Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1935, p. 14

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wll IYIEHUS In IILIHLSVHIU. ,Miss Mary Bymes of Toronto is visiting at the home of Mrs. T. Ham- ilton. `Mfr and T\II'rc Wilfrn Tiir-lrnv nf 2 lbs. 25 - lb. 13: Richmello TEA mssc 111111` I.. \1\L' mn A an aa;a [Basket H). H wnnun wan npulll nu vv u-um... James Kivoll has returner] 1.0 his work :11. tlw Brirhzv and Bui1dinL: Dept. of the C.N.R. here after being absent for vight wveks with illness. mu. .... .1 1\n.... L7 c...ul.~..m Ilium .0f weekend at J F`. IIumbly's. Mrs. Muir nf Amen Mills visitml her dnuglmter. Mrs. W. A. Pratt, nn Sunday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Muir and Beth ul Mrs. Crunch uf '1`m`on1n 5] T\/Tr-: T\/Illil` nf 01' Cuokstuwn visited at Stcthcam Kncushuw`s um Sunday. Mr nnrl Mm 'T`m-nor of Orilliu nnrl Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'I`u1'nm* Mr. I1e1'r(>n of Toronto were Sunday visitors at Frank Knucsha\v's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, George and Stanley of Scotch Scttlcxnxml \;.'ere guests of W. Gardiner on Sun- f1.'lV. `-"?""-'-'\ ,__________ I COULSON S HILL l nay. S nday visiturs at W. J. llan1l)l_\".< were Mr. and Mrs. llwuud Yuung. Miss Olive (,'npplestnne and lVli.~:.\' Phyllis l._v(m.-4, all of 'l`urnntu. Sympathy is` extended to Mrs. .l:::= Cook whose mother. Mrs. Stnnffer. 1 pnssetl mvny on Sept. 4. The funeral was held tn Stouffville cemetc-;',v. Atmiversurv services were held in F)l)ene'/.er United Church on Sumlny and were wel`. attended. Rev. ll. 15 Payne of C',()(1l(S1,(1\Vl1 preached two excellent sermons. Special mt1sicl)_\' -`the choir was enjoyed by all. and one sun `Ralph at home. one sis- tor. Edna. of Baltimore. Md., and three hrotlwrs, Ernest of A'll](i2`li(`. Gordon of Mactier and Charles 01 Mnsshziwk. Susk. His aged mother also survives. The funornt was held nn Mnndaiy. Sept. 16. from his latv 1 r(~si(lun(`u. \vhvrv S(`.l`\`i(`C was com - ducted by Rm . N. R. D. Sinclair of I Essa Road 1`ros1)yterian Church nnd ' intermonl took place in Barrio Un- ion C(~mvtm`_v. 'I`herc were many l)v:1u1iful f1n\\'L'rs from s(n`m\\'im: . relatives and frionds and from tho 1 `B of R.T.. the Auxiliary to the B. ______________.____._ relatives are. the bc.-rcuvcd widow. if formerly Miss Agnes Ri(.'h8l`(.tS()i`l, 13 of RT. and from the M:m:1gemon1 of the Presbyterian church. P}l1i- ` hearers were Thomas Booth. James V: M('Mi1lin. T . H. I'Indg.sm1. Roy Mm . Cnho. Albert Hmiclorson mid W. A. ` Spozirn. Some of those from :1 ({iS`t` tancv who attended the t'unornl \\'01'c 1` Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pyburn. M:1c- ;` tier: Mrs. M. Pyburn and son. Miss H G. Rivhnrdsxm. Miss K. Richurdsnn ` and Cocil Cavanngzh of Tornntrr Mrs. Smith and daughter. Mrs. Nc`\\'- i man and Mr. and Mrs. I-Iondersnn! of Hamilton; Mrs. Jean C urni and Charles Smith of Orillin. t uuauuu nu \Ip:,I|L vvll.I\.`- nu... ...... Mr. and Mrs. H. Sanders. M.. Kate Sanders and Jack Sandor: were in Torrmtn ihis week nt!end- in}: the wedcling of Miss Luella San- dcrs. 1ur. -.nrl1\Ifu-a D T4` Th-inrc and cnn Crooch uf 'I`m`on1n spent tho n-nlmnd n1 J FA II:1mblV's. unurrulu nnsnluln unn u; The nmnihlv meeting ml the (`hur- t (`hill I\Iis. Circle was held (I1 NT` Kathleen Allan's on September The lesson {mm the study book was 1 prepared and read by Genr_uie Reive , and u poem \-5.15 read 1)) M:n`_\' Hill- . nc-k. The hostess served 2: rlaintfv ` I lunch. Junior Institute } ALLANDALE MEAT MARKET Shankless Smoked PICNIC HAMS . . . . Choice Prime Rib Rolled . . . . . . . . . . . Smoked Breakfast Bacon, in the piece . Sweet Pickled COTTAGE ROLLS . . . . WEINERS . . . . . . . 17c lb.----LARD :l0Ud \\`lIl thin` oxpu. mum` plc's faults and explaining: plwysical aihmnt at great lcngll try tn be satisfied with nrnund them and not yenn things that are imnnssiblc. Fnllo\\'inL; `mo mr`otin:1. Miss (ha Allan \\'n.~< made the rocipi u silver cnkc plate and misvollz: . The l*.ush`ss . n ` 1.1-) Phone 58` l0l`lL`ill 1'(`.~'c;n`<'n. hrmwm: of nzmxro and handicraft :` ru1`suil.< and gm one 1` ;: will t.l\'_~.n exposing explui nlu-uinul nilnn n! :11 Dl`l`:\1 ed 111 erecunu a scrvxce smmm his property and cxpocis Xn have `open hv October 14. Clover Turning Out Well Grain and clover Ihxxwhinq ha` been general in this v1cin1t,\'. .ss.me insmn(`9.< red clover is ulrniz been general In this \'1c1n1I}'. smne xurr out extra well. James 1\I:n*tin 1\\'om_\'-cigh\ bags. Cheap looking prnmng is past` nd\'ortising. Got the gno_d kind from The Examiner. I acrs. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Peters and son George have r(`1.urn(.-(I from a wookfs camping ncm` Mam1(!1:owan. They nlsn visited the Dionne show and rn_n1.0r0d tn Pm'1'y c and W111 Bay. ! rm... A n '|\Nr-'I(nv nr win imr (`JIlIrchilI Mission Circle ,, ....\.x.. . 4.....- ' ulna I THE BAREIE EXAMINER. BARBIE. ONT.._ CANADA ART. J. BRENl._l\N_ CHURCHILL Junior .1: v. I.....o HILLSDALE EXTRA CHOICE SPRING CHICKENS SPRING LAMB--VEAL-BEEF COOKED AND JELLIED MEATS ___.__-.-. -1:- I-urn 58 I7 Essa Road Please Phone Your Order EARLY v1:E'Xs"-mvEGE'TXB'E hay. M I-\ Mrs. A. D. McKay/n1'AWinr{ who has been spondinfz Wm surf at Balla Park. left `nn"Smm~da5 Toronto after :1 wv.(`k's visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gmvos. B1 Ave. DnnnI'1Q nf H10 T\'(\]{'f`\.'-`Ni? ` I I 1 r------ I I NEWTON ROBINSON I Mr. and 1\'Ir.<. (`lnnmgy : Sun- `.-.\' in 'l`m' mu. Girl Nofthnllvr.-4 Win A;,:'uix1 ..-I` ..(Il.v.Xl 4....` n. A NEW COAL TheSarjeaniCo.Ltd. llvususiuu -... FUEL, BUi`l~..I5'E.RS- v-AND FARMERS` SUPPLIES SINCE 1889 -- -..-s-guru Phone ` \Ne Also RCCO;1X;1L`1dI READING Arthracite arr: llA\l t`t'\l/E Q\JA. V r1 I \.\I|\L.. Koppcrs Pocahontas WELSH Anthracite Visit Our Booth at the Fair MINESING AVG. Reports nf the Kolccy-Wisrlnm nnd Cnnk-Hon: wurldimzs, which took place in Burtcm Avo. United FRENCH INDO-CHINA COBBLES TRY A TON! E.P\l.Jll\\.\ r\I nu nun SOLVAY COKE D- ._L-__A_ J Headquarters for `*1 I111`! Y\V`I'I(`3 A 6-55; i .. 30c] .23cl 18c] x Shop lliszlppt-zII's 1...--. 11....-u Hm 20c I : lb. lb. lb. : lb. : lb. WBVARRIE (lam-c-. on U1" urn h_v cnnizxl 7111. J. Crawford Begins Campaign Meetings at Waverly, Midhurst Page Fourteen ` A public meeting in the interests of II. J. C1'a\vford. Reconstruction Party candidate. was held in Mid- hurst Township Hall last evening. "l`hn nhinf unnnknre nl tho mnntinz. The chief speakers at the meeting, which comfortably filled the hall, `nursl Jownsmp nan Jasl. L`vL'Iung. I`m'(m10 and James Robertson, or- `were the candidate. Dr. Roy Kerr. ganizer. The chairman was Ald. !'.l'h:)1nz1s E. Shepherd. Barrie. \M:n'rlr\n ("I-nwfnrri nrnisnrl Hon. H. '.l'nomas 15. bnepnem. Ui1l`I`lC. Warden Crawford praised Hon. H. Stevens in his refusal to accept a high position in the Government service in England and in favour of conducting a crusade to rectify pre- sent ills in Canada. Declaring that the chartered banks of Canada possessed too many privileges. the speaker advocated reform of the monetary system in Canada. He also (leclared against the exploitation of the natural resources of the Domin- ion. lle felt that the sales tax on .....m.- \n-ac 'Il 1 ininctinn nnrl H10 in- iun. lie tell that the sales tux un s\I11:lI' was am injustice. and the in-. cmno tax on smaller incomes was also in this ciziss. Mr. Cr:i\vfnrd outlined the reasons for the schism b(rt,wccn Hon. Mr. St,(rvvn:< and Rt. Hon. R. 13. Bennett uvt,-r thv l1`lil!~ S buying and price spmzuis (`)Inl1lih'Si!)i1. The Recon- strn('tim1 Party l0n(i(3r had taken :1 rtvfinitu stand nn the right side rut the (|tl(.`.\ ii()H. and his aim was tn `give lmth thv [)l`urtll(.'(`i'S and mm- S $7lll1`H`l`.\' :1 fair deal in tho mnttor of pri('("'. Iiv dv(:ri(~(l tho int-k of oppor- `. lunity for youth tnrluy, and said that Hon. II. II. Si(`,V(`nS wnuht work in thv il'li(`l'(`SiS of the young |)(.`()])i(' I Hfiitt`(?()tlli1l`_V. `. Ml . Crzlwfnrri l`(`f(`i`l`(`(i to :1 pro- misv nmtiu by 1`r<-miur Hepburn bu- fnru the lust pmviiicizil cluctinn. lie hnd prmni.~:c(l that tho Ont.:u'in Gov- , vrmnont would assume the full cost of pmvincizil highways. This pruni- 3 iso had not been ('m`rin(| nut, with , tht- rt-suit that the 5325.000 in U.lXt'S ` hurt i)(`(!li ziddcd to Simcnc Cnunty in the past yum`. . The spmikzw much-, zin nppc.-at for ` the : of the ladies in this (`- lITiD. liL{n, zmrt said that the R(3(:nn- utrnr-tinn Pnrtv \v(ml(i have an 01`- c:nnpnn:n, (mu szuu Imu mu m:......- 3:1I`lIr'linn Party ;,':mi7.n1i(m which would give ivory wnmzm :1 chance to exercise her ri;_{h1s. I W:1\'(`)`lP\' Mnnlimz (L`r.'nvfnr(l ('ump:IiL1n. Tll(ES(l1|_V even- inu. It vvns :1 jnint Inm-Iim: in thv `inn-r<`. both of Mr. (I1'u\vl'm'(l. and uf W. M. (?r:m1p. Orillin, (.'undid:n.<- fur Rust Sim('m-. 'I`h(- chuirmzm u/us R. '1`. I"ro,n('h. Midlzmd. Mr. Cl`:l\'Vfl)l'(L who xvus lwnrhly H-('<-i\'v(l. said he hm] not born uhh: In :u:n-(- 10 run on the Cnnscrvulivrr plulfnrm 211 this election. Hun. H. H. S1(-vons has taken up the cud- uvls for (rnmmrm pvnple". he said. Our lczlrlm` is the friend of tho ` vnmmnn ponpl(:`'. \ 'l`h(.- Sp(`.Zlk(?l` rlecrired thv fact that \ 1hv (`nwurnmtrnt had let lhn 'z)nn|(s : .... nu` He nnnirnl and h(- -lwlievud IT): VVrl\.'1'xu'_ uu;\;- . ,., \V.'Ivvr]o_V Hull \v:Is fairly well fillwl fur the first 1m.-(.'l,im,' of 1h(-\ |1hv (`mvurnmcnt hurl let Inn r):lnI(.\ out of i1:: control. and he hvlievud in slric-L01` : the banking m-gum`/.a1ions of the cnuntlty. `t isl time the farxnera put in n Iarmm` ';rn1,hcr than a professional :2--1`un. It |is time we were dnjug srnn_e1`h'i:1g' to `help mu:se]vcs".. . ` -'-v--`----:- I ` 4 iGREE7R3FAVbRS H INTERMEDIATE \ scraqgg PLAN, Iclesnrzmlc I_\ p(`S. . 'I'h(- speaker (liscu.<..<(r(1 grudim: in` detail. and doclzwcd thnt, bnth Km- chc1':< and pupils were better fur] having two (rnnscculi\'L' gmcles in! the class mmns, providing 2: bottm` chance t`m' double gzrnding. Tn vunnoctinn with the prnpn:~.(`d` I plan to establish interm(rdiat(`." s'('hO()lS, In:~`po(rtnr Greer rrxprcsscd his hourly appmvul. and indicated how it might bn expected to work out. 110 felt that this was one so1u- ' tion of the (~duc.'niunal pmhlom. A\1x1Iizn`_v classes could he mzldt: ito be of real value to a schunl. hc, thought. The aptiturtcs uf the pupils; t-,|,...n` mu-Iznn lint-H {`\'(`H H UHEY: I W. R. McViltic Speaks I I Mr. Mm/mic sand he was begin-E` inini: his work here under very fav-5, iuurublc 2lll$})lC(.`>' indeed. He had Ywnim-d to come to Barrie, and if `rm had chosen any one to introduce `him to Barrie. he would have chos- 'ien Mr. Greer. It was very gratifying.` not In say inspiring. that the Board of Education of Barrie was so in- terested in the work of education `that they would ask Inspector Greer tu speak to them on such matter`. to hear a technical. academic. ad- . i | dress. . M-- 'MnViHip enid he was pleased GRAVL-`.L - pkg. CC ' Mr. i\lcVittie said he pleased! |m come to Barrie to work in the` interests of the boys and girls. and` after neces.~'ar_\ accommodation had` been provdcd and timetables and grades arranged. one thing only was needed--real teachers. scientific tea chers. He hoped to find a greater clmllongo and n m'omm' plvncuro in hic u'in'k In`-1'1` Cnill|(`n1,.'_t' nuu -I his work lu-re. W:1v(~rlr~_v If..ll Shop A` !* "a.__Y8 FALL FAIR FESTIVAL OF VALUES Cheap looking printing is poor advertising. Got the good kind from 'I`hn F`\'nIninr\l' 3lG\'Cl`lI.\Ill;4. \u'| The Exmniner. THURSDAY-FRlDAY--SATURDAY Ta Get one head of ......-`.4~u-n Fall Fair Specizl W():'VII'I.'\".\' SILK ('lH'll'I". IHUC.` I415` cw:-~ 'Z.1nIHi;nNi -H 11:51! r..s. xx-/.4-.< - stuck. Du scc lhvm V in 1l|\I'll |***~ Infants Sleeper Suits I'..l. . ...,1. .,.`,1},|,H. .7, Fake Advantage of7Th;.s ;_VFAlR WEEK VALUES |l'!VI _.M.._ \ .'z " gm]: 25C BATHRQBES ,. ., . Men s Wool * Work Sox ' Golf Hose .'('H m.'I(lI- HH- <.;.- 511.. nn sllil `` ..-r 1 Tlunrmlay. September 19, 1935 _ Ladies I 55 Elizabeth St. IJEl`|I.oIIol\ Phone 293 Women's W Lambskin luau 0 I\llIl\.lllI\y nzyuunu Sedan 1931 Ford Coach 1931 Chrysler 6 Sedan 1931 Pontiac Sedan 1929 Ford Coupe. 1929 Hupmobile Coupe 1927 Chrysler Imperial 80 4-Passenger Coupe I_A7Ri0[I.i1_HlLL Tweed Turn and Scarf Sets Inn A-nB\JQIanv unnc-2 hrysler and Plymouth nru cu cJ{.;d Beef -Phonc 240 for the Rawlelgh Man. John Maglaughlin spent Sunday with friends in Huntsville. `Mics `Marv `Rvrnps: nf Tnrnntn is u-uu um! nml I -:hu-II Wool _VLuEs , u|lovers uttrzamivu in (1-1 nn Gloves 1 '11'L I Skirts O X 0 (111109 `rm of 4 Tin .rMxN0`. `?i)Cr;"izX<";`i' I0!` Rkio COFFEE ABOUT A LLAN DA LE "iiu`z`s"` 2 lbs. 25 10 25 ']1?i:;z' 1 2 rune nu noun ` |l \;I\'{rhous; uton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Dickey of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Maglaughlin. Mr: W N Rrnnd Jr, nf Hunts- \ I`\`.{\` [U ` Sirloin ~"Wing4 l'V'IC\.l1l(|'V|lL-l\ 5 BUTTER I'\II`(` BROCK'S BIRD nuwv-n.` [R-;~P_;`1`\| cEXiis "`- 1 9c McCORMlCK'S l\I Iv!-I1- i`>`1`1ii`C PICKLES CHRlSTlE'S .`\SSul'U.`d lVI'\I-I Anna .\1cat and Fish Spccia1s good until Saturday Night IVLTS. xuaglaugnnn. Mrs. W. N. Brund, Jr.. of Hunts- ville. is spending a week with Miss Mossie Maglaughlin. Rnvr-n T.i1n ir-ff ihic wool: in vnn- KJ.`\I Bu: - ouvs "s`:i-.i')" 2 St wl _1.'|r 14 sponrnng Inn summc-r . 'nn"'Sntm~rlay for with Burton rt .\H\vd n.-.1:-ts 33c 25 STORE IVIOSSIC Maglaugnnn. Royce Little left this week to con- tinue his studies at Pickering Col- lege, Ncwmarket. for another term.` . CI-|nv\r\1I kMAmIInL< fnvv rnnn unrl = ommmm ~ 1:522` .."`. 2s Church yesterday. will be found on` page 3. along with several other weddings. `Roman? vglfnrg wHh Mr. and Mrs.. weaamgs. `v Recent vsltors with Mr. and Mrs.|1 W. Ferguson. Cumberland St., were Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Marsellus and|; Miss Lois of Detroit. Mrs. A. W. Fer- guson of Little Current and Billy Ferguson of Sault Ste. Marie. J. W. McClcary, 46 Cumberland St.. ~. celebrated his sow birthday on sun-l day and is still in good health. Mr.` and Mrs. G. Seigman and Mr. and . Mrs. O. Brandes of Toronto were up . from Toronto for the occasion. Tun nnnnnnmnni la annnnnnnr? nf. trom '1`0I`0nl.0 1'01` Inc occasion. The engagement is announced of. _Mary Isobel. daughter ot_Mrs. M. ;W. Hill, 130 25th Ave. West. Calgary. and of the late Wm. B. Hill of Al- Landale. to George Frederick Eller of St. Catharines, Ont., the marriage to take place late in September. Trousseau Tea Held A delightful trousseau tea was held at the home of Mrs. J. D. Wis- dom. 86 Cumberland Street, Friday` afternoon and evening last. in hon- our of Miss Adeline Wisdom, whose marriap;e to Albert Edward Keleey was an interesting event of yester- day afternoon. Mrs. Wisdom, the bride's mother. and Mrs. C. D. Kel- cey. Toronto. received the guests, who numbered about one hundred. while Mrs. W. A. E. Doe and Mrs. A. F`. Pugh were in charge of the tea . thin;,rs. Most (Iommendahle Beautification The public in general pays little attention to any man's work unless he achieves some unusual Now. after months of patient labor, what was formerly an eyesore, al swampy vacant lot next. his resi- dence on the corner of Cumberland and William Sts., a place of beauty by filling in, sodding and massing with flowers at; the back and all at a financial cost of $4.10. Mr. Wilton has also found time for courting and his marriage took place yesterday at llillsdale. The Examiner extends result. 3 J. Herman Wilton has made from r congratulations. n/I....l nnn..n__Mnn-man RICE klll I\Cul;.',L'K: I\|III \Vu.\ BEANS 2:2. Macaroni 11:51:, A1l.'\'vuAuInx;I,. nu uuuu-\.n u..u-. ---Snappy broques for men and young men, something that will`-`pl, ._ give wear. $3.25 pair at Hill's Sh , Box. 381; Tnlnn Tlllny-Hr. nf Han {`?\T'R `R:-irhrn \ Hug: uuuuu |I:lln. M.1.cL(-.nnan--Norman A quiet xvodding took place :11 the Prcs1)ylm'i:1n Mzmse. Allandalc`. at noon Saturday. September 14, 1935. wlwn Mm'p1m`ct Alice Norman. P&9%%_ Sunlight - Navy or V`V'l1itc \\'cavc Toilct j-j1- HZ Domino R cd l`:\ck:1ge I-ID. Pkg. TEA ~49 I-H. UL... Lib. Tin gnvc wear. :pJ.4.') pan` an nuns antic ` John Marlin of the C.N.R. Bridge. 1 and Building Dept. has been 011:` duty for the past twn weeks through ` illness. `Rlfiun Iliinnifmnrl Uncle v-nlnvvnnrl nn Uct .1 11. of n-can-5 `ij`dA'ii C '. l\ (:1! .1 A_`. .\`n:.|r in` GLIJ.% {Tip C . . C l_n`l [1 UK Sugar iur Hnuelcss ii 3i...a Steak Roast Fillet Veal Roast BOLOGNA - - - POT ROASTS - - Pork Shoulders I;`I.?i mncss. Miss Winnifrcd Potts returned nn Saturday from Mimicn after spend`- ing the past week with Mrs. J. O. Bcnnion. llh-u T\II'rur1Ivnuu1-Jin nnrl 1\/Hue T\/[nccin fronts of Lamb Urarlgc Pckuc _ __ 1- C SWEET GRAPES ` Rolls ` daughter of Mrs. Norman and the . late Mr. Angus Norman of Tiverton, was married to Clarence Piekard MacLennan. son of Mr. and Mrs. John K. MacLennan, Glammis,. Rev. N. R. D. Sinclair of Allandale of- ficiating. The bride was becoming- . ly gowned in a navy blue ensemble .1 il with accessories to match. After the wedding the couple left for Meaford . to spend a short time there before taking up their residence at Glam- mis Bars l RATS lvh ..... ~- ` A pretty wedding took place Sat- lurday afternoon at Oakwood United Church, Toronto. when Luella Prid- Iham. daughter of M1`. and Mrs. H. I . Sanders of Allandale, was mar- ried to Cecil Ray Reniner. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Rentner of Colling-~ wood, Rev. A. E. Marshall officiat- 'ing. 3 'T`hn hridn rtivon in mnii-lmrmvi 'mg. by her father, war. becomingly at- tired in an ivory satin gown made on princess lines with pointed collar and cape hat of Mechlin and braid- ed satin. She carried an arm bou- The bride, given in matrimony` quet of Butterfly roses with baby's ` i breath and fern. She was attended by her sister. Mrs. Leslie Moreton. "\vearim.{ a green satin gown with point dc xprit, cape and hut. to match - and carried a bouquet of I'remicr ' roses. The groom was zittended by ` his brother. Mr. Russell Renlner. of - Collimzwood. Affnr ihn rrmnniimi held :11 H10 L`0I|1n1.:wn<)n. After the reception. held :11, {hell hmno of Mrs. E. A. Dnlluy. sister 0| `; lho. bride. the happy couple left on .1 motor trip. For travelling the? -bride \vru'o n brnwn fur-lrirmned ensemble with hat and .'1ccessm`ies to match. .... - . u- n. u u,u_,,,,__ bcnmon. Mrs. Nfillllilllghh and Miss Mnssio motored to Cnlodnn East, nn Thurs- day and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Hiscy. Flnnrmv 'I`rn~ nf H-an Simnsnn (Tn. Lu uu.-..\... The Late 11. 1`. J. I`_vl)urn After :1 trying illness of many months in which he slifferecl in- was done for his relief. death eame Ito Herbert Thomas James 1 yl)1n`n on Saturday, Sept. 14. 1935, at his: home. 10.`) Essa St.. with carcinoma as the direct cause. He was born in 1896 in Bracebridne and was brought up there. In 1916 he came to Allan- dale where he ent.ered the employ of the C.N.R. and was a faithful em- was laid off several years ago when lmsiness beeame slack. After that he secured :1 pnsitinn with Clarke and Clarke and was with them for a slmrt. time. He was :1 1`resh_vterlan and a member 01' the Brmlierlmml nf Railway Trainmen. Snrvivinr: tensely. though everything possible l plnyee with that company until he 1 21* 522% 520 $25 525. Rentner-Sanders .. 1 u- g . u, ,,v Tluwo \`:1Inc~'. unhx~s nthcr\\ i.~c sl:nwl, r|T:*(`- tivc {rum 'l'lnu`s(l.'1y, Sept. 1`). to VVodncsd.1y, Sept. 25 29; ` Get mmthcr ` lb. for V Get another ` bar for ' Get nnnlhcr ` roll for Gut another ` bar for Boneless ll` and Mrs. mscy. George Trnsk nf the Simpson Co. local staff returned to work rm Monday :1ft.m' his var.-ntinn. purl. of which was spent in Windsor. -r......... YI2....lI 1...... ....:........,1 'r\ `1;'

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