i`-iremen Stage Gala 3i1owl To Mark Civic Ho|iday:] Midland Wins County Cupg 4, an 2:, up 1, rn 1, rL, 1. Kitty DevIin--MH 3, Geom c, B0! c, Zool 2. Betty Doe--EC 3. EL c. Nancy D0wsun~-EL c. Nora Dunbnr~-'EC 1. Elbert Dntcher--Gcnm 1. Fred El1iott--EL c. MH c. Gcom ::, Trig 3, Phys 0. FA 1. ' Marion Farnfie1d-EL 2. Mildred Fc-rgusnn~-EC C. EL 2, F`(`. r-_ A SUBSCRIBER 40 YEARS G. W. Criitenden. of Grimsby Bench. who has been 21 subscriber to The Examiner for nearly 40 years. was in the office Aug. 8 paying for his paper. Mr. Crittenden. who formerly lived at Edgar. recalled the fact that he was one of the party ')f Om and Vesprn farmers who left Barrie in 1899. for Yellow Grass and Weyburn. Sask.. taking: with them 14 czwluads of settlers` of- focts. Since 1920 Mr. Criltenden has lived at Grimsby Beach where he has a small fruit farm. Iw. Biliora )0R0 TOWNSHIP &LIBERI_\L_ HEAD iTownship _(_)-r;mized fOr! Coming Federal Elec- tion Campaign :TOWN QXII FlLLE.[ A lurgv and enthusiastic Liberal rally. which filled the Town Hall. Om, was held on Friday c\'cn'mL; lust. Dr. L. H. Bipzolnw. Edgar, whu prn-sided, stressed the intpnrtuncc of organization work. n.. . tr '1*...\.,,,,. M] A LII`. LIl|l'HL'l L, 1II||ll\.`l, "LI Midland. spake un the import: 01 cooperation between cilizcns mg in urban and rural distr .....-| .\I_.. Olin nnnnrlnnnn nf |1ng xn uruun uuu lulu: umuum. and also the xmpurlancc of the same cooperation between the logis- lativc bodies in Canada. l.` .-....-` .I |ldl|\C uuunca Ill Lulluuu. I Duncan F`. McCuaig. K.C.. Liberal candidate for North Slmcno. dis- cussed the question of tariffs and their beau-mg un lhv cost uf farm. implements. He claimed that re- lic! from tariff taxauun wnuld be a greater help to farmers than `would the reduction in any other l\v~l\r\ n! Onvavinn Oscar Chappe1l-MH C. Hyliard ChappelI-EL 2, Gcom 2.! Dlivn ("Ink-_F`,T. 9. `LA 2 I.(`. 3 FA` cur. (`urnrpzv Smith wus eutorcd fur dvcurutv(l war with an nernplauu` (Iv- ` sign. l.ukv\'u~\v Dniry nnd C`.n\'illx` 'l`run.~'pm`i hand thv nnl_\' two Iln.1l.\' A touch uf x`mn(`dy In thv pnr-t ndv \\'ns nddod by "Thv Fin` (`.l\'u~f's Wvddimz" .-\ I912 Model '1` Ford` uaspvd zllum: with Elliott Reyna!-l.~' us thv chuuffvur In the up:-n hm-kl svut \\'i|.\` tho gromn. I.\`\vis -lhxu-M Cnrlwtt |nn1.\'1~lf. and tho \\'-.~ll~fod` bride. Aida-rmxm Norris Wubb :.`.:......., n.....1.. .....4 'T`.~-snnnn \\.ViI_ nyuaru k,nappe1|-r.L: 4, LIUUHI 4. Olive Clute--EL 2, LA 2, LC 3, FA wn o K'lll|l'.`>()I AL. \.I Llullll . uJI|u|n_v Bay. also discussed lufiff problems. He stated that he Md taught Rt. Hon. W. 1.. Markx-n7.i1= King whi!\- attending the University nt Turn!)- to, and Spokv high1ynl his abilny u A cfznnsnvni as a statesman. Hon. Dr. L J. Simpson with the problem of rclwf : :lul_\' of the Federal CIUVU to assume a larger rcspnr Inr .-nn..r tor rem-1. . Officers of the Om 'l'nwnsh1p'; Liberal Assnciannn. elecl(=d at a fur-1 mer meeting. are as follows: , President. W. B` Tudhupc. R.R.L- Hawkestone: \'icc'--pwsxdermt. Dr I.` H. Bigelnw, Edgar: secretary. Alex Currie. R.R.`. ., Om Station; district; I-nunrncnnl no 5..-.u_-'1`nn-n Hal I Juhn 4 L.'uI`x`lt'. 11.5.1. urn alauun, umunu x'epresemativcs- ~'1`n\\'n Hall. John! A. Reid: Oru Station. Wilsun M1l1er;1 Hawkestum-. lrwm McMahon: Rug-. by. Thomas Edgettz Jurratt. William McLean: Shunly Bay. Victur Hart; Crown Hill. Cecil Chuppv.-ll; Edgar. Ernest B. Love; Borlrzmx. Alex Mc- ! Kay. I VCIIEVICVC LI`0SSlE.lI]ll--t\lL: 1, LVUUHI , Phys 2, Chem 2. FA 1, FC 1. L. Delaney--EC ,2, EL 1, MH 1. KID` 1 Cnnrnl Trial 'Phv nhnm Those who altcnd the annual Howcr show of the Barrie Hor- ticultural Society. to be held in the Town Hall. Tue.-1da,y. Aug. 27, will be eligible for several at- tendance prizes. as well as seeing onla of the best town floral (H- pliys in the province. 'I`hu-no Iuunrlunrnn nllnnnnt-1| LU HSDLHIM: for relwf. f\i`finn--_- `In... ... ..... .........-... Three handsome attendance jvrlzes have been donated, vi1..: 7: motor run valued at $10. :1 sil- ver!lower basket and a maze.- zine rack In walnut finish. In addition to these there will be several fine floral prlzex. Draws for all these will be made at the evening show and it will be necessary to be present to be eligible for a prize. nu_u_-;._ _.._ __I.. IE ......A.. ....,,....... .... Tickets are only 15 cents. These will be numbered and the draws he made at the close of the show. The Sh0\\' itself is wnrm much more than 15 cents and with the added attraction of such handsome attendance prizes there should be a record crowd. II...... II... .I..a.. In -.l-ul "l'IInn_ ?l900 Copies ('.l'0'Cl. Keep the date In mind. Tucs- day. Aug. 27. as; Win Fine Prize Barrie Flower Show 1 1. r\, .'..1_wL 4 (Turn to page ir, please) . |Vl.AA .. the importance` '1n'u'l|l`n (`i1i7vl\S Il\'-I Hume. Shanty L 'h`2'ld taught -nrin Kins! whilu on deal! I and the _ I ......-....\...-.9 . r DUYITC UJJ. nuneywoocl IIOL. Lady lodges in parade were: Bracehridgc 717. Elmvalc 435. Bee- Jon 407, Tnmnto 665. Daughters of Ulster. Orillin 343. Allandnle 551. Meafnrd 649. Dundallg 631. Bolton 994. Richmond Hill 894. Mansfield 960. Alliston 722. Loyal 'T`:"u(: Blue 1()(lge.< were: Quoen City. Torontol 476, Owen Sound 229. Orillia l9,| , Toronto 396. I The 224th anniversary of the Re- lief of Londonderry was celebrated in Beeton on Monday when be- tween 5,000 and 6.000 people from every part of the county and sur- rounding eounties attended. 'I`hirfv-ninn Indgr-s lnnk nnrt in rounumg Counues auenueu. Thirty-nine lodges took part in the walk and Beeton was never so crowded with people in many years. The grand procession was headed by Thomas Ireland, marshal for Benton R.B.P.. and Norval Cave. acting county marshal for R.B.P. Number 82. followed by Beeton Citizens` Band. `R 11 D lnrlnnc urnvn nrnunnf nv: fnl.i Allandale Lodges Celebrate at Beeton; 39 Lodges In Walk (`wurgc 15l&\(`K1`l`. won '.hl" l(\d(1t`l' CIL'\_\'. no 15 1| nl1`IIu'x'u-:uu:n5 l|\'ul race and spociu] trophy with the the Town of Orilliu. tune of 19 3 5 .~'(-cunds. Burnv was Tm. (.m,.,`,,, m Cnld-;,m.,~ had. second in 24 2/5 seconds. Penetang. as its chief Speak-` w_ Earl R(,.(. _ E1m\"`l and Mmmnd ii`-`*0 <`mP*~"' `M.P.. who was introduced by J. T. d- . _ `Simpson. M.P.. Barrie. Hon. W11- Tm-" 9"?! I`-'"'5hed, 1 N {W1 Hum F`in1H_\'son also addressed the for the crowd who Ol \_]O_V(`d svox11g:u;,1h(.r,-nu (Turn to pace I12. please) 1 Among those in attendance was; Lgmzcns mmu. I R.I3.P. lodges were present as fol-1 lows: Kirkfield 958, Cloughcr 90(`.' Collingwood 384. Alliston 140. Cookstown 109. Orillia 695, Cree- mnre 1151. Beetcm 758, Midland 552.' Mansfield 974. Allandale 601. Shel- burne 833. Huneywood 1182. I 1..-iv Ind:-mu in nnrnrlp wnrrv} `Midlaniane of F irs! ` To Pay County Levy; Road Subsidy $51,699, County Treasurer D. Harry Cole- man reportr,~d today that one of the first municipalities in the County of Simone to pay the county levy {hr 1935 is Midland, which handed over ,ves1,erdu_v :1 cheque rm` $31,578.12. In` recent years. Midland was ;.{enernlly tardy in nzwingz its levy. Thu .-mmnni inolndr-< nHnwn|u`m:! inrny In |)'_n'In;.' its urvy. I The anmunt includes n1inwnnccs:| for di.<('Ulil11. for paying in ndvnnctr of two per vent. dating fmm August 20 when the levy is due. and also. for interest on zunnunts due Mirllunrl by the County at the rate of five pm-r cont. lnnnhv 'T`u~n-mcnuvnv l"n1nvv1nn nlmn cent. C`.nunt_v 'I`1`easnrer Coleman alsn reportetl tnday that the Cnunt_v ')f Simcue had |`(`L`(`iV(_`(t from the Prov- ince a cheque for $51.G99.72, being the amount of the unnd roads sub- for 1934. It was slightly smaller than at first anticipated. ` 'T`Hn nmnunt nf thn unhcirlv furl IVJJ \\'il.\ :1! $64,245.32. 0R0 HONORS % SOLDIER DEAD & AT C_E._N_0TAPH! man at nrsx nmncxpnwu. The amount of the .~`ubsid_v fur 1933 was $39,577.89 and for 1932 was nA 045: '2 ) Y Lt! A successful Vcspm Township farmer. Roy Nelson Hickltng. who -has been deputy re_cve of that town- L'_|.-mp during 1934 and 1935. has made` _':I stxt-(toss of his business through .~'pc(:iuli7.ing tn sunw extent in milk production and pntatn growing Ho 1.~' president M the Barrie Mtlk Pro- dtm;-res` :`\ I um... .... l..o tr. :I1\r\(H\:{'/\v\ R Unu. L- Rev. Robert Wiseman, of Hawkestone, Conducts Fitting Service THIS WEEK ! CIRCULATION `struck the concrete at a bridge. severely (la: car. Mr. nnd Mrs. O'Rcilly The annual memorial service. in memory of the men from the Town-. ship of Om who fell in the Great} War. was held on Sunday afternoon.` , - , August 11. at the Cenotaph in theiit N} the h`m`,;V};' township park at Town Hall. with a OP ""1 `_vas prfwlmc . . JCWI.` and Dr. J. H representative attendance from theprho wnmmm bmmm. township and m.'m_v from the nci1,-n- 5m, W, (mi, an ,m'h', boring towns and villages also pres- lC(i"/`in fa Cm3m',(_x f` H; tent. The service was conducted by `:h"3nd ``_` H WW`, Rev. Robert Wiseman of lvlawkestonc m hmp,;l " and the sin;.zin:__' was led by a malrl MN` 0`.R`(`m\, quartutto from Hnwkestnne United` " ' ` church - Fr:-cl Clarke, Irwin McMah- on. John Leigh and Wm. Johnston. Hills" and O God Our Help in Ages <'::'\,\:_]'.,l|" 1: Past." and the male quurtctte san: nd H Cm l'm`d(\r {ho , very (-fit-ctively. In That Bemxtifnl may l,N_m,m_. O'R(-illy, the rlrivm` ` was :'~ Isufierinpz from n compo lo! the left log, a fx'.'n't'.n of the right foot. :1 Ian- ...c Hun n-1..-ninn fln~9u_t'r.nr pnnn. Preceding the service. forty-fmxr membt-r.< of the Orillia I~ n.s't. Can- adian Imuum. with purple born-ts and hcnded by n hugler and piper. mnrchc-d tn thv Cenotaph and placed ..' \vr(-nth at the base. After the ad- dmss by Mr. Wise-man. the usual lw) minutes` silence was rt.-vcrumly 01)- (Turn to page 813:, please) ' l -:__:_._.e________ __ `|Vespra s Deputy Reeve Successful g ; Specializes in Milk and Potatoes c 1---------------- i L HllI'('H. I)i1l'l'lU. ` Mr. Hiokling is .1 third gonerat !C;mudizm. and is of English E '35:-mch descent. His farm is Inca `tuur miles northwest of Barrie. | . ___.-__~_ ? .- , Tu sell you must tell. Use an Ex- inminer classified ndlet. 25 words 25 cents. WREATH IS LAID C. i 5 generation] i and` located -| In u-.\= nf Rurrin l65 Year-old Pickpocket, White-haired but Speedy, Gets Two Months inGao| iLlNDSAY LADY 7 ! IN HOSPITAL ; BADLX_ HURT[ Mrs. Frank-(}E;illy Injured? , in Accident on Camp ` i Borden Road 71st ` iCAR HlT-.5.-BUTMENTi: I 1 __ ,, Mrs. Frank O'Rullly. ngcd 20. Lindsay, is lying in Royal Vii-t.m'i:u! Hospital, Barrio, in :1 critical mm-1 diliun us a result of 2| mntnr no-it cidcnt. on the Camp Bordon rnnrlfl about four miles west nf HZlt`l'll`. ` about midnight Suntlziy. llor cam-:1 dition was rupnrtc-(l as still .\'(`l'iull!~' 1 today, nlth0u;_,'h sonic prn;,'i'v.s's has ` been made during the first purl unfit the week. I Dy-nuinniul f`nnct:`|h]n PT '1` Hum-u I the Week. Provincial Constable H. '1`. Hum- mer. Barrie, who ixxvestigatod tho,- uccident. ascertained that Frank O'RL-illy. aged 33, I.in(lsny. husalyzmd I of the injured wnmnn. was driving: la sedan east from Camp Imrtlon toward Barrie umund midnight Sunday. when in sumo mzmner he `lost conlrol of the znutnmnhilv which `struck 'nzn~ tlnxnzuzingz the ubutnmnts of ` 'C1l`. 1, were rush{ ed to hospital where modirul !nltcnli0n was provided by Dr. W. {I\. Lewis H. N. Smith. aTho brother. 1.. .I. l'2\'t,-r- iniss. was only sliuhy injured. I (`- fcoivinxz a cut. over the l(.-f1 vyv nnd :hnnd hrulvu-Q Hp was not mllniltml to nospu 1. - Mrs. O'RcilI_v rnlmrl to ho` |suffcrin;z n (`nmpmxntl fmvlnn-E fx'n<'t1m- of h bun--3 ln('-rnlirm 10 lh(-I brme across the right kntrv, an fl`1I(`-` tururl upper jaw. :1 ('rushul loflw check bnm-. snvt-rnl hrukon It-I-th. and out under the tnmzur-. Sh!" 3 (TR:-illv tho of H1!` (`(ll`. sustaim.-(1 a {mcturcrl l(-fl km-v I :1 out m'(.-r the IV (-yo. lil(`l'l'il un his hands. nnd his mum: split from punk to fun-In-nd crmditinn is nut .<<-rinus. KVA nhn-~uuc hnvn vm hm-n lnir crmdlnrm IS nu! .s't-rlnus. ` N0 chnrgvs have yet hr-on laid in |cmmc('linn with the u<.'ci(l(~11t. _...-3:. R. D. Coutts, well-1-mown [.{iHLil0lUS grower. Midhurst. was tlnmvn into a state of considerable excitement this week when he (liscnvered that he had a scented gladiolus. And his excitement was par- don.1hle as this is a great rar- ity. When hanrlling snme cut glads he noticed a perfume and further examination shew- ecl that it came from a seed- ling of a light orange shad.- whieh he purchased from Geurgrr Vickers. Tu confirm his rlisen\'ery, he called in several others. in- elurlinu a repre. of The l.x:nniner. and there was no rlit'fiL-ulty. even after the glad had been cut a couple at (la_\'s`. in picking nut the scent- ed flower from a number. The perfume is quite pleasant. Mr. Cnutts has a number nt small bulbs at` this variety and it the hluuming shows that they all have the very un- usual quality of perfume. he will he Ill luck as there would be a tremenduus demand tnr such a rarity. Scented Gladiolus 1 your subscription paid? _* 1 I3:n'1'ivl1:I m.~ t(-nfu`piCkp0('k(`l' `in the shape of n G5-y(`m'-old mzm, \(}om';1o Hnrtftml. ()l1n\\'n, who wn.-: `fuund xzuiliy of slvnlimz :1 wnllr-1 imnluining thv mm of $4 from the llvft hzmtl si(|v pnvkvt Hf Gt-nI`ur' ?I on(-nck. Inc-nl man. at the Sinwno `Fir-nwn'.< County 'l`uurmum-n1 in =AgI'iv11lhn`ul Park Munrlzuy nfl(-r- |l.tmn Captured by Police and Cit- , izens after Exciting i_ Chase QPROVES FAST OF FOOT `George Peacock Has Purse I Taken at Firemen s Demonstration i.nnn i His hair snnw_\' whitv and his `mnnn(:i' l'(`|i('(`Iii. Hw man :ipp(-.'ir(.-d ylwfnro M:i;:i. .`l(-ffs in (`Hurt `lit-rt! 'l`iw.<(i:1_v afternoon when he iwns s('ninnr'r`d in twin months in iunol. V.\'i(l('l|('(` \\ -'l.\` . in jshnw Ihni }lzu'tr>rri hm! taken Hu- jpursn from l o:i(-In-k'.< pocket. and lihon had {led at :1 grval ruiv nf {. lhrmuzh Hw /\r(-nn. zlcmss ,lh(r park. ihrmimi i):l(`k_\ .'ll`(l!~`. und `nut on I'iiiZEli)(`lh Sm-r~l. Acting: (Tiiiof of i nli<'v .lmm's< Case. u.%`sist.- ml by (i('n|`i:v (lilimn. Ft-rridult-. Hamid (`unpq-r. zmtl others. appro- honclvtl ihv man after :1 stirring: I iuhnse. ..~i.,.....,I fur him in shin," i unnsu. "I slmulvrl Const:1|)lv (Bus nnru lxnv I E |L over. Mr _ pnckt-1 bunk; `l1uk(>.' " l"l. minvy , Clzlimil |I`n.~`vd In :rlvfvnct- |munsvl. `O .-6-|Hnr1 H (lay .< l'('|l'l|l'1|lIHll. in :1 qu<-stiun:uhI- `than he is me of H m nu mun " (BHHIS IHUH. M:11,'istrnlr- (`nu .\`('l]l(`I1(`ilU( llnrlfm in u-ml rlm-lnrt-Ii ---Beeky Sharp," sta1`1'ing Miriam Hopkins, the picture that was held over for the 2nd week at the Up- town 'I'h0atre. Toronto. showing! at the Capitol Theatre, Thu.. Fri., Sit. $('l]l(`n(`ilU( Hnrlfnm In xwn mnmn.-a in gun]. (Iv:-lzm-d Hm! hv funnd ll.'u'1fr-r tznilly on lhv 1-vil(-nor: br- fnrv him. zmrl llu-rv u'ns suffirimn ('nrrnl)nrutinn. --I n.-ml: \-nu frnm the bnllvun <'nrrnl)nr::tiun. "I thank you frnm Hue of my lw.'u't." Hnrtfnrd mmmt-ntr-c.l In His W0l'.`'|li|) when s(~ntcnc(: wzu: ])n.<.~1-d. _. I Vol! Hzmrl lll Pmrkt.-1 nuu illl"IIllI rivulturnl about lwn :;....l olml h (IL-nruc Gillum. -`\\-.15 \\'ulc-hing the 1 Gt-nnzv wul nilmu xslnblv (, sv l`(`|:IH'(l In In(` wu~ :bux. I s:1i(l `uivv m!- 1h(- pork- )nnk!' [Iv mid `I hn\'(-n t uni it` had nu r<-z mu tn s.hnu1 lhv V\ Ul'(l I fell Sl.l`(` h(- hml 1h(~ pm-kr~|- k. so I :I:~k:-tl him :u,':nin in hmul wt-r. Ht` uuuin .~'ni(l `I have! nu kt~H)nnk; you have m.'1tl(- a mis- (Turn (0 [1006 I . Full lfmlrl in l'u(.'kL-1. 111- l't.-:u`n<:k 1:-sdifiml thnt he II-mlml tlw (.'l`lI'|)l`i|H()Y`| in my nrnl Park on Mnnduy 'vht~n nr lhn-v n`(,'|t)('k lw nub mi his pnxnw haul (li.~.u1)p:urwl. r-II :1 m.'m'.< hnml 1n.-mblo in 1('kt`I. and I lnnkml and .x:.w um." wilru-.-;.s .~:nkl. Ht: w:|.; Iv m m nv.'n' um-. M4` was urt- n.. u..inu unnu- mwl fur him to slnp," ' (,`n.<- l`(`l1l1f'(l in the wil~ -~l ill ' 11 um H10 ll[I('k- BRIGHTER DAYS} QARE on THE wm ;SA'YS SBEAKER1 SECTION 1 PAGES 1 to 6 `umptrm Jnffs. III fun! to 1wn mnnlh.-: .1 4|.-.I hn fnnnrl unp, nu.--v l-`orndale. said he hnsv mules! when uing ......l..I.. I 811. please) IIIIIS |lK(' mun- :-Hinu :1 living my I s\Igg(rst I type of (lung- No. 33 Rev. Dr. lVl<:-l:`:lheran Tells Kiwanianspf Visit to England {STATE BEFORE PARTY} I can't help feeling we are run- I:1n;.{ into better (l:1_vs." stair.-(I Rev. R. B. McE|hurun, D.D.. Primzipul HI` \`V_\'('liff(- (`.nile1.{(:. 'I`m'nnln, spe.;1kin_u tn thv Barrie Kiwanis Club 'I`ucs(ln_v ('vcnin;.: (Ill surnu imprc. ions of his recount visit tn Ia'n;,'lun(1. If we ex- ...-. u(\ nI\Irnv|nH I41-nun nnrl m:m:u!(- Parade and Competitionsl Prove Attractive to Thousands i.iiiii1.;:~ i.;ui.uu;.; us. As an illustration of whzit may be expected. he cleseriberl an experience on the hoinewzirrl voyage. After :1 night of dense log. the pzis. were feeliinz (lemessecl. All zit once. the fog lifted. the glorious sun shone out and ziroiinzl them was such zi .sii.'lit xis he never expeetml to see iiuziiii. '1`hey were in the midst. of ii ).`,1`()ilt tieltl ol` flo:itiii_L: ;1l;ieiei'.<~- lllll icebergs :~ omeone said ziiicl zi iiiiiiiher were larger than the ship. l`lie whole was surely ii S_\'lHl)()l of Sorrow eiidiireth for the night but joy eometh in the morniiig." We have hzirl our log. our time of elepix-ssioii. gloom ill|(l (li.~:eour:ii.:e- ment. in the mist few ) (!}l]'!~'.. seein- iiiuly little iii'oui'e.~ hut soiiie of l,l\(`.\'i` rlziys \\'lll come the _'ioy.< of the iiioi'iiiii_i.:." deelairetl the siieziker. In l(lll(.'lillll.', iipoii four l'ezitiire.< tl':it iiiipi'v.-ssi-(l him in eomieetioii with his rei'i-iit trip (>\'(`.I`.\`(`il.\'. l)l`. lV1i'l'llliei`:iii lltiltlt` it elezir tlizit his reiiizirks were devoitl of ziiiy poliiiezil .\':i-_iiil`ie:iii<-e. l nin one of the old- fl.\`lllUli(`(l (`l0l'L`_\' who do not t:ilk polities. illltl i'et'riiiii from dippiiiL' into pl'lIl)lL`l1l.\' irliieli they don`t kiiow :4llll|l'l1 zilioiii." .\`ill(l the Sp(`(|l{l`l'. i When le:i\'iniI l\loiitreiil. their boat i`;hs three li(illl`.\' late and (`li(tllll`)' i;(i`4~(.|('S(`(` the fziet tluit this \\'il.\' (luv '11- llll(`X[)l`('ll`(l i`i'eii:lil, iiii-. L"lll- .. ...,i .....-.i._` I`:-inn Qt Hun (".`, Llblg in. .u..\.. l l l ! l`C('(!lll Vlsll In lbIu:liH|u. 11 V\'(.' L'.\- urcisv cmmmm sense and munzugc our nffuirs sensibly, we will fincl Lhim,'.~: getting, better," he said. Ar 7 ._ ..r ...L...o u-.-my kn llHlIl'lI ilU\llll. run \\'u.~' U\l (?(` huur I(ii.~('lus(`(i fun lv 1 ` l\l`(l. puckod mml `Mun.. fur llw 1 l..;.a....q..n. H. n J`. liinlkqxratg, "(5r.i.lli;a Tgwnship, Tory Candidate in East Simcoe I al-Ilccnnn. m H cmlvmlnun umu In l LTuld\\'mvr 'l`1|c.~'du_\' aftvrnuun. nt- `londcd by album `.250 dvlvgauos. 9 The twu who \vithdrv\\' \vurv George Curran. Orilliu. m-wspupvr `publisher. and Ch:u'1c~.~' I.o\'m`im,:. fumwr Rmwv of `.\I1;m'lu~dush Town- ship. nmu-uu A McI.onn. Orillia. is al- smp. Geurgv A. McI.onn. rvudy in thv field as Liberal cun- `didmv. and Wilbur M. Cramp. Rvv\-'o of Orillin. nominated us Sim`- lmxs R&`C(\llSIl`lll`(l0l1 czlndldamx but u .........\.4 r\nn\'nI||I|\l\ ix` Tn lw hc-Id |l|(' |l\lIIIl|lS\l|\ Rucus Drinkw'.\tcr has had a .1-ugthy career in nmzmcipul pulilics in Orillia '1`nwnship and tlw (`mm- H` of Simcno. as well as {wing u nun-nnv AI ...... .. r~.,............o S... n . H1 klflllll l\VV\lI.\IlI}J uuu uu \\'LAnn {i_\` in `strong Conservative` supporter. At the present time. he is t'ha1ix'm:m nf ithu County I`ropvrt_\' Committee of flhc County Council. and is also president of Oriliiu Agricultural So- ciety. He is a (urmur residing near nf n.-emu Ernie Williams has demon- strated the fact that glatlioli and r,lul~|ins grow luxurianlly in the black muck at Little Lake. 'r`I~.iu vr-nr ht: nffr-re f In'fh(?1` Lake. This year he offers further evidence of the growth pro- ducing qualities of the rich soil at this popular summer resort in three giant saw this- tles. These he has let grow to see how far skywards they would stretch. Now breaking into bloom. the tallest mea- sures 11 feet 8`/_ inches, the second 1') feet and the third 8 feet. Wvxv-rn1II'c urhn nvn nrn:thi'(\rl marreo me anair. The day dawned clear and warm with a cloudless sky. It was quite hot in the morning and early at`- ternoon. Clouds threatened rain in the middle of the afternoon but it never materialized and no fear- ure of the (lay was interrupted Parade Starts Things Going Although one softball game was held in the park in the morning, ' the parade which started about 1.30 from Market Square was the real start of the festivities. Charlie Lower got the parade formed up faeinx; east and it started off down Collier street, Charlotte street, turn- ed west. again at Ovenden College corner, clown Louisa street to Dun- lop and thence through the busi- ness section of Eli7.al)!.-th street to the Attricultural Park in about hall un hour. 'T`lu. .4.-....In nun.-n linurnll unilh . ft.-ct. Fzn'mL-rs who are pestererl with those noxious weeds are thankful that they do nnt usu- ally on the farm attain any such rank growth as is report- ed from Little Lake. Sow Thistle at Little Lake Is 11 ft., 8% in. High. mus {rum DI. unnnau.-.'. Briti. lu- McElhvrzm 1`um;11'kcrl hmlm':n`_\' xm`mbur uf lI\II|\u u. _y .. page 8133. please) an Culdwatvr had` ____. akex`. W. Eur! Rowe. ` J. B. Juhnstun. Mayor of Ox`i1`.i'-.1 and` T. fornu-r U.l-`.0.-Labur M.l,.A. fox`; East Simcmn who has been mun-, also tioned as n Stevens or an Indopcn-[ dent (':1ndid:m~. I William M. Thompson, I ene1ang- rminvos with- vhn S. Drink- lm Township. uusly us Mn` .0.` 0'... L`-mi l'Sl'il.\. Ill . 1 that 5' f 1 mu`! IKII Full. | 1 Federal -held In - . . . \ I` 010 Reapportionment of school taxes ` so as to ligliten the farmers` burden was urged by E. J. Evans, reevc of the township of West Gwillimbury. in addressing the special committee investigating educational costs and administration. at Queen's Park, Tor- onto, on Monday. Thn rnnn rm Ohn fnrm in nucncur-rl lV1l'. nvans. He u{.{1'c-ed with Chairman Duncan McArthur, deputy minister 01' ed- ucation. and E. L. Longmorc, anoth- er member of the committee, that this difficulty might be overcome by busing school taxes on actual earn- ings rather than property assess- monts. 1\Ifu- 17'"-.nu qnzrnnrl H urnu unfair in MANY BRIGADES HERE ments. Mr. Evans argued it was unfair to charge rural clistricts for costs of l<'ducz1tin,<.: re:;|r.lents who went to S(.'h()Ul in towns. Rural pupils are an asset to the towns." he declared. They do :1 certain amount of shopping. and some of them lmarcl 1'lgl1t in the . inurnc " Chief Inspor.-tor V. K. Greer sug- Lgestcd if schvol rlistricts were on- Irrgecl for ar`.ministration purposes to include an entire county, many of those incqu:1lil.ics might be elimin- ated and educational facilities pm- vidcd to suit individual needs of vzirious localities. n...,. 1........ ..,.I\....1 I~.n....rl kn c-u'rI I LUVVIIS. I vzmous mcauucs. 1 One ]a1`.L:e school board. he said. would administer the whole county. `Hon. Dr. L. J. Simpson Clarifies Statement Re Education Costs Suggests Towns Give Secondary Education Free to Rural Pupils onto, Moncay. The man on the farm is assessed more than townspeople, objected Mr. Evans. 11:. nan-nn.-I uriik r`kn:I-rnnh T1nnr-nn Hon. Dr. L. J. Simpson, Minister of Erluczntinn for Ontario. has ex- plained that it was not the inl(-n- lion of the Government to take over a lzn`1.{(a :~:hnrn of tho (mst of educa- tion in tho 1`rnvin<:c. Ho (It.-niod hznvimz made that : in ad- dr(:.ssim.: Ch.'1ructer Educaliunnl Semina at Gent.-vn Park. near Oril- lizl. last \)V(:L`k. --urI....4 T ....:.l ..,...- lhz ii ic nut. llil. IEISL V\. L`L'K. "What I said was that it is pus- sible that in the course of 21 few yc,-ars the Govornmcnt may find itself in 11 position to take (war 21 larger share of educational (`nsts than at present." Dr. Simpson said. ETRIBWETAID ~ AT SERVICE TO lNNlS__F!_L DEAD First Annual Memorial Ser- vice Held at Sixth Line Cemetery Simcoe County Volunteer Fire- men's Association eleventh animal tournament and field day was held at Barrie on Monday, Civic Holiday, with all events scheduled run off without hitch. Only the fact that the attendance at the field day and cnncert was below expectations marred the affair. 'I"lnn Ann rlnuynnrl nlnnr nnrl urnrrn REV. L. MEEXN SPEAKS Following: H heavy rl(>wm)mu' of rain earlier in the afturnoun, the sun czunc nui and the VV(.`ilHl(,`l` xvus iCi('Zll fur the first annual rm-,mm`ial service iii the Sixth Linc Ct-1 m.~i.ci`y. Innisfil Tmvnship. SLlH(l&I_\` zi1`L(2r- nmm. Approximately five hundred residents of the Township, as well as S(.`\ ('X`l] Innisfil natives resident clscwlu-H.-. were in z1l.tcndum'c. The SL`l`\'i(`L` was hvlcl under the zI1i. ml" ll ('(IInn1iHL`(` (:(>n.s'is1in:.: of the l nIlm\'in;:: C(:imri1-x'_\'-Board- ')i'<-si(lm1l. F`. Bcuity: ii'vzi.~'iii1-1'. A. R. I`.m*v.~'; William Reid. M. In-i\'(_-. ... . 1 l..|\.. 1",.--.n~ n<\`i\:1il1l | K. LJn_\ vs; vvnllzlm xwxu. m. xu-nu-.. J. Irving. John Cmvzm: zxssisting (.~nn1mil.t-v----George (.`.0ns1ubl(-, Mrs. R. A. Suthvrlzmd. Mrs. H. Hu. Mrs. R. Bayes. Bvrwlws zmd clluirs had bven plucvd on tho snutlwrn slupv of Hw vv1m~tcr_\'. The platform had been arrum.:'vcl (In em npvn truck on the south end of the cvxnclmw The chairman was Rvv. N. R. D. Sinvlzlir. Allzmdulv. minis- ln-r of F2.~'su S1. and Slmud I`rvsb_v- lvriun <'l1urCl1c.<. while Ihv preacher \\';1.~' Ru-\' Lm-hlan 1V1cI.czm. 'I`m'nn1n. ministvr m Slruud and Churchill :1 quzu'tx-r of :1 ('vn1ur_\' :11.-,0. Allan- clulv Hand led in the hynms. -- . W _.n....-. \\l|-` .l\\'\. L4(l\lIItllI AvA\,n4 . .. V. Churvhi (mart:-r century All the ("Turn to page six, plcasc) _ East Simcoe Nominee I. tau 1. Helen Bryson -- Ala 2, Phys 2. Chem 2. FA 1, FC I .135. Buc'nzmnn~EC C. John Buck|cy~Al;.{ 1, ( Trip: 1. Phys 1, LA 2, LC F!` 9 The following list includes stud- ents of the 4th and 5th Forms. 4th Form students write on English Composition and English Literature, with in some cases, one or more Up- per School papers. Gladys Aconley--MH c. FC c. Margaret. Anderson-EC c, EL 2. Verona App1eby--EC c. Gordon Armstrong-Alg 2, Trig 1. Mary. Arnoid-EC c, EL c, Trig 2. Clarence Baker-~Alg 1. Phys C. Dorothy Bartley--EC c. EL C. Edward Bart1ey-Alg 2, Geom 2. Trig 2. Phys 1, Chem 1, FA 1, FC 1. Mahlon Bc-ach--Trig 2, Phys c. Helen Beattie-MH 1, A11: 3, Trig C. John Be;:;:-~Al:.t 2, Geom 2, Trig 2. John Bell-EC 2. Valcle Bell~EL 0. Zoo] c. Bette Black--EL 1, MH 2, LA c. [YEA 0 IF!` '1 Stevens Convention Fails To Nominate A Candidate Adjourned Until August 20 May F ii I on Account of Low ' Bian-ie F]. Attendance i Mt: FIVE ARE SUGGESTED; Concert in Arena and Dance in Armouries Conclude Festivities M, 2. Mary Buckle)/~-EL 1. MH 1, Alg 3, Trig 2. LA 2, LC 1. Everett Camc1'nn~EC C. Lloyd Campbe]l~~EC C. Enid Carr-Zuol c. Chem c, LC c. The open convention called for` the l m'ish Hnll, Elmvalc, Friday at - ternoon last, in select :1 Candidate to- ('nnt(:st the riding of North Simeoc in the interests of the Stevens Re- mnstructiovw Party, was adjourned until 8 p.m.. Tuesday next, August 2U. in the hall. AH}-.,..m-In CH1: rnnnlinn um: nrlvnr- `an. In Lne nan. Although the meeting was adver- tised as a convention to select :1 c-undidate, a number of those present felt it was not sufficiently represent- -.Hu.-; no {ho umvinnv: cnelinnc nf Hm. tell it not sulllclcnuy ruprcsenw | alive of the various sections of the (:(Ins1ituonc_\' on account of the small] Lumber in attendance. A vnrdinn hurl hnnn nnucn :1! H10 v.1um)er m zmonnanee. A nmtiml had been passed at the evmmencoment that the meeting be considered an official Stevens nom- inatinn meeting. but on the advice of the chief speaker. Professor W. H. Day. Bradford celery grower. the chairman. D. A. Manson. Culling- wuod. ruled that it would be in the host interests of the party and the nu~4..-rxnr-4i\vn 1-nndirinin in zxrlinnrn Han 30c and X50 . Om Tmvnship Hg mvty unmml Howe: nmnhy Hull. Shanty day. August `.21. Lam be shown from thv !Extensinn Branch 01 ll. l)a_\'. 1;5I`a(1l0rn Celery grower, unc- pmspective candidate to adjourn the convention until the above date. I Five Nominated I Fullnwimz addresses by `Professor Day :idvneatin;.: reform of Canada's monetary system as laid down in the Stevens platfmm. Mrs. Charles Un- derhill. Barrie. on various features or the programme of the Reconstruc- tiun Party. and Captain Alex Mc- Intyre. retired lake captain, Col- lingwood. on the necessity for a new part)`. the chairman received the l'vllnwinL: nummati(ms from the flun.` of the eonvemimr A114 IX-nw-v Y RIIt!l1:ln!lv1 'R:n'v'in ()1 LVTC ('()HV[`l'|Il()HI Ald. 'H:1rrV J. Buchanan. Barrie. prupnsc-d by William Bradley. Wa- szyuzl Beach. and A. E. Anderson. w\.,1)..m~.. Incnnh W .\`mHh Pnl- '.\`"_Z2I ISOEICH. RHCI f\. IL. l`\n(lL'l'SUll. Ex-Rovvv Joseph W. Smith. Col- lm;,:\vnuri. pmpnsc-d by Captain Alex 1\-I(-InL_\'ru. Cnllinuwuod. and L. D. Atkins. CuHim.'Wund. Wv_\X7:n~Hr-n F`. J Y.:nv\hm`t S`1:\\'nm`, UH HUUI`. The streets were lined with people all along the route and these enjoyed the colorful parade immt-nxuly. The firernen had placed sl.r(-amers and banners along the roarls and the merchants had their llagzs out front. flying uaily in the bree /.e. Leatling t.he parade was a sound truck a short (li:~:t,anc.c in front. to make announcements, while prov- incial and municipal police kc-pi trafl`i(- in order. l3(-verley [Sickle of the Bil-kle Fire Engine Company, Woodstock, ncterl as marshal. and with him were the other two j|I(i[!(}S of the firi-men's tournament. Harry Moore ol York Township` Fire Brigade. and (`,harle:~: Dinsmore of Huntsville. and Mayor W. .1. Blair of Barrie. Mem- bers of Barrie Town Council fol- lowed in cars. n n,-.,,u, ,nnc r\IKlHS. L,UHlll).',V\'UUl1. Ex-Warden E. J. Lambert. Stayncx`. pr-npnsod by John Limo. Barrie. am; J. W. Smith, Collimrwoud. Mrs. C`h:n'los Underhill. Barri:-. 1)r(vpn.<(`d by Jnhn Little. Barrie. and l\/Iiss E. Arnold. Barrie. Ex-Mnymtnlnhn Little. B:u'rio, pm- ]'mSL`d by Mr Undvrhill and Missl Au-nnl ..R:h'r`-!, I pusuu l)_\ mu - .A\x'x1ol,d.1I_3ql'I'J_. Tho mndidzm 1\x'x1o1g_-,9qrr~.:_. The c:mdidatc.< were invited U the nlatrnrm:1`hhrl subseqtlcmly Mrs Undurhill. Mr Smith and Mr. Liulv withdrmv. T\'nn\ I none Qnnnlr . --_ I Noncvs under HHS heading 3c per word; mmlmum charge 50 cents. \'.`(`X`(` an lrnpnruun mcuur In wu1- nin_L' elvctimw. but apparently the two old ]')(ll`H(`S liked in get the wnmvn to \\`m`k with nothing but thanks for their efforts. Ald. H. J. Buchanan Aid. H. J. Buvhzman said that lht." pvuplo in the cnunlry were hard at nmir u-m-k :mrl worn unnhln tn hp 1 Dance Shanty Bay Hall. Friday. Aug. 16. MvCm`kinda|("s orchestra. `Lunch sv;`r\'ed. Admission 25c plus tax. 33b n....u_...... .......-.... ur..... A...` nun lax. aau Hamburg supper. West Om Bap- txsl Church. August `.21. Good pro- grnnxnw Tea 6 Lu 8. Admission 33b /~..., rv... :... L'I'....H.s..H...~..I C ;.:l'ilH\ll\l' lL'd u LU 0. r\LuIu.xV|un 30; V Iiorticultural Sn- unnuul ,show. Cum- Shanty Bay. W(`dr.o.-'- Lantern slides w)1' {kn .-hnn-n frnrn tho "`nl`.lImI\.' an. `UR. 5HU\\'H `Extension n-\nv\O nf A ,'I`\ 4. PK, 0. Alison Brock---Trig c. Gwynneth Bmwn-LA 2. `EVKV1 The now Hm'ri(.- fire truck. just aultlvrl tn the town's firv t'i1.:ht.ing equipment lust yum`. followed ulmu: with l)rivvx' Rulliv Irwin at the \Vlll!(.`|. The smart truck. modern and efficient in vvury detail. was un oyvfiil fur the nnlnnkm`:~`. mid especially in cmm)m`i.~;nn with thv nl(l llnrriv truck. which fnlluwutl lutm` in tho pziraulu. Tho 'I'l1m'nl(l Drill (`.urp:-x n`.:m'lm(1 in thv pm'.'1(lv in full form` at 40 um! \vurv n highlight in their snmrl unlfurms with Ul(l-f(l.\`l\i(IIl(`(l RI)"1-I an silvvr lu-lnwts. (lurk blue ::uit:: uml whitv slmcs. 'l`lu~ Itlrniv lh'u('- Clown lluntl ufl right |)ll`(`(`!~` mutlv us much ll(!l.\'(` as n lmnrl of llll'(`(` tinius that num- bm" usually would. 5 I\/lnInhnI`c nf Nlirllnnrl ()rilH:I I I\n-l /-'_"':"T--:'-j---'T El COMING EVENTS I} k'Ui\.\`! H) Luiisl. Jan (')n VVodno.~'da_v. Aug. 21st. the un- vviling of the War Memorial will [take place In Cuukstown at 8 pm. 'a Iinu-D V:-mrans Hflt`nd- HIKE DIHCQ.` In L`UUK.\'I()V\'n 211 0 put. ;Is12|ndm'd time.-L Vctvrans attend- ling arv requested to wear bo:r_ets. armb;mds and medals` Concert by The Mc1odyB0_vs and a dance ..u.u-I...-n unri IA tinxnl urill fnl. `H10 1v1omn,\' buys unu modcrn and old time) `low in the Pavilion. B. Thmnpsnn. Pcnelanguishene. re- Itiring Conservative member who mas born appointed to the Dominion [Loans Board. was elected pres1'den'. Inf thv East Simcrw I.iL\m'ul-CnnseI'- \'a!i\`c Association. I |ui. barrister, and nephew of A F UPPER SCHOOL RESULTS I AT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE I BARRIE, CANADA, vplt` H1 uw ('nunu'_\' wu1'1.' niuu ir work and were unable (Turn to page four. please) "U'(`\V. Numlnees Speak Undv.-rhill said that women an impnx-tam factor in win- but 0101 nu tn \\'(n`k with nuihinu but DllCflZU`ln"lll*'I`4L, C. Gcom. 1. 2. FA 1. um" usually wmuu. M('mbcrs nf Mirllnnd. Orilllu. Pun- ulmu: uud F`.lmv:1Ir' Fire Brixzudm-.~: ulsu mzu'<.`lw(l in llw p.'u'n(lc. 1)(-t`nI`:l1u(l llil-(us and Cars I*`rmn llu- .~'mmlpuint. of onlril-.~'. tlw turnout of ([t`(`tIl`ill(`d nranrs. bl- (`_V(`ll`.\` and flnuh: was ({lSil|IpHlllIlll).!. ulllmmzh \-cry .'1llru(`li\'u cush priz- es wry` nfl'l'rl-(l. 'l`hvr(' \\'-rv unly six (lvvnr:1lv lviv_\ (`lv.< lml llu~_\' \vm'<-. ull xzuml. 'l`lmsv taking purl \n-r-y Mm` Mills. Dnnny Mills. .'\mlrv\vl Martin. .-\p:m~.< Martin. Ray William ` sum and '1`;-(ldy Willmmsml '1`-r dy Willinnmm won first px'x.'.v, zuul his lsrutlu-r. Ray \\ illlnm.~:nn. \\`u.~ S(`(`l)l\(l. Rtlipll-nul In-iuznlu u-he :nu:n'lI.-ti H11` )\\'H [F0111 lnl` . \l('IllCll_V,v' ill]-'. Linn of thv Depart- uf Agrlculturc, Ottawa. en- Hnmes in Canada from O.\ (`must " 'lfN\ [E E. XAMINER Gcom 1. Gaunt will (01- 33b THURSBAY, AUGUST 15, 1985 r\. c. Walter Fr:1 IH 2. A11: 2, Genm 2, Phys 2. Chvm 1. FA 1, FC 1. George Fric`:c--EC 2. EL 2, Trig 2. Alan Ganm:~.--EL c. 'I`rig 2. Barbara Girdwbod---EC C, EL 2. Trig 1. nm-nihv (1r.rn_._F`.(` 0 Cmnn 2 LA 1, rt, 1. Douglas Cochrane-EC c. Margaret Cook-EC c. John Corcox-an -- EL c, Phys 2, Chem c. Albertine Coughlin--T1'ig c. Laurene Crawford--EC C. Helen Crew-EC c. Genevieve Crossland-A1g 1, Gcom lphvc`) mmm 9 I`A11'`(`l 14. uulancy--1:.L, ,4, up 1, mu 1. Mg. 1, Genm 1, Trig 1. Phys 1. Cheml 9T.A9`I.(`1`F`A1F`(`I Dm-thy Gr.'nt-~-EC c, Gcum 2. LA c, FA 1, FC 2. But 2. I 7'u--u In punrvn slat ~\1nnonl S{`(`l)H(l. Midlamd ln'i1.:ndv was a\vm*dwl prizv fur hvst nmrching. Mrs. A. Halrris \v:\.~` xzivun (hr |)!`l.-'.l` bet dm- var amd it \\':l.~ be uliful work of art. 'l`h<- was vntirn-l_v mvvrc-d with M1 vodm-lmu_-_-h.<. glndiull and rn, 'I`hv1`v \\1-rv also lwn bridt-'.~' and t l.n`ido.~n\aid'.\' buuquul.~ uf ru-.~'vs_ lw'.< brouth nnd L-m`nl'lmvcr un