Emuslc IN cuumuas ATTRACTIVE m lnrtmln. \'i. Mrs. Smi1h znul 'l`nrnntn. nt Mrs. Humil- . and IVIVS. Ih,-;,'. l)l'_\ ~i4l&l1l` ulna :11 1l:urrv 1Vln`I:n'h".~.: Mzlrtin-Scnour I00 /, Pure Paint is the most beau- tiful and (.`C()ll()l11lL".ll surface protection for your house exterior. lwczunsc it is gll2ll`:l|llL'L'(l to contain only 100'/,, pure ingredients. 'l`l1csc ingrmlicms, all nf the finest quality. mm- binc to pmclucc :1 tough, liigli-glms {mncctivc film that slzxmls up year after yum` wit mut cracking, peeling, or losing its wlur. '1'/Jurc is no mIuIIcm- lion /0 u'.':Il?c'It ilx c`[tlJ!fL'iIy am! xlmricn Ibc life of Ibo pairzi. -... __-... -..-; -u-- NA,'H.,!.!$,;.. E49,! R You said ll, darling. And what u rolivf (0 know that llwrc will lw no man- rvpuinling bills for _/'mu' or ve _y-urs! A. A. SMITH "'II` U UU IIOO"/. PURE PAINIVARFEHEZ Mist? IT PAYS TO USE Manager NI .\' life insurance cmnbincs immcdiutc prutcclion for your dependents with future nancial security fur yourself. Rt-ilh Gnrrlm-` ll) ll:nul)|\" Slll).`~;('!`)L` In us-t all the m-\\ ._:_.....__ Tff Thursday. April 25. 1935 ` t`.'mHI_v (I! -d l(itchi Tlw l"\:nnin0r and` it: nuuuu .- u nf Mt-:|l'nrrl. at West- \.'1r znnl Ml`!;_ Wl. To Beneficiaries of Deceased policyholders .1\-:ll`nrrl, at West- uml I\ Il`.*:. HI" H(`)l(`!l SONIC- hu-`: Watchful attention insures safety. The Royal Bank has always kept in close touch with the times. |t regards with condence Canada's continued progress. LOOKING AHEAD $3,96l+,839 PAID DURlNG I934 W. J. WALKER, District Manager Branch Office: Bank of Toronto Bldg., Bgrric . (H2ll1ll)]('illi. them, Risen. u Glorious King" (Wilson). Al. close of evening ser- vice, six candidates were baptized before in crowded church by the minister. Rev. W. K. Batty. Essa St. Presbvterian Choirleader, Alex. Knox; organist Miss Anuh Bailey; Easter Sunday morning serviee~Ieommunion) an- them, There is :1 green hill far away" (Gounod). solo part by John Percy; evening st-rviee----nntliem, "O l)eut.h where is thy sting" (Turner): anthem. The Lord is Risen Indeed" lRo_v E. Nolie): Rejoice, 'Tis Eas- tertidc- (Roy E. Nolte). Burton Ave. United Or1.:unist, Frank Duteher; choir- leu(li-r. Rev. W. A. E. Doe; Easter Sunduy-~morning serviee-anl,hem. Christ our Passover (Fred Chill- iesl, solo part by Mrs. W. Park; an- them, "The Mn;.{(inlene" (G. W. War- ren); solo. The Empty. Tomb" Mrs. Reginald Heels. r.~......:mr ._m-uim-....:nn1lu-m, 'I`rinm- (I-Inmblvxnl. Mrs ncgxnmu nuu . Evoning service -;mth.-m. 'I`rium- phant. Strains Ar KF. ._E, Chip- mnnl; suln, Golden Hm"p.s` 'zn`c ring- .-....-- Jr R Hnvt-I'LI:|])_ Mrs. Hort (Continued from page one) High Mass, l().3(l u.m.. (wgzln prclutlu. "Christ 'I`riumphunL" Pietro Yum; Vidi Aquam" ((211-gm`iun clmnl)`. St. Cecclin`s Mass II-lev. A. J. Tur- ner); oll'ertm`y. "l'{u1.:in:l Cm.-li" (Webbc); chorus. /\H('llIill. Alleluia. let the Holy Anthem l {is.-"; RnnrIr|ir'Hln`L 7 IKM. -r- Orgtm prc-` sum, "u(nm~n nurps zlrc ruu,;- inp," F. R. Hnvt-rgnl), Longhuctl; solo. I know my Re- l'L'ln(,'I` I.ivulh" from The Messiah" (Gounod). Rt.-v. W. A. E. Doe. r-,.m,u l:`I-irlnu ;.urmimrvJI`h(> -n1mn`- ((i0un0(1J. lu.-V. W. A. 11.. uuu. Gnnd Ii`x'irlz|_v evnnin;.:~~~'I`hc colour- ful Easter czmtnta From Olivet tn Calvary" by Mnunrter was given an excellent presentation by the choir untler the direction of the pastor, n..., ur A 17` nun with Frank Dut- the (lll'CCllUn 01 Inc pnswr, Iiov. W. A. E. Doe. with Frank Dut- 1 river at the organ and with Arthur`: Monkmun of Bzirric assisting as so|- ` oisl. The composition depicts the uvcnts loading up to the Crucifixion from the triurnphal entry and on mi cl... nnnl cm-no nn (`.n1L'r)1h:l whcnl ll'I)lIl the Il\(! Illliu .\L`l1llk.' uu \!\Ilg-,Iru|u nun... "all His disciples forsook Him and fled". Soprano solos were taken by Mrs. W. Park. Mrs. W. A. Spenrn and. in the quartette. by Miss Bessie! Spearn. tenor solos by Rev. W. A. E.` Doe and W. A. Bell. mezzo soprano by Mrs. R. Heels and baritone by Arthur Monkmzm, Irv. Maehaehlnnl `and Frank Dobson. vi...-ul mmm~nIinnu nf Hm ehm`eh.| and I"t`nnk l)0l)s0n. ` Floral decorations of the church. `I 7bnth on Fviduy and Sunday. 'mclurl- `ed a largo number of bez1ut.it`ul Eas- i, tut` lilies fm`wzu`dod to the minister by friends in `B(`3I`l_T`l`lldi\. his former -hnmc. and W1ii1'I'p:li'i1br)1tt nine days; > t t . . Llild elapsed since-`~thc_v were out the `careful packing kept them in splen- `idid condition nn the long j0u1'nc_v. Al 1|\n l'lI\I:l| nt` H10 rrnntntn t.hCi lldid condition me long J0urne_v. . At the eln.~:(- of the cantata the members of the W.A. served refresh- ments to the choir members and friends in the selmolrnnm of the church. The pastor expressed his appreriatinn of the heart)` en-nper.i- tinn ut the choir during the lengthy practices and extended congratula- tions. Frank Dnbsmi. speaking for the choir. awarded the credit for th(:= success of the cantata entirely 1.0 MI`. [Doe and Frank Duteher. Mrs. H.` Jixlilimti. president of the W.A.. in fr(.-pl_\'ing to a hearty vote nf thanks muvecl by Eph. McFaclden, assured `the chair that the ladies til` the VV.:'\. had not lurgntten the faithful ser- vices rendered not only in special`. - events of this nature but in the reg- ular Sunday wurk thrnu[.:hnut the! R , 1 [always stand behind them. 1 year and said that the W./\. would M the u'1urnpn:u entry unu un u- linul scene on Golgntha when i I" Rum-:mn xnlnsz were In! THE $12,205,750 Holy Anmexn Just: ; Benediction, 7 I .M. -~ Organ pre- 1 lude, Hacc Dies" |B(n'(i(E:~`('J: nrgan : prelude, Hull the Hnly Day ul` Days"; chorus. Al|(-,lui:1. Alluluiu", e(.c.; chorus. O Sn] Ulnrius" (Wor- ner); chorus, 'J`zmtmn I'Ir;.zn": chur- us, Adurcmus" (Gr4-;.{n|'iun vhnnlr: organ. O Filii -1 ["ili:u-" tlr:uliti 111 French !n(`:l')(i_\'l. C`..-nlml Uuirvd Ol`L{llliSl. and (`hair (HI'( (!l()l`, 1\4Ii.~':-' Elsie Cluupzhlcy; I~`.n. Sunday I morning S(`l'Vi(,'(' - hymn zmthom, King of H1-.:1vcn" IW. H. Monk); anthem. Awake up. my Glm-_v" 1.1` Barnby): evening .<('l`Vi(.`(.`- -:mthum, `'0 Death where is 'l.`h_v Sting" (Ed- mund Turner): m:1!L- churns. Christ, Arosc (Rub(-rt I.mvry>; nnthvm. Our Lord is: Ri.<(-n" t`. W. l L-an-m, anthem. Lift up ynur Ilcntls" IP`. W. Peace). T-'irs'.1 Run! is! To Living Po/icyho/c/ers iromo cum ; Pkogggmmas l`L'p1`U59:uLuuvx: un Rules indicated for the Junior Potato Clubs are: ages 10 to 20 years; one-twelfth acre and one bag seed potatoes. certified, or grown from certied seed, required; field programme to include one certied inspection. scoring of plot, potato lleld day and picnic. one fertilizer n u: u: I.1ll||\.\r\.. wdemonstration plot; Fall Fair or ach- ievement programme to include ex- - hibits of twelve potatoes and one '. five potato, potato judging competition, potato questions competition, sub- mission of field reports, selection of club teams; prize money at local fair $45 to $60 per club depending on number of members. Senior Potato Clubs It is expected that there will be Senior Potato Clubs or lleld crop competitions. to be held at Bar- rie, Oro, Orllliu. Colclwater, and Midland-Penetang. for men 21 years and over. Dnlnc nu-n nu fnllnuw nnr--mmrl.er 1 l l i (Continued from page one) 1 Stewart L. Page, Barrie. agricultural I representative for North Simcoc. I nuuln :...,1:....n.,a rm- Hm .Tnnim- and Rules are as follows: one-quarter acre or more as needed for 1936 seed requirement; seed potatoes. ceriiliecl. or grown from eertilied seed. to be used; field programme to consist of one certified inspection, one lielrl crop inspection, scoring of plot. field (lay and picnic; fall fair or achieve- iment programme to consist of ex- hibits of twelve potatoes and one potato. and senior judging competi- tion may be arranged on request; prize money at local fair, $65 for leach club or Iield crop competition. Master Growers Club A Master or Certified Growers` Club will be operated in North Sim- eoe. each competitor to enl.er one `acre or a whole field. and ('Cl`llllCfl ',seed to be used. The field pro- 'gramme will consist. of two eerlierl inspections. scoring of fielrl. and field (lay and picnic. The Full [air or achievement program will be I ) assist in handling Junior and Senior `competitions. H is` mznr-eiorl thal, sneeial r>ri7.(-s| icompcuunns. I i It is expected .~:p0(-,i:1l p1`i7.(-s land trophies will he (nll'0l`(`(l at om-,l11 local fair in azldilinn to lhc money prizes for the Junim` and Scninv Clubs. The pri /.u (:nnl,I'il)u1m`.~: zil lncal fairs will ll1(.`lll(l(` the 1"rm'in- vial and Dominion I)(:p:1rlm0m~: of Agriculture, Ag1`i('ullurul Snciclios. -:I{iwzmis Clubs, municipznlilius. and` public-spiritt-(l (zi`;;;mi'/.uli<`m:4 zmtl : =citi'/.ens. l f`:u~HHn(l Wnlnin r}l`n\V(`l`S ' `,S})L'cuuu QUK vu.x:. AD (In nun, ..... I y " Sunnidulu. Frank 1Vluml)crs 'l'Ncw Lowell: A. W. Cole. New Low- 'ell; Vcsprzl. W. H. Walt. Midhursl: 1 Thus. Smith & Suns, Umpizl: F105, 1"J. H. Gicn. Ellnwllo; E. J. M('.Clung. Phelpstrmz Fred Mcclung. Phelp- stnn: Clarence Cumming. Phemstonz Russell Hnurlen. Elnwulo: W. I". Turner, Elmvulez H. Juhnston, Elm- V1110: L. Scott. Hillsdulv; H. Huh- Ibard. Hillsdalc; Tiny. Jznm-s Dzlrby. `.Wn\'c1'lc_v: Rnlzmtl M:1u1'i('o. Ponc- .tzm;:. RR. Nu. 3: Armand Gignuc. Penctzmg. RR. No. 2: I`o1usphm'(- . IF`0rgL-t, Wycbridge, RR. 1: Thr(-l'- ` c Robitaillc. Midland. RH. No. 2'. ` Tny. J. L Wnplcs. Vast,-y; Mod(mt(.-. "l`_ D. Robinson. Mnnnstum-: C. Spierin. Moonstone: Rny 'I`r.-skoy. Cnldwutor, R.R.: Albert G055. Cold- wuter. RR. No. 2; Orilliu. W. E. Cm,- vum. Orillin. RR. No. 2; J. F. Turn- Ebull. Orillia. rm. No. :4; 1\/I;m[<)rri '.Hm`n(-. Orilliu. RR. Nu. 1: Om. 'I`.. Luck. Om Station; .I. .I\. VVip,1.:in.<.` ` ~ I 4:! II P. \}U:n-nit-n ._ r-...4:.... ...\ CIUZCDS. ; Certied I"n1a1.n Growers List of certied D0oIc~_\' S('(`d pn- tato 1.:m\vcx':~: in North Simone as up- provnd by tho Dominion 1`nLa!.n In- spcction Service. is as follows: 1 t I c......:,1..|.. To`v-'n\L* \\/lnmhm-x-rm ibull. Urxmu. mu. mu. .1. m ( EJ. W `Om Station: Innisl. B. B. W ;}`uin.<\\'i(rk. RR. Nu. 1: D. C21` ;`Stmud. -\ I MOUNT ST. LOUIS 1'; W. Peace). First Baptist Ory,.'.lnist um! L-huix'l<~:1(lr,-1'. lvliss M. Kaine; l.u.sIer SI]ll([l)'-lHl)l`lliXl}.f sur- vicc -_ tcnmmuninn) E11Sl(`\` ros- ponsc. `I`h(.- I'}n. All:-luiu (Cres- wcll); untlu-In. l.n. Easter` I):1wns" (Lorena; t-vcninu .\'(`r\'i(:o Ivm1duu- ted by Senior H.Y.I .U.) anthem 'Tis Midnight" 1Hillingsloy): un- .:?_j__ LIFE msumxncs comma HEAD OFFICE TORONTO, CANADA Esfablished I887 l:()(3Kl1dl'l IS S|)InLlH1.:. rlll l`.a.\.\UA 5-'t~d;In. Miss Sadie 1?). Clarke spent the hul- .id.'|_vs in I`m'ontn and Richview. Will Flnmngan 0|" Toronto spent. thv hnliri21y.< at Mrs. Wm. Allan's. Visitm'.< in the village over the holiday were Miss E. Forrest. Miss Dorothy I-`nisie. at her home; Mr. zmrl Mrs. J. Swnlm. at the hnme 01' `J. Barker, Sr. .1. Andx-1'.s'nn of 'I`m`nntn spent the holiday :11 the home of J. H. Middle- hrnnk. us did also Mr. and Mrs. Roy Midcllolwtmk and Sicl F`z1lc- ut' l!\Tr-\vvn:1rl:I-t [M lC1(llCl`II`(uIK Nmvmzxrkot. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Trntl. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Grzty and E. Tmtt were in Detroit lust wovk :ttt(`nding.z the tum-ml of Mr. 'I`m1t's brother-in- l;:w. Gen. (`. Sunnidnlt-. V(-tc-,r:1ns Club The Sunnirlnlv Veterans Club met rm April 16 in the Town Hall, New tI.n\\'('l|. Aftt-r an (-njn,vuh1(\ sin1.'.-' `Kflllfl! in \\`hir~h all ht-.'u'liI_V took part. 21 Ihl`(`1in_'_` vvus called for m';,'zmi7.a- tinn plll`}m.\`(`<. 'I`h4,- following, offic- vrs wvrv L-l(-I-torl fur the ensuing . _v-an`: J. IT. Mirldlobrunk, president; -_Gunt Duff. secrt-tnry-t1'c:1surei';`J. 1,.n(-khurt. Sf3l`L'L-.'ll-ill'l hS. It wals de- ' rider] to hold zmuthcr meeting on ` Y\/7:.v 1 nt R30 n'('ln(`k to which an er FILL your cereal bowl with Kel- logg s Rice Krisp-` ins. A grant luncheon dish. Just the thing before both imc. V" ' .- Ricc Krispics crackle in milk or cremn--a sound that children can t resist. Fino for the nursery supper. They promote restful sleep. Nour- ishing and easy to digest. Al grocers everywhere in the Mother Goose story pack- age Illa! children love. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. Qua HI: rs. Wm. Allah is s(_-rioL1sly ill. 1.m:kluu'l is spnrunp. an Essex HI BRENTWOOD THE BARE]! EXAMINER. IAIIlUo ----- Kinsmen Elect Gordon Foster as .President Kempenfeldt Branch of the Kins- men's Clubs of Canada was formed at a meeting in Marlaw Manor on Wednesday evening, April 17. Gordon Foster was elected presi- dent. Other officers are: vice-presi- dent, L. P. Singer; secretary-treasuw er. Douglas R. Steadman; member- ship committee. George Caldwell, Elliott Reynolds, Frank R. Oliver; ways and means committee. David Wiegand, K. M. MacLennan. Lloyd Tufford. Thn 4-Inh alrnndv has :1 member- Tufford. The club already has :1 member- ship of 16 and is campaigning for more. It will meet every two weeks. Five Drinkers Get Thirty Days Each The sequel to a wine drinking! party along the tracks in thel vicinity of the Barrie C.N.R. station took place in court April 17. when Magistrate Jeffs imposed sentences of thirty days in gaol on five tran- sients who were picked up by Chiei Stewart. The men were Harold Syk es. aged 19, Peterboro; Fred R.0b(`I`L\, 28, North Bay; Joseph Brown, 28,, Toronto; John Gillies, 28. no address; John Connolly, 24, no address. .... _...I ..r M... ..nn...-.vl nrln-.iH..H JUHH L,uuuuu_y, `.1, nu nun...` . Several of the accused ndn1i1te~d that they had just been relczm- from {2101 Wednesday morning. r`l~.-.4` Ginny-n-I rlnr-'I:n*nrI H111! H'\I|-{vi H'UIn giuu VVL'uIlL'nun_y nun--nub. I Chief Stewart declared that those five men had been ring-1C. .Iders among the transients all winter, mm that they had been brnwling and fighting around the station. ID I l\llJ\J I \} THEUSARJEAI-`FF co. I I7\I I I`I-`ll Weed lnspe.c;c;s Hold Annual Meeting Here; Talk Over Problems` ~-------- I Weed inspectors fmm various.` parts of Simcoe County planned their season's war on weeds" ml their annual meeting held at the` Coult House 1`uesdz1y, April 16.` The majority of weed inspect- ors and a number of reeves and de- puty reeves of various townships ` were present. hnrinn tho mornimz session. 01. present. I During the morning oi which Stewart L. Page. agricultural representative, Barrie. was chair- man, he and F. A. Lashley, Allistnn. gave a review of the :u.{riculturu] situation in the county at the pre- sent time. J. D. McLeod. Provincial Weed Inspector of the Crops and Weeds Branch, Toronto. dealt with` the Ontario Weed Control Act and! the duties of the inspectors. .. 4u__ unkir-Ix um uuuua lll. nu; nuap\.w..un.,. I At the afternoon session, which was presided over by Mr. Laslilcy.-3 W. J. Stephen of the Crops and Weeds Branch, Toronto. furmcrly`1 Seed Commissioner of Alberta, dealt 1 with a general interpretation of the Act and the means of c0ntrollin_Q, l weeds to the best advantage. He 3 referred to the Western prnvinces., particularly to Alberta. Mr. Stephen recommended spraying of weeds on roadsides rather than cutting them. and advocated fewer weed inspect- _ors who could spend more time on ' the job. In this way. he felt better results would be achieved. -- v..,v .,_1 _x._..:.... L... ......o nf `kn lomo. I Miss Sndu` spent Easlvr 41 M. ....a M 'hpIIL suntan`: at 1 Mr. and Mrs Myrna n1I)lm'vd 1 weekend. Mrs Vs-n M (`u ` \\`e.-kend Mrs. Vuurl Coulis and 1 left on Saturday for u Flint. Mu-h. Mi<< ()hve- (inn-1\,~:idos 1 lo QNI2. CANAB ?lln_l. Mu-h. Muss Ohvc Urccn. KILLYLEAGH hl I". (-.nim.:s or Holid- I is holidaying i ` is spcndmgl Bret! V J0` holiday ikobinson _ardware - Barrie l 'thu Easter vac at Kcttleby. A number .u`1n\lIt`I` fur I 81 W. H. \ VillK(`l`S un rnumy. MI". and !\ Ir.~'. Wm. Cmnos and family and Mrs. Ht.-mv nf Turnnlu .~:pcnt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sharpe. Cnnurz11u|nti<;n.~: are I-xtendvd to Mrs. R0du(:r.s`, n life-lnng rcsidc.-nt of this rlistrivt, who celebrated her 8151 hirlh(l:1y nu Fririn)'. April 19. .__:_..___:_____ \`\'/luau.-vcr you intend to paint. there is :1 special M:1rtinSL-nnur product for the purpose. Five of (he most popular are: and F.:n`l of 'I'<)r \ Ii. \ VzIlk(`r's Fririuy. nml Mru Cnrnos Mr. White certainly did us a good` turn in recommending that Marlin- Senour pain!. We have the best looking house on the street now. NEU-TONE NEU-GL05 ` (Fla!) (Semi-Glou) for w.1sh:1l)lc interior walls and ceilings. for all cnaunclling. outside or in. OUTSIDE PORCH PAINT varnish for hardwood flobrs. for porch flunrs, steps, etc. Use that telephone beside you! A Long Distance call to Head Office will save the situation. IVIULTI-USE ENAMEL m with her pzm.-ms ~13 Allwrt Bzassim,'Lh- of 'I`<)run1n visilctl `u nn Fririnv 1 MARBLE-ITE u lwro allendvd lho Irvnc Ii:~:hm` lust DISTRIBUTORS: -1 z-.nI\Ir~A\1"l'< '5 r`rIr1u_V. Ha-m-v nf Tnrnnlr) . Long Distance is always economical . . . it saves time and money. Consult ihe rates in the front pages of your dircctory. You can talk 100 miles or so for as little as 30 cents. i:Im>7 -vx bl with Mr. Sh.'mL\' W1`. and I I\'ln.-as hm tho \NL`('k `|)nr-nu! ` UH` V\'k'l'I\ 12000111 r~hildrc-n. Inn'c' Y\/II` 1| COULSON S HILL 1} inns; Mr. (um Mrs. nu-;,'. |H.\>.u.nL` and Dullulns. m ll:-x r_\' MIn'I:n'1j.":.: Miss Marion Boll and Iirlwurd Dunn nf 1'm`rm1u Nurmzul Svhnnl, :11 lhuir homes: Sum IInmbly_ 'I`nrrm1n. and I\m-lyu Humbly. Quocnwnllt-. ul |`nme: Mr. and Mr:<. (}('n|`;(: IVInir_ Tnruntn. at Stethuxnn Klum-sl1n\\"s; Mr. and Mrs. Tod (`ullx-H mu! MI`. and Mrs. Elmer (`:nirm, llrmd HCPHL at Wm. Km-eshnw`.<: Mr. and Mr:-'. liss (l:ndw_\'n Blnlnm urn-nk in '1'nrrm1n. Why 100% Pure Paint looks better. . . and lasts longer THE