Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jul 1935, p. 12

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_-.___--.___.____::----- GOIHDUN l.()N(`ul\l.-\N. I!;n`rIs1 icilur. Nntzugv. Eh`. .\Inm\\` 11 Mnsnniv '1`:-nxplo lmilulixuz. ll, .?___._j._._-:_.___---- cvssor In L`rvs\\'1cm- tar. Solimmn Mg. Ross Rlm~k_ llurrnu ---__..__?_:___: DALSTON AUCU UNTANTS __-..:__.__._._____ CIllR.()l`R:\(3TlC -.- ?i:?\IEWES'\ ` __________________ ` HRS. LlT'l`Ll K: I.lT'I`Ll'I. Physicians `and Surgzvnns. Bzwriu. ()fTi<'o and Rex- ` idunco. 47 Maple Ave. Office hours; `1 [H 3 p.m., 7 to S) p.m.. m` by appoint- `ment. A. T. Litllc. M.1)., W. LI. Lit-. tlc, 1\`[.B. Phone 213. ___?_________.__.____. DR. N. M. LAIIRIIE. I..M.C.C., Phys- ician. Specialist in (li. s of Chil- dren. mu-rn:\l mvdir'inc and n1in01' sun`-,:nry, (')t'l`1<'c and rcsxduncu. 21; Owen S1. Mmno 487. : DR. \V. R. I". LUKE-I)R. G. C. SNELL. I"._\'.-. Ear. Nose and 'T`hrnz1t Specialists. ` I\1L-(ii:-ul Avts Buildimz, '1`m*nntu. Bur- riv ol`fivv: -1: : I .l17.:|lwth St. (opposite l(nx_\' 'I`ht'.'1tro). T`h 175. ()f(`(`. hnm'::` `ind and 41h SnluI(1;1y.< of the numrh `X In '7 nun ` _______________________ DR.\\':\l.'1`l'Zl{ ll.\\'0()DR(\\\'. Orilliu. ,S1u'vv.<.\'nr to tho lnh` D1`.:\.P..-\r(l:u:h F._vu.0:\l'.11nsv:Imi thmm spv(`inlist. `will ho at Q'.u~vn`.< Hotel. B:1rriu `u~n~-:\' S:1I1n'd;1\. N ;1m.. in 11! noon, Page Twelve -._,..:.:.__..:_ -BELLE EWART _ W. lc()(`.l-ERS. I`h_\'si<:1;111 and n. :\.<. (`m-mwr. (`,nunl_v '00. ()H`iv(- and rvsirltmttc: 50 4 m....... um . SMITII. .l).. Pl1_\'s:ici:n n. Office`. 0\\-vn St. (fm mind by Dr. L. J. Simr um. l~H 1\1:m1o .\v Phou ll-ll) .\. R().\`S II<`nrmL'rLv of .. &- ltavssi. Lntv surgzvnn spo- .\'ith the lmpvrinl !\rm,V. 4": (;m1c~r.-11 Sllr;:u|'_': and ()hstu1- I Ullnlnp 81.. B:n'ri(~. T01. T10. a S.\'m,'I:ll&` LI 3, :m( Nmnv ml. Ph_\'::ici:m and . (Immor- Simpsnn). :m1u Ave. Ihom_~ T00. Beer .`\uVL'.l`!lhlll};' Ontario allows no liquor adver- tising! ! But hnw about this grout t`xp:in. and \-xpunsivc ndver1i. mom wv sec pr ml min l)cl'm'rv us: in the [)ro.~'s this past week by :1 brew- ing mrpur:itinii . True. no mention In inudc of b(`l.`l`. Nuithv is furni~ lure mmitimu-(1 in the iily fourth mlumn spun. by :1 well knnwn fui`nitun,- (`(Il'l1|)ill1_\ . Yul (`\'(.`l'_V(\l10 rcL`u[,'ni`/.05 ii for what it is -an ud- voriisonwnt )`lll`(` and simple. While b(`(`l` is nnl m(\ntinn<-rl. il uppai'0n1l_v im-lutlws t-w-rylhingz ('ls:'-` Hun lhL.-_v <-mild Ihink ml` at tho n1n~ mum II mw hull` ml` it i.~: \'\'l'll purtlv Noiiiii suamnggg M Vorily. 111011` urn murv w.'n_\'.~: than mm M sklnmnp, n mt! ! Rain---uml More Ruin Ruin. min and Ihvn mnrr` ruin. D0ubtlcs.< all this :1lmn(lun(:(- of July mni. In<,`zm.< burnpur (`1'up.\` lnkim: lhe (!mn1lr_\' as :1 whole. but to -th(- l':n'nwr who has :1 l:u'_L:<- .'mr(-11:10 lnl` hn\' Ivinu in lhv 1'i(-l i1 is: nui ` NU l_\(`(`|' H(lV(.`l`ll.\Ill11, HI \Jll|iIllU`. ml` hzx_\' lying I'I(-Ids 11 Is: nun` uxzu-1|,\' :1 lmxnrl of \\ (`I!l}l(`l` that i.-: very lulu.-l_v to impel him In hrvnk nut in RIIIIL`. ..:______________.______ Wl~)l.(!|l. ANl)l~1l{S()N .\ (`,().\ll';\.\'Y` ~.('h:n'Inl`\`ll ..m-nnntunirc, Tl`lI:~ l(`(`.\, V(.`l'y IIKt'1_\ tn nu}:-:1 nun nu ...`.. out in sung. 'l`|1rvv .~'ultrv. wind|(`.<.< clu_Vs in 1}` latter part III` lust wvvk .\`n1'(`ly tric lhv |)n1i('m".(: ul' lhn.~:.(: whn are ch pt-ndonl rm winrlmill powvr to sin ply house and burn with rlrinkir water. 'l`h(-n (-:m1(~ Sntl11'rluy's rh H.410 Imurinsr full t.'i.\`1('l`nS. nlltlflll _[Ct1 HlL'nuM'I> uuu `mun... ....... t.ht- hmjw ut' Mi::.~`v.~: Norma ant Sum Wlllsun t'm' tlu,-..1ul.\' mcotin Ht` thv (`hum-hill Junior Institute. It \\':x.< (1l.`(`i(l(`(t to plzmt t'lm\'m' '1|'l|IlllIl thn -r:m- nl lnni "I 1"url: bu Tho rogzulzw m moollnsj m h(- (`in-Iv \\`lH hv hnlrl in Hw form `f :1 pi:-niv nl Inniszfil Pnrk an 1`\I(\<- l:.y. July 16. Mt.-ml)m'.< :n'(- inviiod :1 bring thvn` muthvrs with them. \ut'rr`:<)1I110111.< will he . Evils of (inntlgling Point:-d Out On Snlu1'(I'L\' nl'1(-rnnrm. July (L (`n m(>n\lwr.< zmrl \'isitm`:< met ill 1. |\nn\n nu` Mi~:<-.~; and `mm who has (l>|il1`_Ll(' n( 11 :| \vv:nllwr I Beer Advt-rtlsinp: ..1|.. .-... linnm in On1:u'in':` llillll 1ln\\'(!1`S isfil but r meeting: I'm- all was un- THE BARBIE EXAMINER, BARRIE. .1 Snlurquj. 1|".l\. (`lllI1`, 'ml in Fm`! 3nd at (`h:r_:. L)L'_`-'.L`xl'>'. Mrs,` Tatum has been spending ` ANl)|~1l{!~`()N .\ (1U.\ll':\n1 ~-(I|1urlurc(l .`.c<-nlxnhllns. 'l`I'\Islvu.~.; vtc. (fmwn 1.il`u l .|(lg:., S1! Yungu HI "I`nrnnln. O\"I'.. CANADA IVY GRENFEL any `ople `lawn }m,.2ILgr:1 Ki: `or. .~` .\'pL'n If M1`. The `Inn-uh \ 1 `\ 1 ,1 I` Ii \ 1 .s _\ 1 Halt-Holiday in Barrie A\Al.\, \ll'll. I|l|I1|.u| I. Shanty Ba) \\ ins Cm Shanty Bn_v softball 1 the lust len_L',u(- uulno ul wlih Hn\I.'kc*r M0 The score was H8 1n hnmn 11-um. ux\'im_' Shn` mm: tonm. ulvmu hr I1`a\vl'm`d mm [M Ihc July and August ...._-.__.-.._...___.___-------- (H50. It. I`-UHNS. I-Il.SlI'I .-\. l\l7l{.\'.< >--`l`.`|:`.~'| 1.1:-0-.\_ ('!1n`upr;u'1i\` ACCORDING TO BYLAVV PASSED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL SHANTY BAY My uthcr piece ml" :u1vic Mr. MiC:l\\'11L`1', "}`Hll km. l\'.'cn1_\ puumls. :mHu:Il n ninctccn six, ru>u1t l1;l]\pil twcnty puumlx, ;:nnu::l pmnxlds, 1111:4111 and >ix, lwln.~'sn1n is l~1i}qI\tL`\l, lhc _'\"m1<>!'\1:1_\ };nc\ 1<\'.'H H} ;lI1\1--:tlM in \hHI'I _\nu r \\.|LI iVW`m134cl. Begin today! I`-\"() 1.1!!` I`: It rd` xu :|11=.n;!1!nzm'l `\I ru - vn nu As I um T 'l';1kc it {nun nI ll1m>:|ml.\\A nu fricnd likc SH Ccrlnin HI` ()nc llllxi _\':I )'Hll Sm i;:t1;cV1'.H(")_I'l.'TI of the fqtnnd - i)lH.1\l`lH null Hm! I\(: Amy. Svivn um ('(Il`l'(`(:l n\n\':|| nf `L-: I 4 1 1 4 I I A and the APTO ail. the LII I'll gun- ..u`H find :n1cthing dung ~`.'c:'_\. In->1 \\':1_'~.~~ lu l`ll\1"\'k'l ax _\nll gm the ;ul\ crti\c1ncn1.< in this news- Icn. us in ;| p;nr;nlc. lhc _-qnml vnluc K1 \lHl'c.\' mzlrcll l`clnrc _\'uu. R():l.\'l 1up< tur Sun.l;:) d.ll1ncrs, zn spcciul .*n .< .xl1irI>', new m':lpc.\ near the living`- lhc 1ld\`Cl`ll.\'L mL'lll.\ will lwlp _ynu rm all, and often at a saving! 1 Mr. ! S.'l_\` In _ynur\c an much for mu. ch:1rit_\'. Stick w ~ I '- I, .,.:.',I beautiful budget muvu: IH IL`? L dinuiv (l`.'I;'nn_\ nlllmtion frmx :2:-:_-__ __ \ um nu C1l.\'lH C:l.\`l1 * ztdvicc, (1nppcri icl.l, said know .-'\nnu;al incumc c.\;pcn.li1.1n'c ninctccn ~u1t l1;1]\pi11c>\. .:\1H1u:|1i1_1cn1m* ....l 10` .vn.n1l:II',I 1`.|,`:`H'\" .MiL';n\vhc1'. Iknnw ii IIHI` I1! And the Allic lcztl is an npnn thy ..u-. 0.. munliml In Thur=,d:1y. July 11. 1935 _._______._.__. xpcndilt Null mi` ?1L'E5ib" c1I'---m much will , ~-n111ucl1I'u1'fuel, vithin yuur lmdgct I cHu;4l1 tn |c:1\'-3 ._-%__._.___._.__._.__ l! .l\ S &.lI()YS. B:1rrish~rs,f '.1'uluri(\.-4 Puhlic. (` Mmmv In hum an ln\v<~;:`. ru xlillllk` 1-WL`1H_\y' n1i\cr_\T. '|'hc ` willucml. tho .' \1I'L`2lI'_`.` \L`CllC, mum zany um` * truth, thcrc`-s 11uw:I_\'1ul1c within _\m1r `Ht: '.(nl:lI`l(`:s` 1'unnL'. xx-uu_...... ...\. Mnmry tn an rules of H1- terust. Olfico -13 ()\vvn SL. 1\l:1snniu- Tt.`m1)lu B'.d;:., l1:n`riv.>. l`ill\t`h office. Elnwuln. \V` A. Bu_\'.<. K.(T._ .1. R. Buys. vs-yum-a-r, nu`. '.l'umplx- Hl:l;:.,

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