Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 May 1935, p. 9

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including pistons, pins and rings, all fitted and $ Rods rcaligned- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Ross St. F_'ORD__"M(')DEL` A _R_EBORE Box Office opens 12.0i-S.l;ow sgar-ts at 1`2.15 a.m. IIFIIAI I`:fIII`r`l" MUSICAL COMEDY--Also BORA MINNEVITCH AND HIS HARMONICA RASCALS W. H. JOHNSON & SON One of the Season's Most Hilarious Comedies. SHARPEN REPAIR District Agents for BURSTON Screw-in lnseris for Cracked Valve Seats IF IT'S AT THE CAPITOL--It : the Best Show in Town (lil_V IH vl llll.Ill of flzngs :m : I their Ixrvtlstvs : Prices on other makes gladly furnished Fpr $22.50 Id like to Sm-l made In mukv ` rt-1nr`mhm'o(l_ I In 1;Ik(- purl I /\f.{l'i(.'llHllI'Zll x and L-vonimz HI); llliIllHl`I. ntlmr (lov- . and places '1I<,i3}.L I=I{1&' Yum" lawn mmvvr 1h()I`(n1|L{}1L\' av hauled. nilntl and ;.'l`(lllIl(l, We 5: up and deliver In any part of Bur: BARRIE \\'c are dixlricl ;tg:.`I1tx Inr the ('L`lL'l`1'2llL \1 l)il1c Ii N\c(mi1'c l`:ll1-l`C:lI'iIij.{, l;1\vn IHH\'. L`I`. Trade in Your Old Mower on a New One BOUGHT and SOLD CAR 99 HELD {WER April Was Warmer i` and Drier than Usual} ------ 1 The highest temperature du1'im._:" April was 75 on the 26th and tho.{ lowest 22 on the 16th. Moan tom-I pm'at.1m2 1 degree above the nm'mz1L average. ? Tninl rninfnll 1 I`). inc hr-in!` :\hnH1 ilVL`l`ilgL'. I '[`o1al rainfall 1.12 ins, being abr.)u1. half the nvrrmgc for April- snnw-` fall amounted in all to 5.8 ins. Low High Ruin Snow 1 I I Anvil IR 91! AR A -~ 5 `April ' You haven't read The l:`.xmnir:er: until you've read Uw ndvts [ Phone 222 fnr good job printing. l E. H. Braden &Co. InvestmentBrokers Direct Private Wire BOARD ROOM King Block, Bar 11:- Mining 5 Phone _--- vv .-.._.__...__ _ - i__ This Action Picture will be shown along with ouir -`n-uu .n nun nuns.-.1 r`|vr\ nnrxnnxnnnnh I5 llll Ill\lIal SHARES : and Industrial DIIABFD 55 Dunlop St. DADDH7 k, Barrie 1 15 up! Phone 665 FIIIIIUP OI.- BARRIE Wires 595.09 FBEE TONIGHT (THl_JRSDAY) _,,_I I,,.-____ ______.__..- 0.4 ; 0. I 0 RU I"l`ERY TEMPLE I noun BARRYMORE ! L ma unL"' COLONEL ; ` The first day of the speckled trout the elements. About a week's warm , season. yesterday. did not prove a `weather is needed to get the speck- _very good day for fishing as it was , led beauties in proper shape to bite. `cold and raw and there was a strong] ~------------- -- wind blowing. The catches were ac-I Subscribe to The Exarmner and 'cm'din,{.-;`.y small by those who braved 1 get all the news while it is news. R4;{;..'eL --S-ah1;cl_a;v at :2.3E)';..}.:_Pra;e}_1c' {J {of Nightly Shows 6.45 and 9 p.m.--Prices 25c and 15c Now ycu ll sc SHIRLEY TEMPLE in her true colors. More glnrious than ever. There s no doubt about it, she's Public Favorite No. 1. r`- MONDAQITUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Dl'II`tVl Al Il|'I"l\ll','f.`(` Ill'\lI AlV'\ IIII',`I\ fl `fl II II The Management takes great pride in presenting for Canada's Jubilee Celebration One of the Greatest Pictures of All Time. More Heart In- terest, More Drama, More Action than any Picture ever ......I.. 1... turn ADI IQQ 'iI`_HURSD.lY-If`li2IDAY:-ASA_'l:UR!)AY 7,; WALT DISNEY COi;O'fi-E713 SILLY SYMPHONY-- THE GOLDEN TOUCH ALSO COLORED MUSICAL REVUE ANOTHER ROXY SPRING FESTIVAL HIT SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTIONS Shirley Temple in Merrily Yours n I"|I`l"l r\r\|AI` I Anl'\I l\ AI`I` I\l\lGII'\llIv ROXY - - HOUSE OF HITS BARRIES LEADING PLAYHOUSE -,,. ____ __,__,_____ I Direcfed by David Butler M Based on the story by Annie Fellows JOhn.>lOvl w Musical Cnmcdy--Color Travel Talk and Fox News nu:-yr.-- ---------_, . .--..._ SPECIAL MATINEES, MON. AND P.M. NIGHTLY SHOWS, 6.45 AND 9 P.M. ` COMING-~ -GOLD DIGGERS OF 1935 .HER,_Bl_\BY s ILE ...__-n. ..-1;... -van; HER I.AuGHINc youca _NO ADV._ANC'E H\_I_PRlCES_ v'L\'r'r1'\`IEriiiz`1`_ '."Jb}i}a_ LODGE and B|l_|. nonmsou "\ __...__:n_.a-L..ai was more to him than` r... the mellow sunlight in `;,,_; the azure southern sky.. _____ --_._____-__- --nu-u -`yw-- was all he asked of life! COMlNG.~-McFADDEN'S FLATS was his sweetest melody A B. G. De$y|va Production with "FR LOVE. II lllull an I ILLIIIU CVCI made by YGEO. ARLISS _m;a';;m.m-. wnm A MAN! M E N`: w E n E pawns rormvx ...WOMEN IUST PLAYTHINGS Napoleon : master - . . with the troops . . . with the ladies . . . More heart interest . . . More human interest . . . More drama . . . More action than any pictute ever made by George Arliss. Directed bx up... an... A l\l..Il.J l\JAV.l\.Il.l.l \LAl\IA\L.JnJn:.n, Du Barry Royal Ivory Dinnerware OOOOJDJJDJOOOOOODODO0000OOOOOOOIOOOOOOIIOOOOOOOOOOO4 /'11 THE No. 18 `u-o rnunnu lvu - n n] .. ... .......:., VUIQ REGULXIQ BIEZDWIZ`.-I-3K:E1N`l )' PROGRAMKIIE 2.REEL COME.DY-0LD AGE PENSION" 2-REEL MUSlCAL--- A Night in a Night Club` CARTOON-ELMER THE GREAT DANE" THIS WEEK'S CIRCULATION 4900 Copies 2-REEL COMEDY-REVUE A LA CARTE" CARTOON---TWO LITTLE LAMBS 7'l'HE rnmu or DEATH THE + BARRIE1 + EXAMINER . ADDED ATTiXEi6}. EPISODE 8 ISHHKHILL LID DUI. H0 UI'UK(.`H DUI D1`. McCa|lum. Churchill, and T,.cwi.<, attended them. /\rII\1\|~Il:I\r|` 0,. .`'ur\ nnlinn "'\1\ nu The price paid for live hogs today by First Cooperative Packers of On- tario, Limited, was $8.35 per cwt.. r.o.b. shipping point, as compared with $8 21 week ago. $8.10 two weeks ago. $7.85 three weeks ago. and $7.85 four weeks ago. nrrwcpd hnm: nn H10 rail wort- 1ULll' WUUIXS EIEU. . Dressed hogs on the rail were } quoted today at $11.30 per cwL., as `compared with $10.80 one week ago. $10.95 two weeks ago. $10.60 three weeks ago, and $10.60 four weeks Iago. l (`.:ahln :\r'1vi(-nu rnr-(xix/pr] frnm Enn- Iago. Cable advices received from Eng- land today were tn the effect that the Canadian market was up twu shillings and that there is every in.l dication that the market will be steady for the next two weeks. l `Two in Hospital Here | Following Accident 7 1 st Year. Mr. and Mrs. George Martin. Tm`- irmto. who are confined to Royal j Victoria Hospital, Barrie. as :1 re- } sult, of :1 rnntor accident on Highway! `I 1], south of Fennells. on Saturday. are making good progress toward r(~C0ve1'y. Both received :1 ',`(.`l1Cl`Zll `nshnkinxz up but no broken bones. Dr TVTr'(`.:|||nm (`hurt-hill nnrl Dr l,:(!WlH, i'l|.l.L`HUUll IIIUHI. Accordim: to the police. the motor car driven by Martin was proceed- ing north with a trailer 5.lHi1ChO(l in it, when another car sidcswiped the trailer. with the result that the Mur- lin ear turned over in the ditch. Traffic Officer I. R. Spencer, Brad- ford, investigated the accident. I '"'"_` l Hold Races Monday ' for Boys and Girls I - M- W I 'l`lwr0 will be plenty of fun for [lhc buys and girls at A;:ricult.ural Park on Monday afternoon when the King's Silver Jubilee will be cele- bmlorl ` D I Y 2...... (Ink 1lvl\:II|-\ L. lr\1\`r DI`ilLUH. Barrie Lions Club, which is look- ing: after the sports for the after- noon, has mmmmcecl the l'01I0\vin;: vxzmnts, ihc first. twn winners in each (`vent 1:) receive vzllunblc priz <: I3...-' .n.,....4. ....,... (w ...`.I n "H. NHl`(,'(`.. l'_V LU l'llll Ull HL' ,5. ing upon the number of (!l1I(`I`ilI[.{ the events. \ v\.IIu Boys` events: race, 8 and 9 years; ram`. 10 and 11 years; race, 12 and 1:; years; race, 14 and 15 years: slow Ibiuyclv rz1c(:: sack rum`. ) (`1irI<' r-vnnl rnnn R nnrl 0 \Il'1Il`Q` |I)lL'_YL'll` I'ilC(.'; SUCK l`ilUl`. Girls` event.-4: race, 8 ..'mcI 9 yours: race, 10 and 11 years; l`(|(3(.'. I2 and [13 years; race. 14 and 15 ycurs; pu- !l;1tn race: sank race. 'T`|n uhn-rr. nunniu urill Iubn I\l')nn IEIUI l'ilC(? Sill The ll)()V(: 4 shortly after Im('r\< In I Eric Hardy has taken a positlun as junior in the Bank of Toronto. -. u -.1 H- T*.*E R5`?_`Y `T EWPAY T.SA_1:URl?:AY IGI >8 = .' N`- Burrin l:1x'g:1i11 House offers :1 I1us!. of jubilct-, specials in the a(1vL-ruse- mvnt on page 16. I 1- \'I $1 The sixth z1m1ivc1'sm'y sale of Hur- ry Arn1su~m1g's Green Front Hard- ware conmwnccs this week. \' Ill H`: \`= R. J. Jmmnutt has been doing the bnuI at Albert Mnt futt's Plumhin;.{ Shnp for the past month during: the serious illness of Chn.<. 3 Ivlnftutt. * `I " 1 'T`|\n IIA\\Iv Llanu-in flnnnunl Qcnuu l\'|IH.I(lLl. The new Barrie General Store, nwnvd by Sam Finguld uf Aumru, is opvnim; an Saturday in tho P`rznv- `Ivy l()(`2lli()l1 on Dunlap St.. fm'mu1'l_v iuvvupind by Gen. Vickers and Tm`- lunlu Bargain Store. [ V " " .' x \- =5: , Thv John Ross` Robertson tmph_v.! l`lH|_)ll`,Il]&lli(` of 1110 junior B" chum- .pi0nship of tho ().H.A.. is rcpnsinpz ;.{x`zu'vfu||_\' in the window of Bill Garner's sture. next the Roxy tl1v.'n ms. fur ponplu tn adnro and think Inf B:n`riv's hnckoy glories gained ,lhi.< yvm: ' ` ' 1 "VI." .. lllllh .Vl'ill. ' ' ' ' I Tho Dl(`l1lI`(.`. David Cnpp(`i'ficl(l".l lbrnkv all atioiidaiurv r(~cm`d.< at ilwl Ru.\'_v during its run of onv week] !il1c-re. N<`arl_v 5.000 penplv paid in` -see it dui'im.: the six nights and thrvvl matinues. Tho Roxy managemcnll itriml In :50! it for an additional two: lniglits as it was felt tliorv was a] idumand for it by penplv who W(`l`(`! `imahlv to attend that \vm`k. hm bu- Lxiiisv of pi'ovinl1.< l)nnkiii;,::: it was >ii11pos. tn armngo it. 1 l o 0 n o 1 t'\)\llll_\' EH10 K'(`lUL'illL`(X H1 l\lll`Ht'I1L'l`. Zelleigs offer men's and buys` f111`- nishin:.{.<: 1'oad_\' in wear. 1ni1Iinc1`_\'. ` ziccessories. hosiery and lingerie for` women and children: housewares: `.smal1wm'es. piece goods and toilet. goods. The company motto is: Re-` itailers to Thrifty Canadians". Watch `for further announcements in these} , columns next week. L'l' lI\`5lI|\ll'll`Elll.\ .\lUl't? UCHU; lllKl`ll llu\'01' by Zollors Limited of lnntrcnl. i'Soo the Zellcr.<' announcement on pa;.:v 11. Under the now mvncrsliip.` .\';1rimis new lines of n1c-rchandisv` will bv immduced. After Saturday the store will bx` closed for suvcratl` days whilv changes are being of-! `fected. Zcllers Limited is a Cana-l ldiam cmnpamy. The president and founder is Walter P. Zeller. xvlmsv zincestry in Ontario dates back over 100 _vez1r.<. He was born in \Vaterlou county and educated in Kitchener. 7n(\u-.< nffnu v\\(\I\'c -and l\nuc' fun- T'T HOG PRICES TODAY 1 1 An important l)usinos.< deal was 'omplotod this week with the form- rr Dosxnnrlczunx store being taken \\'nr hv 7nlh\v`< I.in1Hnrl nf 1\/|'nv\h~nn| - -2-S'h;>iv:;i-gilt-ly, 6.4.5 and 9 p.m. Prices 25c and lt: '7 Saturday Matinee at 2.30 ---- Everybody 10c Admission ALONG THE MAIN STREET lf.'K FHCL`. I : events will lake place r 3 o'clock. It may be I run off l1cul,s. dc|)onrl- nu childrrrn . nnnn I u GIVEN YEAR MOTOR nmar ` ; REFOR_M%ATORY George Hill, Aged 29, or-" illia, Prefers Mental Institution | Pleading guilty to the theft 01` :1 lnmtnr Cur owned by Fred J. Fisher. lCundlcs, George Hill. aged 29, Or- illin. was sentvncod in one year in the Ontario RL`f0l`nH1i0l'_V by Magis- trate Cnmptnn .Iel`l`s here "l`uc-sdav ziftcriinmi. The sentence will run enncurrontly with :1 tz-rm of six months: det.orminzuto and six muntln inrleterininutc inipnsod zit Orillizi the wrnn day by IVIzu:ish`ate Bick for :1 similar nfftrncu in that tnwn. Cruwn Atlurney F. G. F.vnns:, K. C.. prosecuted. and the accused was not reprcsCI1to,d bv cnunsel. ._r n..I:..._ A1,... cu L|I:L'U Lllill, UH lVlHl'('ll AW, lHl' l`IIlll',l car was stolen from in front nl Trinity Amzlicnn (`hurch while the morning: sorvicv was in ]')r0;_{|'c. The owner found the accused in post- crccinn nl` H-un vv-um-hinn nu Ilirvhumv Il1L' U\y\ H(.'l IIHIIHI ll|l' iH,'k'Ll.\U(| Ill plli-'| s(s.\`irm uf th(- machino rm HiL:hwa_v 11, near Guthrie. Hill prnmisnd $50` from his father when he 1.101. in Or-i illin, but, on renchin_:z that town. hel made his escape wilhnut pnyim: the! money. , T`hr- am-ncnr! tpetifinri fhn! hn rlirll BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, MAY`2, 1935 Chic-1` nf Police Alex. Stewart ten- tified that on March 24. tho I"i::hur car of nnifil `.1 an . . n v\vI1\rt|vt\.uu "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOONOOO A ____ __________ .__, 1 9 ______ ___-___ money. The accused testified that he dirli rot romen1bnr stozalinu tho var ini tho firs! placo. I must have ht-on` in.s'.'m(- whvn I lunk it: 1' was d1`unk."i he rim-larod. "Senrl me to $01110; mvnlul imtitlltirnx fur 21 your um two," he nppoulorl In His Worship.` My wife and kids would he lnokod` after. and Inuylw when I came mu. 1 would be better." : nun .....`.1 I... ,l:.l..`I unmnmluu-V V.'.\(II|I|II(I\|\r|| u_y .4... I had two du<'tnr:< uxu: |Orill'm." accu-.:c-d said. I 'l`lieri.- will he :1 special service inl \ '1`o_wn Line _Pr_esby.tei-ian Ch!.A[Q})L_l_ I`lmrntnn. on Sunday afternoon next. | May 5. at 2.45 p.m., in (zmnmemorzb tinn of the Silver Jubilee of their Mnjcstlos Kilw, Ch-nrizo V and Queen M:\r_v. Tho Burriv and Th()l`lll.()ll` Posts of H10 C:inudi;m Legion of tho? l-irili. Empirv Sorvirto Le;u.',Lu, will nltund this xm`vi(`0, which willl he: cnndurtod by llw pnstm`, Rev. l<'.' G. Purnvll. (')tlu`.i* Imsts and ro1.llrn- ] vrl mon (`nr(lIz1ll_v invited. Snnmnll musiv will be rendered. ` .; l.l'IGl0N TO A'I"l'l~ZNl') SEILVICIC AT 'l`ll0R.N'I`0N l'R.ESBY'l`ERlAN` LIQUOR IS "BLAMED Your Passage Booked to All Parts of the World. A.F.A. Malcomson 41 Dunlop St., BARRIE Phone 447 RENO: $1.53-1.54 VVayside: Gordon M. Stevenson Capitol rI'1liIvI\r1I\A1r I-`I-uIl\n1r l'!Al1'II`lI'\I'\l" God s I Mull m F. .1. Crawford & Co. N1(.`I1\b`I`.\ 'I'm-nnln Smvk nmi \\'nm|;wr_: (`urmn F`..\'vh:nu.1c;< ll Jordan .V'I.rn-.t't-- l`(')ll().\"]`() Phones 10 l0-l01'a--llouse 196 .-._....' . 7---- ---V _ R(:1:,. DIY. 5% plus hnnus dmtlzlmd p:L\*nl)|o July 193:). Mill im-1`eus(- sum OI{D['IRS EXE(`U I`F.I) ON ALL. EXCHANGES .\1:\n;u:rr Bu r riv Brauu-I1 5 Lake: $1.42-1.44 V Y __ __ _, pn\V(.`l` plant (`(1 prnr'vedin;.: rzlpi y finnmrud. 17c-17`/_ -ac MONDAY-~TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY Matinee Monday and Wednesday at 2.30 Everybody 10c admission Their Majesties, King.C';eorge V and Queen Mary~--Silver Jubilee WHICH H" `h he left. SI. l"hr-i was huy- ! sluro on . V_....,..u...w ..u... .1. Pavilion. C0<)k. May 3, Ar! West's nr('he:<!,x`:1_ ;1d:ni.-4:~'imx 350. Bum Max Czln1emn's and Art West's on May 6. A(ll11iSi(H1 35a. 18b A Spanish Opt,-roltzn. "'I`hn '1`nrcu- dm'.s'," under m|2 of Cundlos: Women's ln.~'.titnt<-. C.`nllrgi:1tr- nu- dil.urium. 'I`hursd:ny (-\'oning, I\I'Iu_v I6. 18!) him-... |v(\1s:`I|I I." n-null /.l` |\II'ix-.- Dance at Edgar Community Hall, Friday. May 10. Gx`cenh:1lgh's orch- estra. Lunch provided. Admission 250. 18b 1 C \XIn:.I.~-.u..-(I1 nan v\r..n.`....l ADC. 160 J. S. Wooclsxvorih. M.P.. National President of the C.C.I-`.. will speak in Barrie. Saturday. May 4, at 8 p.m. in Oddfellows Hall. 181) n....:I r1 ._ ..._ nn.___ 1) A ..4 . IOU Piano rocilzll by pupils nf Misr: Jean Bnzlko, zlsstistvd by 1VIis:< Mary Shrubsnlc, violinist. and Miss Muudv Flc1c'h(-1`. s01oi: '1`hI1r.\'rlny. May 16, 8.15 p.m. Cnnnnunily Hall, Sl,~:mu`l. Thv cmnmitton in <-h:n';.:(- of Hm I{iH[,".\` Silver Jllbi|(`(* CI.-I<-hrutim1 here on Monday. May (S, Ium r<,-que.s`t- ed that citizens ub.\'m'Vc the mattin- of the hulidny in :1 fitl.in;,: m:umr-r. by the use l.4..u.n.~ ....rl nlnn nu-ulinnu nu lluniu Citizens Are Ufged to Decorate Monday T":*': jT I COMING EVENTS I \?___j._____.__j___J UI'(l||lllI.`I (HI \ of Lmsirlcss. l`lu. nlnh r\\ (l lJL|>ll1L'.5. I The commiHo(- would I `every pnssihlo vffurl mad .the day one long in be rm izmd 1-vcrymw is urut-(I -in the pmcvvrlim4.~; at A; !Park in the znfttwnnon am Celebrate the occasion by seeing Star of Midnight", one of this season s best pictures. Joseph Quinlan. [.01. Munm, who solrl his farm in Vcspra some time mzn. has rt-nlori n farm on tho Pom-lung l'luu(l fmm (voovto ooo~oo~oac-abort oourotl tooooa-o~o~o~J~o4~oO~t~rO4~Ooooo~oO~l~I-OoIoo~I Iv MEN'S HAN D TAILORED-TO-MEASURE SUITS R O X Y-> WILF.H.TODD Gentlemen -- Better values are not being produced in Man . Q..:o. 7 pl... ....,.s....:..I :. DIIDIZ` ulnnl nnrrxcu ulcllllclllcll |)Cll|3I' Vdluti HIKE lllil Ulg PYUUUCUU In Men s Suits -- the material is PURE WOOL BRITISH CLOTH--tI1c Tailoring is of the bes}:---we guarantee the fit--We take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for all details. iSUND.5.Y, MAY 5th_T12.yo"1W AM T ALINE MacMAHON and GUY KIBBEE ` BABBITT SPECIAL JUBILEE MIDNIGHT sow gr--. -._":._- .- :_.v .... _-__._ including alloy pistons, pins and bushings, Ped- E2 ric rings. all fitted and rods realigned for . . . . I _F9r TRACTOR BLOCK REBORE um.-- gg IJLI .lJl.l.ly l\IJ_yI.l. l.V\Jl_y 1/: Av: vvunv OOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOIODODOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOI-OOOOOOOOOOOOOQ)

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