I wish I had a cottage that very lonely stoop}, Like 21 . rabbit. in a_dmws_\' wood: 1 wish I had a cottage with windows dpen wide, And wnowy cloths and shinin cups. and tiles ()1 red inside. 1 wish I had a cottage with lots of chc-rm ltrees, And lilacs: and iaburnams to scent the mornfng: breeze: I wish I hat! a co-Lt:-zsre with :1 thatch of brown and gold. ' And :1 tiny painted porch that was very. very aid. . ' I wish I had` a cottage--~and bows of daffoda. And I d have a shady hat. and n owery. frock with frills! I wish I had a cottage with curtnlm cream and. blue, Oh! I'd have :1 lilac ap1'0n.~~~if only 1 dreams carne true! 4 , T."v~.~ ii" Ceanrinnnnn Attractive Grocery SpeciaIs" '"6'c Household Specials " Alas! my child, where is the Pen That can do jLI;~:ti(:(: to the Hon`? Likr Royaliy she Lures her way, I.nyin:,' Fnund:ntir;n_-4 r-very day, 'I'hrn.tgh not for Public Buildinzz, yet For (flustnrrl. (fake and Omulz,-H1- No wrmdt-r. Child, we prize thn Hen, Whnse Egg is mightirrr than the Pr"-n. SISSIFIED Father: "Wt-H. my boy, you must make up your mind what you are going in for. What about aviatinn'."' Son: Tnn offeminate." RED RIVER CEREAL PKG. 22 TOIL ET SO AP 2 cm. 11 J-*': _ % C ITUCE --Emi!y Sandeman. In Oil In Mustard In Tomato Sauce Corned 12-_o Beef T 3 13 3 em11< 73502. Jar WHITE SWAN Slcvilucd f aIeMc%TaL;'s.;'e' IN 12 ruttcntn 200 sheets to a Packaga Mad. Package Package Wife: "Y4 the wurlrl LI.-I-\nnl~ INGERSOL L CREAM 0D(`n\` .\u;:. `Huh in .\`h:1w .~: I2 [hm- im-v~: Sc-hon!-4 in Toronto. Our cnur\:r-s- IHHI tn prnflL1hl--mploy- mt-nt. 'riu- for 4-urri('ulum. W. R, .\`h.1,\\'. R:-;:i~'tr:1r. H30 Bay St. 12-oz. Tin 'E'i-iE"|-5' ssmdwlch 01` tart mung. 1nu:l'-.:5I-v ing current events were given byl M_rs. O. Wilson and a choice reading,-' I by Mrs. A. Ronald. A paper on "Homo Economics" by Mrs. Walter Cook was read by Mrs.'Wi|mnt Cool: and (-ontained nmnj timely and helpful sltggesiizwns. A demonstra-I tinn on salads was .{iven by Mrs.' Luck. Mrs. Pxmald. Ivlrs. O. \V'iI:=nn| and Mrs. Dustn and theszo were . l med by the ladies who voted them| very tasty am`! \\'hnle: Aftor| the National Anthem. a tasty after- noon tea was served by Mrs. S. Fra- lick and Mrs Geo. Johnston. 'l`h Cu:-\inrn`nn|' Innniina Ii fnke IN,` \'Vl)I'Ill ll) _\'tlll Husband: Yo: In-nn nnn nu.` r.|\ 1. [F41-J: . Tin 'l`hur.~'t'Ia_v, August 15. 1935 u enL{r:1 phy Pkgs. 12 Dllil) Sl.`i(?l'} `vrl tn .<:1_v I \vns all VII` <`~.<. hul l'vr.' lenfnt cim-v then." TERM lick and Mrs men. Jonnsum. I The September meeting will take! the form of .1 picnic at Springwater I"m`k with (`undies Institute as guests and wiif he held on Thursday. Aug.-,. 29 motv change in date) I -___-_.___.._.: CENTRE The August V'osprn Women : at Mrs. Bm\\ n', nnd H \'i. ...`n ..... VIII!` IHHH |)lIL\||'I.\. Quoting: the \\'n1`ds of Prnfo. Wilcox. of Cornell Uni\`u.rsit,\'. the . add: If women who I11ilI'l`)' xm` healthier at the time 01' marrizigu Hum women of like age who do not mm`i`_v. and it scoin.< probable that niarringze acts as :1 xx-lo:-li\'c agency for both sexes. ni- thnugh not perhaps with equal force. then the higher death rates of wives may plausibly be asmiberi to the rvcnll nf' nhiiri lwnrinll, r-. Vl"".SPR.-\ VVJ. mvelimz of Centre V nspra \V(m10n`.< Institute was held Brn\\'n'.< with 14 mcmbmm present. The roll ml] was :\11s\~:crcd by Simz. Say or Pay." Th!` mntln \\'z1s :zi\-'vn by Miss Konn_v. Mrs. S0m(`1`\'iHn` _:;1\'(- :1 \vnnd(=rl`ul paper nn her trip to Snu- thorn (`nlifm'ni.'1. 1\Ir.~'. C;n`l0_\"s mus- ic was much :11)p1'evi:1h-1'1 by all. The Jxzniur girls \'vr_\' :1bl)' supplied the prngzram. The S(`nim`.< pm cm the ---nu-mm fur lhn Jnninr dirk` Inni- .V!.-\RRll'Il) \\'0.\ll.V ll.~\\'I7. l.()\\ lCR l)F.;\Tll R.-\Tl-T Tll.-\.\' S|`l\'S'l`lR.\' Brido.< '11! he ix1to:`0sto(l in th-` fact that by `m`vmnin_t: :1 bride she 1\Utto1`s her chance of living: :1 10115331 life. While the death rate for spin- slors in the 21:9 periods between 15 and 34 )'( 2lI`.~` IS lower than that for \--nos. utter age 34. nmrriod women have :1 prngrnssivol_\' lower death ruto than spinstors. nnnvinn vhn u-nu-rk nP Drnfnux-nu` may pliltlslmy uc ds\:1IuL'u LU un: result of (`mid bearinxz. ospr`ci;1H_\' the birth of the first child. your n3:r :`:-Aurfr ."t`}`Dnd ynur '2 ' u:;on<, Ln-valnn docs DWFERENT not Hr-uh or .3)-e-xt 1s 3 Smog. rinse -.v!~.;x. w ii not cw`.-wr ,0 Mom, the $(.i!V `r ..!'tc-gt '!1c lmxr 1n ym, Hui, I."y wsy c3 to make it . 1'Y`uvf(` luv:-132 A `re r:n:'iant. 2"," 1.zw.1ln.'1 -3' *u".Z L1`-ink us for rrllmg _v:u '.1}`=ut it. :LovALon lll Iilk\|' hIYlIll' l Jones I\ Iiunr: idea." XVLIAVLUIAVU VV (JArxI'4L1 A`! -.vs;- .. `. _ .. Twenty ladies of the Minesing In-! stitute were mesent at 1\IIrs. Dust0`s hnme on Thur. afternoon. Aug. 1. Roll cal! was nnswcwod by A szmdwich tart filling. Interest`- ;...e mu-.-nni mmnfe wm-9 siiven bv Il.:\ I`llER RISKY Chemistry lvlaslcrz "Fi take some sulphuric acid. :1 I`ll inks` snnu` ('hlnmfm'm." r....,.. /Hnnx" TI\nt' WOMEN'S INSTI l`I"l`E ,__ 4- n... -.ur:.. I MINESING ".4 In , Send your voice instead, by Long Distance. 'Night rates on Anyone (station~to-station) calls NOW BEGIN AT 7 P.M. IHVUIUI Ill. "Thut`s :1 good . {vill hv hv :un`s. Sept. HI I'.\. nder . 4r'\I\\: ;,':u1n 1'efr<~. do Lovalon is :bat wonderful new aimless-. vet:-mblc nnsc 5 hich `brmgzs lrs:--:.us high- lights and .1 natural. silken ,sof:'.`.:~:s to tc hllll . I.m-nlnn Ls the easiest thing in the world to use gnd will give hair teaury beyond ynur 1-rm-canons. Lovalon docs I First I11 I. and then nu `In In: T Hu` and ...\..q.~ | 'r.\m:n-msn0r The home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bishop. Grenfel. was the scene of a quiet yet pretty wedding Satur- 1duy. Aug. 10. 1035. when iheii` only daughter. Jess-ie Mary Irene. be- came the bride of Mr. Gordon Franklin Taber. only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Tubel`. Bmoklin. Ont. The bride. given in marriage by her father. wore shell pink lace and was aH.endt~)d by tho gmrnn'9 sister. Mrs. Irvin M()1(`. (ii`os<: in priniod crvpo in pastel shades. The grmmn was mtunried by Mr. F.l. Rislmp. bmliwr of the bride. The nl`l'i<`i:iting i11illi:~`i(`l` was Rev. A. P. Si:in|v_v nf Angus and the weddim; music was played by lviiss Mildred Bninsimld oi M(.`nfm'd. After the 'cm`emmiy the h:ipp_v ...nn\l.. 1nl`1 an -1 chin-I n\nI:\I' irin !\ll(.'l lIlL' \.'l'll'lll|Hl_) nu; Ilu] (`(71l])](` 11-f1 on :1 slim`! nininr in the bride tmvellimz in blue : whitv polka dm silk suit with cv.~:snrivs In match. I`he_v will side at Bmnklin, Ont. I \.' II A quiet xvoddingt \\'u.< sol(`mni7.v(l in St. .1nlm`s Angliomi Church. I-luml)crside Ava. Toronto. Satur- dziy. .-\ugust 10. l.`).'l:'). when Dnlln Anna. only of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dnrzm. l3;n`-` rie, lJv<':nnc tho brirlv of lVIr.`,Q,' Jnhn.~'t M::ltb_\'. B. S0,. l\I.C.I.M.l{/l'.',' nf l.nn(l()n. En_i1.. sun of Mrs. A. K. lVTnlth_\'. Toronto. Ruv. Mr. HL`:TkL`lh Ill` ['1 In Inn: 4 ntticintod. The bridv. who was un- ` ittoiiilwl. :m uivmi in n12irri;i;,n~ by her brutlwr. Mr. D. l'<)(lw:u`d Duran. xxas charming in hm` g.:u\vn uf ong- shell suede lZl('(`. with Milan and lace hat and nmtcliimz z1c(`es.<()1`ivs. She wore a clinmnncl pin. the gift of the grmim and 21 C0l`SELL(L` of Talis- man rn. and b21b_v'.< l)rv.'1th. Fol- lowing :1 reception at the home of the groom's mother. the couple left by mntor for Georgian Bay. Early ii. September. Mr. Maltby will sail for Ghatsila. India. where Mrs. Maltby will join him early in the nrnv van 1' l.)CI`1 1... t1. nunun u The bridn \\'a:< g gtaffeta. white hat 2 'Jnhzumn I-Iill 1'usos` I lb) Miss Dm`mh_v MI ;n'I'nnQ Thn urnnr Arnuld Bradley 01 ivlernum. . After their honeymoon. Mr. and |Mrs. M(-Cann will take up residence 1n 1\ICrri1on. I ll0DGSON--(`.>\RTER. A picturosullv stumnor wedding v.n.< sznlomnizvd at St. Ju}m`.< Church. York Mills. Tuesday. Aug. 13. when S;u'do Lillian Carter. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. C`ar1u1'. became the hride nf I-`.058 H0(1.;.\`nn of Bar- HL`, sun of Mr. and M1`.~'. G. A. Hodg- snn of 'I`m'onlo. Rev. A. C. McCal- TO LIVE IN INDIA ..- W ,__> :[Here s NEW 'M('C.~\NN-L.-XTIIVIER A ,-u_ ._v...... WEDDINGS A. A: SMITH, .'nIUn_y nu: Il J|I_v slmrl trip. Hurt in hlnn and .`\ TC lands". Humid whero of the ` ninlr I-in Lions Entertain Of Children s Shelter by Picnic at Minet s Pt. The children of the Simcov (Tnumy ('hi]drcn's She Her. Barrie. were on- lcrtainod by the Barrie I,.im1s Clubl zn. their annual picnic and spurts: at] Miner's Point Wednesday :1ftm'n()rm| of last week. The children were inj charge of Miss Burnficld, n1:1tmn.I and Mrs. Etherington, assistant mn- h-nn iron. 1" During lhe nl'teruu0u. the (.'hii(]l'(?ll went in swinuning and hzilliiu1.{ :11 the Point. and about 5.30 twenty- ihree children sat down to 21 bunn- 1-iiul picnic supper pmvirieri by the wives of members of the Lions Club with Mrs. R. S. Leishmuu as emweu-I or. Just before sitting duwu. :1 pen- nut race was won by Harry Stark lor the boys. and Viola Ledue fur, the girls. Af.er supper. a progrzun of races was run off. Wutermelmi. ice cream. prizes and parcels of candy were distributed to the win- tiers and others. I |lL`lh Klllll uuutna. Although :1 number of Lions and Lionesses took part in tho stmcess uf the affair. the committee in charge. the Major Ac*ivities Committee. was under the Ch2*."rman. of Oscar F. Shank. ` Tun nhilrh-nn crrnnflv pninvorl fhf`,-L l.'5l\('l' Willi: } TY for Your! ' m !Z.!.`.'R. l __j- shanlc. | The children greatly enjoyed the` aftex'no()n`s fun, and are looking` forward to next year's picnic. i . _ lnm officiated against :1 bz1ckgrnund`5 of gladioli. | Thu lwirln rvivnn in nmrriaat` bV` or glamoli. | The bride. given in niarriago. by` her father, wcre a p,ruceful gown of pale blue mousseline do soie withl white hat and white accessories and` carried pale pink glndinli. Miss Freda Harding was bridesmaid. in, pink organdie with white accessories] and carrying an old fashioned nose-i gay. Miss Mary Carter was jl1l1l0l`: bridesmaid fo" her sister. in sprig-' god organdie made in old fashioned style with pink poke bonnet and: carrying 1 nusogny. Mr. Pinbert '1`)/-1 mm id` (`ll-vi-`lnnr! was host, mzm llndi once. A reception followed at the homel ol` the bride's parents. 53 Bedford` Park Ave. Summer flowers in pro- fusion were used as decorations. The bride's mother wore a dell blue crepe suit with navy accessories and corsmze of American Beauty roses. '1he groom's mother was in :1 figured (.`lCp(` {rock with yellow accessories; and corsugze of American Beauty I-ncnc I l'(|Sl'.'S. ; After 21 trip to Muskuka. Mr. nndi Mrs. Hodgson will reside in Barrir. The bride trtwolled in :1 smart blue! ....:o ...;n. .......- mm. v\nru\ccnI-inc nnrll carrying 21 nnsogny. mr. nuuurt 1)/" sun of Cleveland was best and` the ushers. Mr. Donald Prince and` Mr. George Prince, cousins of the bride. A ..n;.nnG. nn fnllnuvnrl 2:9 ihn hnvnn` ('1'! \\-`mn- Ham .-\ird. T!1E..,BARl;I_E-z{AMIN1R, 35$-311%:-.9:ITn*` Tea%%m %m?:Besu: 35. for 5 rinses v 1`/Ill\'kUk l `ll . A `l _\ ll||l 5. I U (l.`.\L'II|l}Il.' (I ;. |platv requires bnth art j;lc(I;,'e. Sn prt-tend you 1 skis? and make :1 pin-tnro Htnbles. It can he chmo. and ;.{1`0vn.< and 1h-,` `.'m`_\` 1 of yolluw give plvmy nl *_'1"I]1)' with. The first -2 1 r'nnH'n- rnhm . The number or v:nnp,< for buy. and girls is i11(:rvz:. ouch y<.-m` whivh shows that pm'm`nt.x' mus1 like` them as wvll as thv ('lsilrh`t`n. 'I ht-y .....\ .. .....,|.,.~.` .z......I.m.mm11am! rim `.their parents` prott-etiveness. V ' Let \\'lllCH .7|'1l)\VS lllill ]')ill'(`lllH l"l1[lSl UK! 'l"h(-y are a modern development"and do` more for the children than just to give them a ;;oor,l time. l h_vsie-' ally they are a good thiniz asrtlwy 'provide plenty of sun. fresli air. and .e.\'er:i.~:e. lut there are other ad- vziiitziges as well. When there were six or seven ehildre-n in the family. children did not have to learn how to get on with other children while living with them. That is one of the u(l\.'.'inta;,te.s` of a ramp, for chil- dren must learn the actual give and take of living with others, and there is nothing that . up a pei-: character like camping. You think you know a person very well but when you (ramp with them all sorts ot traits. good and bad. Crop up. The discipline of regular living and regular duties is good for the mod- ern child. Then it is a good thing for any child who is inelined to be fussy about their food to have to eat meals which have not been es- Ipecially prepared for them. There are a great many r:amp.< to choose `from at varyin}_{ prices. the cost of the camp being no criterion as to lii.'3' effeetiveiiess liemvise some of the best, camps are among, the cheapest ones. Find out about the differ- ent camps and pick out the one that is most suitable. l\Io(tern par- ents are apt to fuss too murh over ` r their children. We have fewer children and more time. It is well to have children get away from Chil- dren do not need to know they are sent to camp for their own good. thc-in continue to think they are going for a good time only. Vrgetalile Plates If you find that yotn` family are not really enjoying a vegetable din- ner hut niess it about or eat it grumblim.{l_\'. the fault is probably yours. To E1>'SL`l1ll)iC a vegtetable plate l``Qttil`('.< and know- 'le(l;:e. are an art- ist \\'lll1 vege- . I i `itables. The rods iand \'ar\'in:: .~'hades .~ __,.n ..:.... ..|. . . ... 4.` ll1(.'Hl ll.` \Vl'll al.` II n I .n\`IIm'iu(- Hnl I L'K.\ illlll l L'U}) .\U\ll' l'lt`IHl l3rIll'_' in a |nu.lz-rtnc nvon of 350 d(`1.l`t'.`(`_\. This IS 11 very good cake: with a slightly different flavour than the usual chocolate cake and is very easy to mako. 3'z3:'s'".ci'x-:'"',L'L":7:1~3"`i`3'i'6iniii: Written for The Examiner by -.......-_ . . . -uni -.-yrs-urn: HINTS FOR HOMEBODIES ILL . l`lHH|, sirlex` Hw Cznbbzxgzs` kn -\ rnu Page ' E . CANADA l'U|L' L` H) urs. Then quality of o and spin- nd combin- lvufy veg- -..u. urn nml Wear Natural Flowers To Complete Costume Real naturul flowers are being: worn more than ever bnftrro this: summer. They are lnoked upon us: a distinct necessity in cunipletintz the costumes of smartly f.}l`(!.'s',,('-It wu- men and they have :2 very definite IL-lntion to the clnthc-.~`. on Whi('h thny are worn. Flower st) Ie designers of Nurth /\in('1`i(:u are koL~pim.: ul;rcu. of the new styles in femininn cloth- ing and the result is an :npprnpri;it- rlnwer style fur every type of cm. tume and for every trnlnr -nml;inn- firm in wearing nppnrs-I, .'wcnrrlinL: to H. M. Lay, lru-zil f)i'i: who has just returned frnrn Kitclnencr. whnrn he attended the (.'zmmli:m st-hrml nf tlnral design. .=|mn{ by the Inter- nsltinnui Florists` I`t:lt'Lzi'uph D1-[ivory ' Association. AI H"-. `l(Hnhnnnv- Q:-hnnl -utinnrlnrl /\SSO(`l.'-1llf)n. At the Kitchener School, nttonrlod by florists from all p:Iri,.': of Canada and from border states. inlc=.rn:ition- ally known m'o:i1nrs of flower stylus showed the students the step by step process of building up the lzm-at flower nrmnrzem.-nts-:. (`.limnxim,I thu school sessions, which extended over :1 ].\(.-riod of several days`. was :1 pub- 'lrt fashion show. with living: moelols wearing the now flower c:'e:utionsi Jnul hnur l'l..\ur-r :n-rznutv-vnr-n1< nrt-I I "tho flour. su;.{ur and .Hpi(:3,s' uml mid slowly ihu vim,-Lzar which hns b(`('l| brmmht to the boil. Cook umil the` mixture fhickc-n.<. s1irrin;.{ r:nn simvlly. Add the bz.-ans and cook for fivo minutes. Put. into st(-ril- 'ize(l jiars and seal. Qnnr (Yr:-urn Pin IZCU _lill'h unu .\L`rll. Sour Cream Pin I cup sour (-r<,-nm. 1 cup white sugnr.2 egg ynlks.1 tnnspnnn van- illa. I teaspoon cinnamon. `/2 ton- mxmn dovrx lcnp mnmnsrwHcdin flour. hunt {kn nun vnllzq nnll zulll H11- other ingrcclionts. Mix thorm.u.:hly and pour into an uncooked pie.- shell. Cover wiih 22 meringue madc- of the two egg white.-:~' and 4 1.2111112- spoons sugar. Bake in .1 slow oven of 300" for 15 minutes. 1 . Beat. the egg yolks and mm the` I V\ t'.ill NIL , Llllf ll|.'VV IIUWUI |.l|lll . Just how I;\V(`l' :n'rnn;,'t.-mmlis urn made tn fit H10 now clnthinu styles \\/as; illustrated. Mr. L.'n_v montirmovl an umbrn grmn, shadimz from Inv- m.rlcr tn purple. which was znrscunlnd by :1 Hut (:ln:~'t.er of \'i0l(`1.< on H14- high scarf which flrmtori free at tho hack. With u white Hut (~r(-pr- '.`Vf.`l]in].{ gnv/n mnbr<)idm'(-I with rm! A l'ri:-sun ` ~ 4-nrrir-rl tn Vin-J '..'\/l .'HIlU.: K"Vl l"lII|Ill}HlL'l /\l'1`i*:m rluici was; mu finger-tip mm!` which 2 with fresh Afrurun duisit N`. xy- F()R. SALE :\'l` DOUGl.:\\" DRUG S'l`0Rl5 HARRY :\. SZVIITII. Dl`llg f,:'i.".L ROB]-2R.'l`SON'S DRUG STORF. VV1\I. (`ROSSl.ANl). nl'lIgi:; II 10 cues Box BR UNS W 'I C K BRI/CVSWICK Q U.-1 K ER Gold Soap CLASSIC or DIAMOND "sWe r ? AAA u(Hi~EI.`en Haddie i n e s Fray Bentos IF `DR.E:\lVl.S CANIE TRUE Flakes ROSE Brand S.('0(*t .\Iix'd "Pi :..... ..4.-..-nvum %i12()E:1-:T1:R1A"S Cd'.;"iii\aiT1i15"" NOTE These Very Attractive "SPECIALS" ON $ALE ALLA \X/E_EK QF AUGU$_T_15th to 215: QXO _C_ub_s Concentrated Strength :3 "A- Meal in l Clavu" 8-ox. Tin T9. ".7 Our Specia1s" at other points are not all the same, but you will always nd them equally as protable. WHEN IT'S THEIR ANNIVERSARY . . . AND YOU'VE BEEN AWAY A LONG TIME . . . AND YOU CAN'T BE THERE IN PERSON TO CONGRATULATE THEM . . .