Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jul 1935, p. 14

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f;-'-Phone 240 for the Rawlelgh Man. -Mrs. R. J. McFadden spent the weekend in Thcdford. : ,Mlss Norma Poucher ls holidaying Q 'Thorc1 House. Muskoka. ._ iss Mary McKeown of Marquette. Mich., is the guest of Mrs. S. Hughes. -'-Mm R L Lt-Norman and son are HUN! IN`- 39c W9; Illllnr. 25c -Sister Ship of Nancy"* F Lls Thought Discovered `- `iAt Woodland Beachi.,,. 2-Way Stretch cardies .....x ...-.m. H'('\' :11'.v `M I `RAYON PANTIES- DUFFLE BAGS CREPEA \/I\I4l LA 5.15.41: 5. ('-l{\.\'|) \'.\l.l'l`.`. .i.-.('|mw Slum m (il(v\.\lJ \:\I. l('-('lHm~ Slum, Ilvrv 1: _'.'mn 'I|l`\' llnm-:11` .` _sLn>s [nun-I1. h\j.': I .1 11:! 1|? .1.` 95 On the CANDY CCBUNTER }\ - g `/5,;lb.l0c |`C`|i\ ` -l ( `. I)L'L`i- .\\;l1~ her hnlidnys mere. - MI`. and Mrs. Herb Gibson have mrwed to Toronto where Mr. Gib- Son has taken :1 position with 11 well known firm as mechanic. ._.vm... f`.rn(-in , for women has W; I \\ l. 3l All "- n lenu ....x.... GRGANEDY SUN HATS '_136ir:s"wA"sH su1`rs irliigiikn PICTURES Boys ; BLOU_SES Thllrsdny. July 11. 1935 'M[;Njs TIES cHic~ firm mecnamc. ~-~'I`hc Gracia shoe for all the good features that a popular shoe should have and the price is now $4.45 at. Hill's Shoe Box. 28b "Mr-: J H, Ives and Mrs. 'I`wecdy TGLLYLEAGH WAVERLEY ml mmrl UH` |Il`Il'H. ;IL1:_12E 11m mrlmlin. mm p:cH<`t||'.. 5 i'*- I-|II'Il`Iwl 2 C `/2 7 1/_,_ 1 %2"s; lb. 1 JIYIII $4.45 at. Hurs D1101.` Lwx. mu `Mrs. J. B. Ives who are holidaying at Horning': Mills, molored over in spend three days with the farmer's pal'ent3 Brock St. _ . , -v-'T`hn hnnuv washout of the week hm- l"ll : pkg. 10c 10c IOU "le Fourteen Brock St. The honvy washout of the W99}? d at. St. Cloud on the Bale` div; fsirm of the C.N.R. started thg, bu !-. last trains again on Sunday for-_:u short limo . `l\lIu- um! Mm: I. Sn!-arn. Misses limo Mr. and Mrs. L. Spearn. Bessie and Marian Spearn, Mrs. C Mitchell and (lnmzliu.-1' Ele_:1n0r. an` all h0li(ln_vin;z :11. the family cottage Sunny Cnvv. near Halal Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill of Ottawa and Miss l".. Hill of Toronto are or two xvovk.-:` vncniion wilh Mr. and Mrs. F. llill. 'I`il'l'in Si. Mrs. L. Clint nd children of Kllworihy are H134!` Rim.-:i,s tlxr-re. 'l`hu~ rmzular Sun evening sotv Elm.-:1,s there. The regular Sunday vim of Burton Ave. United church has bnen mrnmzcrd for Minclfs Puini ` Pnvilimr ouch Sunday night during July with Rev. W. A. E. Doc in charge. Mr nnd Mrs. S. Sham and Mr. charge. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp and Mrs. F. Craddnck of 'I`nr(m1o spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Kcndrivk. On Sunday Nliss M. 01'- ton and E. Bmwn of Toronto worn guests thorn n..n_.I Q Q I`In-Iln l|l'Illl`ll B.. I` I|'-IIIU 'l'he annual picnic of Burton Ave United Sunday School was held on Th\ll'SdlI_\' afternoon at Springwnter Purk with :1 good turnout though storms threatened. The trip was made by car and truck. Ball games. a peanut hunt and other amusements filled in the afternoon's program. 190 sat down to a hearty picnic supper and the remains did not take long to clean up when full jus lice had been done to the spread. Allandnle Tennis Club __Offieer.x' and committees of Al- landale Tennis Club elected at it nneeling in the clubhouse yesterday were: Pres. Bert L()Lll.ZhL`Cd1 Vice- Pl`i`.\'., W i-`rnser: Sec`)/-Treu.~'.. M. Hanna; Social. Miss B. Garside; Captain. J. Percy`. Grounds. S. John- son and H Hunter; Tournament. 1 . Mt.-Millin. l\"[i. V. Green: Ilouse, Mrs. W Fraser. Miss E. Peek: .lun~ ior. I). lluteliin;.'.s. Johnson. Anr~ ilnrzmllml vs- It-nL'u(' nnI':l MiCh., IS the guest 01 Mrs. D. nugnua. "Mrs. R. L. Lcitcrmnn and iffsiting friends in Toronto for a few dys. Mr, nnd Mrs. Jos. Plant and son ml`. 1). U1`?! :lcl'aulled HulCmm.'.s. 5. JOHHSUII. ycster(lay'2~'. I\UI'- I021 guo match. Orllliu club are coming to r\lI:mdalv for :1 match nu Saturday atlmwmon and vvcning. Ken Carl:-r s Body Found \Vm`(l imluy \\'as that l`I:(`1`ivv(l body 1311' in of the Allnndnlu late iemwlh (`uru-r hnrl hovn rncovored _\'L-su-rd:\_\' {rum thv Churchill River mrar (`hurthill, Mzmitulm. lnlormon`. he tukim: plncv with full vniliturf.` and ()r:InL:n~ hnnnr.\' this uftcrnnnn at Lv l":|.~. Mxmlluhu, beside the l)nd_\' of his 1ln`m~-_wu||'-old SOIL Carter, who was drn\\'nv(l with his father tutu. and nmthvr not yvt luwn fnuml. and l\`lr.~'. (`urtor mnl sun loft Allan- (`hurt-hill, than our yvzl" nun dull` fur ,u.. several wuck~I 'I`lu- lmdy of 1\lr.<. C`:u`lt`r has The late Mr. M:um.ub:n. lt'.\'.~` I Jimmie. 1:` 1 I 1 1 I nun: \'||\ 3 x ..,,.. l'rv-Nuptlal "Showers" Hi, Slm\v0r.~ h.'l\'|' horn pm-vulvnl furl. sovm'ul \\'l`(`k.\' hut lhv nmsl pnpu-lm, Jar have lu-vn llinsv .~'lmwvrv(l" ' M upon llill Scull. well knuwn l\l\(`k(`)` H plnyvr. and his bl'l(ll`-ll)-bl}, \\'h(\.\\` (H IY\i|l`l`l;l).!l` l:Ikv.\' plnco lnduy. ()n 1-( TlmI`s\lu_\'. .linn- `.37. n lurgv gull-r-ll (`ring \\`;l:< hvlil all lhv hunw of Mr.` , and Mrs Wm Scull, ism I{m|(l.' | \\'lu`ll lllilll_\' frii-nils nml I`t`liIli\'\`.\" \ `Of llw puplllill` ynnm; couple wurvi ])l`(`.\`(`l\l auul pm-sviilui lhvm with u _ grunt ninnlwr of gills. On Tlini':luy. l '" July 4. imnihvr i.::uhcriIn: unrl shuw~ ' |\ N` \\`.'\s lwlrl in lmnnr of l\'1i.\`.\` Ellwl 5, M(`Q\m(lo by :1 number nf girl l'in'l\(l.\` uf llw in-ltlgv club at llwlu hnnw of l\ll.<.< ll. (inrsldv. llruck St. U St. (ic0rg I"s \\ ..\. (`warden l'urI._v lluu\'_\' .\'h0\\'t`l`.\ on 'l`ucsLl:i_\b z\flcr- noon did not (lmnpvn the urduur of tlw W..-\. of St. (ioo|'gv'.~4 Church and ` U the` unuunl gunlon party was hl`ldlI 0\':`n lluvngh it wns found lxvcu.\'.\'.'\i'yl in nnwv lhv l:il)lv.~' min lho hnlli A . - . F \\'lwn' thv usual .~|\|c1\dul supper xvusl 's!`I`\'t`\l frmn 6 in ll pan. with slrai\v- la b(`l`l'l(`.\ pl:l_\`il\).: u niujur purl in the `L menu. .-\n excellent progruxn \\".is 5' givvn lulvr in lhe L`\`L`ll1l\1.: with llu-| rvrlur. llvv. G. E. l"icrln`.llcr in lhv ` Email-. wnn Miss M. Mc:\nl\-y :uul1_ l".rlmuml Hardy as accolnpaliists lhcj fnllmvim: luuk purl: vucal .~'nln.<.\ `Fri-(l l\1cDougull. Mr. Pane. Emory, Hill. Miss M. 'l`humpsun. IVITS. \\'.i llzwliss. Mr. Sulclitfc. Dr. George; Burns. Art Jay and 1\1iss 0. Brown- lm-; male quarleuc. l\'1uss1'.~`. Lam-w tibrl. Baldwin. Hill and Thmnpson; duet. Dr. Burns and Mr. '1`hompso_n:_ lap dance by Misses Norma Goddcnfe and Joyce Robinson; duet. Mrs. Bay- Ne und in Rnrnsf ninnn solo. Miss ~ l Pnlllllllllu nuuu; u. u...u...,.......-... ..._. sc)lo.~'..1 g_......__ Gcnrg\~', M Hm 13\'>\\'x\-[`.;m_`( h`N Lulxx-~'rh.,m.,,-..,,_ '1`hnmpson;! Al the cln 'l`hmnpso_n;glneolim: hclt dance by Godden. 2 '. *4"~"` F Joyce ?._` Ilsa and Dr. Burns: piano solo. Miss,{0u1. Vcm.'_;` C`-.wundol_vn Jackson; duel. Misses; ' VFW Ilruwnloe and Thompson: cello solo.` Re\._` (A__ M1`. Jackson and duct by Mrs. B;\y- (m~me.~ pa and Emory Hill. Pd Friday 6` ' Scott!-McQumle .2`ds:r"v`}.C pretty wedding took place this 1- D_-neg q()e1'1xpo1:. Thursday. July 11. 1935. :0 me L-on ABOUT ALLANDA LE llnltml S.S. Picnic .`p. ..l' Ilnula :u.~ur yum .~. "' Misses} Minister lnduclod N W110 8010-; Rev. G. Duuulus Kendall. M..-\..% Mrs. pastor oi Hillside. xvus indu-.-1- `, evening as m'u\isler of Bum! ` Head and Newton Robinson chmgz-. . The servfce was c6nducle`d_hy Rev. T. in Elmvulo. 'I`hv'3addr(-.<.< congregation \'jd$ duliveluu . in marriage to Mr. William Campbell ` Scott. Essa road. ' Coulter, formerly of Allnndale, per- - peas. . ter, Miss Ella McQuarle. who was Ablueifklelphinitim and sweet pens. thl'a.itie_ circles as a member of the at the United enurcn parsonage. nu Gerrard street, Toronto, at three 0'- o`elock. when Ethel Patience. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Me- Quade, Burton Avenue. was united Scott. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Rev. George E formed the ceremony. The bride looked charming in a pink and brown ensemble and wore a Corsage of Johanna Hill roses and sweet She` was attended by her sis- dnessed in powder blue with white :ic'ee'ssorles* and carried a bouquet, or Th'e.1;rom n. who is well known in champion Barrie Colts hockey team and Allandale lacrosse team. was attended by his brother-in-law. l<`.d~ ward Haqan. The happy young couple later left on a honeymoon trip to Musknka and on their return will reside in Allandnle. L.0.l.. Church Parade The annual church parade or the L.O.L. was held on Sunday morning from the hall on Burton Ave. where the organizations gathered at 10 a.m.. along Burton Ave. to Essa llonrt, to the gore and back up the same route in `Rnrtnn Aw-. United church. Au- at the United church parsonage. 1111 ram-mm an-am Tm-nnin In three n - the and back we same l`()ulL' to Burton Ave. United Ap- proximately 150 were present and included Allandale L.O.L., l..0.il.A.. representatives from Barrie L.O.i.. R. I`.B. and Micthurst I..O.l.. 'l`hc parade was led by the fife and drum band of Barrie -O.Y.B. and a number of the members of that bro- : therhood. Speaking from the words found in Luke 13:6, Rev. W. A. E. Doe rc- minded his hearers that the great Gardener is always willing to grant `mother chance to the fig tree that has borne no fruit. as in the parable old by Jesus who usually gathered His illustrations from familiar things Nevertheless life everywhere must vindicate its existence by giv- _, ing an adequate return for that ex- pended upon it. We enjoy material and spiritual blessings within the nation through our heritage of a christian past and a present christian country. Do our lives lean toward God more than in the past`! If not. we must look to the cause of 'he deficiency within ourselves. 'iocial reconstruction comes only from righteousness set up within 'he nation. We must give Christ His uiace in our lives. Treasure the word of God not only as tenet of the ritual but because of its value in our lives. We must get behind the church and give it our support so church and organization may de- vote their interests to highest and best things. A solo was given by Mrs. R. Heels. Father in Heaven". and the anthem by the choir with Frank Dutcher at the organ was King. All Glorious" with solo and obligate by Mrs. W. Park. Death of John Carrol Pyburn in failing health tor the past two years. following a paralytic stroke. John Carrol Pyburn passed away on Saturday. 'July`6. 1935. at his home. 109 Essa Road. Son of the late Rich- ard and Mary Pyburn. he was born in Cayuga in 1856 and lived for sixty years in the Muskoka district. For titty years in the employ of the Mickie-Dyment Lumber Co. he had a wide experience in lumbering and was well known for his ability to handle men and at the same time was highly respected by his tellow employees and employers. Seine ten years ago he moved to . Toronto and went into the grocery business which he carried on sue- )n er zh cs, its no lot )9 came to Allandale where he has ise, lived since. in religion he was a I resl)yterian. in l88l he was married in Miv.-< Annes Rowen of Orillia who III`- (1 i i i l '2 1 | l t cesstnlly for t`onr years and then ` l m~ 1'rcst)ymrmn. In mm nu was marriun .1r- to Miss Agnes Bowen nf whu zuo V survives him la y together with five children: nnc (laughter. tlidna). l\lr.~'.i l.cc Stcbbcns. Tuwnscn. Mzngvlzmd. and four suns. Ernest. and Herbert. `Allandnlc. ChilI`l(?!~', Vantage. Sask.. ll` ate red ver en`. ar_\' l `\d_\-' mie. Bk lan- and (`unrdnn at Mac'1`iex`: also nnv brother. Frank Pyburn. Orillia. and thrm: sisters. Mrs. Frank Gyblyn. Buffalo. Mrs. .105. llruwn. Craven- lnirst. and Miss Sarah l yl)ux'n on the 01d homestead at Svvurn. 'l`ln- funcral was hold on Monday. July ll, with sorvicc at his latv rv.~'i(lum-u- conducted by Rvv. N. R. D. Sinclair nf Essa Road l rosl)ylcrian r'lun`(`l\. lntormcni was marlo in lsarriv Union Ccnmlvr_v. l alli)0.'\1'(.\i':~' were Frank l`_\'l_\urn. Rnlwrl llmwn. Charlt-.~' Cnckhurn. Smith Kain. Thus Gr.'\_\' and Wm. Campln-ll. Snmr` of tlmsv m`Ps1_-In [mm a (listanvv xvvro l\h`.< l-`. lyblyn. lluffaln, Mrs. .In.s: Hrnwn. I(`-r.'I\`-nhnr.~`l. Miss S. Pyhnrn. Suv-_ ("V i vrn lh'i(l;,'v, Frank l _vhurn_ Orilliu. `PU flint):-rt Brown. Buffaln, 'I'h<):: Wu)nd<. VH1" .k(.) |`~ (lnslivk l\"lr.~'.(`.'unplwll and Arllnlr 'l'1nL:<-v. all of llr:n`:~hrirlin-, Mr. and Mrs. W and Nliss Mabel Pylmrn, 0 'l'm'nnln h(`I`- u 1 1 V ( V .5 \ t l L I 1 I I days. Mr. and Mrs. of Toronto are on vacation with relatives here. Rillv Przitt left to spend his vaca- 5.-\ry1 A `luuzv number m Irwnms ; lmu`|`\:l;I[l\`\`s :|ltI'IuiI.'d the ~l'uucI.'\l W Rm` Bell lI\ \V-sum un .S:\l||x`l;n' _ `_' Thu ball uznnc b(`l\\'t'(`I| Bax "' and 'I`lmInp.~'nn\'il|<- ul Alltsmn K ll-` I-`riduv e\'n-mnp; was wnn h_\' I`l\m sun\'illc, 12 In 10. . mg The nnmml Sundzny Schnml my ` W \\:1.~' held Ill tho purk un \Vvdnv.~t laf'.L'rnum\. .\ unod crowd \\';\.~ sTkT_il\:|l\d and spun! am \'lljU_\`;|l)l\' 11 (`uvil Smith of 'I`m'm\1n IS sum inu hl.\' |\0lld.'1_\'.\' with H. (inrxuw. Miss Hvlt-n Nns\vm'!l\y uf '1`nru Is spvlldlmz hm` vavamun \\'IH\ fnm hvr:-. '1`lu- rum-nt lu-zu-\' nuns hnvv (in Notices for last meeting oust about $5.00. Tun much money for the re- sults. "rim T.:ulinv<` /\I|\'I`.i:Il'v nth,-n(lo :1 sults. The Ladies` Auxniury ullcndtwl zone rally at Collin1.,'\vnnd on Friday evening. nu-illin mnrln n Lrrnnl of $150.0() (0 `evening. Orillia made a grunt .$15().0() the Legion to r1e|`rz1y exp:-uses of im- Jubiloe cclebrulizm. May 6. T1.-nu A F`. Rvnilh hl'nllI!I1I :1 (`ill`-| Jublloc CL-1(3Drunnn. may n. : Pros. A. E. Smith lnwmglul rur- lond nl' cmn1':1(lcs and smm~ excel- lent ideas from Orilliu in our lusl ; general meeting. wnm-r Mclndluss has unclorgmu: general moenng. Walter Mclndluss undorgmu: (mother uperatirm nu his arm in 'I`or0nln General I~Inspit:nl. Lust. re- ports are 1'znvmu".1blc. If lhv winner of the roasting pan ]')0l'IS ill`L' liI\'Uu1uuu:. If the at (he Bingo gznno has not nlremly done so, hc 101' she) can get the oth- er half at Armst1'on1,:'s. 'T`l-un Rn:-l:inxrhnn1 rnnfmaf \Vi DC hall at Arn1sn'on1,:s. The Buckinghuni contc-st. will On again this year. Fred Will'Cl'l11lh is again chairman with u cmmnitltw including two rep1`csentativos each from the Lions Club and Kiwuiiis. Last year we turned over 92 to_vs in the Kiwanis for distrilmtimi. Ti 5 your with the help of nur Slllfl` SCI- vicv clubs we hope in make it 192 Who remembers S:ipp`.iu'. Thnso 5 i .. un--v lL'. ` r. ham nni nlrnn(l\' relauvcs here. Billy Prziti to spend tion in Halifax with Mr. and Mrs. -Mait. Livingstone. ' -M.-u re 'l`nvlnr is lmnmvinu stead- 4 Aftur an i|ln(`:~'.x of four nmnlhsr thv (loath um-urr(-(1 nf Mrs. M:nr_v , Bmmcy at h(`l` homo nl Erlgzzlx`. July '5. 1935. Mrs. Bnnno_\' \v:|.< ftmnt-rly Mary W1'v;11.:it'.. (l:mL{lm-r ml lhv lxm` Mr. and M'l'.\' Jznnvs Wrogzuill. She `.\':I,\` pns.x'(,'. ml mzmy .x'tm'lin;.: qual- ities and her gr.'1(:in1|.~: D(`l`SUll:lHl_V wnn fur hvr mun)` frit-nrls, 'l`h(-1'0 . mm. I-nu 14--.-iifv as (1) he)` blll'\ 1v|1u.',i (`.ou|';:v 'l`hm IVIFS. Frank 4`. ...~ clung ll (` many wnu lulu |\.VllI.v .. . l and H1(lll_L[hllll](`.<.\' (lurinx) ~41<~k11os.< and trouhlv. She was: :1 nwmhor M the P`.d_::`:n` Unitorl z-huI`(`h zmd nlsn nl` Hw l.:uliL-.x" Aid. Cu:-nhvinll` urn hvn (l::u1!ht01` : Mrs llulll .\IHI.`. 'l`hnm:1.x~ nf `mrlJ:1<`k at vhilrlrmx u Hvr huslnu van \` nncl ( I 1. 4...! IAk'iII|. L\V\:| \ The fum- I`I(1;:.'\r Uni` IHOH1 at T pull-ho:n'(-r.~ 'I`hnmp.<(m. 'I`hmnnsun. Wilson l\rIm'tinu,-1` H('|l. "n ly-l'ir. yum`. (lied :11 his l rm Clmrlos S1.. 'I`1'unlnn. on July 2. 1935. The (lut'vu:<(`(l in ill lwnllh for the past 5 but his illnvss was not (-- nf u suriuus llZllUl`(.`. lu-nvv vmnv as :1 great slmvk 1n Ixvinnrlu n ()I'Illl:l. (lCL'0:Iscn was : M` Mr. nutl Mrs. John H Shh was lH1Il`l'il'(l in 191* - in Hznrriv, where she ha: -1` siluvv. She vvns :1 nu-m n/1.. .'.. (`Inn I sun!` H: :ll1(I Ont` ll |I||n. ... .... twelve yuzn's. - flnlorul s(.-r\'i('t.` \\/as hold :11 1` Unitwl ('hur(~h with inur- T):1|. (`mm-l.(`r_v. '['hv )(`:lI`I`l`.\` \vm'c J. Brown, W. Ipstm. J. 1.00. F. Ilndgv, TL xpsnn, ('1. Kissit \. THE BARBIE EXAMINER, BAIUIIE. ONT" CANADA` W'. M. lH~`.l.l. m in his Til`- 1`('si(|(-mu` nrlos 'I`uvs(l:c_\'. hutl hm-n wnllh six \vv(-ks: an.....-\- wzm nut (-nn. Mrs. A. Henderson. nssu nunu. "'Mrs. C. Taylor of Coldwatcr ar- rived hore on Thursday for a few days` visit with relatives and friends. Eva K. Mott left on Friday night ml` Hw I.:uIIL-.< Am. ing are two tluugzhtemz ` 'l'hnmp.< Hf Dulslnn ':md mk I\`|nd:l(-n of Edxunr. nnd us. (Eu:-1`_L{c of HnmiIlun.` K:1pu.\'l<:1sin:: zmd II.'u`vuy humu; also fiH(-on ;!,r2md- and um: I,:r(`:1t-1.:rnmlolxiltl.' bunt! prvtlt-ct-z1s('(l her fnrty cl (mv (laughter. Mrs. W. Mt`- ....|.v.. \vn!\\'-< ll. (|1lllL{I\l(`l` (H uw Inn" ` r I0 run tmtify us 1|-nllhln Rh \\1_q nyth (`()llflllCf('(l : '('h nnrl S1. Mu pzull-h':1n\rs \\ Ernest, Hart, 1 `.0011-,u Cnnu.` ...l (Tn:-ulrl `#12111- but` 5 : (`hurvh Snvivty. uul `H'l` n_v. hvr purvn Armsun \. ilHIL`l'(ll Daley. ilx \Vl`l'hT\ m1, his doznh . ...r..u- guog Up-[(1-1 fillcrl \ run` ; -Mait. Livingstone. 'Mrs..F. Taylor is improving ily after :1 critical operation at thc~ R.V. Hospital recently. . Pm-H (`.thrni1h and son Ross of` llil])]J\ f)n|_v FOR COTTAGE AND CAMP On the Piece Goods Counter {Hip url . 1 \II\\ I lmnrlsm I A ll'\' ZELLERS helps you Prepare Economcially by featuring things you need for the Va- cation and for All Summer use, at Prices that Help Your Budget. Check our Special Values carefully, and SEE WHAT YOU SAVE! WWW `EV CREPE HATS! F1:L_T HATS! l \ :ll'H)lI\1 1:1 - \V'1l.\'ll`dlt|('. WHITE GLOVES _ LINENE DRESSES IJIIAVIJLJI l\/An Lfnulll and Satin. Sur trim. Uplift st_vlL-.<. -' nmrlu-1':m-l_\' prirorl :1 " I n-thv-minute .\'1_\'lo.~; I with (`h:nLu(- pur.~':- : Anrl (-:1('h Bun ull I14 5;: n\.a: ILV. Hospltal recently. Cecil Galbraith and Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mix. A. Henderson. Essa Road. "vMrc ( '[`nvIm- nf Cnldwater 'I_'EA TOWELS wuhma B_AG' BANDEAUX VAGATON TIME vim . Vznrlml I:|l)r:<'.<, hm : In (Wnlv n, m S1 .\`l)'|t'.< will l`!I lllll nu. nun u_- unu : fi(`. Only .-I. ..nu uh-inn-r HHIIW` UIIHI is Sl_\ ll'H `_".` 25c days` visit wnh remuvcs ann lrlcnus. Eva tr`) spend her vacation with her aunt. Mrs. Jack Kilby, in Chilliwack. B.C. 1\/fr nnll Mrs: `Tod Baker of Elmira Ah I`:-. 4 IUIILL :1'LJ- 0 C HHH` VVIHI :';n 25C AL} .s't_\'lm-s l"H!'- HI H111`- E2 Ankh Host: for A('1.n.'(~ .~|>m't.\\\*nnn- nlu Imvnu" :1 \lIl)l)l >Jl L491: 1-.` o Children s Pantie Dresses `Z-4-H \ ('.`Il`.\, (|ninl.)' .<\_\'lv~, _< with ln':*_:nnly trim. I".:u`h . . .. C SUMMERY COLLARS .qIllnm'_\' : nfvhuny 1 .__._.. I r|n.a-.4:.u hlon <\ rm nll TABLE OILCLOTH Mrs. Jack Kilby. In Lmunwacx. 13.. Mr. and Mrs. Ted have taken up residence on Cumber- land St. and moved in on Wednes- pluu mq1|.'.<. 1dL'v\-l`ri(-I ._j.___. SOAP SPECIAL! JKTI I l n|nu> ' Snap ,' Sum yI._lI\ I \/\Il- 'is1> (ixunlullt-.\ Sufi (`l'1`|n-5` Mmquiln .\uHinu (fgrccn) l)I\`lS.\`(`.l Ii, . . . . . . .. \\'hitc l`1.HmclcIIc (37 im. l-;l\`(>-\1>(1I.()'I ll (.u.1..1) yALuEs- Sport-. 'I':lr my will ::p|>r-vi \l\- ml" 1-uml (`I11 43.45; -I for I 5 for C`. fur duy. -George Pnucher has returned to Toronto and was accompanied by Miss Phylis l"ou(.-her. who will spend h'r holidays there. M.- nnrl Mrs, Herb

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