Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jul 1935, p. 8

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IL` I'illl('K \\'('l'L' Ill IVHHIHI |'l`||(`.~'(l.'1_y .'1Hvmlin;,: tlw ilhvir hI'(IHH`I'_ I?`rnnr`is I" '(liu(l .~:u<](l-nl_\' in his hm rlnv Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hill. Allnndale. nnnnuncu the engn1.(on1onl of their 10 0:. Bot. ` 10`/.' 02.1 Tins 4 16 oz. Tins Hlll('| Puniln-y, nu... .... nll I11] whn Sun- S'l`Ol)I)AR'l`--GILCHRIST A quiet but pretty wedding wa~: solemnized at Guthrie in the Unitod Church Parsonage. on Weclri(~.~:da_V. July 17, 1935, when Mabel Caldwell. ` Duncan Gilchrist. Orr). bu-amt: thr: bride of James A. (Roy) Stnrldnrt. South i m`cupinc. son 01` Mr. zmrl 1VIrs. James Sir)(lcl:u't. Guthrie. RPV. R. Gray ul ficint.(.-d. The bride wort- 21 chzu'min;.z gown of white (.-hiI`I'un ` ()l'i{Hn(llC, with an ni`l'-tht--rum.` hni. l tn mulch nnrl L'2ll'l'l(`(l :1 lmuqlu,-I, All i I I I E daLu,'h1,cr of the late Mr. and Mrs. 1 I I I 1 Talisman ro.-4c.-4 and bnl)y':~: l')l'('{llll. i Hnnlcy. w(rarin1.z p:1l(- blue (.-hifl'(m 0l'[.(HH!ll(.'. with ha! in mutt-h nnrl t-zirryinyz Oplwlin rn:~:(-.~: nnrl hnhy'.~: _ brnnlh. 'l`hr.- 1.rruum was ull<.-mlod hy Mr. ('flill`m`(l B('SH(`. (lulhril-. /\i'I(-r :1 luncl'i<-on Ht-rv(~(l at l.lu- hnmu oi the hridt,-'5 si:~:i(-r. Mrs. Roy liimms. Shv was ultendml by Miss: Muryl V Snpliia Si.. ihc l)rirl(.- and ;.',r0rm1 la-fl on H molnr irip tn Munl,r(-nl. Ilir~ ' l)rirlr- lr.'ivt.-llinL: in H ::h(~|l pink (-n- S(!fTll)l(.`, with white :l('(f('.\':s'()l'i(5.*:. On l.l)('ll` rt.-turn lhvy will l'l'. ~ll(l(` in . South l"m`(-upim.-. I a'\llHll.\l. I Mr. and Mrs. John Ovnns and Murrix (`Jvans of Alwoml and Miss- vs Ei|(`('l) W(~b('r. Mnry um] /\LlI("< Mm'1'ism'1 of l.islnw(-l spt-n1 Sumlny at tho hnmv ul Mr. and Mrs. W:n|l<~r Gill. l3q\_'s St.r(-M. Miss M:1ri Ov- `.ElI)S. who has spent two W('l`k.*'. wilh ht.-r si. r(-turn:-rl hmm- with Ihvm. Dun 'lnhnu|..n F OI-(- Y7-.. Page I-Iigm I lll'l , )'()ll Jrnm-1' 1 In lnkv ./\m,'n.~4l. l T\/1|~ n 'lll.'l' Sl.\l.l.`l', I`\'Llll'lll'U ll()llll' \`\ ll|I |Ill`Ill. Rog. Johnston. nf Hm P:u`li:un<-n- tnry stuff at (Qll(!L`ll'.\` Park, was Hu- soloisl in Cnllit.-r SI. Unit:-r1 (_`hurt-h Slmday Inm'ning. His rt-snmnm bur-. ilone voice was hvurd in umul nrl-! xrantane in Behold. tho M.'n. Pus- strlh By". His hnmv is in SI. l'humns. I-It: was lhr- gut-st ml" Sit-\vnI'l I .I'_v.< who v.'.'|:< hm'n(.~ [rum l`nrmln I'm the wt.-(-kt.-nd. \I;.-. |.-....- nl In. L`,-um . ..r T\/1.. Ix|\tl| lH(' \VL`('KL'HU. ` Visilnrs at the home of Mr. zmrll Mrs. J. A. Knox, 1.uuisu SL. the p:1.~:l w(-trk wt.-rv Mr. and Mrs`. F 1.. May and family of S.-n.<|<::lmm.! M1`. and Mrs. S1r:|H'(`1'. Kitt'hom-r. Mrs. Vern Allen I.ivin;.J,stnn and children n{ 'I`m`nntn. Rvv. and Mrs. MrMull(:n of B(,'H(JViH(`. I-lmvzu-rl J. M(:Mullon nf Sund(,~rInml. Orvnl May of Brellcvillo. Miuu IWnI'nlhv 9. 'R1'v-:nn rlnnrfh- lVli|y UI l)lflll.'V|lll'. ` Miss Dorothy S. Brysmw. rl21ugh- . tcr of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brysun. , who is one of this )'('Zl|"S m':1rl1mt(-.v. ' of the Kindm'L{m'ton-Primary do- pmtmcm of the Tomnlu Normal School, ha been enuzlucrl by thu School for Girls at Cnlpzmyv. AIln.. to take change of a new kind(-rgu1'1- ; on department in the school com- fbnurd of Lzovcrnors of St. IIil mcnc:in1.z early in Septumbc-r. Miss Brysnn will assist also with the primzlry work and with tho r-,|a.<.< singing in the Junior School and with Guide work. UHIU ilCI(T(l US lHT1[)lX'C. Much enjoyment was derived from horseshoe pitching contests in the horse-shoe gardens. The lucky num- her was held by Ann Lally of '[`m-- (mm and gathering discs was won by Elsie` Snulcs of Uhthoff. vmm I\.' fun v\r\\-I Ivtxnvv r\vv(\' LISIE` DOLHCS ()I UTHHOIL The officers for next year an-2 Pres., Thns. Sibbald, Barrie; Vice- T rcs.. W. A. Sibbald. Tollondnl: ScC`y-Treas., Melrosc Partridge. Bm'- ` ric; Decoration and Social Cnnvenor. Mrs. C. G. Arthurs. Midland; Tnblv Cnm'enor, Mrs. Ida Comer. Tomntu: Sports Convener. Otto Mclvlahnn. Waverley. Thnan (`nminn from :1 r1i uuu-nun. nu-.\..wnu.v ' The annual Sibbald Reunion was hold on Monday, July 1. :11. C(`(l.'11`- nook, the summer home of W. A. Sibbznld. Tollendal. which was bonu- tifully d(.'C()l'Z1ICd for the occzmion. There were about sixty-five prc-sc-n1, A . hall rinmn hntuvrwnl 1HUl'L' WUFL` HDUUI. Slxly-IIVC pl'('.\'L`Yll,i A strenuous ball game between the Daisies and Buttercups ended in :1 tie. The genial W. E. Ross of Tor- onto acted as umpire. Mm-h nninvmr-n1 um: rirwivnrl from VVil\'L'l`lL'y. Those coming from a clistnnvc were Mr. and Mrs. Pmdgm`. San Diego. Calif; H. N. Sibbald and Misses Helen and Elva of Cleveland. . nnuun nun---us; -uuuvtw-um I A most enjoyable day was spent, on Tuesday. July 16. at Innisfil Park when the first reunion of the do- scendants of William Hubbert was` held there. Wm. Hubbcrt was mm of the pioneers of Innisfil town- ship. cnming to this country from Hncolnshire. England, about 1850. 'T`hnv-n uvnu-n fiI`tv-1uvn rwncnnf nnl Mrs. V. A. Hodge spent the week- -nrl in P1-nr-in mt lAI1L'()lIlSHlI`C, Lnglanu, EJDUUI IKSDU. There were fifty-two present and; the afternoon was spent in swim- ming and sports. after which all sat down to a well-laden table from which everyone heartily partcmk. Speeches were made and present.-" given to the oldest member, .lnmes> Hubbert. aged 77. to the _voun;:e.<'.. Leila Jean Hopkins. aged 3 months. and the one coming the longest dis- tance. Mrs` Duff Hughson. 'l`kn Hnxn L-v\nnI `nag an nnhw--ulxlni '.i.|HL'C. LVIYS` IJUJL nu;.;u.\uu. | that they decided to organize until umake it an annual gatho1'in1.:. Wm] Hopkins and A. Pratt were hem.il_\` lthanked for starting this rouninn Officers elected for coming your are as follows: Pro;-5.. Wm. Hopkins: Vice-Pres" Wm. Hubbertz Sov`,\ - Ti'eas.. Mrs. G. G. Moore: .-\.<.<'x Sec-`y-Treas.. A. Pratt: I>`1`0;.1 1`z1m Com.. Jean Hubbert. Hazel Hopkins. Alvin Pearson. Reggie Reid. Elmer Pratt and Ross Hubbert. It was de- cided to hold the annual picnic in 1936 on first Tuesday in July. in Innisfil Park. The time spent was so cnjo_\-ziblvl` The annual picnic yesIei'dz~.y ml Central United Sunday School in Spl'lXlg\\`(l!.!` Park. Midliui'. \\';1< i ne of the most successfiil ever held About 380 sat down to supper and tliere were about 425 present during the picnic. There was a .~01tbal! game between Central North and Central South. the North team win- ning by 19-5. A program 01 run-c.~ and contests was also held. The weather was ideal and everybody seemed to be having an enjoyable Iilnn Phone your news items to 223. WEDDINGS THE BARBIE EXAMINER, BARRIE. 0N'l`., CANADA H'4'H(' K IH 'I`Iu-szlny Llnytl I (-11:11";/_:-(I 1 '['ru'nnIn I III I'll willml The Jun! . IIl\' rlvnl ( HI. I (`Inn-1 IH, |)"l\v\'l (fhln-1-hiH. when lwn rlrid;.{(- 14-- HH'l,l('k by ` jtlrivt-n by 1 ..4 u n . or. Miss Muriel Rnincy of 'I`(n-onto mu: :1 W('(.'k('n(l vis:ilm' :1! her home nun IIIIITI. \ \'ll') lH\l'f|lJ.'_rl|l'l] Gnu. Squibb. ']`m'rm riding with El(h'i(I;.{(-, his (.-\'idr-nr-(- and 51: saw the (lrivvr mi mu 1 a motorist and gm :x I wards Pmllo 1-Lwzn-1. 1! Williams hurl In-r-n Im a cottage. Willi;nn:-` w:1.~ no`: i you hie I-nun.-..| \ wu:~. ma I'll tinns of lhxl st.-1 hn\'(- hn |1\ \|vX'\lnl{\ ` HUI l|}l\"` U\'l this whnlv Magistrzm-. ' r-nan fur 1hr lVlZl},`,lSIl'ill(`. DUI 1 (Id: case for the prnsvr.-u1 the officer who in\'cs1 cidom imd \\'1x_v (lid 1 chmgo or assist in it`? ., NEW I -Rl`.`..\`'I(Tl{ I`0T.v\ l`Ol~IS '1-ILL RI-I(`vI-IIVED IN INDIA New Brtlnuwick potatoes have been inlrnr1u(-t.-(1 intn the Bombay market. Inrlin and have been favor- ntinc nl nklv nn/-nix-nrl I nvnr. n II:lll'KL`l. lllllld -lllll ably rL-ccivcrl. Ln potatoes are impart bay mzlrkel mu-h Cyprus, Mombzlsa lv\r\\-\ WI... ....1 |uin_\. Mr L should :1rri\'< November. n~ tural T)c:p;1rl N;\!i4u:\:ul Rn I up px Uh, nun pzzn. The r the murkm ......... ,.,. 1 lViHlUllill l\zlll\\1 or white-. to medium-lm`.:( and they mu.~:1 thin-skinned. 0 have sprnuierl the time they :1 Smit]_1 Earn} Qairy - nun: |JIuuu nn'gration i Your Sh0\\' is in `without :1 notice ix `Only 3 coma` .'1 \v i$1?E;.11-.5 ;CLARK S s_.%6UPsi fLatby7s `P5}k "and" B;nsm i 28-oz. Tin . . . . r . . . . . rAylmer Pork and Beans `z I ........, T:.- 9 (I. Aylrner roru uuu ucaua [ % Large Tir. . . . . .2 for 25? Jar Rubbers . . 4 doz. 25c ,Heavy Zinc Rings . . 23c doz. `CERTO Per Bottle 29c I I u up I ,. :,,-__._!_..: `IE. ..I.. LLRI Li 1 cl uuun; u-J\. `;JeHy Maker (powder) 15c pkg. We also have Fruit Jars and Jelly Classes in stock I I DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING AB1'cwn Label . . . . `Yellow Label . . . _ Isumbryed Coffee ISun-Dryed Coffee iCllANTLER S : 9395?!` I W0 [)l`(|fHl.` H11` milk you all like lyosl, And will soon ho rL~:1(l_v to slnml thv test. The prnnf ml" milk is in the using. The quality of milk is in pm- ducinu. 'l`HFI HERD is all our own nnrl 'I`.I. lvsu-(I, .-:n why not uivv In: H lriuli it-.. `>,_ WE DELIVER Phone 407 O\ for Week of July 18 to 24 You'll like the Service we offer you cxpcvl cnrclul plin- I'ini\hing', pmnnp-ll_\' unc, lczxvv }.ur Iilm ith nx. \\'c'rc >1ccI:1li~lA l m:1kin~ (Ic:|1', ~~i1:n'p Store Closed Wednesday at 12.30 p.m. \'L'(l. l4iH'}`,(,` l[UEHllll.ll.'$ U1] re impnrtorl into the Bom- L-1 year from Italy.` Iombnsa tlicnya) and Ja E native potato comes on. -1 from December to Feb- thnt Canadian potatoes `ivo in the months July to `. according to the Agricul-' >m'lmr=nt of the Canadian RzniI\\'ny;<. Rnund. yellow] 1 Cr. ,- -nnrlinrn I U.. ,l', I'll] [H stair,-(I 1 ho nlhm` I lll!*_\' il J\'t'I'|l.\(`U '(`mninQ Events`. rd, 500 minimum 33 12 1b.; 28c 12 lb ` `-._. lb. 21; . 1 lb. 39: Pasteurized "Milk" agjd Creai ` fins ` nu, _y\...u u ' cs. medium 2 preferred, v-crop and they will on Anal `-\1-` ' advert ised in .1 Yfnnnoc` Ll\ Owen St. i5c 11c; ' .~ THi|l'K|.'fl U) LHL` l4l'L'4'H. }Il'Ulll.\1UH ul i'lrir:il pieces at the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Brown celebi`z1t(-rl their 55th wedding.{ :innivers.'ir_v June 2, 1035. with their sons and daugh- tcrs and immediate friends in De- Lmit. She lorves to mourn her 1o.<..~ her hu.~:bzind. four sons and two dun- zzhtersz Charles William Jr. and Ed- .\\'ur(i Nelson of Detroit. Ralph nil !n`1v~nnr3n Wrnirin AH:1 Wnrtriv` nf I i\\'llI'(1 AVCISUTI ()1 1Jl.`lX'UlL. Fiillpll (H ;Gmnr1n Prairie, Alta.. Hector (:1 '\ ancuu\'cr. B.C.. Mrs. W. H. Chcns man and Mrs. Fred Dn_\,'hnff of Do- tmit: also three grandchildren and rmn r1vnn1..u nnrl/~hilrI Oran mm [T0112 DISH l|"H`L`L` ]4I'HI1(l(.'l1ll(lX'CH I one zzrcntqzranclchilcl. One 5 James. p1`odecca. her in 1918. Thn f'nnr~r:ul wnc hr!!! \17r-rlnr- nmnnnn m mom SPECIAL , nmnn -JHTTIUP3. [)l'L'(lL'CU2I.\L'(.l HUI HI 1211!). I Tho funeral was held Wetlnesday. IJu1y 10. 1935. fmm the H. w. 13m~1m-x fu11m'n] chnpvl. Ser\'i('c \*.'::;< (`rm- rlucto 1))` Rev. M. R. Rood uf Nnrdin `D-n-1: Rr`| r\k.r lig-0 rm...-nu vac.-in-Ont} '11 (lll(.'lL'(| U) l\( Park Mcihnx tho m'a\'o h; Du}! `\r\n|~rA In(` RTEIVK` I))' l1l.`\'. 1. WI. }VlUll. Pall-bonrexxz wore: W. H. Chees- man. Frori Dayhnff. Raymond Brown. Rt-use Jones, Wm. Eddy and Wilt}-er! Jcrrnnu. Interment was at iE\'orgrc-on Ccxmotmfv. John C. Rumble. pmmmcnt flour ` miller and farmer of Simcoe County. j died at his home at Hillsdale. Mon- day. July 15. after a yc.'u":~` illness `nick n.-n-nn-nx~ Ihv-nwnhncic uvhir~|1 U21) . July 1-"). illufl d _VL'cU > HllIL'.\.\ wi1h corrmary thrombosis. which reached an acute stage last Thurs- }day. He was born at Richmond Hili in 1871 and had been a resident of Hillsdalc for 48 years. `He was mar- ried in 1894 to Margaret Waugh ox Hillsdalc. who died in 1901. Throt- yoars later he married Marv I H-u_,..__,..... A\: 13.4.. ...L... .-. l4'H'Tl(.` UVVJT lUI'l.._V )' HTS. lll lfid she moved to Detroit, Mich., who:--2 she resided until her death. She \'.':x:: of n bright zmd cheerful disp.si- {Jon and made many friends` which ":12: marker] my the arc-.":t prufusirm AL. no r.....-.....1 l HIJISUUJU. wnu utcu In JUUL JlllL'l.' l\ Iar_v I. g'I'hnmsnn of Eady. who sur\'i\'es. lwith the fnllmving family. the first `three by his first wife: Lance Rum- ble. with General lv`lotors Trucks. Toronto: Mrs. W. H. Waldron fMar- ` ion) of Slnatsburgz. N.Y.: George Rumble of the Lincoln Electric. Tor- onto: Dorothy. of the Toronto Pub- lic Schools teaching staff: Harold land Jack. at home. Five brothers and one sister also survive. William. Richard. Thnmas. Herschel. Rnlph and Miss Maud. all of Hillsdale. The 'funeral takes place today. with lscrvice in Hillsdale United Church lat 2.30 pm. . ' The late Mr. Rumble was :1 de- ivoutly i`(-ligimis man. much ln\`(`(l land respected by his family and large circle of friends. He was a lifnlnnn vnnvnhnr nf H-ab `.\/Inhrmlict large circle m xnenus. :11.` \\'us .1 lifelong member of the Methodist (now United) church. a member of the Official Board and S.S. superin- tendent for many years. and acted as organist since the age of 14 till his health failed. He was leader and solo ` Cornet player of the Hillsdale Band ; for many years. He also served as`. school trustee and village trustee for several years. He was much interest- `ed in athletic sports and in his youn- leer days was a star lacrosse and` Eva r<(\`<'*n nl-:1-nr MIC!` uays vvum a {baseball player. BIG INCREASE IN MILK Informaxinn re-Lzarrtjnzz the pro- duction of milk nn Canadian farms was collected for the first time in the census nt 1911 which covered nu-ndnn1;nn in 1mm Hnuvovnr an n..m.r c.-mnrm Growing 100 lb. Nash W Oyster 100 lb. Shell "M: inf` CVHSUS "1 I311 \'o'[l1L'll ('HV{`I'(".l i prnductmn in 1910. However. an . (`. hua been made in 1900` placinc the production of that year at 6.866.834.00U pounds. The census mzures were (1910) 9.806.741.3414 pnunds: (1920) 10.976.235.351 pound. and (1930) 12.854.323.094 pounds. an increase since the beginning of Qhn nnnhlrv nf R7 nor rent, 1n(`ruasu SINCE lllt` ucg the century 0! 87 per cent. OBITUARY J? . WI. IX. l\(.`l'll st Chux-ch. Rm`. '1`. M. rp \|`(I*('\` `IV . lVlUH' I wh ich 'I`l-. . . - I II Cl LJCVIIII. \;l|ulUII 4(,'lbm;w'1t-:1: .ill't:ltl) IH'.'V W I? If It/1'I"I'Y, Mirzislm` I/I/.'>'.'.' //I la /XINIC (.'Im7./ /writ]:-I null ()I`;]I1 II.5ll I z'(:rni<,-r Hcplm announced fmrn < ht: irm.-ndr,-d to Tcmpom ncc Ac \ . First Baptist dhurch 'f ,'Jbum rlvn. film-1-1) IT IS S0 EASY TO OWN Opening Early Next Week. We will gladly demonstrate and explain the features of the m nu nr: DIIDPLIAQIMI` A rnmunn nru A. MOFFATT Phone 531 - BARRIE III I H ANl)R! .`N S CHURCH -v / /,:.rx. I umuw SE.RVlCl:; `Ill ! :1 .Streamlined-For Beauty Automatic---For Safety .Sclf-adjusting--For Convenience .Bal|-bearings--For Long Service .Jumbo Rolls--Fnr Efficient Wringing Jvory Vitreous Porcelain Finish---For Permanency 4-YEAR CJJARANTEE electric .` vvlu 5AuuI_y up u n n u - - u - - u - . u . . _ V cur . _ . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . _ `J- PLAN OF PURCHASING A CO`NNOR ON EASY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET. 'l'lu- ll urM'.1 Lar,<.v-sl Selling Soap n C) E `A ` n 1V1l`S. V. A. l'l.UU5l.' hptflll. uu: w1;u;n- end in Pcnctang. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gamer are vis- Him: in Tomnlo. L. J. Salter of 'I`m'nnto was In town on Tuesdzly. Miss Tunis Muclmrcn Is home from Toronto for hm` vacation. Rng(_-1' Wilson of 'I`nmn1,n is holi- daying for u WL'(`k at Big Bay Point. n/r:.... n........II ..r *u.....:la..n 1.. win, ac: V u.c UII Thermo Models Plus the 12-year l\t'\VQv4\I1 KFliEE:. Parts and duXaXN { <%iii The New CONNOR Streamline `.`1,'/ /..'\'lA Alix. l.vv .} \,ll\Jl\ u.. u... .. ,.\....._. x Quec-n'.~: Park that ght the (/`annrln WRINGER GOVT: ~i= Wash? '(Fj':"-'--\ Eouaer St. United Church W The Soup of Beautiful Wnnwn `- Cf`, I`.\l|.u HIIJV. I'IRNI'J.S"I` la`. I.()N(.`, 13.11.. 13.1). . VIiui.x'lm` LLOYI) 'I'UI"I"()Rl) I1.-1./nm'.~c ,...,1 I'l1...'_.. on- I , . - _ -` Chmp lrmkinu prin 1-:1rlvvr1i. (Bet 1hc- 1:11 tl I`ho Exznnim-r. The Rev. Dr. W. H. Scdgewick turn. -1 \1m. Ix: sf M-'l|'n|mli1.'nI Ifnnlml l'L1nn'|\ 'l'uruulu 1n1I`:u`IuI :-' 4:1 Hll` Inw. mm :1 wan ; rumnrml :11 Qua-vn':\ Pnrk yr-::lv1` that .\:rm|e .\puciI'u- Iv 1:1] tzlluzlvs; IN! 1': tho (iuvcrnlm-nl pr:mmnu'`lm~nl. ` "H mm. is in un um'h:||- |vn;.'ed," llw Prumivr zulmillr-rl in his I. lhv ])l':Il`li(':Il l'('SllH \viH ll) `lhnl all llll||1(H'Hi(`H fur lhtr Silll`. ...- |\.....- -mu m.'..- in 1lu--.-u- 1-nnnliu-9: A SIN! `l'Il\ I'. K $t. Andrew s Church First Baptist Church l.4l4|l1ll I ll!` l`(lllll ()rg/(misi, uml (llmirwnrzstcr SUNDAY, JULY 21. I935 H|'.V` 1"` (5. VI [J-n-l;.l>.l.. lip... |\uI.. PHI"./\( `I HCR W )H JUI A 2-YEAR GUARANTEE (.'l'.'.\'l 'l.\ E SPRI:\(: 'l`l1|n'.~:d:1_v. July 18. 1935 _.______.:._:a 3CI VILC UII Porcelain Models Plus the 12-year FREE Pgrls and L 5JA'R}.:a} thoflno V lf*ll|ll'H El -mxliully 2' \Vl-$1.! `( "H."i'1' (,`HUR(flI ` 11 M 118 Dunlop St. Kl. Vl';Dl'.Y I `.~b.\'lu-rim: <-lnurch 1- p ' -zu-Inn`. n. n SWlFT'S PR!-.`.\lll'M Ham `M111 and llurun 'll`Il, .~.up1`: ]'l`(?.\"}_)'1l`|' hull! 5'1~l'\`il Him: is: poor mt! kind from mi '7 pm. It-I BaconE:3"1E:? . SM()I\'EI) B REUIKP`.-{ST STYLE luv u arm .1 l.(ll ;_":H ac.-Hung mmp P 8 G SOAP I! Fronts Loins *":`::. Chops f;:':..""` l`lV'I` l.`Dll\I Ill 1 Phone 340 1 Ihu-u uu_ynu.; nu u VVI.ln ul. ....,., nu, . Miss Ru::.-4011 of T~InrniIh)n is VIS- itim: her sister, Mrs. 'I`. Tough. High St amp 0; (want LUX (`.u|u.\a ` N .,ream LAMB CUT FROM RIB, Lb. 211: Is visiting ` Brow.-ton, 23 uym M u Tnilcl Soup *'- 45c b- 35 [Miss J0 5'10 Urquhart of Philadel- phia is visiting her mother and .s'is~ tor. 1\II'h:u `|\/Tnvlnl Rninnv nf 'I`nI'nn1n $1-05" Boneless and Rolled Upon Request _99| ` 11.. 37 Mrs. Stewart Macdunald of Haun- ilton is in town for a month and is staying :11 Mrs. Longmzm's. Mr: .1 MM.` Stevenson returned staying at lvlrs. Lungmnn `:2. Mrs. J. McI.. Stevenson on Friday after a visit with hm` daughter in Sault Ste. Marie. mm Murnhv has returned to (laughter In smut bI(.`. lVlill'lC. Dun. Murphy has Stra. Su. :,I{'lc1' visiting his sister. Mrs. Byrno. Jzum-s St. _Tm|m- Hr-w-:rm roll on 21 cnrntrnl l(!l`(.`(l lnl.` n'ac1u1'o (H um! nu). Miss Ednn Mnthinsnn and Miss Wilda Culb(.~rL hnvv hm.-n hnli(I:1_ving lat Snhomey I.0(lgt.-. Rulm H(-:1:-h. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ci:n'.:x are horm- uftcr spending two wm.-ks with friends in Windsor and Du wit. van-.. _._.1 var... v I` 1ur:.I.II, lll (ll. LII}; A)u_y I uull. nun VV\.ll\~ Mr. and Mrs. W. (1. Mzu-kny of 'l`nmntn have been .~4p(:ndin;,' :1 new Llnys wiih Mr. and Mrs. John Maw- kuy. W .1 T.nvvvs'. nnd fmnflv nf 'I`nr- JlIL'|ILlh Ill vvunumu uuu u.......... M1`. and 1V[rs. J. G. Mi(l(l!ulun of [`m'nnt0 were holidaying: In tm-/n and at. Big Bay Point. this wcr-k. mun. In... In rv nn....1,.... ,.r Wilii it here. 1\/`Iv u. :4 onto :n'(- with the W` Rumor `l\:1.-.- H W` HllI'I(m. 1\/Ir.~:. [-1. R. 'l`umlin. and Donald are visilin1.{ wi1h tho I'n L.'1"S motlu.-1'. Mrs. `D. .M. Rim Baldwin. Onl. 1\/[inc Rncm-II niuhl mun-1'\'i sister. Mrs. nyrnv. .:unw.s m. Judge I-Icwsrm ft-ll a walk at his homo rnconlly and suf- rcmd the fracture of mm hip. 'l\II'cn Wzlnu 'l\lYuH\ir\<:nn nnrl TVIi<-: Miss Russoll. night stint-r\'i. ml. the Royal Vi<.'tm`in Huspilul. lvfl on 'I'l1(!.<(lu_v tn :|)('l)(l hm` hnlitl:1y.~' :11 Kirkland I.nk(-. Mrs. I~`r(-(l IVl.'n'r of North Rn) . f(u`m(`I'l_v of H:n'1'i<-. syn-nl :1 ft-w (l:t_v:: lust \V(`('k with h(`l` ni(-('(-, Mr::. Frank l.mu.{hurs1. um-u D II 1\/Im-|.:n~{-n Y\IIi DHIUVVIH. Kllll` ` I I l.~'rzuu< I.mu.',nursn. I\/Ir.-4. D. II. 1\/Incl.ar(-n. Miss: Kale: Stow.-n.-znn and Miss '[`:mi.~< Mm.-l.:nu' (`n are leaving tunmrrnw nn :1 trip Ho Nlilniluulin Islzund. ` WIZ1.-:l('l` John Rmzs HZH'l`i:~' nf Pm ! Colbunzn. is hnli(lz\_vin;_1 with hi.~: |m'un(lp:Irl-nl:<. Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. "iI~Iar1'is, EH /.Zlbl'H1 SI. 1 mr.-.. T\/TI\1`|\nIh*2\n nnrl A-.....1.. I`HU'I'IS, l!:ll'/.?lUl'Hl DI. I 1\IIrs. Goo, Mc]`h0 and rl:m;:h- b: Ht-r C1llh(`l'iH(_' of !`m'rmln urn spvml-I Hm: 1: week with Mr. and 1\/Irs. G. W J. Flznstrnznxn. Ivlupio Avt-. . I Mr. and Mrs. Rex Snllnn uf Bub} fuln h:n\'r- I'(`Lurnurl humt` uftvr :11` plc2u~`m1t visit with 1h-ir mulhu-r. Mrs. Jus. I-IL-witl. Jnhn St. Frmucvs C`m'Ic_v. Harrie. is SD(`H(l- iing hm` holidays in I`ornntn u-[ [[.Zll('. nf Iwiss Fmnm-.\' Shit-1`. m:1lmn| of tho St1'zIH1t_-nnn Hospital. 1 I .1 T`.rIuin \Mi| n~:tm\nnH1 Innvt- i I 1 `|I\H1(`l'l(Y:'Hl \ISl('U[)c'lllH(' 1`\SS()('li|ll()l ! Miss J(`SSi(' P.rysun 1('. l\'(.`S 'l`uv. for Now Yurk whvr<- wiH l1lk(` :1 ll`l(`h('I".\` ('mn`s(~ in EN:-w Ynrk Svhuul nf iVh1. and 1 1m:.... 1 R mr.-A..n.....1.:..- .~..4...-. 'Ul UH` Dll'i|llllfl)Ilil l'lUS})llill. 1 E J. Edwin Wilson. (Istm)]):I1l1, lenvt-. inn Sumlay for CT|('\'t-Iund. Ohio. 10:` iutlcnd the annual! convention of the` I Alnvricnn OSl('(I[). llhi(' As. n_ `L Mi<< Jr-win P.rv 1:-n\ms< nn `|l`H`VV IUFK B('lllH)l (ll lVIll.\'l(' 1 Miss .1. K. M(:. \rthur has 1` In her duties at tho Royal ' I-Inspitul after :1 mnnth'.~: h She was visiting all Milton 1 week. I `Mr.-.~ 1 (`I llnhluu-O -nnl 1 iWl.'l.'K. I Mrs. J. C. Huhbort and Mr. and` |M1`::. G. C. M0011` a1lvn(l<'r! the first; l`(`Uninn of tho I~huhh<-rt fnmilir-.<`1 hold in lrmisfil Park nn 'I`1u-.~`(l:l_V. July 16. 1\.T.- unzl T\:Yn.. 1.!-nu-xv flu--:Inl`n unrl here. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. F'r*.'1(.-h of Eiom are visiting fx'l(.-ncls in tnwn this week. R/fr-an Fhvnslnn Qhnn.-n-:1 In \Iic:HinU .Hu_V um. I Mr. and Mrs. I-[:u'r_v I,hn'rl<-1:0 nndl `baby uccozmxlnit-.(l 1Vh's. A. Bnr(l(-tto on :1 motor trip lust w(-ck In Quebec Cily. from where the latter sailed on 5;:-k and Beans 4 3 A Y LM 1'.` R Tomato Juice 6 ` LIBIH"S ()L'AKI~.'R. KI-.'l.l.0(2(I'S. POST T0.-ISTIES g. T 4 E.V'C()RE Olives Mayonnaise Li 15 `iii wn,K. Mrs. Ch{H`lf\6l Sh(:p.'n'd hz-r SiS1.L`l'. Mrs. W. J. Poyntz St. F`. 1\/Ir-Niw-n .Tr,, nf Au B) u` . l i\.-cc :5` EI\'CORE '4nv<:_v.s' and fmnfly - .~:p(-ndinyx 1h(-ir hulicl:1_v.s' 1'm'nI(.`1".< fTlUl('I'. Mr.<. R. .n lb. lb. In. 1?` 15` 23 l(l fl.'lll. ,ll- l't` .s'pvml- tlrs. W. n inur- \ :2 `nntn tilt` -r. mntmn nth, lenvt-.< . tn; ion the nri:iti(>n_ ('. nn vhvr<- shv` 7:40 tin- Art. 4 rcturm.-tl ll Vi<'t. lmli(l:1y.~'. n the past 1 and rl t'lr.;tu l':miili(`.< rrlt-ttv and . 0.. f\.. nknn .`ill'\`l'l. Mr. and l\/Ira`. 'l`. C. i)(.'\`lll(` nrv on liami and l)tiluth. 'l`lu.-y :trt- 2l('(.'l>lll- l|)`ll)l(`(l by the t`nrm(~r'.~: nivru. Mrs. 1'l`. R|l.\`.`i('ll. and (l:'lllRi1l(`l' C.`:irrul_ of >Ni:u.:;ir:i-on-t.lu:-l:ik(-. (i(`t)l','.!(` Cairns. brntlmr of th(- latt- Dnvirl Cziirns, and Bert zmrl Mrs. t":iirn:: zinrl suii. of Detroit. llilVt` ro- turni-(l to their l1()ll](` aft:-r .~`.p(.\nrling, r;\'('l' 11 \Vt.`(.'k with llu-ir mint. Mrs. lDu\'i(l Cairns. Mill Rmirl. 'l`hc inzirri.'i;:c is zinnminrwrd of Olive Wim:it'r('cl. _vm1i11.{(-. (l.'iuglit,0r ut' l\/lrs. O'C`,ummr .'m(l the l:it(- ;'l`ll(rllIil.\' O'(.`nimm-, tn l`.zirl l<`r:inklin 1lu1'.~'v_\'. .\`(-('<>n(l sun ml" Mr. unrl Mrs. `F`.. l". I'l(`i'. Fri-(l(-riclnn. N.B. l Mrs. W. G. Strzichnn and three cl:niglitoi`s left this week by train on :1 trip to Alberta. where Mrs. t expect to bo`awziy for six weeks. Mr: and Mrs. H. . the past twn weeks at Cedar `l"<>int. 'l`iny, left on Monday for Mill- brnnk zmrl Pm-.~:(:utt,, taking with Ilium Miss Kolls and Bueth \\'lm \Vt'l`(` their 1.511:-sts zit. Point ll.- Ccdzir -nu-I !\.`h-c Y? 1' Hill Al`-inrluln ( tn inntur and hunt tuur to Furl Wil"lt Stru(.-hzin will visit her nmthcr and 3 nth:-r fl`l(`ll(lS in the province. They ' A. Sims, who Sims ` l'il\'L`1\ (Ill lllllllltlh \I I shvj .\`(`(` `so lhc-{FL H(`|`.\'\" ' Art 4 4 I Via-hn `xnn :1 Win t'0ynL7. bl. C. ML-Niven. J11, nf Aumrn spent the wm.-kt.-ml with his pzn`(!n1.s un Cutler Ave. l a`:lmn- l\l[nH\im:nn nf Wt-nfrnur it.` l1(' llH'Hl` Rirldvll. Queen .\u`v'('l ."ivI.'Ivd-Rnrwlr.u and Rollml SWIFTS GOLDEN WEST x .l.`i`i'l"e."t "sW lb. 15: l.`L'I.'L`ll l` ll'l`l.l`I' Duh: PRES}! H.-IDDOCK FRESH Cs`! '(IHT lb. 15 %Si&'"i55I-ii lb. 21 L,`()ll,(!l` l\V(.`. F.rlgnr M::t,l1i:~. of Rt.-nfrnw is visilimz his pnrvnts. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1.. IVInl,hi1_-.s'm1. Mr. and Mrs. H1-rm:u1 Tnmlinsnn have been .~;pnndim.{ :1 fm'lnight's I1u|i(I:1_vs in Aurora. I Mrs. H(!|(.'n Bnlrditt is visiting with her sister. Mrs. St:-rlinp: Grzmt. in Timmins. Rm/. Dr. Sntlgzvxvivk w.'1.'~: lhv [.lI(`.`iI of Mr. and Nlrs. J. H. Hnlrlvn at I zn'kl:mds" un Sunday. Mi.\`s(!.\' Cuthrino and Cwynnvth Brown have ruh1I'r1(!(l In town nfltrz` two weeks at Camp Bolton. :m2.... r;`I.. . U6... ...a .-.r 1......\...l . Friday for England, on the Empress nf Rritnin" ; r1`1uu_y uu mngnulu, uu un: ulllytvaol 01 Britain". Mrs. Lois Liscumb and twol zlaughtcrs of Dundas. Ont.. called on Mr. and Mrs. G. G. lvllmre recently while renewing old acquaintance in town. `n/hm 1 H 1\/rm-T\/l'nhnn nnrl rlnnuh-I in town. Mrs. J. H. MucMuh0n nnd daugh- ters Marion and Jozm of Hamilton are visiting: with Mrs. Mz1cMah0n's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Suulcs, Rrzss St. mum. nu.-W n(II`l'V rx..mi,. n,.;,n_h l{n.~:S st. ` Miss D'Arcy Bm'ry, Public Health ` Nurse, Nurth York. and Miss Thor- ah I-Inwkes, V.().N., 'I`m' visited Miss Mar'gux't-I N[ill'ShZ|, Park St., ` this W(`(`k. T.` I?` Qmith w-hn-nnrl nn Nlnnrlnv this wovk. F1. F. Smith rt-.t.urm-,d on Monday from Kr-nnrn. M101`, as he 1'1.-|')m'ts, in very s1ncc(:s.s`fu| ::ix W(`('k.\` spt-nt in upt-ning up the Disznmn-Smith mining claims. . 'l\/Tiuuluz T'.lmn F`nlI(-rlnn. J(.`1lH| m-ar H(']"(`l.1(,r`4 1-Inllis Jnlnmmi. nf the Bull 'I`(.-lr:- phuno C`u.. 'I`ru'm1l.n, ix hniid:i_vin;,' for two wut-ks with his pzu'(~nl.s'. Mr. Jim! 1Vh':.-, Ruin-rt Julmsnri, Drurll'nr(1 SL, and HI Ct.-(l:|r l"ninL. V4 ('1. main n1` I"hil:i(l(-lphin has ` In-on the L:n(`.~:t of his bmtiu-r, 'l`hns. C. Blnin, for :1 wm.-k :Il'i(-1' .~:p(~nrlinL: two wt-I-ks with his mnlht-r nml . :11 l'{('. I-l.'u'hm'. I\/Iusknkzi. ,,.i an nu... 'rmnIn1.{(:lu|ms. I 1\/Ti.s'::o.~; Ihnn Fullt-rtrm. Jr.-an Brunch, Judy Knux. Jmm Pm'tri(lg(_- Emrl J(.-:m Mtwrisrm [PH tnrlny to spend ton days at Glt.-nmnln' Cump, m-nr R:-:n'(-rtnn I. l'i(-rm.-y and Mix. Mm';.:;1I'ut I-Inwry ul 'I'm`nlHu and Mr. and Mrrs`. A. H. Miles nml sun .Iimm_v ml" Dril- Iin. .~:pvnl the wt-(-kn-nrl with Mr. and IVI1`.-'. J. L`. Milt.-.~'.. Hrmll'ur(l St. A lmw-l_\' ki!vh<~n slmwr-r was Iwlcl by :1 numhr-r ml" I'ri(-nrl.~: nl llw lumw ul' Mrs. J. 1*`. Nt*H(`:u'. Iilukv S1,, 'l`m-:4- tiny c-\'('nim{. in honor nf i\ Ti`<.~.' Dur- nlhy I-It-n.-.:m, :1 |)l`l(l(` ul` nc-.\'l month Mrs. l.m| l`.mwn and Ml`S. .lu(- `L-`mlivk wvrc in Mmxnt ."\lhr-N am l`..n_-(Inn -.H.nuli-nu I|\1I fnnun-ul I i|lI('l| : day` Wh- Mr. and i\/Ir.-<. '1`. C. I"hillips h:1\'v| t:nk(rn 1'<'si(!v|1('v nu R(,~|'(`7._v sl,rm-I in the |mu. 11-L-or1lly \'n<'ut<-rl by ll. /\rn\.x`tmn;{. who lms nmva-cl In W. $::u'_i-unl's nltl homo on W(-llimnnn` ~:I|`.u-1 .(my. I Lvvu vv\.\.nn nu, \4uI|n.1 u.,....... Miss: 1"`.lcumn' St(.-wzu't, of 1nwnml.,l Iuwn. is spending: :1 wm-k with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Stt-wart. Hl':l(H'0I`(ll Q1

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