Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Oct 1935, p. 6

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I am not nl'fcring n pmmcoa for all the ills of the muntr_\'." said Mr. Stevens. whu was greeted with hearty applause. But I do claim `.0 have looked dmply into the matter and know zznmt` of the main causes and how the) (`an ho rolxmvvd. I'm not here to znltnck my opponents In.`- causo I haven`! time and it is ngzninst my beliefs to scorr` them pc'rsnn:\ll_v." "I do not nlmck chain and depart- mom stores. I zulnrk their `s_\': of opt-ration` \'.'hi('h an` the (':1ust`.< of the nbu<(-.<. Rather I :mnI_\'7.o than attack thmn. Further. the f:mm~r of today finds hv ix pnw<`rln: In deal with tho ;:x'0.'1t ('nmp:mivs which tnkv : ovor the prndm-Is uf the primaus` producer." Prn ixn fnr (`nnnr-n m\. 1;: v.\'hili1.<. ~ whnlv HI.` I qu:l1il)' :1: \':u-< :hn\rn . 1\lI I`. bak- rd:: 1:. 7 `;\{:._. `zf Midland for f:1nc_\' pillow. > ;`.m,- Mrs. 13`. Bumstoarl. 1VIca{(n'd. judg- U,.,._ ud the ladies` work. 1\,.1. ` r.I...`.,\.`...v.....,.- r~1...._ llll'lll. 1 A vhvquv Int` :1 suhsl:1nli:1l :1-3, mount. thu (-nmhinod gift 0!` m0m- H _ hvrs uf tho (`nm.:`1`0g::Itinn. \\'z1.< av-i ' 1(`ump:mi(`d by an address. which `. mend. in part. as fuHn\\'.<: "Fur fm'1_vI \'v:n`.~'_ _\'0u have bvon :1 licvnsvd Lay Rondor in ihis Parish. You have [ul- 1 filled thv dutios of Stmdzly Svhnol` u S1mm`intr*nd(`nt. and Vo. Clerk`, and in (~\'0ry \\':1_\' you have 1J.i\'cn of ,. ymxr host. Tho mc~mb0rs of the cnn- 1 m'o;:nti(n1.< in this I`:n`ish of Punt`- l' t:u1;:ui.~hono tender you this fare-; _ ` woll pn`~sm1ta1in11 as :1 small but sin- corv lnken of our regard. :1 doop :11)- I` `prociatimm of ymn` slvrlimf wnrth.| and um` gratitude for the m:m_V' kindnosscs you have shown. and; duties ably performed." g f.n. work. A. B. '1`h(m1psun, I'l.\'- M.l`.. on N11` (-\'v of his dv1).'n`tnI`c from l vm-tnmznislumw In rvsidv in 'I`nrmnu. \\'n.< hmmrvd by ;{:1tln-|'inL'.< of .-\n;:`lic.'n1s and 011101` citizens. On ]`m-sduy evening :1 largo rt`- px'('.<<-nt:1linn of the n1embors of the two .'\n_LtIiv:m (rhnrcho.<. All Saints and St. .1;nnv.<', g:1ll1oru(1 in tho Sun- day Svlmo! Room of the furxm~r tn .bid !`:n'\\\'vll In one who had s(`rv(-(1 tho (Thnrvh in numy c:1p:u:iti(-5. Rv\'. H. '1`. (`. D\vvll,\'. r(>('lm' of H10 Pm`- ish. m'v. In calling: npnn Dr. (100. Hn\\'n1:1n. nldx-st nu-mbor of lhv` mnun-.ur-uiinn hn nninlnrl 4|.-.1 nnl Penetang Pays Honour` to A. B. Thompson Leaving for Toronto I \l('U. l)U\\ lllilll. UlUl'.\'l lH('InD(`l' (H H1 (-nI1_{rv5.{.'l!inI1. ho painted nut that ;1\I1`. 'I`hnmpsnn was tho second nhlosl t:Lic(`n. I.ny Reader in ihv I)im-osr .in r(`. of yours sincv his :1ppninl- monl. A ..h...-....\ on". n ....L..a....a:..I .. \ l\lllUlI\`.\>L'_\ _VUU llil\'(` Sl1U\\'H. 1ll1U Silver Tm)` from Citizens 5 :\bnul 50 ci1i7.ons of Pen('l;1n;:ui-` . attended :1 banquet hold at! the Canada Hmlse on Wednesday` o\'vnin,r:. Sept. 2:". to do honor 10; A. R. Thompson. who for many: yc:n`.< practised law in Pon(~12mgui- Leaves Penetqfnguishene 'mvr 1\1.1./\ fur Centre Simmc 1 MJ . fur Fast Sinlmw. who xvn.-4 mm-d h_\' ("fi/.(`ns of his tnwn bo- :- mn\'in;: In 'l`uruntn, \\'|u:rv ho I luv lm':I(t'r! us (`hzuirmun in On- In fur the Cunzldizln Farm Imzm ..1 New Movie Season Off To Great Start AT ROXY THEATRE THE BARBIE EXAMINER, BARIHE. ONT" CANADA MIMSTER or EDUCATION AT , Ll0N$__DlNNER (Continued /rum Page One) Simpson. 'l`h0\' wanted to get away fmm the nld idvn of training only to pass exams and not down tn t'uml-- a:nC.-ntnls. l'tw idvu \\'us to tmwlt tho students tn mzlkv the host [)()Ssihl(- use mt` what hurt hot.-n l(`nrm'd. T(`l(`hL`l` Must lnmurtnnt Tho lnoxt (iil'fi(-ult prnhlmn ml the Dt`DI1t`lllt(`tlt is in tho prnpvr so- 1l'(`til!tl of tu:1<-t`.t'I:~'." thu :<|)l`itkl'|` said. "I- is now 11v(-vs.x':11`_\' fur nll Nurnml entrants to nn u ttmmuuh nt\_\': vxznninzntiun. 't`t-zu-In-r.; shnulrt he fit or th<,-y ('nn't (In tlwir bvst wurk. 'l'lw lvzwtxvn` is thv V(`l`_\' st-ut (if the st-hunt. Blxilrlinmn. r~r1uip rwnt. ('u1'rit'ulum nwnn nulhixu: it` .t.h(' tmwlmr i-: nut 1-(`fix-it-nt " ...- .5 ...... V Dr. Silmmmn [)1 s(`h(ml.< fail if llu-_v bt` (`(!Il.\`1IlllL\` lm-kin v:ml:u:v. 'l`(':l('hl`)` (`:1-l Hunv l|A|1v.n -. u L'Hz1Iu'I' In :Illl'Inpl wx urn the bc-241 i(`uus." an `I'hn- I)<-p;u'lIm'nt is : ()1CI':l1v." Rvg.:m"din;: llw lvm-I in the ::(`lmnI:`. Dr. Sin idvu \\':1s nut in v lbut In 1.-n"o1II'zu!o thr- upp1'(.-vinliun of music` be wmwh while. I "Plum V\ITi..2. V:|IllilL{l'. |l'il('H TM`! Hwy lmvv :1 fm` the slmlvnl 2011 mi` tuunnrrur I .. ....|. L`lll.`~3 \Vl'l'l` Iil|`.',l'|_\ lm.'In(.lin;{ Hm! Hu- ;',L'( hi;,{lw. Ill Hu- ~w.. ..,....o 4.. ..; I % E 1 mu-uwzu u [mun snmnu l'(`('(.`lVL` UN` 1 smnu and 1-\/ml nmrv nltx.-uliun lhani Hm hriuhh-r: Hv puinlotl nut. that many ml" Hu- lizml. sludvnls, Iml I1m:;l 5]l(:('(?h`Sflll ;b'1siI1'ss1x1=`I| hut! not lwvn \'L:r_\' hx";1; jusl z\\'(-ru_uu. I\*TusiL' Sll;lL'l'\'i.\`0l` Sp('n|(s Rwy Fvnwit-k. Hnmillrm, newly- nppninlml .<.1pv1'\'is(u' ul'1nusi` in UN`. puhlio s(`html:< ul` (mluriu. \\':1:: pros- `o\"J null u':x< inrurhu-nrl luv Hu- Qinuw. I `I I THE LION ROARE I A 1\ Iu: i:: 1 `nl"1l1u\vnr|J." . l||).{lll`.\'| Ill WU wwnl In I.. ..H... u`din;: l1`:u'lIim' of musk`. `(`ll1mI.". Silnpr-. suitl lhu as (lvw-Iup |n1lI::ir:i:II1:;. l(`:u'l)im.: and inliun .~;u that it will nil-u unhln \\.'lll|('. xistvr tlmuuhl Hw rlull : pllllll xhnultl l`(`('(.`iVl.' ..lO....l IIIl iHl IHIIHH t-ffi('i('I11." )()ilIl(`(l nut lrzlin vhiltlrt `yr l'...- ....Il':..| \'llill lIl('.\' llllllh mid lhv s]w;|lu-r. nnxinuz: to Cu- Ililll , l\ l\lSl(' Hlll.\L l'('El('H {III ('nII(irl'n, 715' ::m'l<.-(i the spa-znlu-1'. I1, is In srwinl art, and l.h(-rt-(`um easy to h:mrll(- in 1;.5rnups. 'l`h<- pmmzun. in part. as mapped nut. \'.':s: to u\vnkr-n and do- Iw-Iup .'n Invu zmrl znppu-<'i;:lirm fur Egfnnd musi": (low-lnp lhu child vnit-0; It-nlli\'.'11.e lVklllI\V|(?(lL!(.` nf musiv and lay lhn fulmrlmxrm for future (-njn_v- unnni " \4l 111 V{\ \J|_.I\.) no x-nu; nu. start of the Metro-Goldwym Mayor Parade of Hits--out-I standmg entertainments that stamp the: Ncw Movie Season as thcgrmu-st m all M-G-M's bril-` ham history. . . 1` {err (h`.ycmne! fur lhnst lmdvr.'~'l:I . .. .1 I|l'lIl. ()n In-hull` of HM- \ [lull 1|.-\u.I...;l Il.. LII! IN" lit-ll LlIclIIl\l.Il llllll. Ill` FL-n\vi(-k for then I cnlifzhlcnimz talks. so who lll](ll`I`.`~`.lilll it. 'I'ruo .'m(lin1.( (-nmos: only with lnn;1 inn " |'Hil|l (ll IlH' I4 tlmnkul Hun. must rvm-h all (-hildrt-11, :11: [he snrin l.h(-rt-(`urn ix :1: `A> .....1 rl.. ....o .. "CHINA SE.-\S"1s only the _ _[ -1, _ `AAA r`_..1J....... VI` I'ill`ll)l' -T1l.l)Z7. ml. $55.69.; Dr. n: Mrs. lruwn- l.`\. I3I|lVVlI' <`.'u-10:` $'l.f}!D. can m- n.- ~~\Mi .. . . i.N'x\'L (PH " ' Lt INCH I -`oh: , Two . `Ufa wi'h the Tuppcrtin H1lDDll5 B:\l\ in the grmu-.~t hm rnrc. " -\`\`r\! -\l Look! Does Your Roof Leak? Sgvg from $25 tg $1_00 Phone Willowdale 410W , W- -___. _r__i _v -y--ww by having your house or barn shingle-d by us o'V|l|l vllk I ll`Hl. .v :' .1; _ .5... .!_ ..I. ....,',`L` Prompt St:rvice--Workmanship Guaranteed l;.\| I`~\ \ I In l1"i;i: `H '.`x 1} I ; 126 Pctawawa Ave-., , \lI'Il__,,J_l, A1n\lI BBEIT. B.R nu: uunu auu auuulua uuau. lllllglitla General Roofing Contractors 1 r---j1 Z 1J1`I Z1j1`I Toronto and suburbs best shinglcrs - , , I n r- n J. B. FEE, Superintendent Moore Block, 24 Dunlop SL, Barrie Not once in the post 45 years, covering good times and bad, has the London Life failed to make a gain each year in the amount of Life Insurance in force. HI lllf gl('nlll'>| u(`.lr(-ur.un.| U1 UUF txmrs- ".~\1\`I\`. \ KAR I-TN INA" Mom and mom, Canudnrms are buying lhr.-u Me innurance [tom Hus Company. ' -nu l"`.V"'l'. .,. - 5.`UHMAN <:nxwuu'm. Clark 'I`luIr:~'(l:l_v, October 5 By J. M11.1 _AWR vi.'X:T-1 pr1n1,inL: Inn rmnrl ki int! 34 pent "ad kinrl from "BRO.`\D\\'.-\Y NIELODY OF 1936" It.1rrmg_].~\CK BF;\'N\' and cast of x3 f.unn1' cm:-rumcrs In the grate! xmmcai \how ever made! ..i- j---- JOAN CRAWTORD in ~"I I.1\'E MY LH`E'T- mt sparklcs mth cxcznng romance! and cast of thousands In Charles Dickens` Immortal ma.stcrpncce- "A TA! r: nu 'r\\'!n r`rr1r:<-- LJKKCH3 IIHZHUKKJI H\-L3lClPl(LC-- "A TALE 0+` 'rwo cmss" : F1. H. STEVENS GIVES PRAISE T0 _C_!_) PACO Nut T nnn(`oa for Ills I "MUTII\'Y on the BOUNTY" -L- ._.-.. ...-...-..).. ... .,l....._ MU I u\ I mt nuum 1 1 ...the most spectacular sea adven- ture ever lmed . . .starnng _--.-....... ....~----pg-- Eff-ILQRLES LAUG}-;TON CLARK GABLE FRANCHOT TONE RONALD COLMAN r"T'g`>` .'- G R 15 T A GA R BO FREl)RlC MARCH ATTRACTIONS COMING (Continued from Pace One) ens. Mr. Cr'.1\\'f0rd said he would address nxcelimgs in cvery part of thr riding lucrmnnlly in the next two I weeks. T lrnnnv (kn n.\nrlHi.uu- in n-nu nu-ux I he En_:1i.~?h bacon price. pm` com. of Canadian wrv there. Most of that ` i: bncnn with three in-`, 1: which means :1 1n\\'m`: mt lu\\'o1' price is forced; .. fn ` I lllry EH1` n.\L'u Ill - |l|\'l\ l'HillIl EIIIH UL'[Jill l` 's}'. :m;1I_\"/.c.\ < is pnworlo.<.~` 21 nduvts :0 /K1 ` ~ " rim 1 Ill1'X1IL'l'. j . _\'nur own hog plani g of bacon to England.' 0 Brand," which is {most select h0gs.`. S a price in Englandi ings higher Khan the3 man u! H i: nnlv H0 S 50 lllil kl not the benefit ` . IJHK H l.\ UH!) . upply from Can- cheap stuff and_ > f`.-wnnriizun nrirn |\ I | I\n x-`nu. xv cart-dr.un.1 of our A I.' AI` L`KV`K'A" '{'H H LE L't"Ill.\' I contend that England should ` . . ~ . .-A ohno wk.` field` boy wonder: VI`! I! \l f\l .IIf\\'7 Lllllilllldll pl ICU have 105! mil- h they wouldn". .`.. A in: n;uw\`n wet-Ks. I know the conditions in my own county." Said Mr. (`.rn\\'l'm`d. Tho banded debt. the 1101110.: for sale. thc sul'forinL' and thv tnxvs that cnn`t be paid. I believe Mr. Stevens is the man to pull us out of the hole and that's why I tnuk tho nomination. After you hear Mr. Stevens tnni;-,ht I have no doubt what you'll do uni October 14." E `Mn! hv|v\n:\n r.-an `Illa .. \-nu. 1' {T} 101 Ol\'[E\V' (U| _yri's. "We must put the ymith of thv muntr_\' tn wnrk." said Mr. Stl"\'(`l1>` {"Of course it can bu dune and t'nm-v` ;'ortniiil_\' is ploiity of work tn ho `done. But thnsv who (`mltrul Hm icrcdit of the cmnitry hZlV(` hoon ;. in the \v:i_v." I-`ubiic Works Pmjoct ` Mr. Stm-mix then mitlinod his plniis| `for a big public xrnrks prujovt. tn :_bi'ild roads into tho north cmiiitry.` Ecncoiirauo tnurist.<. develop the`- gnnrth. rofnrostzition. oliniinntiun of 5level crnssimzs. and housing. He! `would remove the unfair mining tax and see that Canzid:i'.< mines worol ;El\ (`n every chance to develop. The `mid would be used to retire (`an- }ada's debt. Y of up ulna-.6 vunnln I'\:\I1l 4`~nl in \lll'ul|UlI. I Put Youth to Work I Mr. Stovcns quoted some dvtnils of the Price Spn`ad.\` in\'o. ro- unrding wages and hmxrs in sumo bu; ; fnctnrios. and some practice-: of n1a-'.v 1 I\.|'\-rare . ;ana s (1L`l)l. i Let us plant again now that in itlxo future we may reap." he said. Mr. Stevens would gel money for `this pro;.:r;un by taking: ;id\'mil:igo of ;lho mite issue up ta 2: : per cent. of thc gznld backing. | In the last four yoan tho l`vRlll\ ~' hive deflated their new circulnlimi." ' vsnicl the speaker. Tlio_\' liave re- lstriclod loans to small industrio.< and ` `merchants when ill. tlioy slmuld - have l)cvn pinnping life blood imn the veins of cmmnorcc. I will do; `or 2101])` \\'lm1 Britain lms dnno. which ' `\\as not \\ l1I\l the Bank uf Emzlzmd xcrmtcd her in (in. but lius brouglil Britain Ih: 01l`.Ill the crisis better than ' any counti`\'," u\.un\..: uu-uu AIu\.|A\.\.1 Continuing mt live stock. Mr. Su-\'- I ens said that 50.000 head uf cattle were brought into (`anndn o\-cry ycar in tin cans. He said that nonrI_v l}`ree years a;'o he had tried to get Mr. Bennett to do something: about the unfair pl`acli(`(`s of big p:1(`kiILL`, firms. and thoir methods of doztlimz with the country's primary produc- Ivs. hut no action had hoen tnkvn.' I1 is in the pmvor of tho g.:n\'t`r:mn`nt IL tin x-nn\n\inu" \`.`IiI ':\1r Rhu-nu: ll 15 H] UH.` pU\\'L`l' Ul lllk' }.{U\'l'l'HHll'lll 1:` do smnclhing." said Mr. Sto\'vn.<. ficnncit and King: won't. but I will 1` given the ('iv:1n(`u." No individual or urmm should he !Il\'Cl1 such control of any industry insufzn` as the priimiry prmiiicor has not a thing to say." ho cnntomivd "I want the _n0\\'Lu` to stop in us an :1i'orvo between bu. and (hr ,pmduvor so there can be lwttvr rup- llialiOI1." Du! \7nnHu In \l,Vnvl_- the higher pr`cc. Furllzor. I know there are enough select hogs in Can- ada to do it." ` Nu Rai1\\'a_\` 1\TO1`g(`X` I > Mr. Stevens said he was absolutely I l 5 _opposed to rai1\\'a_\' :nna1;,'anmtion. `.He asserted there was a scheme on `foot to secure control of Cnnnda'.< xai1\\*a_\`s by an internnhonal finan- .~-gl nrsuwv-\:nvvP\;t\|\ Vldl L'Ul Llllltlllllllu A national _2m'ornmCm will come to Canada if more is not :4 decisive \'ictor_\' for one party at the polls." said Mr. Stevens. And that is ex- aczly what 51. James St. wants. The ,R0c0nstructim1 P:n`t_\ has no alli-I lance with the big monied in1crest.<."I ......... `..,...`.. I Mr. Ste\'oi..< lauded the First Co-' operative I"n<'km's of Ontario for their efforts in market their own pmdiici. It \'.'as the one exception` in Canada. in the ho: business. and} he further l:-mdod the Hon. T. Li I i Kexincdy and tho Hun. Duncan Mar- shal! for their :1s. in keeping il`.(- Cnpncn plan: }.:mn:: when the his ' firms had irivd to smash it. 5 But you f:irnu~i'.< have nothing in` do with tho flxim: m" hog prices." said the spvziizvi` They are fixed in ' Y n. n l\I\ Hun L`nnlE.-ls `\-\(`n`1v1 nu-inn 5 d""" "" Yourold palsgack again in the most human story you vc ever sec-n- 'n'cu:n Yr`_lJ1\YECCV`C unvv Anuululn canny yuu rs uvsn JLLu-- `OISHAUGHNESSYS BOY ' mind that ; not all. Here are more t/triing rntrrtaimnrnts in M-G-M's Big Paradc ofHi(s.' A TV lT`llAV\\I nnrx-rv n-v .4 , D _-_ ._ .-_. -. .. "A NIOGHT AT THE OPERA; ROBERT MONTGOMERY and LORETTA YOUNG in the "SMALL TOWN GIRL"; "HERE COMES THE I3..\.\'I)" with TED LEWIS and Eng cast; GRACE MOORE xq "MAYTIME". .- I -_.. Th. gay cabaifero In hm must excmn role "ROBIN HOOD {N13 L` l'\f\DA!\f\" rauull IUIC l\\JL)H OF E DORADO" JEANETTE %M.xDON.-\I.D NELSON EDDY in"ROSE 2\lARIE"...rhcur first eagerly awaited appcamnce smcc. Naughty Mancm". . ' Watch our annuuncemmls f0. date: of these and ofhcr lug Metro-Gold).-1-Mzr)tr lliu. WALLACE BEERY JACKIE COOPER 1! III - I\CH|'lCll_Y IIIILI till` ll\|Il. IJHIILHII HAKII` keeping the bi: to have tr of prices.` said spcalter. "The_v ir London on the price But only 10 Canadiar bacon goes O\'l`l' that 10 per cent. i< in- ferior brand: means lnwet price. and that lower foreec` on the Canadian farmer. "For instance. plan` sends a brand England called the Big: i: from the wry hogs That bacon 2015 Englanc rbout twin sliitlings thi seitct Danish bacon. But it is only a small part of the supply Can aria. Most of it is ant that reflects an the C;madi:in pricn so that our ftirnwrs mil lit-ns of dnll:trs which \\'ouldn' if the price had been a few cent. h:gher in Englaiitd. tha all the bacnn sent tn shoult be from the finest hogs so that th' f-'1l H`.`l`S here will get 0 WARNER` BAXTER Scores Unfair Practices ' c-Ind (hr cud isn't yet. , _ , , . _, ., THE MAORX BROTHERS A A AA. lVll\l\A\ LJI\\J A A lLal\sJ maddcr than ever in the big laugh-fest of the year "A k1!f`.Ll'T` AT 'T'l_ll'.` NORIW.-\ SHEARER in her biggest role" ROMEO AND JULIET"-"THE GREAT ZIEGFELD"st:Ar-_ n'ng\Y/II.LIAM PO\\"IfI.L -"THE FORTY DAYS OF YHUSA DAGH", L _ ,lI,, ,_lL,_.,,,. best-scllxng novel becomes giant scrccn spectacle. An- other exciting }OHN.\"x' \\'/EISSMULLER ad\`cn~ ` lure-romance "THE CAP- -!-: vnr- r\v- -v-.n-3.51.. lUIS`A\J|IICll\L I I u. \..\| ' TURE OF T.~\RZ:\N"; "\VIFE vs. Sl':CRET.\RY" romantic drama based on Cosmopolitan Magazmc story by Faith Baldwm. `K'- 3 . . , `ho; .Spvc1;1l px'1;'.-.-.< :1\\'m`dv(1 on I`nL`.~'- H` `day \\ L`1`L`I V 0 . . ` 10 puumis Hf (imry bum-r m 1\l`iH1>' g I\I1`s. 1`u1`(`y Bunm-_\'. Shauny B21)`. 1 .\h .<. C1:n'vm'u- Ritchie. Six a.<.<<>1~n-I `ton bi.~m'i1.< and u-u--`.\I1's. E. 1\Iv- 'Qua1`1`iu. M1`.~`. Fro.`(l Ric'h;1rds 3\'u.~`o of zunmzns. Iwrm-11~.;1km`s' (`hm C -,,,LX')'n-X Q..*~r\\* '\Yu~.~ II. .-,I I .-r\.\.- -` Ill l|lU.`l l'uI.\|'.\. |7ll| o.\'hihil.< \vm'v of ; in other years. ` \\`:1.~' unml, um] su 'I`hvrv \\'.'1.-: prm-ti< mi nn \\'H)\ luun` \ .|U ; f(`I'i1 rrin \\'ilS .L|VUH. iIH(l '11:: pm pd up with pqn Poultry Inzut `:1.v;v .-:hn\\'in;: \\'.'l.\ 111:` jrdgo. shmving \\':l.< i immxlh Rm-ks, II-n\|~.\ Al` :\'.\.\.I 2. I<.ntriv.< . . |th1:: ymr I :.. .. '[_ pl|l'l|'il 7. Tln.<. \I .. of HIILI illl|Hlill.\ \\il5 \l'l_\' _L:l)(YU. lIl`Ill_i: the feature of the m:1nuf:1cturv::. ` Putntn (`Inb Rvsulh: `F Thu` pntutn club ('un1pnlitim1. my Tl1(`.\`l'l.'l_\' :1Hvrmmn \\'.'L< _il1d_::'o(l byi IS. L. I"n_L:0_ I:n'1`iv. Nurlh Sinwou; `(L4 'm11tur:\l n>p1`v.~'m1tulivv. '1`h<\r" \\':1.< :1 iar.-.3` vn1r_\' list upun In I-)lm !.\`nI(\ .Tu1\inr< nnlv 3. IA. l'Kl_L`,L`. l3ill'1'll`. 2l,`I|`i(`llHlll`:ll roprv. |\\'a.< li. ivnlo Junimxx` only. 15.3..--..~,J L`:-.\I\.|`w ..-... ELMVALE FAIR scum PARADE (Is BEST so FAR \Ll|l' UHIHUI.` UHl~\. `.d\\':1rd 1~`rom'h \\':1: prizv. Tho 0lh(`I`.< in : l \\`nru\' V\InI`ri< I ;>C\Hl'U \\ l'I\'. 1\ll)lI lllnrl. I`Im'l I-Illintt. lJ:unvs I om`.~`m1. 'I`Is.. ...\.n.u.\.\ Ill!` l'HHlIllllll'(' ll Ru.<. Hnudon. \\'m `Darby and Gurdon 1v,,IA:,,,_ vw Duo 8!: dav were: I ; I I I`f\ .\ ..,l . ..r A \rnI_\L` Ul illlllllilh`. H` !~HazuX S1r.:o_\'. Mrs iI\I:=.1`_\' Ritchic. In-cl 1 Percy Bnnn(`,\'. I\Ix`.< Six l)i.~'cuit. I\`I1'.~`. A |Y.\: Ynr-L-n RY:-. IL` 1 L.H 111 im.:-- Mrs imam - ..\...\. .4.\...u... \ I Fealurv n{ 1110 dairy p ,Iho bullcr. There \\"~r- 11 H-ach of crack and p1'in1.<. Hum1c_\'. Shzmty Bay, h: crock of butter. while M1 iruthcrs had the bust fivc lprints. Mrs. Bnnn(r_\' znls jprints. Mrs. Bnnm-.\' also Vlu-Kt 1hI'm\ nunnrk in run}! `Ul l_'dUA\ll 5. LII 1Lha.<. Thurluw. `inn W1:-u .\u-vhu POP-V-WA \Voman \Vho Realize; You Can't Livgon Ibve` Ul>L`l.ll|>" . . Lockc`. M1 GA `-\ - . (1.... F.` .'Continued from page mm) pnl`ll`(l_\ il1;:' "Svvim,:' .I:np:m" \\':\s lhinl with llwil" im- clnn nf lhn l\|nnnn 1\uXno.-n y\u.unu.~ un uuug UtlllL'l H1 {HUME} rs. I 0rc_\' Bz1_\`.` and Mu-` rrio. Mrs. Richardson.` 3 01111)` 32:31 Mr.<. Howard (rccr. _\' I;t_\`L'1' Cake ~1\I1`.<. `y I\Ix`.<. P`. RiL`h:1I'd:2I)I: .-\. Fir~;,:(-hon. M Yrxrko Khx F` Rinh-n-(I.-nu Tn-n AT Lmr! [T.\A$`.L_,lNG ! wt: ARE V PEALLY AND ['3 TRULY @{ -__. ..,_g/_ ONE .' I PEI` CUIH. I< L 'x'ior - rice. I n '|I.`.~. in.-9 -\r\r\t\ uuu `nu u`-.. mu nun. M.'11tin_4 Barlvy multing: b:l\`iL`_\' cw nrl In-xnv .-nh~u'nc F`? ` Butter Exhibits ~ \\'l`l l` Hl`\\'H l'l`HI\' .1 for lhv building v.\ L.1.\'v.<. Inn on Ihv wlu \IvnI'n\ .\l` ...- 4[:\:\:l ...... '1`L1osdny Spvcinls i . D115. 1`. I\H.'HiH'(1SUl1. rs. (Eva. McGinni.~`. Jrluw. Di. home .'\1"(hlll` Ritchie. was lnlru wun mmr Im- Hw Dianne Quintup wurx limllly stuff. an ;:,uuu ( Wh'I1 \ .`l u \\`n1'th la` H,-all`. I\.\ in ('h:1r;: m. Stmlh. 1 Strnth. 21>` .'1\\';u`d('d firs nrdvr of point I\....|..- I1.\-nu.-.

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