Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jul 1935, p. 3

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uunuzwuuuz Whereas the County of Simcnu. no of the largest and must repre- cntativo cmxntios in the pl 0Vin_'(.`. us not for many yczzrs had the hon- ur of having one of hvr cili7.0ns;1p- ointod to the Senate: and \vhr-1'r3- Is this county for many yo.'xr.< vvnu fcpruscntod in the Dominion h0u. 9y W. A. Buys. who from his ynuth ms been .'u!ti\'(,' in 1hr- life of his` ;nunicipnlily and county and \\/ho gas been not only (.-mint-nt in pub- Lic life, but has also m-hiovud dis Qinciinn in : husin0.<.s'. H10 \vm'l< if the (.'hl1l'('h and in his choson pl-u- Ulcui In : | Also .u'.u'Iub/e in the regular 1. 0:. .\'i:' RY of cozn'se, it '5 20/( FOR UNDYING SPARKLE AND MELLOWER FLAVOUR... _vsnnH.' umc 1n me xuxurc 1 snail no _ able to pLxt,h{m;,)ut." Mr. Forgie said . thcy shouldabc p1'oud'of their lcado.-1* , at Oltznva. one of the ablc-st lc-u(lr_~x'?~' . they had ever had. Hr: had had :1 ; 5:1 rugglc and fight to keep things go- ing in Camxdu. and he d(-.\'(!|'\'0d the L|h(-nrty support of every Canadian. .| F?!-!T.'|I'rHn1r thn P|'n\'irIt~i:1l I:Il\I`CinI iIl|'ilI Ly .\Ll])])Ul'l U! L'V\.'|'_Y L,ilHEl(llLlVl. 9 Rt.-gzn'(linL{ the Pmvirlciul election `of 1929. Mr. Furgic Lhzmkcd his sup pm`le1's for their hL'll`1_V .s`uppm'l, and cloclurc-(1 that. he thmuxht he didn`I do too badly. It was 21 (luublful 1'ic1~ ing and the Minister of Eriuumiun .-I/.l'z.o.o.ul hirv. `r\\v min ..I \nv 1 I. n ling ZlI1(l LDC lVllYllSi(,`I' (`I 1'llUL'ZlHUH ck-l'(-:n1e(l him by unly about lwo hundred \'u1(::~`. He wnulclrft run this time. but the curxrlidme would have his hearty support in the cznmnaign. 'J`h0 t.'m'1(1i(latL~ I1(.`(`d(,`([ the un(li\'i(lcd |sum)ort n1 (,-\'er_v C()n.`s`(`1`\-`IlIi\'(: in North Sirm,-nu. EVcr_vthin;5 _~:houlri nut be lhmwn rm the shoulclcrs of ltho osznclidntt`. I - Charles G. Joyce Charles G. Joyce. Creemore. de- clared that there never was a time [in the history of the world when the young people had taken to polities as much as they had recently. He appealed for support for all the younger Conservative bodies, and suggested that the older members of the party work new blood into it. R. B. Bennett had started as a yJun:; man. and a young man shoulrl start. early in order to gain experience. `Since he had been so high". he had said he would be Minister of Apri- :culture of Ontario, and if not that. ,then he would be Minister of Agri- `culture for Canada. lVlr. Joyce later withdrew in favour of Mr. Simpson. John Forgie John l<`orgie, Sunniclale C0l'ne1'.~. thanked the Minister of Eclueatiou for his being where he was` He put up a desperate fight to put me out of the Barrie Gaol and I hope that some time in the future I shall he nlxln in nu! Inhvx nu! l\.`|'~ TI`/. r (plus huulc .1:-pom) UH. ` Now th(-r(,-fore bv it rt-. that lhis r-tmvunlion hero :lssoml)1(-cl (In Io.'u'l.ily rm,-mnmt.-n(] that the Dmnira-I frm (`ynvornnuvnt be rnmnumlizt-ri tn| Qnnsidt-r f:|vmn':1}>ly the :1ppnint-! hem of W. A. Hun`. K.C.. us 21 Son-5 Hm` of tho Duminizm nl` ("..':n.'uI.-1 inr ecounitirm nf his long nnd ml-I lnmlintv Qt-I'\'it'n in his: r-nnn9.r\- " 'n. Spichcr .l.,... SUNNY LIVING; starts at the table Serve Au.-BnA.\' as a cereal, or use in cooking. Got the red-nnd-green puck- nge at your gram-,l"s. Made by Kc-Hogg in London, Ontario. Keep on the Sunny Side of Life Kellogg's ALI.-Bn/m is a natural food for normal indivitilmis. ll fur- nishes bulk in convenient nnd c0Iu:('lll:`mtd form. Au.-BnAN also provides vitamin B and iron. Tan ! this sunny way better than tnking pulvm nu-dioim.-s? Two tabla- spoonfuha of ALI,-BHAN daily are usunlly sum:-ic-rut. Chrnnic cnses, with each meal. If relief is not obtained, see your doctor. How you feel and how you look depend largely on the foods you eat. The balanced menu provides the bulk to prevent common consti- palion -~causcd by lack of this cs- semiul ber. Common constipation frequently causes hendm-hes, loss of appetite uml energy. Yet, in most cases, it can be overcome pleasantly and safely by eating a delicious cerenl. ]Ull.\llIl'| li|\'lHll'EllH_V mo tho Duminirm I landing sn-r\'i(-0 In hi~: on F.. .l. I..'nmb(~I`l 1: 7 v ,, . . r.. .~t.pQ.\l1ix'|1|);i`.9\' \l-.n.;l1Irundir`l:Itu l'vnrr\_-'.um< 3 (;`;_|adu oi "the 'r,ox-ies a1.aud ;f01'ln9d for securny," he`f`d' wnum nnvc noon sun-mus. Just across from the school is :1 tompm*m;\' house in which live A1`- thux` M. -u`1'i0n. bush foreman for Scolt's. his wifn and three children. all of whum were in tho `nuL1.sr3 when the stonn hi! it. The blast blow in 1\\'n windmvs on the south side and ca!`1'i'cd out a windmv 011 the oppo- site side. A little lad of 20 months. who \\'n.~` playing nu the flour. was struck on the lug by one of lhc win- (i0\\'.S which nzu'm\vl_V 1iSS(`d his head. We didn't waste any time getting om". remarked Mrs. Mar- .inn 6.` W`!-.n T?`-nu-ninnv A I't\\Iv n1" nuau: In; Vvl: uluul any lll llL'(IL|. rirm to The Examixmr. A row of largv m:1plc:= along the fence bmkn lho force nf Ihe wind or the lmuse wuuld probably hnvo been wreck- lod. B from tho lumber piles [were scnllumcl about the _v:u'd. Hydro Hard Hit | Much (lznnagu xvus done to local hydm by the storm as the follmving (lc-mils will slmw: Collier St. - Falling (rec near {`lr.nu...0.... ......--.n.. `:\1\]! `Iv: < rin- I (Continued from page one) ` 'tean1: took 1'0!'11g.{e in the stable to escape the storm. but the wind <:m'ried away the roof. Had it fallen in on man and team the results wnulcl have boon serious. Tue! ru-.-new E`.-nun Ihn cr-hnnl Q: n !STORM VISITS I I was _13_[sTR1c:r! .< S1.-'1`1~.`e near .1n]msnn's ma- shup down. two poles broken inos dnwn in four diffcrcm \'lll hllU\\ . --- :11 <.'urncr took \vi1'L-s down THE BARBIE EXAMINER. N(`l` line out down domc.~:tic service (Continued /ram Page One) his convention sincerely prays thatl aving recnvcrccl from hm recent. llncss, our pr(.-micr will cmnimxe taxi njoy good health, long to be 0ur|` eatler and to show~us the mad rm] etter times. which can only be; chievccl by following the gr;-211.1" rinciples ol` the C0nscrv:x1iv(,- Par- V" lino broken `e that fell. 10>` down. mu I -m`S. Qble damage wa also d`"'`011ndi11g, districi to rL'n`:\1 Mtg. There were a few poles`. `iIi1'cs knocked down. Om: ""L` was burm-(.1 out. and WEE short service interrup- 0Y`sprn. Snmv was dmle power station at Fen- ncl1;S_ n, . ,p m-J4\ll \ K \ {ones Out of Order 1 01'of the Bell T(\1ephnn(- C0-ad that 12: ) tolcphoxlosl /91"-lit n1` m'de1' by the` 5_`~01'1s \vL1s`. cznlscd p:n'll_y by} `H-.5h`I.It mostly by (hu mLm_\_" fallirs. Some 2000 feet ml" C5`bklu1n:u:,c(1 ht,-yuml repair All 1-1" Ihc phones \\'m'0 fixed Nd rking (11114.-1' again b_v1 M`m("3ning. which speaks well 1 01` 1 .\`L`I`\.'i(.`l.` \vo1'k. i A A. -".11, local lhi1l1Z!1..{(.`l`. Sll11C(ll mm "m was one of H10 mn: 3*CV'~`1`b1m);1I1_v haul vxpvriunw Cd b0a1'r`ly are there as man)" F13 1255 put out of 0rdz:r oven` in mU:m' pI:1c<::< because of an. elecLrm_ r. r 10115-3.- mnes '1`<\!'.-phmur, :0-ad 12:`) 1ce1opI\nu;~s v`I"~"ut the` `W175 by ilmllt mn.~: .ly 'a11irs. 'i`b1*1:x1n.'1gc(1 `-11 fixed md by VI`"")1i111,-'. '01` A- -`.11, luau] . hm "m was mm` 1nn. `VC'olm):m_v (`,`([)(`!`il`ll(`-_ `d 1)(`nu~n1\- n-. Vhnrtl n< m:m\". STANDARD SERIES MODELSAS LOW AS S712 Delivered. fully (:qu:'pp<-d, at farm Frright and G-waenune-nr lien: n Sewers I n V . O3 VACATIONING soon? Start out in a 11- Master Chevrolet and assure the success Of Yoliaoliday plans! You travel smartly in this aristoc of low~pricecl cars. You travel dependably, 9C0I10nally, care-tree. And best of all, you travel in Carla's most modern low-priced automobile- ule Onlgar in its class with the sate new Turret Top bodies AFisher . . . with Knee-Action--trout wheels Vh Cable-Controlled Brakes, Blue Flame Engine iii Fisher no~dratt Ventilation! Your nearest dealer C make immediate delivery of your new car -~1L -.-J -r\r\ 1.;.... swim. At tho s-zmne time. 093161 make mimecuate oeuvuxy U1 yuux uuvv ..u. - - C6111 and see him today. At the same time, look ovelhe new Standard Chevrolet, the lowest- priced it e ui p'=d car on the market. Easy GMAC elm q p k `p. T. smrson I IAGAIN CHOSEN ; 1 IN ILSJMCOE; P G IICUU 1 MAC tens. : Fillod :1 driving V ninfn in ll` 75 Elizabeth St., Bax;-Zie AYE_'.R;S'_l'_ &_ HARRIS LID. Dealer in Coal, Cc FOR 25 YEARS PllAS SOLD EXCLUSIVELY MADE ITS WAY BY THE WAY ITS MADE ---BARRlE---~--------- Ioke, Wood and Builders Supplies y`.. Nominate W. A. Boys for Senate Moved by Major W. N. Knowlt,-s. arrie. seconded by W. A. I-Ioug. `ollingzwoodt I M/ht-rn.'ux~ H11: (`nnnh- 1.!` Qhyu-.... @%"% RUGER5 Y""\ THE TURRET TU!" . . . me newest, su Construction known. The roof of the car i sheet of sleel-extendmg down to steel sic A Fxsher Body advantage, oflcrnd only on 1 in its price class. rzurr nr'"NnM nwnnrs: .-md enrnn In lib })ll`.\.' Llama. KNEEJXCTION .......-I l..u.-r. I(nnnJ\ KNEE-ACTION . . . owners and cenqm must have Knee-Action hon! wheels {or I n::cx..| nnlu Hm Mas1e1' Chevrolet in the iron! wheels xur mo ease! Only the Master lrr Knee-Achon plus balanced weight. nv nrv r`YJH\II 1C` 1.-mrzrnrt (`.}mvrnlul'.-L knee-Hcnon plus Ddlcuum.-u vvcuy... BLUE-FIJAME ENGINE . . . Cl1ovrol.-l':; l- ol the famous valve-in-heaLl sxx-cylm(lel"onqlm-. and dependob1lily-alonq wxlh power and pr: CABLE-CONTROLLED BRAKES . . . 7 Chevrolet ledlure--lot smooth, equalized, pnsiil all conclmons. r-vnyvhrx ur~ur~nn.nvmnM llzn m..w.d (Ill COUCHHUHS. FISHER VENTILATION . . . the proved, l system pxonecxed by Chevrolet. Actually cools in hot weather. system pioneers in hot weather. /\ _DG'E_E Thursday. July 11, 1935 CLARKSON HOTEL--PHONE 62 H TICKETS, TIME TABLES, and all Coach Travel Iniormcntion at Sharon Temple is preserved as an Hisztoriccil Museum and is located west of the liighwuy nl llxe Vlllugrz ml Sharon. 1! is seen during the dclighllul mulux couch drive to Lake Simcoo. -1: -h-c'n;e 1 2 8 Page Three ` Cun;uln Dr_v's S mrkling \\".1tv.-r Ls the sml'.|-plus." Opcncd . . . nml in yuur re.-frigcr-.uur V/or` 24 lmzg : /mm`: .. it still Conlcs out full of ll\'cl_\'. lung-l.1stin;; 3 sparkle. Bcc.1u.~u.- (`.'.mud.x Dry : xmtcr is (`/'.lt``I` than distilled \\-utcr and is pin-point cqrbonatcd. FAMILY SIZE The C/.n1n1pague of Gin gm` Ales

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