Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1935, p. 1

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Jcztdlng from the collar to the kn- WFIS Ill [)U.' (H il DUNS l{(.`-"I1 which might have been ltS(.'d in (`on- nection with the hur;.:lm'y. Through Cellnr Window According to the police, entry was made tn the beaut,it'ul residence by fnreing open a collar window and using a skeleton key in the dopr Chen. Jm-k Kenm-rly. who resides at! 2 Amelia St,.. nbnut one hundx-ed yaI'(ls (ti: repnrtorl to the police that his rlzumlxter had heard :1 noise similar to the lcnnekimz at n rlum`. about 12.30. hut, she had paid little attention to it. It is thnugltt that entry must have been made between mirlniuht and l :,1.m. 'I`hn r.-uuunl-lrinrv nf Han hunch uvuu and J. Watson, who were riding wit.h HL'dl kl'lflIl'lUl'L', UH Hit` 1\l\ L`I' FOEICI. According to the witnesses, Miss Mae West. Miss Dorothy Dickinson Anderson. the aged pedestrian was walking directly in the centre of the road. Anderson told Provincial Constabie W. A. Robinson. Collin}- r wood. that just before he struck Walsh. :1 cm` with glaring lieaclligiits pm'tl_v blinded him for the momenti When the car bzissed. a man loomed up directly in front of his head-` ii}:[h1S. He . in an attempt; to miss him. but Walsh stepped di- rc~(:t]_\' in front of the mirushim: car ` and was knocked down. F`:n-nnnr 1\.- T `D nI~n`1n1~\ f`.-nn illlkl \`\'ElS KllU(.'KC(l (l(l\\'H. Cnrnnor Dr. J. R. Graham. Crev- lmnre. stated that death was zllmnsl insl:1n1nnenus. from a badly cruslmd side and :1 fr:1ct,u1`ed skull. An in- qucsl will be held at (.`.rcemo1'(2. Cmwn Attorney F. G. Evans will preside. John Walsh, 70-year-old farm lab- orer. was instantly killed late Sat- urday night when :1 car driven by Irwin Anderson, aged 19. Cree-more. struck him as he was walking home.-. near C1'eemo1`e. on the River mud. A1`:-nu-Hinxr I-n Hun uyiinnccnn 1\ll'Icc IF arm Laborer Killed When Struck by Car `I7 I I` I`! Bill N?,3Tc. Baldwick] Winners in Judging 1 Bill New. Crnigvule, and C1iffnrd| n1l(]\Vi(`k_ I3zn'riu. were anmng 1hu' first six pri'/.0 winners in judgzinp, `1I`ain and roots at the Canadian Nu- tionnl E.\'hibitirm, 'I`m`0ntn. last wook. I 'l`I\,. n.u.o....I.. ... .. .... \V(`(`K. I The contests were conducted 1111-` dcr Ihc nllspices of the Ontario Dru} pnriment nr Agriculture, and vnn-] tn::1.'n1t.< were fzmners or farn1ers'| suns under 26 years of age who have won similar (rmnpoiilinns in their rospoc1i\`o vnuntios. C. .. ...,n\.u\\ \IvLuIIIL'.`v. | Scores m judxLim.: grain and rmvts. from :1 possible :<('m`u of 800, were: I. I .ru(.-(2 I300)`, Bctlmny. ])urhz1m.| 757 points: 2. 1). s. Giblmn.<. m-n-i frow. and Bill Now. (,`1'niL:\':1] South Simone. tied with 756 points: 4. C. G. ]VI:n'. O. A. (7.. Guulpll. 752 pm'n1s: 5. Cliffurd l3u|(1wiuk, Bnrriv, North Sinwno. 749 pninis; 6.} Norman Orr. Hillsburu. Wc.-llinglnn. T44 poims. Plozulimz ;.zuill_v under Rcgulutimxl G6 (:1) of the Liqum` Crmtml AC1 of Ontario. to having, giving or: consuming beer except in the rvsi-ll doncu of the p(:1`sox1 purchasing the rznmv, 1\\`n Alliuirm hnlnl l(nnI\n|': |Two Ailgton Hotels Pay Total of $275 l Breaches of L.C.A. I.`l_YHH Ill I()l`(lllI(), I On('(- insirlo thv d(\\Vn.\`flil'.\` ki(vh- en. H10 lhi(`\'(-s 1l\nrnu}.:hLv x`:ln:~'u('k- ed tho hnu.x`(~. fmm kitchen in thin! l'|nm'. up.~':-l(in;.: (`\'vr_\' runm. A cu! lnul was opened in the kitchen hm nothing vvus tum-hvd ;mp;m-n1l`v. A\1'x-nrrliluf in H\:- nulir-n :n\n:|I~nnI- \.u'lIL'l.' U] UH.` ])l.'l'SUXl ])llrCHH.\'ln UH.` suum-. twn Allislzm hole] keepers! were fined $125 and costs or thirty days in gnol, by Mzuzislratc Comp- ton Jeffr. in court noru Saturday morning. Both nffencos took place on August 17. T\/Inllhnuv Hnlxrnr nu:-rl AR nwnxwin, Matthew l3ol;:cr. am-cl 48. proprio- tnr of tho Wind. Housv. paid a fine of S125 and costs. in all $139.25. The information was laid by I m-` vincinl (`0n.~'lal)l~ W. B. Elliott, Al-l listnn. zmcl evidence was submitl,c(l' by l`rm'in('ial Constable Harry But- ler. Orzmgeville. l\/Trc Annin Tlnnrlnrcnn nr-nnrinlnr un nu).;usL II. F; I |l_`l'. \JltlH}.{L'VllIU. Mrs. Annie Henderson. proprietor of the Dominion Hotel. was fined $125 and costs. in all $138. The infor- mation was laid by Town Constable George Purchase. Alliston, who gave evidence. Chief Inspector F`. E. Elliott of the Liquor Control Board` was present. Crown Attorney Evans hotels on the main street of Allis- tnn. and under Section 103 they would be imprisoned for not less than two months. Under regzulation 66 (al. they could be fined. and he pre. for a substantial fine be- r'a11. tlnzy are operating: public hot<\l.<. `-\lHau 0 . ..~/.0 l'lnn-..n..t ..:..I.. pointed ` out that evidence showecl that both' accused wt-re operating prominent` |l(H\'l. Why. it is :1 Inns! flagzmnt viola- tinn of the AC1". ho dr_'clzn'od. `They! are fm'tum11o they are no! going to` be confined to gaol." T110 (`rr\\xvr. nninfnr? nnf H1219 nnrlnvl UU CUHlHlL (| U) }{ilUl. I The Crown pointed out that under Regnlatirm 66 la). the penalty fort the socnnrt offence is not less than: one mrmth nor more than two, months in grant or a fine of from] $200 tn $1.000. nnrt the ponztlty for the third offence is not 1055 than 11`(`L` mnnths nor morv than six` momhs. without the option of a fin:-.1 `former Student of R.C.I.sj V Nowljleads School for Deaf | I St. hor;' I . l\\'(l \h'C`(K\' Zlgf). 15 El HEILIVL` U1 DIHI` me ctzunty. having been born at Bond Head. He is a son of Mrs. Mor- rison and the late James C. Morri- van, who taught school at Beeton. Bond Head. Newton Rubinsnn and Painswick. The subject of this ::kr-Ich received his public school education at Painswick and then "meted Barrie Collegiate under the p-~incipalsh{_p of the late T. H. Red- dm. From the B.C.X. hr went to Normal and taught at Eady and Hillsdale before entering the Uni- vnruhv nf I`nr-nnn u'hnl`n ha trunk ver.-u_v ox Ioromo where no won an honor course in Chemistry and I\`iim:-i'alogy,T:1king up his pedagngic career again. he taught in the high ~`~(:h0o1s at Dutton and Listowel. and then went to Bowmamxilie where he was principal of the high school for ten years. In 1929 he went to Brantford as public school inspector. Four years ago he took the degree of Bachelor of Pedagogy. Inn 1 V\d nm-icnrl i< mnrrir-d and OI xsacneior ox reuagugy Wm. J. I\=Inrri: is married and has two daughters and one son. He `is a brother of J. E. Morrison. Drin- lcipal of the Prince of Wales School Barrie; Albert Morrison. Thornton: Herbert Morrison. Brock. Sask.. and Percy Morrison. Sudbury. His mo- ther. still enjoying best of health at the age of 87. resides in Alliston. I Has Fine Record From the Bowmnnvillo Statesman; V IIUIIIHIIJ. V\'H.\ Hlll|'lll`ll il[l[HU'l`lll,l`\'. .`\('('Ul`diH,L! tn tlw police, :Ipp:n'onl- I_v lhv 1nn*1:l.'u'.~: u::c-d :1 bvdmom nn thv svcuml fluu1' on-r lhv kitchvn ns :1 <`outr:11 cnllm-tinn pnint for \':1l-` unhlus plnndvrt-d fmm nthm` parts ()1 (ho hnusv. A sufo in this mmn was hrokvu np-en. and \':IYunb|v \\':\t- I chvs and _iv\\'vllvr_\'. including (lin- mnml I`im.:r:. \\'m`(- x'uInm`v(l. 0th(" nrticlvs taken nn this l`lnm- includvdg u rvw-l\'1-1' and flu.\'hli;zht.<. J (Wu Ihn Huirrl Hun!` nun TTnrIv ?.j___.__ i Say you saw xt In The Examiner awn: uJI.l IJ\oll Ia West of Creemore I J. Morrison. whose appoint- t to the .=upm`in1r`ndDn(`_\' of the ml for the Deaf at B0111-ville, annuunccd In The Examiner u-.u-L-.- um. ;~ n nnoix-n nf Qim_ . 1:. I ` Simone County Roads Committee met at the Court House here Tues- day ztfternoon. opened tenders. and mvzlrdeci :1 euntrzlct for construction I work on County Road No. 10 tu[ I i I I iArn1strnng I3rus.. Brmnptun. at :1 price of 25 cents per cubic yard for tgravelling. the contractors to use itheir own trucks and local labor. i '[`un\ nlhnr 1.m.u.\.-.~ uynvn L*I|"\Iv'\i`In:l IIIUHIEIS H'L`|?lH(J. lJ(3(`l()H. l The work Cmnn1C-Imus a1 UH` SUN!- ern l)m1nrlnry line of SiInt,'u(.- and Pool Cunntios`, running Imrlhm'l_v lu- wnrd Tnonhnm for a di. of lnpproximatoly me half mile. lhv iznnount being nppmximn1,(.-ly 7.00!) icubiu yards of gravel. Reductian $2 per H.P. For This Year s Power To Local Commission I I I ! ;lnL'u` own [FLICKS zmu l0(.`ill 111001`. I Two other tomlm'.< were submitted. llhoso uf A. E. Jupp. 'l`ur and 'l`hnmas Ireland. Ileoton. `Tho uu\I'II mnnmmu.m- ..c H... .n. r Brampton Firm Gets County Road Contract %BARRl.E FAIR 1% 5 IS 316 EVENT 1 1 orumwaszq E Sports Da3":<>,_-`Tug-of-War, | % Novelty Parade and Calf I ! Races, Features HI llll' lHH'(| l|U(H'. sml cunt. hull` lvngth. \\'(` us um` muskrz l~m.:lh and suvnv child: Olhvr :n.`(ivlv.- inoludvd - mu-xv nun!-.l. ESEPTEMBER--18 TO 21 E I Bzlrrit-'24 Big Fair. which will lw in Ifull s\vin;: from VV(.~rhws(ln_v. St-pi. 118. to S:mu' Sept. 21. will be im- chivf z.1tt1':u-linn in Simcrw (fmmty n(-xt \\'v<-k. Thu I*`.i1.{h1h Annnnl Jun~ xinr Ii`,-xiv fur lunm -nu] uh-Iu uvill illunnl lUl' l`Klll be opera cnninr (- ..._-nu. K .\||p-1|-.|\r|| The (`.`((`ClIli\ (' uf Hw Rnrritr /\1,'ri- uullurnl Su('i(-l_\' has cm1plotvr.I ur- .I'm1g(-ments fur the hulrling of Ihv. znmun! show. .'m(l Inst-Ininulc do-` mils are now being. nllt.-nclvrl tn. 'I`)w 1931 oxhibiliun w.'1.< Hm lnr[.{r~st in ithe |1is1m'_\' n[ (lw Sm-it-ly, but it. is plnnnvd In make the 193: ) show even :1 greater one 1hzm lust _vum"s suc- cessful (*ntm'p1'isv. Officers M the Sn('iu1_v are: pre- sident. R. A. Sulhm'|zm(l, Stmutl: first vicv-prc: V. S. Ilamhly; scc(m vice-prusi(l0nt. W, (J. M<--. Kinnon: secrc-l:n'_v. G. 0. Cameron: t.rcasurcr. '1`. J. Williams: mmmil~ tee chairmen.n:;;_.tgL1x'a(:1.iuns. G. O`. .~:pace nnd oxhil)it.';. G. (). Cnnu-run: `live stuck. Eu1:um- Smilh. Ulnpiu; finnnm. R. A. Sullu-rlaml; .':pnr!.~'. (3. W. Luwc. 'T`|1.. an-up-..4l .... ml` .v.nnnn..r.n..l 1.!` Cameron: Irm-k. V. S. HIllnl.)1_V:"` VV. I4lPVVl.'. The r`mnmil1(`v of mnnzlgt-men! nf the Junior Fair mnsisls of Stmvnrl _M. Bell. ('h.'nirm:m: Euuvnv Smith. Frod Fishvr. Cr-(`ii Chnppnll. Rn) L0ugh(3(!d. Alln Fvr1`i:`. IR.-lcn I"islu.-I`. and Lorruinv McKet-var. v, , nu-.-, . ,,-,. , -,_u,. .. , unu l.l\IllLIlll\ AvA\.1\\.\vl.|- H In addition in special night attrmu .tions in BZ1X'l`i(.' Arena on 'I`hursdzi_y. Fririny and Suturciuy I-v('.~nings, sph- cial features this your will includv ispurh riuys on T}`llli'h`(l?l_V and Sutur- cluy. :1 tug-of-wm` bx.-txvuvn learns: i*opi'0s(:n1im.{ the \':Irinu.< munit-ip;ni- iiiios on I*`ri and .Iunim' Fl`in(*l` iczilf rncr-s and nu\'c'liy pzu`;1(i2 rm ,Sat1n`(in_v nfit-rmmn. 1h<- last day of 4 [the Fnii`. ' `l4II"\II[Ii' ....n:r ..n 6|. l......lr npllll vv. Inrvv\.. `- if and spurts itios [calf .Saturdn_v the H:Il`m-.<.~` r.'i('in;,` (H1 tlw tr:I(tl( will the zinntlior stmn:.{ f('.'llltt`(` with ruc- imz l`()ll.'7Il(`S. Tho T-inrrie Commission has not yet rr-r.-vivmt nfftt-lat word 01 part. at this int-hm" hr-inn t'm`wardcd to lomil pnwvr nnrl light users. Some nnmiunvomcnt was exp!-ctcd at the nnnuzil mot-ting of the Genrgian Bay lly(ll`()-El(`Cll`l(.' Association, which \V:lS held in l-[nnnvcr yester- dny. Thv chief speaker` was T. Stow- nrt Lynn. trhziirmnn of the Ontario (fImnnis.:im1. Rf'[)I'('3~'(`hlll1[,{ the local (`rmnnissiun wr-rv Chairman J. B. l)I)lU{5|ll. Vice-L~huirm:m J. F. Jack- unn. M:i_vur W. .1. Blair, and Secre- tzirv W. M. Sziltur. Tho nnnminct.-nimit stator! that the 5:70.000 rrrlynto was tn bv paid out in ]tho .~:hrip~ of I`(`(lll('(f(l l`illl.'F. refunds ltr) lw Crorlitwl tn monthly power ,in1_.{ Thursd:i_v, Frirlziy mid S:llttl`(l1_\"l)lllS. and cash rt,-funds to tho muni- zit't('1'nm>n.s'. Sumo at tho ht-.-ct tmt- ` r-ipnlitit-S. A 1934 not Surplus of $86,- tcrs and pact-rs in the pruvincv willtnttf) is u\';iil:iblo fur the roftmtl pay- take part in th~.<(- rrmozz. lrm-111:4, t 'l"l1r- Pntntn flurlnrinrv F`:iniv\ntitii:I\ 'l`l`vix' unrnlnu zuul (Z4-nrrlinn Hnv LHKU pilll HI Hll.`Sl' l'Hl.'(,`.\, 1 The Potato Judging Cnmpr3li1.inn.` n culmination of the work (l(_m(.' by the Boys` Pnlznn Clubs <.lurin;1 lht-` ypusl ynzn`. will take place un Sui: |1u'(lay morning. I I \\IiH1 r1|\'(\IIl !I'\llI uu>::H1r-r Hun 107'! |lU'(I?LV lnl)l'nHl_Lf,. ! VVith fa\'()urnb]<- \v(*nt,h(-1`. Hw 193.") c [Fair should (-('|ip.<(- all ()1h('I'S in th("v fattrzu-tixvonvess of the Show and U1(1 'attcndnnce. r \ I . ~-Fnur dnve nf B:n'rir.-`s Big Fun` lthis yum`. Werl1wscln_\/ in Su11n`dn_v, ;S0pL 18-21. 3713' \ XI... tnfiux I....... .v.....|. ...|-.... 1. . \\ ill' .\l'| \ l\'l` mounting in ('hil(lx*on'.~' gm cnnmlotv ox` hardly lwem Mr. and 1\Ir.< I`n|it`(- l`1`|)( ('ip;:u`vt1o bu the flumzu nl that thv ruh I\\.\;I- u.~..rI-nu ..._, . . . . . . _ .. ---You can It-urn much who gjnyinzz the many fine uxhih Barrie's Big Fair, Sept. 18-21.` C is taken the foilowing reference to` Mr. Morrison's work in Bnwmzm-` ville and Branlford: VII 1 1UI`n-u-{eon lnu~n-\nv- nu-inninnl V1110 anu 1:.rz1nuo1'u: I W. J. Morrison. former principal. of B0\\'1na11vi1lc High School. and more recently Inspector of Public Schools for the City of B1'a11tfmjgi 511115 been appointed p1'i_ncipal of u` ?.lLlliIK'|lllll ll .\'v(-k. Iii lil` fur buys: L`!'il1(. (l in cm uxhibi1,i(m. Z J. .\l()l{RlS().\' `.I}..(lllIl l\Hl|Hil| JUN` ;;md girls will ulsu unm-ctiun with thv Ill" Illlhhllill .\llI\L'_y (Ill 5iIf~';1ht- unnrmncrnnr-n1, Rt.-ducrtinn of r crmunercinl and I 1h r<~r:0mn1(-n(lc(l 1(1_V-l\\ n of tho Gr-n `nnmi('ipnli1ios_ T} will nmmmt to $ Fair Hmn half of that 'ri::_v,'tiomm lighting 37!) }{(-funds to pros `nnprnvcd in nix \ on- . 'T'hr\ .!n1{Inx1 H1!` Bzurriv Wulm`. Light. and `-us C has rt-(-vivo(l notice rfrum 1110 Ontario IIy(h`n-'Floclric I uwo1' C of :1 r0(lu(:1inn 0[ $2 pt-r hm`s(`pnWm` for power, of- fvctivo :1! the be;.!innin;.: of this year. `|'I`ho new rate is $34 per hnrsepmvcr, {while the fm`m(~r rate was $36 pm` I l\nrs(`-pmvcr. I /\Hm~ invnuiiminrv Ihn nnnrnfintl -`b?`*,' ` \ DNH F lLocal Commissioners At- i tend Georgian Bay I System Annual \\llI||l|('ll` \.\|\`|II nu nu l|ll'II nu` h:n'dL\ usvu1't:\ixw(l as yo! h_\ Flynn. } rvpuri that u mxmbvr nfj butts \\'vrv Ion nrouml fhmrs of thv huusv indicating] rnhlwrs wcru <`m.::)gvd in3 their predatory work for snnw v sid(:\blo lime`. It is thmu.:ht mu! tlwrv \\'\'l`v lwu nwn 1n Iho tlu~l`t3 purty. Both cnuld have mkvn ::\'a_\`: the luul on foot. Emuhlvs in tho .l\m|. \vm`v not (nuchvd. An '\\-:\ nun n- \H fI~.\n\ H... n.~l_ IHH .`\'l'])U\'VL'l . "/\Nf`!' inv(`s!i1.,z11im1 the operating conditions of your System duririg the yezir. the (,`nmmissinn has (10- Iiorminvd an interim mic of $34 per hnrsnpoxver poi` your, for pgwur sup- pliwl in your municipality (luring tho _vcm' (-nmmt.-n(rin;,z January 1. 1035". the letter from the Commis- sinn roads. AHzu-hvd was :1 sch(>du|c of rates In r-nn..\1xm\rs which instructed that lhnro hr` no reduction in I`li.(!.'~' in `L`()ll!~`lllnf.`l`S this yoar. In 1034 there wzns n c-rodit nf about $10,000. which indicated an even lower rate. -nu, n , n , ,2 1,` [Benefit Wiill Be Seen in Thirteenth Power Bill, However llll [lIl\`Vv mnnunl, I I Iknnwn n l A.......-.1 gxuun.uLLu uu LVLAI I\vvv\.| .uu.. The B:m'it.- Cmnlnissinn will |h(`l`(`f()l'(` hont-fit frmn reduced rate for pnwnr in the "13lh" bill, tho Inlnnnni nf urhil-h uvill hn Innllu nmnwn new yvur. A<:cm`dinL' in fif.Zlll'(`S suppli(.'.d by 1h(- local C.mmnissinn.~m1 nmnunl, of 15,675 hm`s0pr)wor was used in lhu }firs| :<(-Von months of 1935. which \-. < 1-quivzllrrni to an lV(`l`IU(! nf 2.23!) l1m'supr)wm' pm` month. If the [)()\\'(`l` us!-d for tho rt-Inuininu five Innmhs n\'m`nu(:(l thv szunc the re- ||m'lirm would mt-.'In nbuul $4.500. u A ..a .LI.. u nun-u uuuu: ..:x.uuu. . Anticip.'I1ing the same fuvnurnhlc ,r:rmditinn.< fur the your 1935. the |Cmnmis: has rcdmred the interim `ate at which pnwer ik billed tn the rxnnnivipnlilics in i'nr1._v-five czlsns. mud in no (-usv has an inert-nso in lintvrim rntr` bt-on rnnrlu." the On- turiu C`ummi"'inn stated In an un- lnc-un('mm-nt n ft-w rinys ago. Ilurriu is :1pp:1ron1ly mo of these forty- fivv (`.'I.s 5. YO |unu nun w. .. \n I\`x I\I\|\1\IIr\thnIl Haul w-n, IIVl` ('EISl'.\'. It was also :mnnun(:(~rl that re- `turn nf $76.00!) in Hydro (livi(lcnr!s" [In C`.onr;zi:1r1 Buy Systmn power us- ir.-rs hurl been recommended, with in.-suhnni, ultimate benefit to power "nnd light users of the Georgian Bay Systmn. which includes part of On- tnrin County. Muskokn, Dufferin, Sirnurw, Bruce. Grey and neighbor- im: 1'(1ll.')Ii(`S. Tho T~'..'n'rin ('un\n1i hm: nnl ;(Tlnln(.`l`CH]l ZH\(l DUWVT L'()HS\IHl('l'S \\':u.~: last, \A'I:('k in fur- `l_V-1\\'n Gt-nr;4i:nn Bay System nxunivipzalitir-s. The rnto reduction $3. H')00. with more fhnl sum takon from `rlnmr~.- . bills. to present mnsnmor:-2 are nr3[)!`u\'(!d nine nnunlcipalitltrs. 'l`hP taking the form of :1 credit 4,94,; rlw monthly bill -~will also lntnl nmrly $33.00(). Cash refunds to the 3 ITurn to 111102 nu. please; USERS "R-A7r'E SAME `Ontario School {or the Deaf at Bel- lvvillt.-. He succeeds Principal H. B. Fc-H:-r|_\' who retired from that post one y--nr ago, The latte-r's duties `have been carried on in the interim ,by Dr. Amoss. a member of the muff of the Ontario Department of K<`rl|u-niinn THE + BARRIE . + EXAMINER _ IJI. , ` `E(lm.-znim 'Y`|nn ll: x1.(m(t:mI)n. The Brzmtfnrd Expositor in mm- `m(-ming on the appointment says: Mr. Mnrrisnn was held in the high- lost regard at Brantford. When an- -, nmmccmx-nt n! his appointment was ;1nndr-. A. M. `Hark-_v. KC.. chairman uf nu. D.r:unHm~d Hnnrrl nf F.rhu-n- `In-'1(U". .`\. W1. IITl|"_V. I'\\,.. Cl'Nlll'l1lilll _nf thv Pmantfnrd Hnurd of Educa- jtinn. expressed regret that Brunt- fm-rl was to 1050 through the trims- `fvr :1 very capable ndminlstrutor, `vpcrlugogically we-ll equipped. He was pl:-asr-d how:-vor. that recogni- `_tion had been extended to him. . 7H.- \lr.rv-ienn uvnv-at On Ry-nnlfnrri `Hy L'HlYf`(I KAHUTCH. ; Hundreds nf his former students, `and friends in Bowmanvme and dis- ` trict will join in extending congrat- ulatirn.< and best wishes to Mr. Mor- ,ri. in his new and important ap- ipnintmont. A _ __ ___ J mm mm noun r,-xwnum mm mm. Mr. Mm`ri. n wont to Brantford as Public Svhonl Inspr-(`tur in I929 \-uh:-n h- re-sixznc-d from thv nffir-0 nf `principal of Bnwmnnville High `chnnl. In Brnmfurd ho had taken :1 2:-r-:n inter:-st in all matters phr- Jninirgz in education and character `building nf ynuth. For a number of _vonr.= ho was . of Zion United Church Sunday School and also :1 member of the session 0! the "hurch He was also a member of he Rotary Club. the Y.M.C.A. and "hr- Masonic Order. 1 In Bnwmam-ille Mr. Morrison was active in the Canadian Club. ' the Pubc Library Board and Trin- lity United Church. llnnrlvnrlc nl hie (nu-rnnr chlrlnnfe hv nnnrmntwrmt-nt. R('(hl('HOT`. of rates to domestic. -nmmcrcinl pnwt-r cnnsumors .~..nr..nu.n:|1..-I I-..~o xurlunlr in fur- vvzrpluse and Georgian Bay fin:mc(.~.< wcrc,- under com-. 1 .' and review prim` to nrnnul-nvnr-n1 In IHC VI-`NH Ulll. LHU which will be made nu...- SECTION 1 PAGES 1 to 6 No. 37 FRI-II-I (l|lAl)Rl`T-`I Tl('KlC'l`S FOR l'.:\I{RlI~Z'.\` IIIG I-'.~\lR. SI-`.l"'l` lb`-L`! Iroo a(hni<. tickvls to I%:n'ri~.~Z~ Big Fair. 31-111 18-221. nrv awaxilamc for nll rhdron attending public; schools in Simvuc` (`m1n!_\`. upon up-` piicmiun {wing made by the touch- ers` Applimniuns should be in hands` of tho Sv.`C1`vtn'.'y. G. O, C:\mox`0n.` Box 1031. Barrio. by Smux'd:\)'. Supt 14. in order that tickets mt-\_\' be mailvd in [IP10 for fun`. These tick- ets are good only on Children's Dav.` 'I`Inn-mlnv Qrnl IQ '!R_'!'7h '9. III l'l\|l'| Ii mauled in 1' onl Thursday. Srpl. ` CICRU` llnC1t`I'F(I\l\(`llH{_` OI k'O\lHI_V i This \\`em< The Examiner has :m-iaf(airs_ generally. particularly :1s| Othcl` S!2\l`d<`n <`ddi`.\`- Wm. H.T\1(`k. they 1-1fft`(`f his own constituency. Wellimztnn 51.. who brought it to! Roe\'(` Hi_L`,_J.`i!'1>`0n has been quite this office. called it a . pota- I active in church and lodge work. ~ to A blade of spear grass grew right H0 is Re(`tm"s W;-xrden of St.|l through the potato. just as though it George's Angiican Church. Utopiaz, had been pulled by a darning needle, Pastmaster of LOL, No. '73. Angus; there being about four inches 0n*Pust District Master of Innisfi! Dis-' each side. trict _L.O.I_..: and a member of Cm`-I Policelnvestigating 1} Robbery of Residence !` While Occupants Away 71st Year. VALUABLES TAKEN :\ SPE:\Rl-`.D POTATO ll |('ll`,U[l. \\'llS lilK('H. II?" I` muskrut cunt, h:\H| vvnv ('l\ildx'un's .<\\'ualurs f .< .\`il\'m` .~=pmms ` medals. and rush .'\-I I nlmut $5.011 from M .. 3.. .. mu. : on Berczy 1 _ I J I Hudson lukvn. :1." .0 hull` 'IC(l, ITIHKHHQ El UUL'lUL'U Hl|[}ll)Vl.'lIll.'ll'. which will be much appreciated by the many mr)tm'isl' who have occu- suon to use this road. 'f`I~un nu-..-Ir uyvu rinnn nnrlnr {kn cnn- Ross Street from Parkside Drive to I Wadswm'th`s residence has been ;.'really iminmved during the last month. Much-needed ditches have been constructed on each side, so that surplus water will he carried away and not run down the middle of the road as in the past. carrying: away the road material. The road has been nicely grzulecl and ;.:ravel- led, making: :1 decided impmvemen`; !u.hir-h will hrn mu:-h nnnrr-r-inlorl hv: SIOTI [0 USC ITHS l'()il(l. l The work was done under the sup- ; crvisirm of the Board of Works ofi Barrie Tnwn Council, (using :1 lnrgv [proportion of roiicf Iabmnr. Tho 'I`h.-resa street hill is now being re-I paired in the same way. E `Road to Course E Greatly Improved` Flynn Home Berc Street Ransacked by Burglars {EXAMINATION } iRESULTS UP; g BEFQMLBOARD; The l`(`.\'llH..`~`. of the June (`xnmin- ntinns and promotions in the Cnlle- giute Tn.'~'tiln1rr and Public Schools of the tnwn W(.'l`(` cnnszirlomci by the` Board of Edurrnlirm in committee of the whole :11 the first regular meet,- im; on Mnn(|:1_V evening. No ac-lion was takon, although it. was pointed out that in somo instances a smaller p0rcent,:u:c- of pupils had passed than In the previous year. Ono t\x'nl:m:ninn nrlvnnt-N] w:1:i INSPECTOR IS COMING; (nun 1H LYN.` [)l'l.'Vl()llS _YL'2lI'. I On(- oxplznrmtirwn advanced wa1s:' that in HYHCS liko the prmcnt. many` pupils :u`(- znltonclings Cr>llcgi.'11r~ be-`l cnu:<(- they hnvn not b<-trnmc absnrl)-. (-d in inrluslrinl or businr.-ss.]il`c. and! n diI`fi(.-ult problem prcs(-ntnrl itself: as a rosull. 1 To ...-... onn rm um 11,.-n-.4 on-.+ mu,` Trustees` Meet Dr. G. F. l I Rogers on Collegiate Situation `Young in Years, Essa Reeve Has Knowledge of Affairs: UHU`. V\'|'Ul(` In it Barrio ilf nu... nnno .... I`y|w\\`ril('x`.< NN-(loci rinnl A. R. (iirclwnnd wr um: um r~.mm.:..o.-. I-MM . K. Greer. Tm -l exp:-vtc-d 10 vi::- arrival of me`; E. M(`Vit,1.iv, whni )1` a few days in new insp(*(`lm'i ' duties in Sim--1; `Bayview Park Pavilion Opened by MayorBlair As Band Gives Concert With fow clues on which to work, Barrie police are making :1 thor- ough investigation of :1 daring rob- bery of the residence of A. Flynn, located at 57 Bore`/.y St., on the brow of the hill, at an early hour Satur- day morning. The loss. which is partially covered by burglary in-` surunce. amounted to several hun- drcd dollznrs. 1\l.-1 l2`lunn nnpl rV\vv\:`Vr hurl knnn - The new Bayview Park pavilion was officially opened last Thursday -`night in Barrie by Mayor W. J. Blair on the occasion of a concert by Barrie Citizens` Band. Dlnili.-. T nun til-xv-u;|~u-v-xvuv-\ .-.4` IL. |)EL`[l L'l'L`L'LUU 5UUI1l;'l'. Mayor Blair lauded the commis- sinn members. whom he named in- dividually. for their work on this occasion especially and for their un- ltiring efl'm'ts for the town through `tho past yc-nrs. He also compliment- ed contractor William Rusk on the fine job he had done in such a short Hmn The opening was attended by many citizens. including members of the cr)un(:il and commission. The gbuilcling was open fm' inspection by |the public and the band put on :1 pleasing pmpzrnm. Total emnplefnd cost of lhe pavilion was $1550. [it was revealed by A. H. Goodall, [secretary of the commission. I |D&1l`l`lC \,lllZL'IlS Danu. | Philip Love. chairman of the ,Parks Commission, extended thanks Ito the Town Council for making the pavilion possible financially. The pavilion was one of the finest of its ` [kind north oi Toronto. he said. and he expressed regret that it had not been erected sooner. /rn17r\|~ Dlnh. Inuit-`Ar: II-us Iirxrs-Iv.-\:(1 l The members of Trinity church; `male and female. are holding :1 "bet." on Sa1,urd:1y aflornoon next at 2 p.m. to clean up the old churchya1'rl on Worslcy St. just_ Cart! of 1110 Court House. The open air iscrvicc of the cemcnmy c(.-It.-bratirm Iis: to be hold on this plot m 3.30 p.m. |on Saturday. October 5. i Avrw hiI'l(Q Ql'\.'l!`II'\Q rnlznq rant} ' Trinit3:iT\ ZIeZ:11;nbe1i-e clean! | Up Old Churchyard I t Prepare for Centenary ` I IUH vDilllll'UiI_\'. \}ClUlJL'l' 5). Axes. picks, spnrlns. rakes and hoes will be wielded on Snturr.ln_v by the m'xtlmsl:1st,ic pnrislmncrs. rc- freshn1cnt.~' being prnviclecl for the wnrkc-rs. Anyone with n ,:m'dr:n ton! of any sort will be wr.-lcnmt-cl. l-l. /\. `Sims is in ('h7ll`[I(` and would I)" glad to receive before hzmcl the names of any who will join the pm'l_v. His H Dudley I-Inl1nc<'.. { after hrm'in;5 the evidence as r1ire('t- od by C'.'nwn At,t<>rncy.Evans. ro- Cumrnonrk-cl the applivatinns of thrr-0 fm'ci;:nm`s a T u1gm'ian. a Dutchman. and a Ru.<. for nat- uralizatirm as Canadian citizens at ` the Court House Mrmda_v morning. Stnyan Slnyannff. 1E1b()l`(`l`. employ- ed by the Coldwatcr Crushed Stone ` CO.. was born in Bulgaria on Jan~ uary 30. 1906. and came to Canada on January. 6. 1930. After spending: nne month in Tnmntn. he has resid- : ed ovm` sinm: in Cnlrixvvatcr. `Ffv ic unmarried. C. R. Orton and Alb:-rt Webb. Coldwater. testified in hi< behalf. 'T`r.uu-1 1.,I\v\r,1-:`- T nun.-.n -f-....`n.- New Lowell Farmer l E To Be Naturalized U('HZll|. l 'I`orrJ Hondrik Lamcrs. farmer. iN(:w l.U\/\ \'ll_ wu< born in `Holland nn Somomlmr 8. H395. and came to Czmarla O(-I, 5. 1923. rt-sirlim: in T02`- gonln until l`. .6 and from that timc `tn the prosonl, :11 New Lowell. Hr: is: n1:n~rir~rl u-ilh luvn r-hilrlrrwn nnn LIFCCI (IUIIEIFS. ! Mrs. Flynn and family had been absent from the house for some time, but Mr. Flynn had left only nbout 6 p.m., Friday, leaving the dng. an Airedale. in charge of :1 neighbor. When Mr. and Mrs. Flynn nnd family returned from Toronto Sunday evening. they found the `muse ransacked from kitchen to lhird floor, practically every drawer` and cabinet being turned out. I Thief I..r,~aves His Shoes and Sncksi r\.,, ,x,,, . . HY lKll' ])l'('.\'l'Hl. ill IVCVV l.nU\\'L'll. I'll.` Iis mnrrivd with two Children. one 'girl ;1g(\d sixteen years and another igir] azvd ton _vonr.<. Fred C`0mm'1in ,.'md Clmrlos 1\ I(-Cnrthy. New Lowell. testified in his behalf. Miss H1 -Ion Mnriins. m11'.<:o at the _(')n1:1rio Hn. Orillin. sincn July 11934. \\~;1s burn in Cvimuzl. Russia. :\I\ Anrrn.-1 IJ `(I10 -unrl 1-'1v\-\n1n{nn_ | Hl[lL'[4. 1V . . and m ;']'HR.lCl~I Tl{.'\`;\'.\'lI-INTS [(EM:\NIH-`.D ('l[:\R,(`-El) \\'I'l'H Bl-`.(iGI.VG lllillli " , , -,,. I imhian Lodge. A.F. and AM. Bar- y-Sn .u On October 12. 1931. Reeve Hig- ginson was married to Miss Freda, !L_vons. R.N.. Thornton. and they` have two sons. George. aged two lyoars. and Franklin, aged 9 months. n FR:\.\'K N. HIGC-lNSO.\' I -Plm!u by Jackson. Barrio` Chief of Police Alex Stewart was completely exonerated of any blame in connection with the Barrie Wholesale tobacco burglary of Au- gust 30, when he appeared before the Fire and Police Committee of the Town Council at a meeting in the Council Chamber at 5 p.m. Mon- day. ' hnnniv Rnnvn C`. T) Shewnrt. (lay. Deputy Reeve C. D. Stewart. chairman of the committee. presid- ed. and the other members present \vere Aldermen Arthur Jay Sr., '1'`. E. Shepherd. W. A. Gill. J. M. Mills, Harry Armstrong and Mayor W. J. Blair. Air! Q1-unnhnu-r1 I-1nr'l hrnuunlmf H10 DIHIT. Ald. Shepherd had brought the matter up at the meeting of Council on September 3 when he had in- quired if there had been any com- plaints following the Barrie Whole- sale burglary. He latex` moved that Chief Stewart. appear before the Fire and Police Committee in con- nection with the matter. Ald. Shepherd stated that he had had a complaint that Chief Stewart. had visited a certain place about] 3.30 on morning of burglary. The] Chief was asked to outline his Fire and Police Committee ' Exonerates Chief of Police Man Held on Vagrancy` Charge in Connection with Theft HON. E. ROWE SPEAKS We are going to win this elec- tinn: we are going to elect Tum Slmpsun." dc-clnrcd Demon Massey, C`onscrvative nr;.{ani7.c1' for Ontario, CIL the cnncluqinn of :1 spiritod (me- hnur`s ;1r1dre:<'; at a gnthc-rim: Tucs- dny evening of about :1 thousand sup- porters of J. T. Simpson. ex-M.I ., Conservative candidate for North Szmcoe. '|"I-`I. nvtxilrr` (`Hind nirnl-1 unvnilukln iznton Massey Appeals ` j E93 Simpson s Election I . . | Conservatlve Organizer At- tacks Inaccuracies of King and Ralston OIHICUL The crowd filled every nvailubl<\ scat in Bm'1`ie Armnuries. and :1 number were standing at the back and sides. In addition to Mr. Mas- \.(`)'. the speakers included the can- didate. and Hon. W. Earl Rowe. Ma- iur W. N. Knowles. who has been the chairman of many a Tory gath- ering in this dislrici. again presid- ed. adding his humour to the suc cc-ss of the noezlsion. 1 ,1 I ` \.\,J.V \r| um x-\_uo-uu. u F0i1uv\'In_L', me addresses. an or-` cl.e.s'tm provided music for dancing which was indulged in by the young people present. ! Nfninr Knrnvlne in his nnnninlr rn-. })L U[)l(_` prcsunu. ! Major Knowles. in his opening re- marks, declared Ihat Rt. Hon. R. B.` Bennett's one idea was to be of sor- uinn n f`-u-.n.-1n "I1.-. `\4`I.V "\nnv\ nhvnw. DUIIIIULLS UIIU IUUH W215 [U UL` U] SCI" vice to Canada. "He has been )ziven~'{` to us by God to lead us out of they t-.ront dangers of the present time." = the chairman said. In introducing .1. T. Simpson. who carried the ban- mr in the last election. the chairman ` mid he had ;~Cr\*ed his township .us',l reeve. his enunt_v as warden. andl had new served North Simeoe as it.<' I-epresentative in Parliament. Little Inmads by New Parties *1` J. T. Simpson. the candidate. whu spoke fifteen minutes, stated that this splendid gathering boded well} for the result of the election. In; travelling around the county. there; Ut'm'n Qnmn tl1in.H< that xvrxrn rlicnnnrr ' aging. but one thing that he found; encouraging was that quite a num-`; ber of Liberals who believed that R. i B. Bennett was the best man in Can- ada to be at the head of al`fair< V\Cl`C givim: their support to him at this election. He believed that the_ two new parties were making no inroads in the North Simcoe elee-I lion. I am more hopeful now than I was four weeks before the 193(lt'] election." Mr. Simpson said. The I attitude of mind of the voters \'\'il.\` altogether di.f.erent today than it t was 21 year two and when the \'0ter.< l lweznne zicqueiiited more and more 1 with the {loud legislation of the` Covernment. more and more would`- s\"ine to the Conservzitive Party. The L`onser\'.'~tive Government had been \'et'_\' poo; ad\'erti. and some 4.-t" the tiewspupers had not given the Government proper credit for its 'lsVunri \x'rii'l:c lId\'L`lllll5 (IIULUILI Hit: l.'UUllly. LHLIK I `wow some things that were discour- ; ( il \lL'C` OIU I _i I.0.0.F. Radio Programme Sept. `1T1h over Columbia and Canadian `|Net Work. 10.30 p.m. E.S.T. Enter- itainmnet in Temple. com- -{mencmg 3.30 p.m.. to which all aimembers of the Order. Rebekah 5` ` Lodge and their friends are invited 0 tn r-nmsx and oninv (hie m1im`fain- 4...... ...-4...... ....a .....-n... ....u -..-.\.\,w One clue to the burglary is a pair of shoes and socks and :1 handker- chief now in possession of Chief of Police Alex. Stewart, which were left behind in :1 bedroom on the se- cond floor by one of the robbers who took in their stezul, a pair of Mr. Flynn's shoes. The oxfm-ds; left behind are badly worn down at the heels and on the soles. and po- lice believe they must have been] wm'n by El tr.'insient. Annlhnr I-Inn in 1. nimm nl` nanni- |Not1cos under thxs heading 13 per: `Word; mxmmum charge 50 cents. Dance Shanty Bay Hall. Friday.` Svpt. 13. McCorkinda1o`s orchestra. Lunch sor\'o"l. Admission 25c plus tnv RTI1 I 1 \ I 1 3 I 1 J!-OOU . Mixed dancing at Oddfellowsf Temple Fair nights. Sept. 19. 20. 21.1 Admission 1256 plus 5C tax. Good ynzusic. McCorkinda1e`s orchestra. b ` .-\nniver. sewvices at Guthrie `1F're-sbyterizm Kirk. Sunday. Sep- ember 22. Rev. Wm. Heslip of Pen- ;etanguishene will conduct the Se`.- \'i(`.3< 27h r > I i LAUUSC auu HIE 11`lt'IlUb HIE Hl\/lltfu to come and enjoy this entertain- ment and broadcast. 371) i---- COMING . . 6; U 1 Hear the Virginia Singers in the` own hall, Cookstown. \ \'edm:sdu_V. Sept. 25. Entirely new prugrammcl 37-3813 3 i\n..mq A-..\...'...1 -\V r\.:..xc.\ii,\..._-1 pson extended congratula- nn. W. Earl Rowe on his` to a place in the Cabinet, that the honour was well- *n to page six, please) BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1935 whereabouts on the morning after he had been notified of the burg- lary. I r1I.:..c ca,` .... ..4 ....:.J 1... 1.-.: LAA-.. Hug. Chief Stewarl said he had been notified of the burglary shortly af- ter 4 a.m. when he was in bed. and as Constable Walter Rayner. who had reported the occurrence. stated ` that he could handle it himself. the Chief had not thought if necessary to get out. of bed to investigate. He had risen about 7.30 n.m. W()l'Il my El l.I`1lnSICl'H.. Annlhm` clue is :1 piece of paper` found in the h()llSL` after the x'nhb(,-ryl which contains fingwprints. ub- vinnsly of (mo of the burglars. ` F'n]|nuIin1r lhn rnhhm-v ihrs In:-nl uuu ...n, uuu... ... \I u.-u. I Chief Stcxvnrt .<:tn1,cd that he hml then been called to settle a family disturbance and had gone to thie house about 8.30 am. He had been there for only ten minutes. 'I"L... .\.. . ` lA|\.|\. Lu: uu-_y u... u..uu\.\,u. The evidence. as given by the Chief. was cm'rnbm`at(:d in several particulars by members of the cnm mi1.1ee from their pm*. know- ledge of what had occurred. Air `|\:\ n...~z.\u:-inn nf lL.n nu-Iplnnnl. I n....,,-. V. n. At the Conclusion of the cvideng-~_' Ald. Shepherd, who had brought the matter up in thv first plmft` through :1 sense of du1y. declared he `was thoroughly satisfied with the [explanation given. especially as i1 had been corroborated. *vThornbury Man Is Choice I E ; g of Townline, Ivy, ' `: Baxter I l Cnnsorvavu O1';.:nni7.0r for Ontario. whn spoke at :1 rally in the inton-5%.. M J. '1`. Simpson. Cm1scr\'n1i\'c Candi Fate. in Bnrrle A1'm0u1'ics, 'l`I.xc'sd;1y I .,.m:.... {ESSA CHARGES %AREUNCHANGE[% BY PRESEYTERYI ` CALL LAID ON At the moclnu: of thc P2'csbyt(rr_v inf Barrie held in S1. Andre\\.~' `.(`hurch. Burrxe. nn 'I`Llcsd:n)'. Sept. 10. ihcre was c-nnsiclcruble dis('u. in `x'(.L'ard to the 1`0:n'rzm<,:cmenl of the _Cun}-:stown, '1ownline and Angus `]).JI`iSh(`.S. bm finally no change was made. A null I|vv\/V .`.-nu;-n-.6..rl I`.-r..~~ 01.,- ` IIIUUU. A call was presented from the "]`ownlinr.- nansh in favor of Rev. B. T. Andrew of Tlmrnbury. As thc shpcnd promised was below the rec- mjnized mmunum the call was laid uzx the table until the November n~z4n1n:v . -_....h. w 4 Rev. D. T. `Moderator of 1 .\.. n. ... VlUIlS!_V (H ()H(` (H EHO |')lIl'g|l'.\'. Fnllnwimr the rnbbnry. the lava] nnlicv m'r_(~st,(-rl :1 man about 10 .'1.m. Saturday on Bradford St. The man, who Lznvv his name as Thnmns Fos- ter. no home, was with vag- rzmcy and romnnrlod until today when it was. the intt-nlinn of tho pnlicv to let him go. Pnlivc smto hvl wns in no: of :1 pass key ulhivh rnilfhl htnvn hnnn Iiunrl in l'l\l'\..l j\)lIC lll llll ng attractions 30 the tug-(){ frnun wen-in. m -- EVENTS ----3 -One nrv O4.-u. > dllll illall ll " the Presb_\' Lin. He urgu wcmselvcs 1: holeheurtcd I the Church All the min. .-nu nun .....\ Delivers Address 0 kurrxe. 'I`ueso" ,\'. : n '1nuvnHnn qnrl Annnu [Juli I IL` 1' H11 bctwvcn tea 1 :ipa1it.ics. . TABLE fund Spurt- Fair will .It\r\ Qty-xvsnn . I. lJ.lJ-. ;sembl_\,'. 1 lunch- ulun-.. HI` Hll(lll|].:lll illlll I H.111. 'l`hv rnn.<:wkin;.: of H10 hnuso vvzw di.~'(`uvun-(I by l.ln_vd Judd who had cnllvd at the hnusv at 8 am. to look after any l,(-lvphnmv calls that might m'1'iv(- rm Snt1n' I-To hmm~diat01,v nntifiod Chivt` S11,-w:1x't zmcl nlsm Mr. Flylm in '1`nrnntn. On:-H in Hun rhnnn-:niv-u kin-h_i

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