Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1935, p. 5

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1:.` V.- (`.1-vm Urnuuu has :u`ruuu1vd rm $ll8.l)0().lM)0 gauu umung Empxrv cu udu wus vvon mun` ;:ruvmu: l'n\ enduus IIu'rval.~`vs u\ u.\'hm'l lrudv In iniuns. Export vulumv in Austr: nll~tmu~ high from s7.uuo.mm to w lvss than two yvur.<. Brmsh Sm hur Cmmdiun ixmmrxs and Nvw her purchauzos from us uvor u cur: ('lHI\'l'l' ('.'ll]\(` lllll H) lilI((' I)\ l'l' lVIH)l< km from lhv Sp:nni.'ml.\`. His lH;.'_<)li:lliun.\` wilh Qunrlm. the Spunislu (iu\'(-rnul` :11 Nuutku. mark :1 hi;,'h|igh1 in Ihn n:n`l_v |':islnry 4-! l`l[i.\'h (fnlumbizn. 'l`h:- pm:-:11 Island \v;:.s' first mllml Quudm and Van- mmvvr. thuu;:'h Ihv fh'r'l par! of tho nznnv \\'.'l.\' mum rh'upp~d. Thu lwu met on l'ri:~ndl_v terms; I>n1 1h:-y ('HlI!1I HM :u{rr-v on an Inmwdimx: !|'.':n::I`m' and lhv lil1!v :m1|m.-:1 1'1`- mninvrl in Sp:mi.\'l1 h:|nd.~; umil 17913 In l:1l(-r ya-:n'.~: il mmlinnvd in b- .'n (`(`lI|I'(` n1 tr:uhlu.: .'u'li\'Ili(-.< and in H().` .~':I\v lx':1;,':-ly whvn n:|ll\'-as nnu' Hm vrvw of thv /\l1)l`l'i('. |l1 >'l1i|>"Bn.-41011" A (`aim has hm-11 cr- (`('l(`l! UII `ht Snumi 10 ('lIlHH'H`llllII"|'I` Ihv Inn): $01-io.~:ul uvt-nl.s' which nznxm Nnulkn :1 pmmim-nl plm-v in the hi.\lm`_v ul` lhv llUl`H1\'V('.\'| cu.-1:~;1 uf Am:-rir~n. uua. Mr. Packard, more than sixty roars ago. was a member of the rimitivc Methodist Church. which tend on the site of the present Tentral United Church. He vcalls that a number of prominent wople were members of that hurch. including Sam Chapman. rrnndfuthnr nf Q J Mnzsrn Tnrnn- VHl hI|lll'lH' \\ :15: In-on :1(`.r\) `no jumpy rt-.~'.l II|u\\ L`(l the H. II'(l \V:'l.\' Hu- xim-r_v by wh r\r` ..1|.. IHNV l:xII_y Inn mrv qnnlntim up, ls younger days. Mr a lot of sailiru: un Lake Kvmpenfuldt Bay. in- D sailing vessel "Sul- '\'lLH Ill!` plllu 1uL'.I unu \.'i1h lhv pnlix-_v which mph-cl in rocmnl ),'v.'n's. -.~'.u|1 which imm(~cli:m.-I_\' .` nppuintlm-n1 M" the 1- rvslnr.'ulmn uf thv mn- uhivh ll)iH(.`l'S. (`XpUl`1('|`S wv <-.'n'1v rm [ht-ir hus- rr- (|llU1.'IUl)ll.\', that is. . .. .. ,.. inns mm` L Din. ml (\n-ulru nun! \/zun- J WIUUI L`. IUI Ull' s Moore. father of :. James Carson. y. Mrs. John Ball. a member of the : done a consid- lncal prcaching ` ; been :1 hfelong s cmnpn,~'vd of ~ pnul idea and * rnnnnl \' l"< When I die. my epitaph, or whutx-vcr you cull thnso siglls rm grnvt\.-:1nnt'H. is 1,:ninp,{ In mud: l joked nhnul uvvry prmnim-nt mun 0| m_v time. but I m,-vu-r mvt 1: mun I didn't |iku.' I am proud of that; [ (run hurdly wuil In die so it can he 1-znrvvd. And whvn you COIIN` uruuml my Lzrnvo. _vnu ll hurl mo sHl.i.u_v_ there. prmndly rundim: It." _ Illill l).....\.... .... . ,| n'..n..u... h...unu-m -nu] 0.. lllI\ l'l lllIlL`II| m:n|~:o 1lllH.'1 doubts vvr Ill L'4.\' in UH` In lhv Dl'(`(`||HHIIl (I I'll` ltl'L'ill Will illlll LN mm.-;im,' :1 Ptlrllll of Wm" over thv wurld lnduy. I rul't-24.501` H:I_Y('h'. ht-ml ml the Hi:~;lm _v Department nf (`nlum- IUH UniV(.`t`: .su_`y's lh('l`l' is not :1 sis-ale CVII in the wurlrl turlny in which nutiunnlistn is not shnwn. Nov. 1):". St,-tlqmvit-k rltrrr-lznwrl that the SLU.{].{(`.'a'tl.'lt r<-rm:lii(~:; fur thv pru|;- It-m :n'(- rmmy and rlif1'L-rent. (at It is hvld by runny that it Nmld bv :nm-mttpltshvrl, not in tho dc-.~:tt'm-- mm and vnrnplr-tn: uvt-rthruw of mp- iiznlism but in the rt-lurm of r'npil::l- -am. Mr. B4-mwtt. Mr. Kim; mu! Mr Stuvvns, V/(`TO all mmc-.'nlinu In tho r~nun1r_v with this idr-:1 t`m`(-xrm.st. :: H-turmc-rl ('upil.':lism. thl ()lhr-rrs my that the H)"itl'Hl mm nut Iw rt-I'urmml. but that s;nm- kind of Sl)(.'iUliSlY1 must he mlnptt.-d lur- fnru the ])l`()l)l(:Hl Can be !~.UlV(.`(l. 'l`ht.- C.('.I. under Mr. Wuudswnrth bI'- lvvod in the uvcrthruw cut the cup- |l:'tIi.K1l(` system. 4c) Communism is IdVU(`:|l('(l by .th(.-rs. It was too 1-arty to pass {tn- al judgment on the experiment which is beitug tried out in Russxin. Hi) F`ns('iw'n is another method Stl).",.{(.`Sl(`d by others as n cure-ull. The results 0! Fas('I'.s`| tli(-tntnrship \\/(Fl) apparent in several t.'nuntI'i(*.~. I5) Anarchism is the system advo- ("Itrd by a tow in Canada. but the Huudil\(`sS uf this systern duos nnt mmmt-nd ntst-If tn Czmndizms. c-n................, 5-(54-Cu ..n nu. ruuhlc nf KHC HIT. lI|L' SIICRIKUI Ul'k'l1llt.'ll Examples of the indxvldunl be-mg lost sight of were to be found in H1-:9 so-called soulless corporations and in the also soulless labor unions. ."h:'- rights of the individual should be respected in any solution of the world problem. or else it would not be an eftective soluuon. An absent friend will appreciate a copy 0! The Examiner. (,"7n\fn{'HU lllfll U) Lilllilulilll. "Dc.-mucracv rests on the rights of ;.crsunuli1ies." ,I)r. Sedgewick dc- ckuod. and I think nnawhisrn. Fascisnx and (fnmmunism are buund to go became they do not respect the right of indiwduznls. My rm" l.-up fur uln(`i'|li\i'I`\ In Ihzut In :1 rt-. smlv pI:u-en. A rns|n\|1: is u.- :1 unml jul) with unml pay. I1`.-< :1 m;m'.~ (':|p:1l)ilit_V, plus his d0p0ndul>iliL\'. lhul ;.:v1.~: him inln ilw high plzu-0.: of gum! lmy. Im-nun):-tmu`v lu prnvulv. and in- ti(l:~lil_v_ are nul In ho I'nnm| in ;.v,um| I I-...-l\.....l .n..on.- III` lllkll |ll-l|'l`.`- VII lm:<|.)mul m:nlt'ri.'xl. (Continued from page om!) ml. mu! Inun-nw-I` llw \vm'M in still lluuxurl-mm: n. the \.\'(`iJ ,|ll of lhv \\rvl~ lor nl` ll)!` \.Vl`l'l(I war. . "I".il!u-r nur mvIli' Illllll must lIl('llI1, .'\.. ..;...I;,.. .. urill mul" nuu vv . E11001!l'lIL{l!ln(!lH slmulcl nlsn hr glvt-n tn thv slmw by (`nxmmlimz in smnv 01' line m:m_v (rlznsscs. 'l`hi~: not only mukt-.~'. an lm'1,{m' (hspluy, hut gives tho ex- hihimr n lu-um`-r inn,-r<-.-:1 nml should tend Ln mukv mnrv onthusins1i(- hm'ti(-ultuI'l.s`t:<. Tho society is (!(:sm`\'Im.{ (>1 :~:upp Help it all you Ila lll(' \\(Dl lhv .-m(-izll .~ I;.\.. ll-I|l'l.\ \"u'l|Il .'|uIl' lllull lIII' h.'n:. imlum-tl Hm t-vi. from Whwh wa- nrv nnw .~:uH`(-rimz. 'I'hvra- is n g:r<-nl I1-;u| of truth In Ihnl. nu duuhl. ( Sm-tinnniism is blmm.-d by nth- (':':~ ~ the SK-Hil1L' nf one (`lass nxguinsl zmulhor, and ll`(- (-l.'mnim,' nI' spuvinl |.\l`iVil(:}.',(`:~`. by scum.-. H`! Nnlinmilism is blznncd hy n..m_v. and I)". Sr-lucwivk said In- I.. nu... ...I ;c "H... Ihn mm: 1-\/H H ln.nI_v. -Inu I |v-In.-\'<'(l it p1'm`ipil:|l:~ri 4-nu-`inn! :1 ( When :1 girl ;.-,ut.s married slw mm`! livv on 1-\'<-u :. lIl(`l.' follow. l)-(-:n1.~"J slm likrs him: slw will ll(`l`ll l)rvn.l and meal. and pn1n1m.`.~'.. und (ll`(`.`iHl'S, nh. LOSING SIGHT `MODERNWORLD .01= INDIVIDUAL Il`(' hI'l'lYlI(I -IIINVVV by Jozm .I:u`qI't`:: Ht! nun Il`(`Il('h \\rilvr \\'|`.I\ |n-lit-\'x-N lhnl :~Hy gum! bu! lhnl \"(`lt* l):|(I lwx-:I1::m w |..I..u\ M Some Thinkabotwni: II HHS IH"'ll |'UllIll 1 is lhv (-.'u:.~;(~ :1 (-1 M('(`l1IIl`i/Kllitbll 1-r whu .--1.-:11, th: ..I II .. . I'll.'~iIlllH ll) HI) lllI' IIHIII urlrl an l|u- .w'i:|| lhl`1ll`I` I slulv in WhI(`h wv nrv I HI\ll.`{.`~'n`.`|ll'.*i tiny, il Inn: mm In In) tho ll`uu|)lt'.\' an` n Ii, .I. ..... .. .. ......... ....l...`... .. ing to the work undx.-runkvr your. the Su(.'iuLV is ;,:r(-nlly i is Imps.-(I that lhv (-itizuns. uutlvity, will make u x'('('m'(l : show. I (`trlllllwl1'I1IIIn'II, alllll ;(> :n|! um" lrmnhlv.-a. /zuliun is hlzum-rl by :10 that lh(- m:u'him' - u-vils imz. |.I 1|...I . :l.. l'|Hll l'ql|l.\l` III III! Illl I7kl'l`. W(H'l(l |)|'nvi(lv.< 1hI' :- mnl In-:4 Ill |)h_\'h'i(`I| lw \vm'|(l Hf nlultvr, I hsul hrmuzhl ulmul ml` lhv (*.'\::l. 'l`hi.\ llu-- ynlv in uml-u1`~lh(--w:ny .. l.I ism is - the mm evil. [I - (Emu! Wm` and 1:; .1 "I ...... ..u.u~ H..- `NON N()M()l.()S. IXHIII \\':I:a llilllll` men vvm*yw|u*r<- ul` llu-ir 'i\'Ili/.n- n. as uullinml in` u. ..I.." um. (Ills. uml ])lll|l>h`lI])lN`|' Ih\-1|: nu-u: n-IIIII` , lIl(' nun lull ll||l.\| III will 4-ml." .. ..r ,.n \v.'1.~.' pruvidwl llw Imu- ...h.u- SK` U1 El] ' me in- of the DUCIUI build them nlnrnr` Next, 'l`uesday, Aug. 27, the annual flnwor show of the Barrie Hm'ticu|turul and Town ImpI'nv(`munt Su- (-iuly, will be stzuzvd in the Town Hall. Allhmmh the hot weather and drying winds have been hard on tho flnwc-rs, there is still much l)mu|til`ul blnum in thr- gurtlvnx. lnnisfil l'lm'li('ulluI'al Sncinly had the lu-st show in its history lust wt-ck und l~im`ric's nxhibllinn pI'mnises to [)0 up to :1 high slzlndnnl. The ndmissiun luv hus ljwvn k('[)l (lawn to 15 N-nls in nr(l('1' that tho hl`llH(.'S of thv .-how may he 1l\'tll!- ublv to mm'(.- punplu. (fm1. npp`rm'l:nti(m hm. been shown at the lUWt'l' prit-0 by th(- incrmn.-u-(I al- tvnllmwv nf thv pmzt. two yours, but ll1m'(' is run!!! for much l'1u'thm' improvt-mt-ht. in t.hi.~: rt-sncvt. ()w- untlurtulu-h nu Eliznln-th St. this in ll('(.'(| of l'un(l.~; nml it Ilnpml (-ill /.un.l:. in l'(`('lIL(lllllUll of this ilH(.`ll(li|ll(`(' at this _v(!:n"s ihil I all . Going from Noon Friday, Return Limit, Leaving d Aug. 30, until 2.60 p.m., destination up to Midnight, Monday, Sept. 2 Tuesday, Sept. 3, 1935 ` Minimum spacial Fans: Adults 50c.; Children, 25:. x`..u .-t......,...` .. 1...... .,..L. ,......-. qg. . }`..ll ul/urlnlzfl--II ffuhl nrlu: ax.~r.:.- `IQ CANADIAN NATIONAL LK'B'('5R LI57-RY "BANK"TORONTO viIu tun Uwwwzu w -- w'.-_.- First Class Faro and Ono-Quarter for Round Trip Between ail points in Canado-aho to certain U.5. destinations. Development Week-end-Aug. 30 to Sept. 2 ,_ --_,_ ____n 1:... :\--__;__z_.. n--....l 1" `C!*\NADAj RY" QEDUQEQ FlLRE uuuzu uuu u. \/ltlud AI nu SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada. $2.00 :1 year; in United States, $2.50 a year, payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. Subscribers wishing to discontinue puper at expira- tion of period paid for are expected to notify this of- ce before date uf expiry. One ginger ale you know is w/.m/csrmze . . . of course, it s ` lixpcnsc is never spun-cl In nmkv ( .nu;n-In Drv us pun- nml whnlcsmnc :1 drink for the Lhildn-n zm )nu'I| lm-I inullthc wnrlcI.'I'||c \v;ucr ll.\(`ll in lII.Iking( /\N,\lI/\ Inn` is xryslul clcnnlikc clislillul water. II is ulxu ur.uw| lay the ultra viuk-I my. An-,,,, l1rAA>3 ........... ...\. u..... ....... ...,. All inpzrcclit-nls in I ANA!)/\ Inn` guru ll'\ll'I| inn lu|m1`:nurics by grzuluulc (In.-mists". T/ac C/Ja/I1/mgnle 0/` (:'/'11qor A [vs L n 1 Dcvclupingbusincssalongsouml, constructive lines has always been a fundamental principle of Kim policies directing the zlltir.-." uf this bank. Its resources are now, as in the past, available to assist the legiti- matc demands of the cmnmcrcial and agricultural interests of Canada. H. A. SIMS, Manager BARRIE lCIoI-I Icuwu. rsuuusa oavuag - Full Anlnrnuztiun ag.-n.'.~. L I Q - I Q I - - l?IIrI/)/i\/M`(/ I H5 3 .Pnge Flvo CJJICIUIIBIICU IOU`! A weekly newspaper devoted to the Interests of the Town of Barrie and the surrounding country, issued at the Post Office Square. BRITIO. every Thursday, by J. A. MncLzn'en (editor) and W. C. Walls (manager). owners and publishers. The Barrie Examiner is a member of The Czmndhm Weekly Newspapers Assn- cinlion and of Class A Weeklies. ruvvnnnncnrnvrxxv n A man -v'l`huruday. -August 23. 1935 'l'l l U RSI)/\Y. AU( `.l_IS'l` WH.|. lx ()( }lI< S_ (11-iN'l`l,l*M./\N CA\N\l)e\'S lE\I ( )l\"|` '|`l\'~\l )1? An excl\:\x\gv says thut :1 Int wt" 1`ullu\v:< who spuut about cmsitul uud lnbur. l\l`\'l.`l` had any cupnul. l\t`\'\`1` ` employ:-d ur trwd In empluy anyone uud never and any labor. H/\RRll H.( )\/VIER SHOW EDITORIAL NOTE uu (lIll\'Ilf. uuupux \\....... .... .. ...... -.... ` l':nw`ml by the trom- sos. from her sistvr I)uxn `rt .>\ustr:\1m jumped 10 an from u\'or $lT.()()l).U00 m \ ymrs. South Afrxcu troblvd 1 Zealuud dnublvd L cmwuspondimz period. EDITORIAL Established 1864 103's mull`, (lu;,;.<. '|l\I\'I lrup uv bll`d.\' h giay. Ix gmhcre a tub death. uuu pv.~mu.u_v Ill! nuuuup, Iu(I_v .- saxno fate as befvll the Canadian becnnw o.\`tin(`t. It is cool comfm Imps m 50 or 100 _\`cu1's. the slurl and cry quns; but what about` t! Imus uf dollars damage {K6 Fitc ` do durnu: that tune, St`t`lHS to paxgn fur mnlrul mt the pest sh: So far as we huvv sum or M 311 quite so simple und vft'0cl1\'u as th trap to reduce their mnnbcrs. A have been caught in one o: 11 1s not a cruel method. and gathered out of the trap. placed xn of \\'al~:r-:I quick and cm ..I....oL. Huntsvtlle Fun.-stvr ~- The Iirst utftcial press un- nutmccmont nu bvhait' of the Liberal Party is hvnded "Fur a Umted Canada." and ptcturv.-s '.he'.Ltbex*al pre- nuers uf enght of the mm` pmvincial guvernxm-nts . across Cmxada, wtth Mackenzie King pre- domxnutnnt us the head of a new and Liberal admin- istuuiun at Ottawa. This is `.1 fine conception of unity for the Liberal stul\\':.-n'ts. but what nppeal does it make to that lurtzur class of citizens who view with some ccnccrn the creation at :1 huge party machine trom coast tn cunst, excluding from any share in the voice of government one-halt` of the population? Its appeal as an evidence uf a united Canada.` will. we fear. sutfer when subjected to the fair and impartial un- ulysia ut` the man who believes in the sound theory 0! government by the people and for the people. vmlxnud for murv than half nur lnlul rxpurts. Then u` titlv lwguln In turn In 1913. roucluI\g its greatest pL.'l'iud 01' l`\!L'v.\'.~`l0l\ m 1923'. when Jnhn Bull pur- chased u lwm::u'l_\' 25 pm vunl of C'.umdu's tutul ox- pur1s~-loss than hnlf thv mmnul average for mu` prcvcdim: quurlvr n~mur_\' `1`hv pendulum s\\'un.: Ls ulnmst buvk lo xmrmzxlsw. Wllll the British Isles ub- sm'l)nu.: -H.-I pm` cont uf our tutu! 1`.\'p0l'l.\`. :u`\'nuu1ml $9`.!.0()0.0()0 of our $ll8.l)00.000 ruu:m`u-.~: But Cm u. Now Ollll0()l(-~B(`V0l`lCy' Nichols, nutlmr of (`r_v Iluvm-." \\'hi<.-h hzmclled the armament malu-rs with such t`m'(-cfulncss_ has been Writing about uurclmns. claiming that these and world peace are the two ;:|-out nu.-zsiuns of his life. and he professes to have (li.~:(~uvm'o(l only ro('0nll_v that there is u very close ('nnm'('li(m l)(`.lW(`(!!I lhv two. I!" all H1(`ll were n:u'dnn- max` lllvru wnulc`. hv nu wzlrs. ho lmlcls. and advises vom- pulsmgv p,:m'clvninL: lm` nll nu-mh(`r:< of <'nbim9ts and I)xsurmunwnl (`nnl`u1'(-nous. He makes his argument ,...n.. no -.l\>(\ ulen Kingsville F that DUSSIULV \'3lH\l\ fun! zw r . l Bnwmzmvillo Sl:ll(`.\'lHJ|ll We mm ! like to ho munn ur just plain ('l'Il)l)) nhnul this. bul Jul) himsi-ll" wuuld have plenty of 1.rnuhl(- in cnnlrnl his cnmliuns hurl ho to put up with this rnckct of fl'L'l.` pnhli<`il_\'. Just iinzu,:im~ walking into n stnrc \vhor(.- you've never spun! 21 (limo in yuur life. picking up in nice hut, bunk pr pair of hunts and \\'zil`kin;.z out. Of (-nurse normal Hllll(l('(l people don't do ll1()S(', lliiiuzs, which simgcslx that in the hlisim-s.~: wurlcl lhvro nro H 101 01' people whu are not mmnul minded, ur who think the editor is not. JJISIIIVHIHIIIUIII \UlI|L' quite c!'1'ucti\'e ulsn. |rl:\ `,u....u.. ....- . v.. . ...._. Kirkland Lake Ne\v.+~'1`\w> hundred amimul lovers gmhurod :11 .A\1u'm`u (luruu: tho wcvkcnd to nbservu Mvmm'lnl Day at Happy Woodland Pct Cemetery. } 1' who show such luck uf prupm`liun have an ex- (`lL\`t` Apl`0bnhl,\` then` was nmrv frivndship and toler- uncv slum-n them by their pets than thvrv was on tho nun-1 no` VhniI~ I'nllnu'nn\n \l. l\|.\ things Thor u\|\A\ 0. nu vv\r\)I:n: .-.4... I1 4 I.i.s'towz.-I Rnnn(~r-->1!` (.~vm`_v family in this district (-mid 1131- an vxlru quart of milk .1 clzny, an (extra pound ul` (.-h(-(`:40 El wt-ul( and an oxtrn pound of butter vw-ry {um \m~vk:~:, it wnuld ht-In n In! In mnintnin [mm-r pric- as for our dairy rm-mm` ~zmrl h(!Si(l('S w(-`d all feel hnH1-I` ll\'AVAlAV\l gnu: vuu The Mux`('uI`_\' E.s'lo\':u1. Susk. In \'i(!VV 01' the dis- turbing viz-nwnts uh:-mt! the wmfd uv(.`l', it could not n rvansun hv hupvd that (`:mu(lu might pursue the oven gonur of her way. The 2.-uciul unx`e. than is one of the sml(l'. |('1.{ll(`l(`.\ ul` Ihv ;.',rvnt wur uplw:n\'z\1 has bittvn dm-p mm human r<'luti(ms here as L`ls('wh(`rc wxth the result that vmnunxiv isstu,-s are in danger of being lu.-zt sxgm of in the flaming uf class hutreds. II l.\` wilhm tho pussibnlllivs that the next parliunlem of (`anndu will be vmnpnsvd uf warrimz facliuns with lvs.\` thnmzhl for the cnunu; '< wen! than for their own fuds and mutual um;uIonism.s'. 4 \`\/ll V\'\' bvttm`. TAXES ARE SIQRVICIES Listnwol Bzmm,-r -Whnl nro t.axu.t: anyway ? Wm-n wo vomplnin about pzxyimz t:1xv.~;_ wv nro cnmplzlining ulmut puyin;.{ for such services us: :~:chrml:~'., purk.-e. .<:h'm-ts, pnl|('(- protection, etc. And if we c-(msidor tho inumrlmu-e of these services they are possibly lhv It-nst expensive mos wo buy. Tm` Omnrm C.u\'\~mnwnt has aboluzhod the amuse`- mo.-nt tux fur children under 16 un nvkets of 25 cents or Ivss. `Fins xs. doubtless. :1 cuxxcussiun to public opimun. as great! Irmtzmon has been caused by tho: oullm-liuu uf Ihx-so taxes on udxmssluns below 25 NO MORE QU ARRELS? Fort Erie 'I`im(2.-; Revi(-w---'I`h(- British Modir-n1 Jour- nnl 1'~|mx'ls that an :'lI('('v.x'.;l`l1lx-_\'1- <~p(-mlimn was p<~rl'm'n1- ml in F.n;,'l:m(l un n blind woman whose sight has hm-n l`(`.\'(UI'l'(l by ;:r:nftin_L: part 0!` n m:nn`s eye on ht-rs. It rvnmins: [(1 hr st-on wht-lhcr the npm':1|irm will enable her tn sh:u'1- tho .~4.'um- views as her husbxmd. WISE COURSE T0 PURSUI-I I :-rlh (`mnrix-r, Alvvnys` nnrl 1-vor_vwhm'c tho pay as you 144: is llu- (Iirm-l, c~nu'ng(-um and lmnusl route in L-('.nnnmi(' hvnlth and public we-ll':n'(.-. nu: \.4-sin.-..uu, nu`... .... HH.`~.`IlIl|l l'llIllIl.\ nun \.\ tnk:-r and li;.:luI..~4. :n'(- nltux-ht-rl tn any night nwutim.-,`_ and mm tho ('T.(Z.l<`.. l)L-mg, u pulilical m'p,'.'1n17.:muu. shuuld he l`(`([llil'l`(I to pay lhe.~4t-. (,)n the other hand, an- tht: public parks. . out n!` tho tuxo-; l'r(.-- tn 1h(- |)IIl)|i(', as lung an: no unlawful (h.-:lur- hum-I-.~: lznkv plzu.-v. In the mist thorn hnvv |)1.'un pol`- itivul m('('.lin;.:s ht-Id in Qut-(-n'.~: Park at niL{hl., hul the pru:~uml in.~4lnn('(- is thv 1'ir.~:l wv hnvv hvunl of u 1-lmmv l)(.-in}; mn(l(.- for this :Icc0n'1n1ud.'nl.mn. Barrio Parks C.'mnn1I.s'.~uun Ip|)('ill'S tn have tukcn :1 wrong .'1ttit,url- in ruling that the Bm'ri(.- C.C.F. Cluh should br- as "ml :1 small nmount for uxpmmsos, not to (`X(.`(.'('(t $4. in ('mm(`('tim with tho use of Qum-n'.~: Park for :1 night mt-ntim.( by thnt hudy. 'l`h(- Cum- tmn uxpt.-n.~:l's. such as <::n'(.-- t mi.~:.~:i (`luims that . ,:n_u., ;uI. "sumo: The citizens of Barrie. in the past two mnnth-;. have hnd an opportunity to realize what an improve- ment was made in the wnterwurks systt.-m by the building of the new re.-`erv0ir last year. During the past week water (rnnwmption averaged ever 650.000 gallons :1 day. All through the month nf July also, the pumping was heavy. over 700,()Otl gallons being used on .~;(.-vernl (lays. The biggest day's pumpim: was on '[`ues(lzty nf this week. when 727,000 gallons went through the mains. Nutwithstinnding this heavy consumption. the .~u.Ippl_v has been ample and the pres- sure well nmlntained throughout town. except pu:4.~'il)ly on the hill for some slmrt periods when the pumps were uff in order to keep down the Hydro penk loud. Barrio is indeed fortunate in having such an abumluut supply of wuter of it quulity un- (.`X(.'('ll(`(l ln Curmtln. at night dun't semn to realize that they are practically invisible to motorists when they are between the lights of two approaching cars. It places motorists who are alrr,-udy straining their eyes to see past the glare oi the appront.-hing car under a further handi- cap and greatly in(`i`L"ilS(.':: accident possibilities." (`:\LI..\' 1 SI-Il-IS I).\.\'(`-ER IS TOO T\`ll'(`H "l'.\'ITY" OPINIONS OF OTHERS U1 U111! llll`, .3t'l'HlS N` US {I \'lUl`Uu$ C8)- r the should bv Inaugurated. ls or hc.'u`d. more xs nolhmg simple the Jack Miner starlim: :`<`duL'v thew As hngh as 500 of the \'o: of these traps In one the starlings can be placed :1 bag and snused in ` cnmparutively painless "This may be the lust omvox'lux1xly you will have to rust `.1 {rec ballot," Nelson Parlizuncm told the cmwcwnliun of Durham Llbvruls on '1`uesda_v.. Such talk is pure polmcal bunk." Does Mr. Purlxanwm think the people of Canada are a lot of sheep to be driven in the way he suggests? Ul'l\\L'l'l 1 tho nu ntimont. DF.(`()R2\'l`l()Y\' DAY FOR. PETS G AILDFNERS ARE PEACABLE "|IIUD-<.h<\-5-I - ....-.. Rp(1I`\(`|`-~ ThL` Globe` y the smrlim; may In 5 ( .\..o In .'.. ..,...I .-..u...`....o ST:\RLl.\'GS Fl-I:\TllERED R.-\ l`S" lL'Il\Y\\ lIlL'l|. nun who snys `um-0 1 11k my d \-or) possibly I xvmvn bc(`u\Isv .. a|...o |.......\.... l'l` VVOULD IIELI SOME .K. II |.\ \\l\ " `s 11 no I nun Q. llllll lHHllilll.\' ch :1 thing as seen mankind nultlcr can b ...o HUNTING TROUBLE uuuunru uIu\'\.Inl` uu u -uu-_y \\\|I .u.\... Wlll llngvrs run the gtnnut nt` s\x('t-(ass from thv hul- mm to th(- tup. F`t'()l11 cnwlmy tn vuu(lv\'illo tn llull_v- wuml hv lcnpud Into world fumo tltrmuzlt :1 simplic- ity of pltrpu.~u~, n kimlnoss of hunrt. and :1 rutnan`k- uhlv vursntillty p()S:i(`h'.\'(`d h_v no nthvr. When he (hvd hu wns um` of tho wm'l(l's l)ust-lu\'('(l men. it man whom the world will ;,:1'vutl_v tniss. Why 3~'llCll |mip.{ll:llll sm'rnw ut his (IL-utlli Tho unswcr put`hup:< lu.-s ln the fuvt thnt he actually expl`ess:d his own phtlusuphy of llfc in his (?lll`( .()l`. an ClIl'l!l!l' that nuulu fur huh :1 place at the top 61' ms prot cs- stun, yv.llut't lIll.\`pUl|(`dhlS hmnol_v. klmlly nnturv. hlli `rlumccl lmnusty :m(l ll\(l(`|)(`ll(l(`ll('(` zuul HIS whole- Smut! hul11()l'~'-Cll1Il`il(`l\'l`l:ll()s that had watt a warm spot in the lwurts nl` thr millions who know him `through rucliu or sen.-on. I-`RICE I lYll.lCl'l`Y l'HLIl CUIIIZUII IU lIIllll\ Lllill '5 slurlnny. may "peter an abuuy the hundreds nf - feathered "rats" k IIlA- .\ u u.- U10 JUH L fl'u`I1dsl1ip -1 and animals. ... v\\I\;'n uh.-n IU EHHHHIIS. [lill'll('U made absurd l)_\' ` HlUl'\' 1 SEC (ll 5\lllll' " has the \\'run;,: slant ~ : {under uf his dog than N dug stands fur sonwl . v 1 xTnr0nto\ suggests time. cmne tn the carrier pigeon. and 1 to think that per- nu n1:|\' "nnto\v~ nu!" -u wundc-rful .4. nurhrularl_\' on.-A |u- \ u~u-x. ..., . ......\ . Mackenzie Kir If this was the xind's eye of the ` inns So nu... ..n Within the past i\\-'0 y<`ui's the value of Cmnuiinn oxpnrira in lE`.inp'm- m\|nl1"u.`.s' is duul)l_V saignificunt in View of tho si\i'iiikzu;'v in world trade duriiuz this poriud. Expurt Ruins sinru 1932 cnninnu-(I un:1baic.l to nnii-I7.im)iru (`(|lll\|l`i(`.\'. contrary in all vxpuciutiun; Czinanin illl'I`t`il.\'(`(i ho.-r oxpuvt vulunw nntsidv tin- Ih'i1ish family ul` n:it1mi.< by $~ll.U()0.l)(i0 fur \\'hl(`h the l)umiinnn's h`mn i'm'o'u:n custmner tUm:lc Suxm xwcuiixiix-(i for thv lmn':< .\`hHl`(`. Cll|lll(iil'.\` in1pl`u\'ud simwing in thv Unitvd King- umn lIHIl`k(`l is uno M` ihv nmsl g.:rnm'_\'nu: nftm'- nuiths M` the Ullziwu ugrooxiiciils. l)ui*m;,: prziclicully c-vur_y yuur suu'o L`uiii'-`dmwmuii the Ul'llISh Isl:-s an`- tutul lhv turn ;..| .... })L`l'ln(i l"|llll.\ L'_Vl' Ul lll\' ).;U\L`lllHI'Hl l.|l`ll" clans. it was rapidly destrnyed b) the annuuncemvnt nt` Mackc-nzlc King that he tun would. in \-new of: the late election. take a recess. I~lI`I went back to the s_vl\'an attrm`tinn.~*` of Kingsmc-re. his summer cottage up the Gatineru. and will. no dnubt. be tharkful that the bulk of the` cutnpaigninxv. is to be carried on in cooler weather. All sorts of rum- ors to vxplain the late voting were bandied abuut Ottawa. one of the strangest beim that the guvernment wanted the nnw Reconstruction Par- ty to have time to develop its cam- Cldllb. ll \\ 11.` announce electin Kingsmere` nu `kn rbnnn. (,'l' IHHH HEN] l`(`L'H LZ|'lll.'l'i|H`V \`\'HIll('(X, or prcriicu-d, and (?(Iill('i(i('(i with l`h.':nksp.:ivin;z Day, Huwvvvr, tha- feasi. was mt-v(-(I hack in ()('ilIii('l' 24th. Even szn. with all the ndju.s'l- in): and cum-iliulimj. tho dulc fur nmninntimi day ('()iH(,'i(i(.'S with lhv Duy of Aloiminonl. oi" the Jovvs. '1`h_- ncwspapvr p.`l!'I1.!l`H])h(3I`.\` h.'l\'(' been busy with ihn siigi,-1-sliiiii that (`lov- tinn day will h(- the real (lay nl ziinncment, and than \-miiu: day vviis to have Ix.-on one of 'i`hnnksgi\'im;. but now isn't. R(`:I(i H as you like. Alum: with the :innnun('<'m(-ht of voting tiny Wt` hm! fnur now minis- ii-rs (if the (-ruwn. fin` now S(`lH|lm'S. sL'vm'.'il ('i\ li .-:vrvi('(- zimminunviiis aid :1 ill'_i4t' number of _illd;{(``i\i])S. The .\`(`lH|i(` :ip|)uini.in(-n`.< 2l!'(`. as u.~.ual. party l'(`\\'1ll`d.\` in the mziin. A uunri dual of inlewsl. is :iit:1('iwri 1.1 the oltwniimi of (`I. ii2H`l`_\' Mul- lins. ('n|uri`Iil \\ (`Si(`!`n <'ziH.ioni:in, in thu Chzmihor whvr(- he is pi'(`(-wit-d by SLl(`i1 illu. fl;Llll'('.`: of tho inr- i'ii and the ('i`..'ip[1S as Put B|ll'l1!~` and Dan Riley. C!llll\'ilH ISIEI II ('UUl|('l|llS IIIIU (`lI|" turvd gontImn.'m. much likod nn hnth E sides of the hnnst-. But the assistant ` dvputy. P. '1`. (`.on1i(-:1n. is one of thv loading: civil :~ l`l`\'1lnlS in Ottawa. and highly merited thv promotion. 'I`h1'.< is the S(`(`()l1(i time in recent. _year.~i that :1 (`upnblv civil servant has been 1 p:::~`s(-d nver and a purely p0h't.i<'n1i appointee ('hn.v('n instead. It begins} tn appear that the highest rank in; the permanent civil . is not in- | I I tended as it possible gun! for th( ambitious public :~`(`!'\'(lniI no niuttvr what his merit. ho may have to be, c<'nt(`.nt to fill S(`t`(!nd plum-. I\/Iuvh; critivistn was lcvvllnd at tho L'()\`{`!`Y1~ .~ ..a .. no` In. ..... ;I\`l\\A\l\1~i The uppninnnont M` John A. Sulli- van. ex-M.P. for St. Ann, Mnnlrt.-nl.` to be deputy pmunaslo1'-;:onm'nI. had ` Ottawa by tho omxs . Nut that Mr.` Sullivan isn't :1 <-nurlvmns and <-ul-j china 1:!" H11 |\nHI:I' Rn! Hux ucuiulzlnl I Oltmvn. August 2.~~Fnur rlnys ho- fnrv it would have :mlmn.'u(i(`:nlly dis- .'~:nlvPd .'m_\'w:|_V. lhv f'~'.t'\'on1(-I-nth I arliam('nl nl (`unurlu was I"-mu. -1|I_v l)2`mu.'hl In its (`nut-luniun lnsl Wm!- m-sdny, and within :| (-mtplu ul` hmn`.~+ I l'('n1i('r B(:m`.('ll, in Hm midst of :2 wollcr of .'-1ppr:in1m0nL~:, .'nnnuIn1(-(`(1 lhnl. vminu 1n appoint. an Eip_hl(-vnlh P.:rli:1m(!nt w~`mld lnko ])l.'l(`L` mm ( )c-- lubor Mth. 'I`l`(` rlnl.(- \v:1.~; muvh Inl- (rr than had l`(`L'Il gm-msrully wm1t(-cl, nr nu-nrlr-I4-N unrl I-ruin:-Irlt-1| \A'IH\ In(.`l'(.' IH IIH), Ull UH` li|IlH)ll.\ \. l)_y'~ ago which tank him In /\l'("(.il` wal- vl`>: in .~u.-zu'<.-h of l.h<- lIUl'(llWl`Sl pu.~a- .~::u.:(.-. :1r1(l lln-n In his in Hawaii. Nuulku sunn l)m-mm` tho sl,m`n1 (`l`l1l.I'(' in me (ii.\`])u|(` In.-lwm-n Spain zmrl Gm-at Hrilnin war lho suvm'ui1znly ml` whul is nnw Hw \w-:<- l('l`H (-unst of C:1H.'I(l\. Captain Monros. :: Brilish fur 1.1`:-ldor, bmmhl land from {hr Indi- ans and ('1`(`'(`1('(l :\ furl lvn _v(-:n'.~= aft:-r C`unk'.\' visit. But 1hr: Spun- i:Ir(l.~: vlninu-d priur rliscnvury and in the fnlluwim: yum`. 1789. Marlin- (-, /. cmnc up fmm Moxir'o.' He Sl'i'/.01] British .-:hip.~:, huill :1 fn1't`('1f his nwn nnd I`:-nnm:-(I lhv place Purl Sam |.(n`('n7.n. This im-i(l(-n1. known as tho Nuulkn :1fI';1ir_ znruu.~:(-d llril~ More than hull` way up Vun(-:)uv- er Island's irreyzulur .<(`awzu'd c-u:1.~:l- lino HUS Nnnlku Snuml. its pru- tus-to(l waln-rs uttrzu-lvd (`upluin James (_Tm :k whn (li.s (,'n\'t-rod and nnmvrl il. Ho 1~(~1'il.t,1-(I his .~'.|1i}),\' tl1m'u in 1771:, an thv hnnnus Vn_\'~ ' n-h nf tho Imrlllwa-.<.l n.`1.~;- People walking on the highways after dark would be well advised to r.u'ry :1 light of some klnd. ln supporting such a suggestion. the Orllllu News-Letter _ points out that many persons walking the hxghways RL-buff fur (`ivil S(`l`\'i(`L` `I'll! BAIIIII EXAMINER BARBIE. 0Nl`.i CANADA THE OTTAWA SPOTLIGHT A Weekly Review . BY WILFRID \V II Elli`) ll{l l':\lN A N `V he picture in the u onunrnvnnn 1 an! i. :: K Indi- r* nr 17519 Mnr1in- .:1;zo. M1". ! .'1(-kn1'ri was n1z1r1`i.-(1 lhl`L`(` ~,ti111(,-s. His first wife was Mary Ann BL11'ch. whom he iiiarriod on '~ ;Augu.-1 28. 11171. and who died Nov- M ' gt-inim 21. 1899. at the age of 46 "Tyne;-Irs The famil_v consisted of ` two boys and two girls. One boy, Constantino. died at the age of five ` jlmonths. and the other boy. Charles 7 t Edward. at the age of eight months. ` `iThe two girls were Rcbecca. the `tlnte Mrs. F. W. Otton. who died I 1,`August 1. 1917. and Emma. Mrs; ~"i\ViHiam Stephens. who resides in `ti ort Hope. Mrs. Elmer H. Braden. `|Barric. a daughter of Mrs. Otton. ,is a granddaughter. ,'_I His second wife was Charlotte `] jAn11 Shaw. Om Township. who died _iSept0n1ber I8. 1913. His third wife . iwas forinerly Martha Svholfioid. Ot- ,' ituwa. who is :1 faithful companion _` `in his later _voars. _ ; During his `Packard did lot _-`S-Initfut` and in- ; wluding the Sul- . ` v-.n-.1 " Canada supplies 90 per cent. of the seed potato market m Cuba. Cuban potatoes replanted in Cuban 901] will not reproduce a saleable product, hence all seed is imported. Two crops at potatoes are harvested ir. that country every year. })!.'|l]JIl.' VVUFE Hllfll vhurch, 5 grandfather of S. J `[0 financier: James 1 C 1` Il...\..... ll-p It is interesting and ;:rut|f_\'nu; tn l(`i1l'll mm durum the past your Cnnndu has [urged nlusud from sixth to fifth plum` nnmmz the` wm'1(l`s 1xp.n l nations In tulul {rude the `l.)mmn'um ulsu nnpruvvd its shuwimz. being now in oiglnh place instant! of ninth. As an vxpurt tmdcr (per vupitm. Cnnudu now luncls thv wm-Id. ...-.. n,,. ... _ 0|... nulnn nl` (`:|nn(||nv\ 'L unse-rvauve. Mr. Packard joined tho First Volunteers` Company organized in V Oro Township in the fall of 1866. after the Fenian Raids which had u taken place in the spring of that year. The late Col. O`Brien was in charge with Lieut. Allan Lloyd as second in command. The group went to Niagara in the autumn of .mm: i mun. : The Examiner joins with Mr. Pack- lurd's many friends in wishing him continued happiness and many more I birthdays. I of National Affairs > E(}(}LESTON IWUIII IU . 1866. } Ex I...-.4~. .....` CHAS. PACKARD [N 89TH YEAR NEXT [MQNDAY (Continued 170171 W06 0719) Mr. l :n(~k:n'd was in lhv (':u`rizu,u,- busim-as for himself for a period. und clurim: lzn1<-r yours. was !-mpln_y- ed by lhv Hull Planing Mill Cm. [AiITliI`.(i. for fourteen yours. r(-tirin_v, from :1(`llvv work only six yt-m':< run. N I) H I'ANl:\I{I) M E1` am: In diplmnativ :u-(inn and Spain smm .'l).`_l`(`('( l In l]h'lk(` rvslilulim\ fur lhr :s'(`i'/.Ill`l`.'~:. (`uptuin (1:-nr;:;v Van- m>n\':~r nut in tnkv -wt-r N001- lz-. ` IIIL`-H.` " lllllll" up.-:..........1, ...... .... Hnwvvt-r, >1l|L`Lllll`(]:~? :np_.'lin. purc- ,<}:(-('uluLi are being inlrmlm-<-d. wlm-h nmy st-rvo to szxtisfy must- \1'|\n |\:n.vn fall! Yhrli H11` (1 in EX- \\'l1l('I1 nluy Sl`l`\'1` Lu >..1LI.\I_V who have ["011 that the (}m change. as it has operated. pus`! hm: bt.-4'-1 (It-1rim0n1:ul ilI(I|Il`k`1k` f'Il'H`|l\|`\ llilfu (`nt- fnlln |\......, |.u\:n 1:. '1] uuu|_y I lrulllllp; St) spoke Will Rnx.{m'.-4, world l':Imnus humm'i.s't and philusuphcr. in Bn.=:t in mzm. Iutllv did ho think nl thnt linw thul within five yours un nirplmw mt- vident in Alllkll shnuld brim: tho world met: to fuce with the reality 01` his pu.~.-simz. And the Unitvnl Slnlu. mud. in fzwl, (hr rust nf tho world. cam ill-ufl`m'(l to Insv such an diplnmnl whu.-an` lmuzlm nnd wi: hnvv (lnnv mu('.h to k('(`]) :1 troubled universe rm :1 l'zIiI'l_v ow-n km.-l. nun :-

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