Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Aug 1935, p. 5

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In lhv 12);`! Don Bolmutt wan.-r lvl'v.'\l by J. '1` Shaw. l'm_; juril)' of loss than null cluilxwd that I Inu1`k.< than Mr. Sh; :Ilthu\u:h hv .'n`lu:1ll of \ l)l\`.\'. So the Airrznsz ARR!.__l-TD- -l }-1:>ne l 2; 7;Elizaheth Street LDSMOBILE OWNERS who formerly drove expensive auto. mobiles are amazed at the economy of "The Car That Has Everything"! Others who have "stepped up" from small cars are delighted to find in Oldsmobile little increase over the low run- ning costs to which they are accustomed. But then, most people know Oldsmobile's reputation for thrift. Moreover, they realize that, later on, when ordinary cars require repairs and overhauling, Oldsmobile will be delivering the same satisfying, trouble-tree service. Why ? Because General Motors has built into it dependability and long life. Oldsmobile for 1935 gives you, among scores of desirable modern features: solid steel "Turret Top" Bodies by Fiaher; Hydraulic Brakes; Knee-Action; Syncro-Mesh Transmission; and No-Draft Ventilation. Why not test for yourself the worth of each ol these advancements. We will be glad to demonstrate for you a Si: or Straight Eight. We are eager to show you how surprisingly easy it is to become an Oldsmobile owner. , ___ ! . Social Credit. as endorsed by Al- !bertn's electors at the polls last 'week. means the . of every citizen of the province to the extent Inf :1 lentativvlv sot $25 per month. A ......;:: _.~ on: ..... ... .-_. ._.... u. u u..... . . . . _ .. H-.. V-.. ,-.,. u... A credit of $25 per <-itizen per month is tn be oslnblishod hy the ;u\'crnm3nt -.n n Prnvin(.'i:1l (`rodii . \ ink in n u. Anal . 1\`I\ ::~ ;;l}\L'lIlHI;'lll :H il l'l'IY\.'lHl.`IilI \ l(`(llL lousc. on which inrlivirhmls may is- lsuc notes. -n .u A . p .u A;t\P U. iHUlI>(' bvrtn. | To the extent of the $25 rrodit. an `./\H)urt.'\n nmy buy ;1m)r1.\` U!` .<<*1'\'iz-0.: [up to the limit nf his $25 mmninnli :11 ('vr1ir.t. He p.'1,\'.< far these gnnds or services `by notes on the Provincial (Trodit HUIISO. Drum:-\u'1\u`. I..nA:A 11...... ll.\L`. Recipients nf dc-pnsi1 thvm In ')nr| k-unn lhniv (,........ ... . 11! the t1`c111u11dn11.< 1111p\1'l1111u1- of thus prnduct of L.`.111- a1(l1:11\ b1'11111.< 111111 11\gv11111I_\' Wv are 1m'l111od to takv the Ex." for 1:1`a111tcd. D111 11 we were to slup 1111d 1`m1s1dur H11` 111;111_\'-zzinicd {c:1l11rvs uf th1.< great 1111- 111111! show. wv sl1u11ld expo1`1u11c-3 11 h:cl111g uf pndc that s11cl\ 1111 I-Zxh1L)1t10n 1s possxblo 111 11 1111111111 91 only 1011 11111111111 111ha1b1tnms. \'c:11`s 111:0. 11 \\';1s know11 us the "'1`ummu E.\'h'1b1- tlon." but us duvolupn1c111 has been 511 nmch ;1lu11:.' xlntiolml 11111! 1111;-1`11:1t1ox1111 1111v:s. that these twu \\-*o1'd.~ now co11st1t11!v n 1111s11m11e1`. W1` an` proud mm the mliectivc 1.;c~11i11s of the C'.1n:1d11\n people has bvvn lirmu.:l1t 111111 play. and 111111 local 111105 have been u1':1:wd and 11:1tiona1 lines substitulerd. IJ|'l HI. Spm1snv.`.< Hf the .~:nvi:1I vrvdil srl1on1o fnrvsuv no zmlipmhy to it. After all. th(:-_\' .<.'1_\'. 9!) In 95 pm` (mm. m hllsim.-.<.< i:: 1l`:!1l.`:2l(`I(`d by ('rvrIil,s |H'h|~nnn< (Ir.-ullc nir-I and H14` I`-mi Ill] UUNHI I<`lwqu0.<. (Irn mm no mum lmyur and :1 ).-:hnnld nut he illlll X.\?3ll(` |llL`ll' U\\ll IlUll'.\' llH' chases. (`rt-dit I{u1I.~:o nntos arr` n Imgzutiablc nnr 11'2n1sfvr:Ihl(=. $12().U(;0.()()() :1 Your I Tho nnlt-.< :n'<- ('xt`hum:0:1l)|o I Lgnmls and . purr-h:1.~'mI \ tho pm\'im~e nl` Allwrin- For 4 nu-nnin:-i-ml nnmvI.u.-n.- 11". n..... .,..._..,.uu.._.,.,.. u I. x u nmos (`X(`h(HI[(`:ll purr-h.'1.~' 1' prnvim-inl pnrt-]m.<(-.~'. the wlll use r'I'oriit mvius m I tho cr(-cm bruise mnnv_\ Dominion (}n\'m'nIn(`n1 (Ir: (~1lm`.<' (-hnqucw m- nthm` p: r\., n _ l,, : .- .-...... On tho h.'I. nf pnpulnlinn. H`.r- (`Iv 1'; nciinxruintl in (`nu Hi` .. Ill \/u|m*l0.~'.<. u_m).< am lwrtn. C..,.....n. II:EIll_\. This nrnnunt is to - nu nn..unn.\.} Free Pension For Everyone In Endless Chain of Credit A lberta s__(}Qlle1y Program Crodit House notes 1 lhvir m.\'n m-1-nunl.<. own nntvs fur pur- IIIUHI. It. is ostimntutl thnt 1\lwrlmrt's pensinns will (`O51 the pmvinco $l2().()(ll).t)t)t) tl yuan`. Wlioro will the mnney cninu I'rnm`. At. thv and of March, 1934, Al- bert.:i hzut ll deficit of $l.8()t).()tlt). The net. debt. M` the province is $l 3.tl(lU,()tl(J, and its present. nnnunl (:l1:ir;:(.~.: 1'01` int.m'(.-st. nnd sinking fund are $tl,lllt),tlt)tl. Next, your the: prnvimro will have $(l,llt)t)_(lt)tl nf lmncts mat- urimz. which will have to be pl`()Vl(t(3(l for. How can a pmvintrv <`.:irr_vinL: such :1 tinnncizil hnrdun take on an a(t(titinnul $l2tl,(lt)U.tlt)()'.' l cn.~:inn:; 511'!` to be paid by "nun-nL-,L{ntinl)l(~ credit (`ertificntus" which are L{()()l l only in /\ll)ortu. Rout money must bo found to rnvct the t'in:inciuI ul)ti;:;|timis of tho pmvinrw .'in(l nlsu to pay for (!l)l11l1H.`I`(5lll| |)lll`CllllSL`S nut.si(t(` the prov- ince. 'l`lw Snvinl Cl`(`(tlt tlmurists will find tlwir pnthw:I_v l>ri. with (lit't'i('nltics. it they Sll('CL`(!(i it will lw sninutliinu til :1 inimclc. :1 4;')().'N)() (`Ii;:ihl(- nrlii 1-hum u\,',-Mun uhlo for all um! within r-.\:trn- ` pur<-hnsvr l.\u_v from ,,y . hnih I sub AI ':Tn'nn-I 2-- Buy Czmudiun mune_v urzla-r..~ for the sznnv }`lll`D0.\'L`. 3A-Bu_v tx'uw.`1lt:rs' vhequos for list` zxhrnzld. 4- Buy I mvim~inl Gn\'m'nmont lrnnds for $2l\'iT`_l{S purpu. K: Y`..l 4|-..\ llllll (ll Ul Hm p1'<`:<."I\ `lw (-nnirn mom. The ::nL'i.' \.`iH nm in n\'.`(II\\ H \_\.`|l'lII. H. L` IHIHHUII. Ul'('<'|l|.\`(' in_:.'.\' and nH`('I' snurces nf i uvcr and ul)m.'v the $25 crvdii V Ihrnuuh 1h<- nrdin:1r_\' banking) l'ho nnmml Invvlinxz nf lhv ((-nr;_vi- .'.n l3:1_\' llyrlrn /\,x'.~:ur`i:11inn_ nI' whivh B:~rri(- is :1 m<'In|.m(-1'. will lw hvlrl :11 ll:mu\'m' un W('(lll(`!<(l2|_\ . S~`.r-Ht. ll. l`l.v ::|u-:1kl`!` \\'iul hv 'l'. S1`\v.'n't l._\`nn. ('.h.'1irm.'m nf ()n1.'n`in Il) lll`l)-Hll`('|l'i(` Pnwvr (`mmnissinn. and his rI`1n:n`k.< .'ll'(` vxpm-tml to hr [):ll'li(,`lll.'ll`l)' in- il`l'(`S(iIl;.`, tn hydro ll.\ (`l'.`a`. I1 is s1nl('r.1 by pH scheme that it will nny \\':1_\' \\'Hh finnm titan ml" ulhvr prov 41.. n. With Ihroi-. m in1orl`(-rv `4'l!1iHll(,` in (' Tho rvsull in Alhurtn serves In still further bo- clnud Hm pulitiml .~:itu:11inn in Camzulu. Wm. Almer- hnrt has mmlo npprunchos to Mr. Stvvuns and while- tho llo(:m).s'1r1u:ti0n Pnrty IL-zltlur uxprosso.(l himsvll` IA :.. A n. .... 14.... .........A.1 :__. 4|... . Tn Km-p urking own; .1 .-mum -..1. ll.`~ lYl (HIM Iv l)_\' 'nl (-rcdil .~:_\'.s'tcm. llH\I`(`()\'(`l`. lnlvrlurv with the h:mkin<.1 it is nluimvrl. l)(`('1Ill.\`(` varn- 1 Hum m Al` ..O` I l|'II'lH'l'. K HI Il'lI('_\' ('il`(`ll|ilH(H1. 'l`hvr( (`l'l'(`l`(`ll('(' \\=iH1 privu 1" imli\'i(lu:Il riu,h1:-'. I` :III lcintl.-4, dirvrt : llIll' ' H`)? lw (|H(`l&ll'_)' . the I-`vzlorzl \lillll`.\lIli|lI IS |l'l`l` HUI in thv .\`_\'. pm- - su-l1mn0 mzlintnin that ~nmmiHin;: v(`nnmni<` Ilninu hark into (`ii >mpnnun1.< of H10 ` uni inlvrftwv in mrinl :1 \r'in-v.<. nor with xry s_\'.~1vm untim- lhulnvvoul I !...n.-.. Thu Cmxuclinn Nununul Exhibmun is truly :1 great exposition, wherein are mirrored the progress IIIFIYHI" \ \\`iH L-,1: v hnu--nu i3`"5"3 $1037 mn- l'IiL`r Dulivcrod at factory. Oshawa. Onl.. fully oqul;-pod Freight and Onnn-n- mint Roqhh-anon Pay only aura. Pricos for 8 cyl. Modal: at lactory begin at SL375 (for the 6 cyl. 2-pans. Coupe) Ilivctod at fcckory. Oshawa. Onl The honest man gives the other fullow the sznrnw in-.'mn,-nt lxixnsolf expects. Hnn1\ iv.` :1 nnrl nf I-h:n-nnlnr nnl U.`(])L'CIS. Honesty is :1 pm`! of ch:u`ncte1'. not just :1 polivy. Bo lmmrsl with ymnrsolf. and you will likviy lw the suzno with others. The must usvful man is h'oq1I(mt- ly the nmsl ('1'i1i::is(-(1. Yuu .~:r~v'. hv~1pf1Ih\oss is not always nppr0('in1t- It isn't :1l\\':'.y.< 1h(- um` who do- s('r\'o.< must! of it. who gets: mu.-ztod mnct l`h(- d0p1'os: of the past t'L-w y(-urs m:ul(.- the ground furtilv for thv soocls nt' Ah(sri'mrt's propu- gnndn with its prmni.\'<`.s surp.'2s.s'inu all other.-4. Sunmthing of the st.nt,e of the public mind whivh wns rn:=.pun;sihh- for the Aberhurt S\vt`(`p may be gath- ered from tho fu|lnwin;.{ 1-xlract from nn odilnrint in last wm.-k`.~: Red DO!!!` Advucutu: Mr. Abvrh:1rt,`:4 ideas are the pzwunmunt issue in the fhzht. and Sncinl Credit," has boon zilmnst, the sole lnpic of (:onver.<:ntinn in tho prnvince (|m'im: the pnst tow \VC(`kS. It would bv idle for f|'ms'.(-. opposed to the Ahcrhart s(.'h(2m- tn deny the strnnp.`th of its support, however much they may l'(`.11!`(`1. it. Thu devotion of many of tho farming people, who are desperately Iuml pr(.\sse(L to this new euro-sill for their il`()lll)ll'?.\' is u Sl)h(*X`in}.{ thing. Their almost, t':m:1tic:Il faith in Sucinl Credit" and in thr- znbility of Mr. Abvrhnrt. to alter their (`Cl)ll()YTli(.' woifnrv almost. Over night, places :1 sur- inur: responsibility on those who are leading them." It 3.. n.-l:.v... I n...A -H IHUSI . Somvtirnv.<. wlml '0 un- Fall Fair I:Bf;)ped In Midland This Year M Some Thinkabouts --o-u--- Q. l`ro. will lw nn 4 Whilt` hr.-inn lIi;!h\v:`\_\' 136, nl` half north HI` 1 n.m.. Nltnuluy. :1( (`H h_v RtIl)I'v'l (7. c:m;. ,hl fir(- and V SlllY`I(`(l. Ann...-,Hu.r 0.. ' .\llHll'(I. /\(.`mn`dim,' tn 'l`r:ufl'i<' ( I.owi.<. liurrc-. whn invv m-('u|'x'mu'r~. thv right I'm (H11, 1111!] ]'t`:1I'm'l: 1'! 1'1` -nu:-I IlIll|'lIIII1', I nn H10 \w'.< Illrnilug n\' il)'lInmli::l:-I The (hr .-.n.| f..u< n Ill lH' [HI _\v.'n'. lust i1iun n m_v m l'(~n:`1:m upvnimx ul :1! 'I`nrunIn An :1h.<(\nt frivml will npprt-riate 1 copy of The Examiner. 7ire Destroys Car After Tire Blows Out Lured on by the promise of $25 a month to every adult. the people of Alberta on Thursday last gave a sweeping nimidalc for M1`. /\i)(.`1`hZli`L in put into effort his plzms for Social Credit. The U.F.A., which went. into power fniirtecn years npco with :1 big maj- ority. has berm wiped out and the Liberals and Cun- S(`l`V.'liiV(`.S l`:iro(.i not :1 L!i`C`5ll dual Imtiur. only two Consorvzilivns and four Liberulz; bcimg 1-locteri with 1: pos..il)ilit,y of H l'ifl.h l.ib(.-ml. The mini vote w.'z:< zil- mnst (if)lll)i(.` that pulled in the: lust prnvinciul nine- tlon. \l l`1|IX Iilll Ill |\'ll ~'t(`.'\(l. :1 fivld (`rm ' hv hold vilhvr ur u cl...`-I :..\.. I'l\"l`I` \v:1' Iminjurt-(I n f('\\' 3::-rm:-In-,~'. hui ('nrn|)h`1(' ww-vk. NH 1 - was (':u`ri-(1. imlit-:1 1 Full 0...! .. '?`Al III H II) l`.`{|)|.`liHr`< will mu ll r\|I|\: I). |)l'(`Si z\_L-_I'i<-ui VI... OI'fir'm' .I:u'k who iII\'-::1i;:.'Ilt-(I tho frvmt Iiro hla-w :-|: 1-rmlrnl nl` H10 din.` GI. .n.-...l .-..il.. V!-IlIH'll. l[Il' INIIEIIII `I nmru nr |l`SS 1nku nlmmzln u-rv will u IIl'. CIIHHH IISHI mvnc-rl nml driv- -:u-wk. Mitilmr.-:t._ 4 cmnplvtvly <:un-- uouaunnnnnuu Alan`: A weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the Town of Barrie and the surrounding country, issued at the Post Office Square, Barrie. every Thursday, by J. A. MacLaren ( ditor) and W. C. Walls (manager), owners and publi hers. The Barrie Examiner is a member of The Canadian Weekly Newspapers Asso- ciation and of Class A Weeklies. (111!-Irrvvwvv-srrwvrxnv v-. . mun \\'l' iH(' \llI`(' I we dun`! do Nun Numuh z\'<' rt-:H'h(`(I :1 W0 lhmuzlll it v lmvv :1 fair for -I. "l'h1- pnluln V 1-.Ivn uw nun In` hiuln (|i1t'|l. ;irl-n1 nf the IHnr.'Il Sm-it-ly. mml fail`. (`X- Al. Page Elva I milv n ulmul I\4ul ..n:l - that more li<||:m this up ('ump(`l- :11 Mi(||:lll(l ` l)l`flH`(` H'I(! U:..o...~ m..:.. the I-x- the fire Hll.' ruilr: nnrl nu :- uug.-u\.u;L ;A-qn .:ux;n.4u Anywhere in Canada, $2.00 a year; in United States, $2.50 :1 year, payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. Subscribers wishing to discontinue paper at expira- tion of period paid for are expected to notify this of- fice before (late of expiry. Whon you vol 1.: I... .. SOCIAL (}RL l)l'l`. Vl(IT()RY l:\ col:.n-U pmwil. mu! mgxxnxu; of lrvquvnt m1: mam)` mun u. lm'nim: ul`f1c:~r.< Thursday, August 20,1935 nu `.3i').U0() [)(`\|[)l\` will lost` I upvrly murklm-. llw ballots. I.:Il('I` lln:: ymr on account 1 union n1` (T;u\udu and to '1` 1050 M 11> who Inn` m c id's g1`m1v.~". ummul slmw ; xv ~ n \' Ex." if ;idur mm Ill? CARIEFUI. \\'Hl3\ Y()U \'()'|`l3 THURSIJAY, AU( }US'|` v....._, .. n\.\....u..;. SUBSCRIPTION RATES mulumz vlovlinn, it is likvly than num- uplu` thvir vntvs thrnu;;h Im- um: and the risk 1.: much `ur of the l'.u'gm* numbur of lddilu EDITORIAL 0 for your f:1vm`it1- cunditlnto on ()(-t~ - lhnl you 1151- only Um black poncil pulling lmnths: nlhcrwi: you may - your vntt-. 'l`h1' l.lt-vtmn Av! .~zn_\'.< :1 nothing: v|sv, musl lav nuulv with :1 black Thu` ....\. .. ..~ .. .. Ida '1`m*omo. no |l\ clnsu pruxilnity nnuul Show are prom` to I05 _ .r Ax-.. Established 1864 M` rum nflor ` v.- hmvk pvncil pm lhv voter are thr ballots. 'l`l\rmu:h dxshncx crvdit li\HllllT|();\ J'|Ut,S. - |\-`|'\|I\ l'V .. `.vr\vurrl.~'. Mr BN1- ui lnurv rod ponvx! xx lust tin` ulvvlmn. hm` urumer numbvv.` pm-ncil Instead ur Rt. Hon. R. 11. uf Caxlgury \\'o. hubrt. nnd deputy H`- 4.. 'l`hust` u \v\')rld'.~ grv:\`u truuu-n ``Ex``' lm \\ such null 'u\'1dud by the uur'.IguI11uI1l ul` l`hv rules may Al.REl{'l`A 103 ) ity to tho! ` l0S\` slghx ` . _. .1 4` _.. ruvidc-(I. 1.1-0. Dul.'u1. (iin-(*Iu:' ml` the Curmdmn 'I`mvol Bur- vnu. l`L`puI'1:: that (`:1nu(l:1`:: 1935 tuurist lraulv will up- pru.\;nn:1l<- that or Ihv pvnk _v<-nr. 1929. wlwn Hn` Dmniniun \':lIll|`(l its 1u\u`i::t industry at muro than $:N)l).l)l)l).l)1)(), I-`nu-x;:n vnrs sm-n in H:1rrw 1h1.< you: stuxpurt Mr. 1,)<>l:m`s .\'1ill(`l11(?l\I of ill(fl`{.`(1SC(l tourist btlsim-s.<. still .wn(lim: nut. roams Ih(`l'l`l)_V In-lpnuz to fill which rnrm purl of an n urn. . .._, ` fidcncv in `and I gm! 1 ` prnxun: ` by the the mumnriul indwnto how greux was us .~'ucru`1c- in human lute. Though the memorial has JUSI been unveiled. thv vlllugv of Cnoksl0\\'n. lurgol_v through the :*'x'urls M the Women's lnsmule. in 192] paid tblltl.` to the departed bravo by the erection of :1 tablet bvarxng their names. \\'hlL`h tablet now form.- part of thc.` nwxmvnul. as gm-:\tl_\' (`l1(.`l)lIl`tl[.[(`(l by thv result in /\lhei't:i" it is doubtful if Iw would i'i::k pi'ojii his [)()Sit,i()n in the East. by :1 direct .'illi:ui(:n with the Social Credit `party. Should thv latter place 1! Cill](ll(lIllC in (`Vt`l _V riding in All)vi`t.'i in thv l(?(l(!l`ll (`untust llierv is lltllu dnuht. \vith lhv prvsviit stutv oi t -eliniz. tlizit it would lw nhlv tn (':u`r_v with it the support it shnwt.-tl mi l`luir.~:(t:i_\' lust illl(l .\`(,`ll(l zui impnrtzmt lilm: to the new pnrliaiiiioiit. A further t`\'idt`li(`\` of th ixitorst Hun. Dr. L. J Siuipsun lukvs in burriv and its community` enter- prises is shown in his eorts on behalf of the Bilrflt` Hurst` Show LL`E1l`H|hg of the deficit in cuiinectiun with this cvvnt. he ciisciisscd the mzittur with somu` of his ].)\`l`.\ 0n1l| friends in 'l`orunto and as a direct I n~. $500 \\>u.~ cmitributcd towards the deficit. The cuniniittvo in ciizii'uv are.` highly ;ippi'eciati\'e not only of tho $500 but also of the` niminor in which Dr. Simpson lllt(`l'U.\'lt`d iiiiiisclf on bl`hil of the Show. both in this respect and in other ways. ()nturin W(.'(!kli(.`:~' seem to be going bilingual. Fm` sunw limo lhv Simcuc Reformer and 1`illsnnburg Nvws liuvv l)(!l`l1 publishing :1 Dutch sectinn for the- I~Ioll:1n(lm's wlm wurk un lhv tnlmccn plantations. tho lVli(ll:m(l Fm-v l n-ss hm: .-:tu1'tv(l :1 I"ron('li l`(-nturu and now the Wutvrluu (Ilimniclv has n cnlumn in Gm`- Tho 'I`nmnto Globe wisely observes that L-leclm`:~: with an inclination to run after strange and untesterj dnctrinos ought to 1`omcn1b(.-r that pullim: days ilI`(' yumxw zIp:n't. and it is not easy to chnn1(.' Lmwisr: lop:i.~'.l:1tinn when it guts nn the statute bunks." The now pavilion in Buyviuw I :u'k_ which will be Iorlnully opened with a band concert next Thursday ovuning. is :1 (listinct, credit to the Barrie. Parks Cnnnni. and those responsible fm` its erection. i A much-nu:-(it-(I sh`uctm'c. it will add ;.:1'untIy to the mcililius and cmwcmenccs or the Park. There is an agitation on in Newmnrket to S(!(,'llY`(} a swimming pnul. Appzmmtly the famous Now- n1zn`kot mnnl hnsn't water enough to pmviclo even } the old . hole." and aspirations of the Canadian people. It is of in- calculable benefit to Canadian trade and industry. and to Canadian progress generally. The Secretary of State has set Thursday, October 24. as Thanksgiving Day, transferring it from Mon- day, October 14. which has been designated Election Day. A storm of protest has arisen from some quar- ters against the selection of a Thursday instead of a Monday. but the churches favoured Thursday. --- ,...a..-., After reading the statement of Hon. C. H. Cahan, The Examiner is inclined to agree with a mid-week date despite the apparent disruption of business en- ` suing. A day of thanksgiving should not be turned l into one of pleasure or convenience. l l l i For more than forty years." Mr. Cahan said in a statement. 'I`hanks;4ivim.{ Day was always fixed for :1 'l`hursda_v in October. 'l`he day. as the King's prnclamatirm always states, is fixed as `a day of general thanksgiving tn Almighty God` for the blessings with which Canada has been favored dur- ing the year. Dav fnr Wnmilv Hr-uninnc: VVlIIl.'lI llxlh l)L'l'lI IIIEIUU. In any event it is opportune that the Canadian people should ho remindt.-(1 of their (lcpend(:nc0 upun the (`arc and pmvirlencn hf Almighty God. and that the ('(uu,'l`(:1.{:1tinns which will zmsomblo thrnluzhmlt Canada on that day may. with their pr:1_v(.-rs mt` lhunks.L:ivinx.: for the blcssimzr and mor- (-it-~< Hf I rnvirl(-nr-c- thrrnmhnllt tho vnnr nnitn in The Th`m'nbl'ul;:v hr Mi. 1)innm- I that part of ma n..\.. `Y\l\l V`... .... _,..... .......... (.\bl`l` I4. lw surv prnvidod in lhv un\vltt.ingly lnsv tlmt in cross. um! l)]:u'k pencil nmmsitv lhv v;mdi(l:Ilv'.< nnmo. In thv I930 olvvtiun. Z{.9S)2.-HH pt-nplv \'otc,-(L and 0t" tln`-1'. ZLHEI lost their vntvs thrmuzh improper mark- in;,':: on tlw lmlluts. ut' :1l)mxl one nut ul` vvvr_\ Hill vntvrs. In North Sinu-m~_ \\'|u`r- th(- tutu! vutv \\':1:: ub-mt l`l,I)l)O. lnkinr. thv lnnmnitm-widv u\'m`n;:v wnulxl nu-an that lwtwcvn H5 and em \'nt\'l`.< lust tht-ir t`r:\m'l1i.~t- thmugzh t':l|`t`I(`:~`.\`lH`S.\` Ill thv })t)HlI\;.' bunthrz. Ill}: HIE.` _YUiH'. Day for Family Reunions The day was for a long, time regarded not only as a day of special religious devotion, but as a day for happy family reunions." Mr. Cahan said. Then the transportation agencies began to press for changing the day from Thursday to Monday. on the plea that family reunions would thus be facil- itated, and that the devotional character of the day would continue to be maintained For a time their requests have been complied with. But in later years the churches of Canada have complained that as a week-end holiday the religious character of Tlianksgivine Day has been almost completely lost sight ot`. and that the day has become one for holiday excursions and frivetous entertainments. which are not consistent with the objects t'or which the day was orisginally set aside. Durim: this year there are two additional week- end holidays, Monday. May 6. the anniversary of the Kin;:`s accession to the Throne, and Monday, Nov. 11, which is set aside by statute as Remem- brance Day. 'I`heret'ore_ when it became necessary to change the date of l`l1:1nk.suiving Day, the Sec- retary of State.- in compliance with the requests of the churches of the rural districts. and of the towns and cities of Canada, which still have re- spect for the traditional devotional purposes of the day. made application to his Excellency the Gov- ernor-General in Council to revert to the old but well-e. practice of fixing a 'l`hursr.lay as 'l`hanl:sgivim.( Day; and. despite the objections of certain transportation and mercantile a1.:cneies. the Secretary of State has reason to heliev(- that the Churches ot' Canada are favorable to the change which has been made. In 1uu\Iv .\.,... :4 ,.n......o...... ``\o\` 6!...` P1,... (N lllilllKSK|VlH}.{ IUI` INC |)lL' `IHRF zmn mur- civs of Provident-0 tlnwmghnnt the your, unite in their sllpplicatinns to the Ahniuhty for the con- tinuvd muintonzmcc of peace in these times of in- ternutinnul turmoil and peril." \`})l)lll`l\ TH U RSDAY THAN KSGIVING DAY rm `2U.0(l0.ll(Ml pm A the people. I 1` H11` mx1v_\'." .-\u suppl_\'1n_u 1,. n. . DxTc}RiAL NOTES the country. 1 t`.\'I(`ll(i('d r 2 1\luskuku. :1: Gu7.vltv whu am in HM` than 2531 ;,::m(l.'1 machine in l`m`m1tu is us of copy In lhv n`wspnpcrs. ll lhv cup:u'mu.< w:1.~'u- bnskvts : 1w\vspupox"s nffuto uqumnwnt. A who are turning out this stuff 11-u(l_v-nmdv udnormls --whic.'\ : of hm` "lhv pouplu" _..,....u 1. ,. .. . right down to the Gulf :15 wt` all know, 1:: beau- ` tho Bl`:lL`vbl`i(h:v editor m` femw us cunmparcd \\'lH1 r~..n.....: _.. Cullundur. nltrzwi nu: Nlxss Musk mu. James .`\l`ll1llI'S IJ urr_v Sound). elevated 10 Senate; I-fun. Gum'1.zc Black. rotirvd 1) <-1' i1l| health: C. E. Bnurgemlis. Thl`(`P Riv-| vrs. 1.-Iovmoci 1.0 S(~n.'11(-; J. 1.. Bm\vn. I_.i:~;;:zu'. failed 10 obtain nnminatiuml A. U. G. BLll`_\ . E(1lT1()l1tl)!`l East. gzixui on ju(lg.:(.-ship; Harry I%ut('l1ux', tl.a: Mnuntuim. riding :1hnli. Cu]. Thomas Czml.Io_v. Pictnu, mack :2. Senator: D. J. Cnwzm. Purt-Arthur-1 Thunclnr IEu_\'. mudv :1 _i1I(ij4L`: Hon.` Alfred D1n`:ml(-nu. fnrxm-1' Mini. nf Murinv. made :1 j11<'I;`,v: D1`. I".mi1\`i In`...-iin lm-in ..I......<..,) o,. C` .... ..4 .' riuusu ()1 L,0mnmn.< mC1m)ct`sh1p. Nu mzIl.t.nr whnt lizippt.-ns on eluc- tum (l;1y---:in(l it will pmhnl)ly be plent_v--many of thv more pmmin ant and colorful ('hlll`ilCl('l`S have ul- reucly passed to ntlmr fields. A (tus- ual check 01' the ])lll`llElIT1(?lll}ll'_V` guide inclicntr-rl zibnut thirty mom- bers on one Sl(l(` ur the other. must-I Iy C()n:4vi*\rnti\'u.<. who are (lcfinito-i ly out of the battle ll'(`1l(l_V. Th0| following list does: nnt pretend to! be complete: I r-..`. 7.. l A..n_..... .v\ tivv party `can ;,-v1 much Salli uon out of the Alberta results. deaths. resimmlimlst. upp(>inLmm11.<. lnss of nomin.'11i and uthor (`l|llS(`S` an unusuzllly largo 0>:n has nl-1 reacly tnkmm pIa('(: from the old House of Commons membership. mnitor xvhnt hnnm-nu nn r-In:-- Ottawa. August 27.----Tm-uu_::!\I i pr. With the coming of the Lo_va!ist.s` to the St. John River rcgzion a now province was born. Agitation soon arose for :1 separate ;.:ovurmm:nt and in 1784 the partition of Nova Scotiu took DIIICO. Thomas C.'u'I(-ton. who had fought under his hI'UH1(.'1`, Sir Guy Carleton. in tho R<\volution:n'y Wm`. bo(rz1m<;- tho t'irs't. lioutcn:mt- }.1oV01`nrn' of Nvw BI'nn.~`\vit:k. I-In .'n`1`iv(,~d in St. John in Nnv(!ml)('r. Though this alronrty . .<~n1u- ment snumt.-ct to be tho notuml (`up- ital. Carleton 1`(rjn(-tort it. for he thought it too open to attack from the sea. His (',h()i(,'(,` fr,-ll upon St. Anne's. an old Ac-nr,li:m .`~`(`H]('I11('Hl 85 miles up the rivm: ur|_.... 41.,` r;..,.4 1.. In! nun. up |.nn\, ..y\.. When 1hr) l'irs:t Ln_\fz11ist Sr-tt|<:1's ' had come to SI. Anno`s in 1783 nnlv throo ml` the ulrl I?`1`(.~n(:h lmllsvs \v(rr(` .-dill s:t:mrlim.:. and the first win- tox` was one :11` hzwdship (luv to luck mm Bmuma EXKMINER, nmums. omx, CANADA THE OTTAWA SPOTLIGHT A Weekly Review of National Affairs BY WILFRID E(3(}LESTON NEW l5l{l N.\`VVl(7K`S (T:'\l l I'.-`\l. IVW 1:9 1.331 4 By W."h."'BanIq, B.A. Elm` A . I.\Il|t'- The IlL'Kll.'.V. ullu .\U lUl|lA. mL'l'])lIL'S (`UH-` `earning the Abcrhztrt :1 month basit` dividend plan claim that thisl `money can only b<~ .<(-cured by one` of two methods: taxation and infla-! itirm. tho latter being .'mnthL-r fnrmi mf tnxzttiun in essence. If the lat-I tor mc-thud is attmnptvd. tho /\H)0I`-t 4., ....`....`.\m,mo ...;n I... .... ......:....at ll)! HIXIIHUH IH L'SS(.'llL'C. 11 Int` ILII-' Albcr-I in L'0\'ornm(-nt will bu up {l1.{.',IiI1S1i |t.hr.- 50-tint] of the British Nnrth Am-` |(-riuu Act which ui\'o.< to (ho fed-1 goml guvcrnmt-nt the C2-:(.']u.si\'(` rightl }of issuing (`urn-nv_\'. The pm\'incL-S ` ____.__._j.._____ Snnw int(.-rvst,im.: silunlinns an` ('Cl'l.2liI1 to dew.-lup in the 1`(*1nti0n.<`, between Alberta and tho fed:-ml! pgnvommcnl over tznzmlitm. inter-` Iprovincial trade. tho isslnv of Cur-[ irent.-_v, and so fm'1h. Sc:-plies (' H-nrninrf H10 Ahrwlmrt Q9? :: nnmoh 7.ic King said in uno uf his bmnd- lcasts. that it is nlwz1y.< during; lnmz` poriuds of Cm1sm'v.'11iv(` rule and bad times that thvso pnrlios of row` volt, clevoinp. i (\ [I.ib(-1'n1.< will repent, what 1VInr'k(.'n-l) I of dwellings and s1xp1)lie.x:. But in spite of this 1mpmmi: l)o,r2;in- ning. the link` town \v:Ix dC. 10 lwmnm :1 pl-m/'im*i:1I <-npitnl. I we hnvv S(`(.`l), within three years. Cnrlvmn nzmwd it T~`1'r-clvrick Town. in honor of tho 2~`uc S01] 01' rT,.....r.\ 111 II.` 4.\..Iv ...\ ...-...:,J........ \`Vl.' Hil\/l` S1131]. \.`\'|Illlll |,Hl'(`(` )'l'ill'.`3. G(2m'ge 111. He tnuk up residuum` in 1796. and hold his first cnunvil 1h(`l`(.` in the fall. I But the fil`.\i io;;i: hu\'in;3, been duly vlectnd amid vlcotinn riots in St. John. nmt at, thv latter part that your and th(- noxt. Fred- oriotnn cuulcl nt't'm' nn nvqunto ac- cnnmmtintirm and. since its only highway was the rivm`_. tho now on- pital was ina(r('0s: (`2\ ('('p1 in :~tu1mn(`r. /\ccm'rlin;zl_v the first ses- sion hold in Frr~dm*ict was in that st-a:~'on rut` the your 1788. Tho buil~ cling which h(:lI.\'('d it. nmv mnsid~ nrahly nlturr-d. still . in New Bx'lm.<\vi('k'.s` lnvoly ('11|)il:ll rity. l GENERAL MOTORS VALUE WN Go Motoring Costs When L11. You Own an Oldsmobile (T\1\-\lHA\\ .\A\ l`l( ).\.-\l Tlu` fil!.\`-s\'\'unth \`m\sc<`|11i\'o F.x|\ibili(m. now in full swnu: at ` uim: until Soptulnbor T. is u (h Dominion '1`om

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