Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 May 1935, p. 1

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1..uuy l'UlIHl'l`.I. Miss .l:1nu V. SiIn|):-um in|rmlw'wl the SPO&lkvI' of lhv uflurmmn. timnv thanking hvr being Mrs. John Z'.'>w- mun. Mi.s'.-; Arnnld, and Miss M. 1`\/H-~ Aulcy. Miss Loznh I.nw:- pm-sq.-nu-rl Mrs. Luuglu-u(l with :1 he-:1--:iI'u~l bnuqum of spring I'lmv-r.<. H| nlll &Iddl`0Sb`(`S by J. 'l`. Simpwn. lVI.I`.. and H. G. ltnln.-I`t..mn, ]n`u*;i ml", fhe North .`~3inu-cw IAil (`r:ll"(:( llI{l.)1 vzltivu As:~:m:i:Ilim1, `.4/I-rv l`nlln\vv'tl by; I refrt.-sl1u1cnL~:. n . . . . No. 18 .'d.lUH. Hegiate Insti- . Vxunn nunilr `All \/Uullljll nlop. Eliza of Park. urn .s1::rl.in"_ HI':|r:uln`ir1u'..-, Iriqt (H:;trir|. `-/illmul them :11 Mun!- Hllfft-rud :1 ..,..:..o I...`| -`vl|I'. ul . prnr-M`:-:4 I IIH: rm] 1', Wm. Crosslcnld Rcccllls Early I_)c1_\'.s7"-' Half Ccntm'y in Business Here}: , ._ _ ,% BY MRsLWL'ducHEED F`IfL\` _\`vu lnnd. \\'oH\ st:u'lcd in I hl` hm can u\;\cu .u-. Hall`) I. |:IU.\. lulu lll I;1..l. Hz` unm- buughl the nvx`. dual` xllilHll`l`) bllSlll\`.\`.\` M .l U Kev:-.;m. 'l'llu_~1.\1`c \\'a.~` thvu unl;u`_x;u ln us p:'c.~\~llI cn|nm0(llou.~ pmpm`llnn.< and il lm~l been culnplctoly l\l0dl`l`l\l.'.k`d and ro- = uuvatud. butll llllL`l`|0l' and oxtvrlm`. E until today 1'. is :1 line. up-tu-d;ltol and well-kept business location. [ Recalls D;|_\'s of 1335 7 Mr. Cmssl;lnd was lll zl l`mnlulls- 5 cent mood whcu llllL`l \'l\`\\'I.`(l by 'l`ll.- . Examiner. lle rccallccl the _w.1:; 1885 when hc slanted in 1)llSlllL`$.\"l` He remembers well tho Sum-no Fm 5 esters marching on" In the Nul`tl1\\'c. ` Rebellion. Druggists then ln busi- ness weve George lvlonkman. J. P. Kidd. W. C. McLean and John Woods. There were two banks. The Ross and King blocks were nnl then built. The main street was lighted 713! Year. THE * BARRIE + EXAMINER iii1'? 1s nu nu - unuuu. (Turn. to puuv fun - Was Widely Known _ pIt'u.\': n`1mm.\'- 3 ad `rm the you-. lu1.\1Iu~.<.~' v mun` l*'n1'- I \`orlh\\`o. `-l~"` l `"::~" _] by g: That. Prmninr Bmumll. hm! w.'|mr(l the Government nf that (Izzy that Canada was spunrlim; hcyunrl hm` means, and that his warning hurl gone unl1(.-otled by Mr. Kim,-, \vu.~< the charge of Mm. J:un<-5 l.ouL:Iu-4'-(I. I Consmvzltivc orgzlnizvr, 'l'omntu. :11. an open mt-.sl.ing nf H:urrir- Wnmvn`.< Liberal-Cnnsorvnlivv A.\'.x'm-inlimu i which wus nl.l,-mh-I by m-nrly um-' hundred women in me (,`:1u:uIi:m| Legion hnll Fritlzny zlfh-rmmn l.'x.~;1, ! nu. n. ,,. nu nu n Many Ministers Are Seek-t ' ing Entrance to Unit- ed Church ' Walter Hceok ls Named! Acting Electric Head Wnlter Honk, who has been forc- mzm nf the plant for several years. was uppuinletl A<-ting Superintend- ent of tho 1'-Ilectric Light Dcpzlrtmcnl nf R;n`ri Wntor, I.i_L:ht, uml Cm: Cnmn1i:~:sinn, at. the April n1eetim,' ,.r Ihn ('nmmiv<-u'nn nn .'\`nhn'rL'uv Hf- (H nEll`l'l(.' WilLl'l', Ial_I.;lIl, iulu \:u;~ ml the Commi ~ on Sntur(lu_V ul- tcrnnnn. l[(- luko.-; the position mt- <-upivd until the end of April by John A Ilnro. whn was clisnmissmrl. All three rm-n1l.)cr.-4 of the Com- nIi.\'s wore prcsvnt at the meeting. (`.t-nrtzu F`. Smith, superintendent of tho WIIlm'wm'| l )opm*tm(ent. rrnd-roll :| <'nrnnr-h4-nsivc- report ns 2: fl\'ll`j.{1lll3 ln'tlw (`nnvc-ntinn of thv l(`:m:Ir|i:m .x'v'ti>n ml` the Amvrivzln Wntm`wnrk.< /\..:~'.m'i:|llrm at London for lhrvv rln_v.~4 at the mud n! Mart-h. (`nnsiclmmhlv (lisuussinn took nlzwv (`ul)(`l`I`llllIl _ lhv i(l(`:|S lnrnlught hzwk I\\r m... ny mm. In (`tmll(`(`|itHl with thr- Wntt-I`- wm'ks Dvpnrtnwnt_ it was (1(`.('idl'(l that in flttll|`('. .`4('I'Vi('in],' nt` wutvr mt-tors would he (tmw by the W:l|(`I`- \vm'k:: Dopnrtmont. thus rt-turninx! tn :1 pnlivy In t-{ft-rt u mnnlwr nt vt-:u'.~.' nan, It. was ul.-an rt!-vidud that thv (`mnmis~:imI shnultl (`.'ll`l`_V in t:lut'k :1 fr-w .~:tnnrt:n'rt-si'/,u- nu.-lm's<. It wn:< puinh-(1 nut that whiln surh ur- tinn :1.-: tho ntmvv would nut intt-r tfvrv with tho ptmnhe-rs In town. wntvr u.~:-r.~: r-uulcl Lu-I this wnrk rtnnn hv tho W:Iturwnrk.< I')o.p.'n't- Enmnt. 'l`|wrI- w:1.~: r-Im::i(tvI':1hl- dis- . ..lln.. PRFS!W1`ERY : IS 0PPOSED T0 ADMISSION Iull']P3l\'|'I'.`\ l\ v~|u>1<'(l -; (')n1:n`in l.u(l_v. ` l 1.|l'lll\l I\l }by gas lanlps. Thu post mhcc lmd`u-udom or } ust been cnnstrmsmd but while it 1{m{u1p1\m ` "as being built the nmil was hand-? Rm. F iled in the otficc now tenanted b_v' ` ` _ '1mi in lns D. I-`. MacLaren. bnrnster. , lance also t "'lhex'e were no waterworks thenldulph in U. and when they pulled up the main ,.un_\.hm m (Turn to 9090 .f0u'v`. 1>1c'a=~`-') tor. who ~ TENTH (Hy Ha" In Snrin lh chub. Mrs. I.uu1.:|ue(-cl Politics is just n:1iinn:nI I kccpin "'. Mrs. [.r)llL!iicc(i iv-1 by way of inimrim-lium. Th-v 1 for wmnvn being, inn-n 'il`(i it ilics was r.-my to nmlvxzx .'m(l. : woman with :1 fmnily hm! Va slnkv in :1 (:mnmv.'nHy lh:m : with millions. Shv lmpmi lhv 2'. Wnlllfl pm <-\rm`_\'il1im:` v|.~`- .I~;i' til Hw xvur :u::nin.~:! wnr wn.-: "Uniil w(- wnnu-n know that v nnl |\ uhiu .-.u..- inn. H... ANNIVERSARY lh |Physcian and Wife Hon- oured Before Departure 1 for Brantford }?REsE.NTA.T10Ns 1\.4/mg: HIS l't.'H1lll'K)i ilk` llllluk` IL 0 to the interest of Dr. 1 the church and of his 1' it as an elder. The ( 0 \\'ns present. replied |'{'.\.\ l'\"s|\l Ill psllc. .o\'en pleasant ye i we trust that yo serve the mulsu . nu` new home." I `\`, who mark 1 II; the I`rili.\'h Quth l`il'll1\l:l_\ I f}$pT1ya~nJG3Id Mgdgls BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1935 Barrie Kiwanis Club Enter-E tains Hockey Players i and Executive mu. u\,\.uu I \- Mrs`. I.nIH,'|u-vz! :':`i(l lhnt wlwn Hu- I.ibor:1l P.'n't_v mnw illln pmw-r in 1542!. groin! pm|ni:~'v.< hzul hm-In m.IIi-3, of (3.\'p:lnsinn in (`V\`l`_V Iinv in ('nw1 ildu. TI1l`l`(` \\/as :1 pvriml ul' vxtn::\'."- nuncv. hut in 19:2 : and Isarzu. 1|.-n Mr. Bvnnvtl haul tlrmvn lhv ntlonlim: of tho (Euw-rnIm~nl In-.'ul<-ll by Mr. Kim: in H1" fact lhnt \vv xvvrm spending nn)m:_v l'U[,'.'ll`(H(,`:.H' of unim- rnveived. Thu p('up1(` and llw .1u Hnn were dninu Hm s=:nuv.~ thing :11} that time, and Mr. W.-nnoli had; drawn nlluniinn uf llw (invm-vn.-~n1 that Canada vvnza .~ far In-~[ ynnd her Im-ans. I l'...-.. 1.. ..,..... l...n~ nl.-nu.-\ Prgeted to Barrie Colts At Gala Hockey Fgn_ction `iotablcs Present Incl: Foster Hewitt and Red Homer LFATHER-SON NIGHT E s|llf\>. ll l\'\[LHl\'U KULH l;u.Ullt`.`. UHC in B;n'ric. one in I`restun. and two ;ix*. Toronto. Preston finally winning ifrom Barnie. but losing out in the -r:m1;.<. It required tour ganms. one song loader. with -_4roup of young` \\ i| H1L`\llH>ldllUllL4 .`\.`l'lL'.\' H1 JUHHH Dill) L\lL\..dLl|. .\Ull,| tlUlHUUlll.`l and \I:..~ _\v,'d: db \'lH Iprulu -\ nu u I simular pcrind of last _\`-ar. is .~I':own . and people from Toronto. Oddfellows in the monthly statenn-m of nperat-` in finally Temple. Sunday. May 5. 8.15. 18x , ing re\'enue<. operating o.\-pemos -from Barrrie. out in the` Play. "Chintz Cottage". by Stroud3 and net revenue of the Canadian _ `talent in Grenfcl United Church.iNa;tional Railways all-inclusive sys~ referred to the happy relations andtl-`riday. May 10. Auspices I-Ielpinglzem issued at headquarters today. 1`ullo\\'s.hip. All present joined in an Hand Society. Admission 25c and n`I`t_ix\`;1l)1c lunch. .150. 18b i I ---.-------~ o-- I I Have you read the advertisement.<. Twenty-Five Years on the Throne LU Hllll lHL'lUUk"l lllt . Grind): Fo1'ro2ste1`. Gren Bobby Rowe. Frank Foy- vo Vair. and others. mitt said that in 1910. the X. .`\\v (`Ink hvari -nmnnnr Ki lhu Silvvr Julvilcc 'l`|1runcun May 0. un Junc S. In hull- Include lllH .I, U1 ul|HlL' K.-"I IUIII. ll) (`HUI- tm'nm1'nH- lhv lf)i;nnvm(l Jubi- lee of Queen Victoria. which - avmight, hr: uf inl.r3r(:s1 in the ap~ pmaching Silver Jubilee nf King C('nl'1{(: V. The paper is |)I'iH1('(l in ;:n|(l-z-ulmnw-1| ink. N11,. |..,:.. .. .4 ... 4|... CONSERVATIVE woman HOLD mu RALLY ' COMING ] L nr mi` Ihc Julwilcc Mrmd:|_y ncxl \\ill hc :1 public l1nli`I:ly' :m.l H:lI'l`i(' will i-in with nllwr p1:lcc~. IlII'nu_x;hnuI lhc lilnpinu in cclc|n';\1- ;lIu I]1n]4.\`lII`4-\,'r*lII Queen Victoria s Jubilee Recalled H [Hui \\HII IHIILI , lhc ]n_\'lll1L`VCIll. ``j'---\ . EVENTS I Z} ` Eight. please) 3 New Paving on Collier and; 1` Charlotte Streets Bone f of Contention , ' . ._ , A nmnbt.-r :1 c:mm)|ui'nL:+ :1;:1un:'l Hun |:mpu.~;v(J am. .:;n`n,-n1.\ fur puvt-- nl(`lll.\. ('nns1ru('Lvd in Bm`-`1<- in IHZH vw-rv vuict-(i :11 :1 (four! of ltuvi:-:ir)n _hx-Id in the Cnuncil Ch-'ll1|b(`I` at '4 p.m. Monday. I I`L\.. f/.Il.. . ..........._,. , g The fnlluwing mt-mbcrs of (,`uunr.,-il ' xcornposcd the Court of Hovisitm: RN-vn H. G. Rnbcrtsrm. M:1_ynl` W. J; Blair, I)(-puly R1-t'\'v (' I). Hit-wart, Am k A r~:........... Am ~.x....~;.l COURT .,u.5.-u. nun L-nnuuy auu~num.: nx.~.r. With I l`n.x'idonl. Mrs. 'I`hr)m:w II. Burton in lhv chair, lhv nniuulm were rvml by tho sm:rx~l:nry, Misz; M. Hypsnn, Mrs. Burton and Mrs. H Meredith wvrf: 1I[)])l)iIll('(| mp1'v: alivns of llw IEl(li('.H' nn llw mu-m-I:!ivuJ of the North Simcno l.ihorzIl--(`ms- 4 scrvul.ivIs !\ssnci:Il,inn. .. I i Mu;-in-.I n.....|\...... inn|...l...l .. ..;. nmu, \ AM. k 'VVt-|)|;, `%ASSESMENT-% COMPLAINTS ARE HEARD; \'. .\l'.l ~': I OVER FIRST Ql'.-\RT|'IR. l!I.'H or ' REVISION} IIU` mag": vill lu `nu1;.;I'h \'\ l'll' ])l'('>.l'll|, ipmpmzu-(I llw ln:I.-`1 I4 _l.mlL:v, am! it was l'l'.` ;`Dr. R. J. Spmll. .1. H `|)ns:mi llw Inns`! In Hw \ `NEH. um! il \v.'I:4 l`l',`a'])l)! I ;l|. (.`h:m1l-I I`. ..u\ '_ Hf M:ll\ ll. . I '1` 'l'hn* nnnunl Past 1 Kerr l.nduv, A.l. 84 in tho Masonic l`1.-I (lay evening,-. 'I`hv (-hairs wt-rv l.unu- \AI YUI 1\ I.` Illl' l'lliJll'.`4 W lmvs: W.M._ I). J. 1*`. Craig; S. lzm; .l.W.. J. 11. L( ,'\\'i3-X; J. 1)., H Mt-rrick; .l.S., lain. Dr. R. .1. E. Elrlck: U. of Iinm.-r uuurtl. G. `mu, '1`. I wnu; f.`nl|.. IL ;Kerr Lodge Annual Past Masters Night nm. 11. I-.. xvu-yunnu K1-rr Lmlgv, prvsiult-1| ;/\ numb:-r uf M:u::um; Ilmmt-2-: \w~rr- pr:-5::-m, ynrunnkzml Ilw Inmd I4 SL'l'Vi|l.l`/'3 l\.`Sl)L'lEI|,H)l]. Musical Hllll1|)(`l`.< int-Incl:-cl :' pi.-mu solo by Miss Lunln lmwu; :1 vvn'.'l| duel by Mrs. ()gd(~n and Mrs. Walnu- Bayliss; and :| vm-nl Snln by |VIi.~`.:= Lucy Pnlnfrvi. lV[i!~`.< .l:IIu- V Kinnmnn inh-:.4l|u~n:| iDeadline W 30; Cost"`7" "" """~ ff. H!-.`t_ ."(ll 5 for Four Weeks ,;;','.',,_;.` g,..;.',._..,, V r-ml Hf 1111- n Ilw `I.'|HI", I1 I 3570 AT ENDOF APRIL """"""l`; | I'l)lI '| .rn. Kvrr I A n..` \IlHl\I".Il)\`VlI. llillly J. I\NI`i.`u 1) 1lu- tons! In lhu -zlllrlhlnlc-_ I.uWI~ uf (`mwn Hill, who rue: nn};':. Vl"I|)| III, .?\I.l)lI\.'|').ll`l'l),.'lVl1`\.'l w|' llw (`|u:unpl:m1 mumnnvnt nl Qllt-U1-(`\'\'l1|I Ilw S1 l.::\-.'r<'1n-win lhv ;|.:u:lI.;,'mlm(l; 20 r--vi upvt-1:1] HI:-livt-ry nlznnp h}1lI\R'ill1{5l!l -'ll`).{<)l'_V HI p2`n;;|`v.-;.*;. L31 FAMILIES mow GPJRELIEF New Sewriies of Stamps ' | E Go On Sale in Juneg . 1. Fnlln )|-:\ IT Legxon. 9.00 p.m.--Dance in Armouries. under direction of Barrie Ki- wanis Club: net proceeds will be forwarded to the King George Jubilee Cancer Fund. 0.10 Legion. Al;g.`iT~l\/ll`I.'a'1(`l'.*i' night, nf & /\.M.. wns hold \ 'l`1.-mplu lust Thurs- mmiml Premier Beenett Man of the Hour, Audience Is Told I-Srograrnme for N1()1'1ClCly mirs u('t'lI|)i1.-ll nu ful- .M., I". NIt'(.'ll.'Ii).{; l.l`M., Iiu; W.. Irving Mucl.m-h- .. R()(H.',l`l`.`~'.1 S.l)., E. R. . H. .1. 'l`wi:a.~4; S.S,, J. W. E. IV[ol"`n:ld<-n; chap- SpruH; st-m'v1:II`y. (7. .; (3., Dr. N. W. Hup.:(`-1'.~<; :'lI'(l. S. M<'(`.m1kv_v;m1,':|n- . Willlzlxum. 'in;', tho Ivuron wurk, W.\ I`). Mt-(`.ullmu,'h. WM. nf} rlgv, :1! n l);lll(||l(31.` rl`l` nf M:u-mu-; frnm uliuh-in-I` I.l-'7 ]J.IT.4`*l.4I'H'I(L*'-;\L' HIHKCH HI Dali!!! !\lL'Ild. UCIWUUII julllv. ms representing Barrie and Allandale. 8.15 p.m.-Grand Night Attack and Fireworks. by Canadian ginn l'l'I`.l'lH. .I I \.I`HI],' \n:L In Hw (lrund vus l'l-:|)ul|lll`(] '1) by . RI)lH.!l`l'H ])I`U-E vi.~:ilin;,' Im-ll:-1 1 l I`:-,~;pmuh-(I in h_v M vi Mnnilnlm lmdul`. ry J 'l`wi-:.; [)I`(I])().`~`.(`ll u 1-:n|rlhl.'m-, Ruin-M nan hs'I`iv':@Jisifu 'MAY (7 V. II\l(\ J. T. SIMPSON NOT TO SEEK NOMINATION Conservative M. P. for North Simcoe to Retire from Politics `HIU UH l'l`lH'L ll'.'nnili(e.<:. f::ing!r- imliua-n yr-ml of H if i { llllllilaly V'IIl|H' ':lll Im<'|'.l`iru-(I and the _` I Inkt-n 1n1h- Ruyul \ 3 with bull: bum::+ in 1 K m mv war :1 _'nn.~:I \v.'n' ll nnl l)rinuin;: .~;nn.*; inln l'm' cnnnc-n fnd(l(~r. wv :11 she docl.m~(I lh. in Barrze Arena. between junio: un,...a.1. URGED MAY 6! ID)` ls Retiring Im-Imling H50 hoadzz nf (ll'])('Ilr1L'n|'~:, und nim- nlv. I'ht- !`U:Ilx`l!s :1! Nu- n..:.n.I I. nu-rn nu-rn-b.a`n..ll-1 lU`.`. lL` HIT! mIirl:Ij.'.-. Bum: nf Hw IulII'is`1 4 I: I1. J1. urlll-nu TO`STAND -)"lVll.". HI ss right v. (:r:mkin;: In. vnl -an ` _yul.'"l1{ mun WEIH L Victoria Ht').':pHu| 1 his wrinl brukvn. Meaford and ms \'.|p.u':-\ well knmvn llis l`un'r;1l llw l.'n`gvsl time.

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