Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1935, p. 4

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BARRHE TEAM r NOW DRELLING ! BALL_];0;PENER.} (Cupyrlgm, 1933. by The Bell Syndicate. Inc ) -~ TO bPE/\K WELL OF HER HUSBAND ' See your nearest Terrulpl-ant: dculcr today TERRIIPLJINE Steel sides, steel floor, steel roof . . . over a rugged inner frame also ALL of steel. Z in CANADA S ONLY BODIES ALL OF STEEL WESTERN CANAQA T!'t`kr'f" ""'."f"~.'4 4:7 yr `v'vL'l` H `um! um 1r,1 rmulx `v: /rum mt`: /.'.:'n!, .11 \r\ I-um u.|.\ IIIHLI4. QAEADIAN NATIONAL NO MOWING NECESSARY SLEEPING CAR ACCUNINIUIJIIIIUN Where sluplng car rpece is requircd, the iollowing slightly hightr lures uanlv: (a) Tourisl Slnping Cars al approximately 1 `.c per mile, plus regular bull`: rule. (b) Standard Slcepirrg and Parlor Cars at approximately 1 !-;c on mile, plus regular bull: or clrnlrruc . , _ _, Stnndurd (`Juss 'I`irtketH wand Vin (ili/\'I` I.A}\'F.S rnutu ; mu-uls nnd lmrth L-xlrn. Ih`\CGA(}F. (,'hL-ckn.-(I. .'~`.tupnv-,r.~4 m. Purl Arthur, /\nm nnll went. I` Tu! ...;. \I..- ..r. I 2.. If n..:;, .,` ,....I ,.;I ml m...-1.1," /rum an um.1_ A \I\' I-`nix II.-\.\ lI!iIl.L.' wu. un- 11 in nu. nu... GOING DAIL_Y-MAY 15 to 28 inclusive Special Bargain 3III\ I $875 nnn un Huntil ul I-'mun 'I:lIun- CENT A MILE - EACH WAY GOOD IN COACHES ONLY EXCURSIONS SLEEPING CAR ACCOMMODATION an am "up. 2: nu-mi:-. Ihn Inllnwina sliuholv hinhx SOMETIMES. 7?;turn Limit : <;a'ys 1 T ovu:---y (LAME IACK) The pain and nuxmm uf lam-K-uvhc. that mnko ' avcry |I\o\`\\l\ml\l u tux-tunt. xn quwkly when you ' talus `l'~R-("a. _'l'-R-C : alup nhurp palm and dull u<~lma_ In-`kL\'. unruly. .-hung thru the blond. llu-y \ nvu -_-ut tlm pu\n~rnua|n toxins. 1 Take T-R~C'|. \uu'll `PC mlm! anr.\'u hnrulful dnum. 5()u'IlI|\}$1_`|}( x\l[}!r\xgg)`n\ Get YOUR Supply Today `DOUGLAS D DRUG STORE By J. M1LLpR"W"A' Tluu'.~'d:1_v. April 25, 1935 BARRIE 10c hnrmfuldru I T-R-C`: '\ roux nntl wont. I` I-'1 II\' Il.v\.\`l!I5II.L.' Fro," I1" Stations in the East {Au LUMBAGO 4: An: IACK) '.I`rihbl(~ Back in Form Cl! -C13. $1-7! auru.Nu ` `- .lrua. 50vmul$l M nlldruxguula. nu I F. 0" emulsion`: Hhoumulc Cnpnulu) )1` ('ZlUl. \`V| North A infr-I . ...... ....-...... ` Freddy Hzlynes, as the first :at1`in;1`l goalkeeper, was a mighty important factor in Barrie Colts` sucr-e. this `season, His work in the fimlls :1- ;.(nin. St. Mikr~'s Bu /.7.m`s was of Ihc best quality. and (zspm-iz1ll_v in 1110 last. game when he rose tn grunt ` heights. I ' Hnvnn: i.< rmlv 1'7 v(":n'.< old andi Ii Glimpses of the M Barrie Colts hmgnls. | Haynns is only _v(':n*.< and` has Iwo more ynn1`.~: of junior hnck- cy. He is remaining in Bznu and will hn :uv.'|i|nhlr\ again next season. Barrie baseball team is down to serious training: now that lhr: wea- ther is l'.'1v0rz1l)le. Nightly pi-a(.~lir.-cs are the m'(|e1* in /\l_.{l`lCllHLll'll `Park. The diamond is. slill l'()llL , h bu`; will be rolled and t-ted up lhis wt.-ck. Blll'l`l(` r-xix-Lls to upon the :~.m.~:oi1 he-1'0 with an cxliibilirm gzirne 0:1 May 6 against Menl'm`(l Knir.{ht:~`. trhumpinns of Grey lnaguc last : <,(-:1- snn and O.B./\./\. .~;(-mi-linnli. Ne- uulizitions are at prcmrnt prucc-c-din;;` in `hill rlirc-(-lmn. [10 IS lllrnilllllllg, in Dunn: zuiu will he uvziilzxblc again next. He is not 21 nmivc of ]3m'ri0. coming: here wiih his pzircnis nbnui four years ago. His hockey cm'cm' s1m`1cd as nclmindor in 15132 for tho Esszi Road T i'o. in the juvenile (-hum-h l(.-.'-uxuo. Lust your he mum`, out with the Colts and was C:11*i'iod ,nll SPZISOII as spnre guzilio. :1l1lmu::h iin the first few gnlncs of the scnsun l\/ms rcgulai`. '1`hi< vnnl` ho hnmmo involved was regular. This year he became involved early in the so:1s:on in :1 fmxr-cnrnc1'-- ed battle for the 1'egn1m' cngo mind- ing job. Early in J:1nun1'y his furn- ily moved back 10 'I`m'(m1o and ht`. went, with Lhom. Barrio club nI`fit:i.'1ls: fipznrorl the 10am was well onnu_->,'n pmte(:le(l in Ihv nuts and didn't ` bother to keep Haynes lwrc. Thnn nnrnn Hm ininrv in Mr-Tn1n. D(')H'l(`T I0 K00]? l`1H_\_'l'\US ll('l'l,'. Thon canw thn injury 10 Mcln10. se\'cr.'11 wcoks later and in nrrlur in lw pmt(-<~lo(l tlw club husllvcl I-l:1_vn- ' as back from Toronto. He was a duly signvcl and eligible DlKl_\'L`1` of the Itonm. On his return he at once show- '|cd such good form in prmrtico ho was install:-rl as tho rogulzn` goalie ' and wont all lhrouglx tho })l l}'0{fS in t that. position. l TT.'n'n(~.< is .'m all-rmmrl mhlelc. I 5 nn_vnv.< Is un all-1'Uln|u He has the knzwk of quickly pi<`k- in:.! up nngv game he goes nut for. He was {he s(,-(`and l)z1. fur A1- lzmdnlo softball team last season and he also turns in :1 good game of baseball. At lacrosse he is one of ihe bcrst fm`wm`ds on the Allandale jun- iors and last Full starred in Tri- Cmm1_v intermediate ranks wim tho ?.urrie team. nl|l|IL'lL`. Il.\l.ll` \.\V n.-.-'.-\ \\ FRED HAYNES .. ,.., T1. IS nn all-1 1. I-.-.nn1> nf I rmmd ' mm: nut fnr, WRIGHT HORSES; same TRAINEE: ma sgmmw Some Familiar Faces Miss- ing but Young Players Look Very Promising in Practice iMert MaCI\I;!-'V;I_'A- Charge of ' 17 Thoroughbreds for l I \ 1 5 Current Race Season The racing xinble of W. H. Wright.` lzxrrie sporhmwzln. will be shipped 10 Woodbine I`21rk_ ']`m'nntn, on May 1. 'I`raim>r Mort Mzurlvur will l1:1w.`.| 17 l1)r.~;us ready for the se:1s:>n's] `cmmmign rm Cm1.'1di:m tracks xvhich} opens with the historic Kin;z`s Plate` on May .13. Tim hnI' hn`\rn boon 2'(>1.1im inl TO TORONTO MAY 11 may ,m. i The horses have been gcttimg inll slmpe at Mr. Wriglii.-s farm at, `he 4 \2vc.~'l0rn curl of Bmrie. The mile ll-rnck ihero is in oxcellviit ormzlilimt, ` just as good as the Wm)(lhine irzu-R in 'l`m'miln. :i(:cm'r.liii;: 10 Ml`. ?vl:ix-- Ivor. Con. the l3:u'ric hors- (:3 are just us far ud\':m(rv(l in lhoir tr;iinim.: as if ihcy hurl boon lulu.-nv Ito '1`ornnl0 cm'li(\1'. as was ihe ('H.~'- Ilnm until last year when they \vm'9 kept here until the mid of April. ' Plate Pru: Most ll1l(.`I'(`.\`l by local turf follow- ; ms is shown in the King`.~'. I lz1l.e. lVl1'.u Wright lmx l()lll` ()l11.l`lLS for this `. event. Tux 1 1'cv. Wnrthing. Bmmi i Days and Spay Gold. - 'l`n\> l7m~r~ is :1 lmv uvldin 3. [W uuys mm apcy Lxmu. 'I`nx Free is u buy goldimz 3, 1):! Wm'tlm1m'e (ml. of Jo.<:w:1. \Nm'1hin;;` is also :1 buy ;;`oldi.n;,-` 2%. by \Vm'th-i more out of Samoa. Brmm l):1y.~: is :1 chestnut filly 3, by Wm'll1mm'o 0111 `L [of F1yim_.{ Jib. I Ru-um rinld 1`: n hnv smldinu 4. bvt I nl Mynng .111). I Spay Gold is :1 buy golding 4. by! Spey I 0:n'l out 01` Guld Em. I.:I:<|,1 yum` Spay Gold was second 10 tho" mighty Iiommetcx` in the King`s,, Pluto. 1\If. xxx.-snmx m~m~inq hnvn hnmn in me rune. Trainer Maclvm` will 1101 conimit himself definitely as to his chances `this year in the Plate. but seonis `very optimistic and points out that the horses are in splendid c0ndi1ion` and have a good ch.'m<'c. '1`hex'c is no outslnncling f:1vm`i1o this year like Ho1'omotu1' was zililmugh Lisiam ml the I\'IcL.:1ughlin stable is perhaps f:;\'m'cd mosi. because of his 193-! u~.\n.u~.-'| mate. 1 Mr. Wright's entries have been` right up with the leaders in the! past three yours. In 1932. Spay Crcsi i \v:x.~7 third. Royal Vinlnp;e was 511: in a field of 22 the next yum`, and! last yvur Spvy Gold made the best} .~:hm\'in;; of any Wright horse to (Int;-E in the Plate. ` 'I`.~r.n...~ 1/1-an'h-nv uvu'H nni r\nrnn1H| '1`emm. ; There are two other tliree-year-` olds in the Wright stable. Worthy` Choice is :1 chestnut gelding by; Wnril1n101`e out of Herod's Choice. linst _\'e:11` in the first. five times' `\Nm'tl1y Choice was slziried, l1e fin-I i.~h(`d 4th. Diaimmcl Diggei` is :15, brown filly by Pririsirnn Dimnnnti out of Czisino Girl. linsl year shc-` was :=i:11'lc(l l0 ii111c.< and won races; :11 linniiltun and Ni:1}_::11';1 l*`;1lls. She`; p1`ct`er.~: the il(`. l\'_V gnin_{ in the mud Five Two-Year-Olds , There are five twti-_vc;1r-olds in: the \V1'i;;l1t stable. Good Picking is :1 bay filly by Spcy Pcrirl out of l-lcrodis` Choice. Watchful Em is :1` b:1_V filly by Royal Watch out of `Gold Em. L'in.-r'.~ f`:-nuo in n luau unlrlinu I\<~ PoP;wh;: ci}an.e.'Ha; ; MAY BE GAME MAY 6 L DO WISH vou wouL_DN*r TELL umou, no 1111-: '1 risian ` : races 5 Izfuv-vi L Qhn \ 4 1 4` ` ` T 11 spomvmws J} Lnsj Tri-County Annual Tonight- : . ._ ...:n L. . ..-\;uuuu.y ..... .... -.....,.,..., The lacrosse situation will be clur- : ified locally tonight when the Tri- 4 |C`0unty league's annual is to be held 5. in Barrie. It is understood that Frank Doyle of Newmarket, pi-esl-i dent of the league since its incep-. tion four years ago, will retire from! office due to business. It will also} !be decided tonight whether or not: [there will be :1 spring series. i I -. - 1'! ,u,, n--..- ...:n I... .. ....nr! `lHL`.'l'\_' \\'Ill UL U hllllllp, Dbl ICD. l I It is likely there will be :1 good: Ijunim` series: as llimisville, O1`lHl`:l. l Allnnclale and Allisum are said to be c1i`~:i'iii_r1 teams and they would likely an in the O.A.L.A. if the Tri-Cnunty| ,did not operate. . `rug-1 whiz-l~. inlm-mndiain ienmg are }(1m 1101 U[)Ul"(lll:. | Just which intermedi xcndy to no is uncerta do nut seem to be mm `definitely nut and so i don. lIun1:4vil1e and 4 to be the oniy teams In`;-n Il"ll.ll\l(l4l\. .,-.....,_ .. With Inst y(`nr'.~: puwm'ful team in-! tact except for Ro_vnn|d,~:, /Ulzmdule 1|h1l\ C ])o. {urn j\1|1im']:\c1`>:<-4`.? `chmm)inn: lhis: st.-:I. but [0 date K no n1'g:mi'/.ntirm has boon (`ffcwtc-d! far the <-ml.) and no 1>mr:1ico:; have} 1 mm 1mm 1 I I lL'&l1,'lll3 {mu lI.l`I.l\.I\. lllu'IIIn'u|uH: B" s(.~ri(.-s again, urn unmrt.':ix1 now but rlul) u(Ti('i.'1ls urr culiit.-r)p1i1m.<|,i and much Adam 1VlcK(-n'/.ic predicts his team will win lhn Iu.'!u1u'~ iitlx`, again, hair! from 1930 tr) 1%.". in- ..:..(. 1...: mu--..v.rl Inc! vruw hv :1 L'I|Il|Il|)l|!Il.\I|l'l I u1`;,::mi'/.ntir)' :1 been held. 1 Dn...ln /\\~nn'1 . .`. ]LA":1nda,1c llnve Strong 'I`oum-- | . .. nu. . . _,. l|ll'(.`H H('l(l. ` Barrio Aron: ihu ro:1d_\ for 11 `there will Iik< I|\I\r\ 'T`h.. A11- I Need Nrw Sh0rt.~;lop-- Tho nnly 1ni.<. l'ig.:uro from ` .<(en. snflbnll ('hmm)i nf Bzlrrio Roxy Aces, is Au: 1.: ..1....-4.-4...` nnuv A\\ .\.u nu n nun. ..,. , 1:151 the 1co1m1y. Austin `1\'l(-Kni_:1hL. :~'t.'n` .x'hort.s`lop now :11. `Camp I3o1'den. Art Adnm.~'.. who' ;stz.rtud Ihc su:l.m11 in 1'i_Lh1 field, is unow :11 I\'irkL'1n(l Luke, but he \vn.<. inot urolmd wl_mn the p|:1yol'fs went] ,in prop,1'o.<.< and the cup w:|::. won. iJnc Snso filled in his position in good `jstylc. 1 rm. A.-ml. mm imvhur uni uhr\I'Ic1nl\< (.\(T|I.\\lI| .` ;\\lI|II|lI| R( .\'l)l.\`()l .11) 'Y,\,. Cup fiilnrl in ;sL_\'Ic. ,. The Aces are 1r_vin;.z out shnrts(np.s' C I in lhoir drills: now. There have been 1 2 three nl tm' the position. Dnlt C0rbc11.i } L `,'I`nm Hare and Tom Birohnrd, with [ (ho Iirsl nzuncd 11:1vin,u :1 sIi,z4ht (?(lL{("_ `tn ute. The Aves expat-1 in lino. up lwilh Jimmy Julmstnn <'n1('hing, Ken I(iL:ilfnylc~ pi((.'hilLL{. 1`un_v Sam :11 I five! Nlnrrv R1rnn- n1 Bzrrrio Year in Sporl- 7:..- nu, _ nu...` --an ... uln... The Nowmnrket Era remarks: g Bnrri(~ wins the pn1m this year f0r;'i` gsxxuzzllox` p1a('o.<. Their softball toning j\\'o1'c- only bonicn by Sionoy Creek ;` iin the finals. while 1heir junior B" a l:ncl {mm defeated St. Mike's Bu7.- in lzxt-rs to win 1110 chmnpionship. This. . ?<'c1'1:1in]_\' has been Barrie your in f\nr-uvln nun.-O . Tl` \|vn \r\r1 wnnrn : w r 1 C :1g:un, hold Irum nmu LO |:m.-. clusivc, bul. vzu-u'.L(l Inst your by :1 clusn margin in I-*ox1(-t,an{_.{ Suil1>1`.<:, who went on to tho nals. Lots of P.att.in;{ The pm.s'pc(:liv(: plzxymxs` '1 wt not all l'('L-n out yet. C00] winds` k Hmm at home but tho.:<(: ni1.',ht:~' as the urnnc um nrk mm-n nnrl mm`e nip 1: a Good ;i';)_ Be H;)nes7t lllllkllllg lul Ll xighcst class. Starred in Finals THE BARBIE EXAMINER, BARRIE. 0NT.. CANADA mrale. ch intermediate teams are` :0 uncertain, but thereil m many. Barrie is is Camp B01`- tsville Alliston seem! ready for ac-| [Jill 1 IL` _\ can ux` we had more I \A/ELL,l , THINK ITS A \/~./If-'E S l\I I`l'\/ VVlrC.\J DUTY - `Five-Pin Bowlers to , Banquet on Tuesday I _.___ The annual banquet of Barrie ve- pin bowling league will be held in the C.N.R. restaurant at Allandale on Tuesday, April 30, at 6.30 sharp. Those who bowled in five nights or lover will receive invitations to at- tend as guests of the league. I Anv nlhpr hnwlr-`-1': wishing in :11- .1 nnuun. lJ(|\n\ ... . ...... 'l Tribblo only .'Ipp0ar(.-cl in two|i gmncs lzisl, smisznn because of :1 - broken 1014. His zibs(.~nc(.- was :1 large ; rt-n. why Rzn`i'i(- last out. He was the t(~zu`n`.~; inns! pi>w(-1'i'iii hi1l(:r and in mlclititni VHS <'min1(-d on for L-misi(lcmbl<: piichimz. Right now his arm is rot-ling luvitur than H`. any l,im(& since it, was in_iux`(-Ll in N10 1m.-morzibic ClY1])(li[.{l1 of 1930 whon Bm`ri<.' went in the finals. Tribbl-.2 expo:-is in do :1 Int 01` hurling this yum` and if his arm ovvr rogainzs its 193i) power. the fans 1i`0llL'l this i(`?l;_{ll(` \\'ill wnntlvi` what :11! this talk ulmui Marchildun was $01 . /\I`(`hi(` l`l1onm.~: I`(`,L'lli.'ll' <'.r1tcl1m' and LlH(`l'llHi.(` ])il(`il('l` for tho p.1. IIIIUI unnunnc iu -.-Iill in trnvn hut hnui Lena as guests 01 Int.` u.-aguu. ` ! Any other bowlers wishing to at- . itend may do so at 50 a plate. Every 'person wishing to attend, guests or !paid, must phone the secretary of ithe league. Bill Garner. at 556W ,days or 34617` nights. and let him` iknow. There are a limited number Iof seats in the restaurant and the` 'sccrctary must know how many are attending so proper preparali(m:= can be made. These receiving invitgi- |t.ions must bring them. as they will I serve as admission tickets. Rn;-Grin: ihn hnnnunl lhnrn Jill hr` acnn1ss1on IICKCIS. I . Besides the banquet there will be . ;p1`esentati of mi /.e.< to the winning ;`tc-ams and a few short speeches. .._____._____..____. I ltuwns like Barrie. the limo 1r)wn.~: &wm1ldn't have to valor in certain Hog 'I`0\\'ns so much." ale 2: as =l= I .Midland s Turn Now-- "(Wu-Elihu 13- n -xnrl DA IMm!amI's Turn NOW-- ! Orilhn, B.'1r1`io and Penelnng om.-h `have :1 chmnpinnship in sport." re- nmrks the Midland Fl`('(` Press. ` "In ()riIli_z1 it is |:1(:ru.s`sr`. in Tnrri<- ijlminr hm'k(_\' and 1`m1o1nm_-, |)Ilf\'(`l):IH. i Now it is Midl;md`:: {urn 1n gr)! in the sport limvlighl." I :!: :1: 2!: * ilL'VV VVLEUKS. JllL:l`l,' lb uuc |.L'lll]JUlv.I|_Y green at present, all the ether greens `being open. The (`nurse is still l'()1t_l.1l1 `but work is pmcee(lin;1 so that fair- `. ways and g1'een.< will all be in ;,:n()(l jshnpe by Mm 131. the nfficiul open- zing date. _; There is some talk of hnvim: an in- L`, termedinte lmckey team in Bnrrxe l lngzain next yezn`. With five requl:n`.< lnf the Colts (wet age zmrl all in town. nu`./. .. n A u.,\..,. ..,n.n "1...-, :'|ll'L'illl_Y ilIHl |lIl.'llf qlll` (I I-llpgu her of very D)`<)lI1iHil1L' _vm.1nx.: Ir players 1`0.'1(l_\' for action noxl sen who would Lgivv I3.'xr1'ie snmc I i good huckcy. . This is likely in pru\'icl(` bv` um. I`1r\1\ Hxu vn-Iv \r" .4... ||\ . u igonu Imclury. , l.w1lm'| |u,rm|p u:\I11<':: lhnn this your when` `the (`oils rlnminnlvd the : !Su(-h l(`:lI11\' as Midhmd. Orillin, Cul- I:'I;g\vnud. .$l:1,\'n(\r nntl I3r:1('(3hrirlu(3 me bnund tn Ix` l)1>11(`1` next _vv:n'. h.'1\'im,r.'| m.'1jm'i v of ynllmz and vom- ing plznyvrs this St`1I.`~'ll!1. With whm` l;k Inn nf 1hi vnm-`< (mun nlu:< H10 '1 '1'nor(~ IS tank at nnvum: an In- .,`.tormodi.'1to I jngain rom1]nr: '_10f n\"1` ' 'p1u.< . Barrio boys who play-1 ted with Camp Borden last se:1snn.; [the nucleus of :1 _L{rmd team is nvui1- t gable. H()\\ C\'(`)`. :1 lot of things can happen between now and next Ow, tuber and the 1)lnyC1's might not all; Ibo here by then. hnnn)un.r `\-u.-:\`\')1l I-Ink I1-nvn nu`- 1111;: ]IIq'l.Yl S IIIIS .\|.'il.`~Ull. VVIUI \V is` left 111` this yo:11.s' H`-`IIH plus 1'm1ki('H l`rm11 H11` 111111111` lv:1_u11r*. B `HO will ho Male 111 1:i\'<- :1 gmul count and 11111111 i11lm'cs!i11;,v_ gr: `K111111105 are l)11111rl in 1'v. .1. .1. -2 :2 unu uH(.`I'll2ll.(` ])Il('lH'l` IHI llll' }).l.\l l'1\'(- strzxsxuxxs. is still in town but has not bcvn ou1 _vvt.. He is: cxptartnrl in he in uniform. in-\\`v\'vr, when Hw seusnn (:p(,'n:<. Px'nn\i\'inL' `Rm-1'ni1.S 1 rllt-rc and Thc-rc- E Orillin pl:m.-' tn 0 inrlu. l):1.~`(`bnl| Iv: 1:.~ dcvolup p|:1_\'m'.~4:n1 |v. in the Lzmmr. I f`.u~-nvr-|1h|n--. ~ hrm ('51, ll] Llll' L',illI|L'. Gr:\\'onhur::t is brnm 11 new b:1s(!l.):1lI team 1 {will be on1m`oc.l in the ( imediatc C" . 'I"lu,..~n "\'\x~ I\(\t\r\ -1 x `moamlc "L . ! There has been :1 split in Owen` !Sm,1nd bnsolmll rzmks. In: M1 .1120 single st:-um: tonm planned. two; .4r`.-~un\- h:1\-n hnnn ('nIf`I`(`(l in HM`: `HZ? single Slrnxuz Ienm ])I:1nnL'u. nuwl V trznns have been entered the v iruee Ion}.{uo /\" . and the ri\'- . I:-l c1ub.< are bzxttling for pln_Vor:<. I Golf enmusinsls have been 011- } jtying some early mamas at the Bar- ` `i0 Cmm1r_v Club (`()l1l`SO for the past I ' I 1 few weeks. There is one term)m'zn;V ` .u-nnn -M Ixvnunnl '11` ihn nilnw nrnmm IEHU 1| I|1\\ll xv this szm-n. further imm'- As long as the minnr l10el'.ey lea-I glues are kept going there will al- ways be a steady supply uf guml players for Barrie teams. The midg- et and juvenile church leagues which have functioned in Barrie for thel Last few years have been of great value. The present Barrie chmnpinn I hockey team were nearly all (level-| oped in the church league just fnurl ` I V'D.'\I`u nun I '1('l1l11S V(`l`_V .\'()f)I1. league. 14 _v(!m's and under. Fmm n (:('n. taken [rum tho vzn'imIs cu:nch- . all-star luzun uf |)u_v:: \-ho pl::_\-ed in this Ienmlvz us l'01lu\\'s2 Firrat tenm: gnu], Arnold I{u:1<-h. lCvntrul: (](.`f(`llCL', Hurry I.ind,s'n\'. Collier. Murley Ri(:hz1r(Ism. I". l_|/Road: rentro. Iiumld Sm-n('c-. (`ul- flicr: right wing, Dun F0, Cullit-rt left wing. Vt,-rnnn Bowen, St. 1. . | fInnrun'c: Eight tvmns: were in the mi \ . vs it was pnssil)l(' to fimlrv nut an: VL.'ill5 uggu. There was :1 juniur league nper- aling in Barrie steadily from ha(~l<| around eight years ago. This alw:,i_\'.: producer] a steady stream of players: for junior hockey. Then the league lz1|)se(l for several years and it was quite noticeable that the develop- ment of young players was greatly retarded. In fact. for several sea-~ suns new boys uund enrm;_{h fur O.ll. A. junior ranks were almost (run-' Sl\lCll()llS by their absence. Ilnwever, ` [the juvenile league was revived six 1\'l\!`ll`I: nun nnrl fi-nnu il mnnn Htn -` ' nn (Ipm . Prmnisingz R(-<'1'ui1,s Thcro I11'(` snlnv promising r(`cruit:: this _vc:1r. Roy Storey in pm`licn1zu' has bovn the talk 01" the przlcticcs. He is 1r_\'im: out for pitching , zmclu shows plenty of spuotl. He can also 1..'Ak(- :1 will (`[11 all H10 hull with a ball and looks hkv um` nf Hw box! yuzlnq nm : .`l.......... 4.. .-Inn" nu in \vr\:| .. ,. | Another prugrcs. '0 stop was tak- en three years zuzn with the start of mirlgul huckoy zmd thn-re :m- plenty nf yuum: ]Jl:uyer.x` (rnmimg alum: now. This: :;u:1s church lmuzuos were vory gum] in pm(lu:in)1 young pln_v (- Nuvvr h.'I:~: thvru hvvn :1 mnl": (Inn-\ llxnnn -. H nnrl lllf _)U\ l?HllU ll`EIL',Lll.' \Vil < y('aI`s 11510 and from it ( 1935 junior chzlmpitms. l'I'I\'. lVl\. l'l' Hilh lll|'|I.' p1`mni:~:ing (`!`()]). K001) 1 llwre will he nmru chn 1(-nms very soon. linld `r\l|hv1(- uvnrl) in `l:CHT]. ,C S. I Second team: non], Bill Donnult. S1. /\n(h'(_'w'.s': Imsfs Stvph- <.-ns. (`,nHiCr. Stuns B.'1lm;,'enrL:r'. Trun- ,i1_v: ocntrtr. Jzu-k M,ver::, 'l`rini1_v: riunt wing. l.|n_\'(l Gnrinu. Central: Ivft \\'in1,r. Victor RL-__vnt>l(ls:. I'Iss.'I Rnzul. I111 - . 1'1 .. ... . .1, 1... .... Orillin has four new pluyL-1's lo (10- fond the Mann Cup along with mus-. 01 last _vL-:n".x' Cunzldizm chnmpinn lu- (.'I`()SSC tuum. 'l`c(ltl_\' Hull, fm`nn.n' 'I`umnlu ().'|k\\'t)()(lH' 51:11` nvtmintl<*v' n .~:n n n n... nu... ... `,.-.. /\..L.. -. I...-.. In Players Developed in Church Leagues The juvenile lunL:uc_ .?_?_.j_j_.j_. NICVV PLAYERS AT 0RH.l.L\ Page Four

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