Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1935, p. 9

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I!'|1~` Ream Why- - --cu-n qr/\I vs-run-u turnin- W. L. BRENNAN THE BARRIE EXAMINER, BARBIE. 0N'I`., CANADA FREE GAS AN/\l .YSIS moved to Nm'tl1m'n ()n|ill'i0 in 1110 -nrly days wt` Cnhali um ) Timmins. In llu-so lawns h:- wzns n.t'livv in municipal .'1I`I'nir.~`. huviml, sm'\'1`(l ml lhv <-nuncil and as rhnirmzm hf tho l3nnrd nfEdu('utim1. Ho mum} 10 M11`- riv oight ymrx nun zmd mn1inuo\'l his \'r)L'illiun uf um-om|n1nn('y hm't-.' .Tu.~:t prim` to his illxwss loss than :1 mnnlh nun Ill` w: ` vmplnyml :11 Muf- I`.'1l1'.< Plumbing Shun. He` was mm-riorl In Miss Edith Runlh of O1l:I\\':1. whn .<\n'vivvs with two suns and lhrov rl:11u:htm'.~'. MI`. J:-nm1vll.`.~< dc-11111 ()('(.'lH'l (`(l um ihv (lay of his I'm'li:-lh wv(ldim.: nxmi\'ors:1r_v. ..I.,\.. -4` 1.'.\.... The surviving widow: Iwn . molt. Now 1.iskmrc` 1111'. South Pm'mIr 4m... `l\/I.-. w A. vwmrm. A pl'iv:11r` sm`\'im` w:1:< hold :11 1110 1:110 rr`.~`.id(-nm` Inst o\'vnim.;'. vun'lu('l- (`cl by 'Rvv. Mr. Wy('h\vnnd. and in- lormc-nt tnnk plm-u :11 Mount Plun- sani C(`n1(-lory. 'l`urrmtn, lnclny. Tho pa1l1)vm'o1's wore Ciillwrl Webb, A. MnH':1H. ME. T.i\'in,qs1nn_ WI1\. Pum- frot. Barrio: J. W. Hovlby. Toronto: C. Cook. Sim:-or`. RI("ll.-\RD Hl7,.\TDIiRS0`.\7 A fmnnus I.'1(`m. p1:1_\'m' in his outh and :1 mvmln-r uf llw ()rilliu '1":-rrim'.~: uf f _\'v.'n'.~' .'u.:n. Richard IIt`n(lH`.\`n1_ (S5. died un Mun- .X.... T ....,. I" urn: ..4 ch `\;\|\1r\ nl I)l(`y(`l(` mun. Al't.r~r being with Perry 8: /\Ipm'1. Orillin mcr('h.'m1s. for some yo:n's. ho loft. hnwn to mnduct :1 1::-non] ston- in Victoria Unrhnr. From there hv wont to Wo. (`nnndn and l:nHm`I_v had boon :1.~'. with 1h(- Dum- minn Sale C0 . 1:1 R:-ginu. H0 r(-turn- Dd ms! about two and :1 hull` yonm urn. slnro whvn ho had 1`c*.s'id('d in Rnrrit`. A 1m..I...I;.n lhn zh-r-n-xcr-rl Ynn\'r~<| ll`l'l'l(H'S Ul l(|l'l)/ _\'l`iH'1\ il}.Lll, l\Il`lIiIlll (la, Junv 17. lS):f'x at tho homo M his . 3101'. Nlrs. Etlwin 1.<>n1,:m.'In. H1! (`nllivr S1,, B:|I'riv. Hv hm! bvvn ill for nboul thn-1` y<-:1r.<. lml lwrunw smimxsly ill only :1 mnnih :n,"o_ M1`. Hondorsnn xvns 111:` ym1mzo. sun uf Hm Into Mr. and Mrs. J. 1`. Hondorsnm pium-('1' rv.sidm11s of Or- min. In 14.`...-....urm~ ,:...._-1m u"\< nnn nr tn I-2'e`.1.a'.m'r1`*\\Il' REV. LOUIS PICKERING MINISTER! II`! I u.'l.\ Ul nu ly _\l'.n> 11-nc1m . day. si.\`l('1`. I`.u- -\`|\nnI Hnvnn \`:\':l`\` In his ynungm` days Im xvns mm` of (`nnndn'.< hm-s1 knnwn I:mm. He was :1 mmnbr-r ml the Orillin tn-znn 1hz1l wnn lhr` Ontario vhnmplm1. in 1886 and again in 1889. "P ulsn was nctiv(` in otlwr . in town. In-in): n mvmhor of Orillizfs first hockey tonm. lhv old _\'.'I('h1 vhxh. tho mnrw ('Iu1). tho <-urling (-Iuh. nnd the hic_vcI(~ Huh. Arinm 'I...;.\n .101-. T7;-mu-u 1- Ahu -1 FIEIIIK lkl lIl`l> nd Dr. A. H. Mt. Curd (`.ot'f:m. nf 'B.'n`r WT Mr. H(`ndvI'.\1v many of his nld Lmmrndvs ;.!zIlhm' H-sports, "Ilia HUI an ('H(`IT1_V. He was .1 member of Sunnidule Corners Preshvtcrian church and at- tended regularly when his health oermitted. Deceased had suffered for the last three years from a Iradual decline winch was borne vith patience and true christian {or- Htudc. IJL. \ -s.-n;lnnn.\. L2. in 101') Ill.` VVIIU ]Jll`\IL'l'l'nI.\l'll IIIHI III 131;) nd ho is Slll'\ l\`I"d by une daugh-I Or. I\1rs. RLl.\`St`lI !\Inm;.:mner_v of `Jevv I-`lus; one sun. Herbert Young )f Edenvalc; two brothers. Milton ~ predcco nun-uivm Ant.` |uIIIul'u|l'I.\ . }Im`b(:r1 Vick, Jnhn Mclnnos n. Ori11i:1_ Craw- ,...A.. must` L`.-nyl nu x.... 0 and h my the Firemen s Tourney and Sports Day on Aug. 12 } 15 Brigades to be Here 1 Barrio Fire Brigade are planninp; the zmnual Simmv County Firemen`s Association tmirnmnont for Bm`1'io Agricultural Park on Civic Holiday. August 12. It is expected that 15 brigades will be here from Slmcoc, York and Muslmkn counties. In ad- dition the firemen will hold :1 big . day. to ho started by :1 H1011- sh-r pnrzulo of floats. brigades and bun(ls. Hull :1 (lnmvn lmmls nro ox- pvctod in Barrie for the (lay. which pmnwisos in IN` a gala event. (Nu c..nAu.. t\...v.... 1` Han N.-A Tho UNI'I`l".D ('|lUl\`('!l OI (`.`\N.`\D:\. \ 1 .,\ .. bu... On Sunday. Atuzust H, the fire- men aw holding their annual church parade. | Young of Brampton and John Young of Mono Road: throo sie:t(`.rs. Mrs. Malcolm Sinclair 01` Owen Sound, Mrs. Fred (`Iurrichzc and Mrs. Thos. /\ll:Im.':nno of Mums Rand. 'l`hv fnnvrnl. whim-h was Inrgoly nltondod. was held on Sunday, June 16. After :1 short. st-r\ric0 at the lmusv Ihn 0uI't(`-go pro('vvdv(] to Sun- nidnln (`nrnvrs church for the sor~ vice and thmwv in Sluyncr Como- Iory for intormvnt. Tho service was in ('lmr;.to of Rm . W. M. Coulis, pas- 1111` of tho vlmrvh, assisted by Rvv. Mr. B1u'kl)vrrmn:|1 nl` Sl:1_v11m'. In his :u!drvss. Mr. (`mitts paid sim'\re n nbutu to the mmnnn-_v of Mr. Young. A qu:u'lo11u (-nn1pnsL* of Mrs. (1. Bmwn. Mrs. MvQuu_v and Messrs. (ioorgv and llorlwrl (`ulhnm guvv n .~;v|(-rtinn. Shall we 1m`v1 l)o_vcmd the ri\'(-r'.' l`hv p::ll-hearers wore: Ruh- vrl I\ h'M urr:rv. .l<)svpl1 Spichvxn Dun- ('::l1 Huh`. Alvx. Mt-Nnhb. l`hmn:1s lhsolnwuu.-,|1 and Jnhn (`rosim'. BI,`.'1lI- 1|`uI I'Inr:1l lrihulvs wvrv rm'vi\'ml l'u.m frimxrls and from y<`.d0nv.'1lo Wu- rm-m..s.. .u...x' nwns H1.\'Ullll(`. ']`hz..~:o wlm .'Hl(`mh\d thv funm'nl from :1 zli.~'t:un'(- \\-'vrv: MI`. and Mrs. ]".:n'l VUHIHII. M1`. and Mrs. A. B0rr_\'~ mun and MI`. and Mrs. J. l.:Iu;;hlin u!` '1`n1`unl.n_ Nl1: M. Sin:l:nir and sun Janna-:4 of ()\\'vn Suund. Mr. and N[I`.\`. Jnhn Young. Mr. :md Mrs. Frod ("l:n'riLh;o zmd Mvs. 'l`. /\lh`Iu::nnv HI` Nlnnn Road. Mr. and Mr.<. J:um`.s' \':mn;_: and rl:uI;;ht<`r Mm';1:n'vl of Midhmd. NI:-2 Ruinfm-d and son Wil- .r n. Jvlnnn nnilll. MI`. zulu 1 N[l'.\`. : Hum of I3:1r1'u`. AH 1110 news while it. i 'lT\n~n-ninnr CATSUP 2 SARINDES KELLOGG`S WHEAT Pi.-.app| :,*.:2m:`9*::?..{ I I . ., Domino Rice ;\S.~ulll'I1 HiI11 SOUPS M--mum MILK EVAPORATED ALL BRANDS Thursday, June 20, 1935 vv or mrr. . _ :AvH LET ' Pork 8- Beans I) `~.'-. 1'3 Tomatoes 8?fx.m' QUAKER-n Corn Flakes Matcl-|5 ..`..*A`;'=` .':.*::". I !-99 3? Log; Igoase Fiillt 334;: Blade Roast - 1*) 15c Boneless Pot Roast W 14c CAULIFLOWER 3 each 10 TENDER YOUNG BEEF MILK-FED VEAL I. is news-~Th(` LlBBY'S or 12-07.. AYLMER lml. I:\'l'AlVllV\I .\n nnvruv A S'l`RlVlN(} 'l`|l.*\'l` HIHNHS R E W .-\ H 1) 1x... .. Hank o' I Shallk End . Knuckle Off Boneless *1 6c "(CA NADA JED One ginger die you know is w/Jolesome . . . of course, it s ` ' 17: L` 'Tbe-E/9c_z;1z/3%);.&_Ginger Al; Expense is never spared [0 make ('.zmndn Dry as pure nml wlmlcsmnc :1 drink fur Ihe clldrcn as you'll liml in all the wurlxl. l'hc wzm.-r used in making (?AN.r\l)A DRY is crystal clc:u',likc distilled water. It is alsn ll'I.`:llCkl by the ultra violet ' - .. If,_ All ...- ....... .. -....,. All ingrcdicms in ('.ANAl).-\ DRY are tested in our own laboratories by grmllnllc chemists. lllI'a L I'IlVl\k ll B\.[I\I\lIA rm-t-Ls` nl I0 :|.m. 'l`hi.~: .`~1uml.'|_v tho Rihlv ('l:L~:s: will mm-I :1! 2 }).m. l RF`.-("()MMUN|()N SFIRVICF. l*`I`iu|:ny. Julio 2151.. 7.30 p.m. "(':nn1'. Ir! us mrn':'hip !ogvIh'r" ; moms Leg [l_OA$T_ Ci; Chvos .22< :'f'.`.';L. \\l'l`H FRI-L}-'. \Il.\"I` .llI.I.lF,l) VEAI. [i_()l.()(}N;\__.\1.m.< Ectage Rolls " 226 an New Cabbage each 7c YOUNG ONTARIO LAMB Rolled H l)csxml .\Iilrl S'cammcd [gut Choi_ce u-my ...ur Our (`hurvh .\'1`lumI at In n.m. IHi.x'.\` I-.'Isi- (`lnughlc-1/_ Ormmist JEEL9 POWDERS TOMATO 1} ! SF SARDINES swzs` Thu-no vnluel ocauvo, unlll \VwIm-mlny ' Juno '.HHh. Gold Soap `E5? 5" Brunswick Macaroni I'z"6LLi:Lb OATS 6"~25 `T9635 SUNDAY. JUNE 23. I935 MORNING AT ll`()(| LTAN A MAN l*`lNl) (}()l)' Slircd nib 6'1 ;nq 25 Double ` I in N ) n. 22` ll._1 ~25< Rev.C.J.Ro||s,D.D. \ur|\l.|m|. Va-u Ia-.|l.nnl .O.(_).F. British Israel World Federation (Canada) ` BARRIE BRANCH Hear The Truth --~- The Bible Explained by World Traveller and Lecturer moumzuns mm cxqunsnc Auxvs. The pictures were in charge of Rev. L. A. Lzunbcrt and son. who ran the picturv mm.-hinc. Music for the ] )i(.'l,lll'(.`S was syn(-hmnizcd with the film by xneans nf phonogrzlph re- cords nnd sound box. \/\/I Sunday, --I-\`\` .I` I|1,.`}'.ln'\\I1"I`.l\l l.lI?\\. .1-I.` " 1':-'~. :`n.\\iH Ix` \-m ~j,`g\~::u:=.i". tn I`..`.1! Wm " an =.'1c:\'.|H--2111;:xl1.n:1c. H SUBJECT: FROM EGYPT TO BRITAIN" DO NOT MISS IT: Remember the da`.v--SUN JUNE 23 HI}; HI" l'l'0[H\ (H on -.u.- r LLOYD 'I'UF`F`ORD Organist. and (.`ImirmasLc'r COMINC----Rev. Arthur Bowen, Brooklyn. N.Y.. June 30 u 1 Tue 1: \\`T K :1 {.{\T' 'I`lH". ('llUR('ll S`TH()( )l. IIuI1|'\v ..I II} n nu ~ vA_1":L:'i;) 'c)"6LB'ci<-P$a'. ' W Speaker: Rev. E. J. Springett I\_,,,,, , n) I 1:: I" UK (I IVHUUH r 5Ae`.\`sugo.`.~& llluswulcd on all: mm: nights --slides beau fully mlorvd and made tn actual plmtug-raphs. l.Vl".NlN(} :'\-'l;_SI~`.Vl.N ..uu-.. `BIBLE CLASS ?I(!NlC A vory happy timo was spont. rm TllI'S(|1l_\ of this wook whon im-mbr.-r.~: and um-sts of tho Wm`th-Whi|o(I|:1ss of Cnllior St. Unitt-(I Church motor- crl tn SpI'ingwult,~r Park. Duo to ruin coming rm, szuppor was sorvod in tho Cnmmtmity Hull whore nhnnt 7: ) porsnu.~: onjnyorl hnppy fellowship. Whon .'~ll|)| )(`l' was nvor (loo. Huld- win. prosidont nf tho ol:is:.~:. lod in t.ho sinizimc ml` hyirms: nncl .'nl.~ trmk part in two .<.'n(-rot! .\`('I('Cli(>llS givon hy tho Male Quznrtouc. S<.-vo.rnl spnko on tho WtIl'k of tho (-Izuss. oom- plimmltinn tho l(`Ili(.`l'.\` zmrl mom|)ors: for this (`hrisli.'1n [.{l`t)llD and their high irlonls nml (`lI'l[.'Ih1l.\`i7.('(l tho nt-("ll ut` tho Old. Old Story" hoim: told zuznin and .'u.:nin. Mrs. l)n\'irl l}i.~4l'uup hart (`h. ll'[.`,'(' of tho suppor and Chas. Ilhtkling of tho 1r:mspm`lnt.inn. | ui iiibi?IjE}{iiufiiAsiii:'u MASSMMEETING II) in this \ |" "'T"""l"':J' Dominion Commissioner B.l.W.F. Nc: Creed but Chri:.l"--No Law but Love" SUNDAY. JUNE 23rd A'T` n -\n (why 1\r~|v I BARRIE P_RAyE3 {.1-:'ATcu . l.Rolls,D.D. In, .F. TEMPLE .y, June 23rd and 81.3 p.m. .\'H`. \'H!:1\!` I-'\'l-`H N .. f .\'z:" .\tuvn' .\'1__ Y "Ix l~`.~r1'.Lm~ I`-'.! I`: `;\f\m`\ }}n'T1`xf~7q~ `ll.-\\' "Hm ii:--mrm xun' ul`. .Ilh`|'. n.:h'.~ SI!-'11`.\ lu':m`.1~ l.-rv.-1 um! m;\Clv frnw. I\h.nV..nVI`-unh< I.` U: Mr. ~11, , yiritual 1.0: r Siuhls. \' Furtum` n-Cy Rvliul 'I`\. u I) Rligious Films Given Central United Church Twenty-one members of Barrie! ` Lions Club attended the annual convention of District "A" of T.ion.' Clubs which was held in the Royal ` Cnnnnught. H0101. Hamilton. on Mon-| . day and 'I`ucsr.l:uy of this wr-ck. T110} Club ropresenf.ntion vvus one ml` the largest in attenc1nn('(>. nllhmngh Surl- hury Club was awarck-d tho "']"rnv- elling Linn" rm` h.':\'in;,' tr.'1vvl|(.-d the most milorz. That Club had st-v- cntovn members prr.-sont. r)..:.1 vuv.....I,...l. 'v`,......un ......- (.1.-..-.l r uuuxxu nu.`-nu`.-n P. .. ....,. l Reid Murdm:k, Tm'unt,o, was (~1r~cl- i` ed ])istricl, Govtwnnr fur the t-n.<:uingI -.yoar. succeeding O. S. IInw<-. ()lt:nw;\, and (`.m'don Muss. S('('l'(.`f1ll'y of `.110 'I`m'()nln Downtown Club. rlistrictt sc-rrrulury. l"nsl I)i.~:lri(~1. (>}t)\'(!I'l)()l' 'I`. I-1. Wiley. S1.. Cntlmrincs. was ('](`Ct('(l Intern:11.i 1)ir(-<-Inr for u twu-I year term. It was decided to mmrl. in` Ottawa next year. 1 ul OLA nr.nunnnvu'rn\ |\:u,-nu |u.n| J.-.. . Rvpos 1`(`C(,'iV(!(1 at the r-rmvr-nlirm inclirmtr-cl nn irnr.-rm,-.nsr~ in the numht-r nf clubs in District, "A". lhv tum! now being forty-nine. and an in- ('1'(-znse in thr- m(:mlm1'.s'l1ip of p1'.'w1i- Cally ovary club. 'l`h(~ l)ist.ri(-I has surplus uf m.-urly $1.100 in the l)21nk.I it was x'0pm'l(!d. Lions [nu-x'n:11iun;nl now has nmru than $170 :n(-- livilir-s. I l'|.n .~nnu n\|~.r-n-c nf W.-n'\'Sr\ `|.5nn\` llllh [ llvulr-s. I'h(- In(~h1l)r-rs of l`.:n'rio Lirms Cflul) cntcrtnim Ihnstr who uirlr-(I in l`h(- prn(lu('1iun ml` lhr- l".'|shim\ Shaw and Carnival lust. nmnlh :1! :1 hzmruu-t and d.'mr-n in tho /\n`1m'it~nn Hulvl I`hu1'sr1:1y evening |:1.~'1. whvn :1 vmgv 4-njnynblv (-v(:nin;.: was ht-M. Miss R1.-tty |`(-rkins _I{:lVf` :1 mp (Inner-. Barrie Lions Club Well Represented at District Convention IUUV. J. D. nuuu: 1, 1u.rx., 1.1 Minixlt-r Etlmunrl I*I(u'rIy. Mus. 7300., F'.T.( Organist and Choirmaslur nulmunn. nuns. ....._ II /\.M '|`|H'I .%'/\(`ll:\I\/1l".N'I' 'l`lll3`. l.()Rl)'S SII| l`l-TR .,l l.n Ihn 1\Ainu r . . ..... Dr. Slmrll will givv n rs-purl of 1110' Cu-|1(*I';n| /\.\'.~:omhl,\' . '.Arr1;\I'\ID nnnunrura H /\.M. M()PNlN( l WORSIIII` ` ANI) (`llIl.l)Hl*'.N`H 2~'.'l'()H\' I 7 l`.M. Hl".Hl~ISl|*'.H 01'` Till". Hl".AR'I' Win` lN\'l'I'l'.' YOU I W()R.\"IIll` AT Iv"l.'.`S'l' ('IlllR("Il VV1'(lnvs:(L'1_v l9`vIln\\'.\`l1i)) in Przlym` :11 R pm. \ I I The Life of Christ was presented before a good crowd of Barrie peo- ple in Central United Church last Friday evening in motion pictures with musical accompaniment by the National Bureau for Religious and Educational Films of New York. The ' picture gave Christ's life from the Nativity to the Ascension in mag- nificent scenes, including the trium- phal entry. trial. crucifixinn and re- h'lll`l`(.'cliun. It was based on the fam- ous Obt.-Hmimergau and Freiburg Passiori Plays and was filmed in Elll`()p(.-. the Holv Land and Egypt. On Saturday morning the picture "William 'I`cl1" '.'.'z\.s shown for theul children and it was a very inte1'est- int: pm-.~:(-ntalirm_ adapted from Svhilii-i.~: drarna and Rnssini'.<: granrl npera. It was actually filmed in Switzerland. amidst its majestic mountains and exquisite lakes. The ninturl-!< worn in eharae cued with 1 tzulin talk Six humln-(I .-:Im)'x-cl I I'il:1_\' l mu! ..1` I Luul l'lla|. unpuat \Il|.ll\oll lClnppm'1r-)n Sll`(`(`,U REV. W. K. R. Fl/\'I"l'Y, Mi`n.is!('.?` MISS M. KAINFI Choir-I..('mI-r and ()rganixt I \ ST. ANDREWS Presbyterian Church REV. J. S. SlI(')R'l"I`, M./L. D.D. lliniulur Yt uI.\ I` whvn : w`ghl'.s` "hurl: 1 \I\ In In! 4...... . l TH`I|`A R /\'l`0 R Y SF.l: V 1 CI". .,. .-id... ..n.n.inu -:1 H llll`. l.\II\lIn ntvl C`r>1n'lu(-lml lxyllu-1Vlim.~ n Isnlr Baptist Church (F`lnnm-r1.)n SlI'm`1.) SUNDAY. JUNE 1311. I935 . .. nun: L*A1vl\AlUll.`|\['l` SUNDAY. JUNE `.111. 1935 0 A.M. l'ibl:- St-lmu! Sn-.<. \rV|II svvuuwn nib: ny--nu... REV. E.'R.NES'l` F}. LONG, B.A., RD MiIliH(.l'T - . /s`vr\ nIvvrVrIr\I'!l'\ lil':I'I\HI\I\JK\l sjl lI`i(l.'1_\' l'\'\`llill).{ `K1 ;\;.'1'C\` ll Iclfl-` IIIH l' |ll`l'.`\ urxtr-(1 In ` this pur-l cw X _._ ...... .. Tho members of Barrio Kiwanis Club pinymi lmsis In tho inuinbvrs gnf Kil(-ht-nur-Wnlorlnu Kiwanis Club .!m. an (-njnyaiblu i'un(.-tinn 'i`u(-sdny `it-voi`iiii;.{, wlwn 1h(~ \'i.s`ilm'.~: pmviclorl I :1 very firm prmsrnmmo. including: .[.'m ilL\'])il`ZlH()i'lll zi(i(|1'(2ss by Jzwk G. ' Brown, ]')l'i"Si(1(`l1l of mo Ki1('honer- i Wzitorlm) Club. and :1 i'ii'sl. r-1:135 , minslrt,-l shuw by the visiting tuloni ii/Xbuut fifty molnred fmm the Twin {Cil,i(-s. led by J. R. Dim`. furmm` iprz-. of tho i`<):u'1'in Club. for Elihu occasion. I A Fr.-uhn-n nf Han nunlinninvn-Inc uvnu PLAY HOSTS KIWANEANS 5 T0 cwm [HIP ()(T(`{lSl()Y1. A fr-z1l,111'o of the p1`01imi11:11`ios was the p1'r1s(-11t:1tiu11 or :1 spc-(-ial birth- day pri' - lu Nur1'n:111 Im-.s' by 1111- \'i.x`itm`s_ :1(:('n11'1p:111iu(l by :1 suil:1bl<- \'("1`s0. Tl. ('u11.s'i:4l.r-(I of typical pro- rlur-Ix of Kit('l1t\n(-1`. in1'luclin:.: hum` .'1nrl DI'(.`IZl`|S, '1"|1e pl`:-51-11l:1lim1 (11113- 1-(I :1 1.:1'r~:1l :1mu11nl uf 1`nv1`1'i1111\11l. A 31111;: 511111; in Gv1'111.'1n :1l.~'n 1-11li\`:-11ml ])l`()(`('(`fl1{.\` :11 tho (Ilnm-1` tublr`. J. R. t(fliH`1-1 Dim`. rn1'1ne1`Lv nl` .:11'rit~, 111z1cl1'~ :1 .~al1m't i11l1'n(l11(-1n1'_v :~p1-1-('11. .'1r1d I11lm(l11('r-(I Hm IH('llll)L`l'S i11(livi(l11all_v. P1`1-sir]:-111, Lt-i;:l1lc-11 .. (`fl.'11'ko HI` 1110 B.'11'1'iu Cluh ("Xl(`l1(ll'd :1 I11~:11'ty wt-lmmn to tho \ i.\`HuI'S. wl1i('l1 was 1`(-pliml In by l"1'1~sirlm1t R1'nwI1 111' N11` \'i.\`iti11;:C'|11l). 1'1`:-.:itlv11l Bruw11 as H10 sub- j('('l I'm` his szhnrl ;1rlrl1*(-.~. lhv Ki- `\\ mi.-4 Inuttn, W11 H11i| II w.'1.< u .~:11l1j-r-I p:11'.'1mn11n1 in kiw:n1i.\' wnrk. .'111rl I11` .'1.~:k(-1| \\'h.'1l vnultl l\'iw:1ni:1n.~' h11i|(I l)('Hl'l` 1,|1:1n H11` (`|1:11`:1(-l(-1' 111' Mm bu_v.~: nf lhr- r'nn1m1111il_v. It w.'1.~:n wisv plan in gvl lho lm_v:< _vr11m.:. Di.<(-11: s1>111(~ 1-I` lhv |u~.<| mr-ll1- unrlu nf |1:111rl|i11x1 H10 r |111\'< lH.\'('ll5SllhL', S()Il1(.`(Il Ill nrlx of hunrllinxz lmys. lnullim-d sz:~vm'.':l impnrl: |('|1.'1rm'tvI` lmi|rlin,L{. I Wu mus! h('li(`\'(` in |.~:.-nirl. 'I`h.'1l was Ihv first Ivlux.-L: iBoy Cha::t:i Building! Stressed by Visiting President NIH ! W0 must ho imt-roslvtl in whnl tho boy is intr-rt-.s`1(-d". He .~'11`n.<.<(~(l lhnt. llwrt` must hv :1 {mini of ('m1lzn~l. [l)l`lWl`(`H the man nnd Hw hwy. W0 nmst, 1):` pntivnl with Hm buy". `.'1rt-I115 must <-nltiv:1l(~ pu- lic-ma`. zmcl the buy . nut h(~ |. _iv('1orl In .'m_\' punishmvnf for \\ l\ir'h llw pzn'(`n1.< .'|l`tv1'\v:u'(l might |u- .\'n1`l',v. \AIn .-hnnlzl ninn Chn `\(\\> c-nn-\n1I'\C|-art /_T"_-'T Collier St. United Church I)!` .<|lI'l"V. Wv Shnllld Lzivr` H10 lmy snmolhing (1) rln." Kiw:mi.'m.< of l3:n`riv and l\'H(-h(`n(-I" \v<\I`v |')IIl`li\"ll}.'lI'l_V fortun- nlv in h1l\ ill,(.Z .\1n'h m'_L: :lni'/.utinn.~: as 'l`r:IiI H:u1;.:u-rs. 'l`uxis: hn_V:~`. and Buy S('(!lllS`. He` implnrnd lhv l':Ilh:-rs nr (>H\(`l`S :1s.~u(-inlm'l with l)uy.~: In h:1\'(- dn H\.'..~n rn-xrnni-punnu '1L' I ohm lllllll (ll||ll UH` |)tI_V . \Vl' SIIIHIIH tom-h pnsitivt-ly rntht-r than n(-;:.'|- tivt-t_v". For r-:~:.'ImpI-, 1-vrtnin I')I mk\' should not he fm'l)i(l(lvn l)(`(`. lll.\'(` that was thr~ surr~.\`t wzuy tn have tho bny want to l`(`:lfl them. On tho other hzmrl. (~<~rtnin ut.hm' hunks might ho sm.:;:(`st(-(I. and thorn \\ ('I't" plenty of books Sllilllhlt` fur l)ny:4 to 1'o.'1rl. uvlv \ uu . .. .- n vr I Dl'l|lIlN. II(` Hll]Hl)|'l'(l lll I lthr-m join tin -so nrgn` lsmm as rmssilo. NH` TlI'nutn nninh-(I NUUH HS ]"l)SSll)|l`. Mr. Brown p0iI\t(`(l out Hmnt no ` Wvn bnys nro nlikc`, and mm might u rvqnirv fm'(-0 nnri Hm ulhvr l'o:n'. 'l`|1m':- 1111- cliff:-W111 nwlhnuls for tlw handling: nf (-vvry buy. Don't `rhm`l' thv buy: wo should iim-Iv" Fur r-\'.'nnnh- I-a-rlnin l'\I n)L`\' U1 l|ll|(| \\'l Wright. WAVERLEY it-il7.. in thanking the- znlf of tho Barrio (`Iulx rntlrlp-ss filtnd in wvll . that was bring (InI`I(` [.;. here attended the mo Thus. M<'Mah:1n .. 1-: tho boy, he irsl (`ssr-n1i.'1l fur .;ur;l}'.:('. Iomemnkers and .on=d to Guelph. 7 PM. kl 1H` |Jl`.\l ll1|'IlI- tho . Inn! points in "3 3d pro. `.1 ['0 Jznnos P171501`. woll nnwn h.'1rri: Ii:-rl at his hmno in Tntlonhum sud- donly. Tlll"S(]l_\'. in his 74th your. HI` hurl pm:-Ii:-(`(1 lhvro for 47 y(`nI's.i `H0 was burn at. Willinmslnwn.` rm. ` ncu u-Inn.-n Ln |~nr-ni\V_` 4 'l;\I\ lIl' llllll [ll ill`IIl'\'(l lIl\'l l` Ill| `ll _Vl`:l|.`b. Willimnslnwn. (2lm1;{:n'1_\' (`m|nt_v. where 110 r0(-oi\'- (-41 his u:n'|_v vdur-:||im1. Ho stlldintl law :11 B:u'ri(~ zmrl Os;:0ndc- Hall and \v:u.`\' mulled to (ho Ontario Bar 48 _v(`nrs: am. No \\'ns wirloly knuwn in Simmm (`mInl_v. hmk nctivv inlorost, in c`nmmlmit_\' nl'l':uir:<, was :1 mombm` ..r vr~..n....n....\. 1 ..,:.m AL` .42. AN`! In ('lHHIHlllll|._\' IIIIHIYS, \\ il.\' il lll('ll||)|'| of 'I`nlh\nh::m 1.nrI_u_n, AF. & A.M., and n lifc` nfmnlwr uf Frnsm` 'PrDs l:_\`tori.'m C`h1n'r`h. I[;.. ...ll`.\ Ynnnl T nnn:.v\r'l L`.-warn` l3_\'[(`l'|:"lT1 K |1lH'l"l1. His wife, Jane! Lmnund ]<`rnsr-1',` um] fuur dn1I;,~`hlm's. Nlrs. W. J. Jvhb. : ().`k\'i1le; Mrs. H:u`r_v WiIli:m1.<, Tm`- , nnln: Ivfrs. M1lllI`i('0 `Dir-koy. Hamil- lum, and Mrs. Dnnilld Rust`. Tuttcn- hum. survive. Y\/I'vr- T1 - T3m:~r\ urnvn Hillll. Slll'\'|\'(7 Mrs. hit-kvy and Mrs. Ruse were nmrriorl at :1 double w(`r1dim: in Tut- lrnhnm on S21lurda_V. their f:11hm' uivinzz tho brick-s in mnx`1'iny4o. A wt-ll-known zmtl highly 05100111- r-rl r~ili'/.1-n of Burris-, Jnhn Jmn:-s .T:univ.\'nn pzlssx-(I nvvny on Mmulzly. Juno 1'7. 1935. at his homv. 103 (`.01- '1sm- SI. nu had boon ill fur only :I fvw wuoks. I mum x..n. 1 \II.~ 1-.m:.m.m urns `uxrn -.1 1 1 fa ww wvvxs. '[`l1r- 1:110 Mr. Jn111iusm1 w:1s burn :11 Nvw Lowell on May 12, 1872. :1 sun of the late James J:1miusm1 and (`:1l.l1(-rino McLean. Ho was odlxcated :11 In(`:1l s(`l1(ml.~; and B:11'rio C`ullr`g- i:1l- Instilllto, and for :1 timo was <-111plnyr-d in the private I):111ki11;: lmnsr` 11!` J. C. M('K0g;zio .'1nd ('0. At an 1":1rIy am-. bo h1`(':1n1(` :1 r'm11111o1`- c-3:1! 11':1vvllr`1'. :1 \'n(-mion \Vhi(`h ho fullnwvrl until his 1'o1i1~(~111m1L nbuul (`low-r1 _vom-s nan. Ho was :1 11wn1b(-1" of Kvrr Lndgo. A.F`. & /\.M., and of (`ullior St. Unitocl Chlll`('h. R1-sidos his widow, who was fur- 111v1-ly . \111_v 1.mv(\_ of B:11`1`io. ho is .~1n'\'i\'(-(I hy 11111-0 sn11s. `Rm . II. A. J:1mi1-_~:m1. ('m`.'1lv nf S1. Aidz1n's A11- glit-:111 ("hI11`(~l1. 'l`n1`m11n: E(l\v.'11`rI (`. .1:1111i(`. of C011('1`:1l Mmm's_ 0511:1- wn. and Gonrgo F. .T;1mi(-sm1. :11 humo. as well as two h1`u(l1t`1`s. Fred R. J:1111iosm1, "[`m'm'11n, and J. Muir : r~...u PI. uHlHll|.`.\'Ull. .IllI'|)llHl, EIHU d. |V|llll .i.'nnivsnn. (`.:nIt.. Thu funvml was hold undm` Mus- nnic . Hl.\`Di('(`.S rm Wo after- noon. and was 1nr;.zoly uttvndod by fric-nds and r(\1:1tiv(2.<. Service was held at the late residence. mnrlumt-d by R:-v. E. E. 1.rmg. minister nf (`ul- livr SI. Unih-(I (`hur('h. lnlt-rmvnt w.'1.~' in Burriv Union C`:-mv1ox'y. The p:lH1u`.'lI`(`l'.K` \\'('rv: Flwi S1o\'onsm1. D. M. Stvxvnrt, /\I0.\:. Cnwzm. C. B M<-l.:~:m, Juhn Duff and W. O. M<-- I Sl`l?.`.(`IAl. MUSIC HY 'l`lIli2 . (`)l{lI.l.l/\ (`HUIR Aft!-1' Hm l'\'(`lliIU.{ Sl`l'\ i(`('. the (`am- hinml ('|mirs nl` SI. l`.'nul`s (`mm-h. Orilliu. uml (fullivr SI... will givo zl .~;hnI'1 r(-t-ital nf vlmrzul m.u.\'i('. 'I'hv puhliv i.-: nmsl ('n1'(lin|l_\' in\'il<-(I. l`Ill.` f'lllYK){'II Cf`lll\l II I-`RANK DESJ.-\RDl.\'F. A p1'mni. ymnng lifo was tnkon ,. on Snn(lny. Juno l. 193?`. whvn Fmnk Dvsjardinc`. ngvd 20 _\'<-zn'.<. (livd in Ruynl Vi(`lul`i(J Hn. .lI. `.:u`ri(~, frnm pnonmsmin (`un1r:1('1- lvd unly :1 \\'(`(`k hofurcu H0 \\':1.< ir: !l\'('t`('1H hvuhh hofnro his illnoss. .:..n ,.r -. ....L....o ..n.l..4:,. 9.... ...`.-l -. X _.._:_.__, llil-`.Gl.\'.-\l.l') JACKSON JE.VI.\lET'l' I Following a brivf illness. tln llmlh nccw.`rv suddvnly on Tues- day. June 18. 1935. of Reginald Jack \'nn .1nn'.n1n-H :1! hm hnmn m Pno. .\Ul| .lL'HIHH'll. Ill 1119 numtx DU l't`Hl'- tang Street. Barrie. He was born ur the Island 01` Antigue. British WV357 Indies. on July 21. 1867. a son of tin 1310 Rev. and Mrs. George Jemmer 01 Ottawa. missionaries there. As .' hay he came in Ottawa with hi pun-ms and was educated am ihmnnv|\l nu in that nan. 11.. um.` xxn\ '..._ \....m.. M... H. fbmmzhl up in that city. Hr was om ml--ye-d fur Snmu _\'cars as uccuunlun wuh the J. R. Buuth Company an-' The Ottawa Journal. Later he re- ...._ -_... 7_._. - - W77. _ ,____ __.___ We are Official Service Repfesentatives and Distributors for the following units used in your car: III.l3(ZTRl(IAl.--St:n'li11g, lig'l1ting', lgllllitlll, horns and -ntlmr electrical equipment. ]1,\'I"|`|RIl{S_.Rcp;xiring', cl1:1r_;'in;q', rcI1t:11s, new l\:1llcr- inc ms. (IARHURl3T( )RS--(I:11'hu1'c[m', Incl pump :1n.I Cllgillc lune-up service. 01!. FlI.'l`liRS-lnslzlllutinn and rcpl:1ccmcnt. 5H()(:K }\HS(_,)RHERS---l.HVC`_i<))' zmd Mnllfnc IL\'L1]`;[11]ic_ HA])lx\'|`ORS---(11e:1ning. SI l3lil)()M|3'l`l'SRS--'l'csting` and l`Cp:lil`ilLQ'. \\'lNl)SHlI`.l.|) \\/ll l:`R--'l`ricn Service. (`AR leAl)l()---l hilc and all :)lhCl' cur r:1.lin.<. Automotive Electric Service '33 Bayfield St. : BARRIE : - Phone 89 JOHN JAMES JAMIESON WE ECU BEST SERVICE OBITUARY J5 {HE %1EJA\ IE5 LOUIS mcxmmc. MINKTFR I

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