Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1935, p. 4

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VVOIIK IS NOT A Bl-1AIb--IT WILL NOT RUN AWAY INTO THE WO0I)S-Il" IT DOES N0 RUS- SIAN WILL PURSUE IT election campaign in that district on Tuesday night of last week at Sunni- dale Cornem when Hun. Dr. 1.. J. Simpson. Dr. W. D. Smith, I). F. Me- Cuaig, Liberal candidate for North Simcoe. and F. A. Hmnmnnd nd V ed :1 good crowd. A l`r`nv`nI\i7z|Iirun mm.Hnn mm. lu.|.l The first shot was fired in the` I i I I I Sunnidale Township l Liberal Officers cu il guuu CFUWU. A rcorganizmion meeting was held when all the former officers nf the Association were re-appointed with the exception of three. Geo. Duff replaces Gordon Buie as Secretary, Everett Lawrence replaces the late Hugh Scott, and Peter Grunt re~ places Frank R;-.wn. Hun. Dr. Silllpxrill is Hon. President, Dan Buie is I rz-si- dent and Norman Melnlyre is Vice- `President. 1 plnymcnt problem. but had (,'1lH(`lI1 Parliament to deal with that pm- blom. to appmpriznte funds for (l`('l.`l.\ relief and for the inauguration of .1; public works program. ` I Mr. Simn.-um rvnnlnmlml Hm! Hml ' }JUUlll.' WUl'KS pI`()I`{lfn, | Mr. Simpson cnnmnrlc,-(I that tho ,Bonnctt Governmt,-nt was cnlitlv-rl In `credit for the volume of smrinl It-;1i::- lation it had p1lSS(.'(l by Pnrliznm-n1 I Dcallmz Wilh fhr- Flvnnirn 'I`v~:uI:- Izlutm H. nan p:1.. :(l by Pzlrllznnt-nl l Dealing with the Empire '1`r;irlr- IA;.{rL-cments, Mr. Simpson puinh-(I [nut tn his hearers that one of thv '(lrczuns of the Liberal (`mvr.-rmm-n1, for decades past, was to sc-<:m'(.- ::i p1`c:ferrod innrkni. with (Iron! .ri-| min for nur surplus 1l{l`i('llHllI`ll] nnrl other products. ()\V(`V('l`, he w:-n` on, it remziined for thv udw-n1 mi i 1 . Mr. Bennett and his hrilliuric-y HS :1 s1,nte. tn nbtain fur (I;m:ul:i. pm- fcroncos not only in H10 Uni1rrl: Kingdom. but ihl`0ll[.{h()lli. thv lim- piro. i Thn hr-linl` hnlrl In: N! T`I.nnn,.Hi puu. 1 The belief held by Mr. Bvrn1<-ft. that we should trade mnrv within: the Empire is :1 s4l.:|n(lim{ h'ilm1- 1-H him that his appeal was h(`{1l'(1 with more marked effect", said Mr. Simp- sun. Ellll. Major Knowles Speaks Major W. N. Knowles carefully outlined aecomplislnnc>r1t,.s' of the Bennett Government since 1930. An- pealing to the electors tn return candidates of the Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett who would assure the re- turn of prosperity of Canada. lVI:Ijm' Knowles said that the Bennett ad-| ministration had placed more l)(:nr~~' ficial lcgislatizm on the statntel l)0nk.< than any ;.:r)vermn(-nt sinu- Ctmfederation. " ""` I $E:8fi.500,555 IN GOLD ` FROM MINES OF INl)l.'\t The gold (:1 India was the I111`:-r i which enticorl (7ln`istnphL,-r (`ulum|2u:< _ to embark on his momnmble \ (i) :I{v '(>f (liscnvcry in 1492 zmrl 1hns(.- n1}wr- `adventurers which followed him. n"uDlished for the Conservative Commiuee -X H |u|II1.; l'IIIl}).\ illlll Ill l .1;'1('ls: 01' this ('(>llII1l'_\ i dullhl. in my mmd that` tnciuy. who r::\'os the and receives Ihe least I`-. I`rn1\v SECOND in I i v c c;H_i1.~, bacon, c h e e s e. undressed hides and newsprint. 'Export; to non-Empire Mar- kets up 26'} since 1932. Our position in the British Market (1934 Staiisiir-:)2-~ FIRST in wheat salsa, cal. wheat flour. apples. copp.r ore and aluminium. Exports to Empire M.n'kel.-I up 100'} since 1932. Some Facts and FLr;::re:s of Results Achieved by the B1-nnclt Government The concessions which the Bennett Govern- ment gained for Canada at the Imperial Economic Conference marked the turning point in our fight against the smother of depression-- created a flow of Canadian products to hitherto unattainable markets and enabled Canada to start leading the world back to recovery. pi.}l,}Ie 1583 EMPIRE TRADE PACTS SAVED CANADA'S LIFE I IVL )\.uI3 on LJL'llIlLfl| \JUVCVf1rY1(`.'nr has resulted in a FAVOURABLE TRADE BALANCE OF $|52.000.000. ....\.u-uuu U7 luv w, nu Illula uy 71% and to the Irish Free State by 82%}. And during the same period, Canada's exports to non~Empire countries gained by more than 26 /-\s a result, between 1933 and 1935 Canadian exports to Empire countries (other than \ G r e a t Britain) increased by over 100*. /;. Exports to Great Britain increased by 100%, to Australia by 159%, to South Africa by 200` to New Zealand by I00"?-. to India by L. 710, . -..-.A o..-. +1.. I.:..L.. t:-,... c.-... \|_)lUlL.`i its pro: I-I;1\'in-.1 been many lines of I in}: worker! 11. yr in in n nu 711 up -. uut UI Ull|(.L'. \_,dHdO naa an \U[DI:/LEERSE TRADE BALANCE OF ilnlnnnnnn Five years of Bennett Government ,-.:~ roc..ln:.A :... -. EA\/HIIDADI C 'rnAnc When the King -1- -11 Next Door to Roxy Theatre Thur.-ztlzly, Scfplmnlrcr 179, 1935 lI\.lII VVUIW In had f\|f`C f\E lull llll'l . This is also (mm C Sn far. tlm.~:(,- who `xzmst benefit fmm 1 the industrial ('l:ns.~ I v .. . .. most prosperous districts in Saskat- chewan, and I only knew three l`ar-m- crs who had ever seen California, though I knew many real. cstalp dc-alcf's who had. You can understzmd the revululirm came as a surprise to the coml'orl- able people in Russia, when you see the utter lack of understanding and sympathy that many Canndiznns, li\' ing in comfort and even luxury. have for the \vm'l on the fm`m.'~'. and in .thc facturies, who are ol't(:n doin;{ without the bare ncccssitics of life. 4. n,, ,, . rrw u lulu UL'.I (Tu Fe Contim v:uu\.un;; u nun:-. H in clu.-av rrnnlzurt \ labor in Czmnrln. 1 u .l\l\ F-u.l.. ' E Canada A land hams. iti('alI_\' all Hug the Inc llnuvinu .1.` . -- ~- -~--- | } C`:in:id:1 exports fresh beef. bacnn| nnd pickled pork to prac- ;li(`nll_\' parts of the world. Dur- ,in; month of iVIn_\'. 1935. the fol- ?ln\vin_u countries imported Ont` or iniiwr of lh(`sP Canadian umducis: ;Uvited Kingdom, United States of .-Mnerica. Bermuda. British Guiana. British Honduras, Barbadoes. Ja- In the 1930 Federal Election, J. T. Simpson. Conservative. Barrie, de- f(:.'1t0d E. C. Drury, Liberal-I- rogres- sive. Crown Hill. by an official maj- oriiy of 836. The successful can- didate capturcd Barrie, Coiling- wnod. Cl`CCI`I`l()l`C`. Nottawasaga, and Sunnidalc. while Drury had maj- m`iti(`s in Flos, Om, Stayncr, and V(.`SDl`l. .QIIn1n1:\1`v Bnrriu (Jul I i ngwuod (`rnrn1un-n "_ l The Russian peasant has for con- turies bee-n`u very leisurely person. All that he`h:~s been` able to wrest` from life has `ween a bare livin'g, so why exert oneself imduly," ls appar- cntly the bonclusion that he has ar- l'lV(3d at. In Olnn rlrn-u nl` "wry f-nu-.. `1~A an-... Ll L'L'I])UI'C Fins Nm,ta\vz1sz1g:1 (Mn I J] U Sunnidnle St:1ynm' V(>.~:p1'.'1 T0! &ll.'~1 645 Mujurity for Simpson Details I3m'1'ic KM-n-ll I 1 Wurtl `.V:u`(l I Wan] \-Vnrd A \V2n'(l . (U-....l 836 MAJORITY snvwson HAD " 1930_l;1_ECTl0N Barrie Gave Winner Mar- gin of 736, Calling- wood 338 [ DRURY cX=_TURED ORO Summary h.... Drury Simpson 1419 2155 1196 1534 168 193 737 670 81!) 960 M8 547 45!) 467 277 233 Kl!!! l".') 7 -1-1:) 565 I`i\/Ull ill. | In the clays: of the Czars, the pcns- . ant who worked himself up to the pmzition of .n overseer, was just that much more closely connectd with the lnnclownc.-1' himself, more <,-<.nspicuuu.'. and more likely to re- ('('IVL` tho knnzzt if things went wrong on llw c-::tnt<- or his: master felt in El vicious inoml. l.ivin,'.: unrlnr :1 l._Vl'Zllll1l(_'Zll rlictatm'- ship. as he rlirl (i'zm(l incirlcntally also Inn r|nrH:| lhhrrv urnu nn inr~nor\|i'\v (i;i;r)!i ...l9l . 2H1 211 . 372 . 205 ...155 -M . :11 V>I105 H7 I'M . V 819 0 134 07 An 729%" 836 40-7 527 701 190 283 248 532 390 384 128 I 676 Vll,`lUl.lh HIUUU. | under :I-: ho (lnt':;). thbrc was no incentive for him to wyn'k.- He was somewhat in the pusitiL_n-. of the a]l,i1.{;11()1_'.s; sec-_n ml :1 l':n'm in Flm`idn. About thirty :1 llu-::v wvrv .;.`|El('('d in an enclosuxje t'.'.'(-!\',- t m_-1, '_ Inm`t_','snm1m|-- m-I, uvvrI:npp`i:s1: dach other as-thcy. lzgv. only zu1`m;(-.'I.s"im1ul flip. of the` 1:.il inrIi<-ulvri th::t'lil'c Cxistetl at all. 1` sztirrim: Amt,-1'i"v;:n aslu.-rt the Negro (':Ir>l::l:r.~r. "Why don't the :1lli},,':1tm'.x' v.*..lcv up`."' ._`3.mb1'\'~Iy, the Negro re-' pliwl. `I'hty\' is n\v;1kC." "WDH. II-mu." :<::i(l the stirring (me, why dun`! Hwy move .'n-n1md`;"_' The 110-` pm `uzm-rl snrllv at tho alligators and frnm thv dvpth (rf his racizll cxpc1`i- mm-_ rh'.'m~l(~rl. WhzIl.`s they want In Im.\':' I'u1".' wlwlw-`S thoy got to g)'."' ()l| 100' 121 145 1{\. l 969 nu 79 -u: I \|I n'l|1(-:<(l.`I ('hun'hi|l E I.vfm_v 1 Tlmrnlun IUCHI. Trnuble crc~\\'.~' from Pt-notnng: : the Hydro maintonancc ;::1n;.{ .~ ltioncd at Elmvnlo as. ".<-d the `M land crew in stringing :1 line t-empormgv service. _ Power-i{ii}di$}d ` Cut off by Freak _ maicn. Trinidad and Tnbuuu. :1 nlher British \\'v.~'l Indies. N1` fnundland. Alaska. I~`ronch \\'-`st 1 dues. Hawaii. Japan and St. Pie; et Miquelon. Sin1cuv 'I`nt:11.< 2301 ;Majm`il_v fur Rowe il "Dufforin Cuso1I.ib.) ` Amurzmth 276 I".. Gzmlfmxa 138 ` liusl` LIIUICI` 171 Grand Valley 110 !Mcl:mclhun 379 ` Mom) 280 Mulmuf J74 Orungovillc -1224 `Sh(.-lburne 136 llL'lill Hlil_[UI'H..Y (H `LUOI. ll l'l.`('(ll'U Hg"; ure. The m.'1j in the l)ul`l-r-| in section of the riding was 2Z.')83.J i gum! in the Simcuc scctinn 2.hSHi.` Hlnwc curried ovt-ry lnlll1iCi])llil_\' inn the (-u|1. by : mur;.:in.s'. W r en 1l.ih\ Hnum l('n|\<| \/Vl.v\_ ` Adjqlu Allisinn I'5uclnx1 |Hl`1l(Ifm'rl |Camp Bmxlon Es.~:.'1 Innisfil 'I`:(:ums(:lh ']`0ssm~m1lin 'I`nl,t(`nham W. GwiHimh'y I Page Four. !I)uffurin | ...... , IVIu_iorily fur Rowe in Dul'l`m`in 2.2`..3" : Grand totals. 4388 9365) ` Majority for Rnwc in riding 4.51121; Details of the v_0lmg In so\`L-ml} luxvnshipx were: | ,1 :l|`4\ V [Sln:m's Hall I .m'Ctl,() W:1ym:m`s house ]I ridhzun's house I '1`o1zIls Ehn;.:m\'(` }31`:1dcn's 1 r.... v.,n u-u.:\..no .:un.v.; nun UL!/uLL\u\.. I Francis Keaney. who owned 21 drug store at 1512 Yonge St,., 'l`omn- i to. caused a sensation with his dis-j appearance May 25, when he left his apax'1ment on Clarendon Ave. slal- ing that he was going to :1 bank in the corner of St. Clair Ave. and Yonge St. to deposit the receipis from his s1,01'e. amuunting'1u np proximately $600. He had said hr- was planning to call at lhe bank and then go to :1 summer place at Ho!-| Innr! Lnnrlihrl I W. Earl Rnwe. Cr>nse1'vuLi_\_'p.,3 Newton Robin. clefcntorl W. Guy-\` field (Ease. Liberal I"ru;;r(-.<:~'i\'c. in` the 1930 I9`0dc1`ul Election by an of-i ficial majority of 4.981. :1 remrd fig;-I urn 'I`hn n1.'linl`H\J in Him Hnufluu-.1 \ UlH\.\lll\\'ll 'l'hr>l'l1tull Buxlm-1` Francis Keaney, missing Toronto druggist, formerly of Bradford. who disappeared on May 25, hits been re- ported seen in Sudbury. Last week a man who claims to have known Keaney well. dropped in at his old store and told one of the clerks I14` had seen him in Sudbury at the same hotel he was stopping at. T1 was Ylnnnnu unIl.,...4 n ~l\u.-lnur "I1. was Keaney without :1 .:hz1clnw of a doubt", he declared. Th-.2 mam gave his information at the storr.-. but he failed to go to p'.li'..- hCFl(_`.- quarters and give them the infor- mation. Keane-y's sister was a(1vi.::_-d nf 1hp rnnnrf hnurravnr and she I--.....\. .un.\.; nu. vvua .u.uypu.h .... --Io-n--u:u--:1 ...-n--n--n:u--u:. :n_. .1 ._..u,.-... + W THE LAND or THE sbvnrs I (By Miss Bertha Hellems) .:u-.u-u--n-.u-g..-u__.:u._u-u_...jq.:u.-.p_..-...-..._u_...._..._..u._.. l.|ll.'ll RU Ll) El 5 land Landing. `ma MAJORITYE 4,981 EN mm MR w. G. CASE Former Bracilggtj Man I Reported in Biidbury ; HIEALIUH. xxczuu;-y 5 SISICF VVEIS ilLl\ l.\'.'Ll of the report, however, and she wrote her brother but received no` reply. The drug store he formerly owned has bee-n.taken over by oth- er interests since his departure. | E`.-main 'If.u~-A.. ...\.n Ix I`\I' u Dufferin Cggiguted 2,285]! and Simcoe 2,696 for 1 Record Margin INNISFIL GAVE 388 `ululs to1ulW2bs5.77 Case tl.ib.) linwo rm; BARBIE; 1:;-mmlnuxc, MIHIIE. 9N'1_`._.; CANADA th' 1."-life irrim: /\l".t'.` `ah l::l:r.~r. don't :1lIi},,':1tnx'sI (lHl_V (HI U|.'(' lllllill Ill[).()1 LHC :- 3(.n\b1'oIy, rc- I. 'I`hty\' I uzm-rl ` I * I . "Wh:It.`s . r :~ Iunisfil Acljnlu OH! `Ft 162 I27 201 456 295 '71. U1 l4lU. J'7n 1 H7 3 1 5 /I /I V\ In Lib.) --7:: M Simon. > R< rwe ~ /1 298 I Ii I !lI .I 5244 746 421 I35 |".`)'7 U-I-I 71$) 8!)? 383 The raisin crop in Spain, '1`u:`kv_V and Greece is sub. lurgc` car than last. /4997 vr IL 469 394 20-1 H3!) 508 R0`) fFAv9R:s Rin TWO PARTIES Ma BQMINION George Spolton, J. T. Simp- son, and Major W. N. Kncwles, at Elmvale An .'Ig)pz-:1! In gr.-I back to the two- pzxrly s_\': nf ;: in Can- 'z1dn \vns \ l)i(,'(`{l by (lvmpze W. Sput- tml. tr-'-M.l . for North Hunm, in an 2l(I(h'('. at :1 Cun.~:m'vativn rally in the I ;u'|.~`h Hall. Elmvalo. Friday ev- vning l::.-:1, in Hw ilH(`l`CSfS of J. '1` Sinnmma. (-;m(lid:xt1.- for North Sim- .4-nn BENNETT " '15 PRAISED 77 Maturing debt was re- funded at lower interest rates - inving more than $16,500,000 annually. Today's national bud- czar is actually balanced on ordinary account with a substantial surplus. WELE THE WORLD WAS SICK %EAM S EXPORTS TO THE EEPIRE JUMPED 100% .1ms your man last. 0 During the past 1hi1._\' _\'c;1r.<. Hie} United States each _\'cur has sold. `inure mcrchnndiso to Canada than; she has bought from the Dmniniom, C\'c1` that long period. Canada has? %pl:rchased from the United States` 6'."~4; per cent. nf her total imports} and has sold 37 per cent. of her ex- ports to the United States. CONTROLLABLE EXPENDITURE PARED TO THE BONE Exp:-nses had to be cut and they \\.`r(;* cut - ~ ruthlessly -- yet with- (mt impairing Government ser- .I,-A- |_- ' ,,O -vv........\...- gun vices. Former extravagances were jettisoned. Between 1930 and 1935 controllable expenditure has been reduced 29%. Capital ex- pendnture (railways, canals and public works) has been reduced _,.. When the King Government was voted out by the people in 1930, Canada stood on the brink of ruin. Our national debt had soared to sickening proportions. Ruinous tariff barriers had been raised against our exports while the King policy of "Laissez Faire" allowed other countries to dump surplus goods on the Can- adian home markets. Our adverse trade balance was alarming. Canada was in worse condition than she has ever been before or since and the world-wide depression was just beginning. NO CANADIAN GOVERNMENT EVER FACED THE COLOSSAL TASK WHICH CONFRONTED THE BENNETT GOVERNMENT. NO OTHER LEADER COULD HAVE TRIUMPHED! Earnest, wise, reso|ute-p|acing the weal of Canada above the petty exigencies of party polil ics--the Bennett Government forged a new, a safer, saner Canada on the anvil of depression. The time is approaching when you will be called on to choose between continuance of sound. safe leadership toward prosperity on the one hand and vascillating weakness. cxperimcntal nostrums and disgruntled politicians on the other. You pay for government. Buy wisely! AN THOSE TO ALL MARKETS, ENCLUDING FOREIGN, 39% ~"`('-'fr~'1..s-HI? * since 1. 30? nuninu Din` Winn-. l......u... nu. KIIIIK4 Al\4\/\41;vl|.l\..1 u. un.. Are the people of Canada guing to l wakcn up before we develop a-pcas~ ant class in thi`: country such as thvy have in Russuf. Are those folk who open up our new lands and give us our food, to live a meagre. lonely `existence without even the bare no- , _(:( itics of life. while our (titles lszwarzn with a pa ('I:::s's who live `r: careless lu.vury`. Our r:mlntry'.< m'0: and h;1m)iI1(?:;:<. as a wlmlc. llinucs entirely upon the in1<`|li;1cm,'c and rrcerlom and DI !!!-[)L'I'lt_\' nf its .'I4zricull1u`.'1l ('|a::.s`. RII.s': .s'tz1nd.x' as an example In the world of \'.'ll.'1l ul- limatcly l1am)'>ns to a <'nun1ry that oxplnit.-; its pI'uducin;: ('lu.s`>:. , Hnx-in.-I hrwn in l'lnul\ 1-nnltu~I mun

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