Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jun 1935, p. 8

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lfll. !lUSl('52\'L`S UK LII! (lily. I One of the hzlppit.-st fc-ntllrosz of. the (lay was the presence of Mrs. Al- bert Walker. one of the honorary pl'(.'.i(l(`.`IIlS, whose sunny smile had been g1'(,-utly rnissed frnm those eon- ventinns which her long illness had prrvenu-d her at.t(-nding. H r en- tran('t.-. during the morning ::e.. was the signal for a hearty ovation. and all day she heard (:xpres.~:iun2-: of [)l(`IISlll'(` from old friends: who I were (ls.-lightt.-(1 to welcome her back. 'l`h:- l."l(l'< nl-:n worn w-rv hnnnv In the Legion Hall, 'l`lmr.<:1lny ev- vuing, May 30, the closing of [he Re-(I ('m.~:s llmnv Nursing; t-l:ns.\'(-:4 lunk plm-v. Dr. L:uu'i<-',~; l(,-I-lure nu lnl'zmt.s" um! (fhildrvnfs l"m*(|i1u.;" \.'iIS up In thv minute and very in- .slI'1u'liv(-. ll\'l'lVl.'(l l|l|I'/4,. Miss V. Strzuugo sang in her usual c'(.-ligghtful wuv, Miss Mary Jnhnsnn wassvcry p,cnL-runs with h('l' pizum; music and Miss mmdn Young and Nlrs. Sinclair (14-liJ,{htc(l (`Vl`l'_Vun(' with their recitnlinns. Miss .Izm(-L Hn;:m`dis, in hchnl! of the ulnssux. thanked tlmso who trmk part in tho! prng5ran1.m1(l -.t.l\u il1sll`1I('lurs`. wlm hnd u.I'.vcn_Lhp'r.r..`li|ne In make the clz1sses_:7'p .gIll,eg'qsti;1g. Rt-FI'w<|n:u.-.nv< IAItII'n I:l\rIuul In. Inieieevs-t_~Seei;Mir.1b. Home Nursing Classes Closing Meeting Held ] ' .\lI'lll'l.lVl'. On behalf ml` the Canadian Red Crass, Rev. N. IL I). Sinclair pruscnt- M! In 15' _vuun1,( wumvn, lYHIU|('l`.`: um! _Lt,rzII1(lIn uttentlunce mrcls tn tlume who had utlundc.-(1 75% of tha- lu.-ttlrus. Mn.-ct nf the .~:tud('nl:; ho- v.'m:~:c uf the interest in the (.`l:1:;S0.\` 1'1 ct-ived 100%. Nice v an-g....... ....... 1... 1.-.. ...l w -an n' -M~n'~'r-rv Rcfu:s|mw.z.s1x..wt:r(: surved by 1: rmmnitloe` [turn the clznsses. uflc-r \`VhiL'h u sncjul hour was: spent and {I very L-n_iuyul.>lc cvvnim; |)mu2,:hl tn :1 close. ('V('l|ill;.{ session, when an :uIlx'1-.~'.s by Rev. Wm. Allan. minister of Dover- ,3 .,,, _,, -.-.. -..-. L'(mversm.iun. music. radio. t:i|k~ ics. etc. Eqtlally hum.-t'iclul tn yuung or old. (fhnst-n for use by many proll-ssinnail mun. llcc.-um~ Inomlud by lumlinjz .'llll`l.\'1S. F`}r.:f shuwin;.: in liuniv tho sinullost llezirim: Aid in the wnilrl; also in 1935 nuulel. button type. which fits in the outer our withnut ln.-ml buml. Requires no attention. The use of thi~: small aid will nffst-t the greater part (if ynur (lilti- cult_v. By m-tunl lost you will knuw what can be done. You mt-rely have tn test it tn knuw what this will rm-mi tn ynu. l"u|l_v Centre (`uoa ni- Centre 77` Cuts or 1 Slices ugts on LOVAL5 Centre or Slices Red Package: 11\g_ |~llH\l.ll I gna Fish CLASSCO'S---\Ni1}1 Added Cnlnr n A LJLRDDLU D'*'VV IL JAM Heinz I/E"'l'I I IQIHZ L KETCHUP FANCY QIJALITY Blade Rib Roast Short Rib Rout - Boneless Pot Rout YOUNG ONTARIO LAME; I2 shades to maich your hmr FOR SALE AT l)()U(3l.AS' RUG STUIU , HARR" A. SIWITII. I)I`lIg(:i.\.l H()Bl'IR'l'!"v0N'S "RUG 5'I'0Rl'I WM. (`Il()Sh`l.:\Nl), l)rug|.;'i\l 4 TL-mlcr -14 EEG no/3l% f M20 Fronts u Aluuxu \.\1nII Raspberry, _`;_),m Strawberry and J,- Black Currant 7F}}.-_ i`r Aid Fitted A .'*<'>i5i"-' \J IIJLJLJ II : Out of Sight-Free Test , ,, -_u-_- -.-- ..-_- ;umx'.'n1lcc for ten years` service. We invite you to cull lur :1 Page Sign!` _-__.._,, .....-.. ---.. vau- Hours 10 A.M. ml 8 l .M. Inquire at Desk for J. R. DALI-I Qlll-3|-2N'S lI()'l'El.. BARR]!-1 Hour! ()I'fi('u: Suite No. 17 U6 Bluur St. W,, Turuntu, (funzula. Liberal A()\N2lHC(' for Yum` I'rosL'ut Inslrumt-nl. FRELEW 13ii`1\`}A1a"'r"EsT -_.-____. ----v.---a Juana: hrirumtnts l'rl-,(d frum $l0. up. "l`_--_.l__, L, 11-.) I uuun Ins l l'H'( (I ll'0ln $10. l -Iruesday, June 11!}: only lInu.~.- Ill A in nu u n u court Presbyterian Ulmrch, I`m'0n1.o. and well known rutlin pm-m'h(-1', was the principal zlltrucliun. Rev. (3. S. Lloyd, pastor of Knnx Chum-h. was in charge of the :41-rvicu and led the` upt-ninu (It-vutinns un "lhu joy :n1_.'l gludlmss of the Way". (inn-ti1Ij,_;.~x from the I- re.~:b_',".vry were givvn by I Rvv` Dr. W. J. Mark of Ilmvulv. and the officers 1-lvvla,-(1 l'Il'(`I` in the (lay \~'.-re nffiviully ilI!~1lilH('(l by Mrs. John Willizuns. ` Hm, nn.. All-... ....,_n... ... As with other ('rn,';s'. (hr- Slll`fZl(`( -soil Hf UH,` rn.\`(- hm! .\'huul(l lw kvpt [nose by froquvut .<:h:nIlnw |m(-int: or raking. 'l`hi.~4 })l`il('li(:(' not only keep:-I duwn wm-(ls but allows the air tn enter the soil and (:uII.'~:('l'V('S mois- lure. I ____j__} aunn wunzuns. Rev Mr. Hun spnkv .'1L xmno `length, but in such an irnlt-n-slihg mamm-r that he failed to wvv-ury his uudivn(r('. Snot-inl nmsiculInmnhm--2 unuuu-r mm m- mm-(1 U! ms Sp:-(-iul nunsical/nmnbmfs \v(.-rv given during lhu 1-/vvning by the choir and the Knox !\/lulu Quar- tet. 'l'h(- rrm(-ting was (-lnsml with pruyt-r by R1-v. M. W. in-slip nf I'c=,n- vl;1np:ui.s'hum:. ` 1 w--ca.---`an 5 `an `ID I Shaw's Business Schools NOW ('H f<'.N. I'Ivm'x' :_m_v r|'nv and 'l"n|I| I {rum lur n p|:u'- Ill lnmnn-<.,. Ninth-I .l`I'i<'(- uml 1-mplnylm-Ht hm'euu .~;(-rvwu I'M-0 tn grzuluutes`. W1 ilu fur pux'ti(.-ul:1I's. W. R. Shaw, S1:-,, Him an; :4 'r...~....o.. The Oldsmobile line includes a low-priced Six and a big Straight Eight. Come in and see them. Drive them. You'll be sutpriaed to find how easily ownership can be arranged I VVI KHZ Ill!` [JiH'll(.'lIl:'ll'S. W. K. Bl St 1-... I130 Hazy SL. '[`umnlo. Summer Term Rolled H lhrsirwl Soap 31 47 Mint Fr: iBOLOGNA Calay Tluursday, .n.;..e 6, 1935' 2 lbs, GOOD CAR gets to be like a true friend always depend- 5 mu """' '`" " W" able. Oldsmobile is that way . . .thit's why it's known as ewzoui HvDlAuu< uuus "the Car Owners Recommend to Their Friends." Even with the months and the miles behind, Oldsmobile Continues to deliver ` .. . , Vt ran M. x....m7vQ the same efficient and economical performance. ` , l N M M " In addition to time~proved trustworthiness, the 1935 model offers a host of headline features including: solid steel "Turret Top" Bodies by Fisher; Hydraulic Brakes; Knee-Action; Concealed P R I C E D F R O M Tire and Luggage Compartment; Syncro-Mesh Transmission; $ 1 and No-Draft Ventilation. . kll ALHON IUD! SIAUIUZEII (lo: tlinticvl 3-umu Coupe) I'4lHl'l plum- " nps. : mllnw 1- Hows Hm nir In "" 11 m.15 m.17` m15`; nu, .. in lmsim . L:l'z1du:1ln-~:. ION.` AYERST 8: HARRIS Ltd. 15 Elizabeth St.. Barrie - Phone 128 Other vlsitors included Mrs. G. l.:iwrc.-nce. Bzirrie, the I-`ederuted Re- pre-:=entutive; Mrs. D. G. Bull, of Stamim`, County Presltlent, and Mrs. HCWSOH and Mrs. Carruthers of West Simcoc who brought greetings and L-ongratula't`ions. Purucle of Former Officers During the afternoon there was :1 parade of former District Officers. which included Mrs. J. P. Wells. Orillinz Mrs. Jas. Allan. formerly Miss Lillian Harvin, of Harvie Set- tlomvnt; Miss Alice Quinlan. Crown Hill: Mrs. C. l . Stocking, Wa_ul)aIx- shc-m`: Mrs. J. W. Wiizgins, SeV._vri1 l5l`i(`lg.{t'1 Miss E. A. Rix. Cl'Uwn."Hill2 Miss lli-Ir`-n Kent, Eady; Mrs. .'Wm. , Dunlop. Victoria Harbour; Mrs". Al- bort Walker, l-Indy; Mrs. Jas. Haw- kins, Lake St. George; Mrs. C. J. Pmzm, Orillia; Miss Irene Joni-s. Orn Station: Mrs. W. Lenthurdale. Cold- water; Mrs. Clarke Dovitt, Hobnrt- t C.`:1rloy; Mrs, J. R. Boyd, Orillia; Mrs. Frank l)urnt'nr(t. North River: also Mrs. P. (`}oI(lst1-in. Mrs. E. N. llowitt, 'Mrs. J. Wall-:(,~r. Mrs. llownrcl Brun- clon and Mrs. Ednm Wilson, of tho prc-.:(-nt m:r~m1tiv<:-. All wore shoulder bouqu(.-ls of .-ewm-l peas. whirh thvy . l`f`("(`l\'f"(l as favours at the noon lun- cheon. and very lovely bouquets . woro prc-sentod to Mrs. Stocking and . Mrs. Wall-tor. twn honorary presi- dc-nts. who had served as both Dis- trict and County 1)rosi(lonts. The m`-so-xntntimls were inodv by Mrs. D. M ll:1rvi4- nmxthnv u-hn l-inc lnnu . lorillia Packet and Times) `More than 250 women of the W0- m'en's [Institute branches of East I Simone met in their annual (-(mvvn- lion in St. Paul's United Churvh. Or- itiiu. on Thursday. May 30, and Cole- bratwl the silver jubilee of their dis- trict organization. It was a very hap- py day, with many of the t`m'mm' of- ficers taking part in the celebration prm,-(\m'iings. reminiscences for those who had a part in the early stages of the work. and a real, three story birthday cake, genernusly provided by Mrs. C. Schaus. of the Orillia branch, the members of which werv the hostesses of the day. ("Inn nf tho hnnnimzt i'r-ntmvw (if |.llilllKS Ilfvllllgly. I The officers whu had (lied rluringv tho twr.-uty-five yea;;s_al0__ were re- ruomburod on this ailivlrsary no-l casion. While the members stood in silt.-nt tribute in their memory. the namos ml the district roll uf honour wc-ro rr-ad by Mrs. Goldstein as fol- lows: Mrs. William Bacon, president; Mrs. W. J. Sheppard. vice-presldc-nt; Mrs. William Todd. president; Mrs. [John 'l"horburn, tries--pwsident: Mrs. G. B. Girvln. szemetary-treasurer; lvlrs. /\l(-x. Cuppago, :s`(`(`l`(`1`tl'y-ll'(-,`CIS- urn-r; Mrs. J. D. Mr-(Toll. secretary- trvasurm': Mrs. A. T. Rood. secre- tary-trvasiii`vi': Mrs. J. l . Fiugurald, and lVh'::. Rnbert l'{nl)<-i'tsm1. vi('(\-' Ipi'vs1(t(-nts. Members of the di1~:tl`i('t `who had passocl un (luring the year sim-0 the last (-mwentinn were Mrs. John 'l`hm'bnrn. Uhthoffz Mrs. J. D_. Gil('hri.x't.. Guthrie; Mrs. Wm. l~L'.1_ves. Edgar: Mrs. James Graham. Jarratt; Mrs-. Patrick Walsh. Jarratt: Mrs. Annie (`lark, Jarratt: Mrs. Bert Cur- ry. Molduf: Mrs. Thos. Watson. Oril- li:i_ [\.n-{nu 6|. u>...nn |-.n...~ ILA ~.n...;... ||)l'l'.\'1'IllilllUI|S \VL'l'(' HHHU` I)_V lVll".`i. IJ. M. I-iarvio, mmthor who has tum: b('t'n associated with the work: Mrs. W. B. Lvathc-rdalo. the third Tinn- m';n _v President. spoke in approx-in-l Lion n!` the inspiration which thn-| oldc,-r mt -mhcrs had provided and 1-0ntinn(-(I to provide for those who wc-ro fullowing. Both Mrs. Stocking and Mrs. W:1lker_ e_~gpre.se(t their thanks feelingly. ' 'T`hrI nffim-rm uzhn hnrl riinrl rlnrinun III]. | During Hm noon hour the graves Inf 1lm.<<- former officers wlm H0 in tho Orillia (-vmc,-tm`y were docmmocl with 0\Vf`I'.`= by m(-mbers of me lr.\'('I.1!i\'0. and flowers were also` .mm on the grave of Mrs. Slwppnrd `in Culd\vat(\.r. 'I`hroup,`h0u1 tho _duy_ tflwro was. lrequent refvrence__' 10,` tho.-:0 who had gone on befdro and to the work which they "had dmie in so truly fnunding the Institute work in East Simeon. Dld Exocuuxm R0-oloctml Mrs. f.:m'rvncn- nf Barriv. Fed(~r- ntvd R(`[)l'!`S(`Hl1lli\'(`. pru.s'idm`i for the vlc-c-lion of 0i(`(`l'S in thv morning. Ewhirh n-suited in the unanimous ru- .:-lt-otiuxn of last yt'a1"s execuH\'v on Imnliun of l\/1r.~:. Stocking and Miss; `former Superintendent of the W0-I men s Institute section of the De- partment of Agriculture. who had been associated with the work for almost the whole of the twenty-five years, having been retired from of- fice ess than a year ago. An address tmm` Ml`. Putnam xvas much enjoy- od. um yt-ars c.\'eL'u11vL' Miss. ` UUIIII I3ll\.'|lilll, `J . lldll`_V Wlllltll Iv.'1nlwe". Hmiuruble lhlliinll . Jack Hughes. Advonluro:4 of Don Quixote": Harry Young. " l`lw King: Who Was Never Crowned". ' C`nunl.y I ri'/.09 ' Jr. 'llI-~(l) Armand l:n;z(~l. C`nl- lingwuml. Round the l)urk:4": I2: ` Betty Best. Cnmllos. l v:1rl':< Sin * crel."; (3) Audrey Baird. Culling- ` wuud. `lem'l`s Sc,-trot". and /\u living Cuntllvs. pencil .~:ol,. Sr. _lll Posters Mary Irving l.ol`ru_y, P('m`l':~' Sm-rc-1". l.urn<~ Dillinn and John Gnsslinv. Cnllingnvnml. Rim-r Spm`1.s" and S:hm)l l):I_v:~:". Sr. Ill- Health Books, Knllilven Brvwvr. Litllo Wmnvn"; Nnrmnn llull. Martin of Old l.nndnn": Loui: Mil- lar, autugrupli iliblllll. all if Culling- wood. (`numy Aw:n`(l:: for High Srlmnln l`nstur.x` Ill Adinv Sv:wr.'lr.|, l .(`. 1., "Adventures in l"l`it`I1Ll.\`|\i})"; :2) Slillli('_V Moon. 13.(`.l.. l):m). llnusc-"; I3) Shirlvy Murphy. Min- osixu: Cnnlinuulimi A Tnlv uf Two Cities". Essays -l.nwor Svhnul. Enn 'l`r.'1cy. Mina-sing, "Thv 'l`:1li: Upper School, II) l<`.l::io l |n\\'l`ig.{lI1. Minesing, "D;1m~. Ilm1: Irono Crawford, MinusiIu.': S:1il1lv':~` [`:1l(r.< from Sl\ulu~3pcm'(\: (fl) Mur- p,:1re1 Day. B.C.l.. l`hu 'l`:1li::m.-in. Jr. lV R(`fl`l'(`ll('L` bunks M:mri('<-' |Morr_v\voa1`hm`. Bvlindn of Ihn Rml"; Junv Whipps, . \li(`o in \N ` lzmd": 'l`l1m'e.-:1! l`.'u'isl1. :mlu;,'r.':pl1 ul- bum: Juno lIeI`fer1n:m. "l :m(li|:1". Jr. IV ~- - Ernie 'I`a_vlur. "SL`ttl\`l`s in (':m min". all of C0l1ll`lL{\`V00(i. pncinrq .. Ruin l\`\'l:n-5: \A/-1nh~.n. 11. .T01`m.~'.. as fullmvs: Hmlnrnry Pro `SYd("l]L\`. Mrs. L`. P. Stm-king. Mm. /\l~ ,1);-rt Walkvr. I\/Irs. W. B. lm.'It|1o:`~ dale; pl'C.\'i(1L`l11. Mrs. Philip Gold- stein, Lnkt` 9.1 (`.nn|*1rn' vir-n-nn-ci. ilil . Llll Ul KUllH1K\V()()H. Pn.<:l.ors - Rota ()`H2u'.'u, Wnub:m- ,sheno. birthday book: Effie Mc-Loud. Barrie. I`nles from Slmnkc-spv:\1'v". [Sr IV -Mnrimm Murnhv T\/1in1\~:in;Y` (u.-ngnu.-u u wvu-unw nor lJZl(`K.' The ladies also wvre very happy to wt-lcurne Mr. George Putnam. I)iIl l'll5'. lilltl IIVUIH Dlh'lK(`.\'}.)(`(ll`(` .' Sr. IV~M:n"mn Murphy Minv::im'.. autograph album: Vern Cummingz. (`umiln-.~:. birtlmday book: Ilnrmml Beeton, W[il)('.\`iI]}.!,. "Iv:mhno". llilltl. plL'.\lUL'lll. lVll'S. I'l1Ill[) LlLH(l'* stein, Lake S1. (`.mr1,:v: \'in-v-musi- dents. Mrs. J. R. Boyd. Orillinz Mrs. Frank I)urnf0rd. North River: MI`>:. Clarke Devitt. Hobart-Carley: 1VLrs. Howard Brandon, Edgar; Mrs. Edam Wilson. Melduf; Socretary-'I`roasu1'~ or. Mrs. E. N. Hewitt. Ihup,h_\'. I\`h's. Pf Guldsteixl was mum-cl Distrivt IN-11-1 emu-d Rop1'osm11ulivo with Mrs. 17.3 N. I-lc.-wilt us ;xltc1`I1:\tu. ` hm.-;.. n:.~ . vi . n-.- 1lVflI`1\ n. lVll'.\. l'\lt'.\'. 1Vl('K\i.l_VI k1Il(l\\.'ilI(.`l'. N.;S. Cmmtnvy; (`.oul.~;()n.- Mm, <.I0hn Link;i Crbwn Hill. -.M1'.<. J. Chappell; Eady. Mrs. Wilfrid Walk- er; Edgar. Mrs. William 13051; Guth- rie. Mrs. Wm. Campbell; Ilmnpshirc Mills, Mrs. Thos. Brodie: Harvio Settlement. Mrs. D. M. H:n'\`iv; Un- lmrt-C`nrIv_\'. Mrs. 1.. W. Runth: Hy- dro Glen, Mrs. Thus. King; .l:n~x':aH.l Miss Annie Jarnmz Lake St. G1-c)l`}.E0.' Mrs. Roy Hewitt: Melrlnf. 1\1r.< Hm`-'3 .n\.'n| Rl\lIil1 F\/TH:-hull K'nn-nu. I Barrie Public Schnnls Senior HI Hvnllh Bunk, Prince of Wales; ll) Elsie 1\'1tl.L-ml. "Little Women", Phyllis Cznm-run. l euI'l's Secret". Junior IV. Posters ~41) lulu Swm-m-y "Birllid:1_v Book": Robert (Iulhlwrt. "The! Tin Traveller". bath of Vic.-i.m'i2i School. Senior IV Poster - Mary McCuaig, Victoria, "Alice in Won- derland". Baryie Collegiate Institute. Essays (Ii Margaret Day, M:n`g:n'et King's Vision", 12) John Bell. Dan- esbury House". 3) Marian Patton.` June E_vrv": 4-H. Joan M(`(?utL-hi-um, Cranfnril. Posters (1) Arline .`a`o:i;:~ ram. "Marp.r,n1-oi King`s Vision"; Qlnnlnu l\Il.\.u\ "I1A|\l`\ `Alf.-1\1u|.l.` csuury nuuh . my lVlill'l'clI1 r'uLL()n.! -1), M(`CutL-ha-mm,` :2) Stanley Mum). John Mu-Nnbl)" bv John Buchzm; 1l:n`r_v Millnr. Iv.'n\hnt>" Hnnnr:||\|n nu -nnn IV. l'_l(.`\\'Hl HS LU[Cl'l1i|lC. ' | Districl cIircc1m'.-; wore (`unfiL"xm`- by the convention as fnllmvsz '(`.lnw~! es. Mrs. Alex. McKay: C`u1(l\vuter. Rlh-c N K ("`nnrnnu- (`nnh~nn 1\/h~.- mm. B. sm- JVLFS. nu) rluwlll; lVlCl(llll. WI .. Hm`-j mun R<\bin.~'.un; Mit(`hvll Squzlrt-.9 ur; I\ [uunstuno. Mr.-<.` 'w.c.'r.U. Prizes Awarded in Various Competitions, 1935 (ha 6 cvl. Z-pong. Coupc) Duhvnrod at (nu-xorv. Onhawn. On(.. fully equipped rmqm and Govcrn- xuonl Rectal!-Anon You only outta. PI-Icon for 8 cvl Mod-in at factory. bnqnn at $1375 I ;\Vm. 1\/lillz -1': Nm `Durnfnnl: Orilliz `Simian. Nlr:~`. I I I`. Y\/I--. Parade of Former Officers; Various Other Features `.l.lllllI||lIll. LIIHII-I.JVll.\.1`.. \_,|'iHg2 UIIU ' 1S1:r1iun. J. W. Walker: Price s '('nrnors. Mrs. J. J. Dunn: Rugby.- 1Vlr.~'. Jnhn I..:m:.: m:m: Svvvrn Bridge. }Mrs. 'l'hu.s'. Man::un: Shanty Bay. `Mrs. H. Gi|<-hri.~4l: Spnrrmv Lake ` Mrs. W. .1. Clipshnm: Ul1thufl'. Mrs. ` W. II. Suulus; VUSl.`_\ Jr.~:.. Mi$%.Kli[;' M:-Kc-mvn: Viclnrin H:nrl)(mr. Mrs. ; Wm. Dllnlnp; Wznshagn, Mrs. C.`I{:u'~ \'n-5': WZllll)1lll.\'ht`l)l`. Mrs. D. St. AIn-. mu]. |Iiu. m:('r_~' u} the r-pm ! lwld over aw- inu in lurk of 5-}2m'-.| ` I NOT until you have cooked on Hotpoint Hi-Speed Elements will you know how fast electric cookery can be. These famous elements are fast- est by test-:md are practically indestructible. Come in and see the various models- all priced attractively. HD-44 L, A, EMMSI 16 l~IIi1:|holh St. l`hom- :30 I-Zlt-~l'ri-:1! ('onlr:u~lur El.l'I(T'l`Rl(Y.\l. REl`:\IllS I-'lSllIN(i 'l`A(`KLE In: as _u';n:., , \`\'(`H Rnmvn I In her 83rd yen 1 a,-~-1.` THE IIARRIE EXAMINER, l!ARlIlE.' ONT CANADA "'7\VIy{ 1-wry .~. nn-- .. -.,.. an Wu_!.'.4!. `HT vn-um I .n'1h Rivvr. Mrs. Wm. . in. Mrs. E. Craig: Ontu I W Wf|l1(l\l" P|~1'r-12': EXECUTIVE REELECTED ! I`t`Sid(`I1l of nulhor of N` nu.-innnu I'u\v\.\ Now ufl'icor::, ('l(`(`I(`(l ill the mum ing s(3s::im1.~; and install:-(I in thv 1-v- rning by Mrs. John Willium::. mum bvr 0f th l mvin('i:1I limml. \v(-rv us follows: llnnunury l rv:;icl-nl:<. 1V|I's:. K. Cmm-run. 1\llun(l:ll<'. Nl| .`x'. .1. Mt-1.. Slvw-n.-: ml` H1l|'l`i('. Mrs. W. MvR:u.- nf VV_V('l)|'i(l1.',(`. l\/lrrs. W. M:I| mlm of I'Ilmv:1lv. and Mrs. Mnin nl' Orilliuz PM-sidvnl. Mrs, M. W. Ih-slip, nl` l`1.~not:n1g ll'<`('l(`(`l(`(l); Viv:--I'r(-~ uinhllulu Nh'.' H A .'\'n||uw|:nuI nf (N(ill)(l Free l res.~:) Grulifying |)l'ug;I'<`.<.s was ill(C1ll(E(] in the 1'vpnrls pl`l}:~`(`l|l('(l at the 2l.~ unnuzll nwvling ul` l~3:n'riv l`r-shylm`- iul W.M.S. of the l`r(-::bylvri:m Chur('h in L'zm.'ul:I. which mu! all `clay Wmllu-.< May 2!), in Knm: l I'csbyl.criun (fhurvh. Midiuml. 'I`|u- rnouling was well ullunxlocl by lmlin.-.4 1'(3[)l'L`.\`('lllill}. , all .\'t`(.'li nl` Ihv l rvs- ` bylory, which l`.`('(`ll(1S from Brut!- furd on lllv south lu Musknkzl mu llw horlh. l\l.un ..f`I`i.-nu-u I...-I...l -.1 H... ......v.. HI l'l.'lll'lill|[.: |I'(`*l'l(`('l('(lY. Vll'l'-l'l'l" . Mrs. R. A. Sullu.~r|:mLl of .`-`.l.ruud, l\Ih'.-4. K. N. (jump:-r 0!` Col- |il1}.!\Vm)d. Mrs. W. .1. (Ynull:-r uf Al- li:~'1,un. Mr::. 1.. E. (lusst-Iill uf Vir1uri.n Hnrlmr, Nlrs. R. Nx-II1-.~: ul` lulu and Mrs. H. I). /\r1n.s'1rmu,' ml` U|)1t'l`,L',l'II\ t". (`.uI'I'v.-zptnmiin}: Sm-rot:II`y. Mrs. D. H. Mn'N;Il>b. ()I`iHill R('('l`)I`(lilI1!, Sv('rt:- tary. Mrs. (E. S. l.luy:l. Mirllund; 'I'I`v:1: Mi.~`:: 1.. H. Mr(iuiI'<-. l`vn- -.-tumz; Mi:<.~:iun llnml. Mrs. M. H. Brudvn. Orillin: Supply. Mrs. N. .1. Lisrmnl), Barrio; (Had l`idin;:s. Mrs. Rist-l)01'm1gh. Slzlynm`; Y.W.A., Mrs. N. B. 1 hi1lip.x', (')ril|i:1: Girls.` Or;::m- i7.:1tinn. Mrs. Mnrdu M:u:lnm-s. ()m S1:Ili Wt-Hnro. Mrs. W. Rc-nniv. ("ullingwumlz l.il'(.- MvmLwr:~'hi|). Mrs. Miller. Pu-vlcmz l`rv:::-'. Miss S. Mav- Murrhy. Cl:n'l(.~:l;11r1.{; l.ibr:1r_v, Mrs. R. S. (.?m1in1_;lmm. ()rilli::; l.i1vr:I1urv and I'}xclmn;{v. Mrs. J. M. W.'1|lzu'v. Midlzlndz 1li. Mrs. Jus. Mm`- Murtin. Barrio; l~`in:m<'v Cununiltuu, Mrs. J. S. Slmrtt. H:ll`l'i('. Miss Gr;1(:m- Willuughhy. Mliutnn. and Mr::. 1). ll. M(.'N;|hb, Orillinc M:'mbvr.~'. without l nrtl`nlio. Mrs. J. S. Slmrtt, B:u'riv and Mrs`. /\. E. Swallow. Sluylu-r. l`hv :;o.~sinnx npvm-I with (lvvn- [inns led by Mrs. B I). /\rIn::lr<>n;{ nf Uplorggmvc nu llw lhvnw. 'l`IH- sn- (`|`(`(lllL SS and simplic-ity of lhv Way". |`hrI \/i W M S`. nuilnhc-I'\' we-rn ! l'I|'llI|U.\.\ illlll .\lIll}J|ll'l\_Y UI |lll' VV(I_y The visiting W.M Imunlu-1'5. W(`l'l` W(`ll`(1Hl(`(l by Mrs. Juhn MvF.|rny. ,p)'(:::i(Ic11l of the Mitllsmd Auxiliary W.M.S.. and `.1 Sm`vin'u of 1{vmem- `brzmcc was held in honm` of the two W.M.S. Inonn.-rs who have died during the past yum`. Mrs. Burton of Elmvalu and Mrs. E. H. Nolan of ` Cnllinmvund. I):-ndurhnvi-ul Rnnnrl c 1V|I'.< Junll \\ll|lllH1` Thv zldtln-:.~` hf MI`: Juhn \\'Il-U limns. mt-Inbur of Ihv I`rn\=nu'|ul~ Bnurd of lhv W.MS and the prin- cipal speak:-1' nf thv nth-rmmn, {ul- luwed. At the spring time! of the year, Nature is vocal and there are L,uuHI1;wUnu. I 1'osbyh-.riul Reports . I rusl)ylu-rial l'L`[ml`lH were briefly |)l'L`\`(`l)l(.'(l by Mr::. (3. Lloyd, the recording; .~;vcr-1:n',v'. 1`/lr::. G. I.e.s`lie . of Al1::m.iulo. ll'u- I1u:m- Helpers` Se- _ (,-rv1:n`y: Mrs. Ix . N. (,'-)(:])`l' of Col- , limgwund. un Life R11-xx1|;cr2:l1i1); Mrs. `JIM. Wullacrr. Midland, (m Litera- _ phonsun. Elmx-:nlv. nil Wvl('mn<' and Welfare: Mixs GI`1`l(`(` Willuughby. Allismn. (`ulud l'idin;:s secretary. and Miss S. F. M:1t:M\11'('l1y. P11-:45 Sv('1`e- lzn'_v. Mrs. Cvmpu,-r .'I|;~ guvv llu: |.4i- brary report in lhv (l|):2l`l1( L` nf Mrs. 11. S. Cunnin;:h:xm of ()1-illia, whilo thv l`(`|)uI`l of/`v`lt'.<. JIIS. McM.'u'1in of |I3u1'ric. the Ilizaturiun. was ruzul by 21 fclluw !nvml)v1'. A .L`.u~I In lure and Fix:-lmmgv; Mrs. I-`. A. So. .1L.n....-inn nu... ICIIUW II1(`H1|,)l`l'. ' A short businms (lis011ssi<)n wa.-t ` . held. with Mrs` J. S. Short! nf Bur- Irio in chmgo. and the mnrnim: :;o.<~ `shun was (-In-.wd with pruyvr by Mr:; C. Maitland. Collingwnud. ' Aftx-rnonn S(`.\'Si()l1 At 1l1(`m't.m'|1uun wssiotn Mrs. .1. H. Eaton of Orilliu l-(1 (hr opening I)-`- vntinns on lhv lhmm~_ "'l`h<- S1|f(`1_\ Hf: ,th(~ Way". `. Nlrc M W H:-ulin nf l)l*l\I*Y1)|1lT in `Total Membership of 2142 Reported at Annual ' Meeting Es1McoE w. I. CELEBRATES SILVER JUBILEE 1Llllf vvu_y . ` Mrs. M. W. Hvslip of I (*nvt:mg in [following with hm" [)l't`.\`i(l('I|li:ll ml- (ln-s.<`.. l`(`I1lil1(lL`(] that tho p1`v. year was :1 your of Jubilc-vs. for it marks the Silver Jubilw of King G(~m'g1.-`S accession. thv 60th nm1ivvr- .<:n*y uf me cstublislunem ml` the l'5Iu. Church in C:m:ula. and the 2l. :mnivcrszu'y of the W.M.S. us at pm-:: mnslimu-d. With reference to tho fact that this mid. marks lhc 21131 l)iI Ihd2l_\' of ihv W.M 9.. she sLIgg<-st- ed that vv(-1'_v mu-ml):-r during the months of July and August give an ..r l\ir||nl:|v l\l'n|\'IIlII " run rnhlil innnl WRLS lHl[)Ul'liIlll. hilt.` .\i|lU. IIIRII. each member nf thn ma-in-ty be u prmclwr. thuu;:h all may nut be able to speak from :1 public plat- form. All that yuu dn day by day is preaching. and the wrxnnn uf \'nIn' .'1rliun< i\ ll\|1:|H\ Hun mnrn r-I`- 'PRES:BY'['ERlAL FAR`R1:~: w. M. S! I SHOWSj[ROWTHi (`I'illUl (M NH` \H'll(.`I all . \.\.\l` as she concluded a sprzny n was px`esenu~d tn Mm. Shu half of the Society by Mrs ernn 0! All.'mdz1l`, one uf n-\.nn|u.... 1"` \lJ\|ll lllllll Sh-wart was c\n_ A cmm)rvlu-11.x ) hv lhn ("urn-1-< numms ()1 amy amu ` "birthday ))I`x'svI11" of 21 cents to the work It was impurtzmt. Inn:-h vnmnlmr nf Hln HELD IN MIDLAND nlwr by n jnyod. m-nun \'. illlll IVIIIH. Wlillll (H H. `(-lvclvtl 1; L. . \V .| (`unlit-I` nl AI. she KALII '.r..1m wn-' Prov nu-iul y .1 u... .~..-;.._| USI }.',lVL` uddilimml I that (ll 5 1]! llll` \VUllIl'l.l VVIIU HIS]. Hll,'[, as ur /\11.\'ili;|r_v 7U y<,-arr: (l}_.{(). um! vuivvs culling fmm l'm`(-ip,n lumls. In I1-vi:-w she rlos('rilu`(l Hm 1nir:si(muI'_v work (lnnv in I-`urnm.~4n. India. British (luiunn and in llw nullyin},: (lish'i(-L:; ut` Cnn:1d:L l`hv vuit-v uf .`a'(-rvi'(- spc-zxks loud-l . ly. and with it. tho \-'(ri<*- of ()ppur- lunily. Sunnu say that ()p|mHunily knm'k.~: hul once. The sunm uppnr- lunity may. hnl Hll'l'(' urv now up- purtullilix-:: 1-v1-ry (l:ly",.`})L`S1Iid,illltl rofr.-1'I`v(l In lhu work nut-(lvd to be zlmw in .<(-I'liun`,~: of Nz-w Ontario and nnmmz llw Ukr::ini:ms. mnonp, whom i1 i:: an ('|1<)i(-,- ht.-twvx-n tho l`r(-::h_yl.or- inn church and (,? fur unn- tml. '1`h0ru is also an u|J|)ul`tlIlIil_V at -\'-r_v (lmn; fur 1-vs-ry wunmn in lhu W.M.S. ::hnul(l suck to win un- othvr xvmnnn. shr: mid. I S-vs.-ml other ropurk; were pro- sunh.-I (luring the rL-maindvr M` the n{l.crn0un. inL'|u(ling l,|m::(.- ml` the 'l`r(-:I.~4l1n-1', I\ li:ss L. H. JVI<:(iuiru of l (~m-(:m;,". tho l"in.'1:u'i.'nl _~'n-(:11-t:n'y. Mn". J. S. Shurll ml` Bzlrriz: and mm L on lhv s'p-(unl rulnpuign fund. by Mrs, C. W. Mnillnml ml` Collingwnml. I'1w-him: S:-*:s;i(m Crnw(I-Ll Tho vhnrch \v:n.: cmwdod for U11` '---~'--- *~-1-1' many vuiv.-vs to he heard in the land, _ but b('.\`i(|('S the voice uf Nuturv. HH`l'(.` nrv other vuivus in bu huur(l by W.M.S. ln(`llll)(.`I`S. und (.`:l('h hus its own siL;nifi(':Im.-v, she: said. '[`hv|`u is lhu vnirv nl` S('I`Vi(`('. thv vuivv uf histmgv. which viulsos mm to lwnr in imnpzinuliun the ru:.tlu of the silk (|l'(.'S.\`('.~'. of the xvmm-1.1 who first Invt, \/Ui(`( `culling ... I... J.-n . |1\t. OI.n uu |% FL0Un A new type of Hearing (Bone (`nntluclimu -the first showing in (.':mu(Ia it's \vunt|erfnl to think `nu can now ht.-'.u' through the: mm` nu unsightly our piece on the cm`. Imnv lIlI.s`|}U1ll_Y piece We have U]l(`ll(`(l the dam` 10 new hearing by means uf our newest invunliun the rejuvenation of the utulitury syslvnm by natural usv, u mulimd (lo. lihed by emin- vnl men. A bmm Lu mzmkiml. cumbining ull the Dual` have ever wanted ur hnped fur. You for- ut-l ynur I31-ufnuss; rmnnvu strain and lluur all lhv \\ (I|'|(l ul` suurul. Prices in effect {rum _]un.c 6th_ to June 12, mcluswc. \. `" *4 4 A Hair cgnnpt when It IS streaked. A pr-tm-sx hm mure amucnve add:-ll lustre and r; lun Will do it! ...n.. u. ..n..- Lemgl-l!Vl>aVIsl:%.;-`1::::*`k.f:`:`:}a `l r'%>5;`6< Centre Leg Cutlet 11: 23c Rolled Fillet Roast n. 15c Silver Hrnght 4 n s`;u;;. 1`3; .\Im'e I Mark Bacon 283. 3231,. 24-11). Bag 1.114111 1114;;-.1 1-ILVIJ I Il_4rllJ Nothing Worn on the Ear-Nothing Worn in the Ear--It ..r 11...... I... lb. 1 9` .\I'.1car(mi and Cheese Loaf EEK-FED VEQEILEZ. ....... ........ ......... .. way cxatpt to ma rndiuuly beauuful. 35 for 5 rinses ( FIVE ROSES Ta;...;,`o;;.-;,m;;;;%c;n;;;_w; :'z'.r.I.'.}i{.? 1 HERE IS REAL NEWS FOR 'I:HOSE WHO SUFFER FROM ht: A Entree Ann LII? A n |Ir\Ir1u-In nu l\l4f1IJ A11.` I19 I \ll\ l|I\Iul4 V i)EAFNESS AND HEA'5"1:i ._.. .L.. c-.. Iu...|.:.... uI...... :_ .|__ n-,. .. 7-lb. Bag Maple Lea: MATCHES 3lge. boxes ICING SUGAR - 2 lbs. I.ihhy's Pm-pzln-I 7 MUSTARD - 9oz. glass Princess SOAP FLAKES - pkg. Maple Leaf II A TPLII Devon Weiners FRIDAY ONLY Put SPARKLING LIFE into Your T Hair

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