Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1935, p. 10

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I Miss Isobel Devlin is visiting Miss Dorothy McLaughlin in Toronto. Jnhn Hare returned last night mm. Th W,\'ovalo garzuze was opened 'fnr business last week. Richard |Hnu;:htun of Midland is the sales-! .man. = ; tacos. 1 } Miss Ciara Bell of Toronto Normal ` Tschnul and Miss Mabel Club: of M:v`- - -donald Hall. Gqelph. are home for} lthe summer holxdays. 1 Tnrnmn last week. _ ' j and Mrs. Thnmns Rcxd and nf Pelvrbnrn are visimu: wnh (1 Mrs. Sam I.\'nn.~:_ : um nAi{Iiiv."iix1iRh1`~:Icii,' IAIiItt'l.i7&`I`;,' nmnn lVU.\. ti. I\. lllllll. \\'il'.~ B standing: ML") nor Ct-nt . Miss Eswr How. daugh- and Mrs. W. C`. Hnw, wzls B standimz. 1\1i.<.~` Marjorie :`adfm`d, and Miss Mam-! r'_\'(`\'a1(`. were tho other mils who roc(-ived their do. .~linOiIiun.. WYEVALE JIIIH Wi|.\ })ill|Il' 0. The unions wi . and in 2: comes` I upon. w dc-cl'arcd (ha? I nun-.l `nun! inn- . ~.u:r.'Im. sun of Mr. and I:ur|':1ln Rncu RI Rznul Wy T101. THU `V way?" he asked :-(-lion nf (`anch- `, rniht-r than by interests of lhr` ; i `llfll |llrIl (I L l met-linpt. cl :'_\' tell the 4 `Why not Tl my?" as (-lion ca ....lI~n.~ Ikrur \VlIll JVII. unu nun. vv mm. n u..uu._v U... Miss Florence Overs Icfl, Saturday for in two weeks` visit with friends in Cnlmurg. Ont... nnd Rochester. N.Y. nn.. ....l MI .-n A`Inv\ Lino;-hinunn a -- :. L`1C(`lh [1 .n ..\-.._l I VH1!` `. they ` fl {ms and mDrc' Summer Schedules In Effect June 23 Sunmu-r Irnin .s`('h(-rlult-:~: whivh go into offt-M nu tho (`.N.R. R:Iilw:1ys nu Sunday nvxl_ Junv 23, im~Imlo a numhor of now trains and slipzhl clwuxugos in 1I'u:< nrvn. Suulhlmunrl NH. 46. um-lmm,-n-ri; NH. 422, mu- daily oxn-pl Sunri:|_v, with {rain on Monday l(-.'nv('.~` Hnrrir\ 8.35 :|.m.. Al- lnnnlo 8.50 ;u.m.; Nu. 32. nvw train from Pm-r_v Snnnd daily xv:-pt Sun- day |(`.')\'(`S B:n'riv 4.05 |n.m., Allan- dulo 4.2. ! p,m.', NH, 511, nu-w train, rin- il_v- 1(-.'nvv.\` B:u'riL- 8.32 ]>.m., Allzur tlule 8.35 _n.m. KY--IIxluun..1 A svrios of sin-c-p dipping (Imu- r`n. in 0m and Urilliu Town- .-:|1ip.x' has hm-n .'u'r:In1.:u- umltrr thv .n|spic`v.\` of llw (')nl.'1rin I`):-p:n`lm<`nl nr /\urivul|1u'(-, with .1. A. 'l`v|fu-r nl 1110 1)vpurl.m(-nl., and J. F. N(-lh-s. ]".:n'|*io, in (-Imrgv. The S(`l`i('.\' nl` Iwolvv (i(`nH>lI.\`1l':lIilnl.\` : nu Monday, Jmu: `.1-L uauc mu ).nI. Nm-lhlmund Nu /ll, un<'hnn1,:vd: No. 55, now train (Inil_V (')\'('(`)')l Sumluy lo.'nv0.< /:ll..miulv 12.4!) ]).m., Bm'ri(~ 12.111 p.m.: N0. -15, um-h.'|m.:vd: Nn. 43. nmv train, Smurrlu) nnl_\' - lonvt-:~' Allan- r`.uk- 2.20 p.m., BI-Il'l'i1'. 2.23 pm. _|!1itl_1 Fahrm Dairy We are imdzlllim: lhv nmsl. Mndorn Equiplm-nl In l`:1s- , tvurizu and Hzmrllo Dairy Pm- ducts. We ('.\(p(*('l. tn bu mu-n fur busim~.~:s 4,-nrly in July. Fm` fllI'1h(El' p:n'l,iculzu`s -ml AA: dl'\ .1!!!` L':XiIl|I|llL`I uumu Uu L -nu-_y. < Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wooding nf 'I`m'0n|.0 are visiting their daughter. Mrs. Waller Fisher. 31 Innisfil St. 1...... ru.....1.... 17 11.4... uni` Am.nh_! We Are Opening A KIITIIY I'\ A II3\I The Offim-5 of 1111- fnllnwingz ])(-mi.~:L< will he DR. 1'1. 1.. BlH".IH'Z'l`()N DH. W. R. Rl('HAl{I)S()N DIE. R. .|. Sl`R()'l"I` DR. .1. I". W./\RN|(`/\ DR. A. 1'`. l l".IIl{INS DR. B|{l".H1 l`()N will lw in Hw nfl'i(-v .\':mIr(l;:_\' ::l 1-rmmn. Jlnw `.52, fur (`l1l('|`}, t'l|('_V ('::.s'(-.4. Closed on Saturday Afternoons A 3- \.a \.r lav-n-nub NEW PAIR ` i5i;;$;.96`i}12 AT PR ESENT FRILLED CURTAINS 1 59c ()p;u1uc 5lm\ic.~ in \\'hi1e. (jrcmn. Sand and (jrcen 1V1l'S. Vvullul rmucn. on uuumu u... I Mrs. Charles E. Kribs and daugh- ter f'n;:;.',y of Toronto are visiting: with Mr. nnd Mrs. West. Worslcy St. . rs n .... .. |..n c..L.....l.... DUFF'S DRY GOODS 58 ELIZABETH ST. ELASTIC GIRDLES WINDOW BLINDS 59c LACE CURTAINS 89c in l\'<>r_y and 1c1'u l P1`. .(H) I\'<>1`_\' zmd Ecru l(c}:;.S1.(m Pr. fur I'm` . . 89c $1.39 7.4-llvrs urv fvuiurinu lmrgnins in porch furnilurn-, drygnnds and l;ulw.s' Wl'ill` in their ummum.-elm-nl lhis wvck on pn;{(.- 6. O I O O For Ihv opening specials Ill Whit- l,y s Drug Store. see page 14. O G. G. Smith & Co. have ]')llI'(`h.`a'('(l n nmv (`hnvrulct uml)ul.'|n(.'e from /\ycr.~:l & H.'u'ri.~: Ltd. Jm-k N:-wm.'m has jninml lhv : -1 /\_Y('l'.\'l 8: Harris Ltd. at the I riu Mnmr Sznles hrxmvh. C C I ri('(-s :u`v slnsln-(I (|l'ZI.\'H('.'Iy for mu wovkt-nd at Duff's Dry (`.uud:4. Fur S])('(.'i.'\] l)1ll'1.ZIiIl.\' $00 the zndvn-r 1.isumt'nl on page H). O O U C Miss Mnlu-I Lolih of Orillln has lukvn u pnsiiiun with Miss l".. Sh-mu 1:! Jt'\v'lh- Bu'un1y Slndin, Miss SI:-vn I ... n\II\r nu.-..l\-..~...l II. In nuul III Jl'\'Vl'lll' I'M lll.\v' lllllll. IV] rx-vonlly pun~l1:us1-(I thu- frnm Miss Anmld. 1`. Kunrns, ;{ru('('1', lms hm-n :up~ nuinlc-d Im'nl (|i.\'1rihutur for Rrrnwn`s H1'1-sud l.iIniI(-(1 1:: 3:1-ll lhvir wt-I'. knuwn Old Homo Prnrllu-l.~:. Sc-v lvm 'Illl1l)llH(`(`|l1("Il' (HI })l|(` O U 0 0 L;UIHllIlb;. Lllll-., llllu llll\.|l\-BIL!` 11.1. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hutchinson mud Dorothy, of Mount Forest, ro- xu-w(-rl ncquaintnncc in town on Sunday. R1-v 'I` (Izmir. nf Polcrlmrn is in Ahnut 35 ;.r.'|r:u.:t-xm-n of lhv .l1.~lri'l xvvrv p|`v.s'n-nl 1:551. ni;.:h1, :11` n 5;):-('1:ul n'm1>r (']inix- hvld at Hr_Vsun and Mnrh-y'.~4 (}.'n':u:1- uml:-r Hw nu.s'pivv.s of W. |.. Hrt.-nn.'uL H. M. Hnl)in.\'uIl rf lhv Slmlt-r Hi.~:l>n(- (`n._ 'l`nmnlu, dc,-xnnnstnm-d nmlm` tum-up. O I I C I AI Yl'I\ I" Ihl'(`(`l wt -(I;:v I ) (`. 1 4 I" nu. l`1l'l|l I ul.'u':<. (H VV.'|Il`H>Il. (J\ ('l' HM` VV('(`Kl`H(l, Hy A. F. F.inpkt-. While ho \'\/(IS \V1l(iH[! ilii'nuy,h 1h(' swamp :iluiu::ai :i .~:li'(-nin h<- ::uddi~nly (-mm` on U11` ~:I1:ik(-vuilt-(1 up jiist in frun`, of him. Ho hit it nV('I` thv hand with :1 stick mid slunm-(I ii, hi'imziii;,' it hunw wilh him in -'I fisliiiiu i)(l.`ii((`i. Wh('ll ho U])(*l](`(i ihv i){ISk(E1 Ihvrv \vns. also 1| i6Il'1.{l` nmusc which the snake hm] Ill` lll)l'lll'll HI!` I V (Ii.~:gm'gcd. R<~pusin;.: in n box in lhv winrluw Hf l".nu:lu- ll:u'rlw:m- this work xvzns zn lwu uml :1 half fun! l'HHl(`.\`Hlk('. H was mplurt-(I :11 Stnlws Buy. nnrlh uf W.'Iirtnn. nvt-r thv wt--kt-ml, by A Ii` Punnluu \A/hilt hn urn-< umlkilul J. K, Hru_vm'o from 1hv Dr. M. W. wkv (`Imiv at Wi|li:Im.~;lmr;.:, nnd rm`! l'('])l`('.\'PlI1:I1i\'(' nf lhv I.m'k~ '.-d;.'u- Shun (`u, l.1r|., will ho :41 W. (lriffilln: Shun Share In-xl Mun- _\' fur frvv z-un. and mlvivv fun! Il'()ll|)|(',\' um! lhv fitting nf , W. l.m'lu- f~}l`.nP.s`. S:-v hrlvl-I'lI.~u-~ ml uh p::;,-v H) for Iurthvx` )>:n`li<'- 2 A M/\GNll"I(?l'IX*_l"'l"-l!-/\lN w ,a. MA'1'1"TiiEE1' ALONG THE bllncluy. Rvv. T. Gauit of Poicrimrn inwn and will officiniu at tho Smy(~- Whiic wedding at Trinity Church on Sniurdny. Mn-u J M Miilu niionrinri tho Rp- THIS WEEKEND WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. COME IN AND SEE THAT OUR REDUC- TIONS ARE GENUINE. RAYON PANTIES RAYON PANTIES SILK PANTIES ()m' Hcttcr ( };u`n1cmx in ( Ircpc and l;l_\'nn. l.:1cc'l`rinm1c.i. \';1luc.< up in 1 .HH Outsize BLOOMERS . . . 49c pair i11\\'11itc;md I c;u`11.l<`c:.r'k` SUEDE TAFFETA SLIPS . . 89c SILK SLIPS in ( Ircpc and 'l`;1ffct;1 I-'u1l_\' (iu:1r:m1ccd in Hizls and Str;1ig'ht(Zut. Rcg. upt<>S1.5" Strzlight (`.111 Slylc and l.:1cc 'l`rixnn1cd.Sixcs {.2 In 44 DElHll'(lHy. Mrs. J. M. Mills mtcndod the R:-~ bckuh Assembly of Ontnrln which was held at the Royal York in Tm`- onln this week. MIT 11 w w.-mm Rlnlux um.-1 P1:1in and Luce 'l 1'ixmncd \';x1uc\up1'u7`k'pr. 'ON . . . . . 35c pair SL1hst:111d:1nls in l ;mtic.\` and H1'icI's, lfcg`. -We '1|.\'.\' nu-4-n busilu-.~:.~: ` stuff .- Bur- BARRIE U\('l'. ll VVEIH UH` Klllll UI lillll llliil; : right in and fnllnwingz :4 MI im-h fall on I-`ridny ;,'::vn the ground; :1 \\'undt'l`flIl supply nf mnisturt-. ' :nnnuntin;,' 10 L66 Int-hos by H . In 2.07 l)('fnl`(' Hw tlzny .-4 ruin nu-r. 11 was the kind of rain .-..:.l.. wiulu in -.n,l h.!I..uunn .. Fool Spgcialisl Dr. M.W. Locke Clinic Monday, June 24 Ohm nus wcux. Mrs. H. W. Wright. Blnko strm-I. hns l`(`llll`ll(!(l (.0 her summon (-nHu;.:(: uftor spending several months in Miami. Florida. MI...- 1\n~n D T uirllsnu nf 'T`rn-nnln Mr. J. K. Bruyere from the Dr. M. W. Locke Clinic at Wil- liasmburg, and direct representative of the Lockwedge Shoe Co., Ltd., will be here for free consultation. You are cordially invited to take advantage of this opporlunity whether or not an immediate purchase is your intention. 58 Dunlop SL, Barrie W. D. GRIFFITHS MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW FOR FREE CONSULTATION AND ADVICE ON FOOT TROUBLES AND THE FITTING OF THEM! M. W. Locke Shoes WILLIAMSBURG `a; bcsigncd gnd Approved by Dr. M. W. Locke, Williamsburg Exclusive Agents in Barrie for -1 any - lxzn-yrs rs-u/\u-wru 1vn:um. rmrltm. Miss Mary D. Luidlaw nf 'I`m'(ml.n is pnying her unnual visit in Burrit- nncl_is staying at the home of the Misstvs Miller. Mary St. . l"lm TI`.vmnim-r wiuhrw vnnnv hnnnv 49c pair 69c pair "nvifwi. LBEEEZSHOES $1.39 AT OUR STORE zom RAYON OR usu: Hose 25c pair KIDDIES VEST AND PANTIE SETS 59c 30 Only LADIES and MISSES BLOUSES :1 x;1n;;u~l r 'u_m.1 :-I-1 `rm IL This is Exceptional Valuc JVIISSIYS lVlIlH.'l'. lVli|l')' DI. The Exmninur wishes many hnppy returns of the tiny tn tho Hon. Dr. L. J. Simpson and Mrs. Simpson. h.\'ont_v-foul` yours married today. 'l'|u- Tlnv nnrl MI`1 F R Man nf Dorothy Mchaugnun 1n `1`OI'0nt0. John Hare returned night after spending a week in Ottawa. A .1 Snricant snent n few` days AT Si/.c.\ Zlzmd 3-1rml_y Sl|L'\1C, \';1lucs up to Opposite Post Office Square PHONE 169 $1.00 Thuradniy,` 'JuI;c `20; 1935 'b` K1102 ` |:u1:l':;l \ that vi- twom_v-tour mnrrum many. 'l`h(- Rev. and Mrs. R. Mm` of Tm-rlonlnlry, Snsk.. are visiting in town with th(- 1aI.tcr`s sister and brother, Mrs. A. E. Allen and W. T. T.\u--u- .l"ill'l'. Mr` and Mrs. R. S. 1.4-ishmzm and` hnlry dltl[.!hl('l` visited rt-lmivc-s in Ilzuniltnn this week. whilo Mr. 1.1-ishnmn mlondod the Linus Club auunvuniinn l'UH\`(`IllI()Il. Mm'\'_vn Imuzhurst. who has boon :1 pnticnt in 'I'(n`unlu ("mnm'nl Hus pita! for the past two and :1 half nmmhs. has rmurnod tn his homo, on Bradford SI. Pun let: COPACO PRODUCTS When you buy COPACO SMOKED HAMS, BACON, LARD, SAUSAGE, AND COOKED MEATS, you are doing three things: I. H1l_\'iI1_Q` the bus`! (I111l1cn1n.\`t di.\`cri111i11- ..62.....lA._.1..A A, \\' 1| |- 1 I FIRST and ONLY PRODUCER OWNED PACKING HOUSE l A I \ I \ Hf \nn.v\ I nnnnnnn ;{t i'1.'1l.\':'K \;`1.1:};et`i`i; t\l;e "-`-`l3I1g1;n1d ~~- ( `.()PA( 10 prepzlred H;1em1.\e11s;tt prem- ium prices). .lx1ere;1si11g [%;m`ie. .\H:md;11e e1np1u_\'~ ment and }`;l_\'I'0l1.\`. . Ixnpruving` retail lmxi11ess ;;ene1`;1l1_\' |_\ the .\`pex1din;: in e;1.\l1 xveekly m;m_\e 1h dollars In the l .11'1ne1`s in the \'iei11ity. spending week m uuawa. A. J. Sarjeant spent days with relatives in Orillia last week. mm A E, Salter of Kirkland Lake SMARTEST STYLES SIMMONS & CO. COATS AND DRESSES THE COAT STORE ; I00 DRESSE3 Waek- End Special Wash Silk Dresses 1.89 and 2.89 Aid. and Mrs. Wm. Garner and two children visited relatives in Hamilton over the weekend. Mr. Garner attended the Lions Club convention on Monday. 1n:_ ___.1 n1_... uv I` 112.... .....l n.uu v uuuuu \/In u ......_,. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. How and daughters Kathleen and Mrs. A. E. Salter. attended the 1..'radu:1tion ex- eersiscs at Macclnnnld Institme. Guelph. last Friday, when Miss Esther How received her degree. \n.. -_.u an..- l'*I\....l;... 7|Il,.l\.....l.. uuu III (1|.Au||I.|\. \,u_y uuu npu :1. . i Edward D. Hill. of Sz1.~:kmmm_ Sas _ kutchowzin. visitod with his sistor Mrs. Aikins, Sophia sirm-1,, lzisl w(-ok - Mr. Hill was i'otui`iiim.: from :1 vis- it with his son and rlaug|1t,ui'-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Edwurcl D. Hill. Jr. of Dctmit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. I-It.-nry J. Jnn(e.<:_ 'I`0r~ ' onto. announce the engzuzomc-nt 01 their (lzuighi.or. Evelyn l~`.|i'/..'ih(-Lh. in ' Rev. Noblo H:il.lnn_ smimf Mr. and ` Mrs. J. H. Hutton, Pen(~l,2in;:11i.a`limm., ~ The Inarrizigc is to take place in l Knox College (`hunt-1 July 6. Thn l'\h[".'I!'(`lY\(`l'll is :inrmi1n('(-rl (if Lzmuuzn Al\lVV ax.\..v\.u up. up...-.. Mr. and Mrs. Charles ML-Qlmcle. Allnndale, announce the engagement of their daughter Ethel 1 .'.-.t.icnc(- to William Campbell Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Scott. Allandnlt-. thr mm'ria[.:c to take place early in July. h.. 1 r* v,............ I\Il.... P D Ilitullugn; Lu blink, ,4uu.., ...u._, u. u..._,. Dr. I. C. Ymnnnns. Mrs. C. P. Youmans and Miss Ella Ynumnns of Miami, Florida, spent lhv wt-ckenrl with the Mi:~::~:(r:< Carson, Flt-(`les St... [after attending the medical conven- 'tinn in Atlantic City and New York n.x._...._.) 1*. 1x:II ..r D....|...a .7... can relatives 1n Uruua last weex. Mrs. A. E. Salter is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs W. C. How. Wzurd Smith nnsscd with honors in lxnnx LZ()lI(`[.{(` Linapm .nuy u. The engngzmnmwl is zmnmnm-(-cl FIm`cn(*c Eugt-no Arnnlrl. only dnu1.zht.cr of Mr. and Mrs. I-Im'bm'1 '1 G. Arnuld. of Gilfnrd, in Mr. C|'ms.| H. Richznrrls. 'I`m'nn1n_ lho xn:nrri:n;::,- In take place on June 29, at St. Paul's Anglican Church, Cnulsun`s| Hill V rum Hill. l\lI .- Hlll. . Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Craig. Mr. anrl` Mrs. Frank CrniL:. Mr. and Mrs. Will ` (`rnii,'. Jack (rain and Ru1li CTx'.'ii;: were at Tm-nnlo un Surndny in zil- lvnrl the cl1ri: in S1. l`;iul'.~;i (llmrrh nl William l<.rlw:u~d Rng:nn,: infant son 01' Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Ru-i nun (nov l-l:r/.(`| Crnigi. I Nice I K l\/lr-Arllinr Qnni (if lht" |LU.lll lnC(` HH7.l`l L.,l'illK|. Miss J. K. Mt`/\rHinr. Sum. of tho Ruynl Viclm'iu Huspilzll. is now on holidays and ion this \IV('\"k. iI('(`nTll- pzmivd by Miss Mzn`;.'nrol Mfll`|'lill],_ on El mninr trip nnrih. Miss Shinin- han is in ('hnr;:(- at lhv hospital, with Miss Russell as ussistzmt mid Miss' M(-Gill as night supporvism-. Tho oii[.:n;:(-iiwiii Mary Hc-n1'ioH,:I. d.'Iu;.:hior is zumounm-cl of (if Mr. and Mrs. Henry l.(-0. Nipnwin. Snsk.. 90 Ml`. Frzuicis Henry /\l'l11!~'lI'()l1[-I. sun of tho Into Mr. and Mrs. 11. B. 'I`h(- 'mirrin;:c wiil inko pinvv in Or.'in;.(x-- .'\rinslrmin. Rig I`.:i_v I"nin1. villo rrv 1.. . the lulu-r part of Juno. 5 ..f` '1|HI'l'lElL',L' \NHl la'H((' ]HEll'l` H1 \Il:lII}.',('-1 The (`lu.::u:mnm1l is :1nn0un('(-(I uf Miss Enid Mildrorl. yunngc-::l (laugh-a tor of Mrs. 'Ku'app and H10 lmv W.| .1. Knapp of Mimrsinu Slnliun. l ; Mr. Alhm-1 Emt-rsun (`.rnlmm.'so(~m1rl 5 lynumzt-5| srm of Mr. and Mrs. .lns.l IGrahum. 73 l`-m~l.'Im.: S1,. Hurrin.` I . . "I`h(\ lYl\l`l`IH{.!(} Wll] Luke plm-u L"ll'l_\" lln July. l 1 Mr smrl Mrs, Fr:-d w Ollnn lvfl` 1m July. w | MI`. and Mrs. Fred W. Ollnn lvflj Barrio y(sst.orduy aflormmn by E Cnmdimx National Rnilw.'|_v.< for in mnnlh's lrip by rail and wmm- lhnwhinu Huv fuHn\\'ilH' nninic` (`hii I mnnln 5 [VIP D) Till] HI! W?l`I|'l' ; ltmlching lhv fnllm\'ing pninls: (`hii 1(-ago, Omzmu. l.n.< /\n_L'(`l(`5, Szm Div-` iuu_ Sun lrum'iscn. l`(>x`lla.'1d. Scuttle. Victoria. Vumwxuvor. l rinco R,upcr'.. Winnipt-1: and home. vrinlmxclcnt of tho Bvll '.l`(~lopl1nm` Cmnpmy. Mrs. l`ri('(*. and Miss Am rt Price. loft 'I`uostla_v morning for Mun1r(`&ll, whore Mr. Price will at- lond tho 'l`vl(`pl\nnv l`in1wm'.<' (`un- 3 R. M. l`ri(`('. rlis1I'i('l lr:1l'!'i(' : l i l V\'Innll)('K EIKHI I 1 Ar! V ri(`n It-H T ().\"l}\l\ l() NEW EST MATERIALS . .How. Ward Smith passed First Year Optometry at the Uni- versityxoi Toronto. Mr and Mrs. Barrett Partridge \I\l"Ilo I\UII . - o . . 0`. Cbll Paper Cups . . . . . . . 10c pkg. Brunswick Sardines . . 5 for 25 1 Fairhaven Sardines . . 5 for 25c ` Glacier Sardines . . . 3 for 25 Flagship Sardines . . . . 10c tin King Oscar Sardines, 2 for 29c Red Coat "`Pink Sa|mon-- 1A- |spEcuu.'s{ WAX PAPER- 45 Sheets . . . 100-ft. Roll I)... __ l`____ _ l\CInI `vi-IGI. I IIIl\ -lllllllll Large Tin . . . . . . . . . . . 14c Clover Leaf Pink Salmon-- I _ ,_, 'I`,',, `- `I E _ Ial Blue ' LDIIIC \alU8a l\cu IulJIlvv%.' Large Tin . `J. . LIV. . . Oak Leaf Red Sockey`e- Large Tin . . . . . . . . . . Gold Seal Red Sockeye-- Large Tin . . . . . . . . . . 7-oz. Bottle Stuffed "01. [)UllIC Jll-IIICII Olives . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23c Clark s Tomato Juice . . 5c tin Salad Dressing, Sandwich Spread Pot`.ed Meats, Meat Paste Fruits and Vegetables Leaf Lettuce, 3 bunches 10c }cnAN'rLEms` ; 930?!` lvc-nlinn tudny and thou s]wn(l u \'u-:: Pl'i('(- .'I('('nmp:miv(l !H.'nmill ,,\ n;n|I15n< (`In--I rlri WE DELIVER ` Phone 407 72 O` varsity :01 '1'0l'Ont0. Mr. and were weekend visitors with Mrs. H. O. 1":u'tridge. 13 Pnyntz St. M:-u Athnlo Max-shnll returned last guzummm. ,,_ Mis.s'(~s (`l<\rlru(l(- and Mary Tin- nmns 'l,f;,IrI{ Axum-I1-5. C`ulifnmizn_ ::|n-nt 51-\';,1i;_x_|, L lgn;`y,.-a with Mr. and Mrs. `P. J.`Mm'uu.,.(7qlliv1` SI, Mrs. Mm`- nun l`(`|lll'l)('.d \v`irt,h Hl(`llI In Inns An- !;,u-los fur :1 two nmn1hs' visit. 1 Mr and Y\/II*< H R1-:|I`I (If W:II(`l`- lilll |l'||l|Ill'.K| \VAlV|fll l||l'llI II! I .`I ltll' ,;,u-l(~.< 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. Bx-an of Water- lun wore we-vkt-nrl ;ll(':~ 1,\` of Mr. and l\ lr.<. C. P. 1`zux< Mr. Bonn is |)lll)[iSh('l` uf Hm Wnlorlun C`hmni(`l<`. A (I1-lig,-'hlhIl mis(`o|l;1n(-ms shower .\v.'n.< In-ltl for Miss Dnrulhy Whitt- lu.~:1 'I`hm's(Iny (waning by members lnf the Pmll 'l'n-I<-|>lmm- (`omp:1n_\'. Ad- =\':1n1:u1<- \v.'1s lakvn nl' Ihv m'(tn.~:i()n in pr(~.<(-nl the brid(`-1u-lw with :1 `m.'n!mp;:m_v tvlvphmw Inhlo and (`hair hy the opt-l':llin;I, :~'1.zIH'. and :1 .\`ilV('1' lmkv (ll l'rum lhv nl`fi('<- siuff of tho Cnnnnn-r('i.'1l I`lzu\l and Traffic D(~p.'u't|m-nt. Mr. and Mrs. (`.(-n. Fx`i("-ko outcr- l`....... I...J II`:-;rl1||r {ill Cnn lVlI'. illl(l lVIl.\. \ll`U. I'l|l' |.'till(`(l. frnm lust l"ri(ln_v | |.'1_v. Mr. 1"ri(-k(-`s hrnllu-I`. 'Pri('ku .'u.x T`mf. Duull : [])nllH.. nl" l`i1l.\'bur{.',. l'.'l. Mr. m'1mHmIup,i. of thv (`arm Int:-nun :uI | iHulnn'sf nntl 1' V"1l'llHl ill l'|ll.\U|ll [~'. illlkl I III]. tlllll {Mrs Dunn uro nlsu on the st:1fI' of illm mu.-:vnm. I`h(-y are un Ihcir way !1o. lhroo (Ir four mnn1h.~: in tho .I:nn(`.< Pu_v (li.\`1ricl ;,';1lh(-ring: : m(-n.\` n|' animal and bird life for `III: nuunnuunx `Inc mnsmnn. 1 Miss Dnris llmw Alhorlnn. dznI1::h- ` ur nf Mr. and NIl'H._. D. Atherinn. [Dn('k,v\'0x'Ll\ S1,. BEll`l`iL`, was one of `lav 1w(~nt_\'-si.\' IIl('mh(`I'.\' of this y(*m"s grntlnnnnzz (311155 of the Train- ing Srhunl for Nur.<(-s 0f the 1105- lpilnl fm` Sivk (`hilrlI`(`n. Toronto, Hvlm gzrndnniorl at vx0|`('isvs in Con- lvnvnlimx Hull. Univt-rsily of I`m'nnm, Il~`ri('l:n_v (evening last. The class also [inn-lud(-rl Miss Dnmlhy M. K. Home `innd Miss Joan I. S(`uH.. Orillin. Mr ;.-md Mrs. Athorinn, Robert Light- `fool and Nl'i. Ligthtfnot, Nliss Alln. l|"crri.<, and David DryL)m1n.:h. wo1`v H:n11nm: 1hn.~:(~ nl'(~. Miss I"(3I'ri:~'. 1'0- ,px'(-svntintz (`uncllcx Wnm(-n':: In- `? whi:-h nu`:-'<-nlvrl 1\ Hs`~< /\1l`!`-l University of Torontoi 2nd Year Exam Results! {|H'(`S(`Hlll1lL K. UH(l|L`S VVUl1l(`ll:i lIl~ *,.'ti1nt(- \\'hi(`h ;n'(-sontccl 1\'Iis.< Ather- Itun with :1 gift. Picnic and Holiday I.:u\'- I-`.d\\':u'rl M. Short! (I15. Binloxuml and Medical Sci0nccs-. "l(`nr_v A. Sims I11). I I`:Is.< (`mxr. Muriun I. Wis- ium trudu Bi. Lluyd B. Mm'ri_<(\n rnu 111 . I O. P7ll`tl`ldL{(!. 1;: rnymz ac. Mrs. Atholc Marshall week from in two months` visit to Boston and Holten. Maine. Mine Jnrlllh Sanderson of Orillia Nhvdvrn L.:mg11:IL:vs .... r` n.`..u-.. an urge Tin . . .,._. Cross Red Cdhoe,-.- -...._ 'I"2.. I. III till Sun- `rivkt-`.\` l)l`(ll|l(`l`. Rt-inhnlrl l and Mr::. i1l.\'b1n`;.'. Fricko is ` i. (`arm-;:iu Mu- ill: and Prof. and the '[`|.. . . .... cl`.-.i.~ um`. BARRIE .:nu.:u;u:vs Miss (`ather- wn 4113. Miss Mary 1.. Miss Mzu'_v E. Dignam tumnrrnw and \';u':11im1. Miss Knv riot! them as far as "7;?)wen St. . 10c pkg. ' 25 each 0 l__ 0l'\_ 25C 1 33c Boston and Molten. ivuunc. Miss Judith Sanderson spent the weekend with Mrs. Payne and Miss Payne, Worslcy St. Mr nnd MI'9: Genrac Smith and 15c 35c Zl:C:1:Zj;let ing 46:Y:hrs Editor is Host to Istaff; `Family Dinner J. A. MacLaren. who completed far- ly years as editor of The Examiner On June 13, was host to the members or the staff at a delightful dinner in the Wellington Hotel Thursday even- ing last, when covers were laid for sixteen. 'I`he function proved a very happy "family" gathering at which Mr. MaeL.aren was heartily congrat- ulated on the eompletinn of four rler-arles of useful service to Barrie and Slmcoe County through the medium of The Examiner. `In -. u-nuniniunnni rnnnrl R/fr 'l\Ifnr-_ mcmum 01 `mo mxannner. In :1 remini.~'cL-.nt mood, Mr. Mac- Laron inn incidents in his career since mm- ing from Chatham tn rcsirlp in Bar- rie forty years ago. News-Lznthcrfmz In those days was rather a different story than today. he said. For ex- ample. there were nnly about fifty tok-phones in the town at that timtx which made the use of the tclophmm in collectimz news :1 very rliffc-1-vnl operation than it is tnday. All the type was sot by hand, and the pupor did not have the advantage of two huzh snnorl linotypc machines and .1 fast web press such as it pnsscsws tnrlny. !`k:. n.nn\I\n.~., ..I llmn ct-\l'l' inrlin-M- recalled :1 number of amus-' uurmy. The nwmhors of tho staff in(h'c.'|t- (`II tho number of _\'(`.'u's they Inn] hot-n ns.v.m-iulcrl with The Exzuninc-r. tho lnn;.:ost, term h('ill1.! that of ll.-or nld (`m;pvr, l'm'(-mun. who Sl'Il'lP(l with the paper as rlcvil" 25 years 211,0. W (` Wall: n:n~1m-rznwd lumilwcw 211,0. W. C`. Walls. pnrlm-r and hl1.\`il\(`S.`? n1.'m.'u.'(~r ml` The T".x::n1incr, romllvd -v number of incidt-n1:~`. in the life of H10 paper (`sp(`(`ilH_V :~:in('(` the amal- x: .'1mn1.imx nf tho original Exnminor and The Saturday Morning twenty- unc _v-nrs nun. In In-hull of the stuff. R. S. /\U(('_V than made the pwsonlntion nr tlw (')xfm`d Cnmpnninn of English Liter- nhn-n tn Mr M;ur-l.:n|-r-In r~mmrn1||l:4l.. \lXlUl'Ll \,Illll[PiHlIUll (ll l'4H}.`,|l.\|l I;ll('l~ ulure to Mr. Mm.-Lurc-n. cunm`n1ulal~ ing` its I'm-ipienl, on the fact 1h:11 tlw id:-als M` the 1-rlitmg as so! furth In his first ulnmuntrmnonl. furty yx-zu`.~'. H110, had been W0 livod up In. Mrsz l.mn'a Shaw made the pm-s:oI:t:zlin|1 (If :1 bouquet of rnscbuds to Mrs WIu(,'L(ll'Cll. Taxpayers Must Elect Their Own Councils, Local Body Is Told 'l'hal laxpaym. snuuln gt-ii lw(-hinrl their men and (`ll`L'l their own Cumi- ril, was the kv_vnnl.(- of an -'ld(ll`('S.\' (l('li\ (?l`('d by /\l(l. J. B. Laidlaw. l`ur()n1u_ at a mt-1-ling of tho (`X('(`ll~ livo of H10 Barrio RHl('pfly(:l`S' Assu- (-ialiun in UN.` Police Cnurl Chamber 'l`hul`s(lay 1-vonirig last, l`r(`.-4i(l(-nl Cvnrgc B. Mcl.(-an was in the chair. It is in ynur own hands In S0l('(`i and elect inxpay(-rs who will I`(`pl`('- .`;(`l1| you." Ald. l.aicllaw (lt-clan-d. The speaker f(`li. Ihal if the in- (-mm` of Iho lawn had been I`(`(l\l('('(l by lwonly pox` cunt... lhcn an equal l'(`C]llCl,l(In should be made in thc .~:a1-} ary list. He . that in smm: 0011-" `res. many gct jobs, not from Ilu-ir ability. but. due to lh(`ll` inl'lu(`xm- um lho vote. This was partimilarlv lrnv nf 'I`m-rmlo. will volt` iknin {I11-xi <'.... I'\\'|I'\ nvu-I in -. nnnvnui and Miss Pnync, worsley an - Mr. and Mrs. George family visited Rev. E. J. and Mrs.! Whun of Villu Nova, Sunday. Ir.-ml 'rm-nhull, or the Advocate. `HI III!` '1 ` l'(u'1h(`i . .-an `In. mr men" mun. zmn In :- unn be I`(`H(':d Ald. I..nid1aw pnny holds its annual m~ HS din-c'tm's, and 1.ho_v ` (-u1i\'c- their views. "WY Cuum'il tho : way` He fnvmn'od :1 S(`]('(`li( .l-`Inc luv nnnnnulinn u-2:1 111' |il\'H|lll'Ll il .\l'll'l' dates by ocoupnlinn, lnmlinn, in the best i inuvn l()\VH. President McL(-an stated that it _wn.< impns: to set, :1 ten per cent ur twenty per (`('llt. out in all wapsvs. lhut t'(`lt that (-a(`h_ individual <`:1. nhnuld bu ('0nsid0r(-d on its own m<~rit.<.. Sumo w(-rc 1,:('ttin;,' ton littln !:m_v mzmy were 1,:vttin;: tun nm('h.! .'n('(~nrding to the risk they had tut run. Ho pnintvrl out that in. l`(1t(`S were arrived at nccurdim: to` risk. ` I I (ll/\S. J. SI-I:\(ill/\Nl VVINS MANY] PRIZES AT PORT HOPE S('|l0()l.! ... V Chm'lv.~' .1. MI`.\` JUS U. man. 9 Another grand rain canw In I !cun1mumI\~ last Sund:\_\' nuzht 3 Hz`. a smile un must of the fzu'mr facos. lk'.\. Ixlully ;.;rL _)uu.\, w 1 znan :1 Jul) waltlml rm` them. John Lennard of Wcstnn spl `Sunday with friends here. ,Lo<\nard rvlurned to Westu: Ihinx, Whun m vluu NOVEI, nunuuy. Fred Turnbull, of the Advocate. Red Deer, Alberta, was 5| caller at Tho Examiner office on Friday. -. __,,_u an..- ~nn....I. 1I1..n..u...n nf

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