Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Oct 1935, p. 1

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Grace Bowman Wins Tro- phy; Mac Allen and Bur- ton Carr Also High THE: + BARRIE + EXAMINER coNcL.Li131`=;s'* FRIDAY a5 I0llU\\'>'I SS 2. I\Im` Allen Bayes. 312; SS 4. cc : N .\ n-we .0_\'C$. ILL DA` `L `.\lIll'}' K`1ZlH]("" H`. 1` SS. 5. N. .- . D:1\`is, 5: SS. 6. \"ir,r.:i1 1 \\'rigm. 13.; SS 7. 'L\I:1r_v I:`\'in_:. 3%: 3 SS. 8. 7.\I:u`io Bo:1tI_\'. 17: S.S. 10.41 Stmud. S22. Ruth Small. 35. J12. p Glen \Vright. 8: SS. 11. Elsie Gl`t.`k I.1c 14; SS. 12. S12. Bm`bm'a Srig1e)'. 19.`: 1.. r:xn.4\-.~ Ylnh}\nQ?n m- 9: 1!: 5 1-1: bb. 1:. mi. hurL)ura ar1g1e)'. 1:9,` J12. G}ad_\'.< Bubbotte. 16: SS 13. Burton Carr. 45; S S. 15. Gmcu Bow- man. 40: SS. 17. I~`1m-oncv Pratt. 12.: (Turn to vagv tltrvr, plmsn) i 7 1 st Year. \]lIlI ltlllllll. l\. I`. I1. :;Llllll(||~ -vk mum and post nl`fi(-I`. M. Hunter; pages -- Miss lmxtun. Hnrriv: M ` 1.:uu`;I . Onuwuz Miss Ivlznzio C:n'- Ill lilllll i . Mzlvlmzl : of llw I m. -18: SS. 3. Nancy l `.\lm`_\' Hmmu 16. Q L'.- C I`. \7i.-nil Temperance Principles I Upheld at C011venti()11 Of Provincial \V.C.T.AU. mm Dl`2l_\'l`l`. , `nu. ()tl:Iw;1. road . . - (`X(`(`llll\ (` lmm'(l" \.\\\|||Ivn ... - tum, 1)I(`(l.\'(.`I |Whn was Pr: {tho ()nl.'u'iu -`Iu `In-. .... ...u. %M1msTER OF ; Enucmm AT 2 Limes mum nan y l'.`i :u.',n, ` . 7l\l:uI(ln- ]Vl(*l\(-(- 1 .... t.~. ch.` 1-\ :Hon. Dr. L;LJV.T S-iumpson Ad-1 `dresses Local Service Club a at Education Night z 7 7 ROY FENWICK PRESENT` ||.HUbl' }nr.\|'x|~ :4 land nn'~m!)vr.~: < E(`uc:n.ion_ W. s:(`h(ml in.<}u-(`tor `and I\/111;. IVl('V .~:1m|-:0 1:1`ivf|_V. ' 'm:1nnI`1lu- B: if... Il...i.- h...n.I- HUI (H HM` I)lI or thvir husy i Dr. Simpsu _1\ R. (`.irrl\v<- I r. . `H!-ll. Dlll \\ (Hull |L'I'1 _\ul| II\'\'u' \\;1t('l\in;.:. It is lwmlnsv I have at Iduublc |x1tul'o"l in the t.()\\`n." 1 Dr. Simpson outlined some M the U1ill_L!)4 the I)(-pzn'1.m(`n1 had done in `,H (' past _v(-my Ho lhoughl business }Im'n Shullld t:uu- .'l 1:r(':1l in1m'('s1 in 1(`(l1IL':ll|nn. \\'h-(`h is l1\'Rlil(Il)|(` in v\'- .. 'I`I. . Fifty-Eighth A;1;1ual Gath-I ering of Ontario Body ` in Session ` ` 2llL` KHU 1iIlX'1 UH \\H1L'll [HS lHll1L'l" 1 'md nmthcx` settled no:n`l_v T0 _\'ea1`sn Zguzn. In nddihon to this interest In` .=:1;ricu1'.ux'e. M" Buakc has. for _\'eax~s. - purchased ;'.1".n`1 from scores of farm- - lers surrmnldimg the village of Thorn-I '- ' tun. Mr. Bo.-ke. if elected. would `r. ` bvimz to the d.xtios of Federal mem- I-`ber a })l'i1C1i('(`1 and intimate know-] -- i ledge 01' the many and difficult. prob- llvnxs om1frun1E:xg :1p.:r:n'i:u1s. B;u'ri<- 11;: If z1lt(-ntiun nlcly with \ . I.-' u:rl 1 Presid.e`d.2;mYears Ago Edu<'u /\ l`l MRS. S. G. Ii. M(:KIvZl-I us 1`ruvint-i.'nl T'n~sir!uI|l \\'h1'n! l.'lI`in W.(`.'[`.U. mo! in Hurriv vs nun. ll:-r (l:l|lJ.!hH`I', Miss 1Vl('Kt'('. 'l'In'unln, is :1 d('1(`~ tho H355 v-mu-nliun. [`:llI()I1 Night" ' riinnu mt.-(*li1 "I..I. I 'l'l.n \ (ll Dell 1 ll` ljlhll ll \|L N. R. M<'Vil1iu. now `lnI' for North Simrnc, <'\/nllu Mr. MvViHic V. E. Knight. (`hair- n:~rrl. Ih.'m|:o(l the l.irm.'< In H": ldlIHL'l .~ \Ic'\\- In1Qn[ 01 nu l"!`l`d pracucally all lns I med for ins I burn on the old home- ` nyetors and . as The To\\'e1's." just -ax each y '2~.mn. and pwns and op- l five hundred xrm on \\'hl(.`h lns fathe1'|_-;~mnL~m [pg{ settled _\'earsI1-installed :1 li"on In tion mg m; U" Rnnkl` h::< fur \'mu~< I\nrInp:r\u-xv kn \\'::s nhsc-rvod| ling: of Harri-2 '.~;rl;1y \-ht-n the I I Ci:-nnruux I Is ' hund ."k`ii1`5 ' l`tiH$H10 ntercst 1n1ion .\ 0m~s. 1u`co. `S etc.. it wi 0fTh01`n-|sa\'ing is ad. Inneina r Drys . Plea:;eAclm17nr7ith Recent` - Votes Against Beverage Rooms Rt. Rev. H. J. Sweeney Invested with Purpleg Robes of Monsignory Rt. Rev. Mnnsiymnr Hugh J.` Swovm,-Av, l .P., B.'u'ric~, was invvstc-(1 by Ar(:h|)ishup J:'Ilh(`.'~i (`,. Mt-Guignn. with tho purplv ml)os 01' mm1si1.{1mr_v :11 n nninlw t'1\I'(-nnsrnv in S1 Miu`h-| \V||H Illl` [)l|l'])ll' l'()U('S HI lH(HlSl].',I1l)l'_V :11. a unique (`on-mnny in S1. Mich- xu-l':~: (Iathodrnl, I`nmn1.n, Sunday ev- ('nin1.',. /\n-1-hlxiehnn 1\Il:~(`.ni run rvnn:luu-lint! ll1ll.\I)Il}l, unu 1| nmur quill` u nu 'I`h0 r-m1v(-nlion was nnv of 1 rnnxt Sll('f l`S.flll ow-r hv1d in 1 ICnlnrin-Qnwlmt`-IV[n1'i1imc-s Dislr H20 .'1llr*n(I.`mr-<- lwinxz znlmul 700. I pnrls Shnwvtl an inr~r(*n:~'e nf |IIl`l II`\l\I`\` rlnrl lluv fuI`nI:|Ii(1l`I Hf I `Help Useglzwriaius Power;i I Allandale Change-over 1 ` Completed { |O_THER IMPREVEMENTS I I Arrznuzt-xncnts have nnw ht-vn ('umplo1('d by the Barrie Wnlvr. I.i;:h1 and (`ms (`mnIni: In inslul flat mu` '.\';uox' hvntvrs; in Bnrric-. l`|....~.. |... |\4\t\I| 1-.n\.-irlnv-.l\In rln, IIHVIH \ll llll` 1Jt |..`i1lllHk'Ill.. [H15 3} `used installing: and bringmg in meters. when it is Considered |`hax year between `four and `five are brought in for gov- Iernnmcnt alone which have to be I ! reinstalled after testing. not to men- 1| than vhn I\\-\I\\v any-xvi.-n .-n1l_~ I\\ up-I u `IKH|.\|(ll|l.'Ll HILUI l`.`|.|l|54. HUI. lU Hl\'II'] `tion many service balls mad,-1 m`cc. by chzmges of occup:mc_\'. `etc. will be seen that considerabl-3 saving is being made through re- leasing the heavy truck and men `who without it would be unable `.0 ]carry on. : your subscription paid? iETfva1eFair Has Finest I School Parade So Far Held .. . , _ I With mnrv than lwn lmnrlrvd dolo- ;,':nt(-s in nlt(-ndnm-4- [mm all pm`1: lhv l rovin('(-. thv I'ifl._v-(-i;;:hlh :m- nunl prnvim,-iznl r-mxvt-nliun of tho] Wmm-n'.< (?hris:1inn 'I`(~mp(-r.'n'1o(~ Un- l ion nu eve-nl whirl) hm: hm-n |nn1.:: wnilvd by lhv Int-Inh<-rs uf lho Bur- 1'10 and Siln(`lI(' ('mml._\' l'n':Inr'h(-s ` gut unrlvr way in C`.nHlm' SI. Unit(-cl: Chum-In l'm-.~:rl.'1_v znftm-nnnn. and will; COHWI` '1) .'l ('l().`(` [|lIl1(I|'l`(7\.V l'lU()I]. Tho (l<-lc-uznu-s huvv h('(!n l)il`|("(.'(l` nl. vnrinus hmnvs Ihroughnul. lhoj town, and lhr- l`5:n'ri(- :m'mIwrs Imw-, (lnnv thvir In-. In m.'Ikr- lhv sl,.'|_\' 0! the vi.- n plt-z1.~4nnt mw, rlospilv rmht-r unfnvnurznhlc \vr~.;1t,hm' condi- tions on lhn um-nin;.: (lay. Tlw funnnl up!-IIill;.', nf Hm (`un- v(-ntinn :11 I30 p.m. 'I`m-srl:1_y :|.<. ('(I lhv .'l::pL'('Is u!` an imprr~. Chl`i!~'?i.'Ill and p:1lrinlit' r-(,-rumnny. Mrs. 1.. l.. R(`fl(li('k. 'I`m'(ml0. vir-(-- prcsiclvnt nf 1h(- I"mvim'i:nl bml_\'.|' \W.lS (.-huirm:m in lhv ~nfrn't'vrl ah-: som-r` ul` 1h<- pr(-.~:irl<-nl.. Mrs. Erhnunrl ` '1`. Kori`. 0H.'nv.':, rm :ur~r-mull uf i||~4 l1(.'h`.'~`. 'I`h(- m'1_':m pr:-Iurlo. "()nv\':u'(l Chrisiizm Snl(lim`::, war: pl.'n_\'t-(I 1)) : I.|nvrl 'I`nf|'n'rl nnrl Hwn Ihn n,cu:nm-: d| |t'd:l)lhlUlL' pl ICt'.\. Dancing. modern |`MidhursI Township v(\nc ,1 \Nv\nI`.n~l-u'.u~l-`I BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1935 What Winter to Be `QUU iern and old-time. Iship Hall. Friday. ] :indalo's 5-piece or-, a tax. +01) . roh Thnv-nfnn nnni.` headmg 30 per` Dancing. modern z irge 50 Cent-= [Hlsdale Comnnmity " Ida)`, Oct. 9. MacCorkiz ' Ivv P1`(-. -1-..-. .4..- I-In .IlIK3' ` 40p i !|.'n:m "l`l1.Y~ Axmlhvr ulrl~t,iIm-r urlvisos us to put. in u ,-zvmd :~:ln('k of fuel. "You will want ll u:u`l_v this .<;e:|snn." hr` vu:rncd. Did you notire how high the deer !`lll):? are. (l]5`.() the hL*.s`L'a' of '(In.- blunlc hornets; up in the tron lnpsi :1 h`lH'(` im.IicutiuI1 of deep snow and cold weather. Beaver and muskr.'1ts mu building their housuz; mirrllu the lukvs and l:n'L:cr strcnmza. `l)l:rruwin1.: mm the banks and mak- ing lhc-ir hmm-_~: 1hL-rt-, whom i1 will lw warm, when-var it is possible for (Turn to Dane 31:12. please) -`17.nna . D_\' Ulln X1980 .`\.1.1".f\. `IUD xi :\xmivcrs;1x'y services. Grenfel Un- ziiied Church. Sunday. October 6 at 3311 am. and 7 pm. Special speaker. - ;Rev. Louis Pickering. Barrie. Hot 5 1 fowl supper. Tuesday. October 8. 1 `Tea from 5.30 to 8, followed by gondl . iprugranime. Admission 400 and 25c.l 0 ; Svo pnslurs. 40b I 13'dl`I'l \r\'0l11C`l`lS Lanacuan LIUD. |Tlmr. October 10 at 8.15 p.m. ,I`ubli<' Library Hall. Dr. Stanley `Russell. Illustrated lecture. In Eng-l land wlth Car and Camera 1935". b A meeting in the interests of. th-cl (`nI\. Dal-Ov uvill ha hnlri Inl ' .`\ meeting H1 [H8 lnIt'.X'CS(S I)! [nil [Cnn. Party will be held lnl \'.;\I.C.A. hall. .-\ll:mdale. Monday lovcning. Oct. 7. R. Harrison of Tor- luntu. ii railroad cinployee. will ad- dress the meeting. 40b Anni\'ersai'y service of First Essa Pi'esbyte1'ian Church. October 13. Speaker. Rev. Cranston. Tottenham. Special music by Chalmers Pres-' lbyterian choir. Alliston. Hot fowl .(llI1l1L`.l' on 'I`hur. October 17. Progi-amine, play. "Amy from Al'- liznnn" hv Rnnrl Head AVPA 40h. J. l\('l'l'. \IIlu'l\`\ il, H11 <'I('l'(1llHl HI III`-E I`h(- war: |)l. l.\'l`(l by I.|n_vrl 'I`ufI'orr!. and (hon Hm nsszrexn-g hlod (](`l('Lf. Il('.\' jnim-rl in . thi.-:5 SHl'l'il'lL{ ulrl hynm. l`:x;.:u-.x' l'rmu;:hl in lho two fl:1L{s. lhr- Uninn .ln<~k zmrlf tho Clwislinn flag. The m1rlim1c'<-: sung /\H Hail tho l'm.w-r of .1:-.~:u~;' Namt-" in lhv (hri.~'li:nn Flag, and; Carl Suvv Hw kim';" and "0 Can` " min" in Hw lininn .l.'u-k. I`|`vs:m1l:u1irm nl` Hu- |`m.:t(-sso.~:, (`rm- \'(-m-r:<. uml p.'|,q(-.~'. was thou mmlv as fnllnws: |ln,~:1l`.\'.\`("-: Mrs. J. Rushm-- muzh. W:mh:m. pI'v:4i- chant; Mrs, J. A. l.(-mmx. Mrs. W. J. Rall:1nL\'xm. I)r. .1:-nniv ('}rz1_\' Wild-. mun. IVli.<.~: Pzlrlritlgv. Miss Murray l\/Irx. W. J. Wnllzx-1'. Wlrs. I')nl'1'. Mrs. A. M. Hnnlvr; ('I!ll\'(`II(`l'.\' }.!('ll(`!`1l|l lYHln:I].!l`ll\('lll. l\/haw. W. J. I`nllnnlyru>:' r(!;.:is1rn!inn. I\/his . .1. A. I.om10x; hil- lolimg. Mrs. W. .1. l'mll:nr1l_y1w; I'(`(:np~ lion. 1):`. J. Wildxmm: Inusitr, l.Iu_vrl 'l`ul`l'nrrl: lumqm-l, Mrs. A. M. IIun-` tur; U`:lll.s`])uI`I.'l1iul1. A. 1*`. A. .?`..u|mr1\~_ Hun: (`In-vk 1\/`Iva; A TV! Hnnhu-' n.'n':-u NTi\`c Il|ll:| \V'l>U UIU njuries. Their nd the horses : ..'.)L` pill.` liix. *fUp' Women's Canadian Club. hrnrv Hall Dr Smnlpv IlL'l' I1UI.\(fh VVQ,`I'l.' Ul)\N'H il ncn away. Billy Kay. Ed. Hum. and owned by n of Raw-mm. fell and IL-1`. owned and driven by Orillia, crashed into the . The dri\'er.< were pain- ed and shaken up but did nni sustain serious heir carts were broken A "mu. I ....,. .{ ' plus` n'\nn': |\'L'I Illlll Cdlt \Vl"x h~- ft-n(:~, with II.`- n I>Iuwk(*'.~: arm and L` (lrivtrr sustvinru-d :1 1 race just twn y(.-:11`? I and o1d-time.! : Hall. Wednes- :indale's 5-piece A-10b V TYn, League for National Government Cancels i Meeting for Tonight . ,,.,,,,,.,` 'l`ln.- l.n:u:m- fur Nulinnnl (:nvorn- mom has (l('('i(|('d In (':In(.'(:l Hu- mevthu.{ whivh was in hnvn In,-on hulrl luninhi in l.(),().I. Hull. l n:-:- t,ors whivh Wl`I'(.' di.~4lrilml~(l on Mun- duy stnlorl l.hr- rvznsnn fur nut hav- ing the rnu(`t.in;:, us. "Owing tn Hw heal. of tho prosmll. pnlilivzll (`mn- pnign. and in view uf llw fzu-I Hm! the lmngnnv fur Nnlicmnl (".nv1-nu- mom, ls onllrvly nnn--p:1rlis:m." Simcoe Firemen Hold Banquet in Orillia} SUN: ('IH'('li Mrs. A. Mmgv Julms .`\l|)I'iuhl. (H can l`i1'hn\ Almm lwu ship of Hw l lvmlml lhv : Sinlmw (Tull intiun, he-Id Urlllin, M-m | I` ..... .. r~ . . . . . . .` l.'I'iII |)I`l[{IIfI(3H |)7ll'll('I]lu'IllUL{. J. I!` Rm-hm-l(_ 4-x-nnzuynr of Mir!- lnml, spnlw |n'i-fly nl lhv hznnqmrl. m':Il:~:in;,' Hm vulnnl:-m` fir:-mr-n fur Hm ris-'.ks Hwy hmk in pmlm-Ling: lifn zmrl prupu-r|_v. 'I`h-rn is no or- L{nni7.nl`inn in Ilw (-cnnmlmity, Mr, Rm-hm-k .v.l::1<,-rl. whivh rvnrh-rs: n .-:m'vit-v Nu vznluzlhln for :I l'(`!nlll1- IAI-nI|:\ou .~.. uunull a... GI... H. .n. !x'l'l'VH`(` ht! \ n'IlllE|l)ll* H)!` II l'( !l1llll- l.`l`Ul)Il ran .sm:IlI. us; lhv fir:-mt-n. In uddilion in tho rlirm-I l)l'll('fHh' the commnnily dc-riv:-(I from :1 vul -llntem` firu fluhlimz m'L{:mi7.:1li:m, ht- aid. in HIIVilIL{ lifv :m pmpt-rI_v. them W1l.*.'IlI imlirm-I In-In-fil in Ihul n town with n wt-ll m`;::Ini7.<-rl nnrl 1'ffl(`it'lIl firv ln`ip,':ul(- 1-njm_v(-(1 Iowa-r insurnnr-as rnlt-:4. nu. |'1\ Inpun -~. 1..n-1 II:-I ml` ---.....lr..nu n)lllll'lH` \.lHlH|_Y I'll|'HH'll.`i l\.`,`x'lH'- M1 Hm ()riI|i:I Ilnlvl, M-mtlny niuhl. nml | .. Il`l'it- '|'0wn (Inunril ware rr-|n'v.<:r-nlt-1| lny Mnyur W. J. Hluir. l)vpmy-rm.-v- ('. I). Stu-wzlrl znul AM. Murray Mi||.~.~. About 150 vw-1'0 pt`:-54v-nt invlmllnyg n L'Im(H_V mpm-.-wnlulinln from Ihv .~wv- L-rnl l)I'iunrles pnrIi('ip.'ItiuL:. .T H Rn:-Inn-It uvunnvnl` 1.1 Mirl. lIlN|.H'?III('l! l'iIll'.`i. 'l`|u-rt was :1 long glut of szpc-znks-rs: invludinpz M.'|_vm' Blair, l".x-l"iru- (fhh-I` J.'nnt~s Sl1rul): and (.`h:Irlt-s Lmvt-r nl` Harri:-. Mr. |.uw:-r. spv:n|( in}: fur Hw Sim:-nv Vnlunh-r-r l<`irr-- m(\n'.~4 /\HHu(:i:llinI|, lnria-fly uuilim-(I It`: n('HViH('S imrl pninlt-1| nut ::nmI- ml` 1hr- hunt-filrs dm'iv:~:I from Hm :m-- nunl lnnm:lnwn1.x' .~:u-In us that Iwld in B.'n`ri- rm (fivic hn|id.'ny this yr-:11". 4.- nu... Ifmmrnhlu W. Earl Ituwv l, ll(!Sl of humor at :1 rarwrriul ml` Ihn I.Eh:-1-zu|.('nnx:1-m/nlivn l{lll.'HI. U] lIUllUl' ill. El .`i|)l `if the I;ih(fl'.'Il('HI)S('l`VIIY.iV'l' I'u.s' Men's (flu!) of 'l'nl'rmlu ul. thr: Edward Hotvl, I`urnn!n_ lmlny. m-vusiun uf thv function is rt-cent 1-lnvulion In Hw rank of i.~I.n- uvilhnnl Dn:~H'.. . En Hun HON. W. Ii/URL ROWE llON()ltl'Il) AT l.lIN(7lll-ION IN 'l'0ll()N'I`() .. . int n . n 1. I'('('L`I. l`l[?Vill.lUll [U UH` l'EII)K (H isler without I ()I`UuHI) in Hm malt (`.ovr3rnm0nt. POWER RATE Rlanu IN ` IS EXELAINED! l\ k`HII.\l'L`xIuIIu by Miss l._v I.`v1 the topic "F`:1it|1" ll`(i. 'l`lu~ h_\'nm H dntion Yo ."ninl.~: 1 1:11:11: Slw (\m`l:u'u-r nu-n nf AIlII' ( new l rovisional--li-zH; of $34, Is` Still Higher than Paid in 1934 ` LAST YEAR; $31.47 l4||J|I.II~- ..v....-_. ...... Persons having in their rm... _.~:.~inn` books belonging to the Barrie Pub-_ lic Library. long overdue, are re- [quested to please return them all In-r.co or ih ` l.7hx'm`_v Rr-.-nu`! will take` furlher uctiun. -\ ,.u,,,,__ LIBRARY BOOKS MISSING I1 lwu-l|IirlS of lhv rHl'llIlH'l - ' H:1rrir- I<`irI- Hrip,:nrIz- ::I- mmuul h:mr;m-1, of Hu- - ('mmlv I-"in-nwn`: /\~:-:11:-. i `.1 u ...-an-i..l lnnul H0n.H.H.St(:VensP raises 1 st Cu-0pcrati.Vc I% u(:kcrs lln Iilis Address at Bzlrric u.. nu.-. u. ... .-...~............. .-..._. `Who. on his \\`a}' back from his West- nnuu 0.-nun null uh-Q0 D-n---in nnvf nf_ VI (10. 0 H15 \\ '(9_\' UHCK IIUII`. HIS VVUhl.' gem tour. '11! visit Barrie next Sat- . gu'da_\' evening, Oc-1.5. and deliver an iucldress in the Arena. is called for 7 30 as Mr. King has to catch the 11.45 train, from Toronto. , fm` Oltnwzl. The meeting 3 ,R'I`. HON. \\'. L. .\X.\('KE.\"1.lE KING I, 1|!` . Reconstruction Head \VHS l)ilNl'll Hll Mrs. .l. S. 1 H10 minnlvs < 1 I'urn I. I ! BIS. lly Yiil l\_'\_\. I LIL. ` IL V' IJGL'-\ Iin;;;,'a1`lh 7. Elsie .\IcKnight 8. Dor- u `.h_\' Arnold 7, Ivan Speers 7. Muriel ispeers 7. Madelene McKnight 8. ,B;.x'le_v. sheaf (l)-R0ss Hopkins 9, Innisfil. Oats, sheaf \2>--Winni- .'.-ed McQuay 7, Edwin Halbert 9. In- n:.=m. Wheat. sheaf (1)-1-Ieleh Mc- - lLcan 1. Field Com. any variety (7) (Turn to page three, please) PAGES 1 to 6 SECTION I No. 40 INNESFHL mm ENTMES UP 100 A QIJAUTY coon

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