Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jul 1935, p. 5

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`Q Established 1864 {A weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the , I'nwn of Barrie und the surrounding country, issued .m. the Post Office Squure, Barrie, every Thur.-idny, by ;J. A. Mucbnron (editor) and W. C. Walls (nmnager), :owners and publishers. The Bm-rie Exnminur is .1 `member n[ The (`mmdinn Weekly Ncw.s`pnpers Assn- ,`cintium nnd of Clnees A Weeklies. SUBSCRIPTION RATES `Anywhere in Czmzidn, $2.00 :1 your; in United States, ',$2.50 :1 your, payable in udvnncu. Single copies, 5 cents. jSubsvribor.< wishing: to disc runner nt (-xpiI'u- tinn of period paid for are (?X|)('Cl(_`(i to notify this or- '!ico lJL`f()l`(.' date 01` expiry. V Non Nomolus ._.._.-._ HI :'(TI'.'1])h` uf in- I|n'nu_v,l1 1hr- |lnw-zl mnnlh ra-l-nllvras: hull iI:a mmrlitmn-:.. . .~.\..l I\\.\ .. nu; nrg-u m}; to protect 1 the future re whuols. "I nnnn:.........I.. H`.'.'Il ."[;Iu 1 in lhv n;1wr)od Bnurd k. .~'(:h()0I trus- nny cut what- ustixnutr-s and nununv nl` CAR A uuuxa. unanimously` 1 ..___ 1 To the Eclilor 01' Thu *`.xaminor. Sir: RL-px'v.xonl.'1livc:4 of Ihv 011-; tariu Government have ;1m):n-4-x'.t|y`i nvquired a case of the jiH(-rs h('t`.'lll.\'t" of the | m\'ince-\vide pmlt,-st (!1.',a lil).\`V_` thv nvw Am ~ I`nx Act \\'hich; has hml drns 0 t-ffm-I upun nm:m-url spurts. church. . and mmmun- lly fczalun.-5 and Ihvzlln: pul1' The gonwrnl xh-mum] for Ihv l`'nln\ :l] I 01 tho tax on all zulmis.-:iun tlckuts of 1250 and 1In is ulm c:m.~'In1,' nllltfll ('UH('l`I'H HIUUHE pl`i\"?\'(` n10!- b(`l'S (If H10 1 nhnro :11'('nI`(Ii|nn in 'l`lll-2 AM Uh`!-lE\rl I-.N"l` l':\I\' V lll|llHilHUl1.`? l't`(`(`IV('l'l. The Allivd Sports and /\mu.~'mnmn Assm-i:1li (li:~`t'l->.~'ml 1h- slzwilingy (art than, no pmvisiun \vlntrm:\\'-r \V:'1S mndo in lhv ()rrlr*r.-;-in-(Tmlnvil. the A01 ilS(` or 111-` 1'L`;,'ul:1tix>m: for the setting aside 0| ; \Inusnmr-nts Tux rovr-mu for l`('li(`f p\1I'pu. Al the smne limv, tho persmml .'lHl1Ul|:1l'|`- nu-nt hy l`rmni(~r M. I" Hepburn 111:1! H10 new tax \\':I:4 fur 1nwnmlu_v- mvnt 1't\liuf\vn.< : lay many rwrsnm: hunk. line and .:ink:.~r- -- which was lhv r`.~;ul1 nl)\'im.<.l_\' dn~ sirml in ()l`(lI`I' In _s'u`urn rm-mly .'|<-mp- innvo ul` llw lu\:1v_v impn-"I. vm.:. 1... .. .-nun)-. (II .C-)(' illlll l|Il(l('|' IS p the l.r-;1i.'~;Izmn'o. inlim:1\inn.~: 1'm~ui\'ml. ml... Alliml c...\.... .... .u nu .... . n... im: mnm3y for pay its way as i 'l`lu i~: iu \rm*\r lVh.<.< :\;.'nu.\ Mawphnil. Ml`- has expressed the opin- ion [hut tin` Hun. W L. M:wkvn7.1o King will bv u- nuxl l`rmn:ur or (,`.-nmdn. `Hus IS nnv Hung m WHICH Duncan 1-`. 1\luL?u:\u.: wxll agree wlth Miss Mucphuil. \`\ IIIVII \`V3l},"` ll'IH`X'I 1 mm lhv ('|\i:~l' \'irlin1.~a. M ml` the /\nm.x"vmcnl '1`n:\' ;.!vn1.l_v novdu-(I and .-rhu 1I1rm1;{|1 h--:`m~o Iho lam: ' pm'm.'nwn1. I M (`.11 \IU\'|`llllI|('ll| l.'~ ill hul :'m'(-l`\' ihv :41) r'ri1ir*:2l that H `\vrN-lc thv Impvs :1 lmunity and mu: many of whom \ \'mIn1nry \vuIf:n'r- V position of unjust 'whivh w.'I:,'r'~(~ rm urn Ihn 1-hint` \ M. 1.1.` AI!i<-d Spurn: nml /\l`HlL"( 'l`n1' July (5. 193."). L,aunpm'11 1`v'])r)r1 .'lHU\V-'lll('(`.~. A ])l`()[Zl`:llh nf wurk. whirh V ` done in return for lhv (-ash in ;}t.h`:1wn up zmri will he ful`\'.':1I` ' Queen's Park fur :lppI`u\/.'II :1.~: cmnplt.-led. ITxn'inn' Ihn die:-n_-sirnx uv|xi:- Cash R2ia2{'tem Adopted by Orillia lIlHll.\|l'l'|H}.: l'('Ill*l. 'lI'(`H`. t' .)I and :1m)Ii('uh|v 1:) ull f:nni|i<-1: :2 H01` in which 1h(`r~ nrv mr-n :11 work. Under tho now s},'. H11- nrv Lzivvn s;uffi(-it-nl \\'nl`k .' .1`:-n1-4 run lunar h. mm. In. I ,.,l .uL' LUVPII >llIH('H'lll \\'Hl'K (.'('ll1S an hour 1:: 1-nrn lhu frm rent. Clnlhimz and ulhvr :1ll :~:p(-rtifivd by 1hr (":nnpl>0|l rt- whivh :m mlrliiitm uf 25 pm` x the food nllnw:mr-1- is mnrh`-. I or rolicf rt-(~ipi1-n1.~: .'n'(- ullnwx (:hm's for lhv I-quiv:1l('nt Cumpbr-ll I`1'])rn`1 ::IImv:nm-1-5:. A m'rmr:1m nf urnI`L' \u|\i1-h L`l)Hl])H.'ll'U. During` the disvu cvdc.-d p:)ss:1;1v of H m:\ru ,1 F T\/Iillnw luncv. X(`V(.'ill(`fl In.'II. lllIHUll.`,H only half the year has; 1-ln]).\1-(I. 7.) pm` ('(.'n1. nf the mom-y 1h:-tuwn 11:15 pm- vidvd fur rvlit-I` hm: ht-rn \`pvnl and . (-xpm-!~:.x`mi I'r*:n` thv (`h:lY]L _(' M 111'`- cush systt-in would furlh(.~r iH('l`('.':.sC. Lxpcnditurtrs and muse :1 dt.-fir.-ifm LONDON. ENG LAND llnn. W. 1.. Muckmmu K1m:`s(luclurntm1\ that ho Wlll h;\\'o nntlmu: In (In With n Nntmnul Gnverumenl." and mm` mxnunucmm-nt of tin` Slvvuus Party hnvv unv- cn lhv mm-tus tn thv mux-mnunt for a uuum 1.!u\'uI`l\- Cunmlu Coast (JUIISI IllI\':`:V I dnlv. eihlv ll I()l'l I!) l'( _1l` lI(II'l' ` rolivf ])lll'|)li.`I':< ; il um-:4." ' <-!r~\'r-rly \\'m'rlw` I d`<`|.'1r.'Ilim1 Hun )\- .-.n..\n.... ..~ I...` LADISH, u...-.1 A` Hlll Illllll IVIIJIH|\i('.'l|i I Art :n`(- mulrl hv `1ll_l{l` l)<'-tn n-u vuu- uf lhc I will hr- In-inu nuuul 1`. against of No I s:m. 1` `Ike of NOVA SCOTIA ASSING on :1 hiil iz; jmc (W: C of imsie L Q Q that craving to ririvr: to-1 fats.` . ..' . xi/I-id: i: nltr)`:-,._'ther tun prevalent in Ozntziriu. The appalling number u."xm..~-:_' ;-:':ridx.ms in this province means a drastic check-up rm. rerklesss drivers. Public sentiment, speaking thrnu3,ix tin: umrts, will be increas- ingly severe t()\vnr(|s mm .25: mulili , tliciluglitless In()turi.s'ts. i You know what you slm-.1i.i(iu. iinw ynu should drive. S0, for your own safety and limtw .f utl1eI's,r/rim canf/,1, /J1 a `h`_',cnI uf the y<-mt 3"`d Ihul whu-n Ilivv `,'fpir`n1_~: Wnllltl lu- mm-h fur H0 rt-mu .' rr IS BETTER T0 Biz) ':m,r' . ..THAN. sbnny It is :1 gift of the _\g-,m'.~'. The *\lu-ri- cum: of lhi.s`u:nllI1`_\;-nlal Hunk is gladly at the (li.~'lm.~'.z|] nf them: ,~:~-king {I lnulking mnnm-Iimn. Ex:-I~:Im~:\':I~`. ca'r'nu':t` In: Imughl. (`('(`l\'lll},' HI! il 'HIH pt-My punishmr-n1 1-In were :1hur:(`rl. Experience . . . 'l`lum;s must be lmxknng up nm\md Yorkmn, Sask. Last week the Ynrklun Elm-rprlsv plll)ll.\'h\`d u 32-pug-~ spcmul cdmon Ln murk the mu.-an unmversnry or Yurklun l~`uix'. Generous udvcrtismg and a generally Qplunlstm mm` seem to nmlxcuto u cuns1dm'ablo dvgrcc or pruspm`n,\'. OVER A (.'l:l.\"l'l'RY OF B.-\.\'|\'l.\'(} S1-.`l(\'l(LE rs , X(`s\Y\. ' C\\\\) 03` :\ us 1832 MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARTMENT O.,r"`H|GHW/\YS """`U lili iI'I I In _l"=|Fi0.1iurin,_; I934, lhvrc were m.-urly I(),()l)() unlu- mulnlc :nnj;`;|(_.m.,._ , . . :1 ('nnsid<.-rnhlc increase over l`)j53. It must be evident to all thinking nunplv that I/us mm! \In/;. Thu` Bu\\'mnn\'\1lv Statosman expresses the nmiuon that it tho churvlws want to mm-r the aunuscmunt field to misc nmmxv they shuuld nut alum-ct In paying the ulmxsulncnl tax. and adds: The \`hurcl\`.~` busxness pn- mIu`ily IS to preach llu.` gospel um! so! an example. It \ ml vl.i.- ... in Nu. . . .__Mi ,&;t1!,Y`I~'5' 1 K CARELESSNESS is TOO COSTLYE `rung stop: H"urII-u'i(1nftlrililia-s in 0 I'l'I`y dc-purlnuwl nf Im/1I."iu;{ "iVi"peop|e were killed 78,990 people were injured ... . .... . ...- .....u... ...\...u. .-.,. the "Thu in tho cuursv or this wurk 11 does nut Ill\pl`(.`s$ upun its nxembers and udhcroms the . *:ess'1t_v of support- ing the church by frv:u\\`ill of(o.rin;.; wxth no strings mtuchcd. then tlwro must be someth. V wrong Wllh the work." 5 Him. 'I'. I1. M1 Qmwlm, Jlivmlpr u/ II:/:lunn'x. an:-n--:-nu..u n.-.n x-- . | Ill` Wil.\ UHEIHIIH Himn J:u'k ltlplt-H v-znaurvr. Jm.-k X` ('(`lL'fl Soc-rulm'y. Page Fl;'o 1:; 'I`r.'uln in the A r- Anm)Lu\u:xncn'. xs madv that 5000 um:mp1u_\ '4 wnli leave `l`ux`un!o next Mux\du_\` to march to Utm\\'a `(Id that lhuse in charge mtvnd to hold up mumclpuht. ` on mule fur nu-als and slvcpxng quarters. Pr:-nner Hepburn quztv properly descnbcs um march us tu- tile" and states that he Will guru the marchers no and though he wall not intc.-rtcre as long; as they ubsurvv the law. If llu-so people stay at home they will be cnred tor where they belong and it will be the Thlnrsday; July 11, 1035 -mus :1 mad unt\`I'1\x'|sc Mussolini is tmdertakxmz `I .\b_vssunm Hv can win only at immense cost ~ to ms mxuxtrynn-n sent into this xvarfuro tn ' ms ;nnlnl1u|\s fur vmpm` vxpnnslnn or to 01'!`- nwmu dnscmumn an 11:11)" zuzzunst ms uutlmnty. THE ' BARRIE. EZXAMHER n ~'II.I|.n1\IIrI|\| n Cunjr-cturcs us to whut course Hun. H. H. `Stevens would l,:Ikt- in tho uppruzmhimz 1-lm.'tinn.s' W(`l'(! set at rust this work by lhu zmnmlncoment that he would head a new party, plorlgx-(I In curry out rt-furms ml- var-nt(~(l by him. lnulmlim: rulr wngo cmJ+.`s and fair privv ('mI(`.~`. 111.. Lu... 'l'lIlJl<.\`l)/\Y, .lUl.Y EDITORIAL Nofss A F-'|`l:'Vl5NS | A\l('l`Y EDITORIAL go into effect until last s urn ulrcudy rcpm'tu(L s which l m`|nurIy cnvurutl 5 uloug the mudn [ending I 5.. Lu...` nn...-In nll 1035 mnkest kind of imposition ii` the nuu1icipalitic.s' they pass through on the march are compelled to feed them. Next Monday night the Board of Education is to consider the ndvisubility of closing the Kim; (;`cor1,zI..- School. They huvo been impelled 10 do so by the .-:m:1ll zltlonrluncv. Ln:-`t. month the ZlVL`l'il[.{(.` mu.-nrlnnvc wns only 15 pupils and In l(.-ac-h 1h(:s.- 1'oqui1'(s.~: an un- nuul r-xpvndituro uf $1672. If t,l1c.-so pupils can be ac- C()mlT1n(llllC(l at. Victoria Scluml and :1rmngun1L-nls can be mudu for their lrunspurlntimn :1 very (.'un.\'irlum|)l(- suvim; gun he L-fl'm-It-(I and mu <:hil(lr<-n he givvn the benv.-rit of u grader! Sclmnl. In 1927 there were 95 (tcnth.~: from diphtheria in Toronto. Lust your th(-r<- was nut. one (tenth in the Queen City from this (tt.\`('1l.`-3(.'. 't`hi:; wnnclt-rtnl utmm,w 1111:: been (luv to ttw (fhl|(|l'(`H In-Int: immnnr/.1-(t by tnx()t(|in1.:. l nr<-nts in Ks`s.-4:1 'l`nwnship. who so far hnvv not tnkvn n(tvnnt:u:c- of the township council's ul`1'<-r to provide this treutmt-nt far the bvnutit of their 1-hila- mn. could ask no b(.~tt(.-r (!\'i(t(Pl)(.'U nf the vuluu of tux- uidtng than 'l`nrnntn's uxpcricnct-. Set.-lng [hut llmsu who hm! .-;u(:co..~:sI`ully vnrrlc-(l on HfIl'l'l!."S 0l(l(.'~ll lmlu.~:lr_v, llw llm-rit: l`:mnlng (34)., for many years. suw lit to n-Imqmsh (-unlrul, it is n mul- l(`l' 01' .s`ul.l.~:l':u.-l,im lhnl lhv lm.-'im-.~:.s' lms p:::<.-'.(-(I inln thr- hmuls nl' xlwh :1 firm nr: Wu-kvll 5 : (`mm I.nmlml. 'l`huy hnvc :1 l`hu- ru[ml:lti(m unrl lung h1l\ (` r:ml high in the lunnihp. intlunlry nl' lhv pruvincv. II is ;:r:ulul'y:m,-,. ton, to knnw that local l:|lm1' VVIH rm-<-iv(- lull <,-nns|(l- eml.iun in mnnmn:.: lhv plnnl. ll lnlslnwss I-un(lilmn:a cnntlmur to lll)[)l`UV('. llu.-re ls lilllv (Iuuhl lhnl in the (`mh`. ul` lnnv llw plant will he upt-x`nl.u!| up ll (-np- ucily. (Iil.i'/.1.-ns will zlpprl-t-unl,v um! rr-(-ipmL-nl,- lhv khully l`m-Inn; l'xpI'n.-:. lay Mr. Klllmurn, lhr: pru- .`ll(l(`lll. wh:-n he .~::ml lhl-_v hnpml In up(rl':1l(' the plant In . :1 why 21:; ll) cum lhv y,nnclwlll of the tnwn:4- puuplu. ' V...` . ..~... . UI|t'|UlI|)ll`(|I_\/ Mr. Stevmm has n vt-ry cnnsi(lm'nblv fullnwim; lh1'nu;{lmul tho cuunlry. hut if ho nmkos n .~:1m('os:.~: n1` this vxlru-n:n'ty vnuvmnvnt he will (In swun- lhim: thnl hn.~< nut, lu.\r(:tnI'nr(2 been xmhmnpll.-almtl in 1'c(lor:Il pnliliv '. ll. :. x. J`! l'llIllIl||lll|'.\ \\'lIlI,\ (.'h(`(|lll`.\' in.~:1<':|tl til` I) ](),m)() inlmlnilnnls u from UN) in 21!!) I'm ||n\ In I"-nun!-n rum-i I)lVll')I".NI'lS INS'l`EAI) OF TAXES (flu-sle_v l".nl:-rpri.\'e In the .lurn Muunt:1in.'< there me 24 mnnxnum'.~' whn.~.-e eiti:I.on:: will this June 1'1-eei\'u In-inn: enllerl upon to pay laxex: The of llll`Rl' rur:-I rel.-inns will re:-elve ml) l'r:|n<'.< ln:~:te:ucl ut` the tux hill whivh we In (":mml:t rec-eive, Anrl in mlrliliun In these ll),- lltlll there are ulmut tl.lltIl) uther t-itizens in ltl nlher cnmnnmes who never pay l:lX(!.'=, nlthnu;,'h they ns: yet 1'e('t.`lve pm rlivi(lenrl.~: from the munieipulily. And when llwse peuple wish to huiltl n h nlse they are given n fret` site uml free xtnne uml stmrl. while eneh family hns also free firewnml. 'l`he 0x'y)l;1n:Itinn is quite ::im-- ple. In the past these communes went into the bus- lnt.-ss nl wmrcl-euttim-_ and wunrl ::el|im,:. and they huve t'm'et'|I|ly hush:|mle(l their \vun:l lnts. whivh are new 11 .~:mn'(-e of revenue nml \\-hi.h seem In p1l_\' well Cnl.`tl{!_h tn relieve the people ul` all new-.a`.~:it_\' ul` p:t_vin',', tnxcs. Yet the.~ cnmmunities are nut ne:n'|_v an 1'i<-hly emlmvorl us are mzmy ul' uur (`nnutlinn vnnmmnitit-.~4 which ure new gzrmmlntz under the burden or heavy. and ln a few cases. inmnssil)le taxes. Pnssil)l_v these citizens in the rep,:inn.s' uf .lnI':I urn not so well e(l1u':1l,ml as we. but they have eertninlv n good deal of far- sighted husinu nhilit_' 4|. Y1\:uv nII1\1|`r "\:\ Tun-n albumin u nu 'I`|u- furcgning is frnm the New Outlook. 'I`ho. Jnrn muuntnins nrv lhv hipzlxlalmls luv!`-.'<-ml Fruncv und Swvib 2.(`l`hIn(l. It would hv :1 urvzn nlussing for }~`r:mc-, if lhv puuplo of that x'uunlI'_v \vhm'o [ZOV`l`l1I1 1(`H[!- change no (men on nccnum of the numerous pnlllir-ul purliva. urnl-n -`H nu Fm-u |'v'nn\ 02|\"1H1n\ 21- ihnr.-n u-hn Hun in ihn Frnm "Hardware and Metal," Tnmnlu ~I 1'r!.s's ropm-ts Iuld hr thv rm-out : of M10 spo(-klod trnut by ward:-n.~: ml thv ()nlurin Dept. of Game and Fisheries. Only throv or these 480 fish lnu:|.~:ur0d up tn the seven invh lu1.::nl catch limit. One man had upward of 200 M` the un(lersi7.v(l truut. all of thom lam yenr .< fish. und many of them \\'vn- no l:l1`1!(`!` than sardinv.~:. For thnt rensnn it was inmU:~'::ihl(` tn hnvv them cmusunned vvnn In` I-Inlritnhln Iu<'.|lnIinn< UIN`H UH HC(`nUlH (H UH` HllHll'I'0ll.'~' ]lUlll|('Hl ]lHl'|.ll'K, wvrv all us free frnm tnxnlinn :1.` thosv who live in tho nmunluimms (llst1'ic(. lllill 1' "(HI H \\'il.\' vvun h_\` vhuri\:Iblv n . .- .. . . .`.. .._. nu.-uiuu um. llILI\ -..~. Such L`hlSl`ll(`l`.\' hn\'v nu (`Ull:~lk'lCl)(`.(` \vhnlovcr. They must miiiiiiiiniisly In` umlvr lhv watchful eye of :1 pnllccmim if rlecuiii (`lll'l.(`llS are to be protected. The ChlSl`llCl` is cuinnwn in lJll,\ll\l`.\`:= and is found nnwm: muny nlher llll.(`.l (`.`l.\' :i:< \\'c|l. (.anu(l:i is unduubi.c :1 land of grmii uppm-iunil_\'. but fur that rcszismi it will also become 11 land of gruzii ummrlimily for the up- portiiiiisl. tho (`I\'Dlllll(`l' and tho chisellcr. Our great potential wvullh has its d:in;zor.< in that it is bound to uttrzivi n l:ll`;.{t` proportion of this filthy element. This makes all tho.` umrv ll(`(`(`.\`.\`(ll`}' lhv propel` mifurmrinoiii it our laws. E\'(`l`_\` luisiiicss man should support the law c-nforvciiimit nfl`ii-vi-s in the limit. providing they are hnnvst and are doing: :1 good job. Unless we have vfticivnt law oiii`ui'(:enm1it in this (.-miiitr_\~, without fear or favor. we are in L{l`:l\'L` danlzor uf encountering :1 cunriiliun ;:rcnil' in our discredit. n:...__. u,.. lflill l|]lpL'lIln|llCt' illlll II] In!` S('l'\`lL'L` ll|l`_V l`UHUl`I'(,`(1 [0 readers and advertisers. All that is changed today. The weekly editors have shaken off the shackles of tradition and their newspapers are blossoming forth as progressive. enterprising publications well worthy of the eomniunitiex they represent. ` The xvcekly and semi-\veekl,\' newspapers have .1 definite place in the modern scheme of things. They give an accurate and complete coverage of the news happenings of their re::peCti\`c communities. They give their readers an ll\lt`l1lt`lll cross-section of news and comment on what is yzomg on in the world in gen- eral. 'l`hey provide their readers with a home paper. a journal welcomed by every family. They attempt. through their editorial columns. to give constructive criticism and active leadership in community affairix They carry the advertising mecsages of the merchants of the coinmunity to the consumers in the logical trad- ing area. and form a connecting link between the re- tailer and consthcr which could not be achieved by any other means. m|_,. ..u..\....u.. ,...---J u: \!\|| Muny Canadian lmsinuss mm svlvvs to full easy prey to this plnilor and tho nppnrtunisl in I become known throughout the` ` ovcry "glittering" sclwxne and I individual with :1 gold brick. nun.` \.\. '1-TEKLY PRESS IMPROVES (Cornwall Smndard-Freeholder) Thoro has been a greater imprz>vmnt`m in the \v9okly pl'r.`.\`.\' uf (`anuda during the past 10 years than in the previous half rontury. In fact. a majm*i\.\' of the week- lios in the larger vmm'o:< compare vvry favorably today with tho important small city dailies. For many years. weakly umvspapcr publishers were content to slay m thv rut. 'I`hc_\' allowed their papers to fall lwhind in thv mnrvh nf nrnm-om, bnth in mm. Ilu i--z huuml In nmku big: inmmls into the regular Cnn.~:m'vntiv- vol:-, thuuuh : from thut qunr- IN` may full off in tho non! of the cznnmlllmx wlwn strum: pnrly zumr.-uls :|r(.- made by (fm1sm'vntiv~ lumi- crn. Sunw M the vol:-5 llw (Z.C.l". was ('X[)(`(`HlU{ in wet will u tn the Slasvomxilxrs. l.il)(eI'ul.~'. sumn likely to ho ul'l`nulv(I lone-:1. by the new pnrty. They will I030 stunt.- suppnrl. but this mklltimml ::plH.-up nl' fnrons nppmalmg thvm will hv pzrnnlly to their nrlvnnlxuzv. u-L- .,.... _.. . ,.o< l\II.. us ...... .. Ill! llI|lll_V _\L'nIl>. \r\'K.`l'l\l_V llL'\\ .\[1i|]M_'l' puuusncrs VVCFC.` cnntvm behind in the march of progress. both in gen- eral npponrnm.`e and in the s(`l`\`iCc they rendered to .-....-I....- -....-I ..A....-o ...-.~ an oIu.a :.. ..l........\..: ..\.:.... ...._. .,...-. .. The we-oklios and semi-\\'(`eklics are proud of the part they play in everyday me. They look up to the small city dailies as ii-i:~ndl_v big brothers and the met- mpulitan dailies. with their large circulations. as pub- licatinns worthy of respect. Because of the type of `-:rvice they are able in render to their readers and a. `criisc-rs. they feel Sl`(`Ll!'t` in their particular fivlds. ant. have no reason In {car daily competition. They know _ '1 while the big daily may carry many mi- umns wurid news and l'X[)t`l1Si\'(` features, it will never claim a place in the average home in the small community as the "home" paper. OPINl()_N(SVOF OTHERS (`1llSl3l.lJNG BE(`-OMES (?07\'TA("-IOUS hey represent. aemi-weekly scheme l the . intelligent of V` is giving in their a paper. ml lnndnrchin in nnrurnnnivv nffnine - .... I... ..,........ existing trade carry on a to do. with the ;:0\`9rnn1( in the background witl minimum price. ready in rescue it the open in: collapses below a figure farmer mi_::lu have rm gard as a minimum ;'.u his product. Thuse who have given all much studv n_ th: ; men have allowed them- i\ppl`(7:|t?h(`s of the ex- ! tho past. Don`! lot us world as s\u~km`.<" fur tar every 1.:|.ih-tumzuvd k IUIS. \\l|l|7H iI|'l' l|II\\' 1i.h I vmnnnlnilit-.~4 L... In I...` 4.!` I-nnnu Tho l0n(-ly mznzis nnrl islos 0!` th:-' pnlznr so-n huvu lhvir uwn .~`lm'iv<| spots. Indeed l'-w r.-_:;iun.s' uf Llu: worlrl have z~:(-on more |1(`1'ni::I`|'l dis- pluyx-(I in llw name Ufl'XD10l`Hnl1 or scit-m-(~ than the (`fzlnnrlinn nrvlir. Sim-v lhv day.-: or Elizabeth the will- n'-lh(--wi.~.p uf :1 p1'.'n('liunbl(~ north- v\'v. p:1::szI;:(- In lhv Orit-nl (-nlicotl ndvmmn-nus ::pEril.~: In hI`.'1\'(*1lu` un- l.......,.. 4.. ..( n ufuvlu nu! 1l(l\ ('lHUl'l)H- I'll}? [(1 lll'Il\'l' Illl` UII` knuwn 1(`l'|'l)l:- of !`|'u'/M1 50:15. and many did nnl rt-lurn. Of this Inllu:' (-nmpnny were Sir Juhll Ii`r:mk|in and Hw 12!! men of his twu .~:hip:.-, lhr` l3}1`(!l)l1s" and the " I`(-rI':n"'_ whn sailed in HMS in find lho olusivv pus- szngc-. /\rt.ur the first y(-:11`. Hw world Ins! {rm-k 0|" thvm. lhxl tIn'mu:'h lhv vnlinnt (:ffnrt.~: of \ .'lI'inll.\` S(`.'ll`('h p:n`liv.< thv m'<'li(-`.~: sc- an-ls hnvv b(`f'II 1)m'r~(l nml lhv I':|l(~ of the Franklin (,`X]')(`lliliUl) is wt-H known. 'I`h(-ir ships ('mu.:ht fast in the ice, :;i(~| and wzmi. l1:n1':Isr:v(l ihvm Iunl Franklin hurl clivd in HM? when Cnptuinr; Cmziur and Fit'/.- .I:-.m<-:< lL'(l tho sux`vivur~: soulhwzml in llu-Impvufx'(-n3'hinuhInn:1n huh- . `V. (;)lJl:`l .l3(Z Sl3'|'H (`.( )( )l):F5(.t\Ml l.E In lllllll thv l\/linislur of Hmhwnys. lu-only alive to tho lm1)m'lunc~ nt` pI'u.~zurvlm: llw lwaultlux of tho Cutlnll`_V::iCl(`. lliI(l thv Qm-ln-u l.ULl.'lll1lll`L' unucl. n luw intpo::`1ng stringent rC;_.:ulutiuns cnnccrnin;,r thu - posting an!` :u.lvcrlls1m,' signs: nlunu the muln rmuls of the prnvincv. lly this Inuusuru nu poster nr sign mny bu set up along a lu.'ulim.: hlgltwny Iv.-:.~: than 100 feet ' [rum lhu I`m1(l. when its size clues not cxcuml ll) by ll In-l. (with grvnlcr (listum.-us for larger slmm) and nu pustor clnsur lhun lll()l) foot In unuther. The law also (`llI|)(\W(`l`.-`t llu- Minister of Hlghwuys tn hnvo rt.-muvutl or pmhiblt tlw lnstullutlmt nt` ull -.ulv(u'tl:~`.inL: pustens or siults that are ru14nr(l\.rl us Inusklnu or murrlng u t-nunl1'_v.~ixl:- m` pnnurumu. Althnu;.'h lhu lnw (lid not l)I`('(.`llll)(`l' excellent results NlllHl~(.'1)ll)l`(`(l :ulvct'l.l.s'mnunt.-4 l'm`|nerly tlw l'mu-us I`m- 20 nr 25 miles l'mm the lug vitivs nrv rcpurtml to have hourly all lll.\`:l|)[)l':ll`l`(l. (,'mu:m`nim.: the lntprovcnmnt, the Tour- 1.~ llullutin fur .lum- :4u_vs: "'l`lw lw:1ul_v nf mu` mml:-: had It gzrvnt deal to gain from the (llSEl])|)(`lll illl(3L` uI lhcsu :ulvu1'tl.~:lnu pu. (mu nmy nuw travel long: (listuucus wilhuut tht.` <.'uunt.1'_v::i(lu being spnllml by gurlslt pl:u':n'(l.<. wlmn nut cmnplvluly hiclden by ll ser- ic.-; ut` \'ivl(lly-culmw-(l sigxls. "'Fhn llrnvint-1` nl' Qllnlwn wns U10 I'M. in w(`.\1 ]).'l.`iSZlLLl` l HI knnurn 11-l'I'n 111' I Ottawa. Jul) 9 'I`hi~ z-hi. d:1_\'.~: of the .`~1(`.'~i.\'ilIl` xvorv (-nmliivtt-(I in n .'\)\(.`H(!l'lll:.{ hr-zit whivh pmvi<`u~ :i shnrp r~nnlr:1<`. with tho wild hIiy.- `/.:n`rl nnrl lhv ::nh-'/.1-1'n Imm')r`i'nl.iii`<-.-< which mnrlu-cl ihu opt-nin_L{ ll(`.'ll`i_\' six months v::rIi(-r. I`h(`ro vms in tho Iimisv nf (`nmmtms Hw ins! twu or throv rl:i_v.: :in air if hi.s'tnri(- fin- ality. II, was tho and of nn cm. BL-fnro pnrli:1m(`n1 l1l(!(`lS Il_l.[1Iii1. :1 gt-nm':1I vim-(inn will be held. Many of thv mumbt-rs xvcrv Innk- inx: upon the Green Chnmbvr. in Hu-ii` nfI'inin| 1- -ilv fur {Kn I-mi lhvir tnffivlnl (.'np:u'il_V. for the lust time. When the llnuso r(\.-41nn(`..<. no mntlor whul lhu cl(-clinn 1'(`sult:~: nmy be. it will luv in a rlifft,-rent atmos- phere; and lhe pm'.s'nnnvl will have cl*.an;:url (rxt.('!1si\'t`l_\ . Perhzms no mnro thun 125 ml the 240 momht-rs will return (there being: five V110- nncios nlroarl_v). .. v\.n_V uu: The \\'hoa1 lmnrd 1 (tmmniflm-u :1 \':I.\'H_\' mom. in effect at wording . from tho 1 5n 'T`hn rwinin-.1 I Two m:lll(`l`* of ('rm. cnn-| corn to Czxnndinn n;:riouItL1rc\ ne- cupiod :1 prmninom place in thv dis- cussions of the final wock. Tho` fxrst was the wheat board. in whit-h 1`(-foronvo hm: hvvn murlv s~\'vm| i , Mnosz tho nthcr was the chvvsr-i hnnn: mg m gram: 1: appvurvu to mvulvp tho dustrtu-{inn of the private Ltrnin trade, :1l1hm1_2h {hero was some dif- foromro ul` npinirm about this point. Perhaps it would he must accurate to say that it would haw` ended the Winnipeg: Grain I"..\'(2hnn;:o. but that the prirntv v1c\':|t01` and export hnusos would have survived. In any even! the `open market` wnuld hnvn nmw hill trmnc nut of diffm'm1t enact-| 1(`21:~:t. if not in one which went in. The nriuinznl hill prupnsccl n g1m'm'nxnom n1(mnpnl_\' of the hnndl~ mg of grain: it a1)[)v;11'vrl to invulvo Dan-hnnc it u-.u.lA I\.\ ..,....4 ...... -4- uny evmu a have gone. mL_ . The new bill rvtaiuod the compul- sory fcuturos only in a suspended form. They \\'(`rv loft in as foznuros wl1ic}1 could be invoked upon emerg- ency by m'dm`-in-<~.uunci1, but which would not bv otherwise used. It features also the fixed nr minimum price: and on the whole the new scheme is mnrlulled after that used in the Argt`n'.ino. whether \\'ittin;:I_v| or not. H. W uppuruunty. 1: l.-: .~:um:msed.; fur the l\IcFarlzmd stocks. amount-j lug now to surnc 220 million bushels. , to be disposed of. But if the `min-`l imum` or fixed price is set too high, ` and the open market price falls be- low it. than nb\'iuusl_v the machine will not function. The government buard will have to buy all the wheat; and the private grain trade. unable tu quote a price competing with the guvurnnment board, will cease to operate until such time as ..u... u... ... ,.,.. ., .,.. ...... ....v ..,,.. 'l`hn um! surv ()llll'l)ll\l` nl' lhu t!nt.ry nf M12 Stvvons into the political r.'u'v~ is that the mute.-:l will lw color- l'ul nml .s'pm.-mclllnl`. Mr. Su-vum: is mm of tho must (zllhctlvu plullhrln :lpoukvr.~: in (lnmltlu. hm; plenty of courage nml (lush :m(l will put up in splrll(`.(l light. my in mast mo wumu the private grain trad: turbcd. The proposal existing 2 ;:o\`9rnn1: .4 in oh.` L... .. .3`gAf1=o1iii:*n"jg:Ig s%'r_o;liii~:`i)7ggusivors T; W"};,;EjL\0Ms:{SEA To '1 ~-~. Rm at/ I" nnn|(,:. RA. -- 7 A Vm'_\* Dil'fur0nt Bill - EH...` '1 .-....H.. .-I.'rr....m.o mm: mmtm EXAMINER. muumz. omx. CAN,4m_5 THE OTTAWA SPOTLIGHT A Weekly Review of National Affairs BY WILFRID F.(`}(}l.ESTON pl upuskll ls U12]! U10? :an',V as.the_v used ;:o\`m`nn1onI standing nund with its fixed . come to the market price. " which theil hnvn I`n\`)c:\n on .-.. I T av:--A F: --- - ~~~- By w.`.:."'Banks, rm.` LON!-Il.\' HIKICIHLS` IIAIHHFR .,. . u. . (I zulvcrlls l nr 2 |pL>; |Jll HIKI 10 is undis- is that the :1: Chan nu-QA f pm- wheat to the fixed nt the lo bet- n the- it and Insulin, | `llilllilll. VVL` lI'E|I'H II' |To|'mulim1 1.'_|(`.'Il)<-11 _yu:n'.~:, how munlh ns: the .'n (`1i(: lunk i of men unirzllnml I T"il1.'II|_\f,nI1 .\mm- nu lure! .~'uI'\'i\'ur In) In in (H0. A I L`. .11.. l`ll [)llI<'ll` (-:n`livr .~ hi: . AL-r-. .. ..... x|ll.\l`.H H` ('l`lllIIil[)l (Ii.*:('u\'v1`(-(I I1':m 1.0 19in-Im.-: 1I:n'lm blo slnh f 1(Kl\'(` it nn thr` 1` nl-Ininu H nn -1 l(i|\'(' ll H p|:1(`im: it base by (fiaplnin v'n.'H\v vnn S(.'l'l)bl in !':1i1h('uI wh(-'.'r\ I \Nil111`I`, farm 14 the I..u\.... llIl.' |||ll'|l HlIllK|'l ]H'I('l' 31 lI.\l't~ n!m\'c the ;,-nvvrnnwnt qunt.-ntinn Unrlcr the.-:0 vi1'<'u1nxlum'1-:;_ insit-ud ml` nf ('?\:il,il1L`, stun-ks, Um lmurrl might very smm find itself ywith 400 milliun |m.~;hvl.< am hnncl. instead of the 1)rt~.s'(-nt 220 million. The Chm-:;<~ Bmxus The cheese l)rmu.< is n 1":`11hCl` in- Lricuto and in.-u-m'uus; measure, about which there wxll bv the most (run- lrzndit-tnry upEnizm.x'. 'I`h(- (:hr..-1-so n 4.:)nno..- unlm. I |xl|1|i- n\IIl|l\n\ illll .....- Lu-..u . (,- pr<>(h1(.-(-r, who has hour: .'mc( (30 to 80 (`ems pt-r humlrcd 1): for his milk. will he inclined to come it with vmhus mu, nne nnunu \K7lu.Huu in `kn I-n-an nu um n. u nu-nu ics uf \'ivIdl_v-cnIm'('(l sigiis. "Tlw l rnvinco uf Quohuc was first Nuvth 1\im-rivu tn tnkv tho initintivv in ionisin- tiun of this kiml. and the i.)(!lH`fil2ili U(`(`iS ru- snlting: frmn it. which are steadily hm-mning folt. cznumt tin utlivrwisv than in hnvv :1 plums- illu (.'[[l`l!\ on tuurirzt tr;it`t'iv. All lnvurs of nature ' ni:i_\' mm` mum` In Him` i'l`(|\'il1('(` n1` Quclwc. with- nut :l])|)l`t`hl.`li.\`l()l1 that they will find llw mun- trysitlu sputlml with si;:n:4 that urv il.\`.\ ()l`i:Ilt'(i with had lnstv 'I`hv ropututiun nf thv l`rnvim'u can not (in utlusr\\'i.~`v than lwnul`it." Tin` linmts 1):.-p:n'tim~nt nl" Qiu'l)t`t' is .\`ll(\\\'ilH.! much wisdom in the stvps it has taken tn [)l'(.`:'I2l`V'(.` the K:l1:u'ins nf its St`l`IlI`i`)'. lint only by the bnmshmunt uf llllSi).'.hU_\ :ui\'vrt1.<;m: .-amt.-: and pn.~'tm'.<. hut by .s':u'ri- ficim: us Iilllv us 1ms.<|l)lv tho l\llilll'ill hvauily in thvir rmul iinpmvuim-nts. ()nt;n'm ilu;h\v:\_v.< Hopi might well lulu` n i\`>`.\'Ull [rum Qiu.-hut` in tlicsu l`I`- spvcts. SLIIHC ll IS 2! Lion will be qu:u'1.ers. In nfI'm-1 IHIVUI` UL illl Sl`lli` |sLIb,-;idics are gm nndury indu: coal production. : or things. it hm`: fwull 1.0 rvfrniv lot of other Hzin .Collingwood Trustees I Will F ight Council I I Atan1ectingn1`Cu1ln of Education lust w'c<*1 tees refused to zm-cpv ; ever in their s<'hu()V 4 will demand thv ml! :1: 800 from tho tmm cm in r-uvncu nnl Oh. nun-lu pI'UVl(lU ll . . . . . . The money um-n Spunt luxuries would `lsities. . . . . . . . ' fur prozu-nxt Pd) fur future neg-(.5 ` 101' UK` l)lllill](`Q' H C01. G. E. MCIA` finance commit! important motim council's attcmpx the board's estim Man! who my/\m-1'u Llll .' UULIIU 3 L'blH:| that the s( (`l`t`!:n` write cnuncil :n the requisition 0 main unchrmgx-<~ would not fnrcgn given to it acmr of High School ` 1 (`nl 1\/Ir-Ty-an vza DUU ll'UIH UH` HP`. to carry out th for tho balam-v x (`ml (1 Y.` mun! A IUI Iilgll DUHUUI Col. McLean further. when I- wxni Gnu knf. m. 4 BHCU CUITHYIIIH.` advice or nth the board's int funds to opera I Both motion: S:`ptumbm' 23 is nmntimwd us thv prubublv (Into M 1110 federal clccuuus. Thu sm)l1c1' \m-_\' an over the butter. Some Thinkabouts , ,.|_| ._.....___ Phone yoj;-ws Items to 223, KCEHU illll.l lllf!(`ll)(|ll,`\ HIUZ .'llI' , UUUL hich l((`l())`y <>(hu:(-r, .'1r'c('ptin:1 80 pnumls r wel- me (`nH1ll.\'i.`1. sup- wses. Wln-lhvr in 1h- l.'n';,1vn:I1iun.'nl nxc it is :1 slop in 1h(- right direc- |n urill ht Inn:-I1 t|nHh1I~(l in YY\fIl I\I I, nlllll \\'II in ('0|1qIxm' Illll lUIlHH'.\ HI t'ump:|nim|: ` |h(`_V p.ns:::(-:1 I I . and wlu-m On II/\|\rau nu mnw ummw Il'\ i\'ul` lay luwn 1 n1:n'kv1 \n n..u...v ll lI1(`ll' lIl.\L Ill"|I' 4-In-0 they i.~'.s1u~l (liffittnllios ml` 10 X lllI' hlI,'.;L' IIEIHUHEH 1 (lnuhlcrl in mzmy llnnblo to provu1\t Japan pzubhluuz up Chnu.`s- ter- ritm;\' and Mussolini \v.'u:uu: w:n' ugaunst thu pnnr l~Illnnpmn.~'. the 1.c:u:m~ or Nations has ditfucully in Ju.\'ti!`_\'|m: us vxnm.-ncv.

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