Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1935, p. 1

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A nnlv nf nplimism wan: smnuh-l|' by His Wt-1'.~:hip Wzmlu-n ll:-rhnrl .I.' Crnwl'm'(l. nl lhv upvIIiI1y,{ of llu-. Jnnw` Scssinn ml llw Sium-um (fuunly (`.mm; (`H hvr(' Mumlny znflvrnnnn. l'ht- F.r-.s'- i sinn gut umh-r way \viIh fl`\V zuslu-11! l`[`!~2 pulm ` ball 25b ` Re-elected Gra'>;cVlu1tZas`of Ro_yal Vittgria Hospital Over 4000 Visitors to Nancy Island in 1934 `Local Merchants Seek {Wednesday Half Holiday 1More 3ignat_ures Needed i Miss WattefwZZo;'thi 'Dr. Scott Golf Winnersi iNo Traffic Lights at Five ` Points, but Director Ii to be Bought l LCIVIC HOLIDAY AUG. 12 1 Heachers Should Donate to I Relief Funds, Opinion i of Council VH HIUIIUI3 IUJIUCIICC UUK III.` I-IIII-IV! stood ma: one lamuy wuh ten children had moved mm town. 1132! were nm on relief but they mint -h- within 9.: chnri Ii:-no `DC wnnm 8 S(Il'l URN.` Mayor Blair said he had had the nppnrtunily 10 say sxome-hing alum: nus line to the Coumy Council that day. and he had understood lint une family had had their rent paid .n..._ 4- .4-` -5- _l.--.: I Seventeen Inmates 1 Now in County Gaoli" I asuu.n_- nun u.-.. ....... .-... (Turn to page 51:, puma; PAGES 1 TO I lhv n--mmm-nduLivn| :- (`umIvIIll-1-, :|m'ida-(I lull -m n hum-ly 2-mn- '.\1'Illl*tl at In. prvviuu.-1 Imp, h|u|)" II1.UIl.`i n| w;.:a I"-ll Hm! llw (.'t).'il I nlul I:|)I'l H1lI7ll was ui .'|:~:u1h:aI :ml .1 pm Ihv thing for |I|l|{[i\/1' -`lI':I1|I!.' SECTION 1 :Ir|.nIm,r vvvry lnly mud Atnuu.-4|, rum |'. ..'il) pm. wlnrh Iluerv is ||1 l|HUI|. ll wll wnh :11 .' `nhly within ` No. 25 rt-II hi had made rl..-nrrnan 0! the that during un- "ht-qm` (or the -a.';a.k' rm! signe M: It would be I.`A...u.u...-. on Io. x ('l`\/I` H, G I wins IvfvI`I'ml -. Inn :uldlliIm- . .-.I In... I l'|ll'l'.', (II_Y .44-nwcl suf- I Iml L;l'm*- mllllm-ry, r. gal 3 nu; Mir 1 H- l. I the sugges- (hv (teachers nu nffur had ; said he had to me prin- hn did not shuuid make N-cs in nther "upauons did mmnum- |ll|l .`1 of n. H` n-1. HHUH (D In on al! tea- ;; for their 94. n! Ohn Sickness Insurance%Pler`1L Inevitable, Inspector Says THE * BARRIE EXAMINER |)Ul'\ Ul lU\\|| illlll \.'U\l|l|). {U lHk' qllill it) of its s1.'u'f and In thv lu_L:h lrznx` inn 0! its nurses under Lady Supcx intendcnts of the ubil'n_\- and cnerg M the present one. "May I offer my cungra\tuInlion.< I Ohn \u\nnn \|nIu\nI\ u-MA h-sun .<. i. "may 1 nucx` my c1)m.u';\u1Iz1lxm\s (0 I the _\'oun|: xmmon who have sur\ i\'~ ed the mrdv.-a! of mm: years of train- ing. of fr.-(nu-nt e.-xmninuuun.< and UI exacting duh . Om` xnuy remind these young grndu.ne.~` that the train- ing one gains xn hospital or cullcgc Milyul` M:I_vnr W. Iniq Inv H\:- \A/ 71st Year. .\. '1 Mn. nil.-nliunf:;F"l'u'_f:`Lf'" '`" M W (mmwl l`)ipIrun:I.~: \\'(-rv ':I::iIu: numlwr Hf. . ` . ha-in;r I,H.\._`_lm_[l |lul|u\vIn;-, llwxnlwl (:m,._`I_m`wm ml ` :r:I(lII.'Ilxm,{ cl:-.-:::: | |:Itu-I`. ('uI|Im:\\'tm( '-l'ivx- 1':-nl-4 wt` . ' MW 3 F`|m'vn<'- 1.. `lhv Inunivipmliln, . . ~ h- ~ ; ' -- - u'`II .\'I`ll(lIll)L lIllI!`l`1_`::"_l' M` l'h|,:',_'_'|"( U. .v congramlali\' x su .\I I .-|\-I u. m-:~:. Wnnlt-n (`r:nvl`url :::|i(l ho w:1:= plcnsetl in su-~ ull tlw nu~n1h(~r.~: hurl: In gum! hvnlth wilh nu |)l'l'(`1|\'(`llH`Il1.\ in Hwlr l':uni|i<-5. me far 21:: |u- km-w. "l mu glad that -muliliunu hnvv h(`.l`l1 hnprnvim: sim.'u we wt-rv hun- ln Jmumry." h- IN-|:u'vl. "(`mllu- um!` Imus nrv l)-Hm-_ um! I mu plr-mm] In my llml vlnv:-r:: uml wlwznl in North Silnmw urv |u'nspv~r:an-:~lumk-5 hm, nllhuuuh they \vm'v kill:-(I nut In IIHHLV pnrh: nl' Snulh Simrvm-. Spring ;:r:1in.~' :n'u- nl.-:1: lunkinu mnml. um! wv arr znhnusl surv M :1 hmmli 1 In! hurvx-.~:l lwrv this your." His Wnr.~:hi|n nlsn .~:tzIl("l Hull H1.- cnunlry rn:ul.~4 Iuul c-mm` nlll nf ll)- \v|nl.vr in umnl Huuliliml (|m`im', Hu- spring, znul \v:-ro prnhnhly mwrvr in` much br-Hm` vnmlilinm. Hlnlr Wulc-um:-.-: J. Hlnir. vullwl In Hlv dnis by lhv Vvnrch-n. 'xl4'l1(lNl :u wr-|- , vunw In Hnrrix-, nml Silill hr \v:1.~i nlxul n nnnnl In nlul .uuuI'|>:-u-4u- null Ihui In I bnth thcso sur\-i\-- er limes W `um.',`_vum`s dwell! Vi! xamimmuns 01 dIn.|:0l`0lL~`11 `OT -V` .D|"S mte.s' truin- "The Sic] hospilnl college (7-um ` rlhv nil:-nlinnf Ilw L: ...r .\.-........a...l I In ll\(`llI I `mu lms|)il:||` hl` pninlml; l Wiih ulzonul` fm`l_y pl`('S('lI[ and 1 |{III`ul Hvzm W. (3. 1~'.lul>h:<, Ellnvznh-, pr:-silinL:. lhv (In-ul ('7|m|m-1' of (In.- Wt-.~:l Sinu-aw [)1-mu-ry mt,-l in (Jul- llinpgwnml nu .lnm- 12. (T|4~I'1.:y um! `ln_vnu~In syn-nl. Hw nfh-rntmn in (lis- ru.x.-:im:' lIHIHl'l'.H ml` vlmrvh nI`gnni7.zI- lion, which pmvwl :1 j.{l'('lll ht-lp. '|`lw uul'mm- nl` lhv Imw-1in;.{ \v:1:: :1 ` la-('i.s`iun tn llnltl u v I(lEl_V Svlmv-l II-:u'|u`I's in the full nntl tr llh'Ik(' ('t~rtnin rmrmnmt-mlnlinns ,:In(| |)l`l':6l'Ill :1 Illllllh(`l' nf mt-nmrinl.-4 `In Synml. l'lu-st-, will: lhr .-4|ll)jN'l of (`hum-h t~x|vn.-4i:m zuul llw wnrk nl Hw ('(IlIlllIiH('(` IlilllIl'(I In furllwr imvrvit-w llw l rim.'n|:- rm lhv qm~::- Hun (`|mnH-r'~.~ :|H1-n- wlhun nnullln-1| I 'S.S. Conference for West Simcoe Deanery 'I`|... r-.......o ('1. III h_VluuI. IlIl'.\l', \V|III llll' .`lII)`|l`lI ( l|ll!`(`h |illl(`l \'i('W iiinn. t-Ilgznut-ti lhv (?|mpt(`r'.~4 nth-n- lion. in nu-4-I nhw upill `I In-gm (1 !Wl'.\'l I) n.I uh I. linuu mmunsas l GRADUATES or = R. v. HOSPITAL Ilmn. 'l`hn- (in-at (`.hupl. will :u,:uin nu-1-I In thv full, ('m\('m'rvn|l_v with Hu- l.nyIm-n'.~; ummnl hunqm-l. %Miss Muriel L. mater, Col- `; lingwood, is Gold : Medallist DR. J.W.S. McCULLOUGH MIDIJANDH up TO DATE? I l\ I ltlvt-:4 lmml |ViuluI .HlI'lll.`i \\ l'|'l` `l'\' l(.lElll(.`(! wns hold. . u M 1.... `llnllll, IVI|.`\.`- I` Il|II'l||'l' \ . IHVHHS, -`|l1I.V` `um: Mi . I.v:-lyn MI-n7.ius, Nnrllv Hn_\'; I\/Ii.~:: In-lw 'l`hurlnw, Nurlh Hm . ' Dr. J. W. S. I\Ic(".ullnu;,'h. D.I`.H.. (`hit-I` In.~ uf llonllh for UN` iI'rnvinm- nf Ollluriu. wins Hm chiof sywnlwr nl' llw mvmnim: fullnwinu Hlw H-H-nmnit-s. Aflvr this l'(`fI'("~`.h- ` ..| .....| 1 n. lVl. n.uy. (`Hill of F)irv(`lnr.-: of :ll`t(`(l as <`|l:lil'lII:I inI:::. mmlv :n fvw whivh lw vxtvnd l:~....... on ..H mm... IVI . 1 _\', (`ll-'ll|'IIHlH (ll UH` IHHIYH hvf Hw llnspitul. whn %:l(`t(`(l <~|x:uirm;m of tIu- |)l`n(`(`l`(l- ; inn.-:, an up:-ninu rmnzlrk.-< in "\vhivh vxlmulx-d :1 honrty w('l- Ermnv In all those who wvrv in M- lumlunvv. and cmnplilnonlvd the sliv- 1 in-:< uruduutim: members. I A n... ... ._...xn_,u -.n,__.u, I E l'ill'llll'l'.\' {U1 !l hyllis WIPI ;H|'.\`:~'i|* Kum .'.n Wultm` ; I-`rank A. ithv llu.<])il:ll `inn ml` Hun . completely ; those who lunch Okn .. CUll|}JlL'H.`|_V (l\\'I'll.'LI Ill I`IllHlUL'X'.\ . are re;\!l_\' able t_n pa_\`.:: .\\-nth the result that the members of {bulh prufc.as`1uns who in fm'm~ er were rezxsnnnbly sure of [I living are in some ins.tances5 dan,n:oruus1_\' near the relief line. in` unmn nnn-Cc .n` Hun munnvrv : lllII'\'SU'|C\t.`(X S('l'\'ICl.` [U |H(` p0lH', DUI . the incxwlsc in recon! yours has completely dwarfed in numbers ; Olden u'h.\ nrn r.\:|H\' nhln On nnv I H!!!` _UiIl'l." IH UM` CUlU1U`_\'. Tho sick and the poor must to Page Eight. please) Only: Four Municipalities! Otrt of Thirty in Arrears l:II`|',l' l`I`lI\\ l| {If i|lll'l`l`.`a'll'(l l`('lI- ~.-: nml frix-ml.~: :Il.t(-mil-(I lhu un- I ;,'r;ulu:mun ('.`((`l ('iH(.`S of R0_vu| lurm lluspilnl, Bnrrit-_ whicn `v In-lrl in tho Allrlilnrillln hf Hur- ('nllI';.!izllI' lnalilutn-, 'l`lnu'.-:rluy mm: In.-ct. 'l`hc- .~4tu;,'(- \-:us :1 lmwvr I\lIII'\' NHS HUI. l.u_v, x'h:|irmnn nf lhv Bu. .\n!nu~.- .\|' Oh.` ll.`--`E . I to arc 1r_\'1ng: hnws for both; and nurses. Both of these: ions have in the past given \ iclcd service to tho pom". but ` mu`-:L in rs-non! vonr: htlx` .~: nr<'. In tho nwxnln-rs: n! this ynnI".~: : Mi.-:5 Muric-I L. Himzxx-um! mnltl Inwlxnllml l: vn(`(- "l`('I`(l0ll. 'l'(lH,I'll' l"|n|'vn('v ('. Evans. .'*H2|_\'~ w.,..u.... M. .-.;._.. m....n. llll` (`\'l'l|ll|}'_ IUIIU\K. IIH{ lli('S. this. - .\*<-rvvd uml un infurmnl In-lrl lll.'i|!` 'of the 1. ....4 ` \l'llllIl'. . mndv Mrs". 1' l.:ul~ O. Veterans Ask Grant for County Reunion Cuun. Oliver H. Smith, Midlzmd, uml HUl)('I'l. C. Pt-m`n('k, Midlmr.~4t_ mm: rcp1'(\.~`<-nlnlivo M the (`nnndinn l.(-glnu. W(`I`(' zl (lqmtnlinn which illI(!l'Vi('\\ (`(l (.`uunl_v (`uumril at ils 'I`u(-sduy ufltwnnrm session regurtlinu :1 grant lnwurd the .nununl Simt-nu County vet:-mils` pivnic nnd rt.-uninn, which will he hold 11!. Sprinpzwuu-r Park. Ml(lhuI'::l, on /\|l1..',llSl ll, 12, zmrl 13. `Pl... ...H.... ....... ....r.... 4.. AI. HINI la). 'l`h(- nmlh-r was r~f-rm-(I tn Hu- ` Finunt't- ("mmnil|m- fur vnn:~:i(lt-rnliml um! I1-purl. (`nun S'.|nil|| nnininrl nnl Hun lm-la Warden Craimfoid Sounds; Optimistic Note to } County Council illlll Il?|llIII.. (Ynun, Smith nninlwl mil llw luck of l'nnrl.~. in llu- lmntl.-4 of llw \ ('l('l'lIl| l)n(ll('H for lmlrlinu .-mt-ll an ow-nl. Al. :1 nwc-linpz of 1-x-sq-1'vi-v mt-n in lII'l`ll`, it hml lwvn (l(`('l(lL'(l ln unilv ln n cnunly |)ll'lIl('. so llmt tlw (`X- S(`l`Vl('(' nu-n nml llu-ir funnilil-:~: might hnvv mw lmlitluy in lh- _v4-nr. llnlwrl ('. l -m'm'l( (It.-vlm'(|(l llml :1 grant wuultl lu-1|: nminluln llw mn- mml plcnlv Hntl I ('lIlll(Ill whirl: wuulcl lu- pnrli:-ipnlml in l)_v all (-x- .-wI'vlvv nu-n nl` tlw ("uunly zmrl llu-ir fnmiliu-5. ll lnml l)(`I`ll lH'l(l1Il Allislun lnsl yr-mg lu- will A tlrnlnln-zul smw Vlvv wnulrl lw lwlrl on ll, llw (`mm-- l_v |)l('l)l(' nu /\lu,'II:.'l 112 nnrl llw Vt-l vr.'m.~:' I'('llllluIl un Allulml. 13. Ila` ln\Ill1'(l Int-mlwr.-a ul' lll(` ('nlInl_v (`mun-il In nllr-ml. we-ro lhvn prc-st-ht:-d In tho ;4rmIu- autos null xtufl`. Miss Mnry NI(`('lh'Ii|1. in hvhznlf of tho Sunshinn ('|uh, pr!`- \'unl1'(l lmuqm-Ir: In llw nu-mlwrs of tho m'ndunlin.r,v rrlnss. 'I`h(' m'zulunt- inn ('|:|ss pr:-.~:4-rntml u hnuqm-1 In Mix`-: J. K. M('Arthur, .-mpvrinlc-nrl-. vnt. I". A. llmmnnml, in IN-half M the |'ln.'u'rI, pI't's:t-Illml hmlquvl.-; tn Miss Mt-Arlhur, Miss-x Hnlon Sh.'m'|~ hnn, :|.~:. SlI|)(`l`illH.'lH|(`lll, nnrl. Mlm: Ruth Ru.s'm~ll. niuhl. .*'lln'rvi.~:m`. Dr` N. M. |.:llH`i1', In ht.-hnlf of tho mt-(li('nl ::l.'|l'f of Hm Iln::pilnl, pr1-- sw-nl.-d um-h nursv with n hypn- I(l(-rmiv HUI 'S|I(`Hl`l` 5` llnusvlmlrl ' H\'Ic'(lI1'.'Il I":-` - | IL`. (l('l'HH(' SUI. ' Rvv. W. A. I<`.:1rl.-41,011 T)nr- fnvrmrwl wilh :1 filw l(`llUl' salt. In inlrmlm-im: tho s;n0nlu-I` 0! HI!` l'V(`!lill_L'_ Dr. J. W. S. Mu-(`ullmu{h, Chit-I` III::p("1m' nf llvnllh fur On- lnrin, F. A, Hnnmmnrl pnirl lrilmlv In NH` flnv work (lune by llw Du-~ nurlnwnl of H:-nll.h in tho pr:-vvntinn or (lismlst-, nnrl mndu flnvring rnf-~ urvnvo tn Dr. M:-(`ulImIuh, who i.-" nu nld SinI(`m- (fuunly lmy, hnvinu prncti.s':-d nl /\lli.~4lnn. Fnllnwinzz I )r, M('(`u|lmu,1h'.-e :Irl-- tln-.~;:;, whirl: -: l`('[HH'|('(| in 1llll>HI(`l' u-nhlmn, lh<- .Iunuu' I":u'Im-r:;' .-4:-.\'lu-ltv l'('lI(((`l`I'll mmlht-1' aw]:-1-tlnvl. Mum it-I:-pllmw it wnrthwhilu In \ L((`l lhv nigh! run (l1.\'lnm'v (`:'I.`L N0 lHP('l.`H.`1Il'_Y -Uu- IUII ml '7 n n\ `RELIEF cosrs i SHOWED DROP ! IN PAST WEEK! Gross $305 fol; AWcek andl $755 for Half `3 Month IIII |||l' vnluu: Iurn u-n HOSPITAL $35.00 WEEK AN I-I.\"l`lU\ IIOUR.-I\NI)~; Unpaid County Levies Lowest in Three Years Finance Chairman Says (`hmnp .'Id\`m`ti.~'in The Exuu `-UH \'|llll'l'H K Good prugra 1 10`. (`_uQl~.--In n 1 IUKV. Guthrie zlnst wook 1 "I`uc.~'da_\'. . date I"n.n.u 9.` ` nun` JU } Cumc to Grontcl strawboru [vs- ,ti\-ul nn vhurch grounds Wednesday. ``Jun\\ 26. Lou served 6-8. baseball [)0- `twucn Umpnu and Ruxy .`\ccs leuguv tcam. fnllu\\'.'d by play The Finger ,uf S<.'m'n" bv Baxter talent, admis- sion 40c and 200. 251: I Vimm Inn. -u- llll` II|\\'ll \ U|IlIl.'I| ill |Vl(H|' vvnin;:'\: nu-vlinu. `. l'u-_Im- I-mnpzu'(`.~: with $lH!M7| |' last two \\'(`l`k.\' uf Mn . mm- 1 :. rhu-In... Hr cn'm:r. A n. ` n Irmkinu printing xs pom` elm: (`wt the good kind [mm JIIHIIINI` nun` IIII ; $-H)ll.()'.3. 1. $'H!l.-I nu hm. - , Ilix Wnr. dru-w In of tho Ilwlnln-1'.-4 ul" ('nun'_v; Council Hm iru~rv;n.\:in;.' off hu.~:pll:\I m`:-uunhe |n`vs-lull-ml` Slluru lhv ()nl:nu (iu\'vI'uIm`IIl hznd` rulvtl lhul l\vc-nl_\'-l`|\u- vs-nl-: pm`! lwml lw puid lay llw munivipulil_\'. lhv (lm'lm'.~4 lmd In-vn [mm-I hu|i1,':-nl.~` lu lhv lm. llv I`:-Ila Hull lhr hn.\'|)il:ll:~4 did nut uvud l'l`~i llvf I`m'ipi:-I\t..~: In fill up lhvir In-(l.~`.| mud llwm wns nu mum-_v In lhvm I Vnn rill Mn! -1- Hull mun` hn JO 3 garden party announced : for July 17. is changed In July 16. Remember this ')Rl\ fur.-:1 hulf nf Jum- murv uh rm-In-l Ill ":32. .'n'('uI'(lill)( in ` In-In-f ('mnmIHm~ 'I'nu-an l"nnnu-il ..I n mnv lIHI'I`H hnvv fuund wnil until M) in] rnlvs nn tlu-ir lung Now it in nu IUII],.',(`l`| - night. rutvr: In-;,',in : -)r.-'.>m. I \\' .!\. mmds. |\I\1nI A Jmw 3-7 June 10-1 $:!un.:x7 $2111.`. '7 En -nu _.._..._..__.__..-.._..__.__.._...._~_.~-..u_..-n_.oc._n-.._.. 1- COMING EVENTS --- \ l'l'l\.\' III IV nf .$liI{.H. > ' tlm wvvk If M: . and 1111- \vvvk tr. ..-\. ice cream sncial ds. Fridu_\`. June `.18 . Admisiun 20v and `)-1)-\ ||lllIl'.`\ IR. 1 .'l 35.00 nuu nwm I Yum will nnticv [lull _\'nlH' uccnunls nrv ;-,1-vault-1'." lu- nut. |\A'-.u.n- |l|-..- .n...l.. -|I\ -.- 1310.2 `In 11 BARRIE, CANADA. THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1935 I'InlhlIslnsH(r reports of the work (Ir-no (luring lhv pus! ymnr \\/are pro- sum-rl at the lhirly-third nnnuul ('nnv-ntmn of thv Snulh .H`inu'me Dis- trict Wmm-n's ln.~:litul-2; whit-h was held in l~1.~;.-m SI. Pre.~xh_vtc-rinn Church, Allnnrlnle-_ Frirluy last. The mumm- lion wns Iwld umu-r the xnn:.'pir'ns of tho Puin:;wi('k Hrnn('|I. 'l`wvnl.\'-nm- nulls in Suulln !~'.lrn(-no \\'<-r(- rs.-pr~.~;'nl~(l ill the ;,'nlhvring. im'|u(linu n m-w hrnm-h inmlznllq-rl M (".ilfm'rl In.-:l Allmncl. 'l`h(-rt- w(-ro ulmul. I253 (Ir-lo-p,::nlv.~' Mud fl'il'II(I.N in ultt-nrlzuu-v znl llu-nm1'nin;:nml nflt.-1- mmn so-.~:sir:n:-4. lhv lilI'l'Hl ll|lll1lI(`l' lwing pm-.~:(-nl frmn the two [vy br;nu'h-.~a. |`|w Hr:ulfnr(l |n':|Iu'h 1-upturn-(I Hu- ~4i!v:-r lruphy fur llw ht-.~;l mnmml rt-- pnrl, wilh ('nnk:;luwn Hl'IliHl'.`i unly one {mint ht-hind. 'l`hm`nllm St-ni mul l uin.~:wn-l< W('l'(' ul:~:n 1-Ian.-w run-_ Bradford Has Best Report Of_ South Simcoe Institl_1_tes m-rs-up. ('mn|(.~:tnwn Ht-nior.-.' wnn thv prizv for lhv tum`! il\ (`I`il1.{(` .'nll(-mlmuw (lur- ing l.hr- yr-zu` with rifly nut of l`iI ly um` mmnlwr.-4. Strmul hurl 115 nut. -nf 51!. llm'ri(- 115 on! at" lifi, |"nim.'wn~k 3.. am! of :m. 'l`hm'nlnn Sr-n|m`.~: 3. ! out of 47, (`hurt-hill .``(-ninrx (Ill nul. ml` -11}, mu! Huml llt-ml .lIInim'.~: `A9 nul ml" `Ill Mrs. Rnhurl ll. King,-_ nl` llw Pain.-:- uwir-k In-.'|m'h, wm: l`('-l'Il'l'l('d |n'-.-.`il rut of Hw l')i.~4lri(-I fur lwr third (term. (nhur uffir-I-r.~; we-rv rt--4-lm-It-4| by m-r-lnmntlnn n.-1 follows: hmmmry -....-i:l....I llnu Ii` Qnnul-Inn Tlnninn` .[n`l'.~:i(l(`lI|. Mm. I3`. Srw.'u'Iny:, Ht-Mun; I'll`.-4| \In-1--pr-.-.'irlc-nl. Mr.~:. J, D. Slow- url. '.'hm'nlm| St-niuws; .\`('('(>ll(l viru- [)l'l'>:if|l`II|, Mi.-;.-: (it-In-vi'-vv .lzuni(-smn. 'I`lmrntnn Junior.-4; .\`.N'rI-Y:|I'_V-!I`l`tlHllI'- l'l, Mr.-L Huh:-rl l !nyv.*.', ('hlIrt'hill Q. ni...-u ('I, IVIITL S: niurrc. Di.s'tr|(-I I A I" Il..I|< m mur.-c. Din`:-1-Inn`,-: m-4-1 Hurrit-_ Mm. A. (7, Hull; R:-1-Inn, Mrs. H. Bzlntlnu`. Hz-llv I-`.w:n'l, Mr.-:. H, .l:u~k; Hum! II4-ml St-nIm'.~:, Mm. H. /\rnu.slrun',{; Thmtl Hvnrl .Iuniun:_ Mi.-:.-a M. Hilvhir-; fhmll`urtl, Mr.-e. S. M-Kun7.it-; (Thur- uul. ; Mnynr Hlnir m.'uh- an nnpvnl In` the township.-4 ndjucx-nl tn tuwnr: nul ; In llnlmul llwir rvlivl" nu llw luwn.s' 1 It wns u h:Ird.~`hip on suvh (u\\'n.~1 us} I!:n'ri1- whun this \v:|.~' (Inn:-. { I I~|l|I~ I... .-uial II ulvvlu .`|15` ` ...u..- \`lIlIIlhl >,1\|}., I ` A rt-. nf Cnun. IV nlin. and (Tnun. Cramp. l ]"lhiIl tho Fmancv Cummi U3 Dcll I ll` I` ll'\,' D!'l).'ilGl` _.-\up`.'ust I2. 15 brxgadvs an `nus bands. Annual Rainoy rvouniun Vinvvnts Park. Monday July Lxt. Supper only. Mo frivnds pl1`a.~`0 accept thi: \'nur invitatinn Everybody wvlcumc 10 Utopia :\n- ' glicun garden party and strawbcrr,\' festival. Frxday. June `.18. Good pru- grzun by Mr. and l.\1rs. J. A. Kelly.` I loading unterluiners and vemrilo-. quists of 'I`0mutu. :-15b` _\0\ll` IHVIIEIUOH. 130 Music Battle Bub I`m\'eIl's Tent City Mvlody Men vs. Mt`Nlurtin~lm`- Lcr's Minot's Point Mzuwu.-ls. Barrie; Ammuries. Tuosdaly. June 25. Gun-` tlenmn 50. ladies 30. 25!) Ex ;-rybody ' ulir--nu (!'_:rrInI\ um-on -nu-I _-o.--,n.vI\.u~.-r l'-('Il'(`ll`lI . r `lA1 Dvitrict Convention Here; mmzv Suszm-.` M ..r r-. Il [lll'll|{'. DI. aftx-rnonn. oxnbvrs and Q n.~.I inn ac |l'I'I.`~, \ H11` .Jl' uupula hnl 1Iill'l'Il` \Vl|l`ll HHS \\'i|.`1' HUHK`. l"imIm'i:nll_\'. hv saml H \v:\.\' llw; duly nf v\'ur_\' Inllllivipnlily In \vulvh" its slvp. nmi ho hnpml that Harri:-.% b1-fnrv Hw vml nf llu- yu-an`. \vnul(l, cmnv out with H prmly vlvur . `i I His Wurship slnmzcrstvtl that in ur- dur to out HM` rust nl` hlI.\`|)il|l l)iIl:.' (Turn to mac tlmu-, please`)

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