H(IWlllp,{ which Mr. nnrl Mrs. A.-zlnn left by motor fur Boston. M 135. 'l`he_\- will make their lunno in 'l`0I'tmln on llwir 1':-(urn. Good Exfended for Work of W.C.T.U. ` at Enjoyable Banquet} WEDDINGS .\lI|H.\ Ul l|ll' \Vl|l'lU \\'Ul'KlH`,, lllg the lines of this (ro;11_v. This dc-, partmont had shown great advance-1 `mo-nt during tho past yvzn`. f Mrst. J. C. Irvin. Wvsmn. in I`'pm't im: on nmdal vnnlosts. stutbd that from 2!) cnuntivs nr zrmzps of (mun- tics, (there are 24 with modal (run-I test departments). Slur nmdv :1 sum- -. __.___..__.-- , ...--..---.-_..- Phone Salu'rd:a'ys--2-44.} ---- (Class and private Iessnns) l5i||l Jml. l\/1 -- _ l- -UHl.l(: (`.()l\ l)I/\|.|.\' l\ Vl'|`l:`l) by Mrs. Wright, Demonstrator for the ,II'\_ 3 FREE EW"_5.TfF5'%'I`%'1f5iL"` WILL TEACH All Kinds of Dancing IN THE EASTERN STAR ROOM OWEN STREET, BARRHE THE BARIIJE EXAMINIER. BAIKIHE. 0NT.. CANAIYA ----,-.v. ....._ - ._,...---... DEALER 55 Elizabeth St. Phone 293 I In/1- \..Il|]:IICI IIIIPCI ll L7\} 4-Passenger Coupe 1932 Studebaker Pre- dent 8 DeLuxe 7-Pas- senger Sedan \'vr_\ xmull rnxle-.1;--. m v\'n~1- lvnx L`\I!it|lI!\.'l1 '.`m`-xx.-.:h-rm. HAROLD HILL 'c':Ir:;{.I.Ipny'..L.In=.- '\r`AI"I'\ I !.<|:I-1`r.\Inm \\'.\.< 1 .\.\'D NIOISTER. ' 1 , --------- : The mean temperature for the month of September was 2 below nnrmal. The highest temperature r: 1.:ist(`rz`d during the month was 83 on the 25th. The lowest was `.29 on the 30th. Th!` tntal rainfall of 3.35 inches fnr tlw mrmth w.'1.~' 0.50 -in v.\:cv.~:s or the nverngc for Septmnbor. HlYNl)2\Y. (')(`TOBER 6. lS).'%:'\ HHO .'\.M. PEV, A. P. ST.-\Nl4F`.\' nu` .\ nun.- M. \.l0l{ G. D. ()l1LSTEll. Pour-nl|.\' n.nIn<`rl s(`('I'x-l.'n'_v nf tlw (`zmaulinn (`nrps Assucihtiun. Mnjn: (Turdun l)i:\'un 0ul.~:t('l`. M.(X. vvtvrnn u. lhv (lrmnt Wm-_ li<~rl my lV[(lll(l:I_\ . 5:: pl. 3(1. at (`hristin St. hnspilnl. Tur- mzlu, Ilv \\n.4 in his 47th year. Dvulh I|`.1I|lntI fmnn u -:1-u-inn: uIn|~ Hi.--., K LHIIVH I .n|ist<.'d /\L1],.{llSl. 5 : k lIl'I'lI'! .\l.l. (H"l"I('l~'.R:~` RI-l-I".l.E("l`I-Il) -m u u '1 llllillll IN-V. '-\n(lm'l< It-::(lny, '!n|clru i hl.'l'll'lil|'_\' IU DIV JUN] sLu'\'ivml by 11 .\`iSll`I'. . Slnnv, lln\\`kt`.~4lnm-.2 Elli: .. A/I l|..l. ... 'l . K'Hlll'L` lll Ul I`l'U 3 t'i!l,v-eighth ann nllier St:-em U: n and ... IIUHI El .\`l'l(lllS \`s 4'H' ur \\'hi('h ho has been (-mxfin nspnlul st-wwul limos. in |`m'nnlu. Mujnr Olllslm in the 10111 Bnttulinn in 1914. um! .~:m'\'(-d in l*`1'nm- -lnr_v In Sir Jnhn (`.nr.x' ll< noun nun l`|.. .. uuul Lu .. IlIl".ll'I'. IHl'(HIlU. Sidxn-y Lzunht-rt. whw 1- funt-rul : Wod- hhzh lrilvuto tn Mn_;n.' 1, ht-.:i(los Hm N|i|ZlI'_`J n\"nI'(l~tl liw 1915 .`~`.t.'n' uicn Mvdul nnr] Vit'tm'y (`0()l.F.R '.TlI.-\.\' l'5l'.` I2} lV|ill`y HI. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Undvrhill are .- :1 wovk in New York and Allzmlic City. la`:-nnlz 1~f.'n~rry`rw:1\/nu hnq rnhlrrmrl In III Lillhull. III , Mrs. I`hnmn~: and n |n'ul|n-r, -(\I\.:\ Every Coat a Bargain, and all Sizes SIMMONS & C0. $10.95, $12.95 and $14.95 For This Week-End 50 Coats go on Sale at S. W. MOORE THE COAT STORE x, Phone 74 ~~ Barrie, Ont. 5. ._.._.-___, ;w11LnREN s WEAR Coat Ensembles and DRESSES l\llIll_'H.lC l..lly. l~`r;mk I~f:nrg:rouv.-s has returned In Kirklzmrl Lnko nffvr spt-nding :: W('(`k in town. I\/f.. ...\,l 1\/l .~u A A Quniih L'

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