Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1935, p. 3

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1'lJ!4I\V Y lJHl\UL1H'1'-DI'()O(l IYlil['L'. Gcnrpw Fleming, Elmvnle; foal, G. Flvmln': 2-year-old. Vl/alter Drun- er. 1'}. Jnl1nsl.0n & Son: ycurlinpz. Stewart. Bell. H. M. Stewart: loam. A. M. Tutllmpo. G. Fleming: man 01' gelrllrm. A. M. Tudhupc; draught mare 2 y0nr:~'. and over. Alex. Camp- bell; [on] by Belgian Vitrlur, Gemlrl Shnn:1h.'m. All)erl. Jermey, Finlay Mt-Kay. 1 lr 'r\r)AlvrvvlrIV I... . ll your ml were in this .~p:1cc :1.~n1:m_v penplc would rem! l.\'1lfL`r6:ldil1g`lhi>'. l%t1lynur;u'.isI1 I 11crc,:md pcnplc dun km-w or cztrczt rapwhcll1cryuu:u'c scllixlg real estate, g: nlinc, pczmuls m` pnpcnrn. Did ynu ever sit dmm in the pznturc with n pail hetwc ynur knees and wait fur :1 cow In back up and he nlilkc ()t' crmrsc nut. Ynu have lwc1:cr:cn Well, hu\;ine.~.x` is kinder Ilka after it and round it up. The tween hi.x kncc.~ M.\\" wt 1 in fuvur ml the t`elln'~.\' uh- J: her. `A merchzmt may make u living 1` n1cm":md w;1itin,a;' lnr .~nx11etl1in;: 1 chant who nmkcs M().\liY ix` the lmsiI1esslln'nug'l1the Cr-lumnx. nf hi- 5,000 Copies Weekly--20,000 Readers and Potential Customers of YOURS! OUR SPACE IS FOR SALE The Barrie Examine A CHEQUE FOR OUR FIRST `X/|NTER S FUEL ). _ V J. G. SCOTT LEWIS & ROBERTSON down hetwccn xait nlilkcd? r)Ll]1}lVC hencr .~cn ll\H:Dll':H`4D Hull I|Vl'l Ill mnnths. D. (Y. 'M('Kimmn. H. M. Slvwurl; hull unrlvr Ht munlhs. H. M. .H`l<'wm'I: now. I ). (3. I\/Ivkimmn; 2-,y-:n'-u|(l lu'i|'(-I`, D. C, Mt'l\'immn. II. M. Slmv:1r(; _v-:n'|inI,' ht-il'<-1'. H. M. Sluxvnrl, I). (I. Mm-kilmtmz lu-ii`:-r cull`. I). C. 1Vf('Kimmn. H. M. Slow- art. Avvruruvvvruvnrl n...n ...... .. ll) CONSEDER the COW tho the and bl`- )l`L'- un- vith n()l'1. in nu mr mun U` .. fnml nnrl . H'l urn H->:(:-pt 4 \ -, um .44 rviu km 10. tr.'un5| r-r.nslx'm-rim: 1'} mini] iH(H(f:l1((. ..uu-:1:.n'.nul 'l'ht- im'rt-:m-.~s in all 01 "r.m;1rIw1iun (::m.'.'i(l(ar.'1 Hm aw um: mains th.r W21-IEJSH. On the at} -_:inL' '.-ms: sc.'1r~`.unnHf '|\ vhv prv,-x-,-ding nu mh. :` UL`! qrnup of fm'1m -`f were large Imam. J nh-..~v.n6:.u- In I` .1lu.u~ O. :nx(:aiI12~:t July 1, I934. The 1-rndv mda x on the l)nr:n 1926 1-quuls I00 s.t0ud. :11 99.5 rm July 1. .'u,':.in.s'1 97.6 Inn Juno 1, and 1011') ml JIIIV 1. I934. I-Implnynuznl. in mnnufnturlnsz vnvvc-rl cum? nod nrlvnm-(.-.<. <-nn1.r:n'_y `I Ihrr lxrmznl .H`l""'-\HZ|| lrt-ml. Mvpsl. of my unin nr:curr(.'d in the rum] mu! .... u.-m.n.. vuv:...:.-.n nunv 1, Hum. 01 groups. Minint: -`unrnLmic:Itinn's'. .1'l`\. iL7f'$Z, [':urn5])r)1'1;1li0x1 nnrl I ! m.'Iint'n.'m(!(.- nlsm lxnprnvcmc-nt. of the-:44: uxcr`|)t <::m.ui(l(u'nhl_V I-x('(-1.-(Ind th.rim.{ lhn y-nrs other hand, Ing- 'uIit3tm' thnn in and within the -*:v|oyrn(,-nt UIPFO II).HS\ u smznsrpnznl in c-harm,-tt.-1', in l~. :nn-r, uxtnlc and iron and steel r)l.'m1.. n1.`.`lk`.' '_" Ll|`1ll| l2.L 5UV|yl|l' In lmppcn, but the mer- fellmv who goes :u'tcr \ lncul new.~p:1pcr. uInivIwr1 . Y~u vc gut ' with the m Ik. but me ml Page Three uII.. AYRSlIIRI~`.S -- hull nvm` Hi mnntl1.<. Slvxvnrl Hull: hull umlvr HI mnnlh.~:. S. IS:-ll. '1`. W. .lvrnu-y & Sum; (-uw. Hull. .11-nntyv 8: Sons; '2.~_v`:u'-nl(l lu'iI'vr. Jl'l`l1\(`) & Swim, S. Boll; _V(`.'Il`HlU{ hvil`m'. Jornu-_v & ,..__ _ hi are all and feed govern- Ihu n1/Jr. .u xIl1;i i he- Thursdajv, Seiwtember 19, 1935 _-- Jnul .1\..`I HEAVY DR/\UGHT-bmml mare. "_nnu-an Ya`|nn-inn TDl.uunln- fnnl F1 vn . u: v 1.l(}I1'l.` DR/\UGH'l`---bmncl mare. I`:-nnul ('1\-ulna A luv f`-nnnlu-II Ry ur.N|-.m\1. 1'um'um~. nruuu mrv. A. .I<-rm(-y. F. M1.-Kay; foul. . Slmnuhzm. A, .Ivrm<`y; `.2-_vo:u'~nl(l, . B1-H. Nm'm:In Stmltlnrtz y(-urlim.{. . Slmltlm'l'. I1.-:un, Ah-x. II. I"lutch-| lIru,'.'f:I.1l.1. I-rnruru, lv('lll'Tlll nun-n WHY PAY MON 1'. an uauu In v nAh rn lI..mih.m, (1 PRIZE WINNERS AT ORO FAIR Phone 222 and let our ad-taker help you word a want-ad that will get you exactly what you want. She knows The Examiner Want-Ad: are the best result getters and she knows how to make your wan:-ad produce the maximum number of pro- fitable replies. I I T? l_[:'.g|cl: land will kill ies nll day and ow-r)' du) for l|II`l`(' weeks. 3 with in WWII pm-kc-.I. `In I`l`.N'I-4 lI|.`.l I'M`.KF.'l` 25c ash Minimum 5" use THE BARRIE. EXAMINER CLASSIFIED WANT-ADS \ DI HI-H K Horses -u A vvnonn Hi ` ' 0. Sons, S. Bell; heifer cult, .T0rm(:_V 8: Sons, 1 mu! 2. vnnnnqrn u_,.n _.. JERSEYSr~bu]l over 18 months, B. Frtmch. Elmvulc RR. 3; bull un- (lvr 18 months, 1). E. I-Innmr & Son. [.ofrny: cow. B. From-h; 2-yt-m -uld lmift.-1`. H. F11-nch. Hzlmm` & Sun: _v.~zn'lin;.: hnifur. I}. Frvnch, S. Boll: hvifor culi`, T3. Front-h. Harm.-r & Sun. uuun, A uuu u. I I 0l.I.ED ANGUS hull nvcr L`: mnmhs, Malcolm Hailey. G. 1-1. Mur- (lnvh & Srm. Wyvvznlt.-: bull un I8 mnnt.h:4, M. Rnilvy. Murdoch & Sun: row. I and 2. M. Bailey. Mur- (|(u'h 3:. Sun: 2-y(-tn`-nlrl h(`if(`l'. M. Built-y. Murdnch & Son; yr-m'Iin;: lwifm`, M. Bzniluy. Murdoch & Sun`. lwill-r calf, Murdoch 8.: Sun. 'M. Imilt-_v. nr.vnmr.\r\nnc' u.-nu! l\..Il 1'1 `Mu.-, _,. HFIRI.f-`ORDS- n;to bull. B. Wm"- nicn. Allundnlcz hull nV(`l' 1 yum` nnd unrlvr 25. H. B, Wurnit-:1. W. J. Smylh 8: Sun. Stmml; bull cnlf. B. B. Wm`- niun. W. J. Smylh; cow. I and 2, W. J. Sm_vH1: 2-_vt.-m--nld h(-il (`1'. B. B. W.'n'ni<-:1. W. J. Smyth: y0:n'lin;: In-ifvr. l nnrl 2, B. R. Wurnica; h(riI'- r-r t:nll'. U. B. W:n'nicn. W. J. Smylh. GRADE CA'f"l`LI*.. BEEF (up!-n In Om Twp. mw. B. C.rz1wfm'd; 2-_vr.- old lwifm`, H. Crawford; yonrlim: ha-ifm`. I zmrl 2. R. Cmwfm'(l: lwift-1' (':1H'. 1'. Cruwfnrrl. CPR/\T)T`3 Cf\'l"l`T.T*]. DAIRY (npvn In Om 'l`nwn.~'hip) cow. '1`. W. .Ivr~ may 8:. Sun. Colin Cmnplwll & Srm: 2-_v(`:n`-nld h('il'vr. Jm`mn_v 8:. Sun; y(-:n`||n;: lwiftw. Jm'm('y & Sun: heif- 01' (-.-.II'. Cfnmplwll R; Son. Hnw.'n' Brnndnn, Jvrmcy 8:. Sun. ....nnnm rn Arif` |,.I_.. 1--..r "n nnuuu-n, u\||II\-,1 nu. nu... l\/l/\RKF`.'l` CLASS -hznby hoof. "B. Cfmwford. M. P:1il(`y_ Murdntrh & Qnn llllllll. lJl1`l\ULlI'l I--"l)l'(H)(l HlilI`l!. Ernnsl. (30:11:-s, Alvx. Czumpbcll & Son: foul, II. M. Stewart. Slmvnrt Boll; 2-yo:n'-old. Alex. Czlmpboll & Sun; tmun. A. M. l`mlhnp(2, E. (fum- cs: mnrv nr xxvlclimz. any age, E. ("`nnh.uu lF.S'I` rvuislr-1'ml l".UI.T., any hoof" hrm-(I, E. C`.r:1wfm` host. female. any hct-f lmw-rl. M. Bailey: best. herd nl ht-of t':I1Hx-, F2. C'r:lwfm`d; lwsl herd ` uf rlniry PIIHII`. Sh-w:u'1 Boll: best. (lnh'_v hull. S. Boll; lwst dairy 1'0- mulo. 2. IT. F`rm1(rh: be.- dairy calf. B. Frmwh: vhzlmpinn rm sit-or or In-iI`vr. I.. (?r::wl'urd: lwsl pun-l>1'r-(I ` xlniry calf. H months 10 1 year. T3. , F`r(-mrh. Qh nnn I-'r(-mrn. Sheep LEICI-`.S'I`ERS-mxn. 1 and 2. J. Allnn & Suns; rnm lnmb. 1 and 2. Allan 8' Sons; (~w(_` lnml). 1 und 2. Allan & Suns: own. 1 nnd 2. Allrm & S0115. \ nu vv-uwurxvn .....__ 1* 1; \\'Hl1r. hn.Lxnui\'iV *(`Uk'!\. mrm .l'o1\nsl0n: hon, E. Jnlniston. J. B. Hnlddlll l`u\`k\`l`t`l. 1 and L . J. B. I-loldvn: pullet. 1 and `.3. J. B. Hnldmi. \\'III'1`I-I \\'\':\i\'D0'l"I`E ~- cock. 2. E. Juhnstmi; hen. 1 and `.2. E. John- ston: cuckerel. 1.. Leigh. B:\N'1`.\M~+`ock. E. Johnston. E. V. B;lb`n\`k. (`lurko Horne: mokorol. 2. l~.`.. Jnlnistnn: pullol. 2. E. .Inhn.~'1un_ :\.O.V. -vu('k. E. Jnhnstun`1 and `.2: hvn. I.. Leigh. E. Jnlmstun: cuck- urol. I and 2. E. Johnston: pullot, 1 mid 1!. E. Johnston. BEST COCKEREL. ANY BREED -J. B. Holden; exhibition pen. '1`. 1 W. Jenney & Son; best trio, heavy. \'n\_v |l\l|I|I\ W Hl'I`F`. ROCK -- cnck. Sun. 1.ln_\'d Leigh; hon. 1 '. nvy & Sun`. cnckvrol. X :1 nvy & Sun`. pullvl. 1 an \\n\' S. Qnn lXl`_V \\ U--u. RHODE IS1..\1\'D RED -- Jnyd Lvigh; hvn. L. Lvigh; on `.1, 1.. Leigh`. pullvt, L. lmiglx. \\'I{l'1`F. 1..E(.`.1{ORN ~-m-sk. r.\\u|\cO:\|\' hnn Ta` .Ynhn 1 AV. nun. lillll lllllll mvv lamb. J. T` . H. l.m,'ki(-, Allan . Inouu-nnno (`nrnnnnv /ix ,. Jormoy & and `.1. Jor- l and 2. .01`- ;md 2. Jur- cock. mkcr t-`S; HliII`l' HI RPIIIIIIH. iln_y u),;(:, 1'1. C()nt<~:~'. (IENFIRAI. I Ul{l OSE -~-- brood A nan:-1. Ln-...n Y.` 1\Il.-14: -up fnnl Percy Bonnoy; pnir runs`. vhit-k(-n::_ Percy Bonnvy. ml... . ....,I I2`. 1-`lmvcrs .'mrl 1<`run I Bnslu.-I cut l'lnwor.~:. Mrs. Rum. I-Inll, Mrs. Wm. Scott: lnhlv bun- qm-l.. Mrs. Wm. SCOH. 1\'Ir:4. Jnmt-.: |(,'ublo; hnnrl l)mIq\u'-t. Mr::. .l:mu-:: 'Slnrlrl:u'1,, Mrs. I-lull: ('UH('(`HllH /\~< tcrs, Mrs. Scott; (r 2lIllIll.'l|:. 1VIr.s'. Hull. Mrs. Scull; -nllt-'li pt-1'('nni:1l\' Mrs. Hull. IVh'.~z. ('. I-I, mr..rr..u. 1\Il.-9 Qq,,,|, , ....1 l'|..- 1VlI'S. l'l3|lI. lVlI.\. nvull, runmnnu: pt-1'('nni:1l:~', ]VInfl`.'1l1; va:~:(- (rut |'|uw(~r.s`, Ml`H.S1I)(I- (lnrl, TWIKH`. Hull; fivv vzxrix-li-.< (`I11 I'low<.-rs. Mrs. Scull. Mrs. Hull: ml- Ioclirm (l.'IhH:I:<. lVh'.~;. Hvntl: L',|:Irliuli. six ('ul(n'H. Mrs. S0011. IVlr.<. C`:n|>|u-. /\PPIJCS~ Hvn |7:xvis_ Wm. (`ump- hnll & Sun: FElIYH`lI.\`(` tSnuw :_ /\H)1-rl .I(-I`m(-y. (".m'(|nn (Ilurk; Wall` Rivvr. 'l`. H. Mcivlznhnn. /\. .)<-mm-_v: S1. Luwrt-n('(`. E. V. P-:1l)<`n<-k. .H-I'mtg\' & Sun: Tnlmun S\\'(*r-ls. Irwin CY|:n'k_ Cnwlnn (7|m`k: Altrxnmlm`. .1. Is. Hul- rlon. W. C. .lnlmslm; I -;n!rI\vin., C.'zurmh(-ll & Sm): Nm`H1(`1`n Spy. C`:1mpl)('l| 81, Sun: Culdvn RlI!~`2\`(`H. Cnwlnn Clark. A. J('I`ll H\'I \-Vr~nllh_\'. A. Jm'm(.-_\'. H:n`m:m l.r-iuh: Mr~ln- lush RN]. 'I`. H. M('M:1h 1'1. V. Huh cm-k: P('W.'lllk(`(`, John |.:n'r. 'l`. H. M('MzIhnn: Du('hvs.~:_ l (-x'z'_v Hnmu-_\', A. J1-rn1r`y: Crab npph-s. .1. W. Wal- kr-.r, J, I"-. I-lolzlrsnz /\.( )_V.. A. Jor- moy. Wm. .l:n'I'.'|11: [`)[lllH.\' (`it-u. R11):- . . If` \r u..I.......|.. . .-. I-`inluv 'I`imnth_v. Ernvsi Horn (`.mnph(~ll &' Sim: (-Invm. I 1'I:1.\:. F3. Il'm'nI`Z Winlvr hm I... 0. Ln... Tin.-.-w 1"l..nnnv P : i*:#?L.5"?T>'_j*?s*1s"%:*::*# Ca `8""= Hi": , M` 3 NoT` `sT?7Fr%2A`] fJj E"icaEi3p: V/31 . .IlIIIIl\," .4 .. 14`1mve1`s and Fruii 1- I'l.\uuu-.- 1\I|'u-c Equalizing the Partnership If a man's wife should die he could still finance the family's needs. ., The partnership is equal only when the wife has sufficient funds for this same purpose, and to care for her- self, should her husband die first. Life Insurance is the universal answer. It has aptly been called "the love that never dies." J. B. FEE, Superintendent Moore Block, 24 Dunlop St., Barrie "`~ "` (lilII;;lIu'| Ul Ilu: nun L 'l"`` ` Mrs. \Vh.'mn1' B(-ll(- """" /"` rivri in MI`. Ahnm |(-1-Hon (.mp5! Sun of MR 0011; _v<,n(.Ux Ur `,~`.m.n(.' "L H thv l`..'|pli.~:l pnrson; ""'*` M""'~ S""" Sn1ur Supt. I4 W`i"'`*` \v. K. Batty offici W`3 T'`"_` who was unz1t,t0nd( ` #'~'_`""~ l'ul guwn of Ir:In:~:p `- with high rnfflerl \'is_ minp nf .-:il\'m' ('m': ~tSnnwI. war; nf m;11.chin1.: urk; wow silvor .`HD|)(`l' A |......~..v- Q1 ..n.. no` mhln mu-h \- ROAD HORST-`4.`~'. -- fuul, Bnrl F1'm1r*h: yo.'n'lin;:_ Burt Cnlvt-rlr.-_v. N. Slml(l.'Irl,; It-um. John Wilplt-s: 5:in_L:l~ 1'01!!! h0l`.~:('. Dnnultl Hull. .|. Wznplvsz ('l:1s:=,il'i(-(I rum-. J. 'l'. l n_v-Hv, B. Cal- vorlvy. A. G. M(-Mnhzmz l'rvv-l'nr-all. J '1`. Pnyollv. Hon l m'l(-r. O. (I. Luv:-; furlm-r`.~4 J. Waning, Smn Hnrviv: lmr.~:(- ruvv mum to ro- sirlmnls of ()m, A. C. Arnultl. Amly Burllmlnmt-w. --...nn. . A\rvIr\vv(1 ,,,u V\" I, [\l|.)l'l| VViI.`x lull" -nmxvz (-Hv I k. Hm \ win was : ` rin. :1 P.2I!(lwin. left, I horn p<>iI'1l `:1 Rn:<.s'r-H. KICI.(}I'IY--W'lSDOM Burtrm /\vr`mu~ United church. A]- I lnndnlc. wax the svenn ml` an :n- f lr::(~li\'v zmluvnn w(`r1(lin;,r at 4 p.m.. ` Wmlnvscluy. Sptcmhcr 18, when Eva v /\tlr-lino Wisr`, older dn1u_:l11(`r 0|" l\`r. gum! Mrs. Jnhn Dum-rm Wisdom. /\'X:mdu|c-, lw'mm- tho bride of AI- -hc-M I".rI\\':n'd K(!l(`(`_\ . Toronto, son of I\Tr.<. KvI(-0y. 'I`m'on1n, and tho Into Vt . I\'vl(-vy. fvrmm'l_v of Allnndnlc. The r~vr<-nmryv was p(`rfr)rnwd by Rvv. W. A. E Dot`. minislor n1 the nlv. u . wnh pI'\\'.\: w1'n.' ll yI;.dir)li tied \ The bride. ` ! . `l":I_EI(! by her lnltirnd in :1 5 .-..Hn fa:-hinn (.'m11'('n. Thu church was honutit`uH_v decor- utvd with pink and white glndinli. :n'tt:mis:s1.'1. smilzix, and .'1sp.'n`:uzn.\' nnrl Bostmi fvrn. while the guvst pi-ws were nmrkod with sprn_v:< of with white ribbon. who was given in mar- r`:I_I(: t'.'1t.hm'. was chnrmim,:l_v .-ittirod {town of silk taco over .<::tin, |`ashioncd on long tinos and with :1 short train. Ht-r tulle veil was mugzht with ot':1m:o blossoms. and shv (':1rri(`ri :1 shower houquot of ]`il1ttvi`fLv 1`o.('.<. Iil_V-of-tho-\'nli(`y. rmd inziictmihttii` ft-rn. Miss Marion Wisdom. sister of the Lrido. who was maid of honour. wore rnto szrcon fi;',1n'od orgzanzn made on long linos. with mean picture hat nd mnt(-him: accessories. `Her flow- - 1'2: were 'I`:1li.<:mnn roses and maiden- . (`nun HM` IISIIUTS WL'IL' uluyu Lvuunmuu. vc-usln of tho bride. and Norman Hooper. nephew of the gmmn. Th-' \-.vrlr1in,r: music was played by Mrs W. Park. ./\l`.:md:1\v. and during the ewnimg uf Hm ro5.:isler. Mrs. Garnet Im-rim`, North B:1_\', szm". All Jov 12.. 'l`Inun " l`..'l|HlL; HI llllf [K ICI. nu:-. \1uAu\.- ~`mn.'lm'. 3:` Thin(`." A rovoptirm was held at the hem? :1` th(\ hriclc`,-: puronts. 86 Cumber- :mrl slroot, Allzmdulo. when 'M1`s. Wisdom. mntlmr of the bride, and t\1r.<:. (`l1.'n'lu.< Kelcoy, aunt of tho tf`.`(1()nl. rz.-c'(~iv0d. The former was ut'\\'nL`(l in m:~rina blue lace with hluclc felt hat with ostrich plume zmcl were :1 shoulder bouquet. oi Bri:n`clitt` rnscrs. The latter \VOI`(` prunium (`rape and black hat. with t-u1'sa1.:t- of m`(`hids. Mr. and Mrs. Kc.-lcey left later for :1 motor trip to Montreal. returnins: via the Unitvcl States. the bride trav- L 71111;; in u gro_v tweed ensemble with \.-ml!` vnllm` zmrl lxlzwk accessories. 0:: .. Inn. "pill 1R(l u..`.`.. ..,..~i.-In no l nu SlL(`0X--\NIl/\N WEDDINGS VGVNVO ".I.N'O `EIHHIVSI 'QlZ`lNlWVXI-I SIIIIQIVSI SIHJ 1.-un nun:-nu vv. Mlf~`s(?I".l.l./\NY!()U.`~1 puny unrlvr mtltllu. I2 hnnd.-4 nml lll1!l('l'. V('l'l). F('l'llS(lll. I.lnyll lmiuh; puny In l)uL:;,'_v. Vvrn. l~`m';{1|.s'm1. |.ln_y(l lmiph: sinpslv turnnul. l)nn.'|l(l In-ll. .1. Wm)- losz .~a.'u|(l|u l'1lL`(`. Al:-x. II. ["l(`I('|H'l`, I3I`uC(` Cnnk; pnluln l'iH'(`, A. H. l"|t'l- 1-lam`. HI`lI('n (`nnkz 1-xhihilinn of tlrivinu up:-n In hn_v:: in Om 1uwn- : C`.ruwI'm'(l Arnultl. Clil'rnr(l R(`i(l. r~-.m.. lllll'| I`ll\\lL'l. .\V]I~\ IUJICXI North Bay: Jnhn Sinclair Mr. I-`lid Mrs. Lorne Rich- Pvtorboroz Mr. and Mrs. A. St. C:1mrinu.=: Mr. and IV/lrxu cont. Mr. and Mrs. Allan 1. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kelcey. cl Mrs W. Fellow. Mr. and 4\n\l1.\ lA';\`1\(\Iv RI.` no-I Nu.- I ll.` \V. I l .'l|UV\r. IVII. dl|\x `urge liolroy. Mr. and I\'lr.< :01`. M" and Mrs. C. D. Kel s.< M. Kolcey. Mr. and Mr; m`.\'. Miss Winnifred Holmes l Mn< George Holmes. all or 1 copy of a friend? . 1933. by '1-niie E Conyrig EgIh1t0n~ Umlcd Church. I`m'nntn. nztractivcly (!ccu1':11L-d with autumn El`lr.wcrs. wax ihu .`?CL`HL` nf a pretty lwodding S{1(l|"d:l_V ul 1L-moon. Svpi. E14. 1935. when Holt-11 Fisher Gnuloy, !d;u1;.{htcr of Mr. and Mrs. D'Arcy 'Gnuley. 01' '1`:-v.ont<) and l'm'mc-rly of `Barrie, was mnrriml to C`hz1rIes Fred- erick Sinkins. sznn of Mrs. P`. R. Sink- ins and the Inn Mr. Sinkins. Rev. VV J. .Tnlmstnn \\':x.-4 the nffiviniinq cl0r;,'ym:1n. mu! lhv wvddim: mu.~:i(.-. was ])ln\ vrl hv Mr. Hnyd Davies. n-1.. . . ` ` ` ||rl\:\ u... W J. .JUIllI.\1IHI \\'u:a lllL' II1Iu'|;IHnL: pl:1yvrl `The bride. who \\':1.-: :i\'(-11 in m:11`1'i- ;:1t',o by 1101` f:1t*1o1-. \\'m'(' :1 smart suit inf r0bin's L`L .L'. blue wool. with hru\\'11 1'1-It hut zmd :1(`I'(`.<.\` and :1 c01's:u.{e uf 'I':1lismn11 1` She xvns :1tlm1r1- !(`(` h_v Miss T)n1'nthy Bnxu-1`. \\'om'i11g |1'11se beige cmpo with l>rmv11 neces- .sm'ins and :1 "0l':a':14.',v uf y1~llnw roses `and corn flnxvzws. M1`. Fred (`.z1uIoy. lbmtht.-1' of the hrido. w:1:< m'0o111s- .~--. mun. Immediult-Iy zlftor 1ho cormnnny Mr. and Mrs. Sinking Ivfl for I-`.n::lern Ontario nnd H10 United States. They [will live in T()l`(mh>. |llll}.', EIL lllk` \.'\'iI lwns fashioned `[place by nrnnun `lrmd :1 if pmln Ill I`lI('ll pm-In-.I. 10 (Il<}N'l`S PER l'A(`.KF.'l` u.` Dru,-.q:i.wl.1. l-`rm-urn, (-`om-rul Hlurmt. \\'.'I l\/ II A \/ 1\mlII)L) \'.|lL`_Y. After the reception the ht-i groom left for :1 trip mwt, th~ lnnvelling in 1 hmwn rlt`(-ss. tt with gold. :md brown cunt w collar and mw`.t-hing,- nt'('(`s. thoir return M" and Mrs. Dry will H`. at 110 ('ndI`in_u1 D... in An int.crv.;1inu, w<\d(linp. was so]- emnized in Burmn Avonuc Unilnri church. AH:m at 3 p.m.. Wednes- day, September 18, \\`hon Elma I .li'1.- abeth Ilensun, older rl:m,x_:hl0r of Mr. > and Mrs. J. Levi Hunsnn. Allumlzllo, bccmnc the brxdv nf Alln-rt I1m'1rnm Cook, Orillin, (`H1031 son of Mr. and; Mrs. Albert 13. (` R:n'1`iu. mm! W. A. E. Duo. mini. nl lhv church.l ..4..A <'lDELH l`ll!ll.\lJll 1 b Y A T.` 'l\nn VV. IX. 1'4. IJIIK ufciatcd. The altar nratod with white Lildl and asp:n'a_{1 uuest pews \ of uladiuli nu. A lnvulg autumn \\'vrldim.{ was sulv -mni'/.vrl at tho hnmv ml Mr. and Mr I.\l\ n L`. l1..:.un....u..- 1.`...--n ` lIH|LlIl.'l. The brid0smai s::.ter of the L-ri pmk chiffon `.'.*i1 and pink xmmuix 1'`. match. She x U nn-.I.u- Qnnv nI\` ['1 8111101` sumo hair fern tied v The g1`()um\'r B;u`ric-. b1`()1h\' the ushers we onto. brulhel` wrdding anniv Dxck Ilcllcr, D Fvnrv nnu~::- \I' l)RYBIl()U(ill-FliRlHS SlNK]NS-G:\Ul.l'IY , `"1 9` .7` J , V " ` ,,\f 1 *.._.;&.1" VIII I (`ll AvI\rIIlAo ' TH! \VlLSON FLY PAD ($0.. Hamillun. Om. WEDDINGS (70(`K-lll~`..\'SON ccopiinn bride and r (ho hridu - trimmed rl with fox .|..| . f\n l)l'U\\/H l'llilL \`\|lIl Ill.` -hing, n('('(`.R`.\'()l`il'H. On :mdM1'.~4. 1)ryhrm11.:h 110 (`,ndrin_utnn SL, (I IJIJUHLILZL Ill 1 = and maiden- k ribbon. 1 Lloyd Cook,` : groom. zmdl xv.-...`...-. 'T`nv-_ ` where the urnmn is mzmmzer of the ` A. 8: I . S1()l`(`. 0ul-:>f-tnwn Luwsts at the wedding iru<`|u SI.-mloy (;ro(,-no, Timmins; `Mr. and Mrs. P. Luttrell. Jnck Toppc. Mr. and Mrs. R Newton. North Bay; Mr. and Mrs. Henson. Parry - fiound: Mr. zmd Mrs. L. Rowe, WCx- 1 1'u1`d; Mr. and Mrs. (`.. Archer. Pm`! <`M<:Nimll; Mr and Mrs. F. Evans. - (`uoksto\vn; Mr. and Mrs. Frank '>Criffith. Aumm: Mr. and Mrs. '1`. '. I..;Iir.ll:1w, S12. Mr. and Mrs. T. Laid- \ luw. .h'.. Mnrlhmrlt Mr. and Mrs. I. 1 ;'I`l.ltun. Mrs. P`. Mc(,!urm:u`k, Mr. and '. !Mr.<. C. S. Hvnsun. Miss Eva Henson. I. Mrs. l{ol>(-rt Nu:-ly and rlm,1L:|\tm' Vi- lnln 'M':- nnrl T\/Yr: Junk H'nncnn nll lvns. L. D. II ola. Mr. anr `UT Turnntu. ii With cedars. palms and autumn `flmvurs forming Hm l)n(-kp,'mund in 7Trinity United Church, Bowman- `villc, the xnzxrringe took place on `\Su1nrd:1y :1fl(*rnonn of M:n'i(m Pam- `.(-la, dznmhivr nf Dr. and Mrs. C. W. -Slc-mun. Bowmzmvillc. to Flight ";I.'u.-uh-n.'nnl Charles Roy Slvmnn. son \ ..r m.. M. Q Qlmmm Ulinni- `;l:IL`llI(,`llillll \..[lill'Il.`.\ H.U_Y DIUIIIUII. .\Ull `inf Mr. and Mrs. S. Siemrm_ Winni- ilpeu. Ra-\ . PI. 1*`. Armstrong: official- ied. The weddim: music was played Why G. D. Aikinsnn nnd during the ". of the rogixtr-r Mr. Aticinsm: '_,p1:iyed an m';.{un solo. `V. The bride. given in marriage by `her father. was Lzewned in white ivelvet fzishinned on princess lines ywilh filled sleeves shirred at the ;wrists and extending in points over [the hzinds. I-Ier veil vvas of embroid- ereri silk net mid she carried rosres: i1\'Ii.s's Laura Virtue of 'I`m`onle. maid !of honor, was in yellow taffeta and ithe bridesmaids. Miss Grace Virtue iof i3ux'iingmn and Miss Marion egsizipies of Eowmam'ill(-, were in diblne taffetzi with brmufn felt hats [_ ibruwn suede C(`(`SS0l`l(:$ and all ;_ `('Z]i'I`i(.'(i bouquets of yellow and `_ "brm1`/,0 muin.<. Flying Officer F r_ li\-Tiller was the gromnsmzm and th( ,nsh(-rs. Hamid Siemen. brother of ";the bride, and Flying Officer Ger- 1(r..-.- 'UI`()[lI.lf Hlullm. flying \.1un.c| 3'. Elvliller th tllSh('l`S. `the Flying idon Kerr. it The reception was held at the .hnnu- of the bride's parents. where _`|Mrs. Slemon. mother of the bride. ii_recei\'ed, gnwned in powder blue "ichiffon with black hat. black acces- .Lsm`ies and wearing a corsage. She ; `lwns assisted by the groom's mother in fuschia chiffon velvet. black hat. and accessories and also wearing 21 r `;shnu1d(-r cnrsage. - ` The muple will live at Camp Bor- iden. For travelling the bride wore tla brown and yellow plaid wool dress. brown velour hat and all brown suede accessories. nu-In CT:11ll(`. REC. SIIOR'|`H()H,NS hull. zusml, Ern('::l (!r:IwI'm'(l, 'l`hn.s'. Hmvnmn &| Suns: bull ()V(`l` I zlml lll1(l(`I' Ii _vv:n'<. Bowman & Sum; mw. Umvmnn xv Sun.-z. E. Crnwfmwl: 2-y('zn'-nld h(-i|`- ('1'. E. Cr:Iwfm`(l: yv:n'lin;: In-ifvr. I`). C?ruwl'ur(l; lwifur mill". F2. C1':1wfm'|, Tiuwmun Ra Suns; l)('.K`l |'(:mul(`. Unw- mnn & Snnn. r\1vA r nun:-urxnn r | Tell the advertiser you saw his advt. in The Examiner. Sl4l Ul'l'I l`J|'I'|_V Hill] lli|l,l]..!_llllTl' VI` and Mrs. Jnck Hensrm, all nu. 012 will leaf your ame at a lower coil` Man otet hurl ne/. HAM(f6 0K1: sou) BY: BARRIE. FUEL & SUPPLY CO. CAMERON & ELLIS -- I ~-1DoHmE" IGNORANCE, DON? Q Whetlier you have it g,. - to you---or wl.~elI1er,' periorce, you must buy it yourself -there`s no pleasanter sight at this season of the year than a bin, lled to the top with a winter s supply of fuel. Oparticularly il the fuel is the moclern, clustless Hamco Coke. Then you can count on cozy warmth in every room of the house, no matter how icy-cold the winds whistle round your eaves. And you can count too, on less work because Hamco Coke is lighter on the shovel and produces a minimum of ash. It banks economically at night and is quick on the pick-up" when you adjust the dralts in the morning. 0 And if you're on a bu(lget--mark down your fuel costs and put the savings where you wish., .4 A sxII)st::x1ti:nl innpmvemvnt. wu" shown in the ;_4ulu:1'.'nl imlustrinl sit uutiun (luriny-, June. when 9.323 rim X`! pnrlcd SJ.'M.2t'2 at work zuzatilnst Ell." 746 in th- pm.-co month, said . n:porL isstxvrl hy thv Dominion Hur- euu of Statistics. The inm-L-:::;e in employment-, repnrt sznid. was snmlh.-1' than on cnr1'e.a'pumtim4 (Into lust your. 4ti:~:n ltrss than the uv(:ru;.:o ruin lwuvn Junv 1 and July I in tho pm,"- r_,-(dinu M yt-urn fur which figures zxvuilnhh-. The (I4-(-ro:u.=(r as ('nn|p;nrL-d with Lust _\'t-:n', :|(`l'(n`fHl1L{ tn th(- rt-port. was I:n';1u|_v (hm tn trurtuihm-nt \'.'m'k rm higzhwznys and roads. which thu numb(-1' of wurkvrs was` smaller by nmrv than 50_()00 .'n; Industrial Situation Shows Improvement \"iI3 liIl).',l.'I_y \'U(' tll hi;:h\x'uys 11 1 ""VV. VVill| l\' :1! N`. Sluwnrl liluz 111-if:-1'. S. In-ifvr mil`. Wnli Hf")! 5'1` ['31 NH -.u.||.u I`: f`

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