Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jul 1935, p. 11

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Mrs. P. J. in Tun-mu M John (`mm im: his son. Rn'l\:u`d I) u few da,\'.< 1 ull's. [Maddie M . (1':\_\' Hus \\'u 2-r. :. `urumu spvnt an I M. Bvarcl.<- if . | L !x`i0nd.- `nmnlh.~`.. - ,` Mrs. Walter Scull and 3115,: Pug.:L:_\' fsmn rx-turned tu 'l`m~-ntu on Snndzw t suflcr spcndxng: u 1':-\\' \\'x-uks with - ifrivuds. Eric and Rubcrl Strum! of N1- - |z1_L;u1'u I-`nlls urv h\|(l`:\_\v'lll`! \\'1lh Hwix` {_s;rz\ndp;1renls. Mr. and I\lx-9. W. K ` Rm-lxic. 1? 1\h-u. '1` (I H\';ns rvt\n`m`(l I0 |l`mrx'io \vh:-n` `umnth.-z, Mrs` \\.'ullm `HH\`lllL`. 1\Ix'.~'~. '1`. ( 'l`m'unln ml luf \\'0oks at t ..l '1' `n |lI.l\.'I.\ INC: FRI X ! The G `an railways plan n! H `meeting smre-door do.-ii\-ory 0!!` height pt,..\-m is described in the ?_ 151:3` isue of Canadian Nation.-iii `Railways Maguine. The entire car}: is loaded on In a truck chassis fmmi' 1.1 stub-end railway siding and haul-I led to the customers` \\':irc-house. or iin the case of construction mater- iials. delivered to the site of the job, -whore it is required. The truck` gchassis used are equipped with rails? on to which the car is run and load- i ed car: up to 60-ton capacity have . hnnn lhuc hnndlad nll's. Frcddiu 1\ luutlc M` 'l`uruutu is ` illm: his gxruxldxnmhvr, I\h*.~'.. A. \ lick. Mur1':1\' (`.ml\mn is uwndillxl 1 (I. ll_\'n:u.~' rvl\xrxw(l Monday nfler :\ rum th~- humv of hot` l>l`I|lh1 he \\'i!l be fur HI -}{ar\~cy Pratt Tl. ;NOR .\lacNAB. Teacho n.\u.\\`.n'.< l'l .\.\' l .<- ` `K an (`.\R.\ o.\' STRELTS ---Ra:~' Ric : \\'t'I:\` l>lu,-.n' (`lul- Z\Ir.-:. B. \V.u`lwr .~:po.-nt last week in 'I`nrumu. 2\Irs. J. Donn. 'l`c-rontu. spa-nt mu \\'vvkm\d with l\lx`.s'. E. l`uIhmm. 1\h.~'.< Ruth (innlun. 'l`nrmuu. is I51:-ndn\;: hm` \';u`minn with lwr p:1r~ 5-uh: x-ms. 'l'hv Ruwut-'l`\u`x\or ` nl 1.|Hlx` Luke. Mu uttcxjuunu. . l\h<< Mm .lnu\nn~'x HILLSDALE :1:-. I`:-xx-,\' K\h'l\vn 'l`urnmn, are n\- n`< lick. _ ` l\1urr:|_\' (`urthaun Is :=px-ndu),x: 1 of his Im1ulu)'.~' mm rm-nds In " unto. _ Mm, `M. I-`.. l`)uh-`xu-r of U.u`1`h `nor ucmc Mu lzmd. -mun. is sun-n ; \\'lll\ his lulh~ 'l'\\l`uI\ln. `ti "ill: hm" pm`- - was held '1`\|e.~:d:I_\' People Play Games More, Sports Trend Till! B.-\l`lIllE EXAMINER. . B.-UIRIE. 0N'l`.. CAN.-\D.\ 1311' "R'__"o "A" '1' TV: I 323'!) SllF.lCl' (`0l'NT|{Y rc.~'uH nf the (imxurxnnol . \\\' u-In.-h x-mu Mrs. `M. U.u`I.v.` vislng ho.-1' duughlur. Mrs. F. Bishop. Bliss (`.lvnn;~ Tlmvm-_v of Roy \w'iu-hwin llmniml. Burrw. \\';|s hm: nu... . V. .. ..-- 1f Gnvvrmnent ivy h_\' which _\'nung arr nmdc ru.'Id_v in fur market. much mu eaten in (Tnnnda \- ol... .....\n 1;-un in Fatigue Clhef Cause of Driving Discomfort ` Pullguu`. suy.-: u (`In-vrnlul .~:vrvlc: Hum, 15 llus clllof cause of .ll:u-mul`uI'l. on u lulu:tuu|',::umIuc1`m` \Vllll(`|'; in llw .~m|mm,-1', hunt and gluro uru u(l(l~ ml lll|I`(l('l\S. 'l`hv t`K|\l`I`lL'll('L'kl drlvur will \'ury hl.~a pnxillnn n.~: l'1't-qm-Illly mul us \\'ltl1.'l_\' us |m.s'.~:ibl-. h_v mnvllul llu- --u.~.il_\' ml.|u.~'lull- fruul sq.-ul buck and ll)l`lll. uml h_v .-:hll`liIu.: his pain lurv nu lhv revul. lVllI.N`t`llll|l' *l'l'nrl in \ll'l\'llI)_.'. ls chiul'l_\' in Lhv umc.-rullull ul' ll\n- pmlzll.-s 'l`hu uX|)1'l`lL'llt.`uKl drivt-1` \\`lll s2:\'x.- :1 lul ul' ('uI`I'p,',_\' in llll:ll' use. ll tlm-.-' nut lulu much vfl'uI'l In 1|:-~ prv.-:.~: lhv ('llllt`ll zuul hrnlw 1wlul.~'. lhnl In hulul lhmn tluwn fur l'Xll`ll(l(`l.l .|n'l'lu(l:; is cxln.-Im-l,\' fulimung. 'l`lu-n-l'm'-, yuu mm`! fhul u lumwlnlsz clI'|\'('I` wuilhu: Ill },'c'Lll' ul 1: .~.l;.-uul, \\`|lll lh- ululuh pa-(lnl hulul (lmvn; ha-`ll Iu~ Ill nu-ulrul. n-.-:llxu,: his haul and ll`): Simllur|,\'. ul :1 hull ml 1: mzull-. lw will huld tho cm` with lhu llillltl llruku. nut wllh his fuul. ()u lump. :~'lruh'ln*:' of ch-an` mud, ur ml lulu; rlimhs rvqnlrlnm full llmllllv, llw l|'l\'x-1' nm_\' 59! lhr lnuul ll|l'lIlllL` zunl rural his 2|L`L'l.`l(`I'lll()l' foul h_v an rlm|u.'v of pmeillun. On u .'\lL`Q|) (ln\\'n grzulv, |u- will riuvu l|i:a l)l`1`ill(lIl}4 |nu.~vlu~.~; h_\' : inln rzvcmul }{t`lll'. (`umlmIln1.; hul \vx-ulln-1` ulsu hu.-; Il.~: lrirk.-a. Nu-lrul'l \'vnlilzIlin;,' sy.-:lu-n1.~' .-Iv ml a-l'h-rl-; lml ..I`I'.u- `u \l'illl| \- lHI\'lIIllll_H . LIH` I`('lIl' \\'lllu\I\\'?\ III II .~:x-(lull :;l`.m1lul lw up:-n, I'm` in.~:lum~-_ mu-n II nnly lln- frunl .-zcul I.-; um`!!- pi--ul ln~rml.-4:` it imluvc-s u-in-ulnlinn wt" nil` lhI'nu;.'l\uul llw vur. from front ln r-.'u' ln:.'il--nlully, if _\'U|ll` van` lune .1 In-ul--r, I-nu ! I`m`;;o-1 llml il will ucl l:|~: :1 runlinlur l|l.\'l(ll` llw mu`. t`\'('Il tlu-up_l1 llw .\'\\`lll'l| is lurnml MT. un- l|`.`\.` llw ll(`1|ll'l' i~: (ll.\`(`1)lllll'Cll`(l from lln- 1-Imilw. lV.y- slruin Inns much In llu with llw l'uli;.',m- ml (lI'i\'in:.:. llsu llw zul`|u.~.ln|nlu- \'i.s`m`.< ul ymnr rm` I\\`lu-n4~\'vr pn.-milnlv, :uul \w-ur linlml I;-,|;1.~:u's In kill llw ::|uI':- nl' llw I lIKlll 'l`hv Nvw '/.a.-ulxuuh-I is the wurl(|'s 1-I\;unpinn hutlvr ruler. thv pun` cupi- lu ('IIlI.*:lIlh|)lil)ll Lwiuu :1ruun(| R731 lunuuls. whilu. on lhv ulhvr hand. lw| [Hits up :1 punr .x'lm\\'|n;z when It` u-u-nu-s In vulinp: cln-u.~'u~_ mm-(1 the `5-ki[)pt'l' of mu` ul` thv (`unudiun Nul-` ..| L`1.. ..-l.;..'.- I`... uIuI.|'<: in Hui I ,, . __.._.... ._.`......_.. ..` . |N|-ZW 'I.I-I.'\|./\N|)I-Ill \\'OI{I.I)'S l ('lI.-\M|'l()N lHl'l"l`I-II! l'I1\'l`I".I{ l'l)l'Ul.:\R. G:\ltl)IN lNSECTlf'Jl)E An iI\.s`('(`1il'i(I(* which is xzrutlmnlly <~nmln_:: inln pnpulnrily with ;z.'n'rh-n- um: and \'v;:(\1:nbln- 1,:rn\\'vr.-.' is arson- M1` of lime. nr (`:|h'illm :|I'24vn:m-, a firm. .~:nH-l`lukc_v white pnwdcr. (`um- pun-vl with :1r.s'un:1l:- nf lmul. .\'.'|_v.~: A1- nn (I. Dlxnstam, of the Ie1n1unmluu,icul lhtuu-h in lhv Dmniniun D1-p.'Irhn0n1 ml Agzrix-ultnrv hullvtin on \'t.'|:lhlC inwm-Lu and lhvir mnlrnl, zmu-v1:Ho of linw has the u(l\'un|u;,'u- nf being L'h1'u|wx`. 01' having :1 hiuhex nlutnllicl :n:wnI<~ vnnlunt. mm! M killim: in- \`4'('1.\` mun` ramirlly. On tho ulhvr hand. 11 is nmru lik:-I_v tn burn ihe fuluuzv. has 1:) lw lls:t`d mnrv (':n'(-ful- Iv, um! (hm.-' not .'I(1h0r(- Sn \\'L' to lhv ]:|:m1.~:. Whvn :nr:~vnn1v nf limv i~: i`Make the Pennies Bigger E By Reading the Ads. lllilllll hyhll ' ml 1-l'fc-rl.-4, u rx-up lh|'il' r \\'iudu\\'.-; ( r...- - clan W11cn.Jnh11/\. w:1sl 1'cxnicr:u1d 12:1] lu~:nwrl1:|1~ VVUII` in vnguc; w}1cngcn11cx11c11 wnrc lwuzul L`1':lV:ll\ and l;ulic<. wnrc hump skirts, the pcnx1ic.x'thc_y (maul tn chil\h'cn were :15bigztsllzxlfdnllzus. Tllursday. July 18. 1985 A pcnny then might buy :1 p:x\ 1ry, nr tun ml` them take nnc in thc Fzlir, hut yum` :4`rc:tt-zlum and rqn-;nt-a_:11clc Cnu1Jn'th;1vcgnnctuzllnnviczlt:111_x'pricc. `Sixty yczlrs :1g'<> thc izuiics could gm \}1)p]WiI"41i)I'xiI'y gnud:;:1ml buy silks that wuuid mnku _i,'uii jqn-vii with L`l1V_`/', 1il]Cl1.\`H1Il1 wcrclincnmiml i`I'():liC1HIh\ that I\cg;Lr:1r dcsc1'ipti(m. But what their 1.'1\'m`iIc .\`lHlL' did llul have they usL1:t11_ygut:x1(>i1g without. Yn-u can pick up ynur11ewsp:1pcr:mJ in fittccn minutes you um know what the dit`t crcnt .\l1up`;.'1I'u uI t crin,s: in fab- rics, p:1ttcrns, vurictics and quznliticn that grv;|t-:4'r;u1d- tnmhcr ncvcr drauncd could hc g`:1t}1vn~d 1<;4x-llwx` under any mnclitions. ' 'l`i:ncs havc chztngctt. zmd m h1t\'c HlL'TChI|I]\\L' ztnti hus- ittcss, lUCth()L15. (..)nc ut" the ixtt'1tu-Itccx` that hm In-lpud tn bring-;:th()L1tsumuch ut`ct1:tngc. thztt h|.\ In-lptrtt tn multi- ply upportunitk-.< and iI1C1`t';l.\`c thc .~pt-tttlittg six: at nur pennies is zldvt.-rtising. ' l\'er_y lllcl'Ch2llll, every ni;mut':tcturer knnwx that :itl\'er- tisingt m:1teri:tll_\` reduces selling` c<)\'l.\' l`} im're;t\'ing the tlennmtl for mid the tlistrilwutiun mt the pmtlumx mt hun- t1I.C`\\_`| of lh()tlS(lll\l.\` mt` mills. Indeed. m:m_\` ut the things we Chlllll tnd'.1_v :15 necessities or simple luxuries cuultl not be made and sold at their reztsnnahle prices except as ad- vertising has created :1 broad market for them, making millions of sales at little prices and little profits. ll`lll5 , but full \/ill'l1|lI.`\' llH'Il.| In \\'hII`ll lu- lzfullmo. IN.` in Uurru- r `Ill nu .1. lA.~; :1 .~:pr:n_v. -'ll'2~'(.'lHI1L' or H bu u:'L-d :11 the rulv uf Hm- nf :1 pnunrl to 40 u:I|lnn.\` n whivh hm: |H`l`l] ndrlml H,-m h_wlr:n!c-I Hnuu In dw:|inI mzm-rml. rlilutu 1! with 1 I....I....I...l I ` . . . .. Av. ..l. mun hy HE first permanently irlslnllml rmlin-t-q1Ii|npm| mnlnr:_vt'l(-.1; in Ctmmlu nrv tho two xhown nlmv-.~ will: nffiw-x':: ('1-n. M:-Iv:-r mall I . I n..o......... ..r H... v...-.v.... Dnli:-n Mm...-.-u-In Hnnznl. n|mt.uxrI`:In|w4| xm ......__.-. _ {on to wnu-n Inc Your Show is nut fully ad"?!`1IS*d'cd cars to 60-10: without a notice in `Comma EV%l1!S'- I been thus handlod. permanently irlstnllml rml|n-mlulpptzal I1IUlHl`l`._\, l'll'.i: Ill Gntimmu, of the Verdun 1 nli('o Mnt.m-(-,yvlt- Hquzul. p|ml.u,rr::n|n-I they drove away in1rna-aliubclynftu-r the-ir m:u-hinu-.. we-ru wgllijlpvll lny :1. Northern I'}lc<:l.ric rmlin (-nginm-r nll Juno '.I|.;l. '|`|n- rmlin ::u-l,:: urn locntml on the hmullo lmrts. '.l`hv V .-zhzxpml rml:-1 in front ::_-rw: Imth as support}: and antenna. First Radio Motorcycle Cops in Canada I|V'(I lllI||'. 1-ri:n|. r:nt(-I linn-. Clone Trotter Exhibits His Medals |)U|HNl.`i HI (will: thin \ up.`-I ..' \4llI.lIl5\4a \ll I DI-II.-I \4AIa (Ilunuu-,-a of :ultlH-we fur pu- pu-r~c -should H-:u-h I'|u~ Iv1x:nn- |m-r 0[l lru- nut lulu-r than (3 p.m. on WI-dm--|:|y. to rn-curt` huvlm: r|Iul|1,'I` nr.ul- fur mall- lnu of lln-, -<:mu- we-1-k - IN-Ills. Changes of Address ullnll-0.` nf zulllro-ma fur ml- Page Eleven ._._.,...,.. _. ._...-..... `In this wen-K. `nu-per M k}e|lw1llo.- is visit- :m\. R. :\. (.`mvm'r. \\';u sun. l Cll.I.F. S!-`.\".\l0UR. Ten -n. H. .~\. Lfmvwr . Dirksun M `M -'s In! work an ` NEWS OF-ELMVALE

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