Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jul 1935, p. 2

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I like u kitchcn big enough To hold :1 rocking-chair. With windows looking to the sun, And flowers blooming there. I like big cupbn:u'd.~; by the wall That hold :1 lot of llminpzs. The cups hung up on little hooks, A yellow bird that sings. T: A $110` No. 2 Size Tin Your shmv is not fuliy mlvortisnri wilhmn :1 notivv in `(`,un1im_.{ F.ven1s'. I _,- _. l On :1 sultry 51111111101` morning your family will enjoy Kellogg : Corn Flulu-s nmrv llum (`\`(`,l`. ('.rum-hy-m`i.~zp auul tempting, Will! cool milk or (Tenn: and fruit or l)cr1'i_'5. Delicious! STORTET Hqljgs: DAY... ., WHITE FLAKE PAS'I'f< Y _. - \Il\l..A I l\.I\JI\sJo 8 A.Ivn. to 6.00 P.M. Wl:;D., 12.30 NOON SAT., 8 A.M. to 13 PM. FLOUR Tl`llll`."(]l_\ ,. Judy. 1.1, 1935 ._______.__- #:_.__ 24-). Bag 67c ___:._._.__-. ' 19. Juhn Ruukc, Gen. 1.0- Roll ` Put up in an attract- ive s t e i n container illustrated F`( ` A: 1- . ~ for lunch or llw 1-Ilildrc-n"s supper. Ready to serve. No cooking. In hm. Iuugg_\' m-ullu-r. wlu-n n10.~zl (`c-rt-uls lose their freshness, Kvllug-,1`.-A (Zorn l*'Iukv.~' l'(`Zl(`h your table` oven-cri.~'p. Because they are the l'm2l0.~'l-.~vl|iI|-,~; n~mIy-lo-val ct-I"al in llw world, they never stay long on yuur ;.:rm-c-r'.~' slu-If. :\n l`X('lll5i\'(` nu-thud of manu- fuvnlrv gin-s lln-m g'I'l`&|I.(`l' eri.~p|u-.~`.~. And only Kel10gg s are pnulm-I4-cl 1) thv In-ul-sq-ulvd \V'.\X'l`l'l`l bug. inside the red-and- green pm-kn_a.:u. In sumnn-r purtiruhlrly you wunl tlw vxlru quality and value Kt-llug.-_vg`.- (Em-n Flakes give. .\l:Ill'|Ill`.~.~ I`.u\m~ um] on-isplmss. Many gmwruus .~'vr\iII;:s for a few cc-nls. lllsisl on the best. Quality glllll`lI|lI(`(`ll. Mzulv by Kvllul-.:;: in London. Ontario. L Kvlln;:g .~' .~'.uppl_v nt-vdc-I om-rg:_\'. um] are easy to digest. Fina . . _ .__ - .. . -v In Why /y` are Oven-hash and \/null nhuu An im.z~rr~,. wcdr_ling was sol-'; rnnunun 1 . emnizcd by Rev. G. S. Lloyd nt they Etlna Merle, eldest. (laughter of Mr. zmrl Mm. W. E. Allsnpp. became the: brirlc uf Corp. Hugh Lorne Campbell I of Camp Bnrrlon. sun of Mr. and Mz'.~:.! I`.'Iulc<:lm C'lIH[)b('][ of Yurktnn.5 Susk. 'T`|\n huipln umc rrnuznnrl in n hr-r-mm-` Pro.~xby1.o1'inn mnnsc, Midl:md, whnnl I bask. - 'I`h(- bride was gnwnorl in :1 be-com-i ing white and blue crepe onsomblcl with while n(rc(.-ssn1'i<`s. She \v:1.~4 al.- tonrledi` by her sistmz Islay, -also w 11 white :.1n(l blue ensemble. Cm'p.Sidm2y Mnccnuley of Camp Bm'do.n was best man. n mud...-ninar I'v`nvv\ lhniv hnnnv. I like to do my mending: lhnrc. Where I (`an w:nlr:h tho rand. And see the 1r.*nm.s~ came plmldin_I: home And smell their frngrnnl lnnd Of hcnvy :=hn:1vn:e nl slm-I-:in44 time. Or hear lhv wnssnns vronk And groan |)om-nth their nnltlnni weight When It is th1'nshin,q w0(`k x5n1'(Io.n DCSI mun. On `-*r:t,urning fmm their hnnny-| mnon, Cnrpm'al and Mrs. Campbell; will re.~;icl(: in Bzn'ri(:. I . Hum.` ll . unfunny. ' l A quiet wcdcling took place nni July 6. 1.035 in the chapel of St. Gr-nI';!(":-`. United C`.hui'r-h. 'T`nrrmln. wlmn lVli: Nnru (n.<~<('lin, (l:m;:h'.(:" rI' Mr. nnrl Mrs. F`rorlcri(-k Cm nf Rziiny Rivr-1`. lwrnnie tho brirln of Mr. William Ray Mr-Viltie. snn of MI'.'<. lsnlml M('Viltic and H10 lnloi William Jnrnvs Mcvittio of South- nmptrm. Rev. Dr. Gcrnzuc A. Brown` nl (Th:xlmm`.< Unitod C`hurch. King- slnn, pcrl`m'morl tho (.-m'vmnn_\'. Tho lwirlu urrm (~h:n'minL* in .'| whit!` Suil. smn. pcrmrmnu Int` L'c1'('m()r1_\'. un- hridv was (-h."u'ming suit, trimmed with fnx, and am-.cs. tn match. Shn wm'(` :1 Corsage of roses. | lily-0f'-H1c-vnllcy and forget-me-I nuts. After the wodding breakfast Ilho cnuplc left for a few (lays in I l C A Ml`I`.l'iLL---Al.LSOI'I ,.....1.n:.... ....... `Mt-..Vl'l"[`IE-GOSSEl.IN , `.1.-,,.. ._ ..u_ ._|__ K roR._.1{z'1 WEDDINGS (M95 {Increase 17 Old Age \ E Pensions in County I . Applications were granted in 21 `cases for old age pensions by provin- `ciul commission during June in Sim- cnc County. There were three iclcuths and one czmcellntinn, mak- -im{ u not increase of 17. One appllc~ lutinn was refused. Increases were mzixrcii in 16 cases. The 21 new pen- `z-:irm(?1`s were from: Bradford 4, Mid- ` land 3, Orillia 2, Penetang. Victoria `,Hurbor, Innisfil. Sunnidale 3. Tecum- gwoth. 'Pn.~:snrnntio, Tiny, West Gwil- tlimbury 2. | __._.____.__________. 1 like to have the supper nn And let it sinnnur .-zlnw, With rich brawn gravy l)ubblin;.: up, Around the moat. you know With apple pie sot nut to mm], And flaky m~vv-hnlwrl hr:-ml. With gnmen syrup in n how] And jelly hrighl and rod. : Mu. hr.-fore sailing on the Leti- itin on July 12 for Scotland and Eng`- !l:md. On their return they will live `lin `Barrie ARMSTRONG--LEE A quiet wedding took place on Friday. June 28. when Mary Hen- rietta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee. Nipawin, Sask., was un- itcd in marriage with Francis Hen- ry. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Armstrong. of Big Bay Point. The ceremony. which took place at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lee. Orange- ville. was performed by Rev. C. F. Molntnsh. The bride. wearing a [white silk moire dress with pink jacket and carrying a bouquet of pink rosebutls and lilies of the val- i]C_V. was given in marriage by her uncle. The wedding music was play- ed by Miss Muriel Lee. cousin of the bride. was bridesmaid. wearing :1 it-:ii~x*_\'in;: pink roses. Mr. Herman Armstrong, brother of the groom. was best man. After the ceremony I ;the happy couple left on a motor i`il`iI\'('(`(t in a white crepe ensemble `with white accessories. On their re- turn the bride and groom will reside `at Big Bay Point. bride. Miss Hazel Lee. cousin of the i 1 pink dress with blue accessories and l trip to the United States. The bride l Crecmorc played the wedding music. ` 'T`hn hviria u-nra white satm wit'n1 Crecmorc playeu me wL'uu1u_-.1 xnusw, Iv The bride wore satm with train and carried American roses and baby's breath. Hm` attendant, Mrs. Elmer Cairns. was in pink crepe made on long fitted lines and carried Talisman roses and baby's breath. Mr. Girvan Sawyer was his brother's gmomsman. At Hm rm-onlinn. ihe Quests worv brother's groomsman. Atthe reception. guests received by Mrs. Cairns in blue and white crepe and wearing a cox-5:11;:-2 -`if sweet pens and roses. She was nrsisteri by Mrs. Sawyer in white. and amethyst genrgette and lier flowers were sweet pens and roses. After a trip to Ngrthern Ontario. the couple will live on the 1.:ronni .< farm at Gilfnrd. For _g`oing away` the bride wore an orchid dress with white s\v:i1.:ge\' coat and nc(:e. I KIl\'G-C0l.LARD i` The hnme at` Mr. and Mrs. Her- mnn Mnrtsnn, Victoria Square, was the scene of 21 pretty wedding Sat- urday nftermmn. July 6. 1935. when their sister, Miss Milrlretl Vinln (`ul- lnrd, R.N., (laughter of the late Mr. I and Mrs. Jns(!|.\h C0llzu'(l. was mur- rod to John I-Inrvey King, 5:011 ut' the late Mr. nncl Mrs. Aurlus l\ in,t,'. Stzmdzlrds of tall, white and pink pennies, mingled with nrnmge blos- SI-Ins, formed an etleetive setting fur the ceremony. which was helrl in the gurclen. Rev. Frank Gilbert nt- fieiaterl. The werlcling music was pluyecl by Mrs. llermzm Fztwsett. amrl (luring the signiiig of the 1`e{.:i.~:tei'. l\/liss Murgtlret MeCngue snmz. The bride, given in m:1rri:n.:e by her bru- ther. Dr. Charles Cnll:n'(l. was in :1 beautiful gmwn of ivory satin. She r-.'m'e :1 veil of brirlnl net en1l>mirl~ ered with chenille. which had been worn by her sister. and she rzirrierl l3uttert'ly roses and h:iby's breath. ller flower girls were little Mist: Jog: lVItn`ts0n and Miss M:1r_enret Mun- son, nieces. who enrrierl nl ' ed nnsegnys. After the ceremony the guests were received in the ;z:tr- clen. where Mr. and Mrs. l~lr~rm:m Mnrtsnn and Mr. and Mrs. Nnt'lTI::n Kine received with the hride and Lzmnm. After the werlrling hr(~;nkt';t:`t the bride and groom left for :1 motor trip to the Gnspe Peninsula zmrl Al- Inntic Coast. For t1`:welliIm; the bride were :1 yellow silk linen .~'vI.t trimmed with brnwn. yellw.-.' tell hat and brown and yellow :t('('(`ssnt'- inn f\n Ohniv v-ntnrn tlu-\' \\'i|| ran. 11111 EH10 DI`()V\ Il zlnu _\'L:|1nw au.'L'k'.\.\uL- ins. On their return they will H'- side in Toronto. CHARMING JUNE DOUBLF. 1 WEDDING AT N0'I"I`.'\V\'.\. ONT. (Colllngwoml Enterprise-Bulletini 1 A double wedding of inlcrrrst in 1 a wide circle of friends, who xvorc r present for the ccrem(>n_V. was that 1 nf Olive Helena Allen. R.N.. ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Allen. Nnttawa. to William Arthur Wnl- , fcnden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arlluzr j Wolfenden. Barrie, and Hazel Mac. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rubi. lling-,. Cullingwnod, lo Roy Seiggcl, sun ml" `l Mr. and Mrs. R. l-l. S. Allen. 1 The happy event was snlcmnizeo-`l . i.) the United Church, Nnliawzi. :11 2 p.m.. Saturday. Juno 29. 1935. Rm`. R. Wisc-man. H(lV\'k()Sl(ln(`, uI`fi(:i;x1oc?.. which n1arl<(* his one lmnclrcrllh wedding: ceremony. Clnr,r_{e<)us lins- kots and l):1nk:"~ of blnssums pink and whiiv pennies. wiih fvrn. made the (-hurch an bower of beauty. :1 fit setting for the luv(:l_v l)l'i(h`S. Mrs. E. A. Kinclrt-c pl:x_vcrl thv wt-(lrling musirn Mr. Norman Allen and Mr. Norman Ring ;\(-led as ush- nun PPS. The brides were given in n1:m`i- age by their fzmthc-r.~;. The bl'i(l;`. Miss Allen, w:vs winsnnw in hm` sim- r.|n rrtnnn nf Mu inn hlun mn?rr~ cilk. 1 like to hnvv the lnnms: nshine unm unllnur ulnuiinyl linhf IVHSS I\IIlll. W S V\'llI.\UI|I(' Ill lIl'I null` pic gown of Mzirina blue moirv silk. made on Inn`-.'_ prinvcss lines with white ,velvcl. 1nrh:1n, with silver leavers and rinse veil. Her . xvoro of silver br<:(~:id(~ and the ar- m~.s'snries werv m.'ilchin_Lz. Shv cur- rivd :1 b of Johanna Hill ms- . ...:u. r. .1 r._....,.< rs-\l\ I11\.(< -um] CI'SSUl`IL'S \V\7lL' lllillk'IIII 1., curl: Llll` es with fern and l`m"u(~1-inc-nuts and wore the ;:1'nnn1's gift. (I while gold ~hr:1c0l(`1 with rhinvsltmv S(`ttll1_L`,S. Tho bride. Miss Rina. \\'as also ch:u`mim.: in her _11m.\'n of white satin with chinchilla lzu.-0 yoke and x'lo0\'(`s. whim satin lurhnn. \\'hi1L' satin sandals with silver trimmim: rind hm` huuquol \\':1.~' ulsu .lnh:mn:) Hill roses. Torn and f0x`;10l-inc-mm=. Hunt .41.. urn!-1\ Hun nil`! uf thn .rvr4mri\. rllll I'll. . |l'Lll nlllkl llH\I`|||\ and she wnrv the gift U! the 1' :2 while Lznltl b`zu`eI(-1. The enuples were unattended. A reeeptiun followed the many :11 the home of Mr. zmc R H. S. Allen. when Mrs. .. .v..-....;I In in-nu-n Cl. l'\I|l'l|. \lI\ ll H113. 4lIIkn. who was um-knod in brown Il`i_r\]." .~:l\.ecr crepe. Mrs. Ring; wcnrmgz :2 nnvy blue ensemble. and Mrs. VVn|- fcnden `m an ensemble of blue and white voile. each with (,`l)l'SL`(` M roses and .-nvect peas. assisted in r(~- coiving tho _x:ues:t.~:. numborim: nu-r fifty. '1`h.~ ham wns: heautifullv decor- l.l)UH!.1:l. 1Ul`Ul|l.U; Wu . unu xvu:-. IVUI` bert Muran. Barrie: Mr. and Mn. Arthur Woltvnden. Barrio: Mrs, A E Osborne. Creemorc. and Mrs. P. J. Tundrenu. Murillo. An infaeaning coincidence was the christening of Mix: All(`n's niece. the infant daughter fCathnrmu Min- nie Evelynl of Mr. and Mrs. I". J. Tondreuu. The cerzanmny was per- (nrmed.by Rev. R. Wiseman at (he rem-ptiun following the murriug: ccren1on_\'. Their mamy friends in lawn und the surrounding commun- il_v cxlend In Mr. and Nlrs. Wulfen- dun and Mr. and Mrs. Allen con- gzalululions and very best wishes itur future happmess. Int.` SHINE SH lllilll. ucu get a little jny out n! In up to :1 buukstall this ha Londum and asked the c you let mu` have :1 copy at Ruuror. for :1 wcvk buck?` "("uvIninIv" unirl vhn n nuurvr. mr :1 wet-n UHCK. "Certainly." said the other. "but don't you think you'd gut murc re~ qn lief from a mustard plusto1'. THE BARRIE EXAMINER, BARRIE, 0NT., CANADA TRY THE (`ll EMISTS nuns. 1. an...--uvnu 3 sad man. determined tu nu. ma ..l Hm mallznr! When they mmv in :11 night. To make :1 lmmr` so snug and rlnnr. 9 III II |)r<:i(1- nrricd ,..,...n1 !ANnREws 1 LIVER SALT; Small Tln 35:, Large Tln 60:, Extra Large Bottle 75:: ` I Sole Agcnts: McGi)livray Bros. Ltd., Toronto. Work Devvlnp.-; llungw-.r Thorn s0m1".s tn tr` twu (:l.".ss0s': mt` familio cnmmt pmvirkr fnocl for their cltildmn and tho other ' cannot get their <-hildron tn vat the ftmrl they do pt`n\Iirtv. Tlw n\rox'.'u:o.| child of tho pr-us:-nt ;;'-n(.-r:1ti<)n hm` bx-cmnc dift'i(,-ult tn fowl. I'h(,-3; lack the hungvr fur wlm1u.~:mn<= fnorl that | is dcvvloped by \\-'m`k. I`he_v uro nnti J I I alt0g(`.th0x' tn blumo be-r':m.~:r` thzrrn moms to he m>thin:.', to tnkv the phwo of the (-hm-as mt` -:n*lir~r rlny.<.- C:)t1nt!'_v nix` rlt"\'::lnp:: ggnrrrl app!-titv.'x` and `mo mzmy lmvv (-ity zxpm-tit.(r:;. Wt` have been wnt("nin;1 nn .':pputitu A .\l . ...:H.. n.u\.i "illn nnng .IL (`Hl> ll) Lu: uuuun,, .-. ('.'n`1ir~1' day Country : dovclnp with c-0n.~:icl'.~rnhlo .'nm1:'e- ment. A y(>un,r.: Incl. who has mrvm` been what mighi lw lernwd n lumrly enter and who i:: in(~1inc`c1 in be per- nicrzly abnut his fnncl. has ho:-n w0x'kin;.: rm :1 !`:n':`.*.. from dawn umil c1a1`k~-literally. He says he 0211:; three men 1\\'i<-(~ :: any and is :1!- wnys; 1mn;r_v. When he :1rri\'cs home he eats anythin-,'_{ and (~\-'o:'y1hing he. can lay his hzm on m` pg-rhaps I r-`-r\Il1I1 .;.~.4 `. . int-H1 inin On! -?(c:e/b gooll with I ~ `E? REFRESHING BUBBLlNG.. my his n:m(1.\' on In p should say. get his teeth the farm he eats things V jnymcm that `nu 11m'm' wm before or if he did om 11 under pmtc-st. I-Us np).>-elite to b(-hold. ' `n all the b n1C:1gx'e appc~1i'.(-:~ (--mld spon inn nn .'\ [';)I_`]n_ rnr-`A H : aH0g(?lnL`l' HI u1.um- Utituunl -. . tho` rlz1y.s'.} uppotit. :4. iment. Wm.-`n urhni mi.oh1 lw lwnrlyl Sllllll: 1 IIKC Ln f`l.'lVl` 1m: Iznnp With ycllnw ;,Iluvvin;,I light, And hnve tho kitvhun r-l(`:m ur-nun u\.. v: . No More ('h(".1p 1 1v ,n,,,. ,.., . `\'|'lt|:l'J| nu AII\; ;..\4-nu JESSIE ALLEN BRBQ/`ii: Written for The Examiner by .u-~.-nun n u 1 H11 r\rII\lI7Iu HINTS FOR HOMEBODIES ..... .__ .. .\`piu`d (`hvrrivrs . \u....... ... at .- nu..... r B;\.kin;:; Powder v A ` ...n-r I"/xv 15 ICUIH Hllll. UH with en- :m'm' would much! lid them. nit" : is :1 joy boys with -mid spend :1 suin- '1 l':u`vn 1. Wm) nus: m.-vx-r v wlinocl in . .. .1.... ....r1 L` -xi- The annual picnic of St. Andrew`s Sunday Scluml. hold on Wednesday. July 3. in Midland park. was :1 grout mu-(~.x~'.< in every way. St. Androw';: `.\/7.-. rv1..I. :.-. ah. Hr -Ihnl `Si. Ar-.d_rew s Picnic V/Vas Huge Success Pupil tnfter Imsnn on ('rv:x1inn) - But tezu.-hm . (lznrldy says wv :11`!- dm-',I.-m1(lu(l from 111 l`0nchm'---~"VVu can't dis private family :1r'f:uir:.' in as _vnu1' an way. at. muurvw ;.. .. Club was in c}m1'_xz-3 of 1110 affair and Inf` nothin,-I. undone to m:\.1-:-:- it <`l1j()y11l)|(`. In private cars and two large trucks. the ('hi1rh'en and a fair .~px'ink1in3.z of adulis made the jm:rnc_`,' to Midland. The after nnnn was spent in swimming and sports nf various kinds at Limo ;I.ak:~. Rofrc-nhmonts. which were un- Ohn ' nf l`hnc "I`nnn`h ;l.:w::~. m~|rc-nnmmus. wmcn wun: un- dvr Hm direction of 'l`hr).<. 'l`nugh. \\.'c`1`e ;xhum!:m1 zmd szltisfying. In .'1d- ditinn In 1110 usual .<:mdwiche::, rake. : pivs. 1:1I'1s:u1d 1011. there was :1 hmm- I Iihxl snppkv of ice crnmn. Icmnnndn. I or'.m1.:v.~: and water mc-Inns. \Vinnm`:4 uf Races G11-ls---5 and under. E:=`.ho.r I".wim:. Hvlvn Smith. Lclmro Mnffutl: under 7, Marion Ruhert:~:nn, Dm'n1,hy Jmws. Jnzm Braden: under 9. Ht-Ion Jnnox, Thhlmn Axlrirhtu. Eunice. 1 rin;.:1v: tmder 11. B:1hv1.`w Sin1.{m'. Jn:m Hul- um: under 13. Mu':ir~1 Drnkn, Meryl I\/[(fKI_`Il /.iL. 1,m 15. Murivl l)1':1ko. \Winnil'r( -d Dvnnnll: nnrlm` 15). Muriel Dl`. lk(`. Wim'xifrorl Dnnnu. Rn\., S nnd umlnr, Runny M(`.I.r`nrl. Erivcm Rum`, (`.nrrl.n Bigggurz nmlvr 7. Billy Bluin. Jim Sulh:-rlnnd. 'Rlr:~ E l 1 `TIPS. DLEHI. D(`l'VI_' l'lll `vs 01' Pivklvd Ch<.~1`ri nlivvs: or ;:h(-rkins. OFFER on SPECIAL any pickL'""j;{ )3-01.. Hnlllt` S4'.3f5iFi T$ LIBB Y'S HOMEMADE IN WOMAN S REALM Our Specials at other points are not all the sauna but you will always nd them equally as protable. I "viii V-- In nil 'l'in A Canadian Prmluct GLACIER Brand SPECIALS ON SALE WEEK OF JULY 11th to JULY I79]: `hIiOCETER1;&S%" C6:',Mi:i'MITAEDV* sol! Green; under 9. Jimmy Gilmore. l)0nny Simnn. Nmvvll `:1t1.c1`: nnth.-r H, ('1. Knapp. Jim (`.iln1m'<.': nmlx-r 12;. Gun. Huokt`. I".d\vin Kn:1|)p;' ..n,:.m IR (inn T2n..lz-n (`nrl`in ]n\\'- !;wiH1 Laborafory-Tesfe Start a hot day with a COOL, CRISP BREAKFAST Mosquitoes Killed \ I I' H \ E -- Quickest. Sv:r-ngst Death Fb_Y Tea:-1): Flies, Mosquitoes. Roaches. Bed Bugs. Ants. Moths 470 CHEAPES'!'AMBmEiC_lV_\AJ$vE IT TAKES LESS. DI. Vv Iululns 32 u,` J, STRAWBERRIY Will I A M l`wI\n 3 3 !:",`FF9Y . CLUB HOUSE ."L,'_V'5~`!.9s:.z:17 OL|VE$94,,,1 } lxznmlxigm-1-n Holuc Buy the Best Tea St. Williams 32 J," ITRAWRFRRY - A JACK 8cJlLL 9 PEANUT BUTTER ONE 01' llw nal rulvra for vmnforl in hot we-atlwr is: D0n t over- land your stomach with lu-any meals. Eul light, crisp, refreshing fmuls.

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