Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1935, p. 3

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- flib "Th(:~(3 tires` urn all nlzuh-, in rt-gulur and in In-any duly 6-ply, which means six llT('l"('llt Cumly-ur.~s for you to pick from. "Y1-.~'. sir. nn xnutlt-r hut _\nu uunl tn pay I run 23"` you :1 Cmndyc-ur and _\`uu`ll hm 1- Hw lniuL:I'~t \':1|u- fur your lnmu-_\'. prul(*('lt- In} (lnmiya-ur'.~ ;._'uurunl(-t.- Ll,-..fuin.~,l dq.-frets and ordinary road hazard. That's the way I do Im-im-.~-. um] thut`.~' the kind of tires I51,-ll . . . and it ull adds up to the n~:Lmn why Jlurv People Ride on Comlyeur Tires than an .-Iny Other Kind." Z READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . . . Easy GMAC Terms AYERST 8: HARRIS LTD. at Clmvmlnl rs Cn|)ln Cm1m|l,l Brnlwu. Cum- pnru (.'lmvrnl:I'1s l"mlu;r Hmly quuhly, and Fiulmr nu-dmll Vunlilulmn. You nuvulI1u!II.-y--- and qul t,-v:ry|hinq---w|1m| yuu ;|1un:m n M-.m|-':r Clmvmlnl. And yuur own eyuu pmvu ill - n/~,; I):-Iivmml, Iully 1-qnhuu-cl In! In: (my, (invnummnr I\'w;,H::I::aIi:a:: I"n unlr Soc lhn new Stnmlaul Smles nmduls priced as low as; $'ll2 MORE PEOPLE RIDE. ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND Thulrndny, June 20. I035 j Phone 1 28 Pans Tlu-an MORE CONVENIENT lfIl'(l. 'I'H(` HUlll'('l'.` 0| lIll'|llll( us !`u||mv::: ('n::h nu lmntl,` I: 1-nunly grunt. $25; |u-1:i.~'lntiw- , $-HI; ||Ill'l`('.`{l. 2!-I '1-nix; (Imm- frmn h"nm-In`.-x. $19.93; tnlnl, V7 Night rates on "Anyone" long distance calls now begin at 7 p.m. It's so much more convenient." says a faithful daughter who calls her mother in a distant city twice every week. "Now I can call and get the bene- fit of the night rate before 1 go out for the evening. It is better for Mother. too---she goes to bed early." The 7 o'clock night rate period effects many savings for telephone users who formerly used the evening rate between 7 and 8.30. In a few cases (affecting about 3 per cent of the traffic) rate r& adjustment has made a 5-cent increase in the mini- mum (or night) rate. yet the convenience of the longer night rates period (7 p.m. to 4.30 a.m.) is of far-reaching benefit. Save A ftor Seven mrnins! rull (`nil e:hn\vNl lhnl |l_\' nll Hw |u'nm'h('.*: \.\'('l`l' llvll at Hm ('un\'untim1. l'l'l`Hl4`|('Ill'r: Hvpurl Kins: in In-r u nnnl I'III\nI'l I I'l'I'NI|Il'IIl .- l\l']l|III I linn. in hot` zmnunl rt-purl. lull thv _\'vur hurl In-t-n H uynlnlv um-. uml lhv ('muwr- thv |)l'l|l|l'|H.'.H hm! hI'|pI`(| n mnlcing Hw wnrk plmmzull Inn \nIn|' -.-|n- hurl nmrln l'n|Ir . to Call at 7.00 p.m. Him-(I lhv m-w work .~'lrivl in I935 us rm. nmvil wns [M-I`.~4uu(h`rl hmuln-tl ('hil(ll`l'll2 n.-4 worn .~4|m'lml und IL.-\I'.. .....l mun-n1. I my .-; ('X|)L'll.`a'L'.N` wt-re nrrnmu-rl for by nlluwing rnilcuuc for (ll.-xlrlct work which hnd nnt l)t.'(!n dune ht.-rm-0; Di.~:t1'h.-L Bnnrd rnct.-timz.-1, provlmlsly In-l(l in the lmmu of the pm`.-alrlt-nl, were held in hull with u View to giving the pro.-:id-nl mm'(- lime to spend on the btlslrxtsss of tho Dix- ln-ict; l)i.-.-lrlcl purvhn.~ml flower vnsv ns un lnuc-nllve to brnm.-ho.-L .... .... um...-vu \\- nlnullkllu. In vnnm-ctlon with the uvcrmze ut- t(-mlnnvv cunu-.-:t, Mr.-4. Bnyt-.-1 puintvd out thnl the mt:-.0 hurl nmn'npr|ut(*|y p_nn(- tn ('.`nnk:~.'tm/vn Suntan`.-4. whlvh vsns thn t`h'::t hrnm-h nrgnnim-(I in tlw ("mmt_v 0|` Sirvwnn, thu (Into I11-int: July 2, 1001. Miss I.nttl(- I')h':wumly_ who wn.-: pro.-wnl. nt the fimt m(~(-t- inpz nnrl wn.-z oh-vtc-d the I'h'.-xt trt-n.-- um-1', was still in the work, nntl wm: |n'('.`N'lll ut thv 1-onventlnn. Brunt-h Ropm't.; Mt.-a.-: M. V. I`HW('H nl' lhv Wmm-n': h.::Iitut4-:4 Brmu-h of thv Onturln Du- _p.'u`lm4-nt of A;,'rl1'ulluru, tn 1uumun<-- inr, lhv rt-.~:ult.-a of H10 trophy mutt-Ht in l'l|lIll('('litIlI with brunch I'(*[HIl'lH. ~|'IlllL!l'1|llllIIl('(| |h(- l)I.*xt.rIvl ml the \'I`l'.V .-:p|(~mli(l rvpm'l.` um! thv (`im- wurk ('Vt(l(`tl(`(`(t in llu~.~u- l`('pnl'l.`1`. .`w'i.\'t-vn rt-ymrts hurl In-mt t'u1'wm'dNl tr tht- Dvpurtlm-ht. I n/11.... n . . . . . ..n .- Min`.-: Pnwvll vrnnnu-Iulml [hm hm hrnm-Inn-: hml [Ir-rl for first. plm-4-, mu! il wns unl_\' nflvr n ('Ul|.`6ifIl'I'1I|)ll' mnmmt of |lmu;,'hl uml ('nrt- In ru- vlnt.-rl thorn, lhul tho wimu-r wn.-: (la-vlrlvrl. 'l'wu ulhvr |Il'nl|(`lII':; V\ l'l`(` .::|.-:0 unly lwu mm'k:: In-hhul lht-::u-. Tho jllrlm-.-: kvpl in mind lhv t|il'l':-r- 4-nl ilnla-z`:-sis llll m-1-uunl of lur-nllly. A lntnl hr '1' points Wm: l|WllI'(|K'(|. in:-lmllnu ton fnr l`m.~:lrm.:.-: furm. h-n fur Inu|-rlx1|(i1|;,4.-e, fiflm-u fur xu-H\'~ iliv.-:, [wt-nly for lint:-I't':sl::, uml lwc-n~ lv fur ::1w(-inl lhm.-; uf .-.'lml_V. 'l'hv \vinhim.: l'(.'[N)l'l. lhnl uf Hrurlfuwl, ::lm\\'-(I lhv l'hu-st. (`(I(l]`)l'I'HlilH| lhrnuL:|mul. Il I`I'l`l'i\ ('(| 57 |)ninl.*;. whilv ('uuk.~;tnwn Sc-nlur.-: n-purl ru-- -(-iw-rl 56 pnlnl:.'. I`hurntnn S4-him-.-; nnrl I`nin::wlt-k (-m'h hm! 52. 'I'|u~ `:|wnlc(-r (IN-lm'-rl that lhv .`:lI(`l'l*.\`.`{ of tho Wmm-n':: In.-.-Iitutn dc-pvmlml on ('uhp(-rnllml with nlhur u|'m|ni7.hliu|I:: und nlht-r In'nm~|u-.-4. BuI'ri1- llv.-:1. for /\-li\'ili-2: Miss: T fI\A'('ll (-nmnn-uh-rl lhnl flur- 1'i(- I`l'])(Jl`l. hurl .~:r-nrr-(I lhv hi;:h-::(, in X|l'H\'iHl'.N'. rt-('t~i\'inp.: fUllI`ll'('lI nut ul` l'iHt-on [minlH. Pniumwit-k wn.-; high- :-sl in .~:turl,v work, nml :;h:- runn- yllmu-nl lIHIl'l` hrnm'Hn,~: whn.~u- rt-~_ nnI'ls4 wvw` wnrlh noting, (`.`|)l`l'l_V In .-umw ]IlII'li(`ll|lIl`::. N[| :. l*`nri.~: I-I` lhv l h`mll' hrnm-h um`:-hlerl lhv lruplny in ht-hnlf uf _lhr- hrnm-h, nml ul.-up rt-ml (hp win- nim: rvpurl. 'l`h:- ('tmk.~:ln\\'Il H-purl nnrl [ho ntlwr hi;:h-rzmkinp, mu-.~: \\'('rv nl.-:0 rt-ml, ms` wall us lhnl nl` thv (ii|l`m'rl hrmu-h. which ':n: mu mmizvrl only lust Animist with lIill(` mmnlu-r.-: nntl now hm: lwvnl_v~lwra nu-mlw |.`..II ;IlIp; nu unrv \\'ilIlI.l'h. `i 'l'hr- 1-In-Minn nl' nfl'i('(`I`.< for Hm ;un.~:uinL: _\'v.'u' was prn('(-ml:-(I with. l`n\\'v|l In-inn Ill ('||.'|x';:(~, with l|u- l`(`.\'lll|.*i :|:< imlimllvd nlmvv. 'l`|u'l'v \\ (`l'(.' S(`\'(`lll_\'~HIl'('I` vnlim: (I1-It-Lzzm-::_ `Hm numhm~ of vuu-.~: ullum-(I In-inn |il('('(Il`(lill1.! In (Iw Hll'llll)(`I'.'ihi|) of the Ihl'IllH`ht`!~'. l\/1r.~<. tT)r.\ K. F`. Rtum.-1'.~;. Hvvt(nx, in pun-.~ llw l't'pul'l un lwnllh zuc- flwilu-.<, .~ Hm! ton ln':nu-In-:4 hurl irqmrlvtl. 'l'nxui(liIn,: had lu-on vnr~ _.\ A. A. SMITH, Manager 12 THE GENERAL MOTORS REFRIGERATOR I'i('(I nu, uml llu-rv lnml lwr-n l:nlk.~; nll llw 4'.'u'v of llw lmnrls nnrl llu - hull xuul ullu-rs ummJ_ tlml Inn-. Mr.-:. Rnpgvr-4 puinlml nul llw grvnl mlwnnlnpzn-.: ufl'-rt-(I by llu- ()nl.':rln l`M-|mrlmt-nl ml llr-nllh. unrl ::l:nlml ll-.ut lil(-rnlur- was nlwn_v.~e A'IV4'lllll)|l` l'ur llw n.~lkin;.:. Dr. .1. W. S. lVl-- ('ul|mu.:l1_ (`7hl(`l' lu.~;px-(~lm' of |l(-ullh. v.n.-: nnximn: to ;.{l\'(` nu lll.'~1l|`.'Ill'(l lm-l|n'v nn r'nnt'-r all any tlmv zuul ~:l|(- sllumvslt-(I llml u-vvry hrnnrl: mnkv it n pnlnl In wrilv nnrl .~:(-(-un- lhi.-: l-(-lur(- nl .~:mm- limv (luring lin- _\'('Il'. 'l`hl- Dt-p:u'lnH'nl of Ill-nllh was (Ir-ing uuurl wnrk, ll.'l\rinp.: mlmlm.-.'lvr~ ml nun-v lhnn 400.000 tnxoltls In ISIIM. Mrs. ll. .l. M:wAl'm-. ('m>k.~:luwn, Ill 11i\'iuy.: :n l'('pul'l ml` llu- |.r'ui.-;|nlInll ("nrrnnillm-. .-mid llml lzmm-l`: rt-pm'l:: lH!(l In-on l`('('('i\ l`rl from llu|l_v_ 'l`hm`nl<>n St-ninr, (`unI.~:m.~: Hill HI-n- iur, H1n'ril-, Hllll ll:-ml Juniur zmrl ("ml(.~:luwn Sl.'lli()I'. :ull ml wlmm llml .-luulinzl ll'lI An! A Iualu In-n/I I(Il'. lh'll'l'H', IHHHI Ill'4'llI -lllllllll illlll .\:lmli(-d v.'u`inn5: /\Ms. A Imly h:ul l)('('l| plum-rl on one .<('h(ml lmmwl. She .s`lu,';u`slx-cl an lh()l`()lI].Lh shlrly of traffic lnws, and emit] lhnl sot-lim:: ul' 1111- AM. mitzhl hv givt-n :1.-1 :1 .*:lIIl- :Il)l(' rull vnll. Mrs. Julm Wrnul. Vislu-r's ("mm-I`. in pr:-.~.'m\lim: (ho rvpnrl nf lhv (lu- vnlinn mnunlllc-(~. .-t;-m-I that nu! m1:n_\' rt-purl-4 hm! hm-n l`t'('I`i\'l`(l from tho hI`:m('h('.~:. nml thnsn that hml r(`pnrh-d hm! indivnlu-cl mxnsidu-I'- nhlv wm-k dnnv nlnng (-rluvniirmztl linos. T rnL:rn|nnw plnnninp: hml hm-n v:n`ri(-d nut SlI(`(`(`SSfllH_\' h_v smut` l)l`.'II`l(`h(`::. Mrs. A. V. Smith, Ht-vlnn. in III!- .'Iln.~-xu-1' uf lhv (-h21irn1:m. ;',.'nv(- Hu- wpurl of tho /\;.:ru'ulIur<- (`mummi- nm F`Iw~ hrnnr-hon hnd w~nm`lr\d. nr pml kills Ilia-so nll uIn_\` uml l`Vl"'_\' i day fur 2 ur 3 wm-ks. Ii pmln in mwll ! pm-In-I. Nu spraying. nu nlic-kilwn.-I, no loml mlur. Auk ynur Drupuiul,= Gnu-,ur_y or (L:-.m-rul Slnrc. ` 10 CENTS PER l'A(`.KE'l` `WHY PAY MORE? I'I-ll ? Ill \`(\l\l III \ lI.\l\ l`('\ I! ....:l.... IlIl.\l`lll'l' Ill llll' l'llI|HllI4lll, L;l\'(' Illl A;.:rivullun- lox-. F`l\'o hrnnchos hnd 1`(`pnI'lr'd. ho said. S0\'(-ml hml lwltl .~.'p<-(-iul :u.:ri('uItnI'nl nwolimxs, uml hm! rur- rwd nut H`l'(` ]I|:IHHl\_l'_ with ('mI. :nh|(' s:uu-(1-.~:s:. Thv wm-rl saitunlirm hurl lu-on slurlivri. with Hm roll ml! lwim: givvn by n:m1in_L: n nnxiuux um.-rl l`(`pm`l nn (`mmnunity /\rli\-ili(-.~;. uinv ln'.'1m`!u-s hnvim; I`('|\()l`1('(l. Sumo HI` tho many thim::< dmw h_\' tho In- - unclvr this hvzulinnz won` .'~`(`I\dim: flowers: and fruit In lhv srok. ('(i(I}I(`!`:IfilllE in m-|nnumII_v sn- mnl :|l'fuirs. l`(.`li(`f wnrk. Rod (`rn.<.~'. V u-|m'i:In Order of Nur.-'v.s'. (`hul- dn-n'.< Shvltcr. Christmas bnskoL< u-.-:0 last by Barrio hr:n'u'hl. .<('nd- inx: twu halos tn thv nnrtlwrn purl of tho pr`u\'in(`(`. I-vlivf and 1n_\'(`H(!s` (Strum! hranvhi. She said lhnt 'C`0uksto\\'n hnd unvvn mnrv rt-liof lnu... ,.n..... 1`.-.\....\. A u'nn\'\v\: ` Mrs. M. f`. Jnhhs. Hully, ) .!1l\ (' tho lIl' NIL: wo('d. Hlillll Ulll` LI ('1' tlllk 1\IIrs. G. C A thv ub. of 1\ Chm'vhiH. suhmi `tho homo ovnnnm nntvd :1 lurgzv inn 0! hm1di('1`nfl wm yum`. :u'(-nrdivxsi u L1'illl(`h(`.\' whu-h l\.... ll (`nnnn llX'ilH('H{`5 \\'Hl('ll Hil(I I'l'}|Ulll'\l. Mrs. ilk (`.nm\(`ll. }"`ishox".< (`urnmt vhzurmnn M the RvsnIuli(m (`ammu- itvv. said she had nnthintt to report." !i|.\ <`\'m'_\'om` soomvd well .~'mi. with tho way things were being op-| vrntod in tho di. , lV[r.~" G. G. Grvon. Bradford. prv-i svntud the report of the rocom Mus- irnl F`osti\'al :1! Bcoum. She pointed out that there was a decided lack of \"mlin.< at the festival. and also u* M cvntralms in the vocal and Ya u....~ . Ix`- EUHIIIOH ('(1Hl.{`.\'lS SU \Hill IHQ` PUUHC I jwnuld be morn nut to attend the fos- 1 ti\al when the finals were cnnduct- 1 vd. `Mrs. C`:reen vuncurred in this. Exhibition of Handicrafts g The exhibition of handicrafts or` [other work done by the Juniors was :1 very interesting feature of the cnnvemion. Thornton and Churchill Juniors hm-im: displays. Miss Dora H Clarke of the Thornton Juniors ex-I nlainccl the various articles. lnclud-1 ing lamp shades made from wall Daper and other papers. place cardsi` holders. paper flowers. etc. The 9.-xhibit of the Churchill Juniors con- sisted of five articles made from a ;flour suck at :1 cost of ten cents. Churchill Jr. Bodspread Wins Twelve bedspreads were exhibited by the various branches and :1 large variety of gift articles in the two l Sliding Utility Basket Saves Space in the FRIGIDAIRE '35 ROUPS mull urtivlcs. In- ('rt-xm-s usnhlo shelf -apm'c. Cull he n-nmvt-I from rznlwim-I and carried an kiulu-n mhlu. Anulllcr ilnpnmml rmmm why yuu slnmllcl set` the l"rigi lnirc '55 before you buy any rcfrige-rauur. VVJII I {II Hl\.llIIJ \ THE WWLSON Fl '1' PA!) (TO. llauuillun. Out. l hvo;1e 128 : Ayerst & Harris 75 Elizabeth Street Made in (funmlu '21l|US HI Ule VUCHI was suggested by that quality rath- should possibly be an in the past. and re should be e1xm~ so that the public at On -annri Ohm inc. xiiikiim In(` Tl`[)lH'l Ul vnrnvnittm`. She * in the amount mu` during tha- . ...\.\....c.. ,.l` Clxn ()r[(\d. L.()LlH. I"IU| (IV .\t.lI\l llllll \\ cl.` (I r's if local labor were used. but i!` (`..mnm. smit there was only one inc V ,-cpm~g_ inn the job. He hnpod that this 11 ,~;m,riod I firm would be rectified at my 3 019- No Relief Work by Cnur V\'ardvn Crawford said th dford. prv- i was not a relief job. as no wx ocunf being done by the County un She relief scheme this year. And Innb nf (`nun Ilnnrv nrnvnicnri illlu IUJU til IFYOA. hm- Coun. Barr. Mod blic the R\fm'estation that any trees pla uct- 1932. \verc eligible Lhxs. Coun. Bra\.\'1v:) . how many acres : or . under reforestatiur `Conn. Barf prom Ifmures avanlable l mm the Session. )V'-` mu mpetitimzs. UNFAII) uavuas ARE LOWEST THREEYEARS (Continued Irom page one) .7. Wood. Fl.-4h0r's C(H`lll'I`; l(.-;:lslu- lion. Mrs. G. C. Allnn, Lt-fmy; m:ri- culturv. Mr.-z. Sh-nmzwnys, n(`L'l()H: cumlnunity uvllvilivs. 1\Ir.~:. M. L. Johns. Holly; ht-nllh. Mr.-e. K. I". Rou- er.-:, BOL`l()l\: hlstm'I(-nl ro.~:om'(-h, Miss; ` H. R. Orclmrd, Slrnml; I-`c-(I1-rult- W. I. Rvprv.~u-nl.nlivt-, M r.~:. R. H. King. l"uiu.~:wl1-k; uItm'nul Mrs. Robert Buy!-.-4. ('hl|l'('hI||; nuditnrs, Mrs, J. . l'lmIg.s-on. ( hurvhilI. Mrs. G. C. Allun. (`hm'(*hill. Morning Svsslrnl The Innrnlm: .-:u.-.-.-.-inn gul. und:-r- wuy .-dmrtly nfu-r 9.30 with Mrs. `Kmu prv.~'ll|m'. l?`nllnwizw_ |h- up- enhm ml:-. IN] by Mr.-:. J. I-I. llm|p'..~:m, Chlll'(.'lIi||. In-V. N. R. D. Sim~|:nir, mlnl.-m-r of l`L\.~:u SI. vlmrr-h, mm- (lllvlml (|l'\'Ul5tIll.\` nml 1-xtvmlvtl n wt-l('mnv In thv Izullv.-: in In-hull` of the rhurvh. l\/Ir,-:. Alvin Wi(`(' nl` Hu- I`nln:4wh'k |)l`1lll(`|l vxl:-ml:-4| n lH'1II'L\` w('l('nm(.- tn 1'10 rlvlc-;',:1l~:.'_ lhv l'('|)|_V helm: mmlv by Mr::. (Dun) H. (3. Wnml, 'l`(>ll1'nnzun. '|'I`l'lI.`4lll`('I".`1 In-port. Mm. Huy---. |II`(`.`:('II1(`(l Hm rt-|mI'l' of lhv |l`('lI:-lII`t'l'. 'l`hi.~: .-:hm\-ml lhnl lulu] rt-vt.-ipl.-; of $l(Hl. .l ! hm] hm-Ix `>4.-xpvmlt-(I. '|`lu- .-mun-<-1-.-: of inn-mun `wort! hunrl, $17.10; $135; grunt, N-nt.~:; Hnmc Prmn h-'xnu-Inn: 5:19.03: Iulnl. l'll|iIl|('I' II`|ll Imlzun-v rim- vuunly la-VI:-,-a IIl'ljlI.`ill`(| mm ;,-nv<-rn|n;,' nu unal |n'uuy,hl,| Hill`! -.-:l mu ' -.1 A. (Continued tram page one) for rt-lie-f rm-ipiunl.-a, it. might ho ll(`(`l`.`iHfIl'_V In 4-nu.~:c~ tho nnmo.-.' In I)--, puhli.~'lu-rl in l|u- m~w.~mnp<-1'5. H-- lc -ll. lhnl Immy of HID.`-it` now going: In h0.~:|)ilul.~< l'm` in-znlnu-nl. slmultl ha- Iu-pl In llwir lnmru-.-.'. Mirllmul l"in1uI('t~.s (?muu~illm- W. J. (.'unnim:l'mn1, vhnirmun ml` the l"imm(-0 (`.mrnnill<-1-, [)l'('.\'('l)l('d lhr rt-pm`! of lhl- h'[)~1-inl Lfmmniltt-v 1'0 mljn.-;trm-nl nl` l`uwn ] nf Mirllnnrl nml (Yummy ul` h`inu' ; |'imm:-4-re: "'l'|mt llw .H'lmn'lim.: ('nm1.`|illm- on n.-;. a.. 1...... mm: .. M.'Iinl-nmu'4- ].',I'4'II|| Hlilii $l|,|l)!n.Z`.ll [MIMI /\|>I'I| HIIM /\lluwum`4- nu rum! ;,'I'.'mI willnln,-Id unv yt-.'u'. . IlIll'l|'.`n| ` in-.-.` 2:! I Hill1llI(`1' 4 Int. am 2 ()l'l':u-llinp'_ inlvrt-::l Imnl, m:nnl:-nznu-u- 4|`: -lulllltl ..-.1.l I\...- In I4 lllllll, H :f.-Lmil ` \NHH H|l`l' Illi 93h_ phlh` amln .`il|h'lH('.`1l Hlnn lhrvn yt-nr.-:. I x-(I nl. villwr pa-r (`l'Ill, nr-vu Illnfl yard." Cuuncinur Henry said. wilh rm ugroulnmmt In use as much Im.-:11 labour as pm:siblc." In addition. ht xplainod. the mntrnctnr. Arm strong. was in takv out twenty-fivo' trees that VV(`l`(` in the way. {row of charge. The Connnissinn felt that i! `as getting gnud vuluo fur its mnn"_v p at five (`ems pm` yard rvduclixm. (`nun X-lnrnn cnid ohm u-nu` :|H rinhi. ` "Wu gm 2: ('unu`au'1 en 4n u'u1.\ })'.'x I . (`S .'II II ll>Vvl'l` Hill` In ll||l'|l'.`I| unurx _L:nv(-rnnu-nt :nuHmri7..'nl.inn. Unpuul 1.:-vn-.-; (?mxn(~i|!<'n` (`unnin;.{hnm .\'nbmi1t-d tho ln|l>wiu;_' l'u4un-s on l|u- nnpnitl In-\'i-shy fnur lIHll1i(`i}).'IHlil'::ln(liI1('Z ()rilli:: l`nwn.~:hip lmvy HIIM. $|2.~ 09, loss $7.()()() paid. hnlzmt-v $5,090 nlnu i||'r|l`l'Q1` Il'\'H'N I _V Illlll IIIIIV l`uwn.~:lIi 1): plus inlt-rt-st; '.I`.'|_v linlznu-vl 'ln|(`1'('.\'l, $5(i(i..'M_ 1934; um 11-vy, :1` I`.-nu. 1\.u-4-unluw `. BEST REPORT BRADFORD HAS 1 FOR s._snv1coE} .l:In..M |)|\l.\ llll|'ll'.`xl Tiny 1933 l,-v_\'. 1m`(-.~:l to l):-(". Ill. 1 It-\'_\'. $122,425. plus i I! |ll.'M' ln1:1| $lU,.'-1' Lrmn um-. (.11, 1'(`ll('1Il)|.!lIiSIl('ll(' plus imx-rt-51 from I $8.484, plus inn-r(-.~:` '!`n1nl nunznitl l(`\Ji\ Ita((.`NH, [Hllh IHH`l'(`h| I '1`n1:|l unpaid l(`Vi('S in1cI'L'.\'l from Dx-('1-ml "nun; 1:u.m u-vy, from I):-H-1r1ln~x' fI!Ili..`M plus intt-n 'I`in\v 1014:! lm ~ , . _`1L1` ])IlI.\ ||lI|'ll'.\l IIUIII lll'l `.50, 1934; lu1.'1|, $lli.57`54 plus ill1(`X'(`!s`1 [mm Duo. 20, II......or...m.i.~ .-nu. l(l'h1 I;-\-v Q) . 411M I ln(` L'UHlH_\' LSHEIIIS KUHIIHISSIUII. I'('> plivd that l`IIu.:in(-vr Spr,-llnmn hzu? made an L-.\'lin1.'ne of the y:n`(l.'u:- `which had box-n plzwvd at H().25(I (`uh ic _v:lrd:: of haul by him. Thv vslimr utod pric(- by tho engineer was an pmxinmtvly 33 (`unis ])('l` cubic yard !hu- hvnulinn ]DI'()XHTlil|(`l Hm` hauling | "KIVH and relic! scncmc mm _ . I Conn. Henry prnmisod Coun l Horne that his smzgestion would be followed regarding local labor. l"nnn l'\n\\'nn\' \/'4\\`I\y`:1 nclrnrl if i ;unQCT X't`IOI't`S`(HI|UH H] In!` \.UUYH)' I 1 Cuun. Barr promise.-d to have these; before the end of` |thc ` \ 9 l In the bedspreads competition! {Miss Powell was the judge. She; awarded first prize to Churchxllf (Junior Institute for an applique: spread done in pansies. the stitchery being very even. I! was made by a group. This entry received 88 per] cent. Stroud branch was second with a lavender and _\'e11o\v spread. and Painswivk third. In the Christmas gift cmnpetiti0n.` _ Wl'l'L` II I $ [Inns fr $ll).2'I. 'l`h|- ll In`dI NH)` IX{'E.\ p|LIllL'U Up IU dul|{'.` `I932. eligible. | Brawley. Tocumseth. asked} more were now! -under reforestatiun in the County. 5 I f`nnn Ray-r nrnnxioznrl tn I-unrn 1hnn' lIlilHI|I'lnIIII puitl |)-4', pnixl Man". I'cIIn.\\\u'I\ unlu ` gizifl L'mnpeti!i0n.; (Turn to page sax. please) I Hu-Htmu'lin1.:('nmmillm-on l I'|)Ul`lt'll in .|l1n<~, I934, H - (`mully |'m` H|ll'l'<`.`i| nn nl` ."'. .. l0|. 'l`hi.-a nmuunl (I zu~~nnlin;4 In I'(~[.',IlliIH0l|.`i nu mnni:-iumlilia-u in rh-(`null nll lVIl1lIiIlnI.`\ llllp-I111 ll'\` April 2m, HIZM :m,:.ms (H - (luv ml 11). !-I !-vy 209.37 ulmvv In Mm`. mam l~13.Mi THE BAIIRIII EXAMINEI, BAIIIE. 0N l`., OANADA iIl`('Hl'(IIl|K Ill I'(`[.{|lliIIlUl|.`I ; IlllllIi('i|mHlil' in (It-fnull, ht. up In 4|:nlc- in us l'nl|u\\'S m Mi(l|:nnl':a ungmicl luv- ....-iI -In Hum .-m-mum 1-\'(-ml Inquirit-.< [arm-. ()I'i|li.'n 'I`nwn.~'hip rl tn H|I- mnlliluv Ihnun n` -nru nu c-rnu~:.-am um- I this would work il- I n~-ls.'~:Iu- nf rlvbt-nlur rnlv of int:-rt-.-:1 um]:-1' .4| ~ 1933 It-vy, $61!]. Dlll.` 4, In ])('('('In|M`I' 3| , $9.1M!) plus ilI|('l`('S1 ` 30, I934; Inlul $H.~ 1':-.-;l frmn l):-(' `.50; .... '1'H:nr.n ..l... in, .1oIun..::. 'l`hv mnrnim! I prm-tiu'ull_\' r(|n'(`.~u-ntwl I II. 'll(- ISJIM l(`\'_\ . $f .,4}M. HI In-xx 20, 1934; mini -rv.-41 frmn I):-r 20; vvir-5. $4l.254`H8. blur -('1-mln-r 20, 1934. H Vi||U(' H3!` H5 H'\UH"_V 1' aid that was all rig-hi ere :1! pre- nnlv nnn lnmzl nun- $:m:m.rn 1-::l .':|luw<-I Miil 4r;ml, l`.bI'. .: 9: Hum .I.AltH):I `$1 ll'lHlI lIl'(', ll, _ $3,3(i9_5(), plus in- HI3-1, $78404; 1034 ilI|l'l`l'SI from DH` |`.'7H RA n\'unA` Cnlnv-nu! 5.1: mil, I933 IEHH 1`.`(l ya-ur:. u-v_v 'IIHIlm'I|).'I|ilII-:2 we umpxml ()r |'m_y mu! l'1~m- wmmunl m/vim , Ill -.0 I-.- Tmmty 1 that this` 1 work was V under thv I . 1 :1. asked if] - the bonu:<[ rnn0vu0i.\r\ in -1.52 I $:.4:m: :mn. I: $uun.."m I`: Mr.-.'. King. Hlulml Hull mu.-:l (-nju_vnhh~ Iltlnn nl` an 1-ully in -Dnplm: tlw ya-nr .~.-h:- hurl mmlu rnur twin \'I.~:il.~: In ln'nn('|u:.`< und hn(| ul- lvmlml .~u'\'(-n Inm-limp; mid (-nn\'(-n- Hons, x-u\':-rilur n (lI.-:lnm'n- M` mort- lhnn Pivn humlr:-I mil:-.-.2 , "'l`h(~ l')l.~:lru'l Is, I think. in n vvry m'li'v(- vnmliiiun nl llw prt-.~:t-nl limv. two ll(`\\' lwnm-In-.-: Imvimz hm-n ur- },:nnl'/.vrl rlurimz Hw punt vi;-,htt-ml nmnths. lIHlkilI1'_ in nll l\\'t'lIl) l\\ (b hrnlwlws." .~:h. .~:uI<!. "Our I-`uutivul is inm'vn.-zimz in ::lru-mzlh uml mnnw her of 1-nlriw: yr-nr luv _v:-ur, hut lhv pmhlvm ml` |`in:nm'ln;-, i:: m: llllill ll (lH`fi(,'uIl mu-." M.-9 Yfhnr nnllluuul II... In-ur u-nu-Ir |U!u.Ul) n'lY` nnd5' $u'mmCHEVROLET EN you buy a low-priced car, we that you get all the modern inalumaa! The TURRET TOP, for oxmm)l<*-wl1n would wanl In be wilhoul thin new nvurlmml pmluclinn of solid amnl? Yr-,1 only one our in Hm Inwuul price held hm; i1-Hm M\!i1()f Cluevrulc,-H Take KNEE-I\C'1'I()N. Il':; (:lu,:."n|)ur to leave il 0H Hm car, bu! the M-mlur Clmvmlul ruluilm it --lor the uliinmie in ridinq muse! Lifl The bond and man Chev:-u|nl':i m:)n<)n1i<.-.11 valve-in-lwad Blue Flame Enqino. 'l'alm .1 look 75 Elizabeth St., Barrie aaonff? EAR SELECTED DEALEQ Buy frmn me and you gt-I u ttlnuit-c of r-ix |ilT(-r-.nl tires . . . but they're all Goud_\c-ur.-s" and tlu-y`r: ul. ull prim-ea! If you say `Lnw Prim-3' I g.:iw- ynu Ilu-. Spm-tlwany um] know that I'm 1~:upplying.v llu: l)i:_'Lfl-at nunu-_\-`ea-worth in the low-prit-0 fit-Id. If your idc-as run XIllH|,'_' lIlU(]('r1II(`. lint-~A I have Pull)- mlt-rs in my rack Ihut will giw you keen ccul.re-lrm.-tion and lung: mil(-zI;:(- uilhnul. Irnuhlc-. But if _\'(m want llur H-ry In-~.l In-IX put u !-'(#t of C-3 All-\Vculht-r Tr:-ad.-`. on _\uur \\ h(`l`In. Ynu'l| uu uwuy with a smile that \\'il&1.~l fur _\`o~ur.~ . (ll|Il(,'lI|| lllli`. `Mrs. Kim: nnllim-(I lh (lune h_v llw |')i.~'lrivl lnws: Inni::l'il ('nmu'i| w: 1,) tnxnid .~:i\ lImul1'u- null! vmn|u~Iil`nn.-.- \\ ('l`(` (`nnHllll(`(l: p1'('i(lvnl'.H`

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