Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1935, p. 7

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BUYS & Iluvh. u:Il`l'1sI('r:s. nUIIL'Auu.\. Nnt:n'iv.~: l ul>l1c, (`mn'n~_v:nm-x`::. I-:n- Mum,-y Ln 103.1 M lu\\'u-st rnu-5 of II\- terest. (_)`i.-0 -13 ()won SL. Mu.~:uni\- Tenuplc l3'.d;4._~Hn lh" nu-h uI`I m~, lmvule. W. A. Hn_\'.~`., I{.(`.. J. H. Buys, Unu-I` ll) .\ll|)]H_V Int.` It is ])rcp.'n':-(1 by riopnrlmvnl u! the I H:--o (mllogzu, Gm-lpl /\I'l-1' rlisvnnlinuilz I. I u1'1 M(`NiI'x>H Vi` In-vn l'u.'m-tl 1n'pl:| am HM` I'0Ii(*l' H51. mull unmunt of Ink: xvhivh hzu.-1 hvvn ]>n::: |n~rl. A slrv-vt in `! nu hzlrz lwvn (lrnv II... ml I'(`:u:1- (i:n'~ Unih-(1 Stnlv-: r`.-: xwwv p!:m|v- in thv hinh vnw :11 l*'iI'lh':' tho Iimilx ml" hm-n nnlifivtl Hw pmvi|u`i:nl lhv .' nl \vil| 171- (N1: w lwn puhliv U v`1'HHI'I' III In H}. Rt-In-'- I s4:1l:n'_v of H11 ' ::(ul'1` is nlsu IMIIIIIK. 1'n\'.<- T 1*'.li.'.:Ih:`Ih St. ()l'fim- hmlli" I n In Barrie Delegates at K. of C. Convention LIFEHIU l \Hl[.',llL. I`h<~ ;1:~':~'<:vnbI_v aitcndod Mass in Our Lady of Lourdes Church. Sun- day mnrninzx, after which the p:u`t,_\h hm! Iarcnkfusl. :11 Columbus Hull. whcrr: Frank Callaghan. Grand Knight of I`0mnto. wt.-loomed Arch- bishop J. C. ML-(_`.uigan. The (11:10- gzulcs lhon cl0p:1r1.od for I< .iu,-henm` In confer the fourth degree on :1 mnnbc-r of rnntlidutes. The conven- liun ultondt-I High Pmnificul Mass :11, SI. Mit-hm.~l's Cntht-rh':\l. 'I`m'0ntn. Monday murning. r:ulul.)r:1tcd by /\r(~hl)ish)p ()'Bx'icn. An ul'l'i:iu| xvr-l(-mm` vc/as (:xl(\m`l0d tn the (it-lo- ;.r,.'1l.-s at (.`nluml)u.~: Hull in In-h:IH' of the i mvincinI Gnvernmrrnt nncl H11- (Iily uf 'l`n1'rml.u. A null tmn'n:um-nt wus; hvlrl in thv afternoon and :1` (lzmc-v Mnmlny revvning. Busincs.: st-ssitnxls uccupiotl all day Tuesday. 1 The thirty-se-rtnnd annual conven- tion of the Knights of Columbus was held in 'I`m'ontu last week. Delegates from Barrie and dis- Lrict included Daniel J. Quinlan. Grand Knight. |"h:. nv.-unrnhlv nH:-nrlnd T\/Tnc-4 in Cookstown Creamery I Again Burglarizedi lIl)'_ l`l.\l` W Thu t|i.~:( vph I30}/It try and I: of H10 (`l'( '1'... ..I.. I I'lllVIIH'|IIl \ Ull.\'Lil|)llf VV. I). l'a|IlUlI, Allishm. is: invs-sli;::1l.in;: the bury,-s I.'n`_v 0|" lhu (?nnks1mvn (iTm:nm-1-_\' :u'|.\' May 17. Thu l|1it~v('.~: l)m|'." (hr) .~::zf:- rmnhinzltimu. hul were un- able to upnn Hm s:Il'L-. 'I`ht_-y thmu broke upon the y:n.~;nline Innk znnlq I . I Iillml their war l)vl'm'o lvnvimg. Null}- Im-_ olsv was taken. '14.. 1-..un.un n - n'\:\llA| In: Inn, Ul lHl,' l'll'illHl'l'_V I 'l`nmnln. I`hi.~; in I tho (`nnkslmvn (`r h1u'x:I:nri'/.(-ti in Hu- unturn- HIll`V(`\'S. lh-1 DH/UNAC I". 'J`ulophnm- V'l'.'ll'S. ` In m:|kins,{ their onl|`_v. lhv lhlovn-;: rznt up :1;.:uin.<.t :1 fro.<;l1I_v numlml whiin ]):l.$'l(.'Il!'i'/.t`I' zmrl |v|'t with thvir ;'.`lnlhr`.-'. rlullhr-I whi(,z,-. I sr-(I, and plan.-: for rvplzu-im: hor Iny .l Vu-lm'i:m Urrlor IHll'S(,` uru now un- lnr -mumlomliun. A |ll.-I.... V V (IF? ('1) /\Hi.~ !ll"l' ('llllsl(ll`lilllllIl. /\l|i.~4l :u:ri(.-ullllml nffir-0 hm: hl'l`ll H-(`(*i\.'i1I;,'; lwzwy (l('m:lml for r'Invvr rnliurx-.-; I'm` imu-ul:Ilin;{ (-luv l.'l $4-rxls. l`|n- (-ullurr-5 urv usvd in mix with lhv sow! lwfur(\pl:1nlim: In mdn-r In suppiy the l):u'turi:: Immh-II the I):\r-tm'lu|n,L{_\' ml" Ontario A;zri(-ul (luvlph. ] rliwnnlinuinu rvlit-l nll Mzay M('Ni'z>[| vill:u:1- mmnvil hut: in pl:u~r- 71 mvn hm-k an: H... .-..xi.xr Ii- '\l\l"IIlClI ..r n...i \-sun-k I'm" tlw zllmvv mvn. A |-Uvr :uldru.-<.s`ml in C`.ullim:\vnnrl '.'IIlllI(`il. nml :1i1!,IH`(l by every Iultclwr in lhv town, vignru1u'|y prnlorztud the m`:1(-livv uf m11.~'i(h- mnul pudlurs sell- in,-: frum dour tn lunar. 'I`hr- hulvh- vrx pninlml will that it \vn.-: di.x`h.-.'u'l "nim: tn |m':Il nu-:11 um-r('h:Int::. whn wt-ro p:1_vin;( frnm $50 tn $60 :1 your iv: lnl.~'im*:~"' 11.. tax nut! lit-vmt`. ':iIIll HZI.` lH`l`I| (lI`Il\'\'H HI) HI |H'UVI(lI I I I Iwinl (`un. W. n. 1 F ./I-.u 1'7 'l`l\.. II`: It (`I ll.`-\. HI` u'|llSl' Ill ullllt lulu` mul rail In-i x.-1 ]m::: Iln- I inmmvomont 1 : (lr:I\\'n up 14: prov Hui :1hn\'n nu-n l(|l(l`lI. my \v:1:; nmdu by Jn.':~ !I.:I1u}1,0|` ml` Hm craniu- or xnulwr`. The nwm-1' wry is: .Iu.'=.eph Kuplun. i.; nut. the fir:-11 linu- vn mt-ry has hvnn n p:Ist lwn or 1hr<-v |\. \-ll.\V\'|H SMJHJ1 Jus. Hm` rl'|inl'. AIHHUHI, ::I up:-r:Hi\'u \" pnxvdvr. $4 t'\.. ... 0.. l'IIl'. \. I|IlIllll'_ I~lll'1 I-'(Jum|r_v_ ru-gmir Nm`t|1rrn /\(l\/ilnm N . I .\-1|. . . w n-F E n - H u c d . I - -3'.8""'J_`.`1_ofi a ' - 3 nn - ' I-':"5=-'iL.":'-'-` --------------------------- _ - E I. I l..il \lll|H('II lull ln(`!H|)L'l`.*; pm ]:z(`<:uunls \vvn- Lyum 1:. mmcnam 3 Tablets. In most cases they luring welcome relief`. As Mrs.CurolineNcw- man says, "They ` case the pain". Mrs. Raymond Clmput. Route 4, Tilbury,Ont. says,"I suffered some- thing terrible. Had such backzlches and headaches I was worn out. Your Tablets helped me". Let them help you, too. Axk your rlruggisr. RELIEVE ' Ll. III II iI.HI. VNOHM/\N (`<)Xwm:' ESSA COUNCIL THE BARRIE EXAMINER, BARRIE. 0NT., CANADA ---- GUTHRIE nwi un IVI':1_v (3 wilhl 1'(`Sl}llL The l'ol|uwin;: (II aI(`I`(`(I pzlirl: zm. huspitnl :l(`(`I)llll1.`;. ll.". H ('n|\l:iH ."~2.1'}.." mrwzu nl HS (`Jul diunw lli:|).',l\Uhi.`I m1l1m.mnfI`vo. I .....___._.__-_. I you suffer peri- _ _odic gain and 11' sum-r pen- odic aim discom ort, try Lydia E. Pinkham's Tnklnrc In nnnef fznrmurs and buyers lust S:1turdn_v. The presence of many .-s'ummm* cm- tngcrs fur the first time and the in- crr'n.s'im,' ubundnnvcz of fresh 1.{l1`dL`I1 vop.{0t:1hl(-.~` \\'m'u r`::p()n:~'.iblo for thr- imprnvumenl. T`1\:|1III`n(l run 9111- 1-nnninv--: nu-v~n Hm! The best market this your grcuterli |lIYl[7l'UVl,'IHlflll. ' Fenlllrucl rm the COLlll1(`I`.'~' \ ru xzmelu unions. rhnh lottllcc. Iww from the our sold Ilmwrnlly nl lhrou bun Inc or 51: :1 sim. l(~ hum-h. As was 3 bunvhvs !"'n' 25(:. Poiutnvs xvvrn nm pk-ntifu market but the prime rnmz` 40 In 500 :1 l)np,`. Hum-_\' was srrurco also and 1110 prime 1` "0 I01 nun II: 1:] BOND IIICAI) JIYNIOIL I/\lLMl`IRS l'Il.l'I(3 I` ()l"l"l(Il`Il{S FDIC. 'l`Ill'I YEAR; .. . .. .. .. . . I AT THE FARMERS MARKET Imp, an Junim` u.-: held :21 f`l.-.~li.. L'lll ill I] mrliv V f'I|t'('1i: |ll`l'.'V' \VL`l`(.' llll' . rhnb.'u'h ;.u_vl 0:u'1h. which 1: lmm-hos for (-h. Asp:n'n;.:u-: thv Juninrl Institute ml" L the hmnv MI Wntl. lltmrti 7_.__..i____.____.__._____._ CAMEILON an (EAMI-1|{l)N. |S:u'rx. B0llvitur.x', mun, Hm riv, F ()\\'vn Sum-I Telepl\um~ -HM. l\rlum~_v lu l.n:m. .._._._.__._.:_.____.______.______ iful on the ngud from 1:1:-: uvllnnyz ~ ronminml WELL I KNOW I CERTAINLY DO. ITS` A WONDERFUL PROTECTION TO ANY WOMAN DRIVER TO KNOW SHE NEED NEVER GUESS OR GAMBLE ON GASOLINE IF SHE STICKS TO SHELL-ESPECIALLY SINCE IT COSTS NO MORE FOR DO THIS LS ON G 3K5 SHELL-ESP HS PROTECTION. Page Seven l'}I.(3ll. 1\NHI'II{SUN S: (`UMP/\ l"|\!\I'InI'.<|| A4-1-nllnlzml.-;. 'l'I`ll.~`.lt' _.______.._____.._ GEO. It. IIIIIINS. I".l.Sll'I A. IHIIKNS ~()ntnrin l.iron:;ml. (`hh`opr:\(-li.- nd l"uul /\l_|u.x'lnu-nt.~:_ l hj.'.~i-> 'l`lu-12 up) . Svi(`I1liliv M.'mumIu\iun:= fan the ('ml`(`(`H|In ur :'!l>:(`n::v hy the re- m0\"ll nl` its ('.'lIl.\'!`. l".lo(-trim" um! Hu- .u .. .1;........:.~ -.n.l In-ulnu-nl (`:m ALEXANI\I'II{ ('l)\V:\N. I .;1l'I'1.~;L(`!. Solicitor fur nl\l:m\In:: prnl\:1|- M wills, :.',1I:1l'di:1n.~:hi| nml :u`|mini. don. Gmwrnl .\`ulimlm`. N\uI;.r\-_ (`nu vcyuncor. 011`. 1'1 ()wvI1 SI` l\l:|.x':mi4' Temple Bldg" H:u'r`n-. M-mu-_\` in low: -._.-____.__.:___..?__._ _.j GORDON L()N(}M:\N. H:II`l'is`lor_ Sui !COl'_ NI\1.(l1'_\'. Elk`. Y\1UH1'_\' in Lxmn Masonic 'l`vmpl- Building. Hurrw GORDON ll. l()S'l`l".l{. H11l`l`l,\'\(`l'. Solicitor, Nntnry, (`un\'\\ ;mvvr, Mo Money to loan. Uffivv Ii Uwvn SL. Barrie. 'l`(-lophmw (in. _ FRANK IIAMMONI). H;Irris'h,-I`, 8.)] icltor, etc. Mnsunio '1`omplu- Huihlnm: Barrie. 1Vl0m\\' in Loam. . D. MSNNIKIN. I-`unoml [)iI`t`clm Ind Embalmor Ambuluncu Sor\'it`v Phunn -13!. I.m\-m.~'i!w lloznrso If dv aired. Cor. Mary and lClw.:\lu-lh S1: ._.___..___________________ BOYS & BOYS. B:n`ri: SulivHur.\'. Nnlnrinu l nhI10. ('m\\.'\`v:lIlt`t'x`::. __ IYUNCAN I". M1`(`lT.-\l(`-. ll.-\.. lnv cvssnr to Crv.v.wick:- &~ Rvlh, 1!:u'ri.< tor. Solicitor, NU. M<.nv)' In I.u:m Russ Block. Ilzlrrio. _ J. A. C0lUH'}'I"l`. Nnl1Il`_\' I`lll\1it`. (`Ur vr-\':1Iu-or inohldim! th':l\\'im( u|' will .__.._._.?.__..___._____.. DONALD I-`. M:H`l..-\I{l".N. B.:\.. Rm- ristma Solicitor, uh`. `M:1sunic 'Y`t`n1plv Building, ]:n'riv. l\1un<\\' to l.u:m. : eons. :1rx':1m::m: m uumx. neck J all kmd:<. F.\`(`('\1tu` trnlnr and 'l`nx Thur! I!0lH ll. .\`.\ll'l`ll. l~:yn: Sp clnlisl. 53 Dunlup SI. Plmm` l lluurs 9-li; SnHu'd:\\h~' lull 10 um. ._._?.________._____._.__. .\H\ll'l`ll. H_\'t`f=I:{h( Spo- t*L1li SR lmnhm 80. J. |*`.D\VIN \\'l|.SU.\". H..\``.'\.. 17.0.. Rt`l:I.\`l(`l`(`d (1 6 King Block. Barriu. '1 oIc\phn|u\ ll . A ' DR. (`. (`. I-`l.l-`.!\llN(l. Vou~rin.'\ri:\n and Sumvml. (Hfivv, -I3 Buyfwld St. Barrio. Phone 81 l. ` Thursday, May 30, 1935 . Pcnt*t:Inu1Ii. branch of tht Cnnnrliun Bank at` (`mnlntrrr-u ha: been clusml. lunvim: tho Bunk In Toronto as: tho nuly brnm-h lazmk ix- the town. B(:(':IlI!~'.(- of mu Hm-:1 fur ritgid (`mm nmy in :1rhnini.~:t(`rin;t ()rilli:n's at t'.\ir.s', the prr;.:r.'nn to he Un(t(`l'l:lk("' this _yu.'1l' by tho lmnrrl of wnrk:4 will he limitt.-(1 In |'(-pnir work. Alfrml M.'1rm'(~ll, mu- mt" ()rilli:I`. r;tdu:;l. ('ili /.('lI.\'. i:: (I--ml. in his Sttit` yonr. Mr. MJII';(l'l't.| hurl hm-n ill fn .r.(-vr.-ml yt-.'n's:. nml fur thv p.'n:1 lwr mnh1.h::h.'u! hot-n (.~unt'inr-cl In his In-(I ` , At :1 rnm-tinyz of tho (`rnltiumxvnmi ` Vs/nI`k(`l':4' /\.`J.`x'()('t.'IItlHl Prt-sir`l<~nl Hut- Chilmnn tnlzt Ihv ;::uttu~rinn that lhl mz.'s`m-inlinn wuuhl not nft'u~r any as- ..i!lL ll'1(`L' tn mun who r('t'ur*.ml In wm-k. NtI)[`l_\'-H('V(`lI m'rm~:-m kimlr: wt" nuirds Wtl`(' iulmllifiul :1! M(`:lfUl'(t Suturtlny at :1 I'i(-ltl rl:I_\' hl'|(l |)_\ mmnhcn: of l|n- I`:-rlr-mliam of On- 1..1rtu Nnlur:n|ist:: in Hm tVl-:nl'urzl vi- cinlty. Orillin WPlfuH\ Ru.-ml 1:: ltmkin fun` .'| m:uI'k4-rl diminutinn in H1: nmulmt of rt-livl` In In` ;',ivvn (||ll'tt'l_f the sllnnm-1'. A vww rv;{islr::linn H roller zmplit-:mt:4 has: just hr-on mm- piotocl. Rm-vrr J H I):-inlcwntr-I` nl' (trilltn . ANIII-.I um (..|I:lI'l(`l'rl| Am~uun|;mI.- Ilc. CTrm\'n l.il`u- Hl(l:',.. 41.. 'l`nrunln_ r\n-nu a.u.n:r1u.nun.an\ Ill`!-IN DAY .-\.\'I) NI!`-ll ! 17 naunm-an SI. : Plnuw 21:1 G. G. Sgt-nith & Co. -.-n l..s.-.I I \JI \a\ Klkollhll `an. `au- Estnbllshecl I869 FUNEIKAI. l)llH("I`0RS AND EDIl!;\l.MlIl(.\' OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Ilolol unblllancc In connection BAIIRIIC. ONT.-I`Il0Nl`2 U2 |o\ac n.an..a\/A. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER .\n-an -mar A\'|\ unn- P. C. LLOYD il|II I\lI\I"t'i'1"t\l ...___.________.___ C|IIll.()l'll1\(}'l`I(} .1. ACCUU NTANTS UH'I'l"I'.. Nnl1Il`_` im`hu'hn_x: uirn rnnuimt nl` Ina The cu: relief sysieni has been in- augurated in Midland. 13onM:inm1i_ tnxi-drivers huvu oI"rnMm`ms1' _ 0.5"!` If 0 I` :\Tll\' I. |.I\\ u.|..~\:.w l)nminiuu l.:uulSu1'\'<.-`_vn I |`|`nl'(~::siIu1:Il 1.m'im-4'1 in-pm*(.<. l`2.~:HIn.'1lv.<. Plan" I". W()RI\' A SI`l~`.(`l/\l/l`Y .- Ill ()r:um':-villa. ()nl. DISTRICT NEWS 1;/\<< `.1 .liS(_)N" lIl.\'|`. |`.|(`('l|'I ml In-nln l`|u'.m~ ~|()5. ll.`v. whirh |I.'|.~< (It-( v.'n.~;hip Fm` .-mu In w nlmnsl r(-at-ht-I! H]: I am`! llmrv nrv nnl)` hm-I1 l':nnilii-.< still in I` m'dm'.<:. II in`: 1 ..l` Ml- ,..|.l .-. mix /\ l'l'.(`l ()r:|m,'vvi|h-_ lmms. (`I(`, lnsm wmxlnr. Adminia l`hnrnlon. Out. David 11. Church has been ap- pointed by Orillia Board of Educa- tion to fill the vaczmcy created by the resignation of Trustee Frank A. Hutchinsrm. He had been :1 mom- bor for many years until the end of nvm llgllrle In ]VIl(\|HH(l. 1 cnelanguishen(- taxi-drivers had their licenses reduced from $15 to $10. l1`m~mnl nnnninu nf ()ri1li:1 t: nnw lU.H. It is cxpettted-n convention in so- led in (Ton.~;m'v:1l,iv,~ 51:1mlnrrl-hvm'cr I'm Dufferin-Sinwn<.~ in H11) 211)- [::uu(~hin:.( I-`(rtlornl crlt,-Minn will he hold slmrtly nt Allistnn. Earl Ruwu. Newton Rubinsrm, is the prx.-smut rmcmhor. A ..o...... Ann nrnullnxvihlv r.-um Hu- rmcmnor. A ,'~:lrny doe, presumably rrum lhw ru:n'. :m.-as, wan; struck and killed by n mulurist nn the highway 0:15! w" Br.':dI'm'd uvcr lhv \vcuk0ntl. Th- mnlnri.~:l fnilorl to slap. I rnvincinl l'r.'nfl'iu (,)l'ficc|' Izm Sm-n(`0r dispnsml ,.r lhn 1- name '11 the (-urcn... Mnyzistrntc JeI't s. nt (.`.nt|ln1.:\.vmd Inst \v(-r*l<. r':m:mtl(.-(I I'm` .~4(=.nt.(`m'o '1 mun r`t1:trgerl with nttmnptinp, tn dL-t'r:nmt the relir.-I ('ummilln(: by ro- (-mving wnnd under fzllsrr prett.-m'n::. Thirtot-n uthors had been tlt-nlt with in .~:Imil:1r m:mnm'. Midland (`mmril hm: un.'min`mu.~:t\' `.'0_in('t(::t thv r(.-quo. uf the Rnnnm Cnthulit: S(.`]).'ll'll(,` Srtlmul .u:Ir I'm" :1 $2,()t)() slllzHi(ty to tIl'[|) it out nl` it: finnm-in! dit'l'i('ulti0.s`. /\l`l` 2: month`: <:un.~:irlm`:1ti:m tho finum:u 1-mnmittr,-1: 1':-ported ztgzlitnst it. Cnlllnxgwrxrptt (`mlnvil hnpv tn fin-I :1 market for the l:n'uv nmuunt at (-rushnul Hl0l1r- they haw` an hzmrl as tho munty mm! ('nY11H\iHl'(` I2: ::r-1-k~ inu :: supply sf thi.-4 ruck t"m' lhr- st-.-tl (-uvvrtnu rm thr- hi;.4h\v:1_v huhvt-on Nnltnwn anrl (?u|lim,vwnnd. In nrdm` that :1 l`l'(|lI('1it>|1 of $2.411 in lhr- ('nl|('1!x:1t<- tn-:u-horn }>.'1_vrul| Inny he vfft-<-text, ()rilli:| ltu:n'(| as lvltlm-nlimt hm: (l(`t'i(lI`(| In rmtttr-v thv ~:l:tt'|' from 17 tt-:u-lwn: tiun ml` $136!) in thv tntnl public S('h(`)u| t('.`l(,'tItHL: |.|;mn<~|. ]):m Hell, 75-_vo:1r-uh] (`ullin_xv.\vomt I .. . ..;.I.... 1\oI u |\...H\: (':--.1-In: , DUI` I I 1934. I11 UV 4'] ITHJlUl'l.\'l (Ill || lh .- 1 '1!` the mrcnss. Mr ...-: ...1n Ynffo DR. W. A. l.l-ZWIS, Surgery and his ('.'l.`C(`:: of Wmxmn. /\ssm-mlv (`nmnm (`uunly of Sinnvnv. Plumv til. ()lTi('v.', SH Collier St. llmlrsr H-S) u.n1.. l2.!U-3.. H 3!: It n m I) L'0l|l(`!l` 5 (3.30 `i p.m. .1): 111': Ix, Mitllnlltl, ()|'illi:I 1.4.0 -.I'I. HRS. l.l'l"l`l.li dz l.I'l"I`l.|C, Plxysit-inns and Surpzt-un.-. Harrie. ()l1'i:-0 uml Hvs idcncv, 47 Ivluplv Av:-. <>rrm- hn1ll`.\' l to 3 p.m.. 7 to El p.m., or l1_`. :l[)|)l)ill'- mom. I\. '1`. Litllv, M.l).. W. C. LII llc. IVLU. Phone 213. . nu \.. Unxlvr tho rlirvvtim \"lnm'('. lhv mam Whn don ml lhv lllI(`l'lHlliHl dvn on the (`nnnrlsr :u|I|\('I|I'II Ihn l'ivL-I Iv: to $10. F`nrmn1 opening 01' ()rilli:1'.~; new ])(`.W(`l` plant nt i\/linden is L-xpcctml to lake plnvu July 1. lllunlnv Rm-in-zml ix` r-hnirmnn nl" DR. N. M. Iu\URll'}. l..M.(,`.C.. 1 lL\'::- n-inn .`\'I1|`('i.'\liSl in (li. H: 0|` vhll llll. N. M. Iu\lJI{ll';. I m.|:.(:.. 1'I1y::y u-inn, Slwt-iulisl in (li. drvn, inturnnl mmlivinw nnrl minm . ()l'l'i'u uml l`l'.\'id(`I1l?l`. 21` (luvnn `I Dhnnn dH'7 nrvn, ll1|(`I`h:ll_ l`n`(ll(`Il \[. ()\vvn St. l |mm- -H17. DR. \V. IL I-'. l.UKl'I-DR. G. ('. HNI-`.l.l. lyv. l".:1r, N050 and 'l`hru:nt !~s`p:-1-iulusl. r\Imliv:1l 1\\.`t..-: Buihlinu. 1`uu-nmu. Bur riv 0fl'im-: 45 ICli'.'.:||)ollI Si. tnmmsitv Roxy '|`lw:1h'1-). Phnnv 175. ()l`t`i-1 hmn'.<: 2ml and H11 Snlnnluy.-: uf th. HIUIIUL 3 In 7 33.111. I DR. N. W. l{0(il".ltS. Physivmn and \`ur::vun. /\.'\'.\`0<`i:ll(` (`m'nm-r. (`ullnly 1|` .H`nnvm~. Olficv nml I`(`.\'i(l('l1L`t`Z 50 \1;1ry St. Phmw 101. `DR. l"l{l*Il) /\. lH)SS (Im`n1z`rl_v nfl |)r.~'. Russ & Hn.<.~;\. 1.1110 .\'lll'].!{`()H syn`- -inlist with tho Impvrinl Arm)`. -U4; vonrs. (I(`n(~r:1l S|ll'L',l`l`_\' nml ()|.~;l-=1. 1-i(`.~:_ H0 Hunlop SL. Hurriv. 'l`-l. 710 1 I. II. N. SMITH. M.l).. 1`l\_v. and !~2nr:.zum1. Office. Owen St. (fm'nu`r- ly m'<'u|)iv(l by Dr. 1.. J. Simp.~:m1\. Rvsidvnm`. I44 l\ I:mh\ Avv. Phnnv 700 `ill. (ll-I()R(`ul`2 (`. SI-I\'MlH`lL l h\'.<- .-i-nu -uni Quv-u.-nn ll ? l<`lir-uhnth \`! DR. VVALTKR ll.W(H)l)l{(\\\'. nu-illin \`u('coss tn tho lnlv Dr.;\.1`.Ax'd:1s:l1 -F`._v(`. om`. nnso and lhr-mt . will [30 nt Quct-n`s Hmvl. Rztrrio. \`(`l`)' S:1tnr(luy. H ;:.m.. in l`_` mum. ru-n nu um Lilllill ,mmrl:u'_v_ lhv I'ir: ` ml M I\/lay I .'v':I_v lm.'nIli|'i('.:limI .~ '_`ul'nPI :<. jllsl ulllsiu l\lIl.1I-. I l)I'Illl1l Y .lVl.|...!\ Dr. 1.. (2. (?:u;1pbel1. M:u'kd:1ln, i: the Cun.s'ervnlivu cnlwdidntt`. fnr ('}rey-Brur'o :u.!nln.'~:l Miss Aglxcs M.'u-- phnil. MI . um! Dr. W. A. Hall, M.I" Pt-n(`l:|nu1li. u . . luv ("u I7-.s.l, ..l' /`nunn-un-1... HR. E. G. 'l'Ul{NllUl.l.. (irndnznvl iill IIrni\'or. l\I (HTim- : 'vsi turner Dunlum nml Pu}. `1x`m`l.<. 1`hmu` I05. ()l'fI\'v hm `LII! n III 1.7} n In 7-)} n In \'lU'I'UI{l1\N Ullllluli UI" NUKNI` Barrie Er.'1m'h). Well Bnhy Clinic `rum `.2 to 5 u'v]0<'k ox`-\r_\' Friday . An- wliontiun for nurs0'.~: .-:orvicu.< mnv be ` mud!` direct or thrmuzh doctor. 'l`x-Iv- `D11-nw 168. JESSIE R.BR.Y.\'()N.'1`encher nf1 iano Organ. Sim.:inu and all 'l`honretic'.Il subjects. P\l[\iL\` )\l`(`[.\:n`z`d fm` 'l`m`0n!0 Consc-r\'a!ur_\' of music` nw:\n1in:mnns. 111 grades. Suocial nllvnlimx :1! .\.'I` f`.M. work. F`re`u cl:\ssn'.< in vl-mont- . ll`)' '1`he0ry and Sight Sin;.'in~.:. Open | `u pupils unlvl, Rrwvnt .\'ll(`\'|,-:.\`<`.< hyt uupils of Miss Ilrysnn inoludv 1hv| winning of Modal :1\\':n"ded hv '1`ur-I I mo (`unsx-x`\':uur_\' fur Hn~hn.:lu`. vminaliun slundina in tho Dominiun! `WW the _vo:n'.< 193.7. 1928. 1911!). 1930' : '9.'!1, Studio" '37 Rrndfnrrl S1,. Rnrrin ~ HV) ('ll' mml. I :1` the- 'vsuIom~v cm-nor nu `L10 u.In.. l-R p.m.. 7 _ . 1l'r nlhliv -A|I\`:i\l1 I-IIIMIJNU ll:\|U\'. .\lus.n:u-..l .'l`.(`..\l. l`e:1ch-er of Piano. ()rgnn. \.'m`.'1l and \lusiv:\l I`h(-ur_\'. 0r;:;n\i. and (`hair- n:\.~`Im` of St. .-\nxh`\`\\"s I n`. `h...-,-h (mm Ythulnlict '1'...-.mm (`.u\. \l.>\\'Dl-II-I Mr.-\l1l.l".\'. A.I`.(`...\I.. Toa- 'hm~ nf Pimm and The-nr\' (`)rvm1i WALTIER l\vlacNU'l"l`. A.'l`.(`.M.. Bar- `io. 'I`eacher of piano. organ and The- W)`. singim: couch. orgzmist and choir- -nnster nf Trinity church. Barrie. `~n'lu\l;\r. shxdcm for fuur )':*:11`s :1! T`hr0mn (`un. 0 Music Ad 'l|o<.~." 123 \V'n11\`h-\' S! , nhnmu l: u`.`J l ROI~`. I). E. WEIR. 'l`enche=r of Pi`:n; md Vielin. Piano Tuner. Phone uur 33. Barrie. Ont. ]7Ill(`(l. Rec-vo J. H. lh-inkw::tr'r nl' (h~i|H;. lnwn.-:hip is ::<-vkinys an :m::l(-r whn nepnltml l'I'nm l ishim4 in :1 ::lr-znn on his property wilh .' hn lhnl he left :1 new $|:) rn(l. :1 Imslu.-l nf fix! nngl I`l`fl'(!Shll\(`lll:. 'Dh'<`('l rt-livl, (It-('11-:13:-_-' In ()riIli.'| luv.'n.~:hip .-:(-v<-rn' Inonlhs`. hm: now V.1I1ishiIU! huinl, nnrl about hull` an (luv/.1-n I':nnilii-:< rocoipl uf I`t'li<-|' J().s'(`|)|1 llill. 1l-_vn'-nr-nltl sum uf Mr and Mr.~:. lr:m('i.~: Hill, ()ril|i:n. rn- ('viv(-I :1 |)l'Uk(`ll :mn whvn lhu pun` hr was: drivim: hunk friuhl nnd hull ml, wrm-kin;', lhv vnrl :nul Imrlin-` the _vu1Im.',r:l(-r upnu H10 rn:I(L \nl<. Mm\U|.I-:\'. A.I`.( .. `L`c;1~ b -!\er of Mann and Theory. L rgnnisl ] 1. Goor;:o`s Church. 115 B:1_vl`xeId St. ` u.m'u 'l`lIl-`FORD. Orpzanist cnnieri it. United Church. Teavher of Piano. : )rg:m. Voice. 39 Owen St. Phuno 23:3. 1 `or Int`. you '9.'H. Studiu icm\l;u`. sl (`nus '.|u`.\`.~4:` 123 Wu Hl|iIl'|||I . -\|lIl\.'|` lhi;.',h, when `}`(`]l' Hill] 1-" I 1\/In `lull ` .'l|H'l' -lllI`V `"01 $500 inwn w hvnllh nur I In... .. IIIZIIIKKII`: I . H I nlul h`11x1uu-In. 'iv. Phlillt` I-H ~\ us - l_'2 n In - lVlI'. nun vv.-:.~< 1-u-nu-my m-mu (`nllinx'_wnml Puhliv lltililio inll and :1 mvmlwr ml Hu- ...:I r.... ........v Iuutu MUSIC Ll" SONS Hold 1\'l`(1alxs1 'l`ur\\I\u\ U r of A\hI.\`in' and Um\'m'sit_\' 113 \\'nrslv_\ SL. Barrie. H) HIKL` ])I:Il'l: -H.Il_\' 1. Shmlny Surjl-amt is (:huirm:m of tho urgnni /.nli(m whivh |)(.').{iIl1 :1 mm- pniun Monday, in mist: fund:: for ()rilli:1 Y.M.(f.A. Y\.- I (1 I`-nnnhnll 1\/Ion-Lvflnln Ia `hoary. Ur_u:uusl:n ' Prv: ..0ld 1\h`dnhst Tum ' nf Nhmiv .-nu! Hnix ours l:r.:l. lzrw. lU`.!|. 1931:. liu: 27 Bradford SL. Barrio. `1l)H(` -:1 p.m.; .VIEl)I(IAl. |Hll'.\l`! \Vll| Ill` (ll.`~`. nv nf lhv \v.'n.s` l`(`('(`HH_V rli::mi.\' V0111`-nld rrml :1 lnully I" -1111- : ho SH|l|)l`(l ul'l' hi. I.`;h(`lI In` vily In ll]- .. ..\.\.-In In.-.1! IHI?` |ll'l' 1. HH- '.'1r(l LU. III `x Hl'h(`llH* [side nu-:3 `\\u| ,`li()I1 ml llmngv J. vlm ('0IIl~l'iVL`ll thv Itinnnl .'ul:|-Unih-(1 ll`r`l`.': pI:llI|'-` 26. ,I.. (In. I:IsI;`|< 1.4` Sll|)|)l'(l nu Ill.` In-:IviI_v l'unnm'ly ht-ml llnldin IHII - I . IVIu Onlnrin & Hm R(`.1,'i.-:l(-rL'd I Snrvt-\'s. R:-In

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