our drugglsl. In xtm 1.ll'gt` Imtllx-_ Mc(-nlhvmy Bra.-~=. lIl (`, HM` .`1l"`l`(` Ul _VUUl|},`3w'U'l'S }.',I|l -ouAul1, with vz1r_vim_: of SS. snnw M` the uu I'M! mxsolvus; \\'isl1iI);.{ fur :1 I'z1in('u:1I an umbrella. In the (:vunin:,' ere \`.'L`l`C :1 rlu /.1-n (`nlrius again lTllI('h rep:-lilimn to he imcr-st- ' L1"! _vv:n' with 24 on1ri(':: in .. n....lin.in...~v Are you sick zuul tir luxnaclx that :In'.\` up 71 ...,u.. ... .......I u>I...l.-_... umuz. 3: llcullh. ..u.. L`\` c sick zuul timl oi h;mne.: aH.uu uch m'.\' -lhut xloc.~u'l lake Hill: 1)` to good. \\'hnlt`.~uulc food? 'l lu'x1{'I`lu ; your >lun\'.u`h to time. Don't (Like ` \\':`\ .~. 'l`hc_\` urc \l;u\g:v:rmL~ um! huhit-1 " xiluz. Just follow the Andrews` Rules l lho l-in xnndcrulcly. Slcrp , in Exercise n-gt11;|rl_\'. Breathe all ' "S0 M -sir \u\n n"ll\ A\n.| km-I \'nI1Na`lf .`\. [H 1111' ]H'l)_L:I'ilHHllC \\'lHl.'l|: wiltorl 111` at lcnsl grout- --i.< the r0('it:1linn.s'. For In hnvu lo lislt-n while 1].... [I11 t|\11|v~ {hm A-unn- .u\unu..w. Ln\.I| .`\\'|\` nu.` An. N `mi The festival clnscd at 11.45 .'1[[u\'i ;`_r_{21 few \\'m'ri.< from the adjudinmlnz ` da i\'.'h0 heartily congratulated thv par-! `fmnlticlpants and the ladies who hurl` 60c1spunsored and successfully carried` mw out the affair. i `,,,,;,"l "rm: 1=>m7.r. WINNERS 39! Fnllnwing it the list nf pri7.c.' win- lumup each. Mr. Mclnnes referred in this contest as :1 very charming \1'(nturc" and commented upon the gvuluc (If children singing together under the direction of :1 good leach- ;-". First and second prizes went to Bradford. the marks being 76 and 75. 11...... u1r...'..I vr ....... cl...` _,....,y u. ..._,... ..-. .u A very intert,-sting class was vocal snln for I3 years and under. The . ` Enlden Slumbers." sweet- ly flnwin1.{ and melodious, referred in by the urljutlieutnr as not easy ll; sin1,"' was heard in n variety of rcn(lerin1_{s by about :1 score of voic- es. some of them delightful. Belle Wnrnicn, little rlzuuzhter of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Wurnicn, P;1in:4wiek, was first with 78 and :1 'I`hnrnton maiden. Norma llulbert, was :1 close secunrl with 77. A In\|-1v nlnunlnn nu-.xIu\u nu... Hun \'-'ll.ll II. A very pIcn:~:in;,: mimbor was the sunrnnu shin, If Nu Ono Ever Mur- irivs M0." in which the singers show- [od fine quality of voice and n nim- interprelzntinn of this hurnnrnus su- levlinn. llvlen (iluss, Cnoksluwn, was first with 7H und Luis Ryan. Barrio, Sl`C0nfI with '75. . I '|\ GI... r,... u,......- ....,.I..,....,..1| FESTEVAL HAS mzcom) LIST a OF EMTRANTS! ..uu\--u-u. nu. nu--no u-..---5, Iu nuu nu. Ilene Maiel, Thornton, was the !m:ly violinist. She played the famil- liur lvlelody in F" by Rubcnstein, with :1 very gnarl tone but rather Iler mark was (ill. ..a._... ..I. ..._.. ..-....| `jerky in style. A .._ .. lIl(,'Il' Il'll(lIll()H Ul IIH_', lVllHIHlillll Br:_v." Both pri'/.05 wont In Bmmm. Ivzm Lacy 15-[ting 79 nnrl Vernon (`,nIom:m 78. Thu public school chorus, "Spring: is liouml the (`m'n<'r." \~/as vvry [)lL`El::- ingly sung h_V (-hilrlrcn fmm Brad- frurd, Bcetnn and (`nnkslnu/n. nnd tho marks: xvorc placod in that order, the first two an-(ling 78 and 75. In tho pinnn duct, nndvr 14. the IIm'npipt_-" was woll play- ml. I`hvlm:1 Atkinsmn and R0. lmw, BL-<:1nn. were first with 75 and liilluirv and M:ll`L1ll(`l`il(` .l:wk. Bulk- I-Iwnrt. wore socnnd with 73. But nnv ;;irl.<.' chuir uf `Mon :l}",'\ was hvnnl in (,'.rndI(: Sun,u," by Hxulnns. This was from Bcc-ton and Ono-I nf nix. uni.-no /\`|`\a\IIn|\I nun l.\l'L'Ullll \VlLll IS). In the suit: for buys umrhnn;*.o(I vrnicos. there were .1 d0`/.(`ll vntriqx and .<(:v(`rn[ shmvvd :1 nice sense 0|` time and tune and gnnr! quuliiy nf` moire. thmuxh all wvro tnn slow in] Illurir rondilimx of The Ivlmmlnin Ivnn T.nr`\' m-Hinsr 70 nnrl Vt-v`n(.n l\'|`l'. llL'l and shv I` - h:1rnmniL' Ur:ull'm`(l. nwml stu adjudiv:1tn:`1 utulutud par-! cessfully carrier! H... uuu nu ........ Piano s:nlov--~rl1 _\' Aileen Cnnmlin. Hnslim.:s_ I`n`.1<-nlu: n: ....I. In I illlll. I)-lll|I'. A-I, . llHn'- ~- 3,.m]{,,,.,|. 7n_ :[.un:n:'<~ mm :11` .\n|n -r.;um Um`. Jun 70: I-'1'--(1 }33.lr,-9. Tm. 'n|=:\n:,` I'I;n`I_\' mu. (Continued jrom page 071(3) :11. An e:~:tr:1 touch of hospitality was the entertuimnent uf the l'(`sti\/ail committee by the Beetnn Institute at the home of Mrs. Watson. Bradfmwl School Singing Good I One of the best I'e:1ture.~: of the` afternoon was the singing of the school pupils from Bradford, both in the school ehm'ns and in the part song. The ehilrh'en'.~; singing show- ed :1 nice expressirm and sense 01' rhythm and :1 very sweet tone qual- ity. There were some excellent voices -ziltu as well as ::npi'.'im>~-t'm' sueh young singers. It was stated that three out at the ruin` t.CIl(!h(`l`S' in Bi':1dl'urd public schtml are quziii~l tied to teach singing. Miss C()llirn1x.l wim wzis tire(:tim.{ the I3rz1(tl'ni'xt` ::in;_;e s`. hint ;.:nnr.l cause to be pleas- . Ihn I-nuniic Rnr`-Inn nnrl THE BARIHE EXAMINER, BARRIE. ONT.. CANADA EM RESEUED 1 FROM WATER A 0.035 cm! I ii}g?5{7$ ' H H , i During Last eeki 561,984 MON 10 1.(:u(.'ll sIILL;IIIp,. xvu.s.s puxnu 3.! dirn-(:lim.: I3rz1dl'nrxl ::in1;crs. vn with the re.-:u11s. Beelnn and Cfunlcstnwn (:huI'usc.~; ulsn 51:111.: \'\'(`H1 but (.-viclcnlly had nut. the [mining of the Brz1cll'm`rI chilrlrcn. Too Many Rocilntinns Om: part, of lhv prn_-.:rnmmc which _ n-izthl he nmiltvrl hr {rent- 1 :.. 0|... ..n... ..\n.- 1.`...~ Dunlop London Life Policies in Canada! NEW WW WWES 30x3% J. B. FEE, Superintendent An- ,. nl I -14 In 1 ._v- .. ____, .......`..v . . . . n.\Jnn\A\/ll` Moore Block, 24 Dunlop St., Barrie T. E. HARLEY -- BARRI_E --- Phone 23 More and more, the public recognizes the outstanding service rendered by this Company to those who hold its policies. (HI (IIIIIH twcnly : l`( cilnliu: Consult a London Life representative 6-Ply . Thllmulzw. June 6, 1935 T Hem/y Duty |Hlh|lll' the juninr :<('l(.- hofnru thv sour tm-ou_uh. mu-m-cc unnln I umu IYI 1)-(er Inn "iv! suvu . llIeI11s<-hm L How to have W a Happy Stomach fghij 8l\\ln;l( knull) bring y