Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1935, p. 8

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Mrs. Caroline Dunn is visiting: Mrs. Isaac Spring in Stmud. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Surjennt are visiting in Toronto this week. Bob Dymunt of Kirkland Lake is spending his vacation at his home. 1ur.. ......i um... Ll -,.m-u I.-uinry Chin-_ (ll`\\l .... .._ While playiu \:\n\n OPTOMETRIST DISTRICT L'll lll llliU|_V ` n`i'/.05 for her use price is : "`L`(1C` 10 1U\\'I1 LOUHCHS a properly itemized be submitted to Coun- A: appropriation is paid. 1 was coupled with a :' sum of money, alleg- I`_\' Council for school m:ces.' of the estimates. N 0Vt l' tn the trustees. ying near his father`s .vn~_nlH A1hm~f Kitnhmm \,Ul).',rII|. V\vl||l \'ch:1s(! from "Bm`thu" l events and` ` Into owner. said to be HBARRIEI3 0] hi.` . my` A I":-.fn ' of e:\'- v, \ .Fc!1f;`:1t; 3 gm " `L Chicn `(IS \k'(IH , _ Committed for Trial on Charge of Theft D0cl2u'in_u Mal it was 11 very pu- culiar case, J\/I2u.:is\rute Compton .7: {'4'-: nwlrm.-rl l'nlnlhiH'1l fur Iriql nl \ \'(`Ck(`,n(|. : Mr. nnd Mrs. Dmuzlns '1`ruom:u:| and son from Dvtmit spent :1 w(`r'k with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith,` Brndfmd S1. r'1\n I-Ti:-lrlinu nn fnmilv, DOU- L'U|li11' l.'ilSl'.', J\ lZl}{!SU'L|lU VUHl[)l.UH JLHE; n1-(kmd (-uxmnillnl for trial 1H Hm rw.\:L <:u1u't of cunnpewnt jurisdic- Hun T\|(fSdtl_V ufternunn. of Hvamv 1`.`u:n'c. zrhzxntt (I with theft at :1 luau` _:.'m~z\;_,\.- nn Au;{ust 31. The (.`Vi(1(.'l1(,".`, Wilbur En. who is now szervinp. '1 two-mun1h" term in mm! on Un- q:nnu ('lmr;.',o. :mp|iL'nted the al'(.'lISL*(l. but this L-virlr:ncu was nu`. (-m'r0bur- med. f`.uunn All nun" 1;` I! 12'1"`...- U ll)!" IVIUUI L`. Harald /\ve.`r~:L nm: of the propri- Hnrs of Hm ;.'m'u1.'0. rlt-clan-(I lhnt $1!) or $2!) wn: all that was` ynistsilm uuw_ that 1\ 1n'xn~ \\'a.~: slill in their employ. and that me nccusatinn against Monrc had not been nmdu by them. We regard him as an ` trusted enmIn;;m," witness said. i`l\!'.`U. (Tmwn AH-n -::.-r-nu- and Fr: cd for Mnnre. :.r....,.m Am... John (,'ns.-;:n', 70 Gundwund Aw`- l`or0ntn. fI1(`PS :1 ch:1rL:t~ of rccklo s dnving. un which he will nppenr in court here noxl Thursdn_v, as a we suit of a collision rm (`nncessian P. I-misfil. at Nu. 5 sideruzad, on lh!- night nf Septornhm- 2. hv whirrh Mrs. I-`rankie Arnold, Churchill. was fut- nfly injured, p:n_ nwn_V in n Tm`- nntn hrxspital un 'l`hurs:d:.y Inst. I 'M'I*: Arnnlrl .'I nn<=r=I*nII\r Sn :1 (`hr Toront-;M:':>1.1-1_C`Iharged After Fatal Accident UHU) HUH|)I[<'1] llll llHH`F(1h.V HIS]. Mrs. Arnulrl. :1 passemmr in n ('m` (ll iven by W. 1.. McGnwnn. Ket1leb_v. suffered an iniurorl hack and |)1'nl'.('n pelvis. and ntiwr injuries. which ran suited fatally. Al the lime ml` the accident. they \vore not thought to {have born of such :1 serious nature. u |`-:;g.,- Hw)w(l war; in a1tendnnr-<,- and nu-1' H50 (~n1riv5: wm`(- rucurr1r*ri fmrn tho M tnchrlrwl" r-.mnp(~tin;z. The Tm- phy for Hw hi}.'|w: numhor nf points was wun by Miss Olive Dnvirlsrm llf n...m,1;n r: c 7 \'/{IS \Vllll |l_\' HUSH l_)ll\'(,` IJHVHISUH `ll Dunedin, .`~}.S. 7. A1, :1 Incntirnrz nt \-xhirrh were rcp- rcscnled all l)m:inn.=scs and 1n'ofr:.s~- siuns in the mmmunity. the Tiny and Tny Ag,-rivulturul Srmir.-ly, assist- ed by z: Mir.il:md business men's .-. vurnillnn `lrun rln.-Grin:-1 In `4I\`I Ohniu mc-nsurenmm m 24 xncnes. 1 R. Meigh. n trtwk driver. failed? tr. appear in police court at Collin}:- wood. MO!]l't%!". to answer :1 charge of hugging the mad but he (lid send a letter plezwding guilty to the charge and 21 cheque for 325 just in case the court riot-'Ir.tr:d to impose :1 fine.` Mzagistrate Owmtnn Jeffs did im-5 pose :1 fine of $10 and costs. amnunt- f ing to $21. Ir; passing sentence the: magistrate smiled and said. Worftf the gentleman be surprised when` he Sets $4 ch:m_L1,e'. " ` Is your subscription paid? Brmlfnrd 51. Cecil I-Tickling and family. Don- vor, Colorado. visited his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mvs. C. M. I-Ii('klin;1.i Wm*slr:_v SL. lzwl W(`(!k. ; Mrs. I-I. Firman is spondlng :1, month with hm` si. Mrs. W. C.` .T(`s.~:np_ Flint. Mi('h., and Mrs. 17.. PL! 9 I I3:Is::oH. D<'h`nit. Mich. nm. Flnnvcn nm-I Mic: Thelma Reirl. I ' F. (E. I3)v:1n.s pru- ; A. HzImmr)n(l nut- lmost wasn 1 This Week-End and V Barrie flair Days % SPECIAL DISPLAY W. MOORE and the Very Latest in HOSIERY, GLOVES, LINGERIE, CORSETS and PIECE GOODS NEW FALL COATS DRESSES MILLINERY -Barrie`:: Big Fair, Sept. 18. tn `)1 n D('t1`nit. lVll(`h. Roy Boarsc and Miss Thelma Rcirl: It-ave Sunday for the Mm'itime:< tn visit the farmer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hearse, Sydney, NS.` A..AL..... nnuynn nf lhn I")nn1 n|`[ >BARRIE S EXCLUSIVE STORE ----- BUTCHER SHOP at No. 7 Collier St. And are in 3 position to cater to 2111 their old Customers and welcome all new mics, and will give special attention to ran:-`III-II-nrwa Frau 1I"\I~(1vlvlvt l'nt\ A(VV'I'Vt`V _ _ `WK ('I"rialZWil1 Convzince Next to Geo. Shannon s Grocery Store QUALITY MEATS PRICES RIGHT #16 'IIYI'V `I"\II I`YI"'\ 1350);; 515 Phone 1583 1sA::iv.a:2sv"`ig;2j;;sg4:ng RoAsTs LOWE BROS. HAVE OPENED UP A ~5-OF--~ lvlrs. L.(rory,c n. numm.-, ..;_,u...._,, ...._..! Arthur Bryan of thc` Dept. of! '.I`md(-~ and Comma.-rot`. Ottawa. anrli Mrs. Brynn non Evelyn Bong? \voro1 The persuasion of life insurance agent saved this home. Most men when well and strong fail to sense the dangers of disease and accident. Life Insurance, however, can be bought only when you are in good health. J. B. FEE, Superintendent Moore Block, 24 Dunlop St., Barrie Next Door to Roxy Theatre ` C.':r(V1rs of"'T-0 Let, ":3 sold by Examiner. Thursday. Scptcxnber 12, 1935 WE DELIVER "For Sale", etc, Page Eight `.i.(7. I Mr. nnd Mrs. Grunt Adams of 1-,...n..o,. urn:-n n-....en nr Ihn T\/H-.-mm. 1,n:o:1n11i1)1>: I DANCING llll. \Ill.AV|,V\A \l| ..-.,. Studin mi" Bullet. Tue, Tap, `:Illmmn, (I11:u`:1clcr and (Ireutive D:111c'iI1g`. Fur l'urlMl1er inlm'm:1ti Phone 883 DjJl .'IA\.uu5 nun vu\.c-uuu u. lllh} .. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Irving. Shir- ley Ave.. left today to resicle in T01`- onto. Dm: nltunlnu p:n`II'irl(1r\ nnrl M1'Q -awn :-sn -vvv-5- ..___. Gold Medalist and Graduate of The Margaret Eaton School of Physical Education ANN()l.'N(IES Tllli ()I F.N|N(} ml" her . .1` l)..1l..A 'I`...1 Inn Leona Seagram nuunn II`n,__I visiiing Barrio friends for the week- end. T\Il.. nnrl n/r...~ Tnhn 1Wnrnn nnri cnn end. : Mr. and Mrs. John Duran and son of 'I`m'0ntn were weekend \'isitm'.~e with the lulter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McKnight. I"nrks:id,-1 Drive. r -uni NI-c (`nr-il NI:-nxrincnn nf Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Megginsnn of! Sault. Ste. Murie, On1.. motoring East. on their honeymoon. spent A `few days with Mr. nnd Mrs. Ch.'1s.| 'O'Cnnnm'. 91 Wm'sl(-y S1. : Mrs. H:m`_v Lynns uf Glen Ron-kl New .Ie1`sey. Mrs. Precious and her mulhvr. Mrs. C.'u~ley. of H:In1il1r>n.| visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Mer1'i<'k zmd um hr mu-I Mu-c Rivnuwnn lax`! l\ l5ll('Ll LVII Hon. Dr. ' week. 1 /'I'\`L` 1.1 'weoK. 3 Mi. I'D.-Ion Gray. Miss Hel(3n' Slater and Mrs. Dubson and daugh- ter Joyce of Tnrumln have returned homo nftm` spending iwn \vc(.'ks' va- catinn at thv homo nf Mrs. G. Win- lg.-;rnvo. X Rnnndrnn I.Pnd(`I` G. E. Bl`()0k(L< move. Squadron Leader was in Ottawa last. Friday receiving frnm tho G0vm`nm'-G(-ncr.'1l the in- signia of an officer of the Order of tt1(}Bl`itiSt1 EInpii'e_ bvstnwed up- on him in the King's Jubilov birth- tctny list. I I Mr nnrt Mrs .T:irn(!s A. L(!th0I'h\'.t day 1151. - Mr. and Mrs`. Jarnes Lothorby, Midland. wish to z1nnm1nc- the on- lrzzxgzmm.-m nf their dnuglwtor. Grace Evelyn. to F`. Roy ])uvi({s son of |I\/Ir. and Mrs. Frzmk Davidson. Mid- land, (110 Wedding to take place Or'tnl)('1' 3. I M'.- nnrl l\1Tv .T.'1n1I\-< W.lI nf l(_)r'lnl)('1' 3. l Mr. and Mrs. James F.llsme1`(: of Golden Valley mmnuncc the uni gugemc-nt of their dnu;_.'.'h1cr. Eva` ,E|iznb(-I11. to Alfred Fl'_V(`l'. son nfl fl`/Ir. and Mrs. Wm. Fryw of Pn\vn.<-i ;. 1h(- mz|rring(- to lake plm.-(2 Into; gin S(`pt(~n1bm'. i I Ahw !~`.inr-lair Jnhn Sinclair and: onto. Rev. Manley Pmlriclgo and Mx's.| Partridge of Maple, visited his mo-' that last, Thursday. ' Mi-.--< V.':lrhn- Roll and Miss Gmcul tin Soplc-nmer. 1 ` Alex. Sinclair. Jnlm and Miss M:n`;:.'n'(-,t Sinclair arv hm-`imp, 2| gm cruise on the Lady Drake lit) the British West Indies. 'I`he_\-`- :`nilo(l from Halifax last Saturday after :1 bum trip from Tnrcmtn down the St. Lawrence. ! I ml. nn(rndnn1r\r\f iv: nnnnnnr-nrl 1'>l'1 (the :51. Lawrence. I The cn[.;ag0mcnt is announced of idith Marion. dau[.{hl(3r 01' Mrs. John and the Info David John. Tor- unto. to Robert 1\ IcC`.uaig. son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter M(`Cuaix.:. C`-uihric-. the nmrriagn to take place :11 ihx: end nf Soptombm: I M nn '|\/l r< (flnnd Faux. Toron- [end of 5f`p!0Inl)01`. ` Mr. and Mrs. Claud Faux. to. formerly of Barrie. announce the `engagement of their daughter. Dor- -is G. Faux. to Arthur Aston. son of IM1: and Mrs. J. Aston, Toronto, 1hr.- |mnr1~iage to take place quietly the `end of September. l\/Tr and 1\/1:-.~.~ W. L. Kennev of end of September. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kcnnoy Parry Sound announce the engagh mum of their daughter. F1m'en(`(` Marguerite. to Edward Angus Bam- ing. son of M1`. and Mrs. A. N. Bant- ing of Alliston, the marriage to take Iplncc quietly in 12110 October. Mr, and Mrs. Lokrlxton S. Clarke. quietly m lam ucmoer. Mr. Leighton 1Rn_vfie1cl St.. were guests at me iStzn'k-Gnlcr whdding in St. Paul's iAnp;1ican Church. Calrsdnrxia. on ;Snlu1'(l:1_v. Mr. Clarke was one of the t....\....-L. um m-nnm A]nx_ Stark. Tm`- Mr. and Mrs. Walter A11am,_l Churchill, ummum-.0 the engage-=5, (H110. D(`lH`,: 1| Lnunnun In nun. \..m..u.. Sn1u1'(la_v. Mr. L`1ar1m one on Inc nsl1ers:, tho groom. Alex. |unl(). being a brother of 1\-Irs. Clarke. 1.... .....x 1\,1 .... '(X7v_\HnI' Allan I '. mm IV] I` S J. JVlL'I'l H'l\ unu and Mrs. Simpson last ment of their second daLuzh1.er, Ber- lhu Edna. to N11`. Thomas L. Frus- er, son of Mrs. Fraser and me lmc James I*`x'asc1', Thornton. The mm`- |riage will take place early in Oma- bet`. WvJ\/lnunr ,T:\hn T4` ("v-rdrr ic ~ D01`. iously ill at his home in Maple Ave.. ins the result of an attack of coron- lnmry IhI`()!T)0SiS which seized him while in his siorr: last Friday. Tim niinck was entirely unexpected as he had always enjoyed the very best of health. K0 and 1\lh-a `MI ,1 Qhnnnhnn Fri- Ex-Mayor John F. Craig is : i 1.l'1(3l` IHSI, '1'nursaz1y. Miss Valcloc Bell and Miss C}l`Jl(.'(? Ronald are alt:-nding tho Onlurin Ladies` College, Whitby. Ancn 1\/rr~T(nin`hl lr-fl nn 'I`Ims(lz1\' 01 ncann. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Shanahan. Ed- gar. announce the engagement of their d?ILlL!h1C`1'. Marjorie Ann. R.N.. 10 Mr. George William Sinclair. sm; of Mrs. Sinclair and the late VVm. Sinclair. of Guthrie, the Inarringe 10 iluke place quietly the middle of September. . n/r.. I1:-nrl NI-u II`.-m! Qmulm-mm l m.~.m,-...m... Mr. and Mrs. Fred Szlndersmx. Shanty Buy. announce the em:n;,:n- menl. at their eldest daugrhlc-1`. Mm`- icl Irene. to Thomas Victor Hart. son of M1`. Jz1m<>.< Hart, and the 12110 Mrs. Ham. Shanty Buy. me mur- ringe in tzako place the latter pm`! of September. A... Tr 13 'IV.....l.. `cu s.7\~1:u;uu.-v.-. . i M1`.~:. H. R. 'I`nmlin:< has 1'v`.urn- `ed nl`tm' taking: a motor trip to Sud- ibury with hm" xnnmor. 1V[r.~:. D. M. Ridde]l. and brotlwrs. William and] i\ViH 1`vd :1!` Baldwin, 0:11.. In \'isi1 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ridrlvll. 'I`l1oy| zxlsn stnpporl at Cnllnndcr and saw `lhu Dionne quintuplets. vs... .__-.1 1ur..,. r` T `(J..:1.\.. r`..nn zusu su Dic Rev. .-.-..u~n z |llH' Lllunux: |.]lIIIII\|1lI\\n. and Mrs. C. J. Bailey. C`.rv0- mum. zmnoum-0 the mi,u:\;z<>im'-211 uf |ll1(`il' dmuzliu-1'. Jmn llnrvny, In :I.0wis E. Burrill. B.A.Sc.. Port C:'od- iit, son of Mr. mid Nlrs. l". l. BUl`l`ill. 'Bu1'z,'o.s*\'illo. The 1n:u'1'in;:(> will lul-:0 place Or-tuber 5111 at `.2 <>'i-lm-l~: in S1. .Tnhn'.\` United Clm:`('h. Croonmro. The oiigngunient ls :mnmm<.-ed of Olivo Almnjozm. youngest. (l(1ll{l`I1L`I` of Mrs. Annie I-ln1'. zmrl the late John Alfred Hnrsburgzh of New l.n\vell in M1`. John Melville Silk. only win of l\/Ira. Vivian Silk and 1l`.L` late Dr. Arthur Silk of '["m*nntr), lhu HOUSE GUESTS DESIRED Reasonable Rates Phone 31 1 . BAR} ATTR.`\(Z l`lVl5 R()( )MS /\Nl) B(').A\Rl,) Learn to Play Latest Popular Dance Number t'\k1 'l"l_lI'.` DIAKYf\ Brookdale Inn Lathes Lgmmge, wmmy. Austin McKnight left on 'I`uosdz1yl to take up his new duties at the RC: A.F. station at Vancouver. ` Nix-u Dnhm-Q;-nn nnrl Ilium: Jr-l'l`< nf MR. D1: ,.\NI;1', '|'uKuN'l`U Would be glad to touch Bu- ginners or Advanced Pupils in Bar:-ie or \r'ir_-inity one or more days each week. Rem~:()nablC terms. Anyone inmrvsl d. plcuso leave name and uddr in Box J ' Barrio Exmnincr. and inlcrview will he urmn;- ed ~w~i1h,in :1 week or 1\\`u. . \In1 1:51.; lnAnA\\J in 3 to 6 months MR. DELANICY. TORONTO \UnII] ho mud in tmmh Ru- vyunun Ar \n|A\o\4 4- ON THE PIAE6` .......... BARRIE WILSON-l)lCKEY A quiet but prcity autumn wed- ding was : at the home uf Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dickey. Allis- ton. on Tucs(ln_v. Sept. 10. 1935, vvhen their only (laugl1tur, Mary F`1'erla. was united in marriage to Jmncs Edwin Wilson. B.S.A.. D.O., Barrio. t-:\v'| nr mu. -unxrl M '1` N \ViI Ldwm wxlsrm. 15.5./\.. U.U.. I>i1H`It'. sum of Mr. and 'Mi`.<. T. H. Wilson. Allismn. Rev. D. A. MacKc1'acher officiated. vmm xwmn (xhvnn in nmm-izum hv omclatca. The bride. given in mzn'1'i:1ge by hm` father. was boc-omingly gowncd in beige suede lace fashioned nn prince.~:.s lines with cowl neck line and long fitted sleeves. She was n(- tendcd by Miss Miidrrzd Brett. Nicol Wilson. brother of the groom. wa< best man. A (`O nu O`1n xiynrlr` 3 n n` rm-rxnf inn H10 I host After the weddin;_{ 1'e(:epti0n the bridal pair left for Owen Snund whore ihcy took 1110 Michipicotv.m_ cruise. On thoir return they will reside in Barrie. nmrriage to take place early in the fall. nag: Qnuin Inna whnr.-n m1Lmuv- mu. Miss Susie King. whose engage- ment to Frank Duiz-hm` of Bm'ri(~. was rocenuy :mnm1nr,-ed. was hnnur- od by the choir and members of Bradford 1 resb_\'10rian Church rm l`uo. evening: when she was pro- sentod wi1h n hzmdsnme 1able and lamp from the vr>ngrog.{alin11 and :1 .p1'oHy silver flnwm` (-nmzlinor from the choir. An 11))Dl`(`(.`ii1HV(` ;1d(l|'(-rs z1c('nmpz1ni(`rl the gifts. }\.r'. szmrmn at vzlncnuvcl`. Miss Rolpcwtson and Miss Jcffs of Stayncr spent thv weekvnd with Mugist1'ul(,~ and Mrs. Joffs. 'r`nm M:-N:-in hns rnt.nn'nud to the '.('.'l`.U. The firstt VV.C.'1`.['. Autumn movi- ing was held in 1110 T.ihr:n`y I-`full Mondzly .'|f101`n<)<)n with :1 fair uttcndmwe. Mrs. Bzlllaniynu pro- l..:.I,.A mu: .-..m: H113 ..m~inhn'r\ ](`.'<!<()l1, 'u11cmlm1Ce. Mrs. ljllllalllylll: pH`- sidnrl and rend the 3-`cripture lesson. ]V1i.~:.< Emma King. Mrs. Wildmzm. !l\/Irs. Lmmox and Mrs. Cumming mf- I'crc(] shori pru_vcrs. I 'I.1r- nwm-lint? \\V:\.<: f0`.` '10 D1l1`DOSl `l'L`.rc(l snort p!`i1_VL`l`S. Tho meuiing was: the pu1`po. Inf disc\i.~;sing and makim; final 111' lnngvnicnta with the difi`m'ent cum- mittcos for ihe pm\'in(:ia1 conven- tion in be hold here October 1-3. A <-nrdiu] invilntinn is c-xtcmled in Hm public to all the sossiulis and es- pecially tho evening (mes. Northern Ontario 1 ` Land of Opportunity ` Speaker Tells Lions This northern country for many more years will be the country 0! <:ppnrtnnit_v. Rev. W. A. E. Due. minister mt` Burton Avenue United Church. Allzmtlnle. declared in HM course of an nddre.~:s to Bzirrie Linn.-' Club :1`. the opening fall dinner meeting 'I`lmrsday evening last President A. F`. Pugh was in` thr l chair. l The speaker. who was introcluee by W. A. Bell, and thanked in he- halt` of the Club by Warren Wilgar lgzwe some impre `ions of his re- cent vacation trip to the minim: areas `of Northern Ontario. which he (lt`Cl2ll'C(l to be very interestimt The people were very optimistir: there. and there seemed to be plen- t_\' of money for everybody. Thr mines were working constantly 2-1 hours :1 day. seven days 3 \veek.:af1d. 365 days a year. and the mills nev- cr ceased operations. l2r\fn|~n um arlrlrnac nf the even- CCHSCG 0pCl'Zlll()Il5. Before the address of the ing. Gordon Longman. in behalf of the Lions Club. extended Congratu- lations to W. A. Bell and Mrs. Bell on their recent ma1`1`iage, M1`. Bel] ix'c-plying in mtim: Ierms. I It is nlannod 10 hold Barrie Fair irc-pl_\'1ng m 11111111: mrms. ` It is planned |Nip,ht" on September 19. $113 T}';f-l-t`Charged ' from Ayerst & Harris Wilbur Ball. aged 28. Toronto. for merly of Barrie. was remanded in the County Gaol until today on :1 charge of the theft of $113 and three` cheques from the safe in the gar age of Ayers! & Harris. Limited Elizabeth Street. about 2 a.m.. Sat urday Inst. (`him-1` S rm\-'nrf said that Ball. whv 1n'day inst. Chief Stewart said formerly was employed as a mech- anic in another local garage. sur- rendered himself 10 Provincial Constable Bert Hammer. and then turned the money over to him in tact. According to the police. Bull confessed in 1` signed statement. Dnli:-n ugirl Hun cnfn had been left M:lg1st1'uu,~ zmcx 1vn'.~:. .J(.'ns. Tom McN('il1 has returned to lncal A. & P. Store after rclievin5.';[ at the Sun for throc weeks. 1\II'.~u Tun-\nu ul.-um-nn nnrl enn F?nv-' 0011! `Cd m slgnea sunmncm. Police said the safe had been loft open. and that the money takun was lying in 21 cash box in the 51111` The cheques. (om up. were 1'eco\'cr ed near Bunker`s Creek. i LeymanMu1:doch.Wins {Tiny School Fair Cup; iLivestock Show Good Exceptionally good quality live stock was exhibited at the Tin; Township School Fair which wn held at Wyevale Tuesday. sew] schools. chiefly from the southvrr purl of the Township. being !`ep`.'C somrsd. Thirteen calves and foil L'n'ni> . all of real good quality. we!` ~~'nn\\vn | I`.Il'l'lLfS all UL't.'|$. Ckllllllh. nlllkl Vtpgl." itables. were at least up to normal but the quality of the exhilsit-5 wa: above normal. Corn and grain un- tries were well up to avemge. Thr quality of potatoes was good but UK number of entries was down. Routs wcrn considerably be-low last year Total entries numbered 626 as com- pared with 656 last year and 636 in 193 . 1 ;'\1vn\-)|\ 1\/|'uu-rl.-xnla QC IJ 'T`u'r\\' 30-S. Layman Murdoch. S.S. 1-l. Tiny. ` at Wyevale. was the winner of the llchampimiship trophy with 56 points. while Phillip Lamb. S.S. 3. `F105. was ` awarded second prize although he had 68 points. He won the cup last year. Donald French. S.S. 3. F105. won third prize with 53 points. The rccitation medal went to Billie MC- Aiiley. SS. 3. Flos. and the public I\'l`\!".'~\`\'i"\Sl ynpdal in Anrh`:-v \Tr`AnleV. |:'\lllE'}'. 3.3. J. P103. iillfl lllt` puuxu \o::al medal to Auclrcy McAuley. SS. 3. F105. Gladys Goldsmith. SS. 14. Tiny. was the champicm junior speller and Billie Downer. S.S. 5. Tiny. at Wyebridge. was the cham- pion senior speller. Diploma winners in each school .~`e(`tion xvoro: SS. 3. Tiny. Graham Jones. 12: S.S. 3. F105. Phillip Lamb. 68: SS. 5. Billie Dnwner. 28: -SS. 12. Edith Webb. 14: S.S. 14. Leyman Murdoch. 56: S.S. 15. Billie Camp- bell, 16: S.S 21. Clarence Mertz. 1-1. *r...1__._ _._ . 1-3..-; rI:'.|.-,, a-n.....1 UUH. 1U. 3.3. . 1. LvltIlI;'Ill.'C 1\'1c1'L(.. I1. Judges were Fred Fiher. Cecil Chappell. Campbell Raikes. Stewari L. Page and Misses Helen Fisher. Wilda Culbert, Barrie. Phone 222 tor good 100 printing. WEDDINQS `HIE BARRIE EXAMINER. BARBIE: 0N'l`.. CANADA ----- an the Don I01` Inrvc \vut'n.\. Mrs. Jmnos W:n`1'en and son Ray- mnnd of Whitby spent a few clays last week with f1'ivnd.~: in town. Mrs. Elva Cnllis and family lufl n uynnll nun In viuil hm` mniht-1`. 1 beets. .n .10 1; Your eyes ()lIU.'_'l'()\V the old px'(.-.v.(:1'i])- Hun imp01'ccplil)ly, so better be on -the safe side and let, us vlmuk 1h(`lIl up for you. rather than run the risk of eye strain or mus(.'ul:n' imlmlzmct-. }Robert H. Smithl Your eyes should be examined at least every two years. 53 Dunlop St. : Ilmnxs` Daily: 9-12 : S.'11\lr(lu_y.s' till rn nn 1' Snot-tnmrs at Om fair yesterday '."<'1'e ;:iven an 11n(';n'r1etl lhrill when I\'[urray Emn\s. 19. was thrown from his; mount. Imynl Rancher. when `he lmrse refused to round a turn in the saddle race. Emms was hurl- ul over :1 fence out of the grounds. but escaped : injury. Bertha Grzxttnn" Inns (`hanged s`..".lls. The animal is now the pm-: ;)er1_v of Philip Kemzh. Colgan. whu' r-.-eently Inutle the ])lll'Ch:lS(! fruml Wm. I-Innnnel, Beetnn. Bertlm"% I '4`.u0rl up well in many and 2-. m mnnv nri-Inc fnr hnr l.'11n n\vn(`|' a Change of Classes? '~.`\'()ll HIIIILV [)1]/.L'.`1 Ill! llL'l lull` U\`VlI\. . Tho purchase "fair." Tecumseth (mvnship school ms held at Bvelrm uh 'l`uesdu_\,'. !n`rge crowd zntondori. Them was :1 :l1g;l11 dccrmse in the number fubits. but lhe quality was excollrml. Leimz the best` in ten years. Thu Hrst prize, :1 silver trophy. was -_v 'B:11'bm'n Kezlrns of Beetnn Pub- `lc School I1`.-ullnuvivuuv Ouvn \!r)"II'L' nf nun!` 'll_' DCHUUI I Following lwo years of pom`, Wealth. Jesse Haste died at his resi- 'l(-nee at Midland, recently. :11 the age of 75`. years. He was born in Somersetsltire, England, but lived Tm` several yoars in London before 'rc-ming to Canada 28 years ago. At- cr a few months at Sarnia he scl- Llcd at Midland. f\-illin Ge ilnuflnrr He hnllrlinn hv- '.lC('l ill. lVll(llBl'1Cl. Orillia is flouting its building by- `aw by building on its own properly 1 structure entirely of wood. within ;,he first zone. was the accusation made by Alderman Herbert Plow- man. The property is that recently mu-chased by the town from D. C. Thomson. The town has rented the -vroporty for a year. for $216. (`nn~:tr11r`1inn nf a new storae shed l Jllhl wuvn vvuu u--.uu.- ... .un... :1 week ago to visit h(`l` mother. Mrs. V(-mu Miller. in Vam.-mIvL-r. Tlf` ')1`0pCI ty 101` 21 year. 101` $410. |_ Construction of a storage ; `or patterns at the P. Payette Com- ouny. Penetzinguishene. to replace the building destroyed by fire. is :lelayed until after the harvest sea- son. It is intended to build :1 con- -rzete, fireproof storage and the men ind teams now engaged in harvest~ `ng will be used in the work. Through Frank Kelly, M.P.P.. Huntsville. the Morrison Township Council has forwarded a strong pro- test against the decision of the Pro- vincial Government to close Morri- ;(-n Township to hunters this aut- `imn. The Township councillors are convinced there is no shortage of '1ame in the Severn Bridge district. Charles Luchapelle. one of the sons of Creemore's grand old lady. .\'l1`s. Jane Laehapellc. who has pass- *d her 105th milestone. lives in Men- l`nrd and will be 85 _\'eai's old on \1,.. 0 7\/Yr Y -ml.-xnnlln hnc nnt cmvn '.0l`(1 anci \\'llI U0 0;) _\'cili's uiu UH Vm`. 2. Mr. Lzichapelie has not seen his mother for many years and is x-.'idcI_v known in the district as one if the best fiddiei's" for his age. Due to me quick action of {hi Pueton Fire Bi'i;.{ade under the dir- ?CUOn of Chief Gordon Nichol. a fire which might easily have had more disustrous results was .effectivel_v hzmdled un Tuesday afiernoim when fire broke out (in the roof of the rcsidcnce of Fred B:1rreti. The on`.- broak was caused by sparks from burning grass zilightiiig on the rum`. Orillia Board of Education has .1 ...: 4.. ..~..:.\ C:\ "r*....m f`r'nn\n'c ...........h 5...... c decided to ac-*ede ` vt-qLxest that a 1 requisition" su kuf. mu Hm; ',)I'\I'\l While playing near ms xaLm:x`.s home. six-year-old Albert Kitchen. sm. of M1`. and Mrs. Arthur Kitch- en. Matchedayh Township. killed a rattlesnake over four feet long. The reptile had eight pairs of rattles, in- dicating it was about 16 years old. The child killed the snake by jump- ing upon its head with his heavy bcots before it had time to coil and ` strike. A null-Hnl` r-h.-n~m> ncainst Jnhn TIIIUIDILIUII UL` "it before the t This decision '.'( quest that `div levied I`: `. .-.`.` in nu strike. A murder charge against John Taylor. Owen Sound. was withdrawn Saturday at the request of J. F. P. Birnie. Crown Attorney. Taylor, ac- cused of murdering Arthur Gnuuh. lgft the court mum a free man. Withdrawzll of the charge followed the verdict of a Coroner's jury here yesterday which said the fatal stab- bing of Gough was purel_v.acci- rim mal." Ilia: (`.v-am: MnM nllen_ nresidem of and I..'K()-61)!) 10 p.111. Phone 80 for appointment r`.a mz_il." Miss Grace McMuIIen. presidem the Midland Red Cross Society, met V:-sterda_\` with her offirers and N. R. Vintou. field secretary of the On- tario division of the Red Cross. to organize for the coming season's ac- tivities. A house to house canvass for funds was planned and will be carried on under the leadership of Mrs. N. L. Playfair. The objective set is $650. _ `Finn umather. good auality of ex-I DO YOU NEED set is $630. ! Fine weather, good quality ex- hibits and sutport of the local mer- ` chants all combined to make South Nottawasaga schonl fnlr. held at Creemore, an outstanding success. A lVll'. mm lVll`.'<. kirilnl nuzuns (Ml 'I`m`0nto wore gnu-sts of the Missosl Campbell. Elizznlmth St._ for lhe| I wveknntl. 1ur.- um-I Y\1Tn's' hmuvlxw '1`:-nnmzm

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