Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1935, p. 14

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man. .1. Miss Ilene Kettle is spending week with friends in Booton. Qln` nan-uunn:-n tho n-intnr en. `sued a warning today to gitizens Chief of Police Alex Stewart is- .re:.:arding the sc-curit_v of their pm-I 'pc-riy. both in their places nf husi-I `pointed out that recently several ness and at their residences. He c\'\nYr\1` rnrc uuhirh havn hnmn Yr-"9 _ sunw high. `III j IXAMINQ. klllll; ONT" CANADA 3 293 w ENTRIES UP ' NEARLY HALF H VESPRA FAIR ((`nu!tvuwd jmm mac $('!`'IH ! Ihoru lwlm; only one n\|s.-lm:. Nurmu` Hzuniy Wins Al\m.\`sim: n total of mu puinls. Miss Nurvno Handy. SS. Nu` x_ Dalston. was the \\'inn~r nf lhv| chnlnpinuxlxip cup rm` lhv umsl points. Miss Duris \\'ilsuu. axis. of `S5. Nu. 3, was in svmml nlzwv with 78 points. whilv l\4i.~'s Mammx \\'il~ sun of the sauna` srhunl .-v-~lmn_ was third with 37 pninlx. Mi.~`.~` Marinn \\'ilsm\ ulsu \\-nu tho rwilutiun mvdul. und l\1i. Ruth .|nhn. (luv public spa`.-xkixu: mvdul Schunl Dlplmnn \\'innvr.~a Diplmnn \\'iln\m's fur mu-h .\'clnm': .~`m'Hn\u \\'m'v us l'ullu\\'.<: 5.8. I. CumIl<`.~z. .`\lldl`t`_\' I\h'Km`\'m`_ IN, lv:u`hvr. Mi.\'.\' 1.. Svnuun-_ SS. I\uI_~l.\n Y\l.u-.\n.. `l\\I\.'\- um I. u-ucrwr. n'u.\'.\' 1.. .\t'n\nur. an. .s. l\:\1.~:lnn. Nurvnv H:nui_\'_ I00, tom-h vrs. I\ lis.~'vs Vildn \\'z\lkvr and Flnru \'num.:; SS 5, Sixth lam`, (`Nil Hi(`klin;:_ 30. lv:u~lu~r_ l\vll\m'l Hun mwnmn; SS. ti. Midhursl. Durnll\_\' Finlay. 21. lvnolu`x'.<. l\ li.~`.~`v.~` Duris Kw.-nrn.~* und M. MvNi\-vn; SS. 9. 1\'llxwsim{. M:u'_\' Kllupp, `)9 to:\rh- !`l'.\`. Y\'li.~:sv.< Fthol H:u'kvr mu! Lillizxn I-`.m'lv_\'; SS. 10}-`., 1-`.d:`n\':nh`_ .-\rlhur (iiffvu. 5. lmwlwr. Bliss M. Hul`.~`v_\'; QC ll .\no..n l\`Hl. A`.-` .. 1`..l.. |A\ l'A(||Il'_\. \\.u`. \Ul`., l'.\l(`ll\'-|||`_ .'\lllllll SS. 11. :\nh-n [\1ill.~`. Ultwv (`ulna I0, h`m`hu`1`, Mis.\' Ruth Qu.'ml.'.; SS. 11!, F1-rndulv. Rob (`:\mp1wIl mu! lkvlly D.1\\'sun. ninv lmillts ouch, lvm`l\vx'. Miss M. (`ollsm-k: SS 15, Mim`sim.: Slmion. Hvulricv Dzu-i.<. h-:u-lu.~r. \I\'Hss Jenn Sl`i1h`)'; SS. 17. Svonnd Lino. Rue (`null.\`. 19, h`.'1c|u`r, Miss . Ixnlwl Rxxssvll. h..~l.v.... ..r I... .\\-I.H\ic.- \u>.n`.\ no l.\UU(`l I\llS.\l`ll. ' Judgvs uf tlw vxl\llvi!.< \vm`v us follows: livvsluvk. (`ovil C.`l1:mp-ll and Dunnltl Rvll; pululu jud;:lIu:: cmmwtiliun and puhlin` spvnkimz. .Cmnplwll Ralilwx. l\'Ti. M. I)nrsv_v_ Nliss Elhvl l\'l(`l\`lu.~'lm". .~'v\\'im;'. (`nuk- img`. and fln\\'crs. l\ lisso.< llvlvn Fish- vr nnd 'l`hyllis Smith: spellim: mn- tnsl, l\1isso.< Wilda (`ullwrl und I-`lnrn \'num:: gmwrul jndxzvs. Slv\\'~ nrl L. l`a_n:o and .1` F. Nvllvs. 1\.....,. \ I`ri;'.o-\\'i1nwrs in lho v:n`lnu.~: classes were ns follows: E:n`l_\' Outs. 1 qt. um Uulc Nlnnrv .3. Nnrmm H:md_\` 3. Doris Wilson 3. Bnnneuh l\Inm'c 3. Marion \\'i|:'0u R. Lnh` 0:115. 1 ql.' \-Hr l".dilh 1`rinn~ 3. Audn`_\' 1\'IcKn-v\'cr 1. C1':u'o (`nlv H. Duns Mam" HIE. 0:11 Slum!` (UN Nnrmw Ilzmdy 3. I-`.m'I Ru_::m:m 3. Helen lh1g.:m:m 3. Duris \\'il.mn 3. l\1armn Wllsun 3. Univ I\Iunro 3. Bur- iv_\'. 0.A.k`. Nu. `.11. 1 qt. 110* Mulu-I Dnhson 5. Ux'\'iHc 1)nhsnn 5. Elmvr DL.-bsnn Nm-(`nu Hzmd)` 3. 1)uris \\'1lsnn 3. F.d\\';n'd Duran IT. B:1rh1\`. sheaf 43) 1\l:1x`iun \V'il.~'un 3. Nurvnv Hand_\' 3. Doris \\ 1lsun 3. }<`ia\Id (`urn I1.`-\L-L';u\ (`unite I7! l'\II llCkl\ l' unu }I`.UXxu.iL tnticipauxi. Shown {or Miss ' ' A very deligl-.'.'~' sho on (m T\1(`s:lR)` : '. '9 auto Brunzun at '2: Inn An-n nu. Hn-s.\--- u i1r.nci_\' 3. Liuris wilsun ;1. 1 Field Corn llSl~~lt'zIv (`mitts 17. Lynn (`mitts 17. Nnrono llaindy 3. El- mer Dnbson 5. Dnris VVil. 3. Wil- fred Walt l7. l\ lill\f.:(`lS 163- (lriicc 'C`nlo 11. lVll`_tl(\l`t`l Pi-ii-st 9. l\ liirr:i_\' l\'l(`l..(`l1 9. Cvcil l llt`l{lll`l},' 5. l".;n'l Rugzman 3. Dnrovn Elliott 1016. Tur- nips. fur stock fwd (7l ~N()l`l`ll(` Handy 3. Doris \\'ll2=nn 3. (`mlv lVl0m'v 3. Marion Wilson 3. llvlvn Riu:.m:m 3. Mar_t:zii`e-t l ric-st 9. Tiiriiips. for table use lG\---.1i`:in Walt 17. Doris Wilson 3. Nnrono llandy 3. Melville Ti`ac_\' 15. Potatoes. Irish C()l)l3lt`,l`.< (`l4\--L,\7nn (`mitts 17. Rae (`mitts 17. Garden Hickliiig 5. Hazel Sutton 17. John Campbell 5. Glen Boelby 9. Putzilnos. Dooltgvs l; H---Doris \\'ilsnn 3. Nurcno ll;ind_\' 3. lrviiv Wall 17. Earl Ruginzm 3. Lynn Cmitts 17. Jean \Valt 17. Dooley 1"ul:ilm-S. 6-qt. bas- ket (53-~-Doris Wilson 3. llclcn Rug- man 3, Earl RllgX1`llll1 3. Lynn Cnutts 17. Audro_v l\'l(`l\'(`0\'or 1. Sweet (`nrn (l9l~~C'c1l llmkling 5. Domtlty l\ ln(`- Loan 3. Gordon Hivkliiig 5. Evulino Forbes 3. Lorne (`noko 5. Aiidrcy l\'Icl\ 0o\`m' 1. Boots 130i .7 Orville Dobsou 5. Wilt`ri`d Wall 11'. Helen . Rugman 3. St:mlc_\' Brown 1. lVllll`Y`a_\' _ Forbes 3. Norvm~ Hlll(l_\' 3. C`armts 3 151\-B(*lt_v D.'1\\'sun l2. Cl`(`|l Hivk- ling 5. l\ llll`l`.'1}' Brown 3. Elmer Knapp 15. Glen Brown 1. Beatrice Davis l5. Onions (18). -Ra}' Adams 9. Margaret Priest 9. Alan Johnston 9. Russ Koll 17. Murra_v l\'lcLenn 9. Ethel Chanpcl 9. Pnrsnips tl6l-~-Jim Uhappol 9. Fraiicos Chappcl 9. Ethel Chappcl 9. Doris Wilson 3. Nnrcne ' Handy 3. Marian Wilson 3. ` l\'lnTntm:h `Rnrl Annlne (R)- .Nnrnnn Mclntosh Rod Apples (6)--Norone Handy 3. Mormn Wilson 3. Doris Wilson 3, Brock Ottaway 1. Cult,` Moore 3. Mon yn .-`\_vrcs 6. Fameusc N Snow Applns f6l- -l\"l:n'_v Knapp 9. Allan Brown 3. M'u1'm_\' Brown 3. Norono Handy 3. Jim Graves 9. Cole Moore 3. .-\l(`x;1ndor or \\ oIf River APDIOS ll`.".*- T.`nri.< Wilson 3. Norono Handy 3. Mormon Wil.-=on 3. Mm-_v Knapp 9. Bn-ck Otta\\'ny l. Muriel I\ I(`Kc~o\'or 1. Any nthvr \'.'n`i(-!_\'. Fall xgmup 1T> -~- Dm`n1h}' Mzu~l.t-zm 3. \\'alter Flcrnmlz 11. Edith Prinvo 3. Allan Brown 3. M11:`1'n_\' Brown 3. lnnric 7\`L'mnn 17 \n\' nthnr \';`u'ir-Iv j\.In 5. }VlurL':u`(-I Johnston 1:`). Lyuer-112 Suence C In-he Walt Pmo-.;t B. Sharla) 1'7. Mar- Gucsl Towel f3` --F' dn Jnhnsnn 15. Beatrice I):n'1.-' Cl 15. an Walt 17. x Muffins lI2I--Eth-I (`Manna-I inn nxwann 5, 01`\'iIl(' `Duh.-inn 1 Ivlarmn Wilson :1. , Applus own Andy; `lb . ` 7) 1I|lY1|`1(V 11 Wrliih prinnn '1 U0l`I.\' Mary Lou Belly Dm Junior 1 nice Lave: Dnrcnv El Juan Cava "\._ Soninr I`('znrr`c- 6. 1r:I('(:ialc Inhnson 1 trtinn (`nu Marion W n\n....a I .. rv,. Wait 17. dnffins n Drxwsznn 5. Dnhsnn] l(\x'lS wnsnn :4. Manon 'ilfrod Walt 17. Donald Audrey .\TcKec-ver 1. r-irnlrlu I15! __ Nnrnnlx - \\ il .'|`l\Q ~\`h. 2'. `, to.'\rh~ ' .-uh`, hi I\...-. - Norcfnc I Marmn ` snvnr 1 uris '-thy Flnla: ville Doris Wilsw lors Cull . Du : Forbes 3. 1 Cumminga .~ cmr, Beef lsnn Dnllon Hi I-_fSS_\' 6. I _Bll'\' Kill HIIBUH (11 HI Inn Ava` In Xtozmzzr Viisdom whose ma: in the near tutu:-c _ ends were nrowr ma a host of _::`;.:.< .5110 originm plan \ them in the :r:tv:`m' Q6 dn`R `.' \y.'hook\'i ix` r-mi rat n-unanvunnv X.`-,: .o .m- of" 'I'>'ur;h'f:a`:-z -3838} Says Drury at C.N.E. l~`.. (`. Drm'_\'. |n'oInI(`I' M Onltlrlu) from mm In l9`.!:l. lust Wmhwsdlly \\'.'u'nu~d (`.m'c\rI\I\\m\( lxwula than un- 1055 the purrlmslmx pmvt-r of Ru` CuI\mHm\ furmvr ta rmurnvd In a normal level furmza wlll rvvnrt to llw wlf-.~msIn|I\lIu; lsusha of 100 ymirn mm. nnd city uI\m\\|)l0yment will inm-vn.~~ with utlvndnuu oviln. Tm- uvvuslmx \\'u.~4 .-\;;rloull\uI`ullsl1a' Day lm tho (`uuudlun Nnnunul Exhlbltlun _`\vlwn~ Mr, Drnry was mu-.-cl u|n`.uk|`I'. 'l`lw .s'|u~.'|kv1` snld In` with told lI\l`l`- clunm: ut tho lcxl\|l\lIlun ropm'tod inn-rruwd snlt`:4 or fnrm Imu~I\Iucr_v. '`l mu ! rxvv nny Imilmlllun of tho f:u`nu\r minim: mu 0! H10 huh! yaw", | ..-uni Yr l\u~nu-\- "unnl until Oh nlvrl. . Farmers Need Return l(Il'lHl`l' \`I|lllll|}{ lllll 0| IIH` HUN? _YIVI , .-:.-ml Mr. l)rury. "und until Hm nm`|- rullurul \\-urkvr is l\'(`l\ n pro for his xnndrl nnnnu~us|n'nMu with whnl hv puy.-x fur uu\nufuvlm'vd nrllulru. you will hm-v fnrnwrn wnrklnu lmun: nu human lwlmz Nhuuld lw vnxmwllml in work, and il\l`.l'I.`.l\N0d |Illl`ll\|\ltl)'lll(`|lI In Hm urban cun- ln\.<." 'I`I... l`.. an ...;.uI.-_ "D l\... ll'(`.`~`. '1`lu~ fornwr pr:-Inivr spnkn of u` ugilnliun ln vlliv.-4 fur slmrlvr lmura \\-ill: nmw pay. "Thu t`l|!`H-hl)|Il` du_\- will mwvr wnrk un Hm farm. and m-mx if i! Hal tho fnrmor can ! nffm-ll In hlrv nu n-xlrn .~xhlfl." ?\1u- r\I'nI-v .ln;-In.-n.l I`\n null- nl lIllUl'll ll) Illl'l` NH l`Xll'lI NIHIL Mr. l')rnr_\ dm'lur0d the policy 0! (`muuinm (hwornnxmts nuns! he di- I'u(`h'd 1u\\':ml r`slm`im( the pro.-apmu il_\' of llw l`nn\\m'. "Wv may luwv In rv\~.~r.-<:- llw prvsonl policy of farm-` vrs mnuu-Iim: in nu mu-n mxvkol with tho ms! of lhv world, nu M lhv snnw tlmv pnrvhn.-in: mmfutn(.`- turmi urllvlus ul nn nrlltivinl 1)ris'ts"` . l.vm\:l .lul\n.\`nn 1:. '1`(-:\ nmmma Hi) Ruth Smith 6, F.llm'r Huumnn 17. \'vrn Maw 10! . Eunice Tracey L1. Bmlxivv I\1:l. '17 Dmvothv I`h\mm-` son I. I1n1t\I.n:1fTnko (IMV--Shirley .1uhn. 15. Mnrnum-mo Spence-0. Vmln Adams 9. Doris Mmmn 17. Mary Knapp 9. Imltzjorlu Wright`) Schnul Lunrh t7).-.1`-`runcos. Ghnpioel D, Rmnrivn Davis 15. Dorothy `Fin n: 6. Edith }"rinuo 3. l"ut_rici:; Dwgvbv G. E\\'nrt Bcrlrnm 8. . ' ' . 5, n.-I.-n Maw mm, ncu-n uu nn xi,` lmnnu Juhnsnn 15. '1`N\ nirmui 3 (6) Ruth Smith 1'). l`<`.lnuIr Huumnn I7, (i. l`2dlH\ l`l`l|"lu(` 3. l'l|L_I`lCll JJVJSGV . ', \\'urk Bonk, Primer and Flnet~(t2` Hvlvn lhuzmnn 3. Gilbert Hal hi `.1. mono Key 3, Hilda-Jm'_V`3n `C- cilin Klrtnn 9. Billie` Adams 0. Work Bunk. Svcnnds t10`)-.l-Inrxvmr Bald-` cum l\n'I('m :1. Hum` Adnms I). Work Book. Svmnds I10`)---Hmwvay Bald-' in 3, (`wnrxzo Wilson 3. John Bald. win 3. Ix-one h`.nslnn 11; R0 Gllhnm 1; , Mux`rn_\' Richawdson 1 Work Book. Third. 120)-~Norn\u-Qnklt-$9. . V\':\(snn 3, Della Thom son` 5. John Nmvlon 12. Jean Per in.`8. Knthlm~n W:Ii1\\'in 5. Work Book, I-`nurlhs (15% Mary B1-nccinlel 11-. Vnlzn l`{r:u~m:\l.- 11 Nfnrinn Dnwnl-\'| uI`Il\L\l'l'-lL'Il} K 61'. \`. ..'. ipcnt m brxdg-3 \\".'.?`. dorson as xvanm-r of 1 Mia`: Eln: Henson " A very pleasing shmvor was mvon on 3 Sept. 9 at the home 0. Jack Plant. Jnhr S`. Miss Eima Honaw. whose marriage take. \vt`"ki `D2171;-'-fix-c` {:`::~n 6...-.. ....._.. .... u I-`nurlhs H5) - Mnr_v Hr:\cmnle- ll-.l Vvlzn Bl`\(`(`l\ll` ll, Mnrinn Dnwpcy W. Mndvlvino Groonlmv 6. Edythe 1': mm` 3. (".l:\d_vs Robson 1. ` I) ...I . ..,. .-.\ I 1-...) r*n|.`.... 1:5. mm L'.'unpn(`II 12. ulnn unnnm. 12. .lr:_\'n- Irwin l. Man of Toxvnshlp Wilt`-'vd Wall 1 . Leslie Sutton) 17. l\'onnv`tl\ Dl(`k(!l' 3. Gem` 0 Will 3, Bvrnwe lawenrlar .. R'ull1 Smith 6. Wild Flmvcrsl (12)-Irene Wall 17, Ellen Dobsnn 12 E. Run- mnn 17. Donnld Nnwlcn 15,- Norcvm.` lhmdv 3, Both Pratt 5. Honlll1-l`oal- vr lll---'Dn1`mh_\ Finlay 6. May Per`- kzmz 3. Mnrgzarcl Wall 17. Mdrlnn Murph_\' 9. Ruth Johnston 9, Betty I`:m\-sun 12. ('ulleclion of Fruit Cuts -Dnrn1l\`\' Finlay 6. Qentrice Da- vis `I5. (`M11-vlinn of Native `Wild l<`lmvor.u M)-lrlnrmnn Boeton 9. Dur- Finlay ti. Audrey McKcevr.1. Wilson 3. ` ' : Cult. Duiry Lvsvo `(H -- Clarence Fnrlmx R Hnrnl I -`nrhr-A R Rrnrh I I Hut` -1. \lInI\I_\'h n\n.v.VuII L. Hn(`k0\' unmc '-1)1.1o_vd (`.llhhm 111, Bob (`mnpholl 12. Glon Gilhnm.12. Mn 'I`ownsh1p 3 Wnll 1'7 T\'nnnnH\ Tvknv R f`.nnr:rn W51. l.)or1s Wilson 3. ty 0 Hum! Forbes 3. Bruce 1. Ivan Cumrninfn _I, type. (3).-Al|on Con 11. HH17. 3. Encst O'Shau):h- I-r: T'ni`l-fed nlf -(3)--Norcnv: Handy 3. Doughlas Shmuzhnc-say 6. C`1m`c~nco I-`mzhcs 3. Lamb. Market. Wpo (2)-- Mary Knapp 9.. Clmjcncc FOI'lw.< 3. Lamb. Brocdin tygc (2) -- Mm-v Knapp 9. Earl For es. 3. Cult. Draft h-pc (l)---Har.ry_Adama 9. Colt. Lirzhi or Carriage t_vpe.(l) - -(`1arcnc(- Davis 15. Showman Iip. Classes 55. 56. 57. Juniors (6)-- er- mm Fnrbos 3. Bruce Cummings 1. Nm`(`n(` Tlzmdy 3. Ivan Cummings 1. T'{iH)' Adams 9. Fred Orrdck . 9.h0\\'m:n1.~'hin. Classes 55. 56, 57. Sen-V inrs (5) \ far] Forbor: 3, Clarence F`nu-hnc R F.`-nnci H'hnuuhnm:c R inrs - Earl Forbor: 3, Clarence! Forbes 3. Ernest O'Shaughnes%y 6. Daltnn Hihz 9. Allan Cole 11. S 01-}- n`.'n`H:hin (`l.1.::t\e SR, 59, Se-inrn (3) Allan Cole 1_l. Show- manship. Classes 58. 59. Seniors (3) --Mar)' Knapp 9. Earl Fhrbl 3. Clarence Fmhes 3._ Showmanship. Classes 60. 61. Semorr only 12)--- Clarcn<`(- D.'a\'is 15. Harry Adams 9 n,.o..o- r..A...'.... I"nr\O:::-O rn\._(`.m_l '\rlHl l'll('(' IJZIVIK Ii). rill-ll IIUHIIIS U.` Potato Judgzingz Cnmst (9)--Gm-'- dnn Hicklins! 5. Marganct Soulo I2. Lnuxzhc-(`d 12. Rae Coutls I7. Dnvisnn 12. Mary Wait 17. .T1Ininr Sm-Hung Malrh (7)---Ber- [son 9. Rue Coutts 17. B011)` l)n\'Ison 12. Mary wan 11. Junior Spcllmg Match (7).-'-Ber- mcc Lavender 3. Dorothy Frice 12. Dnrono Elliott 10E. Irene Easton )1. C`a\'anav,n 15. George Patterson Spoiling Match H2)-Jas. Marmn Downing 9. Veta 11. Edith Prince 3, Pearl 15. Joan Kirton 9. Reci- (`onurst for Juniors (3) --~ Wilson 3. Bvrnicc Tracey 15. M_vr1l- Coutts 17. Public S enkinpz C`rm1(!.<( for Seniors f2)--Rut John- Soy Bc-an Dxsplay (6) - Harman Ru-tun 9, Doris Mason 17. Clarence Davns 15. Jim Graves 9. Audrey Mc- Kocvc-r 1. Muriel M(`Keevcr 1. Ag- rxculmral Nmo Book l3)~--Ena Trac- ey 9. Fay Handy 3. Shirley Murnhy 9 Pit-lure Story of "Sugar" '11-`. Fnv H:mdv '3 Collection of Art 72): --Sh1rl(-y Murphy 9. Ens Tracy 9.1 D I E.\`su_\' 43 Ena Tracy 9. Fay Handy 3. Dorothy` Prince 3. . Strmhrnnn Exorcist-9 I12]. I I ---Mr~ct your friends [Big Fair, Sept. 18-21. MANUFKCTUREHS \\'[`{'K. K Y`. 7!} bars \\'(.'(` gthnxvcroci P` hvh l\ \I\ In `. Dnrulhy Prince 3, Strathcona Excrcisns Makes Possible :1 Secure Financial Future A Life Income Policy will provide $IOO a month during lite commencing at age 55 or later. Should death occur beiore the selected retiring age insurance of $lo,OOO becomes payable. This insurance can be paid as a monthly income to the beneiiciary, ii desired. Branch ()ft'icc: Bank of Tummo l31dg`., Barrie, Ont. J. A. Mc(IUT(IHE()N, District Manager at Barri:-`s! a7b| ` UP IN THE AIR A corrcspondcm in Ningznm Falls. N.Y.. has sent The I".xrn'nin(.-r thr- ifollowlng item: 1...... . ... ) n::.._ ?\/Ira r: n ` ilulluwuu; II.l;|u. a Miss Juan Lxlusun um) Mrs. S. R. 1Bost of Niagara Falls, N.Y.. and .ncphcw Juhnnio Gibson, of Minn- ldalc, had an cnjnynhlv m-mplum-I `trip recently. The-y tank off from 1h- `Municipal Airport and flow m.'(~r Ithc Falls and rapids and for s--v-. Shop at Zellcrn for SEl"l'liMBER SPECIALS! These-3-an mnny unndvcrliuccl Spccinla bring you Value: that` Wil ` meet your New Sermon Budget! L -SEPTEMBER- Ill \K.'dli\."|U.. -xwvddum: wa Srmth as br: wrnnnx -5 n ,4 F U3 L Crcpe`,_ J-_ [ELL] lvrnl miles uwrr the surroundln rmmtry in n ']`ruvclA~/Hr flvc-pay .'~2I`nL{('l` plnnv mm-llmu M a ham 3. |..r nu.....,....I r....o s....I :4! n unnml |."vI'[lL{l'I |IllIIll' |llI\'l'IlIl`l; lll ll lIl7ll I; nf two lh()ll.\{|n(l {wt and at n spct 0! our hundred and ton miles pm Imur. Miss (Pihsnn is In have 1 nm)m`l\mi1y m Ihv nunr mture ofp ilnnor trip in :1 no-w type plane `!~'p('('iHH_\' r'rmslruc(ed fur lralnlj rnn'p0.<(`.<. The plnnv In at prcsctft `unrlvr orm.-;tru(`tinn. . Thucrnday. Roptemher 1!. I ._...-_...-------cu-nu.`-.- -.._.._. Lu? INSURANCE COM MIAD OFFICI TORONTO. CANADA llllblhhod "I7 Special! : Special! run`! ;;_\'"`Hr\. \-'5; played by `Mr-: THE GREEN FRONT HEATING and COOK STOVE-.5 at Prices to Suit Every Purpose. 13 Rtnowncd JEVVEL l!__ ' L . _T.9V1i3 I ll: ntlluwlltu Jr. YY LL. ne -- {be very Highest f\..-lio., ween wnn menus m m-cum. S.O.E. commence the winter so llion on 'I"uosdn_v. Sept. IT. in th. 'h`IInmon's Hull. `Ileana A-unlin nnri kin:-inn ,n\v\_ ALADDIN AND COLEMAN LAMPS CORN BROOMS as low as HARDWARE AEROXON FLY COILS ELUE coosr: BADMINTON BIRDS HARRY ARMSTRONG MEET US NEXT WEEK AT Barr|e s Bug Fair "9. THE ARFEA 3U'LD.'N.G -v:'}:nicl"1 T -ainted Throug-hout with th: FAMOUS JAP-A-LAC PRODUCTS ABOUT A LLAN DALE PLOW SHARES AND SOLES 'Il'Ill'n(`HS THIN. Mlms Amelia and Marion Jon- kins of Toronto spent Sunday wnr Mrs. W. A. Jenkins. Ilium-me Rnccin nnpl Y\.hn-inn Qnanvr "\Vhere You Buy More For Less" zho v\'cz~.i::5.: \\'.as 7`. Mrs .-\ Hon- firs: pm: ` I ".'\`hosrered miscellancmxs 1 Monday night. of Mr. and Mrs u`... in hnnm` of Burton .-\vv,. kes piacc next vnds and neigh- and `:::orzx3`}r L.` ...._.\ \... u \ L- 1891` :x\'-."!`. the and rx-n._ nea 9:h cuncesxwon 0 he came to All: `:15 iaxhcr was . Stock (arm. Afxer ihe `two years later. he t work of manager thou ,:wcm_\' years of age. charge of the packing was added to the bust: was \\'n.`\ the Dymem n\`(`: 21 _\`oar.<. `then h ~n~.:x'm_\* of the (`.`.\'.R. an: 5.-.4 }\4xnv\ nvnninx-n 3(~19s.kv_\'. Jack Re-loskey furnished he music throughout the evening. 3o{x'(`shmt`-nts \\'vrc- smwed at :1 late. houv. nine in (`hair \I|\mIIl-rt: n nour. Gifts to Choir Members On \\ odncsdn_\- night. after the `esmlar practice. the nwmbers nf Surtnn Ava. United Church choir. zngotlmer with u few ex-mombrrs md paNio.~: i:mu'os!ed. nmtm-ed to he summer homo of Eph. `.V[rF`.-\:|- den. prvsidont of the choir. at Min-l .`t's Point. as u g(~t-tngzmhor and to :n:u'k the t\(`(`!\siun M the apn:`uach Eng \\'x`ddn\gs uf lwu of thx` most unpxaiu` (`hair mmnbvrs. I\'1i. .-\du~- 'im` \\'isdun\. mu`! lhv wgzuxisi. Frank Duumm` Thu` farm--r was nuuiv zhv rvvapimxt of u bveunufull <`:*t\z\xn and suszar SN and Ilw` Euuur of an :m1'a(`li\'o silvoz` and! cr_\`.<!.-xl flU\\'x`X' n\nt:um\r. `.\`lrs. \\' :\.! Hzmmx and Mrs. J. .-\. Hvx\dm`sm\ umkim: the prv. with ad- rlxvssvs at upp1'm`i:utim\ by Rev, W .\ F` I\\:\ and Frank l\\l\.\`ul1 :\`|.\`$n m`\`>`.~`v.`$ M .`\pp1'x`c1:uxun U)` r\r\. n .-\ F Doe and Frank !\lxs.~` <\\'i.~'dnn1 and Mr. Dnwhor rx`Ni(~d !\rim'!_\' and Mr. and Nlvs. `.\I('}-`addcm _.... ....n...4 .. n.m.-:.- u-.~l.~.\mn m Ihniri !\1'1N'L\` and M1`. unn Mrs, ;\u`r.`luu:'II vx:i`nd0d u hx\`\l`l_\' \\'x~lvmm` to thvil" _sm:`.<:s ut the :`\'m\ir\,a:. :\ jolly sung`- sum: \\':1:: In`) by me p:xstnx' with `s max` ac1\~mpzx\imrx\I by lW:wi.l \`. m;::md who alsu &'\l\_:.` sm':`r:xl :`.u:~.*.k\vrs which \vm':` much appro- n.-urd .-\ gzxxvszzixxg m:\tx`.~`t on phat-; us of .: :`.~.un!\er of X103.-lbh` \'h.~u`:\cx-` _... .: n.. 3... .. .._..' ...`..\. nt. -.\&~Q I US 0'. .` z'.uu1'urx \-1 u\-uu-u` \uuL.'I\\' :~1:< of mu day v.-u|sx~n' much ir\Ii`x'x`; D.~u:\:)' :`o:'rx~.~'!\:~.w`.1ts \\*ore sm~\-val! `-x: :1 Ian` hmzr and n hm-u'L\' vow of .'.hzn\.k< :~x:vndi\`i tu Mr. and Mrs.` :\!c`.*`nc2:ix~!x fur xhvix` kind !\`\`t`DHO!l. \\`nrk for Wind Conumendrd }i:x:'ui\i G. Wokxb has x-omrmxi 6 .-xndulr afwr sz:tx`m`!in: the Can-I R x .\':1:i\\n2\l Exhibilioxx with :1, rixsgvizxy of !mm`_\' `(mm his npizu'\'| . .u~.3 :`t`g\\x`E$ :\ \'vr_\' .<:\nsfm`u~x'y tm`n~3 ..._... `rs..- ...\.`....o....;v.. ....._- n\u.~l.>\`. ".15 zaznoz` was S'.:;w:`\`:.~'-W ux u_\'Inen1[ ` 1at!er`s death!" two took over the 5 though only about E : He also had rwas Dymem company for` packing plant whicmr` was `.0 busmess later and: over years he entered their at .-\`.1andale3; and had been o:`:np`m_\'od there for 165 .__ .\_ ._. 1.- .. -'`.-,`.v-2 9.. uh-n u ..,x-...- .1 `u._- .-... `Anus ..-._. or `flats oppurmnil_\' \\':\s nmdi` .`\\".`.\1 :hrou_s:h vuux`!v. and (`o~` ~(`:`;-Vsldll at` the L.`.ma-diau 1\'miuxu\l5 5 mate for the Blind. \\'h0 p!`\\\'id-. the space in then` _L'.:`m`x`al exhibit. zhv F.\z\-(rival and Engineering` Hiding. when` m:m_\' furms M ac- :x:_\' werx` dx`:~.\n:\. and \\`ex'-3 vex: {u2`1~h:`nr::\'{ support by thei .h`.i.- Thu: ig .\n1\' .\n.\ nsnre` r`\`-` v 4| . BIC DROP IN PRICE OF JAP-A-LAC PAINT From $4.50 Gallon to mrs. W. A. aonxxns. Misses Bessie and Marian Speurr returned on \\ odnosd:\_\' nigzm from a week's visit in Kin_s:.\~ton. kirk \\'m Rr~\-nnhi; N!i Rvrv` $335` cm 35 cents 3for5c IUX` LKll' FXLIH in poor health red to give up n 1'\.;.~ .-nna-Ii I \\' S K'%'H|Xl`ui his strengihl 'nv- eh.` oxvtrn XU1'H\l' \\'lt` ` ` I`. \\" ;"J'(`\lU UH ; Inmshl. In 3 ndaEo where \- ..t riuonnnvi J g1\\' \l_U ` is L`0ndi- by .1 fall .. 4.. ALA . X`. UK? three; ;;;;;g:;:;.nne pice or In 165*- _ givej Butter was shown ;and was a {me a: BS p}en`._v of cumpvtitinr qonuics in 20~Ib. crc 3 sm- , Aq;n_;_n-nck. H >n[ 5`_lb. c avg.` 24 pounds m prints. mdak, t'Y:'.l`!`S of maple syr `:.ck. who acted as It wants vnsu xn :\m_s:smn. Mfs. Wm. R(~_\'nnlds. Mirzs Bcry` and Georg? are sp(`ndiI\g lwu xvvz-k. `_.v.-uh relm.i\'os in \'vrmm. Pvun. Miwes Bemir and Ina Kvnnod_\` Ive just returned after two \\'m~k.< `Lt with 1`olz\h\'vs In Burks F`.-Ills Mr. and Max }`r:\nk Dalton of inuipm`: have K-vex-. vxsmng moi ends hon` dxxrirxg zhv pas: \vrok ~0ux` new mm! _\" `xi npvn fvr busixwsv. Phnnr M`: . .-dvrs Iv 3;? Jvnkms L`N\l Cu. 133 I-Trxm Rwm` In` Mr nu.-1 ll:-\* .\`n)<;n~. M:-mm` 2:: 55R6FAlR HAS f RECORD GATE `MBEWW (`nm`Inurd from page 5 .=.;:v.'imxItxm\1 nlnmsphwe {0x`n." Qu\.u TN-E-use l`I'i`:x`s fur Ihv nldcsl pouplr in atwndaxu-9 were given to Mrs. James: .-\d:uns of Oriilm. in her 86th year. mm` Jnmos Barr M lhc same age. .-\nnlher who rogiswrod for tht` ,Xu:*._\"s D!`l2`.E' \-`as Mrs. John Miller gm` \\'asha_:n in her 85th year. u .-_, ._ ..,__ -..,, .u,, 9 }`ri:`x-s for g:uoss\ng attendance Mmrv wun by F.`.vthe1' Leigh and Eliunzuv l`iynmnd 0! 2-h\\\'kL`s!um` '\2lT9(\\ and third (35963 by m \\'averl`_\'. .m~m'1c\\vork dune by an Om school {ylfl wore won by Purl McMillan izmd Joan Tudhop and his schonl ``.~u_\'s` pI`l'.'\`.< for potatoes wont to `ERJLV L`.l:n~k and Elruy Horne. Tm: Race: ,1 `hack ewruts furnished some good .`spu'.'<. In the classified race .1. T. I`;a_\'vtw'_= Tum Collins \\ as 15!. Bert (`;`E\`:`rh`_\"s Bertha C 2nd and A. G. .;.\~lv;\1uhan's Lonesxar Srd. H:m~_\' Coleman's prizes for has!` E The frvt`-tor-all was lnkcn by Pa) - 'o':v'.< Gxxman Patch. with Ben Pon- x"'.< F.dg:u` Gmtlan and 0. C. Lox-0'5 I>`::m'o Aixalnw 2nd and Std. ` ' me horse race open to rosi- . .5 of Ow. A. C. .-\rno1d's Teddy "k`;1z`kex' was 1st and Andy Barlhu1o- mm \\-'s .-\uu'cx 2nd. .\X.\\. 11 .`Y.\o.~k.\--`.- knren 1|-an Oh. l`.`.{ \\ 5 .'\llU'K`\ 110. .~\k`x. H. Fletchefs horse won the 'sadd1e rat-9. wnh Bruce Cook 2nd. 122 the potato race the order was the ' cw 1~\ .1 ' SZH`.`.l`. 11` : Arnold Crn\\'fnrd got the red ticket 5 (T exhibition of driving. the h1ue;h ,goin5: to Clifford Reid. in ` In the Main Hall [E g The main hall. where the hnndi- !u `work of the "Air sex is displayed. is "1 ',:<:wa_v.= a centre of interest. It is!` `doubtful if any fair in the countyi has a better display of baking than 2` }is found at 01-0. An outstanding fea- is Itnre was the very fine collection of 1 b.kin_:. 38 varieties of cakes. bun~`.f {otc., etc. shown by Mrs. Russell .15 "Jerme_\'. E\'e_\' item looked mostis "itemp'.in:. ;\Ii.<< Clipsham. dietitian?` inf Oz -.`=.i:a '.\`lemm'iaI Hospital. was the js `ijtzd.-1:` and she expisessc-d herself as 1 :| high`._\' pleased with the display. :1 _?There u-ere H loaves of white bread 5 itrxii-s R. .Tei`r'ney getting 1st prize`. 5 J14 Mates of 238 biscuits. 30 pies and .54 ' ziirtc hf nthnr vnnri thinrtc In out `C fl` }'KdiK`.\ \`X fa sorts of other good thmgs to eat. u UIEULHL`. JU pl{'5 NHU girciuding some cxceptionany good ispongv cake and angel cake. There no rlnnmar nf Ora mnn rrnina hun- I . 'x i 1 I [5}`\'I1;1t` CHKQ IUKX iiHgL`l \'ilKL'. IHVICZ _ 1- no danger nf Oro men going hun- `pg-_v if all workmen`s lunches are as `generous ani appetizing as those 4 ! lg-rnn-n E 5 In the department of wcwin,I:.?_ T5r.cod`.c-work. t-tc.. there were a lot of 1;" excellent exhibits. among the btlsig gbeing the comforters. hooked ands t:raidod max. knined goods and :1 \cr_\' fine pxcce of Italian hcmstitrh- .<` 171:` S vrnxuxs Lou: ux. (-0 saw: nwlu am Mr. and Mm ?\'v!.<~.~n Nlu;:n` um". family art` . this week at their cxxltngx`. Oak Rrdgv". \\':\.'\~\gf;-. Beach. (`inn n! .uu- I.\u.4u\.- Q1`-vh \\": `v' I Kl'1l'Y`.l` H f C7 !-rmrwrv with "a .'(>u!? of ham: #1 '`ar dri\"~n by jam 2 '. u'L ..2(- waikxng '\ wad `.1-wnrd in`: a 2-`. yr.-.='.erda_v ir';.".'r-'1' 2' a pmrt I-rrt n. B'~ntu-nod A 5...... and M'.&< Kathleen, at home. There` 3are also two sisters. Mrs. Rob! Red- `. _!crnl and Mrs. Dallas Judson. of; ; Turnnm. Mr. Moore was a life-long i Cnnscrvatix-e. was a member of Al-' landalc 1.0.1, 432 and of Kerr lodge '1 A F & AM. On Thursday afternoon; the funeral service at the family , residence. 43 Alfred St.. conducted by R-:\'. W A. E Doc of Burmn Ave.{ L'niivd Church. was followed by the Masonic service. Interment took piaco in Barrie Union Cemetery` wi:h a large attendance of relatives and friends from the district. Many `beautiful floral remembrances in- Icluded muse from Kerr lodge. LO. `Y .110 and lrnvn 9!-u-. Ry-nthnv-hnnrl nu Man Walking on Road Walks in Front of Car _ Am-ed Holmes. aged 61, is can n:-d to his home about a mile was!` nu! (`v-r.n-vsnr. urilh agar I-.6..-l.... -.-I Hl'1('(X T11 X115 HLKVUI 5 mllt` IVES! ' mf Crm-more with nasY3' injuries Mi '2 bein struck by a mom" `var time: Jardine. Bee-3 ;mn. whxle along the coun-, ;`\' road tnwurd Cree-more aboufl ~10 The accident nc-o `curred at point Qwn miles south; pan (1! Brentwood. between Brent-.` ;wood and Angus. ' A_--_;;__ ._ !'l_-..x__:,I 4-,, i ,...,v.. _.... .-....,_... _ .4.ccordi:~.E tn Provincial Con- `stable H T Pammer. Barrie. whn, :'*'L'Ps`.IaIcd. Holmes "as walking anion: the middle 0! the road when. .hr- stavgc-red in !r0nt of or mm the {side of the Jardine car which was? .lr.,--~..-ii... a- nu rrvnn .-n-....;.... . 'I`.*:e- injured man was given med- Q }:r:.`; am-rztion by Dr W D. Smi!h.' $11, A. CH:-emore who found him; ,:n be suffering from a bad scalp 'a~.r.-xnd. rut {arc-head. laccratcd arm.` Sand bruised body. He was rornov-j II.-.41 tr. hi: kn-.1-no runs I`-nu...`-1. ALLANDALE Mm Maggy Weinera Q - II _ .I C: VV CIIICTI . . . . . . . Rolled Fillet: of VEAL . . . . . . I_`___L LI _____.__.I_ uuwn. One of our loudmg Sixth \\'.-mi merchanzs inns :`m'vr!ed to the .::~ cycle in plan` 0! :\ var us a xnmzxs o: QYl`l\`l.\`l VIBIILA Freah Homemade E_..-II C---__.__ III-II 5 Bologna Phone 5' l\U.\K. J. [J nxsulllxz. .'U L U.`- urne. Thnmas 1'-`leetham. H. McCul- ugh and Frank Dobson TCIII TIOIIICIIIIIIC Small Sausage . 15 lb. `.\In--. 9 `In. 9:: ` \ cl: 6 IJIIU dbk LKIICKIL. llll ~.:_v cunxrwminn. There were 4 3 rics crock. 6 of 1D~1b..` ck. H at 5`lb. crock and 12 (Iii nunds in prints. There were 13% Pics syrup. H. P. .\{er-. I. judue. has been. ztter in the basemem 1 assortment. with : '\- nl nnnxnniieinn Thnv-an 1|-nv-n A . yrunwa um)`. ne W33 TPWW hi; hnrnr near Crm-mart`. X1211. BRENNAN_ Spvcinl Prixos .|. . .1 .3--- WNIIIIIHHZ U`. D: \I('\`.1 heir a('ti\`!tn`.< in? `.?`.x onday evening T22 Beers were (`it`C'.t`\": ' QRR~ Pym: (`hut Cr EXTRA CHOICE SPRING CHICKENS SPRING LAMB--VEAL--BEEF COOKED AND JELLIED MEATS .___..-_ _-__----u.-`- -1- l 58 ~ 17 iissa". Road Please Phone Your Order EARLY 1-`nun: v--....._...- v1`:E:;-\{EGETAlfE_._S' ,1: lac nu. 2 lbs. 25c 17: lb. 17c lb. ' mm) than holpimx at tho Om fair for uvvr 30 )N\l`S. An o\`.'-ullnnt dil`|ln\'." \\ nS lht` nH\l\1l`S u`\Ul`HHll'l Rlllll |VlI.\. IV In. ~v\\'-- won` the bip:_m`.\-I \\'inm`rs. R. 13- Cmms nf Mid`uu'st had n \'or_\' tune exhibit of his now svodlimzs. Applos \\-vrv n \'m;\' fuir `Int. tht` color l\(`in|: a-xcollmxt. Roms and cx\L:ct:u\ws wvrc guud. l`hvrv was :1 hnv cnlloclimx of \*vg~ oluhlos and wrn. squash and citrnn \\'(-rv xm1i(`vul\L\- good. 1`ntntuu`s .H`(` ex light amp hut a number of mm lnts \\`:`x'o shu`.\'I\. In the late class. Dm-nu Rmu..u- .\( (`vnu-n Hill \\`_`I.\' .-\n oxcollunt display." was \'x`x`di(`.t of Cu. Virkors who J"d.*!*` tho f|n\\-ors. 1\`(rs. Rom. Hull. Ml'>`- James Sloddnrt and Mrs. Wm. Snl ......... nu. m...m.-a u-innn\I`c R Fourteen [DIS \\'I`X'(` Sl\\\'.\'l\. In H1!` Hlll` (`n.`Il. Pm'(*_\' Bonxxw of (`rnwn Hill \\`:\.~' first with nu ospoci:111." Rood half-` bushel of Dnolv,\'s. with Gen. Rug- man of L`.lm\'os .~`vvnnd. Smlks of vn-~ siingo com h\dicatod pl(`nt_\' of |:rm\-th. snnw of them being ahnul 1:: (net hixvh iA\.\A.V|I|A o\\I|.\I nu um nun. .-....-.l. i In the cattlo T. W. Jermey & Son `( had the biggost exhibit with 16 hozid. ;fn*ost1_\' A_\'l`ShiIeS. Two Innisfii men. |B. B. Warnira and W. J. Smyth. had , nhmgs pretty much to thomselvc-s in gtho Hereford: M. Bailey of [TX- fbridgc and G. H. Murdoch & Sons or . \i`_vcva1c showed Pollod Angus. Ern- lfcsi Crawford & Thos. Bowman & _ ;S(-ns had rcgisfered Shorlhorns. I iwhilc -`Dual S.nrthorns were eithibit- sod by Wm. \":ilt & Son and Stowart ` 1 I 1';Bri1. D. C. Mcliinnon m1d'H. M. ` ,S`.c\vart were the only `competitors in 1 inlsteiiis. Stewart B011 and .1`:-rn1o.\' '& Son in IL\'rs?`.iros. and Bert French of Elmvalo and Homer & Son of _'Lo{ro_\` in .Tcrsc_vs. In the sweep- fsiakes the witiners were: Bull. beef _ breed. E. C`r:i'\'ford; cow. beef breed. 3 "M Baiiey; herd. beet` brood. E. _lCrawford; dairy herd. Stewart Boil; 1:_d.'1ir_\` bull. S Bell: dairy female. B. 3:1-`ranch: dairy calf. E. French: fut _;st(3r. E. CI`3`J'f01`d. L. J. C. Bull. 51_v.'h0 judged th dairy cattle. is police 5. ;magistrate for Peel county and has `in farm at Nor.-val where he specializ- ._ 1:; in Jerseys. The dairymaid': milk- } ging contest failed to fill. ..-.-y :,.. r\_.. .,.___ ...__ , .;Ml .u .5. tubal. Lnvo Stock Silas .-\ndorsun of Crosslnnd. jndR`t" 01 the poultry. made xpecigxl mention of n Whit I..or:hnrn mckeml. which was adjudged the best bird in thv show. It is owned by J. B. Holden A \'cx'_\' niro lot of White Ru(`k.\'. shown by .1m-mo_\' & Son. tank first for best c-xhib-`tiun pen. "A v-nnl unnri nvhihit" rt\n\m-k(~d Inr best oxmwxmn pcn. "A real good exhibit." rcnmrked Alex. McKinney. Jr.. Brampton, judge of sheep. Ho thmnght the short wool !\"oods lhv bottcr. Th`.-' chm! :`xhibilm's \\'erc J. H. lmckic. Allan & Son. Wm. Wm! & Sun. J. F. Txzrnhull. Gov. Cra\\'fnrd & Son and Azbort .Tm'nw:'. - . up .-. , ;. .1 . u .u.- 1;: U\\'H|. 1:3 feet D. A. Mcliinnnn. who placed the awards on hngs. pronounced thr- qimlity nice and t_\'po gnod. '1`herc` \\ on` more Berks than Ynrks shown. B. Johnston -3' Suns had the champ- un hour and C. D. Sproule. (`mig- xvah`. had the champinn sow. John- !s.nn &- Sons had the Chanxpixm bacon (hog: and also the best bun. with Gen. 1Pom~snH second in the latter class. v .. ... . "c v .. .~,, ;...a ~.v..._... ....-.u u.- nu. ` As usual for Oro there was a fine `show of horses. particularly in the light draught and general purpose .elasse,-:. entries-running up tn 9 In `some sections. A. M. Tudhope got| .t`;.'. for light draft team and Alex. H. Fletcher for general purpnse. In `the roadsters. Donald Bell was f1r.<`. 'fr~r single driver while John Maples mat the red ribbon for f:lrn\o1`.~` tvnr - Sliced Breakfast D Al`t`\KI D IICCCI DTIEIIKI III BACON . . . . . 32c lb. Hamburg Steak 2 lbs. 25c Locnl Pure Honey _ Cones . . . . . 23 each Barrie Police Seek E Help of Citizens In ; Protecting Property} .`-`-Phnne 240 for the Rmvlcigl m... an

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