Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1935, p. 5

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'. -Ou1.sid4_- uf [ :n'li:nncni, we r|m'L now! in working mn- "jforily so much as n Inujurily workimz, says the Porth Wfiiiffenf. .`rllL',ll'hH'(l. Tho (- ft-tats that tho Crmnvil Inns`. Nu fur. fui|(-(I to rvspomt in tho pmm-1' spirit in this wm'th_\' zmrt ncwrtful un(tnrtnkin;,'. As :1 citi- zen of this town whn is intur(.-.-'tn(t in tho prnm'(-. (lnvt-lnpnlont nf this ('HlT|lT\HHi1\.' I nnn:-nl tn thn r4-.'\d:-re llll` ])Il)[.'.l|'.\.\lVl' (l|,'Vl'l()])Hll'lI| HI IHI.\ (rnrmmmiiy I nppt-ul in u` 1'1-ndcrs of your (-: pnpvr In support this I`(`(]ll('!~'1 and nppvznl to 1h(- Town C`.nun('il to h::.~:tr-n Hm (-1`('('1i0n of tmffiv sigrxznls at Fivv Pnims. I.(!1's mnkv Bzn'1`i(.- snfv and modern us well as bt-uutiful. {WHAT A can auvs IN LEISURE AND ENJOYMENT less I_aI)0r- - - More ELECTRICITY is the greatest contxilhznu. to the emancipation of women from household drud- gcry--clcctrical appliances have now replaced manual labor in the home. In this development, Hydro-your Hydro--h.1s played its part. It has encouraged the development of appliances; its consistent low power cost has per- mitted their use in even the smallest of homes; it has set up safeguards against all risks; it maintains :1 continuous, unbroken supply of current to make electricity the servant of the home. Listed below are :1 few of the benefits of elec- tricity, which lightens household labor and brings more leisure and enjoyment to your home. Other domestic tasks are done for the modern housewife at proportionately small expense by Hydro. . ;-- a n I n 4 a Small as is the cost of Hydro current, whatever the user pays goes back into an enterprise in which she is a part owner. Hydro is a mutual concern in which all users are partners. HYDRO'S PART IN MAKING A NEW WORLD FOR WOMEN "iIIhm1Ia tr.-r hours. Tht` 'l'u\\'Ii (`uiiiivil has (l\`Ci(i(`(`l to use :1 hnntl-open iitoil sigiinl in charge of an officer to control traffic in tho Fivv Points. With :1 \\':itcht`ul pnintsmmi. as H\l.`_V H'\` vullut in thv nld L`0lll\l1'_\'. thv flow it traffic can bl` kvpt mm-mg: ninrv l`X[)\`(`ll1.l0llSl_\' than with stop liglitx whivh l.`hilI\;1t` unly .'it (ixvd nitervals. Using an ut`t'u-vi` will also f:l(`IlHil1l` hmittling thu two lines it traffic (`I|lttll\;.'. t`i'nm thu llt)l`H\ nft B:iyt icld mid Clap- |)l`l'li)l\ stri-vt.<. To install stop Iiglits would cost at least $1.0m) and uh pI`Il\'l,\`l0ll was ltlildt` in tho estunntus for .~'ui'h an k`.\}H.`ltlllllll`l`. l'hi- plain appruvctt by the Coun- cil calla for lhn (`X}N`l\dHl|l`\` at` only $25 fm` equipment. Shmild xi triail shi-\\' that this iiivttiuti nt` cuntml l.\` not .\`lli(`tt`I\1l_\' vt`t'iciviit. Cuiincil can then go into the Will hr-at n W'iIl how! u Will run : hour and u it Ill 1' hour. Will rt hours. Will operate a [an three hours. Will light (1 (:0-wau lamp ten houn. Will 1 Based on an avorago not cock per km. hour of |`,:c. .,.. T1 vxpmuli trial lh: suffimm\1l_\' ( qucsuou of stop lights. .5. ; Junn 17, 101:; lhv I`! -0111 rmnnvnl of the ......-..Ia... -.. 1.. .. in I uperme a radio six hours. |'lIllllI|`lI. ! (luring busy .\`lmppin_(:, ni;.:hls pl-nplv <-.\:|)m'i<'|u't'! in ('I`u:~'. lhv :-'l.l`(`('L'-' dur- m. .~:1.n'(-.'nn nl` lr.'1I'l`i-, :1 l1:r/.u:'cl In vx-nlun~ :I(?I`u.H'.H I run :1 sewing marhine three 7'`, I run a unslning machine one 7' `I (I IOIISIQV ONO ("Ill 0 ([lllU'- G. '1 u mruum cleaner one I hull. I u grill one hour. Sincr.-x`oly. C` CT! I'hv Wnlkvrinn ~IInrnl(l- I`in1o3 rloclnres Papa l)i0nne is in ('luvvl'. Ho rm-(\iv(-.s` $100 :1 month from the (]lHl1~ lll[)l0l5' fund and the nnvornrnnnl. walks the floor with his |;:I|m`.s'. |l!|)l'l |._\'. ulll.\I I)I'I"Illl.\l' i('IHFh1l\ t`!s`()f1H'hIl])- wx 1h<- pu1('n1i.'l|| 1 .':<:r-id:-z:.l.~: in tho fu- `. suvh nz-<-i(l.~nl..~: have up,h uf nul :1 vvry SP!`- llliIllAV i.|'('|lll'lll.\ ill`I|I"` :21 this in1.(-rm-<-lion hmrn :v'pll_V l ('l`nll`k(~d llul wuii until H11: `)lll`ll(*(l Iluwn h(.'f()I`(' l...I kn" . lIlIlH'..H'.\. Chum-i; op:-nl_y dis- ; 1'1-quit-:41. M1`. M()()l`(-, .- vnn:Jni|.lm- .~;mns:nl`- . xvnx pr-:~:<-nt. ul. H11- . In I'(.[)ly in :1 qll(`H- 'n:n\v : (`Pith-l'\1'\` :|r'1I S s'}}mNsMAN (l'JK II l'l`Hl()\ iIl ()1 (HI? ~ In .'I Il)(`JIl,inn in i'lil_v of H10 Five I-x'.'1hl_v in('ro:n.:(-(I ` :u,{;,'I'.'Iv.'|l.<-(I lhv a, hour. THE THROUGH STORM AND CALM Security agaihst the shiing winds of chance is provided by a Royal Bank Savings account. If oers shvllm` from the storm till {he vane swings (n_; 'I`hvr.- L: :1 pvsl, for almost cvc-rything a farmer prn~ tlllm-5. .~<.'|ys lhv l`.'u`1nux"s l\rlvn(-:11.u. If it isn't wurbles on czIl.l.lu zmrl l.mI,.~' nn linrsos. it. is wurms in pigs. sheep nnd puultry. or bugs on potatoes, maggots an cab- |):u,'L~, sc:n|).~: on apples and smut nn outs. `:7!!! HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION of 0/1/11 tic Always um; ' Iinjuy (hr m.1\'immn of Ix ivmrr by using electricity" to (ml . . . [ha I11-W and Inmlvrnly .-atu.:cliv4- ranges are fast-cunkim: and nmsl. convrnicnl . . . Ihn-3' arr snfv, cool and clcan~-and tht-y cuuk mmls bi-Itcr . . . under the m-w Hydro Plan it is easier than cvvr to own an Electric R.1ngc. Ask your Hydro Shop ur dualcr for particlxhru, A Summer Suggestion : {an-adian National Tc-. egrnphs Page Five I Spnnkim: ui. Niziizzirn Fhiis, N.Y.,"reAcently. D1`. Amos (). Squirt-. siurzzmnu ni Sing Sing prison. Sll[.{1.{0Sl(?(l mm` wily.-: in whi<.'|1 4,-riine might be reduced. These are: I)l'|)ui`i lhv niivn (,'l`iIHilHl|.\`1 give the boy who has ll1.'l(Il' his; first |ni. zumilior chance; back the Hay S(Ex)lll:; mid (iirl Giiiiiusz and more zitienlinn by pni'- viii.-: in their own r`hil(lrcn." Tho inst suggestion is the mw whivh slmuiri have huun given first plaice. l)1sev.~;~`i1\_:: the recent xnusteul l'esli\':1l, several mem- bers of the .\`mnh Simone Women's institutes in un- nuul mnventmn lust l~`rnluy expreed the opnnun that they should ztnn tor qllLllIl_\' rather than (`|llillllll_\' In these I'esnvuls. Qunlny undoubtedly should be the aim. but the g:l`\`:1lx'1` nnxnlwr of entrants the more \\'I(le. the n-.~'u|t.~' Ex-ery brunch should endea- vor to secure d.\ mun)` entnes as possxble. and the com- |)t`lllln|\.< on the day of the festiv'.\l.~: could be kept down to 1'e;I.~'un;\l)le numbers by clmnnution contests held previously. Those elimlnated should be encour- aged to attend the l'e.\`tn';\ls and receive the benefit o`. the educ:1ll\'e eunnnents of the udjud1c:\tor. ln this way. their nmsieul knowledge would be advanced and they would he in :1 position to make better progress belnre the next t`est1\';\l. l)iS( 1 1 'l`()l'Rl>"|` |E\!`l\lH'l'l'RlE.\` l\ LI:\:\.~\l).-\ The total expenditures m (.`.mmdu ox` m\n'ists from ulhcr cnunlrws in X934 are cslmmted to have been $12:|.9'H,U0() cmnpured Wllh $117.12-L000 in 1933. Tour- ists [rum nvcrscm: countries are estimated to have spent $0.455,000. compared with $7,783,000 in 1933; from ,thc United States by automobile $86,259,000 compared with $72,196,000: from the United States by rail and I slomner $:H.`_ 60.0U0 cmnpared wih $29.-860.000. ` lo :.. 4`. ...x n...n l`........l:.... n... .._. _. .-.-. . .,....,_uu.uuu -u...,n.-xu vv-II .,mu.1vv.-cvu. It is cstinmlvd that Canadian tourst expenditures In Ioreigu countries amounted to $60,905,000 compared Thursday. June 20. 1935 l(nvvnm~.~< from l rnvinrin| income tax and nmusu- mvul. lux:-s: :m- in lw u:u'm:n'k(erl for rolief purposes. ` /\ml llw (7|u\.s`l(.~_y l'}Ill,l`l`[)}`l.\`(! pnrl,invnlly romnrks: "Why nnl. vnrnmrk tho ruvenuv l'mm l)uvurn;,ru moms for m:1inlx-n:m(-(- nf _i.'1ils l`m' drunkvn drivers and the cost n! mlminislrmion of ju.x`l.icr: for trials of those who commit ln:lIlSlilll;1hlCl' on the highway when under` the inl'luvnm~ nf tho beverage moms products?" THE ' BARRIE EX.`~.!"iNE'.R '|'ll|,JHSl)AY, JUNE 2!), I055 ' 1Ul(| H11.` County (,`mmvil he hoped Bur- :- and HI" tho yr-nr. would cmno out with ' slam-I. Tho r.'m~p:1ynr.'s' hope his procliv- EDITOBIAL ]Jl'l`lllll'lll.`i Hl2I_V lllll"1ill(,`l_V IUHG H. The wh(-at (lictatwshh; is hcim: set up bx-cause (mt- set M` politiviam: after another, beguilurl and mislt.-(I by the undercover work at` the same .-nntinmutal influ- oncos that pmducod the Krcuqcr and Tull .\'Will(U('_ lmvv for svvoral yoar.~: played politics with C:mn(l:1'.= nu`:-:\tr`.s't natinnal a.\'.~:vt nur wheat markvts. '[`ra;zNl_v and !lisn:;tt.-I` havv stalker] the wheat hlumlors of our pm)!-mimlvd puIiti('ians, aur w('2:l(-rn provincial pro- mivrs and Mr. Bunlwtt himst.-It . whnso |'(` mnw`.~:. \vith wheat have lwun tho zlvspt.-1'at(r plumzvs at the oppnrtlmisl pulitician and nut l|m.~:(r (If the trxpurivm,-(-d l)usino.~:s cxcculivt`. One mi. akc has been hurivcl in another and now the plan is to bury them all in an- nthur largo mistake. And we doubt not that Mr. Bun- nutt himself i:.' doing what he is doing with gravv mis- givings. Nnwh(.'r(- in the re('r>r(ts is them a :~:tm'_v nI' slwcess for any sm'h national, (lir-tat.m'ia| marketing: au- vncy as is pmpnsurl for our wheat. EVL-rywhr-rv thaw.- aru rm-nrds nf failurtr, at (ti.-4n. tn prmluccrs and loss- vs tn taxpayvrs. Yot igumrimz all expvrivmrv, (fanarla is to attempt auaia tho impussih|c- yr getting: ri<-h by ggnvurnlnvnt. mmtrul ut` markt-lin',: tho prmlmrts of the mast highly mnnpetitivc, llll).'s'l inrlivitlnalislic: hu,~ in thv wurlrl. l`hiu :.~ QI-`In n|.... :.... :.. u... |.:..|...... .1. with $5()_86[).()l)() in the prcvinu.s' yt-:11`. l`mu`is1.s Lu (won'- scns cmmlrins are 0.~ to have spent $l4,272.U()U (:un1p:Irt-(I with !i:I.`i.!){l2.l)()(); by zlmmnnhilv In Unitvd Sl.'1l(`.~4 $32.liIl5.()lll)_ cnmp:n`0(l wilh $`.4.lill,l)(ll); by rm! and Sl(`:lnl(`l to Unilud St.'nl,0.~: $1:s,000.000 uon)p:u'c(,l WIHI $12,207,000. 1 . In; L IlIuu\.nIl New Dealing is a bizarre performance, grim in jest. cruel in raising hopes that can never be fulfilled. op- purtunist in execution. The philosophy of it is that the State must intervene in all phases of social unrl economic activity. to curb the strung. to protect the weak. to redistribute wealth and to even out p1'ivile;.:o. The State passes laws and sets up bll|`L`&lllCl`El(`l(S that make the Few subject In the C()lll])lll.\'l()ll of the Many. It is :1 l)|(`l](ll(l them-v nf 1-nuren hut Nu r-him` urnul.-_ 1 U3! nimw me new Slll)`l(.`(`L In the C()lT1[)ll|.\'l()n 01 the Many. 1 is :1 splendid tlieory, of cnnrsr.-, but its chief wonk- l ncss is that it ussuines men will nut pmctisc the G0lrl- ` en Rule unless there is u mnn-mude law to back it up. And when the thenry is given wm'kim{ zippliczitinn by the men who npemtrg as the practiciuns of Democracy. the pnlitk.-i:nis, it prndiicos strange crmsequencos. So there is no roznsnn to be .`illl`pl`lSC(i that in :1 \ve(-,k which has seen the ('()l`lli('t`1s` added to our New Deal temple. the most impm-lnnt mv:1snr.- tn vunm before P:n'lizi- mt.-nt is one that is the innnerli:itz_- prnduvt of political . l : i . l 1-.\:pv(li(-m:_v um! thv (`ltd-[)I'()(|ll(`t at" :1 whole kcrios of 1 ;!.uvernniL-ntul blllnders uml uv:nsinn:4. The bill tn .~:(-I up in wheat dl(.`l:ll(II`Shi[) gives Stllllt.` imliczitirin of what Stute plznmim.-, really mcnns` and it is not in bud stnnrl- zirrl by which to jurtm: where the ntlier New Deal ex- p(~1`inwnl.s mny ultimately luml us. The wht-nt rlir-t:ntm-ulmin ix` In-inn cnt nn hnnunun nun Ill UH` \VU]'I(l. This is Slnlo Plzmninxz in Hm hiL:lu.`sl tl(.`L{I`(`l.`. But it is :1 step to l)&lHl)llll <.':I!:|,s'lr0p|u'. 1 ___.___-:? 1 |`|./\YlN(i | ( )l.l'|`|('.S AN] ) 'I'lIl:' | lE( )l l.lS | /\\`' We \.V(`l`(' Inuit-r Hw in1p1`vssirn1 lhnl. l rvmi(-r l~lup~ burn haul put his font (luwn (m the in1pI`.'Ic11(r:|l mid wildly vxlr:Iv.'1;,:m11, :~`.c|1t'In(- fur :1 lI':m.<-(`:m.'1(l:1 mutt- vln Nipi;: and Svlwc-ilwr. /\pp:u`1-ntly mix is nut so, as tolulws h:nv(- buun cullml for certain sections M ii. Thv New .\`llLZL',1`.\'l:: lhut llnn. Dr. nn....: |.i.\`kl`(Il'(l Slwukm` Established 1864 A weekly newspaper devoted to the interests of the Town of Barrie and the surrounding country. issued at the Post Office Square. Barrie, every Thursday, by J. A. MacLz1ren (editor) and W. C. Walls (manager). owners and publishers. The Barrie Examiner is 0 member ut The Canadian Weekly Newspapers Asso- cintinn and of Class A Weeklies. ...... ..n .. .. nun in II 11.11: h:lV(` iii` M:1iiiuii:iii(l Him. l <-Ii-i' llvviiiiii, Nlll'i.|lW(?.`-iI(`l'll ()iit:ii'in i'L~pi'0suiii:itivos, :ii'i- ])llHlllL[ nvvr this liiizhwuy rlviil In iii:ik(- t.lii,*iiis(-Iwrs szilv iii Hl(.`ll` Uwll i'niisl,i1.ui'ii<`ivs :il Hit`l!X|)(`l1S(?(l1'1h(`l`l`Sl til` ()lll.ll'il). "ls ()lllI|l`lU guiiiig In sit iliiwn," zisks tliv S])L`Ikl'l'. whilo llii.-sv piiliticiiiiis mni'tg:ig(i the credit til` the pmviiiixi on the i)lliI(IlHL of :1 lI`i1llS-Cilllildll liiizhwziy thi'niii,'li l.h(.- Sc|ii'i-il)(:i'- White River wild and wuully wzistir lziii(ls'.' With :1 splemlid mnlm` l'():I(i siiiitli of Iu'lk(` Siim.-i'ii)i`, isn't -it hiiiik to ll.\'(.` ii Nnrth Sll])l`l`I()l` hiizhwuy for plv:isiii'i- jziiiiits. chiriiii: lliv fvw iiiniitlis :iv:iil:il)li-. in siil`I'i(:iL-iit iiiiiiihvrs in pay cw.-ii ii imrlinii iii the iiil.ui'i.-st (ill tliv troinviidoiis sum 1'(~qiiii'ud`? With |)l`lln`Il.s'in]( iiiiiiiiiii. timber Kllld :ii:i'iuii|tiii'zil piissiliililiirs I'iii`tlu-i` imi`tli_ are the I-`i-(lvi':il iiiiil ()lll,:ll'il) U(lV(`tl`HH\(`l1l.\` jiistilii-rl in this iibsuril Niiiigzuii-Sclin-i|)i:i'-W|iitu IUVUI` I`n(l(l w0i'k'.' Whzit is behind UH` sueiivs [hilt will induce (,`.'il)im-.l, Ministers and nioml)m's to sit quietly in l.hvii' plzicvs while Sll(.'h :i ilezil is liviiig put over thv ])l`()])ilE W|ll)S(` trust 'H1l`_V an` ii:iini'iiii:'. Hnw Iuiig is ()nt:ii`i izuiiig in zillnw the L-x-vii;ziiinui' ziiid the ux-(lm'tm' fmiii Kun- iirii and I"(ll`l.` William in l`lll(` UH` (l(`SHlll(`.\' 01' all Nur- Hl(`l'll Oiiliirin l'iii` llwir iiwn ])(Iillll'll| l)oiivI it uiiid wi- must, iinl l' lhi- (.'i)iiti'ai<:l.iii'sl zit tlic uxpi-iisv nl` thi- pi`nviii('u'."' u nil. Oshawa 'I`imes- Mr. and Mrs. Dionne are lmingz bad- ly advised in their agitatitm tn .:t;eun- absolute etmtrnl nl` the children. and to care tin` them tlielnselves. it would have been hnpn..'ible fur Mrs. Dianne. unaided to have given the quintuplets the care and attention they have required. no matter how willing she miuln have been. The parents wnulrl he inueh better ad- vised to leave the children as they are. under present nrrznnzements. so as in give them every chance pus~ sihle nt' gt-n\\'int: up safely. Then. it` they should all survive and reaeh an age nt` sat'et_\'. there is nu t(`llltl`l what wealth might accrue to the p:1rent:< of these five ehildren. But wealth must be :1 .s`t`t`nn(l:lt'_\' etmsi(ler.t- tinn to that nt safe guarding: their health and vns1n'in;{ that they will grnw up, and that is where the um'ern- ment nt' Ontariu is showing; its wistlum in takintz enn- trnl. lln-nngh prnpe1`l_\' appointed guardians. of the lives at` the babies for the present. .. -`pun . Ill . BF IN!-`ORMI-El) BEFORE (`Rl'I`l(`l7.lN(`- Bnwnmnvillu Sl:I!u.~'m:m ~\[urh nf tlw talk dil` at svhuul boards and other publiv bodies is low becnu. uf luck of undvrst;mdin_u an` the situutiu sh:1llu\\'-mmdcd critics who (in nu! dolvv thnrul 1'|\.\ Ilxn .`u..\.~ \_ nu... ..n....-.. 4.. mu...` rI\.. -Mui'h directed iovoliod umiorst;indin1.: siiiuitinii by thm-nughi.\' into the qucstinns they attempt to solve. Too often these \voil-nivxininp. upliftcrs lnd wv dun`: want to diSl`l1lll`i\_L`(` them in their \voil`arc \\'m'k .201 their (inpu- from 11 man on the .\`Il`L`(`I who has an am` in grind or (iviiiziils in l)CllLi.: am ub.\`\i'iictiuni. in publiv &\ff\i1`.\'. Our ndvicv to run! seekers of the truth in municipal and svhnul ;iff;iii`s is to inll`l'\'i\`\\` membei'.< of town nr. nnruniunu nnrunr. Llulu I(.|i\u i i o ai.,. n~.i..... I nnlnu-H nv~ u.\l\.\.\l In tnnu 4-My-nna t\I- \ HI lIIiIl|_\.l ` jnbs In-fur unu .~l'nUu| .ul;ll1'.\` ls ll! Il1ll'l`\'ll'\'\ l11cH1Ut'1'.\' (11 I council nr schnnl Uuslecs direct or Visit the '1' (`1crk'.< ufficv and ask to sue thv nffiviul nudimnc port which every mtepayer is entitled to poruso. you will not be inclined to appear so 1-idioulnu some nf the staltellwnts you mnke about civic affni R.\Il.WAYS AND TRUCKS North Bay Nugget-- Why deem`! the ;.zm'ernn1ent do this or that? Wcll. how can a unvernnwm bu expected to look after any special privaxu imerosls whun it does not u1\v:1_\'s look ;u`u-r its own ilxtexw.-sis`? Fur in- stunvsx`. then.` is tlw case of the Iuil\\'u\'.< owned b\' th I\.... ..r 4|-.. . ._.~ n.. -: .v.\\1A|I-I\)\\.I-\1. ... . ul ulun |ll|L'l all!) .\[lL'\`l&ll }H`l\ il\K` lIHL'l' S15 VH0 U. |nil\\'a1_\'.~' by tho ;:nvvr|nm.'n1s. Ont` of the most serinus of the diffi- culties encmintcrocl by the 1`ail\\'ny.~' is than at` truck cmnpctiunn. This week :1 truck tunic here from thv South bringing a loud nf wine that would nllwr\visc have come by railroad. The truck apparently travel- led on Sunday as well as any ulhcr day. The truck was an immense one. about the size 01' :1 milway coach. It parked all night on a public street. blocking the roadway. and paying no rent. 11 would do inure in- jury to the m'dinar_v mud in the North than :1 fleet of mu`-: It u/mild hn nn Hw- m9m~rm-.~.n.m urhk on-nffin 1\|\ IN GOVERNMI-IN']` JOBS Tumntn Sim`: What envy Mr. Dinmw Immt arouse n m:m_\'. hv I1.-wing: fivo dn1u.:h(m`s in gum! gznvvnmwnt nbs In-1`m'v lhv_\' are out of the (`.1`:1dlus. 3ruel In Raising False SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada. $2.00 :1 year; in United Stntes, $2.50 :1 your, pznyulc in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. Subscribers wishing to discmntimle paper at expira- tion nf pvriml paid for are cxpectml to notify this of- ficc before date of expiry. OPINIONSLOF OTHERS (The Financial Post) ` Tl"? QUI.\"l`lY]`I.E'l`S `. Dimmo ` qilulinn In 1':1r:- l'nr Humn Huwn- II The m:n`l,(-Ilu lower, with ulht-1' (It.-funov.-: nt Puinl I"l(-:1.<:m1 :n'k. Hnlil':I.\:. nova-r had in I`('])('l invad- ing nrmi<~s. Hut. the urea saw many stiI`1'in;.: .<<'(.-n(-5 nf : in Hu- .~:tm'_v nl' tho pru\'in(-u. In 1hu. of the lu\w`r n('('nrr(`(l mm of lhv nlnst l'mnmIx rlu(rl:: in lhv )|is1r>|'y ml` Brili:~th Nnrlh /'\m(-rim. .ln::. lluwt-. the urvnl. .lul.(-.s'm:1n, m'ntur unrl fn~ the!` n!` r(~spnn: [{l)V(`l'lH1ll`lll in` Nnvn Scnlm, hml hm-n vh.'1|l~n;,:wl In mortal (rmnhnl by John (.'.mk:- Halli- bu1'l.r)n. 'l`h<- lutlor (l(.'(`m('rl in.~'nHin)', Huw(:'.~: r<-m:n'k.~: (~nn('t:rnim_~, his l':1 thur. tho chit-1` Justin-z-. It was :|m-mxri luv. 1lu- rhm|li tn, ll|l.'l. lIIl' L'll|l`] JUNIIl'i'. It was u},{r<'(*(! by 1111- rIu(.*lli.~'l.x' In flrr.- pistols :11. 1ht- puinl-hlnnk I'.'In[.((` uf 1W('l\N' pm`:-:4, in(li-.'n!in;.-; Hm! alf- fnirr: of hmmr \.`. l'I'(' Mill rlz-:1(ll,\' all fairs in HMO. l`|1(-(-:u':-vrnI':1 p1'mnis-` hug _ynunL: rt-fm'nu-r sm-nnml In |)r- :11 an unlimt-ly (-ml wht-n lh(- lu.\':~` ul` :1 coin L{.'l\'(` 1lullihm'(nn lhv |'i;.:h1 In firv l'ir. Had the ('|Hlm,'>iI>n of lln-' nld nrdu-1' In-vn :1 ].{m)(I shut lh<- his- 1m'y of our (-mmlry mighl hnvv hm-n I 1 I I cvntrv of tho .-:t:u:(- In.-41 wvuk. It was llll.l`()(lll(`(`(l on Monday by Pr BL-mu-Lt, ru-(-upiud lhn whole Wod- n<:s(l:1y :~:ill.in1.{. zmrl m-nrly all the Thlll`.\'(llly .~:i11in;.:. Nnw i1 is lwim: taken up by :1 st-l~(.'l (`nmmitloo of m(.-ml)(\.1`s ml` p.'n`lizmlcn1,, wlw may s[)(`I1(l tun (lays or so on it. lnr.l(.-(,'. now that thv (lix('Ix:::4iun .is welll (')I.t,::wn. .lun(- Ill Whmt hold the la1m('l1(-rl. ii may pmlnm: lhv s(~.<. :1 (?()ll])l(` nl` \vm-ks. Tll(`l`(` hm] l,)(-(-H l exp:-(`t:1l.inn.~: of }.{vHim;' through last? Suturtlny. Now 11 may lw Iho first; of July l)<-l`m'<- pnrllunwnl ;)rn1'nm1v.~;.} 'l`l\:u (`I-..-.. .... .. ..I ma ,.r Ill -nu; I)!/lIlA\ .HlllIllIIl`lII piuun;.',lu:n. This flurc-up on wheat, uf course, had been thI`().'1tun(rd for several years. Whr-zit. as our 1.11`:-.'nt`(:.s't export 3 (we are the 1ni'[,!i:: (*xpm`t.m' of wheat in the world. though only I` t`nurl.h us wnrld p|'n(lu('<:i`), is :1 mil`-3 ,tcr for mmx.-I`n not only In ttw pruir-` ics but to i-vi.-r_v mruor nf Canada. It was l()nL1|`,{(I notmt that whon tho wheat pmirivs prnspiswcl. so did tht" industrial mist. and the sea-ports exist and west. Our rziilxvnys vuunnt thrivv withnut gout! times on thvi wheat t':u`ms. Slll`n(`lil11(.`S (`.'].\'t(.'I`ll(?l St get iimxitivut about the stress: mid on whi-ut in tho Huusv. uhnut "tho b0nus('s tn whmt. um] tho l<-uislzntivm to help thv whvzit t`:u`im3r. But it tops the list of (~.\:pm't inr!1i:~:ti'i(t.~`. :m(l thi~r<- has bvvu ])i .`l11_\` in \\ ()i'i'_\' zihnut tho last. five or six _v0zu';<. Oltuwn in tho Whvut Market Without I'(.'l.'i[in},! in (Ii-tuil thw (`wmts of l'C('("l1I _V(`:li`S. it may hi.- recalled that sinvv .iilnlIZli`_\`, 1931.` the ;:i\'uriin1i.-lit has bovn t`in:mcinI- ly inlc1'(~:4ti-(1 in the whvut murkt-t fH9nuv-1 uynu I`Il\I\'\I`\x\ll(\r' 1.. l\~.:.|- r:.~ Hlill`KUl. Dlll UH.` llldl'K(`l K(?[)l lillllllgl from bad to worse. and. so far from} selling. tho timu came when McFzu`-| land found it iu~ccs. to buy 1110112.; with the idea of preventing prices` from (rollzipsing 2ll1()`.`L`IhCl`. Once he was deeply into whom. it seemed im- possible to get out. l ric<-S hung :1-Q round 50 and 60 cents for yezirsi When the liarvest czimv along: vachl full. millions of bLlSl`I(`lS wcrv offer-: ed. and nobody . to be tlu-rel to buy tlioin up. lnstezul of pe1'mil- : ting the price to (`ollnpstx l\'IcF;u-land; bought up tliesv unwzinlecl million.~:. Now. it was dlS(`lUSc(l by lremieri Bennett, he has ziccumulutod .\'0n1(`-V` thing bctxveon 220 and `.125 million, bllSh(`lS. which iiwnns that he owns! practically the omiro wlu-xu stocks`. of Czuiada. including what is still on: the farms. R.I nI.`r~n-lu-A l\'IA .-. .\.-I ..-Col. OK`; 14-11 l_V IHL(.'I('1\l('(l Ill Llll` \\'[lCilI HHU'K(`l Ottawa was cmnpcllvd tn bzwk fin- ancially the stocks il('(`\llI`IU1{ll(`d hy4 the thrvo \v0s1c!'n whvai puols. John I. M(:Izu'l:1nd was put in to liqnidatoi them. When he took nvor, there` were 75 million hushcls on hand. He; intonclvd to sell that wheat in am mu} (IL'l`l)' fuslminn. so as nut 10 break the; nmrkm. But the mark:-I kvpt filllillg frnm had In \\mr<:- zmrl fnr frnmi ']`ht- 4UUlh :umiv('rs:u'y ml` Ihr- printing M the first Enulislu Hihlv is ulmut Lu be t:vlol)rnI,erl. And it. is still llw lwsl, sollvr" in the language. `nu. 5u~v.uuu\.u\ ;.;uuu u\uuu. Premier Bennett on the second; reading made one of his old time. fighting speeches. He spent ncar1_v' two hours on the subject. producing great gobs of statistics. making the record complete. 'I"|'u= Lihm-ah ac intimnfnd kn chair I V UUl\|K.'H. lllb l|l'iIlll1 1.` lillllng; dnfl HC must now turn over the liqixidzitixini of this 225 million bushels of wheat to someone else. That. explained! Premier Bennett. is why a board isl` to be set up. ! Provides Compulsory Poo] I The legisiatiun actually brought` down provides for a 100 per cent` compulsory go\`i~rnnient innrketing` svhmnv unriu-r n hnnrd in` Yhrnn Rx- L'UIIl]JlHSUl`_\" ;:U\`t'I`nmt`nI mnrxeungi scheme. under :1 board of three. By inference. if not by specific refer- ence. it abolishes the Winnipeg pri-i vate {train trade. If it passes as in-! ltmduccd. no one could sell. no ele-` ivator could buy. no railwa_v could` transport. nor no government 0ifi-1 cial could grade. wheat intendedg either for export or for interprovin-Q cial sale. without the authority of, the government grain board. D.-nw.:n.- Dfil e.. .1. _ , . _ . . 4 Ai 'Cl.`Ul'U C()l]1].)lL`|.L`. I The Liberals. as intimated by their HU lill'lI]5. LVIcFm'1und has nnuuu--an'.nx~ hn \- ;3{%I,ons7ii?spors L _ _;fSEA To A- v Wf): Banks. B.A. -~ <"-`-`{$%25'-'7.-E71-`. ~_']-U THE BARBIE EXAMINER, `BARBIE, ONT., CANADA THE OTTAWA SPOTLIGHT nu HHS SL`l`\-'L'U \\'I II he has borne : health is failing 0...-n .u-...- on.` 1:. vr-- J -a-:- 1 u By w.*}." Banks, Mnynr Hl:Iir1ul(l L Tic, bvl'm'v lhv ll` 21 pretly ~l~:u' 'l`h tiun may pmvu (turn-ct. ;;l,l\ l'lHH1L'HI I`Hill`KC[lH{ er board ' ishes pri- mdo. in- > ele- could: nu` nn n\'nv'i'\vv1nnf nffi v A Weekly Review 01` Nznlirmnl MI BY WILFRH) F.(;(}l.1ESTOl\' (I [IIUUHK J, LN il Ill 1 mly prair- 2r_v ;n : nnrl Hun cr\n-nnMc\ 1 \\ l|l.'dl. ll .\'L'L'lIlL'U NH` | l`4l;I`4L"I'\ IVIISD. . Prices :1-| Mrs. C_ 1;. Ha] `5 y""`-5.x1u)Lxsl_\' )lm'tt`d test ouch um mming tpr f bushels nffer- ;w.A_ Cf,_,l.Cm. V Dmnmw. hold H `p. :(),.imn. last we. 0 1\'ICF;n'land rod dvlegnws miHions.g-mi eighteen bx. jisclused I`remieri,-,',..,,, q-,,,.,,,,.,. -rved with : kn:-nn q I `I 1}] il lH|llHl>`9 z-nwmi :21` 1 :1` 1 In: I lnlpinn 0! .J...( !|\.. I--in -lj_\t.'L 1111' 215 SICCI. . . . . - To repeat damaging gossip is not if` wise. but to repeat it without know- 'ing its truth is pretty near to lying. (1; Osteopathy. healing by hand stim- e;u1aLiun. not a science? Yet allopathy _v I by drug excitement. is. . . Funny. . . 2 Treat things and men according 0 to their natures. Steep coffee and spoil it. boil tea and spoil it . . . . . r -Non Nomolos AI`I':1irs spnknsvnnn on this ()(`(?.'\SifIH. (Yul. .I. I... Rnlslon, hnvo nu nhji-ctinri in :1 lmurd. but t.h(.-y deny the right. of this parliament in its rlyim: hours in impose :1 pm'man(~n1 pulivy upon ihv muniry. 'l"hny nro willing. it would .<<-<-m. in .'Ii.{l`(`(` 1n :1 hn.'n'(l :1 a it-mpm':u`y mc>:1.s'ur(- to mi-vl :1 ,uruv(- vim-rgr-m-y. Th:-y think :1 do- lfiniiv iinw limit Silllllifi UP 50! on n_,thc life of the l)0:n'n'. and nh_i(`('t in the compulsory m:n'k<;1in12 f(\.:it.ur(-. T.l`hc_v think the Sl()('k.< m.w on hand `should ho iiquirinit-(1 for what. can he got. the loss to he made up out "ui'ti1(,- public i.runsury. if. in the pro- "C(`.H`S. the price ihi'e:i1.(.-ns to break so ..'IS to result. in n ruinnus price for the wt-:<|m'n prndm-(-r. they think viihni lhv m1ll`]((`l should he . -nr :1 bonus paid In the whom fzu'm(:r .iin iiou tlmrcnf. Auiflfl frnnn urhn.-ii H11 TIr\fm'm 1...v...<. -1....` r:1 axltowci. Almost. in(:1`0(lihl_'y, hv mi:~'.~'vri! Hnwr.-, nnwillinxz to shun! (lawn :1 hc|pl(~s.< oppunt-n(., dis:(-h:1rp,- (K1 his pistol in tho :1ir. H1: ('.'1m(- 1111! 1 of the .'1l'f:1i1' with g1`n:11 1'1'(-(lit and 11-nulrl :1|'l'rn'rl to i;z11m'(~ .~411l,). chznllt-n;,:1-s from nffir-inls whn: irn hr- .'11`m1.<('(! by his 1'1-:11`l(_-ss :1tlz1('k:' upon p1'1'\r'il<'y,'1-. Thu m.'11'l(-Ilu tm-.701`. 111241 known 91>` 1h(- I`1`in('1- Hf W:1|1~.< lnxvvr, was: (-r- vclvd :11 H! 1-nrl ml" lho (-iL{hl1-1-mh ('vn1ur_v by Hl`(l(.`1` 111' H.R.H. tho l)11k1- of Kvnl. l':11h(`1' nf Quomu Vi(-tm'i.'1. and :11 1h.'11. lim1- (-nmm:1nrlm'-in-chit-I` in Nova S`.r,'11li:1, I`nwm's of thv mm - 11-Ilr typo, sq11:1l. (`il'(`lll.'H` .\`1l'll(`1lll'('5~' nl m.'1s1m1'_y. w(.-re in fn.~ ihvn Ins r`r1.'l::l1'1] (l('f('H(`(`:. 'l`h(r_v rlt-1'iv(-1| Iht-ix" vmnw fmm M1-1'11`-l|.'1 Puini in ("n1'.~ whr-1'1-:1 |'(-w l"rt-nt'h : ih:1rI S111-(r1~::sf11I]_v (loft-nrl(-rl surh :1 luwr-1' I'm` :~111m- Iimv n;::1i11st :1 P.ri-- !lish flcwi. I`hi.x` im'i(l1`nl 11-rl to an 1~x~ :1;,"L:<-1':11.~(| i(l(-:1 ml thr-ir im1n'1-;:n:1- ghilin. nvurl mm." ......-,. ....,.,.1..,l :.-.1. The Pembroke Standard-Observer wonders I! the Kin1.{'.x' I`:-int:-r got his $3,()l)() snlm'_y inert:-:|.s'c because ` he um.:ini`(-rm] the printing of the voters` lists at the- (invurmmml, l rinlin:.: Bureau. Whutnver bu thc pre- tvxl. llu-rv (In:-.9 nut S(!('lll Lu be any valid uxcllsu for :1 .";;3,U()() .~ |)nn:4l those days. iU"}.1_l'l`:'|I-"ll Hl(`3I lll IIll`H' llIl]H'l`}.:[lEl-| `hilily and many \V('l`(' ('l'('(,'l(.'I1 in- llw P.ri1i.~zh [sit-.< tn l'('])(`| lhrt-:Il.vm-(I invn: by N:npn|mm. Inn nou umrcm. Aside from whont. Iho R(~f XTl(?-'l.\'UI`(2 arising out of the pri(,-<--' `. r(-pnrt, occupied most of 1110 Hlltcminn of tho I-Imlso. Hun. H. H. [Stevens mndo n powerful ncJrlros:< I in th(- HIIUHP. nH.:u'kim.: the ,'pnwer of (:0n(:(mtr.'ntt*(l wealth in IC:1nndn, nh: that :nlthouL:h nnminzxlly (`mmdn was :1 dumn(-racy. ;in far?! it was rult-(1 by n plu1o<:rn1.ic `lnutncraqv. Man) (In mnge ens this I In 1 H2. SlM('0l". z\.\'Gl.l('.\N DEAN]-IRY 'ELl".("l`.\' EVIIIS. C. II. HALE llIi.`\l) ~- . /. -n ` (H'l`H (`l(,'lC),'ill.l 5 i|lLt'HuL'|,I, lk.'}JlCD' ling: eighteen branches. Mrs. A. !Cutt1e, Toronto Diocesan Search `;and Miss May Watt. missionary furlough from Kweiteh. Hm .China. were the guest speakers. I |C`.er1rude Hale. Orillia. was honr. Euith :1 Dominion Hoard life in Sborship. Another feature was . .\r .. A.......oin .-In `1|Tl]`)l`l'S()IHl1L`Cl. WIFE. I1. 1'. Hllluf. !Midlnnd. dcnncry officer. presided. [Next year's conference will be held km Coldwater. it was decided. It isn't the judge on t . condemns. but the 1 ijudge as agent. . . . . 1 Jnetivn chnnlr! hp 1 V ausuce snouxa jlegallity should ah 1` Firmncss doesn't Ilt is possible to be }yet firm as steel. Tn Ivnunnn An...-.. { Some T'hinkabTouts | (` I "l`V\ 0RM f\' 'l`I.AYING H .~'\V()('I ll` lhu nmnln-r nl` imligunl pnlim\t,.~: is incrnn.~:in;:. n:: ('I)ll)|)|:Iil1(`(l or by Mnyur Blair. it is no fault of tho h().H`|)iHl|.\`.. Under the H()S[)il:llS Act. zulmissinn czmnul bv rvl`us<-(I In :mymw rt-\quirim: hnspilul lreutnumt zmtl for this l'(`l.\'()ll lm.s'pil.:1l:~` have many bml A (`nil- ditiam such as I1-sx:|'i|w(l by Muyur Blzur is mu fur the muni(:ip:1li1.i(:s to deal with and lmspitnls Cannot ho in nny \v.'|y hvld 1'1-.~;pm1.~:i|)l(: for it. .nu nu.-".1. .4. ... --._.__. _-___,, ;. Halo, Orillia. was unan- :l_v elected dcancry officer for '(:min;: term at the sixtecmh cnnferenve of East Simcno 11')`. at St. James` Church. .1. week. Over one hun- attended, represent- inhynnn hrnnr-hnc Mv'u A H. prwplo .- from cu `. 1u1\uv' r s'h0u.ld' `b-e. unnlrl -xluynv (` 1'(`pr)I'l. very scrmus culwnrms in the gard- c. \\ hm`v the HUB!` H.'EllLll'L' was Ll|L' of a dramatic sketch xa branch. "The W.A. " Mrs. R. F. White. nnrqv n6'o`6.--nr nvncrlnri u uc Icgaul/.L-u. unu always be justified. nu`-nn I'nn;!hn(\<,< I ll\\/\|)> UQ.` JU.\ll1|L`U.| sn`t mean roughncs . u be smooth as glass, pl \'lll ldl `S much in the 0 \l\ 4'.-,u~1u 1 the bench who law with the .. X5 lllill UH with fatal /\(llrossin1_: thv Kimzslnn Rotary C|ub, Judge Me- Kinlvy guvv smm` inlnrosli11;,' fizulrus on the decrease nl crilm-. During 1034. he said. 1.500 tower persons \v1-rv soul to prison in ()nl:n'iu than in 101-1. ulLhnu1.{h lhu pupulantnm I:-' now ;,'ruuLer by 7l)().UU(). ln Cumuln us :1 wlmlv. lhvrv \vm'r~ T.l)()() tower In 1932 than in 1930, um! Ill (mlzlrm 8111)!) I'u\vL-r m 193! Ihnn in 1921!). 110 also pnintvtl nut: 8|) pvr cent. of lhnsc paroled in ()nl,;1r1u lust yvul` mmlo guml. 'l`l\is ovidunttu shows that (Janu- (i:I'.~' ('Ul'l`t`(`ll\'1` nwtlmtis urv ))1`()(lllCllV(` of good results on n1'l'muim's. KIN.` L \ L'HHlL, fresh when 1 .* objection alum kin lized. and . {ncfin l'|UnlH. '5. Miss onorod ... nan l"()l{. 'l`l{.-\l"Fl(,` SIGN.-\LS To the Editor of Bm`1`i(.- Examiner: I r<- r 1 I v h'I 4 u,,, ... n_. 1, .... \.ll Sir: I Hhnuld like to bring to the ::tl<-nlion nl' _\'Ulll' I'(_-ndvrs an i: `which I and a good many uthcrs, consider of great importance to the wt-lfm'v of l3:n`|'i- and In all who ro- xidv within thv town and its vicin-I I itios. 1Jnnn-Hu n .~nv.-.-.u'Hnn nl` flcn-I-in I Recently :1 c0mn1it1(`e of Bnrrici 1)u.~'in(-:~'s p-.,~nplr\ fnrw.'n'ded :1 roquc.-st tn thv mwn (-mun-il roquo.s'tim,z lhnt imdy to in.~'lnll iraffic lights on ihv. busiest inter.- in H.'u'rie. mun:--| ly, the Fivtr Points, :1 junction whurc I'iv(` mmls inlurlmrk. '1`hi:~; rcqlu.-st \\'z:.s' .'u'(-nn1]mPi(-r1 by :1 |)1"Hli<)l1 bv: l'-I int: Ihv .*`iL{HZlllll`('!~' of over four hun-i (In-d nnnu-5:. all of Ihonx l:nxp.'1_vurs ul` Rnrrit-. In this I':.-qm\: 1h(.* cum- mil|.(-- 1-n1nn(-rulx-rl lhu fonnwinpz l'fI!2\'t'II'Ik" L l.l:'ll. (llll'H1y, I day.-: and nights pm (lil'fi(:n|t_v In tho vnn. .~=1.r1 m:1kin;.: H :1l1:r/.;n:'cl In lht` strool. 3 l`hul I`:-4-4-n1 hl`('V\'(`l`_w/ wzm-|1m|s:~ 1 I110 imn1(-r|i:11(- \'i(-iin Points hm; 1-nn:'irl-1` lrnffitr and tlu-rt-l>y Ir.-uffic prnhlvm. 4 'I`h:|| n1.'|nv lulu lL'h.\UH.5. I 1 l'h:|l the .':b::1-m*- of H.-mI!.'nm'y| fzxvilitit-.~: :1! this 1)u.~4_v inl:-1'.-::-(-linn| mnstittntc-s :1 pumntinl dzlnuer in (lrivc-rs and pt-dt-: 1~spuciulI_vl In school <'hil(h'(~n. 2 I`!mt. ;l..u.. -....l ninluln .......\l.. IH HI|Hll'lll l'|lHlHIl|Hl1.H'.\. Nmw nf 1h- dis :I;{rt'(.'d with lhiw 1'1-q', lI-:41, Mom` :1 mt-ml)!-r ml` lI1(-m;mJni|.1m- .~;p in}: th(- p('li1i<:n. pm-:~:-nt Ihn (-mm!-il n'wvlin;,'. qut-. lion as In hnw many i.(`(`i(l('l'I1S .'1(`1u- I -.Hu no-nun-u-...l :.I `I\:u~ uh. .nrx'i1-.'1nrl >'upply 1114- prupvr nxiilnv nlvs In lhr- (-mum-il. Unfm'1Im.':l(-ly lh(- <-mmrril fnih- In shnw any in- l(-n-s:1 um! rt-I'u.\`<~(l 1n .\'h0\N any (:0- ()p(`l`.'I1ir)l] In llw:<- rm-n who (-:n`m- ht-rv in lhu ht.-st ul` faith with thtr l'l('(.'l`S.`a`Il'y fimn'(.'s for tho disposal] of tho (-numtil. Thv (~nl.irr- (rust nf this )n'()j(*(.`l, il1(`i(]('I11IIlL\ . would bl` in tho m.-|;,'hhm`l`mml nf (mo thousand dullznxuz, zmri nn1 S('\'('l1l('('n hunrirt-d as ('m'1:1in mt-mhx-r.s' nf tho mulnvil 5:111:15-51-cl. IUI' IVVI) l.`.\[)|`I'll'll('l'(l mvn IU (' 1)` I 'r`I.. I-un'nniHnn fnnlu Hw-:1 H1n| l{i`in:n'k.~< nindv an ihv 'l`uwn Cmiiicil on Monday nuzlit i`o;:;ii'xliiu: pmplv moving intn town and going: on mlivi` at tho vxpirutinii nl' lhv |)l`l?.\ l`l`il)Cd tum` we)`:- very iiniely. llvyoiul any (|lll`Slll)ll the tu.\;p:1_vcr:: of ]3:u'i'iu have l)m~n ln:\d(`(l up with :1 hc:1vy burden for people whn hnvu nmvvd mlu luwn since m'ganizc(i relief \\':i.~z L`Sl(1l)ll.\`hC(l ht`l l`. .-\l(i. Mills. who bmught up lhv siilxiovi. might \'vr_\' wv|_l pursm: his onquiry to find ilw [)0l`l'(`l11:l;{\` of rt-livf ro('ipicnl.s' coming under this Clil.\`.\`ifi\`:lli1)ll mid . of mi` circunistuiicres 01' their cuniiiu; livrv.

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