Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1935, p. 3

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Ono [Ind kills Him :1" chi)" nml mu-r_\' day for 2 (Ir 3 \u'vk.~. 3 pads in vuvh I packet. No wpr:nim.'. nu .~livkim`.~<.-, no bad udur. .-\.~k your Druxxisl, Crnn-r)` or (Son-`rul Slnrv. ` : 10 (`.E.\"l`.~` PFR l`T\(`.KET M `Wm nu MORE? ; I LII} \I`ll \`l\!\' I?! \' II \I\ (`IN |l.....I..... I\_. ` A Russiun writer in tho. l.`lll`l_\' part of the nineteenth ocntnry ttdscribcs in Russian put`t.nt's iden of cdtlcnlion fvr his child: "They hnd only the vugncsl nnd romotost idea of education being ncct`ssnr_v for its own sake. nnd \\ (`l`\.` anxious to secure fur the Ilynslm simply the brilliant external nd\'nnt- tines. They dronim-cl nt` in ()l(l-l`tll- broidcrvd unit'ut'in for him. pictnrvd hlln as n cuuncillor. his inullu-r snw hlm us at }!n\'I`!'llnt` but they wuntvtl tn secure nll this in tlw ch:-up. by cunning, by .~:-cm-tly dudt:iI1;.: thv uh- stuclm scnttt-rod on tho path nf lcnrningz and nmbitiun. inst:-nd uf nvurcmninu lhL`lll. 'l`hv_\' nu-zint the boy to \\`urk just at liltlv. not to ex- ltnust his hmlv and mind nur tn lust` the lalusst-cl plumpnoss ucquirmt in childhnud. but inv.`rot_\' to t~mnpl,\' with the llt`(Il`.\`rill`_\` .~'tnndur(ls nnd sumchmv gnin u tliplmnn \\'hi(`h snid that "Il_\`ushn had Iintstt-t`v(l all the HHS and svit-iii-vs." After the rvvnlutiun thv st-lmuls tvcrc tlltlt'k`lll'(t on tlw uld systvni. with in row znldml id:-us ut` t'rt-v sulf- vxprt-ssiun. znnl lilw;-ty 1. t-ltunsp the work one \\'isliml in do. ztduptvd {rum sunw wt` thv nn-(tvrn .-Mnvrtcnn S_\':l(`tll.<. 'l'ln~rv \\';t.< lu lw nu nu- tlitirity. 'l`hi\\` \\'(`l't` all just tn ht` litlh` (`Ullll`lltlL`: tu_L:vtlivi'. _::uidvd hut not (ll.\`t`l]lllllt`(l ll) 0. big t`\IlIll`l\tl(`. whn. \lllfl`l'lllll'll(`l_\ fur hnn. hurt to slmw thnt sumvtlnm: was hvhn: It'nt'm`d. and tn 1n`udin`o :1 fi-\\' ro- sttlls to shun in. 'l`hv t`hil- (lrvn lwrziiiic stwh t_\'r.int:4 thnt lllt`_\` c(;ntrn(livtt'tl v\'vr_\'thin;: tln- lt`Jl('llt`l'.\ shid. nnd t'rt-qnvntl_\' (lid nut ulluw lhvm in oven . in thv t'ltl.\`$ mum. Chnus l`t`l_L!llt`(l. It lvvrmiiv impus- Slblt` tn t`l|t'l`)' nu thv St`l\u0l.\'. Ono writer rlvscrihvtl :1 Snvivt .<('hnnl- room in tlnvso (l:l)'S as n "im~rr,\' hvll." Sn the t`dtlt`.lll\llltll .\`)'>'lL`llt \\'u.< Fl`- niudcllctl. `l'lu~ Dir-.'utm* ut` vdncntinn in I\`lu. told us thnt tho)` had an impI`u\'t-nivnt nmv an the .~\n\0rt(':m plnn. Hv snial that ltl our svlnmls the Childl`<'u Vllllltl lt-urn or nut just as thvy plctm-it. hut in ltns::i:i tho)` HAD to lunrn. \\'v vi-nlln`t v\tr:u't from him \\'h.t! l`.lt`I'ltui.< thvy iisrtl to M.-\Kl'I lU."1' t`llll\ll`(`ll |\'lll'H. hut whilv ho was :1 \'vr_\' ktndl_\' lnnlum: men ht` did nut hunk likv at wvzik ch:u'm:tor. and 1 \\'uttld not he >'lll`< .1 .: I`.u\~ ......-.. .. wnuv nv \\';L\ .: YH prism! If Hwy pllllishnwnl ll` 1 l [rind In IWI r"\'l`l tulluv |\\1|v\\` BARGAIN FARES 1 IN ml-: LAN!) or THE sovnars (By Miss Bertha Heuoims) Q--n--on--no--As-- "FARE 'A}i'b"'6i'iiiiA}{fEii" FOR ROUND TRIP rs SPECIAL LOW I-`ARES FOR SPECIFIC DATES 'IhiIr:Idn);. Axnst 22. 1635 \ . `\l'lll ululiun ..n \.r H Hf the RFTLLY. 571-L1 N.`\):`!l` \\`(` 1ll`L` lIll.\lUU.\ |ll v of thv qualities ut thv stvm thun thv :\muric:m. m!<. '.\I:m_\' of us fvvl that .0 l'\ vriuw in the United rurtlv duv to the lnxtwss mu` In their prim;u'y nu \\'tUt thv .~'untinu'ntul I the hnnws ubuut not t` vhihl for {var of sputt- ;n':u`tvx`. It \\'nuld he {I for m:m_\' .-\mm'i\`:m pm`- tllL`:Itm`s to stud)` the Rus- \ or mtuvntimt bcfnre the and for tho.-.fe\\' )'vm's t and to cump:u'e it with u\iI` nu-n mn\nn<.-rH\' Inad- 1|l`ll\' 11111` H` UH. nv m' sot ` nl ~ u'm`tvx'. wm .-\mm'i m`:\tnr.< inn h. J (`.l`lH]`ill'l' H \\'|\H I . mud- . (`Hut .|ll'\I V : dllll \\ lllIlC'\ U1` 5_\'5ll'|ll ' (lu`_\' are using. they are devolupi :1 ltmtltlty. ft-iend!_\'. inquiring. respect- tul vltildrvm. lf one could only in- duce them In be honest and tell you -sxactly what tlmy are doing to pro-I `dnco this result. I think a great deal uulcl he lc;n'nod (mm them nn\\'.| that would he of value. for they must `[0-Is.\`t`. sotno rxccllont ideas to prn~ `(Ln-e the results that one suos. 5 The fullnwmp: are sutne of the` I nxn--u~v.~ that I uxnmi .l.u.n r.....u ch.` u-nu yuur own ('_\'o.<. Sn 1 did not pay much attention in the Dirvctor uf EdllCU(1n. but I wat- vhvd tho children nt the camps. in the p;u`ks. on the Collective {arms - lhv children whu were being trained ard educated Ifur in spite nf \vh:1t um` um` told. and in spite of their |-\n\-i.\l\- In can that` 50 .`.~ .-I...... I .l..| |H.'[ll[|C\l Ulll Ul il IJIIITQSI. ll \\'llS (III \'or)' . and f_\`pi(`:lll_V Russian. This is. l oxpovi. like the majority ur the scliuuls and is nothing in tin- cl1. of llwsv in zmtlmrity nmv limit it is so. for they have not haul mm` in l'`f0l'!n their entire system and build good schools. nnd"no' one` \- nnlrl r~\rnnnI Hun In hnx-n Anna an vmxld expect them to have done so. The one thing that vxnsparntos Ono more than zm_vthin_x: in Russia. is the pt`l`>'i.\`t(`H(`t` of officials in shmvinu vuu -mo .<:unp!v and tryim: to muku )'('U think that o\'or_\'thing is like that. You know that it isn't. If you knu\\' the histur_\' nf the munttgv. _\'-vu know it couldn't po.~'sibl_\' ho. |:md their \viLv Oriontnl ball_\'-hon is w .mno_\'imz that you _n:m\v skuptivnl W ox-orythlng that you dun't soc \\'tH\ \`nIH` n\\'n nvnc 'Ell`U Ulllln LHYUU .\'l'nUU|. nu "U Unl aru l`(lllL`llKL'(I `IUT 1 SP1`? (H \VHHl| nnxivL\' In see that` it is dqxw, I (in not believe that ALL children in tlw cnumry are being trained and |(-duc;m`d\ and xvhatever than -\-~.\ llc:|\ : nu... .....\ An ._.. ... ... t \\ li:ito\'ur o.u'.m'utiuiml s\'. thv_\' tin` using: in that country now. it is tl<`\ t`l|||1lll[.! ll tine type of child nmnn,-:st in certain class. The Mus- vuw Dix'cvtut- u{ Sclmuls oxpluinod their systotix in detail to us with tho and of in:im' r`l`.urts. all marked with nmst iuiprv:ssi\'o red and blue llm-s. 'l`hv llii.<. ll.'l\'(` ton gnnd imu;:- imztlmis. h(v\\'m'(-r. for mic to pay l`.Ill(`l1 nttcntim`. to nn_vthing SL`(`l1 just on pnpvr. We saw n \ m',\' nice \'ll- l:i;:v svhoul am 8 (`ulloctivv fnrm. huilt lwfnro the revolution. in tlw l kr:iim-. Thv tcnolwrs whom \vv nwt thvrv wore of II \'cx'_\' high type. I went into nnnthor rurnl schnnl mm l\lo. without permission. 'l`tmro was nothlng in it but .1 tublt`. ;i cut. l\\'u lwnclies and n pile uf `-bnuks on the rluor in one corner. `that lnukcd ll!` though the_\' hind been clumped out of :1 barrel. It was all \'m~\- .-um! h-n llv Rnccinn '_lIl`Xl(`L`llll (IS Hllll. She promptly broke intn am im- 1-n.~`.~'h\m'd speech. urging us when we returned to (`nnndn to not close tn the mnsses (imagine in these duys of uverem\vded c1us::-romns being able tn get nwuy from thcmt. She tuld us thnt she was spending her lmlidnys on this {urm working in the fields. She also conducted night elns.~:e.x'. und offered it we would stay for the evening tn um:n1i'.'.e sumo folk dnnces fur us. I hurt thought when I first ::nw her. "Well. ntter nll. digging poth- tnes bnrcfonted. is better fur the health nt` :1 teacher who is shut up :11` _ve:n' in 1: school. than being ex- pected tn tnke surmnor courses in their hnlidn_v.<. as teu('hcrs in Am- erien uften are." But the (`nteh in it was those nlpzht L`l11.~`:4es. after dim.',in_1: put:1tm`.< nil dn_\'. It luoks as if the. pmletnrint mn_\' eume. nnd the nristucrut mny go. hut the status of the school tencher remains unchanged. \\'n \\'(\I'D fnlrl that Hm nvm-nut` 71 III I .1: .v|w {ms wu sum H \' v m co, rcmuxns Lu1cnuuxe(1. We were told that u` nverngv h-zu~hvr's salary in Russiu wns ubuut 200 ruuhlos a month. Ac(`ording tn st.'u\(|:1l`d vxch:mge rates nnd bunt- lv_u r:m`.~z. this mny \'ury from $192 (1 month in 51.48. We did not get u L-h:m('o tn see u t(':u`her's broud curd. which soonas to be the most import- ant thing tn consider in Russian. nu. .. . UDHHH IH I\l1H'l`lL'll:' We met one other teacher in Rus- sin. She was digging putntoos. bure- {omz-(l. in n fluid with u crew of wu- mon on u collective farm near Mos- cnw. She inquirvd If we belonged in N10 hmu-ncosic. This. nf course. we doniod vlmu-ou; nnd said. "No! no! we are merely school tcnchvr.-z. Invmlwrs of the run] prnlcturlut. sn lo spunk." True. our pnrly rcnlly mnsisted (hut du_\' 0! five clmnzylnvn and three school tmurlu`1's. but ma lhv n-lvrgy in Russia are even cunsidorvd nun-o of 11 purinh class than the nth- or \'m-iolics of lmlll'1.Z(`()SiL`. wc \\'l`l'C nut uokn mvledgim: anything: us dis- _|:l`1l(`l`flll us that. I Slim nrmnnilv hrnkn inn: nn im- crn ideas. nnd then nsk themselves. "Is this the result that we wish to obtain in AmL'I'icu?" um nun nun n0|nnv- Onnnhnr in Ram. UH HI lIC;I\l'll Ulll UH {'ill'lH' \\'Ill'I m are all good In nnc another am :11 and Inns! each other." "The Communists say we shoult ck the clevorest men in the coun 3 to be the head of it. not me`: l`. A.` n.`ILi...- kn. ball: \ EH1 pL'\lpll` U1.` UUIII wlilrxlun mmumsls and Jesuine Christians? xx fur the early dramatic Jesus M the lnler moologicnl Christ` (1 Marx alikv sought to secure the u-ld a more abundant life through mmvledge n. (he truth." I |'\\'n little gurls. about ten _\'o:u\:3 I .- ... up. On\ .un- nr.\I|v\ as ..m Mm-s.-I` peoplv nisld and \.UHlt`ll 111 HH` il bolt:-1` \'io\\'. olul thin_u.< on b(` friendly. lent-lonkin; 1 the only rvuil w .V \-unuu. M... .. acting qunu The boy turn \\'Hh that pcr on his facv. Iv u..\.....n .. .1 9. lit l Sil\\' H uf his seat ` u. ;\I\\- n\ .v-.. I'l`lIlVI' IJI4 NEURAL`GA]_AA_ n'\ la! the ham Jrzsw \ ~ - W1`-,Q'!3' mum-`m. A VOL. MEAN TO SAY vow DON'T KNOW LlNCOLN'S GETTYSBURG ADDRESS I {:l5`c}';.tKddresB3b'ic` i II-I-|.'. I `-: mi BARRINII` zxilntn. nniznin. omx. CANADA .- _ Em I hu- Hl3o_(-iy of1\3l5nw13ou}}d" I On Railway Tracks. [Former C<;(;k;townit;3. isucceeds at Huntsville I VI` I`v&I`X IUIIU Going betwwn ;\ugu:It `J2 and Sept. 7 ` Return Limit Sept. 11 5 A . vrmn. 191:3. by The Hall Syndicate. lnc.| Hllillll -UH l>ril|i:mt smd paw . !I.J. II II .\I'|lIl'llIK'lIL I.` lllll ?|llHl wilh Hw (`x(`l'll'l)l'!~: uf llw ` the lulv llnmltl I". |(iI<-luv u:u'rl in . duliv-.9` 1 nrio ('Zm'u.-rnxm-I11 will (H`(|(' v('.~ali;{ul,im1 iniu lhv vxl.'11t-. Ht-pburn `said Mumlny 'l`hv I{il('hi(.- vslzntu. Hu- .-*.'ni(!. \\'.'1.< nnv uf 22) :11 pm- rlvr 1'v\ it~\-.' by uf!`it'm1.~\ of |(`l.`.\.\'iHll 1)u1i-:4 Hnmch. u M_ay- Prgt; -E-'._s't:1;earm " ," Harold F. Ritchie WESTERN CANADA W xcunslons ":z4:%':,':~ Bargain GOING DAILY-SEPT. 21 to OCT. 4 inclusive X if i hf"'I "6'"K"'E SLEEPING CAN Auuummuuuu run Wham sleeping cu IDICI ll rau vd the lollowin-1 slightly lnghvv fun gin (a) Tourist Shaping Cu: at appvc:imalnlv1 .c pew mllu. nlu IEQIIC bu pt, (b) Slnndnvd Sleeping and Pav|ovCIn at approximately! _-c on uilo, plln mail: but` u ii :1 .<('ll|u-Inc.-nt I H l`,\`('l'lHnl I-.l.. ll-m~..l4| la AUGUST 23rd to _ SEPTEMBER 7th _ _...-. 4___. ____.. _- ._.- _ n_.__ _ cum` Stnndnrd (`Jnun Tirkeha um H/\(}(h\(;F. (`her-km! ` 5.1, u..;..... I... v1\rr .:'n.vn( CENT A MlLE- EACH WAY csooo IN COACHES ONL SLEEPING CAR ACCOMMODATION .. ... .n.-. I. nnmurl Hun lnllnwin-I AHIIMIV Inuhu ?._____ ` CONVENIENT TRAIN SERVICE II'.``` I] tH'(l('l` nm-. 1 Return Limit: 45_:Iays -4-. 1 I EVEN l <.7\lOV\/ HE. uvao THERE. I hnm- your ll.`\V5~i items tQ__223.`- By ~'.-L~1LL.LR` Wm can-I --uvuu:n--I IIII In oHccQ from many noints in Onurlo ` ____ --._ A..- A..._--_ :12. Hm! nmrn than lw p|'m`llI'I'll fol UH! 1-\.uIn.'Ilinn uf- H1050 Pulse Throl Toronto 'E'xhibitionV plllll.\`nnu`lu ll` u1.u H-uuu_\ mm. I lrivd In v\'\l:un to tho director {hut I thnuxzlv hr Inn! :1 l'ul. im- prz-ssinn nl` um` schuuls. I n-ulimd that he |uw\\' 'mthin;: at all of (`mm- diam nwthnd.<. but had us us a\ nation Clrllfl!.\'t`(l with lhc Ulmvd Slznvs. A. .. (`-.nuH~n. e.wu~lmr I knuw CUll!$(`(l \\'llH H10 K ll||l'll C As :1 (`:m;u'li:1n !\`(H`ht`l'. that as u 1n-nplu \w are m rttniu mum` quulim El;_x:lisl\ s_\'stvm .4 in our . thv iu('rv:\.w H1 States is purtlv ml of dL\'t`i]\lll\:` sclmuls. ulunv h.':\ddlo in curbing the hm his ch;n':u`tm`. gnud thing: cuts and mhu':Itm`.- ui.n c\';tnn\ nI' .-.l|n*:nlinI| he

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