Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1935, p. 13

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of Real Merit_Each Day L__a__ Athletic Events and i<.=>i<='< Races "UH! . Boys I . Girls 1 . Boys \ . Girls I . Boys \ . Girls ` . Buys. , Boys, . Boys. . Boys. . Boys. 151 -lllll JYU `illl Ulll . Junior Beef Calf Race ................................. .. $1.50 $1.00 .75 .50 .25 . Junior Dairy Calf Race .............................. .._ Sl $1.00 .7 .50 .25 . Championship Calf Race . . Nnvelty Stock Parade ................................ . $1.50 $1.00 .75 .50 .25 $5.01) $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 .50 This may include any live stock. ponies. calves. pigs. lambs. e!c.: pus. dogs. cats. etc.; or poultry. The entries may be hitched to carts. single or double. or may be: led and may be decorated as desired.) A. Real Fast Track and Real Fast Horses AND A REAL ROAD RACE $599 inP!1`$S' TUG - OF - WAR, FRIDAY DILILIAIL I'S.`\l. L3 151 s. 13 and under. `,5-mile. value .................. ..$`. ..50 '5. 15 and under, 1/:-xniIe. value ............... .. 2.50 '3. open. 1 mile. value ................................... .. 3.00 s. relay (4 riders). 2 miles. value ................. .. 6.00 Racing bicycles will not be permitted. Make your entries with G. 0. Cameron. Secrotmw. : under 10 years, 5 % ~} under 10 years. 5 ' under 12 years. 5( under 12 years. 5 : under 15 year.-=. II h under 15 years, 1 open. 100 yards . V Wl1l|.' I |lll|8.' . x . . R .;\\\ .>'.\ TRACK EVENTS Merit Each Day Thursda; Sept. 19, at 2 p.m. Sharp 1\:\vIu I` . nan uvo cmm attended week. Tomnlu after a plensam umu wnh her sister and (ncnds here. W '.,\_L.al1mer at 1`nmn\'1lKc spent laamdav wuh Miss M. J. Mc- ('nn nd \Ir< Yonnnx RI 101: \ ucs anatcn uuv u l\u\|.1 uusx. ` W `., Luhmor 1'mnn\'xHc 1;| dav .1. Mo-| (`on `and Mrs I.l`!`.HI|\ Black. 3 `Mrs. Maggie A. Palhng of Barrie` and her daughter. .\Irs Genet. of Camp Borden. vxsned Miss l\`lag;;i- J. l\`lc_CDn_l_m.V as} Sumiuy. ., .39 |..L"&Lc\.'S.. ' `n\- 5...-..... |....... ..n....,J (Canada. In the L'nlU`d Chlll`l`h. an S?llLl."d1L`~' cvenimz. the Virginia Jubxlev Sinu- eixs delighted a large audience -with their pleasinz promum. The rich bit-ndim: of their vuiccs. xromhinell with their charming persunaliucs. provided 11 veiy enjoyable cnturtuiw menl. FOOT RACES :, 50 yards ................. .. :. 50 yards . . 50 yards .. ;. 50 yards . . 100 _\'nrds s, 100 yards .............. < APTO uuuuu) . ' from lwrc :nu-vd- Hex-`day o.'\':'n`.n:: _ when Dun- ni-n Inn-:0 nnrn- I.`| L-Ill] -Ill] `IIKI . $150 .75 .c I"3`\'nc nine lznnhc "{ Mr. JL'~'.`!`_\ of Midland spent :1 .c' few days lust week with her sister, 5-4-~ Mrs. D. Banting. Mrs. H. Feunell has returned to ; llawkrstonc Young People Entertain I On .-\uszus1 J9 wnh the house gay `-wnh rluucrs and punk and white stre;1n~.ors lhv youm: people of the ~.xE!.ag.'.\~ omcrnnned at the home of lst ..$`.7..50 -) an ____}____ POP-Auntie Gets an Earful of Pop`: Taking Ways` _r`- HAWKESTONE 1st ...$1.00 1.00 1.00 1nn $1.50 I rm . 1 .31! . 2.00 1 .;)u 2.00 4.00 -(U 1.00 3rd $1.00 I nn 2nd :0 g H` Mxmzgmc ;.STATION 5th QC WK)! YOU GAVE ME A QUARTER FOR MY BIRTHDAY W". \/run BARRIE S FINE ARENA WILL BE FILLED TO OVER- F LOWING WITH ONTAREO S FINEST EXHIBITS OF FLOWERS, FRUIT, LAD`-IES WORK, DOMESTIC SCIENCE, DAIRY PRODUCE, GRAIN, ROOTS, VEGE- TABLES AND POULTRY, ALSO THE FINE EXHIB- ITS OF SIMCOE COUNTY JUNIOR FARMERS AND HOMEMAKERS, AUTOMOBILE SHOW AND MER- CANTILE EXHIBITS PAR EXCELLENCE, AS VV ELL AS SIMCOE COUNTY WOMEN S INSTITUTE EXHI- BIT AND DEMONSTRATION IN ARENA BASEMENT. A FINE LIVE STOCK SHOW THE EXHIBITION IN ITS ENTIRETY WILL BE OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, WITH SPE- CIAL ENTERTAINMENT FEATURES IN THE ARENA BY CF RB ARTISTS Simcoe County .._Iuniox_'_ I:a_1_r91ers Gray s All - Canadian jj-._::--____- L_______L Simcoe County W0men s lnslilule Exhibit and Demonstration MIDWAY SHOWS :.u::I .IlIu nu.'.L's J\\.I!l. V A nun1hL`x` n( the nci: bqrs nu" ;-.2 the home of Mr. and -j,:\lc~x McKee on Friday eve.-m . (urn runs! and in bid `:- Russ and present him \\ and pcnci! 901 before gain X where he um.-mis tnkim: \ in ch(-miml cmzinccrimz. him SLl\`\`~.`.s.\' THE HOME OF THE JUNIOR FAIR MOVEMENT nu. YOU, AUNTIE. . OF CANADA S MOST POPULAR BREEDS Fireproof and Electrically Lighted Buildings OPEN BOTH AF TERNOONS AND EVENINGS NIGHT PROGRAMME and Homemakers Exhibit OF ALL FARM PRODUCE AND LIVE STOCK IN THE BASEMENT OF THE NEW ARENA AN UP-TO-THE MINUTE DEMONSTRATION BY A LIVE ORGANIZATION Mrs. and Mrs. Irwin McMahon in honor of Miss Agnes Jean Wiseman. whose marriage took place Aug. 31. After a pleasant two hours spent in games and contests led bv Misses` lyru Reid ard Hilda Graham. the bride was escorted to the daningmom where a prethiy ducurznod table we.-1`. '|::dvn wnh mnnv nrmvv .-m.-l xvnfH| uncle escox rethi` laden w 1h ma JELL- THE DARK!!! EXAMINER. BAlRlE.*'0N l`.. CANADA Thursday. September 12. 1935 `j. Rzfts awaited her. After the usual excitement and merriment in open- ."[.X the parcels a bounliiul lunch:-nn was served by the young ladies. af- ter which evorvone wished Agnes `,\' HZIDDIHESS. 1 the Wednesday the ladies of the \ Fun \Vicr-In:.n \1-Hh y evening previ- .~ \'i1l:u.:c present. ; th :1 huge basket ' mum: Iunrm-on oung Indies. wlshvd Agnes ~--------~-- ADMISSION ~----- Afternoons: Adults 35c - Children 15c -- Autos 25c Evenings: Adults 25c; Children 10c; Autos 25c. Tax Free Free School Children s Tickets for Thursday to all Sim- coe County Public School children available upon request R. A. SUTHERLAND, Pres. G. O. CAMERON, Sec y Mrs. Joseph H. Bonnet in her 74th year. nftcr a s at her home. cnncesslnn 4 (H12: turn. L....inA thin nhn iof handsome :1 `her new hnmc _ OFFECIAL PROGRAMME Vlrs. D. Banllng. Mrs. _,, __,,, _i_ ..--.___.__ .__-__ The Arena will be npen't'm' the reveptitm nf trxhibitse nnly. All vxlnilnils in C?ln.~'.se:< 29 to 40 im'|u.~:ive (n be on the Lzmlnlds In-fu; eight 18! u'eln(~k. when the Dire('1ur.s` will he un hand tn see lhv px'u|)(`I'l_V pl.'utNl before jud;.{in}.{, with the (`.):('('];lInl\ of I.:uliv.s" Wm Whi(`h must he pint`:-(I helhre seven 17) n'cl us` the Jll(lL{(' will HI!` nwnee her tluties at (~i_x:hl. (8) 0'c-luck Wednesday evening. Entries: in Domestic Science and Flowers may be placed up t 9.00 A.M. Thursdzxy, September 19. After [ho hum` nf ciglit Ill) n'clm:k A.M. all publir` Cllll'.'Il1(`(`.\' ln ll Park will be (-lnsorl. and no one will be admitted. ex(.'(=pL llpun |myim- nl cntmmws rec, nr the prescntntimi of membership lilrkvl.-:, p:u.~:. vi The (lnurs if the Arena will be closed in the ])lIl)ll(' l)l'lW <'('ll ll lmurs nf nine 49) o'clock and twelve. (12) o'clock. (lurinn VVl|ll'l'| linw : _iu in the building will be completed. 8.30 AM. v Gates Open. l.ll l P.M. .lucl;.:im1 of Heavy llorses, Bee! Cnltln nnd Slwvp. 2.00 I`.M.-- Athletic Events on Track. 3.00 P.M.-Start of Trinls of Speed. 2.28 Class. l`.()0 P.M.-~Spccial Entertainment Features in Arena. Gray's Big Midway Shows. All exhibits open for inspm-limi. 8.30 1.00 J C 2.0!) L] 3 ()0 I -) un I L` All I 4.00 {L00 1 [:1 _,-i---, _* 7-.-_*V- _._- 8.30 A.M.---Gates Open. 11.30 A.M.--~Pntnto Judgim: Competition and Question Match. County of Siyrmntv f:n'n1nrs:' cnnc U.-)|l n.Lv|. "l'IH:l|ll .)uu).',ln|_' Lulllpuulllnl unu hguullllll JVliII('H. \.uuHl_) III Simone farmers` sons. 1.00 P.IVI.--.Iu of Pony and Saddle Class. 200 P.M.---S1nrt of Trials of Speed. Free-Fnr-AlI Tmt or Pam and Road Rnvn fur Rnzlrklnrc in Tint-nnvzc .;.lIU l'.|Vl.""-lxllt Ill lI'liJl.`1' Ul DIJUUU. l'll.'L`-I` UX"l\|l l['l)l ()l' l'4'lf'(' NH Race for Roadsters in Harness. 3.00 I".M.~ Special Athletic Programme and Junior I"Hl'1nvr8' Nu Sports Programme. 3.30 P.M.~-~SingIe Turnout. 4.00 P.M.~~-Junior Farmers` Live Sfock Parndn. 5.00 P.M.-- Live Slnck Y.`\ny be removvd after this hour. (3.00 I .I\T.~Exhibi\s* in the Arena MUST NOT bv rcmnvvri until this hour. and useful gifts forl r- in Hnmillnn HI! l'.lV.|." In|lI_Y Ill l\'L'l. m P.M. V (`nunty Simcno Tug-of-War. ()0 P.M.---S0ni0r Live Stuck Parade. [)0 .M.~ Sp(`i.'1l Entertuimncnl I-`ouluros in Arnnn. G1'.'1y's Big Midway in operation. All exhibits upon fur in. STROUD . ....... . , ..,.... . ...........` ...v... 0 A.M.---Gates Open. `) P.M. Ju(l;.:ing in C`.:u'ri.'u.:o and Rn.'ldst(`r Cflznsses; Dairy C.'llH4`f Swine and .Iunim' Live Stuck (,`Inss(`:<. ') P.M.--S(:1r1. of Trials of Speed, 2.20 and 2.24 Classes. II l .M. -I.nrl_v | )ri\'cr. ) P.M. Sixnt-no FIN/f Ql\I\;n|~ Y Gun Ctnnlr Tin.-unln knnett. who died tor a short illness aslnn 4. South Or- Is afternoon, Rev. cintimz. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th ..~ f\u.nn v The Wnmt-n's Assuciatinn rnc.-1. nl I Mrs. Gnrdrm Wat.-mn's on Seplembcv `(I 10 with :1 (inc attendance. Tho I1 scripture rondnng was taken by Mn in M:-Mnckun. Followlmz a crowded V ANGUS Wed.-Thu1s.-%Frid.- 331-" 38111. 13.19. 20. Z1 :2-1 - .---u-: (Copyright. 1933. b: svnnm re with about xpcrlor (`nr on Scplt-ml` Ina newly nnco. nnri Juvolty "".'I. M1LLAR WA'1"i r Tho nun Syndlcnto. Inc.) j-2----3--j-:-- Pnxo Thlrlcen -f'<

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