Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1935, p. 11

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One cent a word. cam. each inset`- lion (minimum charge. 25 . five in- Iertions for the price of our. 25:: extra if not paid within five days of Ilnte of issue; also we extra when re~ lies are directed to The Examiner. tore or business advertising (in'- ci1_.ding agents)` in this column. two cents per word. cash with order (minimum 50 cents per issue. 70 cents it charged). . 43'-r sgzlumg, no elcctrxcuy. Apply r. . I-`leld, `Corner Con. 7 on Kingi'sl Highway. Stroud . p CAMPING O'U'I`FI I` for .salc~--tourisI tent. regular price $29.00; 2 toldlnr; cots. folding t_ab_lc, 2 chairs. Coleman stove. used (my once. Complete nutfit for $35.00. Phone 614r-11. 371) 7__-_9 ` SMALL DARK BLUE BAG LOST. containing six dollars. Finder please return to The Examiner Office. 37p !00-ACRE FARM FOR SALE--_First- class farm with good buildings, wat- er year round; near churches and |schon1. Apply Geo. E. Crawford. lshanty Ba). 7 37;) LOS'I`--Necklace. 5 uare chain. gold. in vicinity of Ba eld St. to post office. Reward. nder please call 10`46W.'_. " . 37 S'I`-bn Au st 25, on the high-` way, south of arrio. a man's black leather Windbreaker. Finder plvase notify Barrie Examiner. 37-38b FORD V8 COACH for sale. xn DOS! running order. upholstering and tin- lsh like new. Sew this. Apply Bur- rlp Fuel and Sunnlv Cu- Barrio. 37b j- FORD V8 COACH for sale. in best runnimz unholsterinn q---.--:-o FOR SALE-Ozgkland touring. Guud tires and In good condition. with li~ censo. Also cabinet Lzmfonola and - ~ . . AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE ~ 1931 Nash sdan. I930 Wlllys sedan. 1929 Hudson so an, Ford truck, stake bodv. J.'W. (art, International Deal- er. Barrie. 37b WANTED-~---Girl with good habits de- girimz nncitinn in Toronto: two V RF.GIS'I`ERED OXFORD RAM. `J. ya-am old. for sule or L`xch:nu,:c. Tel- ppllnxw 895.1. 37'.` MILCH COWS FOR SALE ~- Fresh ' or near fr(-shelving. Eduvrum Mvl.0zm. Phone 90lr22. 37; TWO HOLS'I`F`.lN COWS for sank--V yrs. old. to freshen. 'I`.B.-u-su-d; .\'0v- 1-ml sets new harness. will o.\'vh:m;:v for li\'ostm~k Thns. Blmn. 196 El- izabeth SL. 'B.u`ric. Phunv 1037. 37;: and good conmuun. wnn n~ censo. Also gmmnola 108 records. cheap. Apply 31 John St. - 371 FOR SALE -Small wurk lmrsv. (31 yrs. old. or exchange fur cattle nu" pigs. Andrew Knapp. Amen Mill. or tclvphnno 94. Minusing. 371 WELL Dl`(.`-GING und pump l't`['I:\ll`- mg by F`. `\V.GnHmva_v. Slrnud. 37-381 S'l`ABI.ES AND HEN HOUSES $`)ruy('d und dlsxmrctcd. I`ru-0: cxeap. Applv 111 Maple Avt:.. B\7r- \ p vie. UPHOI.STF.RlNG and {urnmxrv rc- pnirm dune. Ncxvvst in Chesterfield suites yr SHIP. ( Kelly. 65 Clapp(`l'~ ton. Phone 910.1. 371: RUNS IN SILK HOSE mended. I5 cents each. Leave orders in Mary l`a_\'ne Shup, or Mrs. G. Money. 193 0'l'l1 Sl._ Bl`.l'l'H`. 34-Imp I l-`UK l'AIN`rr;N Am) 1'.M't;1(u:\Nu- ER phone 510.! nr see A. Miller. 59 McDonald St. All work dnm` at rc- ducod rates. C'mmtr_v or town 36-40; WAN'l'El)-----(3n'I Wllh [.{0()d hzmns ac- siring positinh Toronto; adults, one chum. comfortable home, as mother's help. must he fond of children above all. Apply Box H," Barrie Examiner. , , 37!)` MR. FOOT wvtes: I-`nr twenty )'L`ill'S I suffered will a corn. Cross (`om Salvo removed it. At Crnssl:md's. Douglas and Smith's Dru: Stores 37:. FOR PAINTER AND PAPERHr\N(l- I-TR nhmw 5l0.l nr see A. Miller 59 OWING TO A SPECIAL BUY M la-ad nmi nil 1 am in n nnsitinn tn dn UWING TU A 5l'r.`L`1AL. BUY or lead nnd oil, I am in a position to do a gnnd job with best ur paint, :1! :1 much reduced price. R. W. Bur- , ton. 36--(Up FRANKS RIDING .-\(`.~\DF.M\'. fur- merly at Mmneith Inn, Rn.`.~'v:nx. xs now located at 55 Pm'k SL. Burne- Phone 867. Expert instructor and I2:-ntlc horses 37p HOUSEWIVI-15-Your problems will be solved and quickly answered when you get your hardwood floorx` waxed and polished by A. J. Lo- prestl. the reliable flnorman. In care of Examiner Office. 37;: I I-DI 1nrnna\hl Will be received by the undersigned lit) to noon. Thursday. September 12th. 1935. for Chemicals needed in Barrie Collegiate. Lowest or any tender nnt no-co.-Isarilv accented. Spe- cification: can be obtained from A. H. FELT. Sec'_\'-'I`rc-as. 37h Barrio Board of I-`.tl\u`:ninn this. Apply Bar- ric Fuel and Supply Cu., -.--__...__...___..__._._...___.._ a LIVE STOCK FOR SALE (Ina um um n In Than lnunlnor) l_'\lI\ qnun. (Union in Iun`1'vgo lunuw _..._,_.j_._.__.___. WAN'I`ED~~Whnat, oats. barley ntntocs. Phr-no 603114. F. R idhurst. rnlvla I U 1.1`. I _ (lay vou_nw II. In from lnmmw) I-a\Jl IIIVAI I\J\J|1|.r (I01 you uw K In `rho Inmmon ...._____..__:.-__._.._ LOST AND FOUN llnu nan nu It In Thu Innmlnon FARMS TO LET In won an Tm Inmlnw MlsCELLI_l:Z;lE` T"T -_"`mtmc>zm.ns you law It In Tho lnm `-. an. IQ Irvin nu- TENDERS ne tar). as. Rlx, 36-37b .8 199 b 36tfb ANTE good re] 1193W. bar- 37b WARNING OF SALE Unless certain cattle nnw pasturing on lot 11. concession 10 of Innisfil are identified. provcn and paid for. on or before October 15, same will be sold to pay expenses. 37b nan -n.an\nn I -1 pa: n-.an.a By instruction of the judgment cre- ditor and by virtue of a writ F'ierc F'zicias. I will sell by Public Auction on Wednesdav. Sept. 25, 1935, in the sales rooms of G. G. Smith & Co.. 2 Collier St., Barrie. the extensive and valuable furniture of Dr. I". E. Webb. Complete details will be published later. Watch for hand- bills E, C. DRURY. 37b of valuable property in the Town of Barrie. in the County of Simuoe of valuable property in the Town 0! Barrie, County Under and by virtue of the power or sale contained in a certain mort- gage which will be produced at the- time of sale. there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on Sat- urday, Sept. 28. 1935, at 12 o'clock noon. at the Queen's Hotel. Barrie. by P. A. Connhlin, Auctioneer, the tollowlnq lands and premises. name- ly: Park lot number six on the west side of Baytield St.. in the Town of . Barrie. according to repzistered plan number 135. except that portion heretofore sold to the Barrie Coun- try Club Limited, by registered numi '|l.'.cr 21355. On the said lands there is said to `her 21355. On the said lands be a brick house and outbuildings. and the property which is made up of good farm or garden land is located at the northerly limit. of thv Town of Barrie and the frontagr would make desirable building lots. The property will be 0l't'ered for sale subject to a reserve bid. Terms: Ten oer cent. of the pur- sale subject to Did. I Terms: per pur- chase money :11 the time of sale and the balance within thirty days there- after. _ _ !`m- fnruvr 1m-ms nnd vnnditimnz For furthm` terms and conditimuz 0! sale apply in 37-39h CAMERON & CAMERON. Solicilnrs for the Mmtgagzec. Dated 10th Sept. 1935. Barric,Om Undcr and by virtue of the Pow- ers of Sale contained in 21 certain Mortgage which will be produced :1`. the time of salv, there will be offer- cd for sale by P. A. Cnughlin, Auc- tioneer. at Public Auction, on Fri- day. the twvnty-seventh day of S01 tombcr, 1935. at the hour of 2 o'- clock in the afternoon. at the farm of Frederick Charles Lawrencv Leach. RH. No. 1. Angus. 0nt.. UN` -following property. namely: All and sinsmlar that certain par- -'___..:-_..._.:_._._,__.. WAN I`ED-~~An engine. 1% or 2 H.P.. running good. Apply Box Bar- rie Examiner. . _ 32p , . I following property. nnmeiy: cel or tract of land and prernisos. sil- uate. I imz and being in the l`mvn- ship 0 Essa in the County of Sim- C00 and Prnvmtrc of Ontario. being cnmpnscd of the whole of Lot num- ber 17. in the Third Concossinn -if the said [`mvr.. of Issa. contain- ing by iIdl11l`}l.\'lll`L`lHL`I)I twu hundred acres. On the said (arm there is said tn be erected a dxvellim; house with suitable farm buildings. Tho lands will bo sold :~:uhicCt to :- msorvcd bid Terms of Sale: 'I`(*n per cent. of the purchase money to be aid down ii! the limo of sale and 110 bulallcv within thirty days. For further pur- tlculnrs and conditions of sale apply l\' suitable farm buildings. The lands .~ 'l`m-mu nf Sahv Ton ncr Dated at `rnron Septolnber. 1935. Matched and Work Teams nnr\r\l\ II A BITE '- ISUAUVVII I 13A1iiii1-: FUEL & III II\l\I If I\I\ IIIVI7 Victoria St. and Railway suntan; A \r-.a-.- -an UHSUPPLY co. FUEL, FARMERS AND BUILDERS SUPPLIES \ ICE, CEMENT, LIME BRICK, TILE, ETC. DIAMOND T TRUCKS A _.....:.... r.. :.......o-.4 tn-....I. WANTED TO BUY -- Clean '6-qt.. baskets. Will my 2c each for them. Canci1la's Fruxt Store. 37b 11. G. M. MCDOUGALL, Solicitor In Coninlissinmn` of Agricultural Loans. East Block. Parliament Buildimzs. Toronto. Ont. Dated at Toronto, this 3rd day -1 Iullnlnholl` H135 36-38') lllr'IIVl\.ll1lJ I I |\\.I\|\u America's Smartest Ti-uck Investment ln..a....:.. at IVIUICIICI-I IIIII VV Ulll I cullli BROOD MARES See These Good Horses W. C. BOADWAY I\lI'\I\Ir` IN! Ir`! 0 Boulderfel Greenhouse H. M. LAY 74 Blake St. Phone 832 MORTGAGE SALE Eggs and Poultry WA N T E D nu- This wvvk we \\`xH .'|_\' for op,:;.:s on the fnHn\\'IH1.Z basis, dcl1\'u-rm! our !`l;ml. Burrw. .-\ Largo `70 .\ I-dlum `I60 I! (iradcs Uh` C Grades . Hie I'ullt-I. eggs 20:` -\ . Ana: MORTGAGE Guinea Hens Per pair .. . . 60- Ducks. (`noose and T\u`ku_\`s wxll be bmuzht at pro\'mlim: pricv~'. n nil` livn nnnln-v wn will SHE._RlFF S `SALE ..4..._..__ PRACTICAL NURSE. experienced, doctors` rt.-foronce. prices reasonable. bx day or vrcsok. For engagement p one 127215` 36-37!) uc oouum. ill provruung pncvs. On all` live pnu1H`_\' we will pay 2c under the above prices according: to \\'eighls. run was . ti .0 i{..-N1`-"'r': "}LI.3er.:ave Packers of Ontario Ltd. \ I3?5\v0 KIIII I-I V & Z E ID Floral Design: Shrubs and Perennials Corsages and Bouquets I.`l-.__I I'\.-.-:...-- IiS;}a}J'chack}{. Allra-um:-cl! Iiiizao H1-ziiis I-rd an.-pagan. 8 and up 5 to 6 nun: Ilndu-r 3 A.- E. C. DRURY. Sheriff County of Simcoe. SELL QUALITY KNITWEAR direct to cm1sum0r. Full samples ready. The greatest money mak1m._: line ev- or nfforcd (In-ct-l" snlespco lo. 42 fnbrics. uppvullngly rlisplnyc : beau- tiful 100 page catalogue: liberal cmnmissiuns. Write today for fulll )|."t`lir`LlhlI`S. British Knitwear. Sim- cue. Ont. 3'7bgl \/Ina anv- Am we-igm I` a ALL WEDDING DECORATIONS Roosters; ` I Illa \tIIn\ tllressrd) Phone 999 SALE l subject z I71` lv I5! I31` day (:1 won SALE on T0 LF.'I'~-6-roorr`d house, lighl and water. hen house. Apply (59 Henry St. Phone 769W. 37p ; Young Newapupermgn Dip -2.... ... -.v`..... Advertising Manager of. the Enter- pxisc-Bullctin and member of Col- lingwood Town Council. who died on Thursday Inst. ` DITCHFIELD -- At Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, on Sept. 9, 1935. to Mr. and Mrs. K. Ditchficld. 132 Burton Ave-.. Allzmdale, a son. EI.LIOTT-]n Sctvensun Memorial I-Iospitai. Allislnn. on Monday, September 9. 1935. to Provincial Constable W. B. Ellintt and Mrs. Elliott, Alhstnn. formerly of `Bar- rie. :1 son (David Frank). LYNCH ---- N Pninswlck, Ont., on Sunday. Sept. 1. 1935. to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lynch, :1 sun. ARNOLD - On Thursday. Sept. 5. ` 1935. at Western Hospital. Toronto. Frankie Arnold. widow of the late Edward Arnold. Cookstown. In`- terment in Alliston Union Ceme- tery. September 7. BROOKS--A`. her home. 207 Dawlish Ave.. Toronto, Friday. Sept. 6. 1935. Ellen Geode. dearly beloved wife of John Brooks. n St. Thomas Cemetery. Shanty Bay. Sept. 9. DALES~-At the home of his son, W. J. Dales. Gilford, Ont., on Wednes- day. Sept. 11, 1935. George Dales. in his 81st year. Funeral service at the home of his son. Friday. Sept. 13. at 2 pm. Interment In Zion Cemetery. DAVlS-0n Sunday. Sup-t.. 8. 1935. at his late residence. 90 Glenholm Avenue. Toronto. F. Murray Davis. aged 45 years. beloved husband of Louisa Crawford of Oro Station. mtennent at Oro Cemetery, Sept. torment ` It). ' IIOGG-~At Cnllimzwood. Thursday Sept. 5. 1935. [Tel Lawrence Hang. Advertiszinu Manager Enter risc- V Bulletin. and yuun_sz,er and ear} hvloved sun of William A. and Mr.. Ilnmz. Interment from All Saints Church. Cnllingwood. Sept. 7 : SCHELI_.-~-In Sunnidale. on Monday. ` Sept. 9. 1935. Sarah Ann Carson. beloved wife of Norman Schell. in her 69th year. Funeral service in Zion Presbyterian Church, Sunni- dale Corners. on Thursday. Sept. :2. Interment in Stayner Ceme- Cl'V WATTS./\t Muskokn Hospital. Gra- venhurst. on Thursday. Sept. 5. 1935. Mrs. 1-`. C. Watts (nee_Jean Wood}, of Collimzwood. daughter of Mrs. Wood and the late Joseph Wood. Brudmrd. Interment from the home of her uncle. C. H. Wood. Bradford. tn St. Paul's Cemetery. Cuuls0n's Hill. . Mr. and Mvxv. Earl Purvis wish in ihank ihuir neiizhbnrs and friends for kindness` and sympathy durim! their recent bereavement. '3`[p Mrs. Parker and family wish to thank iheir friends and neighbors for r~xpri-ssiniis nf sympathy and kind- ress shown during their recent sad bereavement. 1 379!) Nirs. Rubi Mnnrn and familv wish hcroavvmcm. , :5 Ian Mrs. Rub! Mnnrc and family to thank. sincerely. their friends and neighbors far extreme klndness~ shown in many ways during their Iccent sad bereavement. 37p W'o wish to extend oursinccrc lhzmks tn all frivnds for the heroic effort put forth which saved our lumo {mm firs`. A,L::Iin we ask you 'nc and all in plvnsc avcupt our dl\'pI`.\'{ ;.'mtiu|rlL'. Mr. and Mrs. W05- lvv Marlin. 37b .Tho ratv for In Momm-iam" notic- -`.< and (`zird of [`hzmks" is 2 coiils p(`l` word with a minimum charge nf mic. N1\'.ik`ll`S under "Born." Mar- rwd" or [)ied" hozidings free. I (`..\I.LO\VA\' In lnvlmz memory of Mar;::1r(`l Gnllm\'uy. our dearly be- Invvd muHwr_ who dc-partvd this life Sum. 14. 192:3. Cod cullvd hvr humo. It was His will But in nu!` h(`m`t.< she livclh still: xlvr mvmnry 2-1 as dvnr today As ut 1110 hour shv p:\ss(>d mvay. Ever remembered by Yip Dzuugluors Jolmio and Bella. 5-ROOMED u-an-r and I FARMHAND WANTED --- A ply S.| Dunn. Midhurst. Phone 6011' 1. 37b UROSE In (wcr lnvinz memory of mv dour husband, Frederick` Charles Grnse. peacefully passvd tn thv Crawn Bo)/nmd at his boy- hm-d's hunw vhurvh. I-`Albert. Sept 1()_ 1933: nur d:\u,r:hter Thelma. nae (N1, of typhnid fvvor. Nov. 3. 1917. Bnrzhd:I_v.< In Soptvcnyht-r's boautcnus munth . cherished memnrlvs l`)' H-utrlvv S[`.x'nuI(` (`.rnsv. 3711 HUGHES In luvim.` 1 no N! llnv'u~< whn ' SISKCI`. Tn rvmemhor my whulv life through. But the s\\-oellms.-a WI" linger forever As I tronsurv the mmnnry of those last davs spent with you. Thv . thwulht. the silent tear will keep ym-r momnr_\' always dear. Q".'n Qiclnr lnnnnn I NELSON In 3 I dear Sl.\'l(`l`. X` p1iSSt`d nw:\7~' One by one tr Anrl lnvnd DH: SH` M. Hu'1`u bot` I5, 193-1. I have onlv clclnr lnvuw, me-umry of our Mrs. A. (`. N:-lsun. wh-I uw:n=' Sept. l-1. 1934. the link is brukcn And l-wed nnos called away. llor Info was one lune sacrifice. But snll she milcd for loved ones. Unul the linl:~` are Joined With loved one gone before. l'3Tb ---S`\dly missed by Sisters. SPRIN(`:~-In hwim: memory 0! m_\' dvnr nmthcr. Ida Mav Spring. whv` departed this hfo Sept. 11. 1930 Two dear bxzgm eyes. a lender smile. ' A luvim: heart that knmv no nuiie. Decp trust in God that all was riuhl. Her joy to make some other bright. If suck ur sufxl-rim: one she knew. Same gentle wt of love she'd dn._ No though! of snll . hull of the other. I know He mid. "Well done. dent` mother." ~-In lnvimv romnmhrnnoo, ________ CARDS OF THANKS )1 __.__:____...__.` CARD OF THANKS | FOR SALE 'l`(') (`LOSE ESTATE--~` House and barn with nbuul 13 acres ul good gznrdvning: Innd. outskirts of Barrio. Appiv to Dmmld MncLm'- on. 37-38b IN MEMORIAM UEL L. IIOGG nu. )- L L`. rl :t nnlmnhnr '1 was nnnm Dunn; 9101. cannon-A BORN DIED 1 lnvim: roxm*n1brnn`. D=I|U:mor M:u'wu'eI. 1 H1(`ll`Hll`_\ of El- 10 mod S(~pV.em- memory, dear u_\ nnwn_v.\ um:-u Sxsxor Jnnettn. ETm (ll n v v n u nw ll In Thu Exnmlnull ---nu -Iluwn u.u...p._y Iuwuuvvu A sharpreductlon in` the price of ` first quality house paint. to $3.75 per gallon in nnnqunced by the man-, ufacturcrs of somevof Canada's best-`4 known .brands oflpaiht. -the 4r_educ- tion to take effect`immediately.' Ih making the nnnbuncement, the com-' panies conccgjhe sta,tev;th'at the_,re- du_ction is not justified , by any change In market conditions or mam ulacturing husk. " ' _ . ' Thhv nM'nI.'m|l `however, 0hnf`Hur.- ` and " Shizrwin -Wilarhs. UIHCIUFIHE C0816. ' ' They .polht'm1t,4` hqwever, _ mg the past tgswyears many hous'e- holders have been.misl'<-d by 4ba'r`-- gain" prices` into using lnlefibr paiht with resuits that `reached unfavour- ably on the while lnd_ustr,y.. Di-astiq` action `was felt 19 be,_r_x'ecessary td chck a situation` that the ouhtryz designed to make g-easier fo'r;`pro#- party owne;-3 to use- mg: quality paint only. with reulling benefit 11-` propr'ty~ and~_t0 the colrnrrmnlty In` uenergal. ' The companies`an.n,out1cing the reduction a'1`c Cana'da-Pamf.'In- . tcrnationai Varnish. Martin.-Sen'ouvr~ thnt`i;lu'1-:4 - _ ` _ U _ seri9_usly' threatened propej-ty y_a)u`es all ov_er' The new low prie ts` The third of North Simcoe rural; school fairs was held at Vascy Mon-.-,1 - day wmi vthc nine schools of Ta}? ` Township pompeting. With Jess tharg Q00 etrieslhe fal_r`fai1ed to come up ' to former shows, but the quantity oi {;xhibits'., wqrkmnship and shov_v.~'1 ` manshhi was supciior to_ qthers. The. silver trophy, emblematic of the championship of the- talr,_was. cup-_ cured by Dorothea Faint. of S.S. No} Y1. who ,took the premier honors. 'vith_67 points. _ _ V _* ` _.._..__a- ' Rovbg-rt HQ-nry '7I`1`10`x.npson;. `t<`Jw.' assessor n_Bracebridge fdr twenty" year: unt-1952. dred recently. , _ . 3 ., -. .__... _ V _.. -, The Second Instalment of taxes 'due-and-'__p"ayab1e' on " V Q I cs:-1.1 aJ_G.lI.$lllI_l`Ifl Q`! _5ll 1 Aftcr ghat`-date the` cn'a`lt1es pro- '*ided by`-by-law win e.added` and mediate steps will begtnkcn ta collect? any tax-s unfmid. . .r ~` _ A. W. SM TH. 'I`reasuIe1` 31-. lRh ` ` 7 ` Tnwn nl Barrio ' I l\Il`lul.lI\ -. (Su'cc'e9sor to .3th`e late _ W. A. Mcconkey, Ban-Je) is prbpa'i'-ed` to"haIidle-Auion hi` all kinds anywhere in Sli'ncoe' Cohnty. Tale" hone'l51. Residnce: I32 Mulcas_tet_ '_ L- - zmtb Q u 1-. Qrgfollllll a nun.- rvgwrlu Govt. \Au<~!tloneer_ for Co: of Slincoh ` Sales condute'.d in any part or the County. A man who knows the val- ucs`and knows the peopl. Years of ' experience. Orders left at J. Balfe'.~` Barrie, pr0_m tlv attended to,` or phone 1 ring . 1-xmvaxe. 35-431: |p.A. :c,au`gh|in, PheIp's ton (hurt Annllnmnnr far [in nu! Rlu-nn lPM!!Y!$?.'3AI9E __P`El NEW F`-FIf".D WHl!`.A'I` fur s:|lo-- Daw- :4un`s (`mldvn Chzlff. Al\)ply Wm. Wnrnicu. Allzmdalo. ILR. u. 1. Tel- vphuno Stroud. 2()rl01. 35~37p yinllvlnlvlhl I III 1 I \Jn\ Linn In-and Of Valuable Rosldantlnl Property in the Town of Barrlc. In the Coun- lv nf Simona. Under Instructions from the Ad- ministrator 0f`tho estate of Minnie Leek. there will be offered for sale by uhlic auction at the Que`:-n's Hnt_ Barrle, on Saturday, Sam. 28. 1935, at 12 o'clock nnnn. by H. A. Gmse. auctioneer. the following lands and premises. namely: Lots numbers '1`\volve I12), Thir- nwn (I3) and Pnurhann Ill) and the Lots numbers 'I`\volve I12). Thu`- N-en (I3) and Fourfeon (14) and the Nnrtherly ninrtoen feet of Lot num- her Fifteen M5) on the west side of Essa Road and Lots numbers Twelve (l2l. Thirteen (13) and Fourteen H4` and the Northcrly Nineteen fee! of Lot number Fifteen I15) on the Ens! side nf Centre Street in the said Town of Barrie mcurding to rv visu-rod plan No. 30. here is said in be erected an the ronsu-red plan No. 30. lh said lands a good brick reaidvnco. TERMS: Ton ner cont. cash 5 said lands good brick reaidvnco. TERMS: per at llw time 0! sale and the balance ilhin lhlrly days thereafter. The gropeny will be offered fnr sale su jet`! 1. a reserved bid. Fur- ther terms and rondltmns of sale will be mad known at the time 0! sale and in (he meantime on applica (Inn in 3'7-391) DUNLIAN F. MCCUAIG. tn 37-39L) DUNCAN MCCUAIG, Solicitor for the Administrator. Dated Sept. 1. I935. Barrie. Om. . Sand" .-e.; 15 .3-`am-It H RI. .....l--; I-1. . .$'Emh?5:: IE3 'Hoc._ch'coI.:. FUDGE EIIIIIIAEE cl- ITIUK ,.`JlII-ICUIIKC I' U] SUNDAES F;-cal: Lime Sodas I Fresh. Limes . . ---c -g A -'-|.- __ _vvv_.._-.-w --yv .-. Jelly Beam . . 17 lb. Scotch Mink . . . . 20 lb. Chocolate Peanut: 25 lb. Homemade Chocolate: in 10c and 20c Bags, Ginger, Alm_ond:,- Bruils, Etc; n-nuulvnsu L wmcr and Ii phnnv 1387?`. A..or;d' cnocoum-zs !_3_.BY$0N 5 Paint frlces Sharpiy Reduced A _L_.__ ._...I....I:.... 1.. u__ ___.__ .. - -jw-Ct EXT MA. & P. STORE Phone 39 or BARBIE. I'll `brin nnui cmr DAfnir"1;ii|'<:'x' 25c--Half 13 RU PTURE EXPERT the Town of I!` 1y of Slmooe. A Onnnuual In:-lulvnnnl V V GXIIGCZZJ IJIIVII 2! FROM I To 9 RM. To dl.-monstrnte the moat re- markable scientific method known (or the control and cm: of rupture. No leg straps. no elastic. no plasters. Free advice. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity. Ask at Hotel desk for n , I.I an o . o (1, NEED WIVIENI` FOR SALE~-In1prov- ed Dnwsnn`.~'. Golden Chzaff. good clean seed. A ) )ly I-Iorb Gibbons Nth (`.nn., Innis i . two miles west of No. II lIiL:hwu_v. 37p COMING Queen : Hotel, Barrie I nuvl uvarx nu Smith Manufacturing Co. 'lIESTON. ONT. -p---.- ___- MAIN STREET Wednesda(;:`, Sept. 25 runs: I TO Q HM` J. C. SPRING AU__CTl0NEER ta..`.s.u......-..- o..`n.`. Iain LUNCHT AT IIu- puynulu uu Sptembgr 27th fhnt 7 dntn tho 'nnn'n1Hns ALONG THE I a win our!-Urn-no MITH. Treasuftijl`. _T9yvn of Barrie ......_....._....._ 25 lb. lUl{NlSlH`ll) KUUIVIS in It`! warm und briglt. :\np1_\' 71 lluzh S1. R5-390 i6; IIB 15 Tomorrow is another case at Fri- `day the 13th. . --Wtch~ for special announce- i ment next week. Hutlburt Shoe Co. I v`vn,u,,,n v __,, , .up,,__,, A A-an uncuu nuns; vvccn. anusnuunw uuuc uu. . -1`.-Iildreth Lennox~'Mon-en. A.T.C. , M.. is reopening her classin piano ` and elocution. Phone 387J. 37-38;) } Dunn Ila-u'u;1I}-.n In-up Tl-upon` uuu u.-upuuuu. suvuc uulv. an-uvy --Free Marclling and Finger- wavlvng `for spgeding up advance sudents."M1ss Gordon, phone 358. b `UL-.. ........ 1..-: L....A ......' |.....A rvnulnllu .u.--.1. 4......-4...-. -.u..n.. \4vu -Your new fall shoes are at Hurl- burvs. Black and brown suede ox-. `tords. Brogue tongues. Special` $3.75. - 37b ---Thewsenior Dartment of St. > Andrew's Presbyterian Sunday .School will resume its studies Suri- day morning, Sept. 15, after thermal- idays. 37p _Mnn'n Full `Ham, SN-_ tho npw auuuullwo. Avnloo uv-uu--, yuv-u. uvv. u ' -When your feet hurt you` hurt - an over. See next week's issue, im- portant news! Hurlburt Shoe. Co. \I...- 0-`nu-0 I-`I1 .-\......n n-an no llunl ways. up --Men's Fall Hats. See the new 'Biltmore Hats. Bart Simmons. Hat ; Department at Simmons 8: Co.. 39 ` Dunlap St. 37b Hon. E. Lapointe addressed a meeting in Alllston town hall last night in the interests of W. J. C. Boake. the Liberal,-Progressive can- ` didate. ,, J]! I` 'I` If Do-nnlnnlnl nnnunnnn CHCIRIZC. ---W.C.T.U. Provincial convention in Barrie, Oct. 1->2-3; public invited -to all sessions. especially evening ones when there wlll~be special speakers. " 37b ` -Neil Yellowlees. plano tuner. will `be at Ovenden College next .week; Ordersrmay be left; at Miss 1 Bell's, Mary St. "371; ` l-Mr-. `and Mia.-. (}orgb:'Jlik'es_ uf ` _ Oplllla fare rebpenlng,'th1r '.~dancl!_18.' classev in Barrl1_:; not give your chdren the advantag_s`Qf glancing . . ` .. fol`-their health?" .. ._ ~, - ~ wnmiu-.--nrrim'mI;m-g aw-' in `fnl- 4 NICE Hl([(iH'l` ROOMS I0 rent. Mu-nn :\nnl\' H)? H:1\'fin\|(l R1 Phnne 10) their health ! _ Weather fprdbdhilit `vs ail: 'fc4il-I lows: .'"Modem-t no'rt_hex-ly' .w!n1a. f falf .an_d cool; 'F`_V1,'_iday'~ ---` northiafst ` wlrid-s.,f:artIy-cl0udy.a'nd" c9o`l. pds- _ "sibly' scattered showers. - . - "Rain-l It-nt dimnitmnfnl 'rnnM._q ' Slbly SCRILGFCG snowera." ."E:tt;ellenc depagdehfal Tpovts were p'rcsente1_at_. the meeting `of ' the Executive Bonfd `hf Bahrle P1"s- ' vmo.-m..a mun"-J..I;rm no Ami; the Executive 1:49;:-a ;or same Pres- bytrial w.M.s., ';held` In St. And} . rew's Chufch on -Tuosda Ham )9 sun 1 neared, `frouom ` 1h|s..:4-Mind nf'1o Prnv|'m-n as in ' `B'ah'1 9till1ned'.d, `inroughom fhlmsecclod otf1e Provl nce ns_ gn ' aid to ` successful ~`faIl,"b1o1{ghlna . A twenty-fbulihnuf `rain would buy ` a decided a'sse!~at `lls-"tithe. . .1 . . ,, _ r `Y _.:.r--- : _.nhI..a.__ ..._ .....t l. UCCIGCQ V5Hc'$"l Uy IIIIIE. V. V-'-Ladies` 'rrx`l}l-frfery. _our smart, felts forxrall `and winter are here`. 1 V In a great vafrtaty;-'af`.styl'es. Hun,- dredsrof hats to select .frnm. Sim- .. mt/ms 8; Co.,jThe'Coat_Stoi-e. 31b` , '--Are your` eye's` trouliflng you or." '_your`_ gImv_ses' vmsatiiaqtpry? It` 1:03 '- `come, In .ancL see `us. .prices ygtr. ` moderagc; '1". Baker. Optometrist," . .Roo_m `6, 5., W. Mborb Block, Satur}-' ' 'day3to9.` A-37}! _`r.1iswi W`. 'r.-Jen. -`rt, >ht" dAnls'1!, and I aay`:1_to 9. ` .@. --a'm_ I -wLl<'5yd ,W.',Tufo`d,. bt"ani.<'1t,and. . -- ghoitmastcr Lot Col11er"St. ,U_n.itcd - Church, wil1`1'{esu m-his teaching '0!" menu, .org'an. ` theqry` . and `sight- - singing on" Monday, Sept.` 16. at B9 owen St. - . ~ '36-'3_7b ,`-~fHave yqur . furnace .an'd5 smoke pipes put in ._c`ondit`1n_'far. afcty. -1 _ Repairs ,(or any makefof furhape pr 1 ~. stove. Agcng for Findlay furnacgs. 1 P._._J. Moramiplumbing an'd.heatlng. 1 `Phone 350W; '_ " .87t1b' ` `In um rohnn uf Iha. Twentieth 1 j Phone ssows - .. Centuryclub electidn um} _ {rho Ennqr "lust `week. the`name _ ' .87t1b ban of the. Twentlegh dance in `In the re ofthe new secretary should~,be`M:ir- reported by mistake. -;WaHnr Mm~1\InH . -n-snmen ._ ion McLean; 'I'he.wrong name,wuI 1 ms ` . his pulpit xvasrsupplled by Rev. Dr. Campbell. ' - ' ' ` reporteu Dy mxsusure. teaching of: pino, orgahj ll_{e<')ry. ila kindly .'re:gistc-r. Only ` students who have n ggnuineafecling and`. a V 5 _ -. 3'79 Vearl M. Cnutts. '1-`hm-ntonL,.,'an staging a --commfmity ale` tit ~Mqr3- 'rl'n`s, Yards. Barrie. cm` Saturdaiyg` ' September 28. ,Anyonc`1:VlshlhB td `Sell any livestock, implements "or ` _'l_1ousehqldj effects ls "reqa..'|esled- :tn notify him. - 4 . .3175: the Collier St. Baptistychurch. and "The refreshment booth al. Charles -`-Wmer Mdc`NuttA -resumes. ihis: V composition'and~volce. Former pup- . ' real `aptitude for music will be ae- _, cepted-. ' ' ' Rev. gm`. Campbell preached .li;r St. Andrew: Chul-t:h_ last Sunday ; muriulng. Dr. Bremen r'.ndli'\('.t.h(l lesson. In the evening the service ' *was taken by Rev. J. H. Odrhlg lo! Campbell. ' ' v The refreshment Smith's scrvlce station on Dunlbp Street was entered some time dur- ` ing Tuesday night and robbed 0! about $20 worth of chocolate bars; candy. gum. and $5 wortnof smok- lngz tobacco. Entry was made by pryinn open the door which was pacllncked. I-Nu Hnnnnr Judzo E. A. Wismer padlocked. His Hnnour Judzo E. Wlsmcr , fsmisscd an action in Division ` Court lasi week which was brought by Canada Paint Co.. Limited. Mon- treal. against Hugh Smith. Angus. ` for $48 for paint. as the plaintiffs wero not rc-presented at the hear- ing. J. R, Boys, Barrie. nclcd {hr the dofondanl. All anom-neonrl In tho rnna-runlinn TWO UNFIJRNISHEI.) ROOMS mi 10!. Clwm). 7| Pvol St. 37p! me aotenaanr. All interested In the conservation of our game and fish. are asked in meet In the Police Cour! Chambers on Tlmrsdny evening. Sept. 19, at 8 n'clnck for the purpose of organiz- lng. A representative from the Dept. of Game and Fisheries. Tor- onto, will be present and address the gathering. at Lncf Qnhurrlznfca Glnho rnnmin- I me garnering. a Last Saturday's Globe contain- ed a phnmgravure of Mrs. Mary ` Hudson Mullin. who died on Fri- day at her home in Glen Road. Tar- nntn. in her 87th year. She was the last survlving mmt nf Mrs. Edmund Hardy. Of her tho Globe said: By her gracious persnnamy she was known to old and young as Little Mather". ` cnnko A.........n. mg. rhmn urhnn II Nlinel" . Slight damage was done when a , coupe driven by Robert Oliver.` Staynt,-r. collided with a motorcycle ridden by Fred F. Ptofter. Niagara Falls. N.`{._ at the corner of Bay- eld and Ross Streets about 2.2!) p.m yesterday. Oliver. who was drivinit north on Bayeid St., wan attempting to make a letthand turn onto Ross street. when the motor- cycle came up from behind and ran Into his car. The motorocyclist paid all damages. ._Qon F'_rIn1nnri Hnrdv Must BIC. `all damages. --Soe Edmund Hardy. Must Bac., iF`.'I`.C.M.. for private or class lessons in piano. singing or musical theory. Private lessons on the pipe-organ of St. Andrew`: Church also given. Mr. Hardy is an honour graduate gold medalist of Trinity College. Univer- sity of Toronto. and was twice gold medalist and Hnnnur gmdunte oi the Toronto Cnnsc-rvalory of Music. He was inrmeriy a scholarship pupil of the lntlcr institution. and has had pxlensive experience as a member of its Board of Examiners. interviews `or lessons nrrnngt-d at li.'l Worsley I St. Voices i(`Si(`d trot-. 35-37b I The sifi:p6rters' in this rldin of the . Recnstruction Party whic is led by the Hon. H. H. Stevens, have been `leased to name me as their candi _ate in -the forthcoming Federal u election, and my loyal congregations > have been most generoua in giving mo 1: free hand to fight in this CRU- the responsibilities thus onered to me in a s irit of confidence that WILL PRE AIL. I believe that the epple of Canada desire to have the ' Frxneiples of Christ put into the bus- nesse! Governing the Land: I am afraid that` those principles have been entirely left out in the past. because they conflict with the greed _ttnd` selfishness which is common to mil who "worship old instead of GOD. I have an un ounded faith in - CANADA and in democratic govern- '.' merit: but I -realise that we have not had democratic government in Can- admfor any years ast now. Party gilettlorn lp is not emocrnllc gov- ernment. The people have elected governments. but financial interests . ave `control-ted them and dictated their raoliciesrg I pledge you all the `I.=tren| it talents and ability that n A . Everybody nppcarod to enjoy nu- outing at Springwnlor Park 1:1.-4L ` 'wcek. The weather was mid but tho , corn` and weincrs were hot. nu . . `I 1 , ; 1|, \.\l||| uuu vs`.--u,-u vvxnx. ..u.. ` Those erstwhile (`hmnpinns of the ex-service men havo vithur Nlippml or reversed their policy. Unlikv more mature politicians they did not wait until the clcctiuns wen- safc-ly _uvcr to rcnvg. `Ill-.4... A ...........l-.1... ..l II-\.. I nulnn 1 nu-\._, _...\.- wv .-...n. When a member of thv Lozzirm is appointed to an nmvo nr positinn 1 `involving some cnnlrnl over om- ` ployment and discipline, it would be an cxcollvnt plan if ht: Wl`l'(` cnllt-d upon to renew hxs nhlizatinn which perchanco he has fnr[.:0t1(`n. A-an-.nn-..n..l.. nbwn knlnu vr\rur.ls I...-n yplunllluxu nu --um |\1I..'\r|.I.\.Iu. Arrangements are b(`in;: rnndo fur 74 visit 10' Barrio Branch by Pu.-ll Tclrphrme Branvh Nn. 132. Tumntn. In October. A 1Ilr|IlIr\rv\r. L. nui.-.n.h.,l On Y\/Ir FURNISHED R()Ul\ l5 10 It`! nnrl hruvht .A\nnl\ TI lluvh Rt Z{5-ZHIn In \}l'H)l)('l'. A welcome is (-xlr.-ndt-d to Mr. Traynnr, 21st Bntt.. whn has CumL- to reside in Barrie. A urn.-Ar Inn Ohio ......I,- "!".iu.. up. resume in uarnu. A prayer for this work: "Givu us lhc understanding ht-art that wu- may tolerate without condoning the frailtlcs of our brethren." `Ha knun an! no! H-u-I on rnnnrl nu been most In gxvmx; me a free hand fi ht EADE. 'fo'r CLEA . '_RIGH'I'EOUS _ OVERNMENT. `I have ac ted responsibilities thus offere to spirit cnrifidcnge th_nt KTRIIIIUS (If our Dl'{.`!nT(`ll. We have not yet had :1 report on ways and moans of providing fru- lrips tn Vimy but :1 special meeting will be held on Friday. Sept 13. at 8.30 p.m. All ex-scrvicc men are- -.:.In..vmn non p.n welcome. --MN-I Big Fair. Quality _lg2;_tsA g_t_ l.ow Pdc_e__s Snvusage .... I3-15'c`lb. Peunenled A Cottage Rolls . 24c lb. T0 _THE VELE..C'l'0RS or DUFFERIN-SIMCOE: -.---.-_.__-::_j__j__7, soum smcos vonxsuuua BREEDERS Fl_!~`:l:_lmANNUAI`. sau-: u-r|r\AI1(V 4 NH clu-up. mm W FARMHAN1) WANTED A ply 5. Dunn. 37b` 11 Dunlop Street Ivlvcs III III\alll many`: .v..-JV...) V. .,.,. ..-,,__,.`, . All entries hmo been p|s.\'(.'r`l by (}.".'z-|'nxm`h` can `at .` x:.h~.-u excellence and W1 bu In-uh-d ;u:n=.vx~'. . r:.v,w~.-w_ I.-.v~ kw. .. x[`.1.'|`.| V`""""' Sale will be held under cover at the Agricultural Fair Grounds, ALLISTON, ONT. lzfm P,.\l.. 'l`.-KNDARI) TI.\lI~I l:.W l".\l.. Bl.`\.`ll. \l`\ll Ilur. MONDAY. SEPT. 23rd. 1935 Thn lnHnu'n\nr u~nll.|n\n\\-n hn\(`d9r\` :1H- (`Hl`.'.L`l:: . tn Vhv .111` Jnu .`\. CYZi'CVj$$" ij: -- 1&3 W` The following well-known breeders cun~::;;nu-1. In Hm ..ul<- Jnn, Ball. J. Baxter & Suns. J. Brethet & Sum. Brucv (`m\.m. J1 hn Hamilton. Stanley Halbcrt. S. J. Gallzmgher. J. J. I-`.. Mc(`ugm- (`. D Spruuic, B. B. Warnlcu. G. A. Wilkinson. This district hnlds first place in the Province an 1'...` quu|lI\' of its York- shire: from ;he combined standpoint of n\u2'l;-1 rm-qum-nu-nts mid show ring type. In selectimz nuimale for the sale. \hr- Iiun\HI;ll1n_'.: committee have made every effort to maintain or surpass the high sf;-.ndnrd set in `previous annual events. For Catalogue-.- address: I-`. A. LASHl.F.\'. Sm\n-inrv. Veal it L. E. FI(ANKI.lN, :\l|(`li(li1I`(`l`. LEGION NOTES 25 SOWS Most of them Bred V I` I\ 1564 W. M. J. BRENNAN (By Ack Emma) vour ends at Barric-`H ` Sept. 18-21. 37b I III! `also;-a-yup, a -..-.-g :- l:30 l`..\I.. ST.-\.\'l)r\l(I) DIVINF. CRE/\'l`(`)R may uivv to me. to fight for PURE. MORAL, HON- EST GOVf`l`hlh(,`lH. for ull the people. In the and that CANADA may be- burnt! 1| lnnrl nf lmxmv (-mm-nlod Cud- the and that ('ANI\l)/\ no- comc an land of happy (-mm-nlvd fcarim: ci!i7.cn.-- A LAND TO LOVE. I Ynu are in\"1(-d In hem` me when 'fcarim.: ('i!i7.0n:' /\ LANH '11) 1.nvr;. I speak in your district, and tn ask uny questions of me that you desire to know my vivws upon. I respect- fully urgo upon yun In pledge your votc to no r:nnIid:m-. In-fore you have ha-nr all 1-:|.nIIid:1tl-I nl` vnur llldlmr. vote to r:nmm:m-. In-In hoard all vzmmlidzltt-~1 1 I nrn nnuu vuu nut in I I urge upun yml nun II) x by lmporlwl ~41-nkcr.-4. I your czmdldatr exp:-I-an h tlon. Almvv cu-I-yl|1uu,' 1 prt.-oinu.< vmv nf _v : suit-ncu dirt-<`1". um Orin) ALI. ALL/\N F}-IRP.` will speak nl In ihiq (Ii-ch` i.Am:x-2 Fl{UN'l` mmm for mu l`\)rn|\-hml \'n 1'\' m'nh':|l 'l`1-lnnhnn: Let us cut you a delicious Veal Roast. What a meal. as it comes savory from the ovcnl What :1 tu: it will make. next day, cold! Or serve the cold-cut with. or chopped into, :1 salad. And next rluy~~-whut- L-ver's loft. use for :1 :'avm`y stew! Veal like OURS is nyrsnvl C.Its'l`. IHIADI-`()lU) . . 'l'hurs:d:t_v. Sept. I2 'I`ll0RN'l`()N . l~`rid:|_v, Sept. 20 STROUI) . . W1-(Int-sduy. Sept. 25 IIONI) IIE/\l) . . Monday. Sept. 30 IVY . Tlu-,.-day. Out. I cooxsrdwiv Wcdrwsday, ma. 3 ____._._._.______.._... Weiners . . . . . . . 16c lb. Roast Beef . . . 12-15c lb. Rolled Fillet Veal . 17c lb. VEA'I.! A cnlrl slnr.'u,'e plant 85 fret long by 40 feet w.dc is he-imz built In Meafnrd. Shnrc-hulxlcrs are 50 fruit growers n! the dislrwt. The plant. which will lw rvndy for this year's Crop, wlll |1.'Ivu~ 5().()U1) z-uhnc fee! of. .' whvn <-uxmnlvlc-rl_ /\|)ili1,V publnr ... -V --v--guy Majority of Serviceable Age 1:.-I-v\vv s-I.` `-4 1`. \ '.` V-.J|\'Il|I|:|I I;Ul'.` K-IKIUI T33. ' St-ore\;u`\'. Dom. uf :\o:ru~ul1uro.;\llismn_ The Perfect Roast! VEARL M. COUTTS I.Iuu.t-. (urn l.\'hI`(l. (i2lWV. .`1\. 'I'll()Il.\'T()N. ().\"l' (iraduzntr of In-mu-rl`- school of .\u('t|om-1-ring. Fresh Fish, Poultry and Vegetables Licensed Auctioneer Phone 50 or 51 LIV l` Full}; Y ) zpuak ul Hu- I this district : Ts BvOARS % Page Eleven ' I-rorc have `I` your llldlmr. u lw l<-cl nwny IN-m:md that 4 his own posi- 5' vlrw. mar {hill gun a law nmhvulual . qualnfu-ti om. IARGFI l"ll}`.Nl.\`Hl12D trunl ruums. unilnhln fur huh! hnI|\'nknn\|nIn1 nr l`WU l.H')l)RUUI\l5. .\'n.l1n'mom wiLh fu'c`plm~v, hut xvnlur. vxvv lvnl meals. help k\-pt. Rvfu':'vvn'v.< roquxrvd. I39 Lnwtun Buultwami mun" St. Clair. Ymulo St. v:u.. 'l`nruntu. 37b ` FOR RENT Nl(`1` from runnim: wutvr. sh-:un hm i1`\(\ pu.~`sv.<::mn. S. W. l\1w 1 Alum`; r'lII:Nl.\Hn.'n trunl Mlimlwlo fur light h(\\I.\'t`kl`t.`kI|llLI or um` ur lwu g,'m~L|vnu-u. 48 (l:lppt`X`- tun. 37p Thdly. ` Spieilbef 13$`-I708?" l"UKNlh||l`.ll HUU-\l`. D I lIl0d(`I`l\ cnn\'mI1m\cv.<. Apply .\:| Rand. SMALL l"l`RNL\'Hl"'.l') HOUSE I NH. .-\ppl_\' 6'? V1clurr.I S!.. B rio. I EXPERIENCED man and woman wanted for farm. Phone Ivy. 14 ring 14. 37p l"URNl.\`lll".l) llUUSl'I II\ndI\I`I| I`l\lI\'l`l|ll`lH`l`S ST()Rl'I FOR RENT Small storm`. 56 Io`.li1_-alu-lh SI (Ion Vw|n\r\` l"|\nn|- 5'l`Ul(l'. Hui |~Ili2:|l)olh St. 620. Barn-no I-UR R!-INT |!um,::uInw. six mums. mudorn. furm.<}_wd_ large lot. garage. Thom.` 3!. Bzurn`. 31p l.(,)W{2K lIUPl.r..\ mr rvm -n room: nn`q bath. uuk flours throughout. A < pl ? M('('ullmu:h's (`um-cr_\'. 36H LOVVER DUPl.l-`.X for rvm -5 I nni! thrnnuhnui . 3 1-ROUMRD .>\l`;\R'l'I\H".N'I' in row lurnmlwd or \mfurmslu\d All nu T0 RENT SIV-rumn brick house. 3- nlccv bath. ;z:n':u:o and smhlc. large ut. Blake St Phnno l538W or write 1-`. W. Kunm-dy. Box 2. Bar- rie. 37p 1-Kt)1`I\-[I'll furnn.~hvd . I`| n (`I\lI\'l`H (`I n cnn\*cnu`ncc.~' Am nld St. nr plume (i'. T` YOUNG GIRL WANTED to assist with housework. Annlv Mrs. Mot- \VARR` (`0I\U"0RT.*\B[.E HOUSE I lot nn'\\'l\' (l(`vnI':\ln-rl with unrdu \'VAKM (`U.\ll"UK'l':\Ul. lot. m,`wl_\' l`cm';\lcd. and garage. Located Apply to I\1r.: Moore. St. LEGION HALL I-`OR RENT-~Suib n?\h- fnr dances. card nnrlies. nflnr. LELHUN nAL.1. l-`UH HEN'|`-~Su|l- able for dances. card parties. after- noon ten. nublic meohmxs. etc. Rit- e-hcn facilities available. also phone. For rates appiy A. E. Allen. 34 Park- sido Drive. Phnno 654M. 371) FOR SALE OR TO LE nun: um: um: It In Thu lxnmlnnrl }oTE llnu sum Inn: ll In"I'h- `tnnmlpkn POSITIONS WANTED llnv um: um It In Thu Elnmlnnn mu-.1 conurm ROOMS AND BOARD (In mu um II In `I'M (nmlnnn WV I'll` I [All (It) you my It In Tm Iumlnor) _____.:__:_.:__ YOUNG GIRL; WANTED to assist with housework. Apply Mrs. Mot- fatt, l2 Louisa St. 37b AGENTS WANTED i lnv um um: It In Thu Exnmlnnr) PROPERTY TO LET n In rm. I-.m|nu\ HELP WANTED `In Iann Inca II In inn I-..-`I-. WANTED an -nun II In Th: .1 COTTAGE. (or sale --~ ' light. For information` F. 37-41p ILIKI I FUN DALI: 1 um II. ln Tho Illmli) .__.__.......----......--nq-_--v-` --:_:g COTTAGE mr `sale --` Ii:-hi, Fur infnrnmtinl .>\I'.~\H l`Mr:1\"l` lo rout - \u\f1n'msh`d. A1lnmd- nccs Appl) 37 McDan- lumv 37h In` rmun with hvul. lmmod 1\1nurc. 3?!!! N'l` Small storm`. 36 mu Vxrkors. Phone 37]) C_A1?ABLE and reliable woman wtcd to do cleaning once a week. Agply P.O. Box 13, Barrie. 37b LE HOUSE 10 with garden`. un Mary SI 45 .\1cDon.1ld 37:) I0!` rvnl -- '1`:-luphunt.` 37b and` Hi:-n, none-V 3 7 p hum: mam STOVE 1-`on SALE -- Dishes, etc.` Apply Mrs. Fall, 19:; Dunlop St. 37pl w rr 5' -~- FOR SALaE--"'~Sileht glow oil burner gltid stove. Cheap. 125 `Bradfgd MIXED WOOD" FOR SALE. Apply J. A. Mills, Midhurst, phone 199 ring 13. NEW BUCKWHEAT HONEY 101' sale, 5c per lb. Wm. Rainford, 32 Blake St. ' . 37p E. . RELIABLE GIRL as cook general.| some experience. Apply 56 Collier SI... mornings, or evenings; to 8.30. 37b HONEY FOR SALle}-on the light amber 8c. amber 7c. Jas. Ciowh Hill. 36 J. A. n ring NEW BUCKWHEAT HONEY for sale. 5:! ner lh. Wm. Rainford. HONEY FOR SALE-on the light amber Rn. Amber 7c. Jag. FUR. SAhl:.'-A good Pacmc Steel boiler at reasonable price. Apply Cancilla's Fruit store. 37b ELECTRIC BANGE FOR SALE - $?5.00 cash. New. Apply at 104 Burton Ave., Allandale. 36-37p FOR SALE--Black enamel-finished oil paint case with 12 tubes of paint. 4 brushes and pallet. Apply phone 480. 37x FOR SALE-A good Pacific steel price. Annly WOOD FOR SALE - All kinds of hard and soft wood. Delivered in Barrie. George Finlay, Midhurst. Phone 6021-31. ' 37b p.___.___ WESTINGHOUSE clectric washer Inr nnln. l'.m-ma give in nnrfnm enn- WOMAN OR GIRL whu can sew to assist with bushelling. Wages nine dollars week. Temporary position. Apply over Simmons Sture. ' 37p WESTINGHOUSE electric washer for sale. Large size. in perfect con- dition. Apply P.O. Box 1012, Bar- rie. or nhone 15. CERTIFIED VIKING" raspberry canes. Orders taken now for Fall CERTIFIED "VIKING" raspberry canes. Orders delivery. Lowest prices K. Dawe. 96 Ross St. Phone 744W. 37-41p CASH REGISTERS -- New and re- conditioned. Re airs, supplies. Easy terms. Allen ash Register 0).. 106 Dundas St. W., Toronto. ` 37p muon. Apply 1*. rie, phone TWO PLEATED SKIRTS and 1 coat. ` 10 years; 1 coat `and 4 dfsses. 16 . years; 2 airs shoes. 4 and 4`/2. Av.- ply 233 E izabeth St. Phone 1`406J 3'/D 1 WELL GROWN 1 -`OX-GLOVE. Ori- _ ental poppies.:Dclphinium and other . perennials. Reasonable prices. H. - M.-Lay. phone,(i32, Boulderfel Green- house. , 37p FOR SAf.E-4One brand new Barry- more rug. 6 ft. 9 in. x 9 ft., one Stew- nrt-_Warner radio practically new. one victrola and records. Tele- phone 1019.1. 35-39b tube radio, twin speaker. Reason I r s_elHm;, electricity. Apply F. Fneld. Kin's IRADIO FOR SALE-Rogers eleven-. won SALE -- Laldyls black winter coat with silver {ox collar. also light- _~cr weight cont for'Fall, misses` size - 14. new. Will sell cheap. Agugliv) Box "L;" Barrie Examiner. CAPABLE GIRL for genera) house- work, family of three in Pomnto. Must be fond of children. Referenc- es required. $15. per month. Box G," Barrie Examiner. 37h _

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