Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1935, p. 8

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llll`. I'}\ lFI'_\ llll(` (Il`('lill'I'Il II \\ l.\' UPI lm` llmn Ins! yt-nr znml Iln-rv Is no (lullhl il wan: lm';.g(-r. U.:n.s'l Wvvk's (`ur1'(~:unm(|r-m-(-J Mm; Alit-<~ 5`llll';.{I.*::h` wm.` humv I'm" l|:L- W('('k('ll(l. MiL5 ()Iiv(- lvlunm smvnl lhv w('vk- vnrl Ill T!I':1(ll urd. Mr. and Mrs. Wrmhl ml` '[`m'nnlu' .~:|nvnl the \\'('(,`|\'(.'ll(| with Mr. and Mrs. W. SLIlI`1',vs:'. Mr. and Mrs`. Small Slmrp nml Miss ()livv (Zn-uIIsidt`:~: W(`l'(' gun-::l.< rat. a: lmnqm-I 1V1mrlu_\' nIp,hl, nl Kn~l,ll l'm`i.~eh Hull. ETORONTO. R HAMILTON k'13'uFFAL6"."f. .. $3:6 J lCl`:'l'UlCN I.IWll'l'--.|UNl`; 9 l~`m' l~`ul| lnfornmtlon, (,'on.~mlt ` /\;,rm1t--/\.-(k for llumlhlll [CANADIAN PACIFIC mm. `(I III Ihl hm: It-fl In .-: V .'|lIu-rvilln-. Mr, uml Mr.~.' I'l v n|' (`rm-nu um ; } MISS Kullu.-ryn wm-kn-ml with M llrn(lI` ` lVlI'::. VV. /\. PHI \l\/I K I'A|l\\'l-Illinll :-n n . nu: ,w. r: Juiiii `"iiii"l'8th Miss S.'u|iI~ Wum` ~nr| nl In-r hmnu. MI`. and Mrs. `punt Sunrlny Ill ' M1`. zmrl MI`.-; W. m|ul:1\' in l*`lm1. N Mrs. Rwy l'hm'p- ml" 'l`m'nnl it. (ht- :11:-.-:1 or Mrs. W. .l(-Ily. _E. I~`-mu-II .-apt-nt lhv \\ (`('|\'l'll(l WI) us .-:i.~:l(-1'. MI`,\'. |"r:I\vl:-_\'. nl Su(Hnnr_v. !l;unl)|_\' .`))l`ll| llu .w-(-kn-ml lVII::s Hull: Wv.-:t|.'nlu'. H.|':uH'm`r| :__________` COULSON S HILL I U|L' . hllll. Mr. and Mm. Goo. Andvr.~:m1 uf I-Imnillun \v-re mu-. ml` Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. /\lIdcl`5 Sr. for a row rlnvv.` KILLYLEAGH WYEVALE l_\' lnI' UH`: - (lm'Im'(-II I II'Ul'I` wh ::]H-nl, llw \N(`('|\' l`nx`mIln. h'h;nI'p<- up:-nt I 1n-luuun. .u-unr urnva ;:.'nl|u-n-rl on -zmnlml pu- I it \vn.s' In-I- Hn-rv i\' In. lmul Ami . nml lvlrs. llllln nu-In $1.45 $2.25 ......s::.oo 2.95 Miss Stafford spent the week-end n 'l`m'nnl0. Miss Ruth Prince of Bmrlford IF vi:4i1.inL: Mrs. D. Jones. Miss Phirni::1L-1' :;pcnt the weekend at Nizuzuru l3'al|.~: and Buffalo. Mrs. Jus. Milne is spending this W(`('k at her .-mmrner home hero. Mr. and Mrs. Vnuuhnn M R W(`('K at her name here. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan of Bnl|:m- trae visited the Misses Smith M the wcc-kt-ml. tinngmlulntmns to Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Alkimmn on the arrival or n young clnluzhlt-1'. Mrs. 13-n.~;nn Morris wus taken to tho ILV. lln:~:pil;nl, Barrie. on Sutur- rlazy. All hupu .-me will snnn be well nuuin. days. Mr. um] Mrs. J. R. Leigh xvurc in Drn_Vl,nn visiting-_ hvr part-nt.~:. Mr and Mrs. Hubl. MlX\\'(`ll, for thu- hulidny. Mr. and Mrs. I.. I6. Bzumur of Win `rm- IH in L.'|:1.~:.*. llnu um Ivlrs. Wnnn; IVIISH lVHlI'j(ll'l(' WIll:~:mI ml` 'l`m'unln with Nliss M. Hruwn: Iviixs M:n';,':m-I SH-pht-us with hm` p.'n'(-nls; Mi...s'<-5 .l(-unite nnrl l"lm't-m-v H|.'u'|mmr- ml` Slwlhtlrno Ht, .1. H [Hm-|umn'~'.~a. Mm. W. It. Mt-l.(-ish S[)t'lll Sunrtnyi in Mirllnml. Miss; (lrnnt nml Mina" Nixnn of l`nI'- untn ..-pr-nt tho W('l`k('llfI with Mrs. (' M I Mr. zmrl Mrs. Flrnr-.~:t I .:nwr-m-t- um! I luthy ut H1-llt-villv .~:pt-nt. t.h(- \Vl'('k- I-nrl with tht- I`m`rn-r'.a' pnrt-nt.s'. Mr. and Mrs. Mt-Minn zmrt l'nrnity zmd ldrlrliv ('nl4- or t`m-(mm spc-nt tho wm-Icmul with Mrs. Hulu,'htnII Mm`- tm. l\/Tr mm l\III's.- r:..-.inm..- ..r m.........- nun mvor. Aluu. un Muy II. I)(- -~(-n.x'4-rl vvns woll knnwn in this mum- 'Il||lIH,.\ , ht-in;.: an old l`l'Hi(|(`lll. on Hu- :(`\'('llHI ('tnl('('SSiUl1. Ho wins in hi. -.;:hl_y-I'mn`lh yt-nr. Wm-k-t-ml vl.~:it.nrs: Mrs. Prim-0 '1 I Mrs. Ki.*;.~m(.-k of Bzlrriv with Mrs. Whnn; Miss Mm'jurir- Wil|:~'.mI Hrnwnf Imwv. Miss Dnrnthy Rnwn of Snvvrn I3rirl;u- nut! Mms Mnr1.z:n'(:t Mutlht-ws x'pu-nt-tho wn-t-In-rnrl hurt-; ul.-m Mi.-;:; Mary Matthews nf ']`m'nnLn, nt hm` homo. A IH|I'V cut-1-nu-.:l'n| unnrur-n~ ulnu In-III Hm sermon. Mr. nml Mrs. E. (iibbuns ` Upt<.-r;,;ruvL- rm 'l?l'nIr.~xrln_y ul 1Iu- fum-rnl uf ht-.3` .~.'istm', Ml .'i.~;. 'I'h(- s_vmpnUIy of the (71 't`_\' is (`.\(l('l|(I(`(I in Mrs. Gibb` .,hr- sm'rn\Mim4 fri(:nrl:;. Wurrl was xucdivt-rl this \ Immc. A vt-ry sum-4-ssl`11l szuppr-r wan; ht-Irl in Wo:~:!v_v (`hurch Hull rm May 24. 'l'h(-r- wn.-; n lznmo numlmr pr:-su.-nL 'mrl an (-njnynbltr prngzrmnlm: fnl luwvrl. ("00. l)nvi(l;:(~ Iyrnughlz zu lHIl1lh(`l of lm_v:~: from Buwmnnvillv who l`lIlII.l'i|)llll'(l quil.- n f(-w hm`- mrmicn st-lnctinns. Rev. P. I. Duv- irl;.:- was chuirnmn. ivliss H.'ni('nek of Urillizi with Mrs. i wrtr.'ini. I-`red Weeks Iloim-. from ILVJI. Fri-(1 Weeks. who suiieri-d (ho inss ui` his right arm below the elbow in April. was nhlv to imnvr- the hnsn-| ilnl lnsl. week. He wishes in ox- press his ui':ititurh- to the people of this r'imimunil.y for their kinrines:z marl practical help to him und his |'.imii_\' in his nlictimi. lied (Jro.-is Rangers K I i'hi- Red (Truss R:m;.:L-rs met at the u:iumlhuus- on May 23. The pro- grnnime was of n patriotic 'nat{u`e. Mar Enmis gave H very intcrcs ing :u(-mini. if his trip to 'I`nrnntn`:inri Niamum (iuriiu; Binssum Week.` At the vnnelusinn iii the meeting: Mrs. i.e.'ii'rls:iil and Mrs. Jack BCHi`d.'s'ilH| were hnsiesses in the memhers and` their I`rit-nrls and served a delightful .'ii'i.vrmmn tea. N ..m- sm`I`n\MIH}4 Ir1QnrI.~;. 1 w.'1:<.L'ucdiv('rl v 3 zhc: rlt-nth of J.'un,-s Niculsnn : {nun Rivbr, "Ann. Muy l \ th (`PHI ()1 MI`. Hnw 'l`m-.x~lnv S1-r\rn' : In-xi .` |\\'|-ninu \\'iH|{ Mr. mm 1Vll`.\`. uen. L:r2Iw1m' :~'.p<.-nl I SllIulzl_v in Slnyxwr. Miss I. Slnintun of Tnrnnm visitvcll W[i.`~.< .1. luy.4lun on Sunday. | Erna ()'Bx'i0n uf R.A.F.. (Iumn Bm'- - (Ion, was :1 wookcnri mics! at, (2. .luhnstm1'.<. (11- .lu<'|(rmm of Fidnumtrm, Al- lwrtu. called on old fricntls in lhv villzuzv on Sunday. lVlrs. (lrurcv, who is suriumzly ill in `l`m'nntn, is not lnmmvim: as her mzmv frin(`ds would like. Gun. 5 l l l l l l I I I l 'l'm`nnln, IS nut lmpI`nvmL: many B. J. O'Brien of ']`m'untn and J. M. O'Brien M` Kim: spvnt a few rlzn_v.~< \\'l[h their sisL(:r. Mrs. Young. 'l`lu- Institute will meet at Mrs. A. l"u_vstun`s nu Zl`hur: nftcrnrmn. .lum' (3. Roll call is "A huauuful llu-uL;hl in prusv or pnclry." lniI\'l`|(IL:ll(` on Acrnss Celmnclu will be ;:i\`(-n by Mrs. Drcsl. her ' A . Mr. and :.m1dv thv Huuh (`mm Eli Inlnrm -j\ MITCHELL SQUARE I |)_\'. lt(-mm! vi.<:ilm_`s were: Mrs. (7ns:;itly ml" Ihnlnilhm WI) Mrs. J. Mt-(fleun; Miss H.-nu-mrlc of Orillia with Mrs. J. Hm'h'.'|m Mr. and Mrs H. Pcursull nf Orilliu ; `isitvd their sun G0. this week. ` S1-rvi(:v at Ct-nu'al vhurch next ; 4unrl:1_v at 11 n.m.; Sunday S(`h(ml; ::I Hi I.`~.< .1. r'uy:4Iun Sunclzly. R.A.F`., (Iump 11. weekend uku.-:41 Gun. .Iuhnstnn .s`. `. nml Mrs. ( irnin1.:m' of Sl,;|_vIuer - Sun(l:|_v vi:.'itnI`s with the In!- (- pnrt-nL~e, Mr. and Mrs. 'I'hn:.'.` 'I`. 'l`humpmnn and A. Mrrliuy - mnnnp, Umsv who :nl.|('nrk-rl the ml of Mrs. H. J. Turlhnpo, Run,- I`. rvu-v` L vluu';,'(- HOV. V! l`I`l| \l\l| . . i zmrl Mrs. Gen. Cfrawfmwl spent :5 In Sl:1.vnm-. ` NEW LOWELL .1. King and Miss Rvtn Mr-I 1 uf Tnruntn spent their hol- .\'i(h B. MCCal`l\(`l1. us IVIzu';:nrct and Aunio Mc- uf Port Credit visxtvd th:-1:'_ rl.( H. McVeigh. fur a couple ` s. MINESING TE! IAIITI IXAMINII`-DAIIIE. 0NT.. CANADA :1 Mrs. Thus. Flotvhor at-` w funeral of. u-n` um-In-. npboll. of Orzllla. on May `H1011! \\'u.~< at Gaunt-bridge CLOWES LEF ROY lI"K\l' ill. IIl'lIlV_\' I lV1rs. Will ("lurk -ml M" Mr. limvm.` l`II1I-ulznv ("S U! - of wn Sumlny m thu_ Young. I 1.. Nu.-hul WIH , Sunday he Ynunu Jrnna. I_VI:l_`.'_ (`uunmelarulguf SIT THE`EWT WATCHENG ME" ALL N.' ("UH C ihht II uy next wi'|l| Jm:_ Ponplr-:: I Will prvnch ms were In y ul1,m|dhu.- . Mrs. Mm`- l(' (`(lll'IlHIllI- 1 m WI`:-k Uri I nl Buns- ll, I)!-. ` `me T'lME,_ TNIKF1 \ >251:-x`. \\(`Ukl`I1 / C. H wsuvvnn. y-on nu Ill.l nun: rung.- Wna unnkgle to 3109:) or stand up {rum lI":i\(r From the hunt kw of '1' R-("a Lg! n-he! . xp ow-ry' Ira-~r [me E -m- " - J (' Ha t:Im.<. Um- uoque. (int. T-R-("5 will hrnuz pm 11' vi- rt-lief by driving (ho pun-caupxng 1 -\:m- -`..I v vuur blnod. hue and SI M nll druggmu I" T-R-C : (Tomplemn's Rheumnnc C-9.-L-In) IZELLEI Stabbing pain in hip and (high K'.. nnnhln In nlnnn nr nlnml -m !mm aw.-H. n $`5T{`A. and. Hill uf arrived ` l)(']ij.[lllIll1 I )1'c>..\('r., I t.uil:1'\lc I '(|l|<|"I` :m.| >.]1 Imm whilv. lrulll coon FOODS at m BARGAIN PRICES SMART MILLINERY Al Ihi wit`:- hnvc :1 Slum mnlvh cznch \\':tl'l lv->IilclI ll:1I:~ in all I] pnwlcl .~lI:u|c.x 41$ I_):n`k m` l.i;;'ht Pnlkzl n1` l :{.\'tc1 TSELLE EWART D/\SlllN(}l-\' Nl3.VV! IN PIQUE OUTFITS SILK CREPE Si7.L`.\` 141042 Signs of Summer SUITS PEAS $4.98 EACH EACH McM:1x\cr Uni nrl will m`r\m-h ]n'icc_vn|1 (III. 8:11:11`! Hui In nulfil `->lilCh Slmll l:lHl1lL`\I:lilIl. .. I... Correct for Summer Wear STANDARD Tomatoes 29:15` H:l\'L` III I`. ll" ll III` than vvrr lh HllllIln1'l'. Pzlslu-I .-4l|:I(I0.~: --~ trivky }`..';I'..'}L ............. ,.$1.29 zuxnvn--.Ju.\ 3 .11 l`l 'l'I "l\.Lu ;1l value. Each Suit . .\al-l.\"S KIIAKI l'.\.'\"lTS--.`iI`/.1-5 1:4 tn 111$ (;`vVuu1 quzvnlnyh H .;ll'IN'S VVORK SllIl('l'S-Si7.v:~` 14' ; 0.. I7 \l/II rm-nln :...:l v. r1-.| L'nI`IVII' nu I-' unl_\. FELT HATS ll'}. \"S /\'llll.l`."l'I(,` SIIIRTS - .5 upulnr wnh young and nlricr men In-:1-. Made of fine ribbed cotton. 47.11, 15-} In 42. Spccxul-- ,;.r'h .. C nu` _\`nu xccn thcm /.|il.l.li|\`.S? \\ l1ilc Ecltncnmr \V-stlninsu-.r Cream Sandwich l)|Q(`l 1I'l'L` ll ])l`l`:ll`llllI;{. Vi::ilm'.-4 mu Sllmlny wvrv Nll`. nml lVh`:<. (I. I". Iinwlvs uI' Bx'mll'm'(| with their (l1lll}`_lll(`l'. Mrs. lvlt.-hvr; l.(-igh Hurlmnn. wiI'u- zmrl sislvr Vivian of Turunln, with Mrs. M. Lnw. Pleated Crepe SPORT HATS j Ynu I\'m-(I N4-,w Light ':- 2: fun: n~.h'.'. :.n4-c nu 'l`()Wl'1|..\'--(; rns. H;-rlrnul -u up ~-v Axminsler Rugs \/ ((`opyrishr. 1933. by The Bell S.\`ndx'cua. Inc ) 311.51 the Sim.- mut II`: \l4IA L.!1l'-3*`\.'I. (`rune m and I Only Each _1 ;9 (`OMHIN/\-~ su 1"'.`.%.49c I_.uu\ uun VV (`:vllll||lHH`.l H|5(`LH'l'S--~||). Supvrinr Storm: T}..`\. Royal York (T()H"[-'.l:`. III! VI`! Ill vafuv at big 1 v\`Ir 1 (`Int-l'l L for 251: "1"6}.- 3:52 'i'.=3 % 29c \_.......x. -..,,v..... ..... ..,.. ... ` lnw privv 4! ` . * I-'rldn_v zuul Sztlnlulany Unly. FANCY SOCKEYE SALMON W. 15 S'|'l'Il'-UN WAS'l`l`2 (`ANS nil: I -.1 1 `l"|"'I (:1-ssil.y ul Hm :,um1m-1 '. III Ilhlli I um \/|' I I \lA\ (`II /\|n')In.\ I`I:u'h l'l(."l`lIlH`IS-'l`hu (uric '|L'I.l|l`Ithl` can DUI-`I-'l.l'. It. pm f::.~;1t-m-I` h::Hnn;,' mu . ... printim: --:1-- Are you asking your wile to solve a problem you cannot solve yourself. ` Write for our booklet "Problem" dealing with Iamily requirements. 1- - Ir`; II MEN'S sT>'5RT CAPS TCh.3o1;t\i4f1Ug?1$alWx Life - I lhsu:-ancefgom gag JOHN W.H od om. A .1 uwoem D-..:A...o f.\Df\AlYf\ Rnynl Ynrk .|l .l.l.Y l ()\V'l)I-'.lK{:\". Inc I . hJIl`\JL4l\ LIIOII ass IVIGIIBBISI | Tole-phonr H50 lristrirt nlliu-. I'll Mulraster St. run w.r1u Pruidcm PROBLEM IT PAYS . H Hud 011.2.` . J L lcm OR --2 in ALL cnuouu --- ` IO us as 0 L. P. SINGER, District Manager rnn- 'I'u0lH~1ri1-l (NH: 1- I`?! \IulI:|nI:-r it l/-// uunt. l-Jsc gout] Why not \1ll-I-|I,'\` Fvznv -- /\ nun ur- 'nll.'n;u. i<`:{-._i \..;-L .|"'11.;v \'.-\Nll.l..A\ Rajah L`\`i l l"I l-ll) l);\'l"l-ZS . I III Hu- I 19c pr. I ' 25$ "7592 - I , I , I I a- `iii; `"2"' Hull .1: pnplllnr mnrnu: mvn. lull Nut, 21 :.lm-vv la-n;',lh.-;, mul n walzaxy nf :`m:nl ]).'lllI'll|2i to ran.-lm-l fmm; : 4; plain whilu, I I.I.... I` AUSTRALIAN (halves) PEACHES 17 lClil) JELLY RINGS 19c lb. SALTED PEANUTS 10c lb. Clnocolah: Ginger 29c lb. Chocolate Buds 19c lb. Assorted Chocolates 15c lb. Assorted Fancy CAKES 10c lb. Ht-re : Value, Men! 'l'l-Hi FAMOUS Warrendale run uni-hr-'1 . .. .. u..,.... .\ (H1 tht-1111111 Inn: in xI1.'.hI prim-_ Whllt! ;mpx:|::r now. Al\ I a-1 'ei'"'a'.'i $1 xarn-:1 .`/Mull) lm(Ip_:.-1 ]m(" (`I . __...,, ._..__q By J.Mn.i;AR wA1't. .._".V.*.`i..`?. C.`?_'.'_?"fP._ -White Gloves ? ?1",3 E75?`<" WEEK-END CANDY SPECIALS SOAP 4 bars 19 %.'F.'. . +".`V'.?. 3.9& V Hill). EIIIIU IHEIHI VVIIII", ru-um nlul hlm-. (`unu- nv 4-mun nll, nvul Inkl- :lv:nn1:u1u- uf this wan- :-rI'u| v:u|uu- l"Iivl:n_y nml .:nlIn'rln_v ()N|,Y. 77c '1 Thursday. my so, 1035! ' s}'niifr' `HLI. I\ Vil All HI/.v I :sHiIHI':w, Mr pupil- mum; Hm kitlrlit-.s V /I"-' I 13'2"-5c each I I.r\|V|.I\'.I I using Dinar` J. C. (_lLEM`MENS ...v v V... hum! wnl m H-1! .`l'll'l' :11 .'}GI 00) rupy ul :1 frlt-m.l'. 1'2/\(`H I 1 J. W._CHE.$MAN HAWISESTONE F. DQ_l'SON MI`. EllI(| 1VlI`:% It Mr. and 1\/1r.<. A. (" ` W('H untl dnluzhlx-I S-'lllIl({l'I`.\` and l':mnI Pnlturson zmtl fmnil l"|(-lclwr mu! ;',r:uuI.-xx Sm-nltl mu] l':nnil_v. Mr nml MI: H .| Y- (' :: .`uml.'I\' mnrnim: and 5 wllh (Tumm Skuy ul 'l`m'nnln III! T>TiEf{TT)T~F (Hill! \\ (`|'(' L(lll`.`{lS Ill HM` ll- u- uml Vinln Slum.-, I`m-unln. onw I'm` lm|i(l:1y uml wonk- l I'ul(llc- uml l ri(-ml. nl hm` r1r. uml Mrs. M:u'kl(-. Mr. ;\II:nn-uni 1|! |\.'I|' KAIIu|::|l'< Price without quality is not good value. (iroveriva sold by Slum-rinr Stun-s run he rl'lil`ll upon [or Mu-Ir quality and an- thu kind from \V|Il('ll many nppctizlng and hc.~u|thl`nl nu-nu.~; 1-am lw prvpun-(I. You mm st-cure tlu-so gt-nulnv Imrgxsins 2|! your .`H`u|wrlm~ Store this \vnck-(-.n(l. Why not place a trial urdor? lln L'.... nu-.. on In; .....I I...._ 1-; n (I Mrs. lurlv .lnm-:4 nml sun Smith, Mr. Max- [ (hIlU!hll'l'::, Mr. and Mr.-4. l':nuiL\'_ Mr. nml I\/Ira. | family, Mr. and Mrs. ;',l .'llHI.~.lIl|. N11: and lvn'.~'.| ml nll ml" ['urnnln. l\ l|'~:. H. .lnm~s. Kilrhvm-1'. H1:-ir 1-nllnvuu: l'n|- l|u- Inna!` IIIIIIV. PORK &"B-EANS GREEN GIANT SURPRISE 2 Cakes 1 Heinz. Asacrrled SOUPS won uml. Wll.\'.\`(`.~: Irwin and Now l`urmIl.u wvrv 1 lm">' lumw Vinl: nl hvr lmnw lm vml: lmu ux homo: Mr. M zuul Mm. I\(l7IllI.` for lhv 1 .-lth: l\/li.~:.~w Hvlvn l\lll|4'I'.~`nll. '1 nml Mrs`. A. H. (`r: hn|i(liI_V. 2 IVORY SOAP i>'x.}..Te Es? Medium Tins V Pinone 158 ' s>L..C'iEJ" `:13. 8c n. 'l'nrnnln, ( r:1\vl`m'(l'.~' Medium John l .':rks wilh frivmln ul (`hris l.m- um I.|-lrn -r::, Mr. nnu lVIl. nil) , Ivlr nily, M1 . Lu-n. lv|r.~'.` y. l:u,:v.~.` for lhv lung, I ml Myra: Hvirl ml L mu-.:l.< ul lhv lul- nln Qlnnn 'I'nrnnIn mm llI(' \V(!('|(('Il(l `nvnlv. i.`il(`l`S vi.~:ill'(l (fhrir-' on 'l`hux:~ul:1_v. .'lH(`lHl(`(I llw l'uu mu nl Slnym-r Iusl ' md \V('l`l.` 14m-. Ml'l(?{l|f. for 1: um! 14tIv>:l.-~' wllmns for May 30, 31st and June 1st :. M:l(`l IVII`. I Mr. K1-ml:ull\ lVlnrL::m-l und rrnnln. :11 Mr. Ihv xvux-In-ml In M1`. [in- Knu|1p's. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Binniv and fmn ilv huvv Inmwd intn this v1('iniL\' npznin. They now m-vnny Hw Im|l.\'<- recently vncntcd by Mr. and Mrs (iuu. (funk und family can the 7lh lint-. Mr.-;. W. (5. S. Knnnp W('lll In :1 emucisnlist from 'l`nruntn who xvns in Barrie nn S:lllll`(lll_V. but owing to the surinusnoss 4)!` the npm':Il.inn shr- wns unnblu tn hnvo her nn.~u- nllvnrl- ml tn and will huvu to an to l'nrnnlu it, have it done. day. `lvlrs. I`u;.',.s'|(.-y zmcl fmnily 01' 'l`nr- untn are in their smnnu.-r hmnc fur the s `an. Vv. IIIIIINIIIIIXIL. in \_AIllI'l\.`$I)llI}.'.. Mr.-4. Webster 0| Mtdlnml is spuml inn :1 couple of \v('(`ks with ht-r pur- unts. Mr. nml Mrs. M. Wnmlnrrl. Mr. and Mrs. Nurnmn Matthqwz: 'mtl fumily of (`nllinpzwcmtl spout the `2'}th with the fnrtm-r'.~: part-nl.-a. Little Jncltiv Stone was ru.~:h(.-(l tn the Slvk (`.hi|drcn's llnspitnl. 'I`nrtm` tn, Sumlny morning. l.n.~;t. roptwt:-: my he is doing ni(`0l_v. In-.m-.lv(-s (iohl Mmlnls Miss F2|i'/.nhuth Gnrtlun, Stil_Vll('I`.l H.s'HllL!llt)-`.h(`(l hvrst-If ul th:~ ttth wnmml (`nn1n1on(-mm-nt nt` 1'.m-vttu Ahhu.-_v_ l`nrnntu, 'l`hIIr.-4(lu_v ln.~:t_ wht-n who wns tlW3Il'r|(`(| thv I-`.lu:(-m- ()2 Kt-1.-fr! gold medal fur nmtlwlnutirre. zmrt tho ],1!)|(l mmlnl fur fidelity tn ltluty, on ururhmtiun. Mi:::: .lt-nu Sriul(`_v um-nl. lhv w:-:-l<- curl with fn'ivml.~: nl WZIHIIREI Hum-h. Mr. uml Mrs. Stnnll.-v M(.'l.vun nl` Orillin urn .~:]wmlln1,' the-ir hnIi(l:n_v:. :1! Mr.-:. E. Mvl.(`mI's. A nnmh:-r frmn lu-m- nllmuh-1| Hu- ry Inst I"rI(l:|_v nml mu! :1 gum! lune. ()WIl]L! In tho slack time at Hu-_ lh~fu1'L-.-:try Slnlmn nuw n numln-r (H Um man from how: hnvu hm-n luul MY. MI` nml M|`< \k H (`In-:!i:-I: znul Mr. mu! Mrs. W. H. (Wu.-:Li:|< imtl .-wn Arthur and Mr. and Mrs. E. ('in:: link and Miss E. llurnu-r of 'I`nruntI- .~.'|umL f"rir|ny, 24th, ul Mr.-:. W. l\'nnnp's. f.'un~ John Wood of `Newton Rv.bln::rm spent Wedncstlay with John Mu!` I lhcws. Wlnnrunn Mlnnrl nf Huh Run 3-- lhcws. :lnL'l`Hl)l1 Wood uf Rub Roy i:: -:y.-t-ndln" :1 muplc of works with his mother here. I`hnmns: Jar-kmnn Inf (1-.-n\mnh|n--:1 mother here. I`hnmns Jackmnn of Gruwmhm-;:I and Gen. Jnckmnn of the West spout U19 weekend in town. l Wnhnrl MrKnv hm: rnhn-ru-rl hmnv. U19 weekend in town. Rub!-rt MrvKnv has roturmrrl hmnv after visiting with his dznuzhlor. Mr.~;. W. V./\r|n.~.-trumz. nl Cjlurkshnru. `Mfr-u `AI:-hulnr ml Mllril-;..:I L. Jnnnrl ill Mr.-:. nu. 1V1vl.(-nlrs. A numlwr frmn In-rv ullvmh-(I Hu- fiuld (lny hold at Mitlhllml H('f0I`l`.!`.l Inst I"ri(l:|_v nnd hall uuml lime. Owinu Hu- |(`(l In and Will hu holmny. ,Mr. I-2 nipupz mnlnrorl lu,-r - of lh('il` illllll. 1\/Ira. fcw tlu_v:<. Mr nml M|'< IV Lane 2 1/2 MINESING STATION I PU FFED WHEAT w. _J_. HA_._lR1s DAD S COOKIES 2 "" 23c C._(_I. Hmps P. EEAIENS 12c Doz. VI-TONE fcw (lll_V:~'. Mr. um! Mrs. Mmrklt-stmx um! Jnvk of 'l`urnnln were p,m-::l:: of lhvn mint and unvlv. Mr. and Mrs. l[uu::A Inn. mu.-r Smuln_\'. Mr. and Mr nnul I\11r< A (' Rlnilh Mr Mznvr Ts-I....}"{4' STAYNER l;I;one 29; ' is." ; lb. 15` 25} . 23c;] .4 pkgs. 11/ 12 . 44c . 79c ."illL'llll mm l2llIlIl_V. Mr. uml lIj~4. .l wvr4.- ut Hu-Ir mllu; \\`vul 1`/li\'\`l`\` l|'\\'in nmi .24c J is." ; lb. . 1 7c ` 49c . 45c 25c 14 15c [Excursion] W'I'3I1l4ANl) .. l)lINN\'ll.l4I`I SMl l`llVll.l.I-I lvlr. mul lVlI'.-; W. HlI:II'|)(' .`:|H'lIl Hu- |un|nl:1_\' Mint. Mix-hip_:m. MI'::. Mnyvn and Z-Zrinu of l'ur-nlt urv \II.~eilmp, nl llw lmnw of 'l'. M:1_vv:.. Mr. nml MI`.-.'. W. Mt-l"ml_\'(-n .\`|w||1 lhv W.-1-In-nrl :11 Ihv lull:-r':; hmm Imm- my m ('1':-1-xxmrv mm Mr. mm Uurlls unrl I'2unIly ul` l`nrnnlu H1m(lu}' nl W. N('wlun':;. Almllu-I` ML: (lay :11. (`t- 4 Pzzrk. wlu-n llw not-[Inn pzzullu-r Hw 2-Hh of Nlzny fur Hm illlllllh llil . I'\'um- (lt'('I:n'(-II wn .. .Mrs. Hnrvuy (.'r;1\vfm'rl was In Gem';,:vtnwn fur the \VL`l'k(?lld. "Mr. and Mrs. Irwin M<'Muhun nnrl Aunt-s were in l`nrnnlu I'm' the holi- day. lvlrs. I`uL1sI(.-v zmcl fmnilv

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