Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Aug 1935, p. 11

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Mrs. C. I"rns(-1` was at North Buy nvt.-r Sunday MI`:-2. Gubo Frt-nth >&[)l.-nl lusl \V(`('k nl (h'a\'cnh\n`.~'1. Mrs. A. MCI-lvuy nf 'l`m-mm is Vin ilin,L:` lu-r dlll[$h1(`l`. Mrs. (.3. Dr-nn. Miss Normu (}:u,'v xrmilvrl lust VVt`('k ill the home of her mm! in R;u`rIv. Miss Olivv K1-rr. RN.. or 'I`m~.mtu. is an hm` lmrm in-rv for :1 l (-xv (lays. Mr.-:. l"`.rl;,:nr I.:.w.~'un Ills In-4-n \ my. with friends in Oshawa and Im- unto. Mr-; Jnhn Anmlrl wm: with fx`i('n(l-: THIS WEEK ENII AT AEP STBRES HUI`, 5 Ilran :44 1.!` l IU'.'.$'l'.'R | l.'W.' N I'.'l~.`l).S I.-urnn l'lu;1. 2 "'.;%-..:t;' 210 ?:'i',""' 19a 2 ms. 29c 3 '%:..::.';25c H01. 29c 33c 21:: 201: Page Eleven _ _..........-.---._.- "Ceneral Stores Picnic .\g.-a.-ummu Park. Iumxut. .<.~m 'Rl'.l-TS `.h'rn* ;1`>(` .\ fx`\\' .1! "tr 1". .. u ~ .I.\.. `C \YAlII `\- 29` lm Hr` Buzv` Hm."n NEWS OF ELMVALE MINESING `I lVl!`.-. wIuL{l.'..< uf .\'iIh tho I ::uH EDGAR mm is: instnllinn an m-ot- ;; uulfil in his ;:nr:u:r`. ` (`hnmwl hm; nmvx-(1 in- wuu.~w um lhv suulh .-:l '\ I. \`V,{l|Hl1n-"llI( oi Hmmllun aw :1 (.'1u:u C'm`um" (V '\ : R. 1*`. P|u,\'or nl ('}nrl Iln\\`nI'd CH` ('Il1nw:I ::|n r~ l'm'n\m".n: (`UH MI'::. John Arnultl \\':n; with ul Bnlm Bczwn fur a f('\\' rln_v:: |.'|.~:l wank. W.lhm-I Y)||l1-hm` i: :1! kl'~;\,\'iu`k I\`In<- uf \`i.<- . - R N n!` 'I`rn':m!n. .1|nhn and (Izm- uilhm mm um-n(lA l .-:|u-nt 1:12;! ww-l: NI (Izm- ::;'u-n(lA `ul1`;u::~. l'I i(`h spam the \`\`l.`(:`kL'lId with M1`. and Mrs. IS. B. Burt and milled on ulhr.-r l`ricnd.~:. Mr mm N1:-u lnhn Ansric-ll nml I'ri(-n(l.<. M1`. and N1!'S. Inhn Austin`-ll and Miss 1"i(~ld nr Gulhrio and Jack Ans- (lcll n1` ()x`illi.| .~:p(~nt Sunday wxlh frit-nds in ln\\'1'l. 1'u- ul: 11nh~`.nn n|' l\HnH(l:l](' l|('(`\l- in ln\\ l l. 1*'I':mk Dtlin`-Ill 01 Allnnrizllv pied the pulpii :11` St. .luhn's Chlnw.-h mu Sum'lu_\' Im~n1iII;.',mu| also l'("l1dL`l'- rd n pleasing`, .-mlo lvm. (.Tmhm'inr- M.'nmin;,: and Mix. Ht-It-n Ritvlxin huvv |'(-lurrmrl hmnu am-1' six \w\r`kx-. with l`rit`nr.l.~; :11. Shul- 1.:ux'n(: and l(ilclu~nm'. Mic-: Q Kim-v nr R:-::rlI'nrr!_ I~'r:m!( M185 3. Kim: : T7u1(-hL-r and M1`. tun uf Barrio spl` nnrl MI'< F` ( F WUll'j.Z.'Il`(`l zmrll Shirlt-_v Rix have hm-n visiting l'1'I('n(l.x' nt lElm\'nln:. 1m.. rum.-1..-:.. .u' l"m-mun mm! :1 II|\u ll('l'l1 \'l5lll|IL' IlI(`lI\Ih ML Mr. `modwin nl' l"m'm\1n spout n fvw d.'n_\`.< Inst \\`(`(`k ui llw home of \V('.k`||'}' Rix. Nfrq A It I":n-lri(luv:1nd Ilillimx wank. Elm-rt 1')L|t.<-H:-r L: at Kr-.~.~wi-k, Mum knkn. lhls wrv,-k .'1Ht~n(lin;', :| szummm st-html. Mrs: E A Crniu n|' Hmniltnn SlN`ll| IVlr.\'. A, l`; I'.'n'H`I(|_L',v nnu nmnzm rviurnvd l:l: wt-vlx from :1 \'x.~:il wilh l'x'i('nd.- in l.nnd(>n. Mr. nud Mr.~:. .P.'ll`ll'i(l,L'I` :IlIt'ml-d ll.(- wvrlc11n_x: of their nit-cu on $111 urrlzxy ut (`uwu,iz\ B1-.n~h` Wilma S\\'Il'r.vr has r<`l1n'n('d in \r\ :| Rom nHl`l' .'I TUW d:l\'.*2 :11 *'-j`: I FERGUSONVALE ;___..___...__._j_. `.klulIIL'u LU \ll('lK nuunr An uuuuuuu. Mr. and `Mrs. J. Prattly of Big Cedar Pam! and `Mr. and Mrs. H. F`. Gruhrun and daughter Hazel. Mr. and Mrs. McCallum and daughter I Beuln of Wcsmn were visitors at Fred Ellxolfs last week. m Hm Mrs. Ir mu \VlLH l\'_\' pUI.`U11III_:.'. zmrl IVIIN I"`rx' HHIIMI of South h.'u\'n In-(`H \~i.~:1lin-3, \\'lUl lhr.` (`(l`H.'llI(`H m hnum \'l.`~`l\il1_'`. 1:". and 1\/lrx. St<'w- .H'll. `m.'< 1' rl;\_\':= |I\Il\f1 m is n pzniont l. Tnromn. has: ms! of frlmul.-4 nnd \'x.~:|l I I`nu Lnlv l`(u' L.'u>:t Wm-k Ivlvs. Mnrshul Al,kinx of 'I`m-mm 2:111-nl Inst V\'l`(`k with hvr mutln-r, IV1r.x'. Mullen. Mr. Tillvr. pnslnr of the Humi.-:1 ("hLu'<'h, has 1('1urrw(l fmm :1 visit to his |):~ll`(`Hl:~` in l`vnIu-.~:.~:1':-. Mr. J.IllI<-fail` of }(`rgu.< fillod his ]>|:1('l' r l;rin;: his n!:.~`m~(-. Mm. E. Qu:-mt;/. spent thv w(-ok- end with friends at Lnngfurrl nnrl Sr~v(*.rn Brid;,',r. wh-s, 1. A. Monro. who has ht-on nmwlx. Mr. xmrl Mrs: zmrl .~:nn hunu|:..~` wuvlwlwl with H G. Bv.'n'tl2<;:l|. Mr. and 1\vlr:.. [!hll`l` Shirh-v inn! :1 \'(`l'li :11 "( Bi'1ci;,',r. Mrs. vi-ry ili fur the pusi few improving. Mrs. Roddick and Miss E. Wh:m rnrric-d out n vvry su('<'(essful -uvhru and hridpro in me mmmunily hull |:'. \Nvdnesdz1y znftcrnnnn. Mv Silt-ox of London. 0m.. vis- Mr. m~d at tho home of Mrs. J. Whzm nu }?`x'iday. Quitv a number of tho summer \'i: have ;.:(mo back 10 Ihoir hmnos in thv ('il_\'. v\`I.\-\- Amnw Ivluoru nf 'I`m`rm10. `Inst \Nc~dnesdz1y afternoon. . RECONDITIONED vcz`.w~<' x'o`_ imuch mxssed. ._. _..._._._: 1933 l`-_ I U00 kallc V I IJIIJL Ivluunun Coach. 1933 Dodge D. Q. Sedan 1932 Durant DeLuxe E,J_,_ vuvk. in Mu.~:ImI \v\ ('r`lchn5.`. hulls \\'1ll mv hm (\ Marian McK:'.y has 2 I n\r\nl.h'\' h(|lld:`|\ in BELLE EWART ()ll\'(`l' WII.-:un I.-: In yll-um` \\'('lrlim: uutfit 1 1\.-. |lnHin (`hnnnn Chevrolet Rvlph 01' Buffalo has re- u-ro nftor .~:pondin_L: :1 few Mn~;kuk:1. CLOWES s was hon .\ uekend. 1 Amelyu '1 tn-nnn ft 1Vlum`o m '1'nrnn with hm [.:l`.'mrlp:n= was home from To` mlrnnri 'lyu Hnmmy nr .0 for a week. of Toronm wa ` the weekend. I: in cnnnriin Master h(`(`_Y1 \N(`l`kS. IS .-j;__j...j. Qlfgoroo 3 Il`l|l' \' M|`::. In hm` (If HM` ` Mr T Mr. nnrl Mrs. Alixi` :u':- :1|1l`I\( Htv fun:-rul nl lhv lull:-r's um-In Lynwnnrl 1n(l:n_\'. MI`. and Mrs. .L R. 1"t'|>]n~l' (If ' mm: spunl. Iusl V\ l`t`k wllh Hu- ln-r'.\` 1,'r:1m'lp:|rvntx-:. Mr. nml 1 Hi(-hznrd Bx-II. Mr. and Mrs. .l:n.~'. I'{u::.< and and Mrs. Rnht. Rn::. 5; on-r lhv w('vkvnd WI! the 11:1` l)l'(Ilh(`l'. (3001;-p l".|l1.~'. l\Il\'< M M1-Ih':(lv und lzuuzhlvr .l. L::IulL`)' mm 5 Mns:t(`r. urn rzpcnu Sim('m'. Mr. and Mrs. Orillin \'i.\'IlN'I Slmd:x_\': W. .l. ilv (`unk~ Sunday: Vv, .l. lVll'lVl:I ily. (`mkslu\\'n.. and ]):1\'(- M(`M:usl(*1` and p;im1.\\'ilh Mr. and Mr.- IHnnin 'l`r-gnu :m(l lvlr. mm 1v1r.~: fznnily mt" RP IVlr.~:. Allvn Millc1' Utopia Team Wins (`up Ulnpiu .~:n1'llmll lvznn \\`(`l`(` s;ur~<-v::~: ful in llu` p!:n_vnl'f ;.!(Alh(`.\ in Angu: 'I`u(-. thus \A'iru11mg, tho .~;ilv(`r cu] for Ihc lhird f ll(`('(`SS|\ l` Hmr-. (`ma It znnlzul inn-< Thomas Pic-1'c(3 spent Sunday with "` his mother. Miss Kuthlvon Smith is hnlidayin`: in Toronto. R. Fi`ldh()u.s0 has the Humber to work. Billy Day has rocm'orc`d from an attack of tonsxlnis. Jack Duran of Toronto is holiday- in m his homc here. r. and Mrs. A. A. Garvin are hol- idaying in Muskoka. Mr. and I\'Irs. Roy V\`ood.= spent the weekend with Mrs. Andross. George Smith and family mntnrerl to Cooper's Falls nn Sunday. Mrs` Irwin m` Barrio visited Mrs. Geo. Prince over the wet-kcnd. Mrs. S. Russell. Hunter and Isn- bcl visited Thornton Iricnds on Sun- r!:\\' gone tn ms. Mrs. C. smu daying with he Smrev. has reu Sturey. has returned to net nume Pittsburgh. Misses Bernice and Doris Coutt.<' 01 Maple Valley have returned ml U191!` home after a three weeks` vu- cation with r(`la1i\'es here. Miss Birdie Russell left last week` for Camp Rziwley to be with her; aunt, Mrs. Gauley. who was veryi ' ill and has since assed away. Mr. and Mrs. oebel and Vona cf` Toronto spent Sunday with Miss (}. Gill. Miss Gzll returned with them for a few days to attend the Exhi- bition. St Paul's Sundav School nicnic Ml`$. mm. Hillsdalg` spent week wxth her 1 unis` bition. St. Paul's Sunday picnic was held at Stan's Camp on Satur- day and :1 fine time was repurk--1. There was a good turnout in spite hf the terrinc heat. l'rm'nu'I.-1| L-m.~.I:mI Flliull nnrl <'hIlt!1'vn :n (`hxmpul of .`\||l:4lulI \' (`huppcl's un Suuclm`. nnhhv `Maw vnnnu 0!` mo lmrn ."lI('(' .\I\ l` Hun". \IH| {x`zmIlal.i(nIs. P1-.('ulinr I-`ulal Injury 10 Marc F win IvIill(-1` Inst :1 \'uln:nhl(- ynun; n-mu Inut u-m-k in l`:~l1h(`l' 2| m'('uli'ar `HIE BARBIE EXAMINER. BARBIE.` ON'l`.. CANADA LEFROY MIDHURST UTOPIA 1 Lch. who has been ho1i- ' her mother. Mrs. John eturned to her home in _ <. Nu.-_. mm Ml` 1I.'uml1.nn, spt-n1 lnllvl". {Hm -ro sLu~<-cs`. l : in Angus. * cup Cun- INK`:-|'Il||'(| \\ l|I. .I |:|l;_I I I .- -run... . <:| w-ry pIu'1"x ;,'il'1.~: and :m mIrlrc'r.:- \\'hi('h l)1'mu'_"H uul lhv ('SlI'l`l'lI mul l"i;:h standing: .~:lu~ hr-lrl in tho mum- 11:1II\ily. l`h(- plvusrnni nfu-rnunn clus- nrl with 1'ofrns:hmr-nl.s. lhonm. Miss Cl`. I(!(` Robertson has rr-1urn- rd homo nftor spt-miim: :2 month at .I!:1lm Beach. 1\"Iis.< Mildred McF`nrldcn hns ro- inrnod hnmv M101` lwinp, at \ V.'nsh:1go tor ,1 month. 4 Mu.-urn: 1.m(-no J('|)h nnd Agnes \. llllfllfl .\ Illl s1lr||I\lnI_V. Bnhhy Maw. yuun_u son x Mrs. Wm. Maw, hm: hm! :1 .~ vrutinn and is now in Hit` 1 tnriu Hospital. Rznlwiv. M.- -...n Jrv .1 17. (` mung J1-KS1. Mrs. Chas. Waisrm and Joan have x'o\urnc'd In their humt` in town af~ tm two months :11 their cottage at :Dulm Beach. I \\'nnkr\nrl \ri.citm`s: were: Mr. and 3P.uIm Weekend visitors: Mrs. D0ux.:I:1.< Clarke and daughter (h~nevi(~\'c of Dotrnil. Mi(`h.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunter and dau;:ht(`r!~' 0! `Sm-hnmberg and Mrs. O. H. Ynrkc n( iTnrnntn with Mrs. Frank Coleman. `Mr. and Mrs. Frank Agnew of Tur- nnm with his parents: Mr, and Mr:. Eldon Neillny of Torrmtn. with Mrs. vu FAN.-.n Tm'nnl0 with Mr. 1 unit) 1 M. Gallop. COOKSTOWN STROUD -Ix. Dmlnn apt-nt : v'/ilh frit-rlds 1-It nrnnln .'~:|wn! and Cwvn , n was 21 sh when the no` that I\ Ir.<. Thm In ht-r v-4-\r:n Thursday. `August 29,1985 I Phone 186 tor? Delivery " (:l`..\'l1lNI'I .`iI lHN(.` INCL`: LAMB LEGS lb. 210 LAMB L|NS lb. 190 LAMB FRUNTS Ill. 13!; lI()Nl-'l.l....\` AND lH)l.I.l`Zi) . IHI/\.N'l` HUMP .;..:....- II), 180 mm or l\'l.'n'|VI~` W- WEINERS lb. 23c l'lrI|i(' S|_\'lc` .'s`nInIu-(I SHBULDERS !;:`j}}1i:3{:n. 23c .\'wIll'.~. I`r:-mlnm BACUN Pr:-~.l| (Talmu- SALMUNW-`!!t'.|h. 22`: Steak lh. NC I-`rt-sh ll:uI(lm~ ( Fl LLEITS lb. [ac FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Gra pes 2 ms. 25c b"Kiif'A`[iiuPs 6 for 25c raH1uzsm;n.s,. A';f:r~ti'fio%N: H V<)`Niii'c'>'i5I5}s'L1iTis}i'r;N%V1" c'>1`*AGRICULTURE; ,H(7:\'. IH'.\`(`A.\' `J1'\H.9H. \I.I. -' U P"'-.I"'5\YE{.\" I VI\lL'II" , PEANUT BUITER 210 SALMON =::::::r::=':::. 21c MIRACLE WHIP f;'A;','* 19c FIG Imus 29:: CORNED BEEF =?-*-``"--'-`- ~;A.:::25c SUNLIGHT SOAP 5c BURN FLAKES ---- V 7c SIJLTANA CAKE :>':::'-<:.A.-. 27c RAISIN BREAD 2 lV;'El`I'~,.' Hc Regular Every Day Low P rims zlm: Iu.'~u;s T n..-,.. 21-- I'AImwAx I-I.I.. Pkg. 12.-, l'.NUl'I' .I.'\H.`3, I'iI|ln N01,. II(UI'I' JIUIH, ()u:u'lh How. MUST/`NU, Kw-n'n '/.-LI). Tin _ PICKIJNC HI'|('.I".H LI). BOLINCBR'L)K'C. Grout-ry Mnnagter KIT SHE.'4 Hi'.RD, Mt-at Manager CF.WI`l) Rlllllllill IHMLH Mus (mu-1` Runnltl .- n 'I`nI'nI\ln

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