Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jul 1935, p. 11

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EEED AND FEED FOR SALE-Iii nS.Iv you \.lW H m Thr E\.nmn.r: I .7. ... .,. A. E. Smith has taken the agency for I"hil|ip.x' C`l(:unc 1'. See page 10 for pzwticulars. 2!: :l: :1: :x= =1: a= { 1VIi.<.\' Enid Carr of Pninswick has s'1:ll`l(,'(I her (hug H[)])I'L`l1UC(.`Ship at lwhittys` Drug Store. I 4: 2: :1: Bob Ivlarriott has taken a position at Barrie General Store. :0: .1. .5: III (1: \Jl.\\J~JI.4 24 Charles St., Barrie LICENSED AUCTIONEER '..\| \'1':.~\i\`>} 1`_I:\'1`X`?l\`Hi.\'L'l`I M11-L .\`:.\1L'nb1L'n1'.\."1`\' (`m1.s'i.~4uen(-_v Brings Results _r-ru,v- J. C. SPRING AUCTI_ON`EFTR. H. A. G_ROnS L1 l"L....l ALONG THE MAIN STREET lmprriul Oil Mm-lim: \;T;..rl...- ..u.... ,. .,. .,. `age partnership nf BL-utty in1.: has been di.\'sulvCd. [mg is ("1'l'}'ill].`, on the ago alum-. Jack Bozllty has m.~'.ilim1 at I`m'um,o, :1: :1: :1: AN I-1Xf ['}RII4ZN(',I')D_ <-zumhlv n\V:mlvrl In :|::.-41.41 with :{(-m~r::l Riwurk. lIl'.'ll` N1-wnn:n'l Wm. U.-:ml us nlw :1!` family. App "A " I~'.\*_-In: hum THE BARRIE EXAMINER. BARBIE. ONT" CANADA ._.._ wuru unm-n [0 we roll. General Cmmcil business w ('('('d(`d with us soon as the clusctl. {`nv~nr.. . nun. zmu .J.'unL-s ummt-. r(-qmr.~'lm-.1 rcfunrl nf dug lax fur the yt-ar 1934. (`mp St-(-(I and WL-ed lxmnch of the D1-pt. of A;:x'i('1nl1u1'(', re wccd cun- tml, 'I`I'u. and I`{;I1(`p.'1_\'(`r!< As- : l`('([lI(`.\'lil1L' certain informa- tmn rv cast of L-ducatinn. Lt-0 Mr- I.2uu.:hlin, file nl't'idu\'il rv slwvp kill- ed by r!o;:.<. Justin Mcllrirlc and uwrs pvlitimmrl to have the Vo. Sunni(lnl<- lownlinc upcncd. "Nu. 4`,.II... -un\ l\l\\l.lllIk? l|]JK7llL'lI. The following n<'(-nunts were p:1.s'.<- vd: Thou. Brnwn. ditchim: un Huh- borts mud. $11.75; A. I-Ionslip. ditch- ing on Hubhn.-rts mud. $11.75: Olivvr Wilstvn: tru(-lainp, gravel. $155.00: V'('spm Muxnivipul 'I`<-lephnm: S\'. pm`! lc~\g\ , 1934. $1()().()0; Jnhn IIa_v0s, Iclilrhimv nu Ath Iinn c1nnn- 'm..... The ndjourned sitting; of the Court uf RL-vision \w1s held on June 24. with all the members ml" the Council |`,.`CS(`I1I. T m'1ics znppcnlim; or their mprc.s'u11lutivo were heard and the ('uurl rh-cidc-d as follmvs: That :1 dog be struck off the ma- .~:cssxm.-m of tin: fnllm-\v'im,' parties: A. A. (iznrvin, Adam Thnmp.x'nn_ l~`r0d A. Ri(*hm`d.~:m1, Thus. McFadden. Jus. Amzcnmh and Chas. .Miller. The fr,lluwin;,' asscs.s'I11c1nts wncru cnnfirm- <-a, Put. Kav:m:u.:h'.<. Wm. A. Wal- tun's. Turner E. and the fol- luWiH;.', rcrhu-l.inns made: Albert I~`m'd`s r(-clu(-ed $10().()(l on buildings nnr! Rtmnnn .m 1...;m:...,. l`o.---.rl-- rvlus r(-nu('(.`(I $100.01! m l. and $200.00 011 builrlimzs. (7mnp:m_\"s $300.00. Svvcm were added In Ihc roll. (Trvnm-nl r`...m...'I 1.....:.m.~.. . . .. I.V\.\l. (`.nn1nmnic:'.`.iuns were read from: Villzmv of Rnssvnllz Mrs. Clnrn B. Hult and JlIl1lL`S Binniv. r(-quu.~'Iin-.1 If rluu Inx fur Hm VI-nr 102.1 mu H` (`(15 1': (Imp 4.4 luu-.- u...o: IVESPRA _c_ouNc1Li BRYSON S W/\N'J'I~2l) /\'l` ()N(,'.l"`.~ -(PL-nurnl 1 for hull-I wurk. Apply Wn::I1u;_:r; I 101, W.'Is:lm;:n. 1 -- . -5 nuucc, aaaul lcu Flavors . . . . . . 25c lb. GUM ACES . . . . 20c lb. Licorice Allsorts, . 25c lb. Marshmallows .. 29c lb. NEXT A. & P. STORE Iii: cmmu SODAS ....,!.9.._ This Weekf-end, City Dairy English Toffee Bricks 25c--Half 13c Flag Toffee, assorted 25c t\wv-- . -__ LUNCH AT ANY?L.:\/BUR [\. VVEII` I fol- uz Canada .1 ..z..un. as pro- Court sulrnls. E Cm're.\'pm1(lent.s' .'u'e requestetl nut; to seal their letters when . the weekly news. Sueh |ettel'.~'[ b(`:u`in;1 :1 one-eent stamp. when? Cnlcd cost us 4 cents to get them` . 1 nut of the post nfflce. : Delmar Luv Hmnilnm u':I< finnrl w W/\N l`I`2Dr A H,-l'im)rl. 1'('|i.'||)I(- Izuly in rt,-prom-nt. thv Spin-Iln C`u. Appl) Box 7.," l'Ix:uninL-r ()ffittu. znni Ulll (H lH(' U051 UIIICU. ` I)(-lmar Loo. Hnmiltnn. was fim-djg $15 and costs in B.'n'rio Pnlivv (`unrl ; on Saturday for r(~ckl<~. clrivin;,'.{ Chief Stownrt . that Lvu hurl boon (h'i\'in;: l'(`(`k](`.\'.\`l_\ nn William! Sh`c(_-t so that 111- mm min :1 ll'(`l`. (m1 Friday Inst. J 'I'hl- hm-k chm] nl In.-1: 12.-I.-I.-..u'u] l1(`l'l I`l()l)l)S. A window flnwor .\`h()\V nf zl01phin- iums was p1:mnv(l by the Hm'livul- turn] Sucivty for Sut1u'd:1_\'. but lhv sinrm did so much d:nn:u.{<: In u-:.-r` flmvors that 1.hv idn-:1 \v:1.s' :1b;1ndnn- nd - cu | Wvnllwr fm'(~vu. fur lorlny, as sup- plied by Cmmadinn N.'m'nn:1I '[`vlo- p1r;1pl1.s`: "Musily fair and qnitt` warm: Irvsh shifting \\*in 1:110 10- nighl and l<`ridu_v with thunder- stnrnx ." ,4 ,u ,, . \llll' WcI.\ l,'illI5l`|l l)_\' (I Tmnnrrnw is Txvulfth". Bnrriv I..O.l... _1..T.I3.. and :lI`l.' (rt-Ir~brnlin:.: :11 1hv Nnrlh Simone < Ilinn ::- Ixninuv I\..l,l A uunlnp bl. I'.x;umn:1l| l`rn<`. 28!) 'l`h(:re \v:1.-s :1 very small :1l1(-n zmcc at the monlhly moe1.in;.: of thv RV. Hospital bum`(l on 'I`tu'.~'.dn_V. Only routine business \vas 1r:1n.s`:u'l- r-d, I UH. Golf vlub brid;.{v. I"ri('l:1y, July 12. 11 2.45 in aid of Cnnniy 'I`mu`n:m1(-n1 in B.'n`ri(` this _vv:n'. Anymw wishim; to play Dll`ilSL' telophnnc Mrs. Brym-- ncr at H38. 28;) Lighis are lmdly ll(`(`dl`d :11 N10 Bzlyfiuld S1. wharf. Sovvrzll _\;'mzn_:: children fell in-ihc \\':11cr this wvvk after dark and were pulled out by Burt Hobbs`. A uvin . r ,:,,u, 1,,-, .\l..hlUH, nugllst ISL ---Miss Matthews, T01'(m10. instmtl ` of Miss '1`hump.< as reported last week, is taking Miss V. Ireland's work during July. 281) If you are having trouble with your eyes. consult '1`. R. Baker mf Toronto). Optm_m:tri.<(. Rnmn (i. 15 I.)unln1') S1. Exauninallhm free. 28!) Th(.,.,. ,_-,.,- _., 1_rlIl'\7 null :.14....,: auL't:L.s'. mu) El uuplcx. N -Duf1"s. ry Gu0(|S are giving :1 reduction 0'! 20':/,, off all foundntiml garments for one week only. 281) , Frmlk 'I`zu`I3ush of Sudbury has ` purchased the residence of Mrs. W. A. Paw. 74 '1`nr(mt0 St`. and gcts pos- ~~inn. August Isl. ----Miss Nf.'I11hn\\rv< '1`m-.m.. .'...~a.....: S( WM]. NEWS J! A. R. Girdwond is converting his 1'c.vidcnce. corner Tornntn and Park sweets. into a duplex. N -DUff'S .Drv (inmle nw: muinu .. FARMHAND W/\N l'F}I7) immvrli:m-- ly. t.-xm-1'i(.-n<-ml. Phmw 2(h~.'2.' hm nu... u_- .1.` Iululu. C. 1.. (?<>p'.~l.'md. Elmvulx-. was la.-(I $10 and (-nsts of $15 by M;w,i.~ `A car urnn-n. Midlunrl. \a\'us 1 side and was 1, lvurb whvn Ihn by Rn) Gl`(`(`l). fmnt \\'h-(`I of kIIH(`k('d off. Ml Hn (ls-Iimlv hon] ftnkvn ill and h: lmvnl by Dr. La . (`r>ull.x' Cur. The li\'L- WIFC put the (-Ic('tri(' S_\ :~'1('lll tn!` the Cm` nlll uf l)u. Going to Business School? || \,... ...~,. ..,. .-.....-.\:.... ... ....I.I:. 1.: 1. .-. x - 77(King St. East -opp;p;pp44-p------; lJI \I'I\.II`I-I I I l\\/\4I'\.) America ; Smartest Truck lnvcslmcnl Victoria St. and Railway Phonr 999, BARRIE UNITED SCHOOLS, :_lMlTED Qnnrunn Aunnnn 1`nu1\n~In --__-_---..- 3.4....-pun -.1`;---.4; `ax - Ice, Coal, Coke, Wood, Bui|dern' Supplies, ('4-nu-nt, etc. DIAMOND T TRUCKS A..._,,f__|_ C_,, Pe-amealed Cottage Rolls . . 221/2c lb. Roast Beef . . 12-16: lb. 11 Dunlop Street GIRL WANTED for huu2:c\vm`k. Ap- ply Mrs. A. E. Smith. 13 (,`lmrlut1<.~ street. 28b ' I Quality Mea sat Low Prices ANNUAL MEETING OF THE LIBERAL;(;`ON_SEIS_\/ATIVES _f A`, , '1' " IN 15A1iIs"ii'ii}.-LE:ELfv1k{}K1:E WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1935, 2 P.M. TDfAY%L)s;i$1`t$Ni COMPLETE HOME STUDY SERVICE. .v\l.l. I (".\'l.\I.\'S .-\\l) M \ H\ I(`.l'I \`| !( )\ `l I?! L`:Mw `I"HI W 15.; DUS-TBANE PRODUCTST LIMITED Carefully Selected, Well Bred, High Class Shipments (`I \II\l_`C l)I ,`I f`lAKlC` Alulx I)l llt`lll lIl\lIl` FITT()N'S FILLING STATION Top of Bayfield St., Barric- NORTHGRAVE S 'F()UI{lf$'F HOME \VHITE ROSE SERVICE STA'l`lON (ART MCLEAN) Bradford St., Barrie BARRIE FUEL AND SUPPLY CO. `L GIRL for _v_-mrrnl htmscwnrk want- ed. SIL-up nut. Apply 28 Eli7.:1bclh street. 28!) :j___ INCLUDING NUMBER OF GOOD nnoop_ muuss -.__-,""--A av,AI/IJll,Lll9l'l Hon. Leopold Macaulay of Toronto AND OTHERS, will address the mccling EVERYBODY WELCOME |: gg\1)'|-H g`_.,.`.` I l'I\ A u....\. . ....J, .:u..\.--, -c-vnu, \Jl\_ u u NUMBER OF MATCHED AND SHOW Tl-LAMS {c".;.l.`2xi:.;{{;;n"c11.$u}s;'s12.I i:2;I.iX - HORSES - FlTTON S SERVICE`. STATION I-A'- , SMITI I, Sm") Priced Righl to Meet the Require-monts of All r~r\|nr ALIv\ I t\r\Ir 'l`Ill"ll l\IlI'l\ _M.T BRENNAN W EE'{rbEs'.' }}}2"Lcii;}'I~J {)"i">I-;+IL3i-T:.;} <'E3' Bay, Black, Brown, Grey and Roan ll lllnrn r\r` |lA'r1~IIr*r\ Allf\ IVlI1\|ll ~vr-.-- SMART BUY WANTED tn wurk cv- uninus. Apply Jirnncstuzltl Inn. Blnkv Strccl. 28b - n -:4 l4llJl.Al\l`lI.4`\/\JI`LJl4I\ V ['1 I I V of the Riding of Centre Simcoc luv!-uni-`urn----n-- _.-_-__, -1--s, -en --V.r\l-Jul ldllill 455 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Ontario `E:6iCaE {vb Lbbx -mm 5c;:.;" . W. C. BOADWAY T.jrTt3.CKe[,'AI1Ta.IAfe' LOCAL DEALERS: D.B. CLEANING PASTE HURTS ONLY l)lR'I"' I\II\ rvwwnv vvuy um: cl lllchay IUWUUI when D.B. Paste is available". Why use .1 messy Powder ...|..... n R 11..-... :, ..... ..u.n..vv For all Household Cleaning; W/\N'l`1":f) /VI` ON(,'.]7r-(?L l]L'l`n| Annlv WZl`{,l:l!ll| Fresh Sausage, 12`/2-15c Fronts of Lamb 16 `/2 lb. Hindquarters Lamb 25c lb. ., u... 'l7|< 5li \"I` Phone 50 or 51 ;Vl'V(-)I{6T:J-'V!`-(.;,V()-I1larin o.---pp-4-------- . . . . . -- Page Eleven :.j.I One cent a word. cash, each inser- tion, (minimum charge, 25). five in- sertions for the price of four. 25c extra if not paid within five days of -ute 0! issue: also 10c extra when re- plies are directed to The Examiner. Store or business advertising (in- ch.ding zuzents) in this column. two cents per word, cash with order (minimum 50 cents per issue, 70 cents if charged). I ADLET COLUMN H()()M W/\N'l`I`II) in 11-11! 1 in /\l|.'mrl.':lx-. Plmnv !):'i2W. l.l\./`E srocx " Thursday. July 11, 1935 "5smoN-s WANTED (Sm: vnu law It In Tim I-`Innulnn-| LOST AND FQUND (Rm: vnu cum .I In 'I'||u r:...mn...... HELP WANTED `mv um: um I; In `nu. :--.....u.... TR/XTTTE: nu mm II In "rm. =.. /\[ /\I{'l'MI".N'l` \v.'m`wrl. , Inn .I\u_::u.x'l I. Apply urriv l'1\';nnim~r. 21%|` ('V.'l`ll:ll'KL'l. W.'u.:('s 5513:. Apply Bnrc r-r 28)) I ..__ . HXI'I';HII`:N(f[`} wm A` HUI rlzxv Annlv 'I`I'INDI'}HS will Jul_\' 1!) tn (|l'l`lIl'H Nun`:-h. IV) . H:-n ply In I\ ll`:;. W. .1. l'.)\l`l'Hll`}I lhv rlny. us" Rt-S1 I FOR ALE Th. I . .... rovt-i\'<-(I up HM` ]'I`I`.\'l))'ll'l 1- till! l)2Il)l`l' nu App! '1 ml) . . lVl:Il'I`I(`(I - grmrl. (':u::|lnIt- ) help milk. An- :. `Jim :- l'I`I`.\'l)) l(' p:mu1'. mm. In . H31`) wm Apply mm. Du - 1\/Iznrrivd `('2l|Jilll|(` mlk. Ar)- my to I)nn-- 281) vnulrl unth. '. 28] (HIU. Wl'I`ll HI hnnru-wnrk by I ".|1'(:l.nl<-r I.:ur|iu-5 lnp SL. {:n`|'i(-_ `rum I ./\p- I 21!!) ` \'&IHl!~' v to `DI Hy 2U[\ girl n Hu- H0- 21%|) g_ HI` 23! i'?)`17iEi-: 1*6_i`2E'f51TofR_5s .\'\`T`Ic'!- \ ` l<'H()N'l' Nice for li li\/U L'}I'2N. i\/I() l`(')I:S l z'\N[".l. 'l'l.'U('K frn -mlc. I..\'('4-Ilt-nl mmrmiun Annlw -mlc. l`2.\'m,' U1'l`_\' Rl'n_\,, vvunim.-:. I GIHI. WANTS Iiuhl Imus:-\wn'k. plain ('uul /\ppl_\` I*L\':unin(-r Of- fi('(.-. 28): ' GT'!NF.B'AI. u'uck- for 5:2: 01' will lr:m gs UNI" Apply FH. HI`! FOR IH".N'[`r Ni(`<- -4-H: !:m:n`lnu-nt V FOR SALE Gr:1in .s'up:n'::lur ye!`-M:IssC,\'. with nll z1H.'1('| nlsm I)u<,-1~in;{ himlvr. Will an .~::.-nubly. Apply Plxzumm-r ()l'| i FOR SALE Harlin l)m';.5n $25.00 nn m-w all xx-`ave rn ncvcml used clvctrir wu: J. Mt'I: Allnn(l:ul(:. . Ili9F`_ WALLCASE FOR S [`(`)Rl`l. nvw. for .~`2:I(-, 8 f('(.`1 lung. 7 fm-I hiuh. d1':nw- L'i slirlinzt 1'.| (h)m`:4: hull num- L`iS. sllmnu, ;:l:::~'s (hm1`:~'.; hull" [)1`H'(`. WI'il(- Con, Nnkc.~;, 1:36 Nbvillo l :n'k Blvd.. 'I`m'nnln. 28) = ____________ BABY C.'\[(RIACI*l I'm" :;.'|lc wi(:kC1'. in t:xL"cIlt-nt <-nnrlitim H 301 nl ply 240 : wzul. /\ [cw \`-'L.'('k('ll(I. .1. SL. AH:mrl::|u. 1-.'n*u- fur NURSE. L.lUl'l'l' SEA FLISA flu` sale. Bum nnly. In gnarl condition. 9330. A1 )- [ply Cnrl(:y's B(Jil1hOll$C, Bnrriv. 281* FOR SAL -- Pinnr). chcstcrmrld suite. also other useful zn'ti(rlcs of household l'urnilu:`u. Phrmn: 631:1". 281 IVICTROI./\ mud n nrtls; nlsn an real ` must now. Apply 1 riu P.O. BICYCLE FOR SALE -~ A C.(7.M ` sl:mrlzn`rl .s'pnrl muck-I (_`|t_-vvlxmtl H-1 1 cycle. Victor Small. Sll`nLI(I. 254! I LIGHT SEA FLEA fur nnlv. L ()()fl(,'()ndiHnI'L man An.| GOOD SINGER sewing; mm.-hinc-. ul- mnst new. 1'm*s'nlc: also kitchen table and chairs. Phone 439M. 24:1)` 'l`l12N'I` for mic or l'(.`lIl.. 10 feel by 12' fret. Apply .1. Grznnl. 11 [u`Ii7.::bvI.h street. 28'.) A SPECIAL MEETING- 3 I-:i2u1'r AND` V.l:(-1E I`ABLl-LS (S.-w vnu unw II In Thu ry,-.mn.m..\ run Hum .-npnrlrm-nl, l\/hmrt`. L'(ll`l' Inr m\v':l! Apply Iinx `XI wAUc'oN SALES. .= ~ = M; \\ .. IHWDSL ])l`l('L'.`i. (Mu: whilv A few lmtu.-rl)r':n1.< fur ml. HIll(.'lliHL{.K`.. 38 l`i lluml.-nlu. _XiI'E6i/i6BiEE" vuu saw It In Thu I-`nun L,'. \l{Hl{\(El*.' I'm` .-;. lc - in `(*_:XL'(.`l,'l1I cnmliliun; I pyrcx n1n'sin_u Imillt,-.~:. l1'zul)L-1h St. 'UH.`i l'l\NL'l. 'l'HU( 1.-Ilt-nl ('rmdi1i(HI. . I ..'1yfi<-ltl SI. P110 FOR SALE nu lnw II In Thu run numhvr 4:!" good pinnu. to Box 33. I : st.-p:n'nlnr, Suw- ultm-IIrm:nt>`: 1'. Will an-ll 1`(-:n- l]Ii!I('l` ()l'I ~:- `)}!n ])ul;I1,0c.~; :11 Ihv dun whilo you L.`l'l)l`lll.\' Hu- r.'1(lH'.. /\1!-H) 'u.~:hcr<, J J.'ul(-phnnv 257:. l*'I\I{MIIANl) WAN'l`F)D ly, (.-xpt'I'i(!m'(-ri. Phnnv 201`.'.'. Dn~ Vitl Smith. Sluynur, R.R. Nu. 1. 23!) (`I\ 101' A [July ')n(- (Hm al- Bar- 28!) nlsn T""`_""""""`\ I CARDS OF THANKS I L__._____:. .-.______.?j/ {RURAL scsmoz ; PR@&0TE{E?!S { Barrie Tanning Limited avnr1n\n\n.4 I I l\l\/I45.) for Ilitlvs. Calf-.~:kins. Sheep- Blkil -S. zlml II0l'.\'i`hi(l(`s. IF I IC()I l-ZRLY I-`L.r\YlI). (Yush paid on (l(`\'(`.l'_V at l`nnn4:r_v (luring l)l|sin4'.s'r: hours. l"r(-i;:hL paid on ahipxncnts of 2300 lbs. I'll` ll\'(`l' WE PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES fa... Il3.l..- (I..l6` ..I.:... IN MEMORIAM nmzs I/\RN|'/\ND VV/\N"'F.l>) 0|` I\/Ins`! hr- mun nu lxnuymp (H). Ruth .luhn- `\'1m(l Hinniv. (inrrlrm I"r:n- 1 l riu.~'l 1I\' L IVIISS B./\RIx'1CR. TClCl1(.'1`. l....i.... |')......` mmm r]\/I.'n'inn l)nv (H). Ruth .1 `\iv (Em-(Inn I .....u_ -u-ugn ncauua Con.-:istcnt. utlvcrtising in The Ex- .'m`1incr l)rir\;_.{.s' msults. Ask any local mt.-rchunt who follows that policy. one of them told us last week of it new and stvurly customer he had. l-Io was :1 man who came to town to live just recently but who had taken 'lhc F.xumincx' in the country for y(-urs. I-Io w.'1.~; not living in the par- ti<-ular m-ighborhoorl of the merch- ant and the l.'1t,t.c1' inquired just how he got startccl as a cu::tomcr. Wcll". h(- said. I hurl noticed your ad in l'h(.- Barrio Exnnwincr for the past fvw }'(.-211's and when I came here a .~:t`:1ngL-r. I immccliutcly thought u! :1`_vim." You." That's nnlv mm HHID ~..mr1y_ux'. 1 Immccmucly thought u! trying _\'uu." Thm.'s only one little instzmcv of stories advertisers are telling us all the time. A big circula- tion of widc covcrnge in the dislrict,. plus rczulor inl(rr(::~:I, from carryim,: all the news of the county is nl'grca1 value and that is what The Exam- iner p,`iv.-s local mcrchzmls. If * X -1/.uuL-In SII'(!(.`1 nu` me convenience :1` shuppv s and 1hL'1ll1'C-g()Ol`S. It is lou-:1|.(~(l jusl. :1 shnrl. ciisulncc {mm both .\`hU\/\- >' and is npcratccl by Wm. X.i\/iI1;:`. :3: :1: :1: 3(- Thc ,::n`n1.:c and G4 lim: Bub Gusslxngz Rt >\* \' (`mu-u rm :1 ... .,. I-3:n`ri(".< first pm-king station is nnw npz.-n un Mnplc Ave. south of E!imb(-111 sl1'u(.-1 fur the cnnvenicncc: -I` Qhnlnu-rm nnrl ch....-n .n....... n .'.. PK An impm'lzmt meeting of the Re- Luil Merchants Association is being held in the MuL:ist|'ate's Court 1 Chamber this evening ('I`hu1`.s'(1zIy) \ at 7.30. John Sam & Sons fruit market. inslzxllc-(I this week. :1 lzu`;,'c model new VJL-stingmuse electric refriger- 1101`. J"I\lfMH/\N|} WAD : Must I; l(?HlHf~;l('l`. Willinxz! ply F`.x:nnin(.-r ()i(`

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