Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1935, p. 4

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UI\II`}I{UN K I Sulivimlx. ph-., 'l'0lop|mm` 40'; . EIIHI \\'1 sidcrntinn fr The m0th \\r\>1O l'illIl[L`i. I\ l|llH'(ll'l l' (`l)||3l(||'l`(`l| I mnrnl xzvnllr-mzm t`0lTl[).'ll`(`(| in mm- -nlwix-lml nf Ihis vrimr. 'l`hv 1',r:-ul- `vl r)lIni.x`hrm-nl lw mm lw uivvn i:: (`I1 \I1-n|'v<' i|nnv'is~nnInnnl l .\'L'('HI.\' UV ho h;1rde:: ....,: H .\'lH'\'lVL'. In Russia. I .~nnn\.. O. I` lssin, as in our own country. .- to he the farmer who \vm'k:: rlvst. who has the least of nnyl ad who ,-.:(r(.< the sIiL:ht0. cun- nn from tho ruling power .u.\I\...J ... . (To Be Continued) ll|\.'I| }{|l'||lI'.\l lllllll ,-: ln_\'.'|| In lhv (fun (I win) was :11 um [in r wilh lhv p_uvu-mm ~; Hml hv prndm-t-(I. nl islzllld in lhv Nurl ud which n.....u on III}; (I >!llH||.|'|ll. ulllll lllh was that ho lnld tun nhunl Stalin and HH- Ilnilllw. rirlit-ulc llw pn\w`l`:: Hm! nunlry. If you (In, you n nix-1-, lmu: trip in :1 N Sil)-1-in, hum!- xrl ..|..\.,..I ..;..n.. .. u.:..| ll` ])I'U(lll('l'(I, I3; lIU\V I Nurlh, hun- n .s'nhul.t'ur. um] his .: unl Inn GORDON Ii. I-`().\"l`lLl{. Barri: 5oh citm'. Nnhlry, ('nn\`u\`:m(`m'. Mmu`,\' {:1 1mm. ()ft`in- 1! Owen Bnrriv. 'I`0h`n1mm`li!). .,., ,.....\...a. 1 this stern gmu y get these easy- mu-I: an-:1.-nu nun i-kul. \,uu:A rxuu nL'1IIIilI1 l L'LllL'(1 UH.` wm'1`:mt.< which re. in the ar- rest of Ernest Painter, Mimico. form- erly of Allzmdulo, en;:inu(,-1` ut the `freight {ruin from Allzmdule which cra.-;hed mm :1 stzmdims I1-ui;.:h!'. Rob- ert H. Ralph. ']`m'nnt0. brakemzm. nnr? F`!-pr} J Tlirirlnll T\Ynu~ "P...~n-~.+n iron BREAKFAST; HlilHS|2lllLU1H.'1' H15 rulczlscd on bail. 01 the m`0\\' is 5; 1-nnnun-in rv 4`-...\n~. l\.`L'U\ L'l'Hl.`, 11' the crush. Chief Fwd um ....o.. ...|` ill`.(l 1` 1'1?! fireman. l0:1. or 'T`X-u Z.- n. u:.L\L:u Illl Udll Ul Ddllllll. This action followed the findings of 21 cnrmiei-`s jLH'_\' when the follow- ing \'C1`di(`1 was returned: We find that Fred J. Cnombs came to his death on June 2 as the result of :1 rear-end collision between a stand- ing train and an engine pushing d n-~Im.....\ nu. ..n.\..I. L4... ... Former Allandale Railwayman Charged | With Manslaughter I MIDL.-\.\'D RED (`ROSS SOCIETY .\'.-\RD `14 (YERTIFIC.-\TES Ccrtificule.~' for regular attendance were n\\':u'dud In '24 members of the; Red C1`us.< c1;1.~`s9.< conducted at Mid-g land during: the past winter. at :1` social (WC-nin_u last week. The a'.\'m`cl.< ` \'n--gs nu-.x.~.nn.\A l\\- hr 1'`. L` 'T'<\I\, FRANK ll.-\ MI\ll)Nl). icitm} NC. T\!:1s-mic I`x~ Bnrno. lvlmn-_\' In `..u: Get the Coming Events" habi&--`r reading and using. mun rcncl, qstxckxy. |`ru-vn- l{.\Z-.\l.\H in your own cue. Rm 8 t 51):` or 3| bux from your druguzint; or, for {rvc i trial. wrilm 'l`I3}.\ll'LFI l`0.N':% l.l.\l[ l`ED, 56 Culburue Street, l'uruul.o. 2, Uuuriu. 827 ? FREE (fjor Ea: I n-gal fhlfllllf ID(\L.lfLlI'l'l fur Kvll0gg s---llu-, m'i;_v,in:Il Cnrn Flakes. Al grm-vrs cw-,rywh-re. Made by Kel- logzg in Lnmlon, Omznrio. "A nu; nmvl. uf `Kc-llog,-g,v n will make you _'durin,-_r, HIP day. ' golclc-.n akm-a, 'I-emu, are full for Ium'.In-on or for 3| Hnzwk lilII`l|l).V LII.` lvilnr. Nn!:H`\'. Mnsunir '1`mm lwfnrt` In-linu-. 'I'I|Is Imm- mmlml W/\X'l'l l`l-I illlltfl` lung 1lHHlll'(BH full uvnr and oven- fI'(`H]ln(!HH. BI-. HIIN`. In zu-ck Corn Flak:-.-A for l)l'l':Ikf&lHI. mum! and rainy Io cligc-5|. I\&& IUI I$IIIIVI" and CHRONIC BRONCHITIS I-f_\ll'l.1-I'l`0\'.~' I~:.\Z.\I,\ll (`-umuh-4 er. K4-l|ugg"H are also Izmly all day long! H U1 lllt` IV} presided. Feel fut THE BARRIE EXAMINER, BARR-7. ONT.. CANADA K\JI`l\ CKKJKKHI I '3 (`S lL\Z-M.\ll (`npsulva stop rkllll-C. szuapmu; nmkr lm-Mhuxg ` nil in V\'1Il"kl|Hd5l|.`|~[I m mxufort. [ rkiy. 1 U3 Lu. L1. 11.. [HH- ss Grace` McMul1en Midland Red Cross rl . Tlw.-u-. (~ri.-op, in milk or ft-.15] km-.m-r of nmn'i.h- rurminu frnr S(:|mmh-r/', r-< unnnl |nv4||' n ORILLEA REPS? SEEK cmmcn | com HOUSE; W. D. DHNNIKIN. l-`um-ml l)i1`cctnr and Embalmer. Amhnl:1m'v Scr\'ice.1 Phuno -1231. l.imm:s1m\ lh'.n'. if (iv-1 aired. Cur. Mary and 1-Elizabeth SL5.` (|Z`l\l'lI II llIl' Il'lh||" on H14 ('nllll('t'liIIl', Ii: W:n'(lr-n (`x'.'uw|nr1 Wv.~:l !~}lrm-I w:n H11- nnnl ll.-Elli-. nu .t..rl A VVl'.`7I .`Ill'('l`l \A.'uI.'-lll1'('lH| :'Ill(I()I`iHi1l\.VIlllI('(lln:i[)I` plus rm Hit` ull'l(sr 341.1`:-vl. (Tmm. Vzmt-i.~u-, Nullnwn if Urillin hml zulrt-:u|_',' in: 1-nun...-I Zn... H..|r Janna b.Il`Il\UA4l`I1Vl \r\II` . LIMITED ; } Warehouse Foot Mzmy St.--Phnne 88 Hivenings or lloliduys--Phone 1274] 1/1.) I A\AxJ\J I \ll\-J - : THE SARJEANT CO.; I I\II"I`I.`I`I nlp. To Pay 50 Per Cent. I CnmmiH.o(- rupm`t.< were pres'ont(-cl [C fr\Hnurv<' I v w n.n.. nun: - nnl irr- c-.-;punr (C.'onIinm'(l, /rum ; I.'. .. uv .. DISTRIBUTORS: F` r~.n`l\IuwnsI`- IIH up h i';1h ( nn :11: n )1 River ".ririur- mw. Mutt-hr-rln.-.'h. . :....n4:.... ..r ll... Illlll illl ||lll||.`?l|'|i|| \`. (IlI(l, lium: ml` lhvil` fnlln\v<`r.~'. 1 mnni: y(|nI'|(\ll:: ynumz p. Ivllixzvnt, wlf-s:u'ril'i('im:. in mind nnd hmJ_v. imhum.-(I \ id(`n.<, f:1n:1li(-nl in lhnir (I `liun. um` lryiny-_ In vnllmsv I nf n inn nu.-v_uvninzr `H/\r'. lVl:lll`IIl int:-n1inn : :]DV|J('T thv` rm-tori Ihis; rmmlmr r ur Hl.l`!"`l. , Nnl|:I\vn.-mmu, nrelco-(I In-ml_',' lrnprnvu-tl Hu- L /)um' um ) I ('?wi|Iim|mx'},', 1- In ht. ...u...| \. -.\;p|:ninml lhul mum-t-tint: link, Hp:-rut ||n- ::m'- .,.| .`\ _`/Pill`. HUUIII of rnsidt-nt.~; H1 il.< ht-iL.'h1.. hr- hrirl1,:r.- had; i 1hu1 l(>nri(-(Ii 1 .1 ... :4 n .1: ` mpg- `I('(]51,`'h. :n. nf the Hunt] `- North River .- :.l.4.. .0 "an.- 'll' ISFIHI l.nl: 5 milvs: lnnL'_. " St-hon] In! cl. n.-........4 H UH!` UH 3|, HI` ll,'ll HI I!!!` llilllll.` I (julnxty I(n:nrl.; (`mnIni.s'*.im'1. Him with tho H-pr":-.*~:(.-r1ln1ivm;of tlw mm irip::|i1iv.*: (-(mt-r-rm,-(I, In (lt-r'irir- 4 who is n-.<.pnn.ai|)lr- for and tho fi; mg of this pit,-ct: of marl. Truck Lic(:nm.- Fat,- Roads and P.rirJ;,'(-5; No. 3 Thu! 1 :u'I.inn ht: take`) rm the rusulunun I Lirwnln Cuumy Culzrwil wiih rt lg.-...z-2 an n1-Hiinninll yr.-..m..,.a:.: r:..\ '|`lu-rt` was qultu u 11-mum! 1'01` xprinp 1-hivkr-us: nl In.-:1 !~3nlnI-(lny'.~'. llHll'k|'l nml Hm nvnilulxln .~:umJl_v. m>ru- tun big, was quivkly (Ii.-a'puHml of M 301- pm pmmd. Yr-m'Hn;{:~: aim) rmlrl wt-ll M Mr :1 pmuul iml Ilu-rt: P113:-.'n:-c-(1 In |'n- vnnuxrh rmpply `fur thv (Ir-nmnd (H "I J|I(' |)l'l' nmn-.'u'c-(1 (Ir-Innnd. liuinu l...H. IH .`3lU\\ 'l|l|l\ l iimlr: x-mxntry thr~m. l`Isn.-n nunn lrlll` (H'IHlIIl(l. l):uir_v lmllc-r wnr: rim-vn In |muml_ :1 It-vllnv nf I'uur 1-~nl:; pmzl lwn munllm. 'l`|u-rv w lm'm- u rmpply cm llw murlu-I Lrmlt-. 1`}1,'r.:.~: W('l`I' llw .\'.'un(- in; mm! ft-w wm-k h`. ', l8~2()' pm` In |l;|llI`UHl \..UUllL_y L,')llHl.'Il VVIIH I" !!~7p('(:1. tn pr-1.ilinnin;,' Pruvirnr-inl (Inv- lz-rrlnn-nt 1r: r`h:1m.{(- lit-r-rmv fm-5.: fur trucks of fzxrmcrs and fruit ;_.zr<:w(:x's. 1'). ...l.. ...I r: u .. u..\.. ......,..,... }'{<-pnrt No. 4 -'I'h:nt nrtr.-m'(linL: tn umsulution of Cnun. Nt.-ff and Kw-r- nnn. that portion (:1 mad lut,w-M1 `the Counties of Simcm: and Duffel`- in, starting at the western bmlndury of 1`ussm'or:tio Township. and run- ning west to Bundu. cnnm.-ctin;.{ with County Road No. 13A, :1 dist:m(,-(_- of I-'`,:; miles. ho tukun rr\/4:1` as :1 Coun- ty Road. The n(:<:cs:s:n'y bylaw w:r: nrl [)ilS.`?(.`U. No. 5 That a I'CSry}ll1.ir)l 1 of Conn. Asst-lin and Robb rc-qu(.-stin;.{ thm an u;,'r<,-(:mcnt be made with 1hr Tnwnszhip of Tiny for dramzinxz County Road Nu. 6 during July and August. he left with the Coumy| I I Road Committee; that request of Coun. Palmer and Br.'nvl(.-_v fur rr-- pzuinlirxg : bridr.{c 5-ituzm-rl on tuwnlinv between Adjulu and Tr- cumsvth townships. :1 county l)ridu(~. be ](.'ft in hands of Cmmiy Road] A ln.......;..n.. p n j.-XCTIVE CROP (YOHPETITIONS i IN SOUTH SIMCOE THIS YEAR I 1 Crop competitions in South Sim-' coe are being featured extensively` ` this year by the Department of Ag- vriculture. F. A. Lashley. agricul-; itural representative. reports 288 per- ` :rm: nrn fnkinu nnrt in vnrinn: rlnh: ` LJIIIIHU I LUU. Sunnidale Gets $103.60 _ No. 6~That account for $103.60 `from Township of Sunnidalv rt` Cuum_v`.< share of cost under Drain- ..nn Ix`-Inn. T\Y:. :70 In. nuirl 9:. (In. lllrill TCpI'ESCIlliillVC. I'CpUI'l5 00 pt'I`- `, sons are taking part in various clubs. There are 47 girls competing in their i garden and canning clubs. All mcm- i bers will be exhibiting in their re- spective classes at the different fall fairs in South Simcoe this fall. EH1!` U_YI'l\\' JVU. DIR ! U1` [JUIU Ll! UH. '1'rcasurcx' of Sunnidalc. I New Caretaker I That Henry Humphrit-9 be ap- !pnintcd caretaker of Ward's Bridge `cm the Mntchedash-Orillin tnwnlinr-. `at the SZIHIC salary as prm'inu. lnnirl Muzlgmd `IE. .43).... .-3h>...;. _ _. u .u.un,a.: uuu Alrunn. Roads: and }'h'i(l;,'('s .4 in. A nvL..4 . ;.u:-;' m mu Ill H:c1<`1 m.n m mun hi:Il \\'ml:l lII.l".' |u- rz':`.'uIv':i. lhnn! Hugv \\'`r4- xziwn H1:-~ .In2 \"iIh..u" ihvm in maivr Hull lh.- l:I|n|u\'.'11-'1: , luminous; % 231: :1 Mn. r. nf I`. ..- .u...I.~ -11- win; 1.u'|u~l fur I TREAT YOURSELF to A ! HAPPY nonmmr . . . . . `Travel by Motor Coach I 1 4 I `Leave all your cares behind. Enjoy the clear, fresh air and the `scenic beauty of lhe open highway--cnjoy the safety and com- fort of modern de luxe parlor coaches and the convenience of limousine service without limousine cost. 1 .-l........ v.. ......... H. I BARRIE-ORlLLIA--MIDLAND---WASAGA BEACH ! GRAVENHURST-MUSKOKA WHARF--HUN'I'SVILLE {JACKSON S POINT--BEAVERTON-MUSSELMAN'S LAKE I AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS .-\. GEAY 995" 1.-Q33 l'\Al\l'|IIH I-\ NEW YORK-v-:l\TLAN*'fIC CITY BOSTONWWASHINGTON---i MONTREAL ' '""' ' Qeiwegn TOZRONT(07 and T BUFFALO-NEW YORK-DETR0lT CHICAGO--LOS ANGELES---MONTREAL-O'I'l'AWA and other Canadian and U.S.A. points LJIII LEAVE BARRIE (Clarkson Hotel) 8.40 a.m. 2.15 p.m. 4.35 p.m. 8.45 p.m. H(`L'I. Rnrrio. Daily Service Low Fares , 'f`I'\l'If`|K1'Y`f\ ..-_.,-.. MusKoKA%L3._1' ISLANDS WASAGA BEACH---- LAKE HURON Convenient Daily Motor Coach Service 'I"I'\ Direct connections with steamers at Muskoka Wharf, Huntsville and Midland Ask for attractive illustrated folder describing delightful Vacatinn Tnurs to Ontario's popular resorts and _ inexpensive holiday visits to the big cities. -6l;l: HZte1'_I3XI{RYE_1>E;nZ (3.? TICKETS, TIME TABLES AND ALL COACH TRAVEL INFORMATION AT Copies of the new time tables are available 1 offices and agencies Sum_g_njen-M Time Tables Lake and Highway VACATION TOURS ~\|IH. El Hmm Wllilv hu.~:lu:n 1-mp .- un Hun GORIH).\' l.U.\'(i'\l,\\'. In-ilnr Nn!:n-\- VI: \I` Effective Saturday, June 22nd _'ARRIE-w TOROIZVIQF .......p yum.- o~i%.'13A" %JE::cm mys Tn Popular Ontario Resorts Lrllllil llll\I |lIl\ Iurnnn . a-luih I-xv:-pl sun. and Hal. with Stop-over Privileges *1 I `Irina tits AAA with all expenses paid III` l`\A\l -rrx rnrxnn-r v\A Holiday Visits in L-C8lCl I Staxfdarld Eastern J. lI\\\ l.\' \VII-.\'(\.\'. 1\.\`.-\.. T`0.. nA\u1i (Nut.-.\n-vlh v`. Kvuu `Um-1: I\ I'll" H In I] ll! Ll`:- 'l`hur.<.'('|:1,\'. June 20. 1935 -?-_.-__.___....___.-.-.----.-.- 'AVl\I LEAVE TORONTO 2 at all : at Er-(Vmt) Just nnw lllal ruunlr_v i.-; omgnuucl In working nut hvr ::r-mm`! l'i\'~-_\-mu ` pl.'m. Stalin and mu (`onlrm (`um- ` n\itlc-v ~ mi(idl--mam! uml (-ldm'I_v| mvn, fir:-d lay mnhihmx. In whmn lhvj . Inznlvriul lhiu::.~;, lhv vnm1'url:: nl` Into inn-.I ch |\\4\v\vu liHl.. v||\rl Hun k HHWIII ||llIl' illlll Hll' ."-|'||Ill nulhinn. h;1\':- snrnv 1!r<-:1! t-:ll.'mullim'. Him. nhvud. 'l`hv_V are .\.|wmlim,' the mnnvy lmildlmz nu'l:n||m 4-In-nn'1~-II nl-unlu ntllwln-Inn! KILLS INsEc1-s.9;.mut(y{ I=|.v-fox; Pnge Four n\'1\IN.\ur: l'cle_Dlmnv G. (1. Smith & Co. l".\`t.IMislu-(I 1869 I"U.\'l'Il{.~\I. D(Nl("l`URS AND lI.\l|3.\l..\ll*`.l(.\` OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Motor :|mbul;|m`c In cornu-lion BARRIE. ONT.---l'll()Nl`2 N2 IIIQJ g.---;-r\n.. 0l'l..\' DEA" ;\.\'l\ .Vl(iil"_ I7 I-2liz.xlu~tl\ St. : l'luIm- `I j BOYS .\'.- lH)\ S. B:\rristm'.~:. Snlicitnrs. Notaries 1`ul)lic. (`n1\\`c}'n|\('(`I`s. Etc. M(m(`._\' in lnzm at Iuxvc-.9`. mics nf in- teI'c.s`i. ()lTiL':.~ -13 Owvn S1,. I\1:1snni<- Tomplo Il'.d;:.. ll:1rriu'. .rzmvh 0| fi(r.~. Elmvnlc. W. A. lln_\':;, l{.(.`.. .l.R.11nys. *iNTTi1%EiANb0i5'i:i sovi:%r"` (By Miss Bertha Hellems) -u._-n-.n-n--n.-u~-_u.._....._ ----- u.__-u._.u-.._u--".---__.q-_.u....u-u.-u-_.._.u.-u__. 1-`u`Ni:XLH5`x EE$'oR AND EMBALMER 1\u:,~\v nnr I r-`. M. F_/\_Gl.l3S()N _ P. C. LLOYD ` lllI`I'\ A I I \lI\I`(\'I`I'\I ClllR()l'Rz\(1'l`l(} llIl'Il' Hl'll'I'llI|llIl`| h'.o,rmn_mm n::_\'-.~:nim(, unambi- a.u..m:..1. .... lilru Iun:ll mmlnnur. `.::liInn1<-.<. l |:1n::. A SP[".(`I.I\l.'l`\ . uwv\'iH-, ()n1. (mun, un Mhinkin Illlllh {H I vilunl mi: :1! ir|u~::.~` I I lH.'|l]III', Ill` . lwnuliful I with thvlr :l..Iumni...., o\I.l`IXANlH'Il{ (`(H\':V Sulivilm` for nhtmnln wills, uunrdi:1n.~'hi|u nr tion. Gt-I\m`:11 Snlimhvr vavrmrrw Mr I : (I\\`u wstor. Snl - Buildmgl. In,;n;.zucI might build '0-_\'vm` and buy mm- `lln-_\` nrv just :'ldt'|'l_\' |\'.vrv lhvn 1.. W W (``nluri(_':: u " _m" ,"'l`h(`I`L` i:; no """-'3 {:n'l:: zmrl vii) '- '" [um] I`('|iL`.i(\ll. |u-Iuirlu rlin nu r W:\I.'l`l2R M:w.\'l'1"l`. A.'l`.(`..\l.. Bar- `. 11-iv. 'l`oncher n1` piano. organ and The- - gory. singinj: much. organist and choir- ;. m1:1stox* of Trinit_\' church. Barrie. - I Sclml;u`shIp smdcm for fnur _\'ca\'s at .Toronto C`nnse1'vmO!`_\' of Music. Ad- ;du\~:s: 123 \Vnr. 8'... phone 15~l. y ll. W. R. 1-`. LUKE-DR. G. C. SNELL. Evv. PI:11'.N()s0 :1n(l Throni. Specialists. .\h`rlir'nl 1\1`t.~: Builrlinu. 'I`m`nntn. Bur- rio uffim`: 45 I .li;1nhelh S1. (nppnsitv Rn.\'_\ 'I`|m:1tro). Phmw 1'75. O|'l`i(:o !mu1's:: Jud and -1111 S:1t.urd;L\':< of the mumlh. H In 7 p.m. HRS. l.l l"!`Ll'J & l.l'!"l`l.l. Physicians nnrl Surgc~m1.x`. B:11'rie. O'i('0 and R05- itlcnvu, 47 X\1:|p|u- Ave. ()l'fir`v hnln`.-:2 I l.u31).I1I..7 In 9 p.m.. or by appoint- ment. A. '1'. l.iltl(~. M.D.. W. '3. Lit- Llc. M.l3. Phnm: 213. R. N. W. ROGICRS. T'h}'siei:1n and Suri!ex`m. Assnc-into Commrr. County ur Sinwoe. Oiee and residence: 5!) M:u'_\' St. Phnne 101. I. H. N. SMITH. M.l)., Phvsicinn and .`%1m:om1. Officv. Owen St. (former- Iv 0<`<`1mi(?ri hr Dr. L. J. Sinmsrm). Rv.~`idmwo, 1-H Mnplc` Avo. Phnno 700. r I Bmt. W-\l.1`l:l: ll.\\'mmI:m\`. nu-illi; lRlH``v.~;snr to Hm Inln Dr A `D A.-d...n HH- plim mu-I DR. W. A. LEWIS. Surgery and Dis- oaxvs of Women. Associate Cnmncr County of Simcne. Phone 61. ()fTiec, SR Collier St. HOLll`.`2Z 8-U :1.m.. 12.30-2. 6.3!: I! p.m. ROBERT H. S.\ll'l'H. l"._\ Pialist. 53? Hnnlon R9 Hn1|r.< SL6: R;mxr-i.'1\~< I! DR. N. M. I.z\URIl. I M.C.C.. Phys-I iviun. Spmtinlist in d en'_:es of chil- drvn. intomnl medium: and minor surL'orv_ ()1'fi(`n nml Iwxcirlrrnrvn, 26 lurvn. mlvrn:1I_ momcnm .'m(l mmor Slll`,2'0l`}'. ()1'1`mc and resldence, 26 | Gwen St. Phone 487. DR. VREI) /\. ROSS (F`m`m(`I`l_V of Drs. Pmss & Iinssl Lnlv Slll'](!0n spe- 'i:1lisl wiih thv lmpm`i.'11 ./\rm\ . 4% \'<~.'n'.<. (}vnr~r:\l Su'.'::m(\' nml Oh.x'1o1~ rim. MO hunlnp St. Bzlrrio. Tel. 710 Q \'l(`T;)RlAN UIKIH-`.R OF NlYR.\`F.S-- } iI3m`riv Rr:1m`h\. Wvll Buhv Clinic 1 from 2 to 5 n`vlm`k <`\'m')' F`rid:1_V. An- plic-ntinn for Imr. sm`\'ic(`:: mnv be made direct or thmugzh doctor. Tele- nhnnv l('.`%. I mlizhl build morv beautiful palm-cs mm-0 iznrgzc-,n1|.~: jmvcis, but m: pmvm'|0.~::: us they \`.`rv iUl`ll):lll_\ HlilI1.(lilllllblllii. (<`nluri(.': u_:'_n it w:I.x` szml Ur thvm: " l'lwru link ha-l\vc(-n tho pun.~:- i,:n~l:: viiy rlxvvlit-1'5. hul I.-nu.unu,vv `nml (`ily rl\v(,-ii:-rs, iiko ur- rluiris. rliv (~:1.~'il_` t.h1- pozlssnil is :1 wilrl !'ln\v(\r. inrluzunnllx in tiw suii." Pm"! uI' lhnl link. 1-vlininli, hm: been .hm|<'vn. Will Ihv prnsuni oily rlw(-li- vi".-< fiilnliy Iw thv dominating: influ- t~nm~ in ii1I.~:.- m` will lh(- pt-n.~:.'II11s'. iiiwlr routs liven in HM` soil. still 1 . `-:u1'\'1\r(- wiwn lh<'.~- ullu-rs: huvv nil .l\nI'ich1IIi" I '.1\A\\7 D(H`.l.\` t} \\'m: : B;\ ;I 1:\N0 ` ` H.-\YDl'Il`. C.-\l`l.I".\'. .>\.T.('..\`I.. T`l1- | irhur of Plmlu and '1`hunr_\'. Organist 5 `S2. `-onr;:v's L`hurclL H5 B:1yl m1d St. ' __________________._ I . ' "' I v . Mm.o\'n 'l`Ul-`FORD. organist Comer! `S1. United Church. Teacher of Piano. 1 ;Or_r::m, Voice. 39 Owen St. Phone 232. yvnor. n. E. wl-zm. Tnnchor of Pi:1I;' gzmd Violin. Piano Tuner Phone G1-tr `R3. Balrrio. Ont. R. C. (`. l"l.FT`\llN(i. V01.` and Su1'_:,oun. Offirc. 43% 13:13`! Barrie. Plume ll. ll 1Ll'l'\ \' .'I` ('ll|`IUlI.\' l(| Kllll\V \VI1(`1'l` :z|| lhn. .~4l:n1i: \\'m'x- ning: tn that \vvn~ hvim: <-npiml. as I was :1.-: :1 child in knnw whore hurl lilllv xzirls \\/uni In \Vh(`l`. th('_v (livtl. I rim-irlod .'1(`l'W.'ll`(l.\` Hull m:m_v nf tl1n>:c-, nnlv lmnl \\'vr4' ::lnlt'n, likl` my own, nnd [H`I'I\lH'H. Wn :1s|:v(l n Ru:~:si.'m "Wlml rln [)1-()|w|(~ think ml I \ :~.'n' T`l:m.-.-'.' Hi.-: :m.~:\v(-r \' nmrv Inl4`lli:',vnt ;n'v (`IIHH fur Ihv H1051 of Hwm it is jl lv.x'.~` nhnm " l\ 14.. Early copy is appreciated. ||l'|| |l|(|l.`\ ll` m'\'i\I(- whvn 4`I`ix'lwri'. `Kin ...I-n.-I ll'lI ql\'l`Hl:|l'), !\ lll:llIu'll'l' [ll Kl HUT` my \v'z ]!i\ ilH1 ml :1 list of xvzmesz :4! ho !,':l\ (` 70!) rnnhlv.~4 :1 month u- maximum wautv paid to an m<- -ulivv. A 2:11-rn lnnkim: lnurist n`l:wI out at him. What! Only -vu-n Inxmlrml rnuhlv.~:'."' Tn which uh nu-un-nun nv.\-uI>lu- nu r\I'\lIv inn`, . F. G. TIIRNRULL. Gm I Univm-_:it_\'. Mm1tr(`:Il. ( ixlmwv v'u1`m`r Dunlnn :1 `Pix Phmm H13 ffi . (`-l.0R.Gl". (`. SI-'.Y`.\rYOlIIl. I`h\'.<- n and Surszonn. 9'7 Eli7.nho1h St. `riv. Plmnv 14!`. Ol'l'i<`1` h()ll1'$` I .'n.m.: 1-.". p.m.: 7-9 p.m. " Ill!` |"lH` PIIINHIIUHS HF)` tlmn :m_\' :.'l:|li.~:lir`.-. 'mnpi|vd uml hzmrlvd ml` :: .s'lu!i. has nhmll Iv :n.-: :1 \\'unl|u-1' \':m:- in: (`II yam whivh \v:1_\ (In H I. .. ..I\ Illlllllll. 11- n1` ulll` I':1l|u-r m'lIrlr (M151 is. "H0 I'm`: - than hv mm 1-ha-w." '1 In}! if llw pu\v('x'.\' nlin nrv <'mm'niHin1: m lnnnunr ml` :1 u-mun! IHiIL _l' "\Vn`l nflt" I . HI. I. ()nl.'n'in &- Dumi Hmri-<(m-ml l ru ill llllll. VV rm] 1' \von| nml : m:I_vln- H00." ~ pm-lust, ("l`:lS(` lmmlrwl 1`( vi:-J11 in lhv 1-Inrinnu In I: ;I: II.\\'uunl:U\\'. ()1-illux ` tho Inln Dr.A.P.Ard:u:h tow and thmnt . Quovn`.< H0101. `Barrio. 'd;1\'_ H :x.m.. In 15` mum MEDICAL HS .\'. HUNT Lrxr.un'\ i B;\RRIF. : Phunr` 525i tlu-r m'urh~ nlzl rllrnl flu hillvn of! n 'l`in'u- nlunu up in tin- nn'niHin;: this 1-rrnr. I' :u l`()llllH`)' x'r`vo:nl:: x-unrlilinn.-4 in lhnl oI...o ....... |\l`:1R.'1lH. think ml` thv l"iv(\- : w:I.~:. 'l"h(z (`llIlI!~('(l, hn! om jll.-:1 x-vns:-,~ )ll`.`{, ll) \.Vlll(,'ll' 3' :H1Ii. ll)]_\'T(`- - Am! ['mm . c~rn.s:m`:: unwrnml `ml I`UlIhl(':: was :1 nulv bunks. : tn knnw wlw1'u vvrv gninfz I :>< I urnu 11-: n .L. C`-rnriuntc` Nl('- lh'\":l1. OfTir-0 and" unlm and T n_\'ntr' . (7t"fim~Im1ni<` .`-R p.m. IIIUHH H1 i::lir- that 1 ml .. 1 In I .`- llllll III I In. In Rll::-- as mm-h I :1 lurnnrln n. In "I '.. Unlm`m N llmmnmn RC;,:i.;h`I'ml l ml'-.s':.it SlH`V|`_\'.\`. Ih`|mrl:'.. I`): I)I`\'1`\|N1\(H`I WUIIK . 'I'nh-\nhnnn Ill ()l`.'lI ..-_-:-.: 1 THEORY 'I \VlllIl uh Inn, that for lhrxv 4l:Ilisliv.s'. lnuri: I'.... u us: in :1 fau- urn.-vn.. urn-mu Hf H11` ...n. Kllll` HI who \\':1:: (.-:m.<:- and V in fnvnur UH` |vl:|_v.~: I nn :2 nnnul Hlll) l`|IIlll' \`V4l.\ |.llill Ill` lHl(l ll) n|:m_\' ju|<<`.~: C'vn|I`:il ("ununillm-. Ynn dun ! lw in Him rnliiilry. :in- sun! on (`Old spin in uri .1 pick and shnvvl, given :1 Hiin SUIID with uni quitv (-nuui.{h hl.'u'k hrv:1r1 In koop up your stxw-mzili, uml laid, Nmv think up sum:-lhiniz fun- ny 1ns:1y about. this. Just luuuh this nff if you aim." The jnlws lhnl I hr!m'd warm` main- |_`' .Tv\vi.~.'h in nriixin: in |':i<'1, thv .11-w.-: :~l('(`l!) in hv ihv nnly iwnplr` in Him vnnnhgv whn huvu :~:iI`(!n1!ih and spir- i! vnnmzh IN`! to ho ;Iniu:<(.'d :11 :m_\'- hint! IHIHH. 'I`her<- are .s`ever:II reasnns` l'nr this. Cenlllries nf )un'.~ have _1:ivvn them an ability tn adapt l(?l`nS(`tV(`. and survive under the mnst trying of circumstances. Then, tnn, they helnnxz to a nomadic race and nut.- lnya] tn the family. Their nnspe1-- nus relatives in nther cnuntries can nnt sent] them mnney for that wnuld nnt be given them, but they send nnlers nn the 'I`n1`;::~:in stm`e.< (the : where fnreigzn mnney is tak- en). and they are allowed to trade nut the orders. The Jews also are rnund maint_v in the cities. and there is far less sut`t'erim,: here than among the peasants. Most of the real star- vation has heen in the rural parts. where the zzrain was taken away to keep up the cities: and tn export. and nnt enough was left for the peasants t|u!n1S(3lV(`s. lllL'lllHl.`lVL'H. This lnkinq n1 hm much grain from tho peasants \vn.x~ sometimes 21 blunder. Snnmlimus il \v.'1:< duno in- tvntinnnlly. also in ymnish them for. not h:1\'in;z worked hzlrdm` nr mun- :u.:ud better, or for not having jnincd the collective farms. nu .. . ili HIM` Klllll (ll SIUIVL . ll \v'Vu'l.`1' ill illl` nlhvr, I -nuI .-m- \Vh('l" any mn- (vllmium vnulcl ho zn'riv(~d n1. F1-um n, with their fi]J_ll!`(?.`s`: sn I l)1-- I ;'_..n to hunt .'II`()lll1l| In :=<:(- wh.'11 their jnkm: wnulrl |(`H mu. 1 \vn:: furtlnnnlv in movlimz :m Am- (\ri(':u1 jmvt-.~'.~. whn hm! hm-n visilinzz. Ilnssixlvx rt-lnlivcs. and who hm! .'u-- mnnnlntorl n mnrvr-Ilnus .'\"(){'k '11 :~:l.m'in-.-4. 'l`hl-y \vm'(` whi:4pt-rwl In nu-, and I _inIlvd Hwm dnwn ht-him] Hu- fmmvls nn thv ()(los:.s':x bnnl. In-himl lrmn-: in lhv pnrk nl |.iV. l(li:t on llw Rim-k Sc-u nut lw4'n1x:u- Hwy \vvr- tho v.'n'ir-1y nf .~:ln`iv.s; mw wnulrl h:1\r(- In \vhi.-41wr in any nlht-1' vuun~ h`_v, hnl hnmm-.'1) nr`(~m-rlinn In thi- Ru:<::i.'m lrlun, Imc.'1us<- tlu.-y pukn fun :1! UH`j!(IVl`l'lllI1(`H1,IIIHI:II1)'H)il|1{::Ill1 ur dnnv :u4`niII:4l. the ;v_uvz-rmm-nt i:; .x'.'uhnl:m.-, and ])llHi.\'hnhl(` with d(~.nI.l1, irnprisunnwn! ur h:mi: In pun- nl c~:nnp::. n Innrnl A Inllrdn-rt-I` i:: vmI::idt-rm! Hllrvilnnusnu r-nn-nun-llrl In {NH- un El 1) isht- only 1 WEl.(!|l. /\Nl)l~`.llS()N .\' (`,()Ml': \x\'Y --Churtc-ruul 1\m~m1I!.mI.:_ Ir1I. etc. (.`ru\vn Lifv Hldgzx, 5`.l Y:m_m- RI '|`n|~nnln .... .. ......\, u.-um. The independent peasants or ku- lnks wero so (.`Ill`1I(`d when there was an nttnnmt [(1 force them into the Lrnlltwtives and when part 01` thvir grain was taken. that they rm]- I\- did an n m-one n....1 nr ,1..........` nu.-n ;,-run: was UIKCH. lnzu 111(3) l`C.'1|- l_\' (lid do :1 great deal of rl:xmn;u.`. Th(`)' dCst1'o_ved their cattle and N`- fusvd tn plant much gzmin. so that in 1932 thnru um: n vnnl chnvr-um no` lu.\'l'U Ln pmnt mucn gzrznn. that m 1932 there was :1 real shortage of food. They were the stIffe1*ers. how- ovor. for the government just took tho quota of grain demanrivd from them and let them and their famil- i-'.~: stnrvo to death. T`h(\\' considered that wzu`-time m(':lstx1`o.< had to ho uwd tn disciplino and punish the .<'nhbm'n pa.-1.x`nnt.< it` tho cnuntry was In L:mn.: pv:I.~'.'1IHs In \Vm'K. m:11 one think of Kiplim1'.< verse: Gcttin` clear n'dirtinL`ss. n`ettin' done with n1es.~. G(`tlin' shut o`dnin things rather mun` nr 3D<< nL`Hu.: I`('H)l'n1(3n.) Cfvmurios nun they started this .-:tnti; business. and it has grown to ho n hnhil. Ivun thu 'I'errlblce, whom nnv .\'llS])(`(fl:~I .`ilEIl'l.(.`(l many nt' Hu- ('u.a'tnm.-: that are still boinn car- ru-rl nn in l`tl1ssi:I. nftvr :1 wl1nle.'~'.nlr~ llHI.\`.~5:l(`l'(' um: timt-_ ;|.~:k(.~(l t.h(- pm)`- urr: nl' thv church fur his vi(`t.ims. to lw ufforr-rl In the I'nlIrw\/inn, statis- tu-nl |1In1!|lfl[{(!2 "R0murnbm' l.m`(I tho . nl` thy ::L-rvunts tn the mnnbur HI 1505 Nnvoxznrnrlinns." n .. . . .- . .. . By UH.` tinw I l`t':IllZ(!(I Hull :1 mn- blv wm; \vm'th :1 dullm` ut thu hutt.-I d(`Hk. and :1 cent and n hnlf frurn :1 hmtl-_q;:m- nutsidr: the hotel dnur. nml that its purclmsim: vulnv v:n'i(-(1 st that it. \v:t:: wnrth 5 l,im:~.~: :1.-:m1u-It :11 nnv kinrl nl` start: -4 il \.V.'lH at mt- thnlim: figure .. .. 0.. I..... ...-....n.I 1.. mu. 114'.` Anal nut` Si, . wnm G0 _\'0U1` three boys do?" The other says. "Onv is an engineer. another is an agmnomo and the third one is in prison. too." Another concerning their money says: Tho Soviet money is the jol- k`:'I mnnev tn tY'n\v'l`] \1'ith fnr nvnrv .<...-.<. Ann` c\u\'IL'l llIUlll'.\' IS Inc Job lion mnnQ,\' tn travel with. for every |timo :1 fn1`ci5.:no1' sees it he laughs. 9 Annther illustrat-35 the people's luck uf enthusiasm over the five- ymr plans. These are the plans by which the government sets `:1 cer- tain amount to be accomplished by industriai plants, farms. etc.. in a given time. They reward those who keep up or pass the standard set. and , mo;-to out dire punishment to those who fail lhv rnbl)L-rx likely rend lhem in the long winter ovenimzs, in place or Pum-h. They would doubtless pm- vldo 1: meat mnny good hearty lanlnhs: Inn, fur those boys who are hoim; r(-fm'n1(3d.) ("nn1I|rinu rum: Hxnv cinvinrl fhlc men` out cure pumsnmem [0 muse who fail. Two men meet. one is in rags. the (her nude. Thu fivst one says. W0 1 h..\'o fini. four of our five years" piun." The . one sn,\'s. Ours is completed." I'I`.\ 13.. r`....o.'........:\ vdyzxncmx an-. 'l`(~mplv Rlris.v,.,

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