Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1935, p. 2

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MOTHER'S Rl'Z(?()MI'l".N.\`l'Z Some boys come home at dusk from play Tired and dirty . . . smiled and sweet. How good it is to bring them in. Wash up the little tired l't-vl. Put ointment on :1 bruise or two, Pet them a bit. as mothers du. ........ x ... Lemon Filling . L... Spongv (`aki- _. -..__1., r: it,-ii` hzil nld uld (H'- 'IL'_(` for lht~ {mu nun YYIII got you ri.-4- 10' win /5 I I is`. 2331 um! 01! im- `all- 3i'ly likv` hild 1 M for XC(.'lH.'HL II|Sl.I'llIn['Yll,illH. lJUl'lIl}.', l.nl' (:v(enin;{ Rev. J. 1!}. .I on ht-hzillh of the L'J1(`h`i.`i [')I'(.'H(*l`]1, in II (`It-vi-1'. witty lillI- /:p(.-(.-ch pro-:~:<-nit-d UM` hnrmrv-rl ('ullDl(: wiih H ] 1'll'l!]2~?HIn|.` sil- v-r flow!-r b:i. filln-rl with an -24- 'quis`il(- lmuqiu-t ml` tulips: in shzidt-ts ml l'l).`-71' :in .'it'<'ninp:ii\i<-rl by an :n'1ie;- it-ally M-:-(-Iil.o(1 pm,-.~:<-nt:ilimi r-,.u`(l. Mr. (}i':ih.'un. ;ill,|miu{h t:ik(-ii so Hmi~n1i;,'hly by s;ui'pi'is<.~, thmikt-rl thv .'lHS(.'IYlbly in his uwn :~'iii('L-rt-, mzmnui`. on lit-!izilfn1`Mi`s. (i':ih.'nn and him~ xi-ll` um] Hit-n j-ninim,' h-'HlliS :i|3uul lhn ('0lI]')lf.', tho ::in;:iri;,' of Auld l..'xn;{ .S'yri<~" mid "1"ui' l`ii(`_\) .'|I'(' Jul- Iy (Sum! l<`<-l|nw.<." h<-:ir1.il_v joint-cl in by <:\'m-_ym`1(-. A (it-liviriizs liuffs-I lun- ('iI(.`f)ll i'v('(l. and hmlilil in 15 l,'|n-:I- :1 linppy and Irl('hH)I'ZlI)il' (!('C. l- rzirm. Mr. mu! i\/h`e~x .I. I-1. (lmlizim \V(`I`l' m:n'rivrl :11 H:iwkt->:1uii(-. April 12 I910, l.-y tho [it-v. I`). P:l'U\.VI). Mrs; Gmhziin was fm'm<-rly Mis:= Mn lilmm.-:, y()l|!1L{('.`Il(i1IllLiIi('I' of UN? Hm Mr. and R/is':;. (i(3Hl'1{(` ldiniris; of Ur! Slziliun. Mr. (`imhziiri is; the (-ld(.-5'1 won at` thv lzitr: Win. Craharn nnrt Mrs. (}i'nh.'im nf Slinnty Hay. Ti1I`_',' hsnm : ..r 'm... hnnn -_-nhau Px-urn, l ()llM|'ZIl. (NH) (Tl)U| l.l'l MAILK 'r.`.5'l`ll Wl'.'l)I)lN(i ANNIVICILSAIKY /\ l` l"0I( l' I"ltI\N(`l`IS, ()N'l`/HUO `llnul fur Ion um-~: . |`h- mu.-.512; (-Ind:-rl R:-v. nml Mrs. Jun(~s'., Mr. M112. H Mr. mud Mrea (it-0. ch.-1'.~mn und Mr. and Mm. Ncil ` Lean. ' While H11: dinnr-r L:lu~::t.:. all ' frit-m!:. M 1911- 25~_vv:nr-uld brim- ' grmnn, \v<-rm idling: nlmm lhI- (ii: I I.-uhln lull-inn l.\Il-I` r.|t| Hun-~ :1 'Hl`UUH|, \V('l'l` Iflllll HUUIIY l1H'(IlIHll`!' l::hl`- 1ulkin;'_ nvt-r old mm-:;_ :1 rh-- li,qhlful :r1n'pri.',- m'('uI'r(-rl when .: nmnhv-I` nf frir-n(l:; .'n'ri\'<'d 11n:m- nuunm-rl and n truly happy ow-nin1I_ .\.v.'ue H)')I`l1| in mns unrl ;,':unL-:4. I`/Xi.-xv. l.yl:: (lmh.-un s::|mJ_ :1 vrn.'.':| ll\lH`Ib(`l` and Miss Margaret Stuart unvc: twu t`X(.`(,'4.'nl ins1.r1unt.'ntuls. Durin;.{ the Rte Jul . ht-hull" l..r I... (VIII . -..u.... .. ..1...,.... (|lll.`H[' I}|HiqUl'| HI I|ll|[J.`. HI .lli.(lll'H rnl'x'm:v':n11 I):-half nf Mm. .\'(' -ouplr.-, I . . . . ll..'xn1{ ru-' ! In f` L`..II;.. u Lu.-...4 (231!!! Ill lHl' (}1'nh.': have boon .-4 Il"m'I Frm / ..-3 'I`lm-rs) um` of III 251): .'unIivm'.~;:u'y w~rl4lim.1 tiny, Mr. and Mr:;. ruhmn (`lilo uim-rl :11 .'n din-~ lu lu.l 1.|Il ~iI \'i. .1 mun In DlliIHl._Y 11; V. . 1 .s'ubs:m'il`;L-x`r-: of The Exnrn- .-:in(:e thc_-ir 1n:1rrin;{tn @@M [3 V '---1. . 1!} old itlv zmri Hll' nlllll -riinm-r :: Ill- .zmzl .An- R11.- BTWN LABEL - 33 1,/zlb. ORANGE PEKQE - 40 1/2 lb. i'()l'\"lY Vl .('.'I'.|'. ('().\'\`lN'|'l()\Z T0 BIC IHCLI) l.\' l'..\!!li'I !\'_.\1\Y FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS `Iva-r-g`e-s.ie QN SPECIAL SCREEN EVERY DOOR AND WINDOW NBQV ilou Can Wear False Teeth With Real Comfort `_lll'lH 1...`- 8-oz. Tin THm':d:u-'. `A.mi1 25,!93H `- Pkgs. RISK BAKING FAILURES . . .. T. E. HARLEY T) A I\I'IlY',` 1 0 L40 A 1u1Al\A4l..4 A - BARRIE -- Phone 23 1-111: . Irun-n\ spa - ` A \vcd(ling of inlvr:-sl w.'|.~: .-:oJom- Hi /.t`(I W(`dlI(`SdIl_V nftcsrnnnn. Aprill, EM, 1035. :11. lhv hnnw of lh- l)ri p.'u'vnl. 32 Rrn(|l'm'l S1,, wht-r: I`|. -. I`..I|u 1 nu :lunuhl.n- nl' ]):'|l'(`lll..`~i. JZ l'$l'H(llUl'(l HI , . Chrisliunu Cznlhvrim-, rlzxluzhh-1' n1 Mr. and Mrs. Jnmc-s Willinm SI.'ul.l, Barrio, became the bride of John Rit-hurcl Culumnn. elder son of Mr and Mrs. l')nvid Hvnry Cnlomzm. Ilsn*|~3n I l`Lll'lIuIu \,Uu:Ixuu|. cuuzn mu: ul nu Bnrrie. 'I`h(.- house was pwllily d(-<`m':xLvd with tall s1nml:u'(ls n!` Ez|. Iili<-;<,: fv'rn:; and spring: flmvors for Hw ('m'L-Innn_V. whivh wn.-4 p<'I`fm'nw(i by R1. llvv. Dr. .L S. Shur. Inini::1m' nl S1,. Audi vr: l l`('51L[\'1(`l`i!;_l l1'C[)lll'l`|l unrl lvlnnln '\I1n' Inf Ihn PI`! h`\'!`i.r-`riun! cm-1,-xnun,v. wnu-n , AndI'1:\.v :; Pm zmd Mmlm'nlm' of (`,hur(,-h in C.'mn(l: um 'I`nrnnln n|:` '(`,/mV1rr'h Cm I-Iill. 'I`nnm(n, .1. And little girls have quiet ways. A pret.-it>u.~: doll in hulrl nml (Irv . Wee hands to love . . a bump to ki.x`s. A small warm body In r.-:1:3os.\'. Stories to tell of fairios :~'con Dancing upon :1 zunnmr-r gr:-on. ITHISIC. The bride. ' rinmr by her ixvnrv s-niin l\'()l'_V .\illlll. intu :1 bri-I wz : In-Id in | nun Iulnc-an HIUD l)l'l(`l Il 4'||H, lll'l' \vu:: plzu-v with : m'.'1m;- l)In.<:' and ::h .-'h(-ml` of (3 Ha Iilh.-+1, nn:.-.- 1\`/I >Il('(II IH Miss 1` of H14` l hluv mu .\.. ...n.u an flrllgc-t-`J lmldur. III: 'I`lu- ; l)m1lu-1' :..,u...,, nu . ...._. lion was ht-lrl. Mrs". Smlll. lhu hl'i<.l-'~ m()lhcl'. l'vcvi\'Nl. \\'v:n'iny_ :1 nnvw. ml` hl.'u,'k l:u'- with :1 FI)I`S&l},{(-` of [liwk .-:wm-l p(-us nml Iily-of-lhv-\':I!lr:y. Shv war: as islml by lVIr.-4. (,Tnl:-n;-:m. llw ;:mmn`:< mnllwr, whu \v.'l.~: guvnr I 1-1! in ;.',Im'i:| blue lriplv .~<|wm` (-rupw will: lull. ln mnlarh and :1 C()l`:s'2l,L{(` ml itnlisnmn rn::(-1:-:1l\(l lily-nr-lIn:-v:|lll:;,I I l.ul.er lhv happy cmlplc lull on :1 nmlnr trip. lll _p"5(}u)yalyvllil:g in `u navy hluv :m( may vh. will- nml:-hinyr nr-1\nx! Hwil` l'l'-I ' H`-"ll III |lll' I wnrlc of H,` 9 1101:: umlvr ` given \\'m`k. mun :m(1 grey unsommru m:Ilchin1.{ u({1\( ': llwi lurn Mr. mul I125. ?.n vmznn wi .~irl(- in B;n`ri<:..l_,_ -_)vi1(3 ('0l.l'3M.`\ N--S(`O'l"l` And though your wzlues sour. st` small, There is :1 finer coin I know. It will not tarnish or grow ulcl. 'l`ime can not dim its rmlizmt, glow. A shining kingdom set apart, wnmum- In n fnilhful hvnri. lIIl.'.`., n S(-0H. Hurt` gm`./Ht-(1 in ` `vim: zm n|(l-1 ... . - . . nun! . V'V'cltr`idr~(3-A that rvli-`I 5] UIll`l :~'\'\/(`(-1 1 :1 .\`ilV('l` l'l` lll"'H. l HllllI'l|]` r :: nmnhvr ml tlw " and it is v.\'pm-lml 1 \vm\1<. whvn the 1: lhv lnvnl (ll\('k.`1 wory mm: will he H`H.\' :Hl'l l'i!:1;5r(.v> Ontario Oldest Twins Mark Birthday Mrs. .J..A. Auun}.-.uru,ua. anu 1vu`>.| Richard Anderson, Gravenhurst. twin sisters, celebrated their eighty- fifth birthdzyv at the home ot"Mrs. lAd:un's daughter. Mrs. Russell Har- . vie, Hzlrvie Settlement. on Sunday. Over twenty-t'ive members of thel family ut.t.r:ndcd the reuniem. rm... .....-.4 J...:.. ...'(.I...... uyhn n.-n nn, nuuun_y uL|.- Tho aged twin sis.(_-rs. who am" D'.`- H(.'VCd 10 be the oldest in this part. of the Province. were born at RuL,~- 1... Tknuy ..m..ma an n.-nus. lunxr\!v.. nu\.u uu. . \:I.Illlllll- 01 me mxuvnnce. we-ru norm in rulL',~- by. They moved to Orillin twenty- four yc:n`:4 ngu. Mrs. Andc.-r.mn In-ft Orillizl five years ago in 1:11:19 up :x'n'.s'id(`n(`<: in G1 zvonhu 'Qn :|I'.VIu\ In x. u: \_u LAv\.|I|I\I In tlwir yuunuer both Mm`. Admn and Mrs. Amlur m w :u--- tivo in church work. ]VIr.-4. Adam was for many yuzlrs 'I`rc:u.-zurm` of 111:.- 'W.M.S. nl' Rlu,'1)y I r(-: (`hIxr<'h. 'l`h(-y wt-re: &l]:~',() lmih mum- bers of the Wmnun's lnslil.ulv. Both twin sisters are enjoying remark- zulvly fine heullh. .s`pm1(lin;,' must of (Eu-ix` 1im(- in <:xu|;mi(lc|'ing, rr.:.uIin,'_{ mu` walking. !\ 11'::. Adam has six (l:nI;:h1m's and mm mm living: MI'.<. A. Rznmzuv. Or- illiznz Mrs. R. H.iI`Vi('. Ilurviv .w!!'-`v nwut; Mrs. W. Clark:-, MEN-In-ll} u-..- Ml:-u K`. Rani! Rnuh\;' NIH: A shmmg Kmgumn S(.'l upznw, Forever in :1 faithful - -I'.`(lmL Jmmes in tho V<'l'HUII N4-1:`: ;lIH`lIl,; lVll'.\`. W. \,IElI'K('. |v|:u'| `Squaw-; Mrs. G. Scmt. Ruphv; 1\ Muc1')onnld, Mrs. J. Johnston. n (:l' S:I.~:lmt.(-lu.-\v:In; zuul /\in::li-:-, hmm-. She has: t\v ;`.1`:| ` childrvn and thirteen ;,'r(-;It-,-{vu r'hiI(lrvn. ; Mrs. Anderson has lhroo suns: : (mo (lnmJ,h1.(-r: William. Ch:n`|-\', vin. ull nf Rugby: and Mrs. T I\/Im-Dmmltl, Clmv(.'nhln'st: and ` I p1'nndchil(lr(\n. On Sunday HIS1. am iIl[(3l'(`.`~`Hll_l{ I".:n. Sunday morning sm'vi-(- was In-Id at 9.30 in lhv Prv.~:l)ylm'iun (.'hux'(:l1 fur t,Iu,- nu-tubers of St. An- lr(-w`.~:(`-irls'Guild and St. Anclrt-w'.~' Girl (illitlerz. Dr. Shnrtt comlm-tml `the service` tn'n1xgh'0u_1.l with Mr. II2n' uf U10 df'gun." "l"ht3` nr(l 51` of .-:(.-rvicc cmnmonm-d `with :1 pl`n(!(`:;':~ Iimml Hymn [nl{uw<-Ll by sui1.:|hI(- |r4-:ulim:.~4 and h_vmn:4. Ivliss Muruznvrl IIuhb:u'(1 sum: :1 bvnutifnl Fk. Hr I solo and Dr. Shnrtl .1,-':w(r an im- ...:.... nwncusufn In Hm uh-I-.~ In-xrinxl I .-.---..--_-_j._ l'If\H'l'l'ZlC 1\rlOl{NlNG SI`IRVl(`l'I H| .I.l) IN S'I'. /\Nl)Rl'IW'S FOR (ill{l.H` GUILI) /\Nl) (I-l'll)I'IS T 1h(-m I _ punsil ; tlu-.011 S'l'. /\Nl)Rl~?W S W.M.S. '1`h(- I`.:1::l.L-r 'l`hnnk-nl'fm'i|u; of S1. |l\Il(iI'l'\\/'.\` W.M.S. w:1:= hold nu April 18. Mrs. Rtmkl` pl`(:si(le(l and rum] :1 |shm'1 I`ii|Si.(El` Iiit-. 1Vir.<. Mt'iVI:n`- tin guvv :1 |)il,)l(~ r(r:1 and Mrs. ('.:unorm1 4)!` /\H2ll1(iIi(` lwl in [)l :|_V(`l'. lVII's. Wm. ClIn(`l'Ul\ l`t.`pUl`l(`(i Hm! fun!` quilts and .- :n'ti('|u:4 nf It-lutliimz had been mnclv at (hv .<('\V- ing meetings which were hold (lur- in): Fobi'u;u'y and March. 1\/Irs. A1o\'. (,`mv:m and Mrs. Mr-(ZT11ui;,:.w(`rr' up- pulntod dc-lega1os in tho Prn.:hytm'inl which! will belwlii i~niMid|'..m(l, Mziy `III A Mr:: (Em). h\rIv1\`\ urn-: tuna hv 2!). A hymn was 3'4UllL{ by Nlrrw. (St-0. Bru\vn. znflg-1' which `Mrs. N. R. VI). SincIa'u` uf Allundulu gave :1 . (lid 1'epurt,,uJ'.1hv provincial xnm,-1.i1)L{ `that `was he|d in 'l`ux'(mt.n. Slw_ emu- cludod her report wiLh,u briui Eust-- er message. The ln(:(`.tin[.{ L'1o:s<*.&l with p1`uy.e1' by M:rs.~.I. 1VIc1.. Smv-nsqn. `. _f`l'OR'l`A:`J('?li `or .'<(:m~:IcNING `ONTARIO sAr'1=:'r\' 'I.F1z\(`tIJI ` V('M\\ lll Kw Iwlu m 1vuur..Inu_ Jvxny 1 'ISSUI'.S AT T'I~lA'I. ` I o`.. r;,...1m `n....`umI h\- hwl. . l ll.\l\H_\ uuu ;.',1.'u;u tn be imparted to vhildron by the nth the auspices of the `men! n1` Education. Mrs. J..A. Adam, Orillia. and Mrs.| 7fi(-h:1r(l Anderson. Grz1vunhurs1,.1 ,3l), and lessons in histm`_\'. 1i:er:\turc `and geogmplmy will follow in sub-1 i. hnlf~hnur bmudvusts. I Through lhv co-upomtimx". says Aha nnnuuncvmcnt. uf lhv Canadian 1 Radio Broadcasting Cnmmisshm and ` of private brouclcnsting zagexxciers`. it -has bocnnm pmsiblc fur the dcp:1r`.- \ IL` CUH H1 IHUSUC Ull J HL'>Llil_`\. - \}J|lI ` mom to prusolll an experimental program of 8 lessons. The purpose of this experiment is to zxttenapt to discover the extent to which radio broadcasting may be used to advan- tage in the presentation to ichnnls Qhrnnahnlll ux Drnvinaux nf lacuna: |1il{L` U1 U1!` |.)l't`l!HIilll0H I0 \'L'llUUl!i `throughout the Provim~o of le.~:-zuns taught by teachers uf skill and ox- lpcriuncv. Hours for the lessotw will be from 3 to 3.30 um. on 'I`uc. and Tl1urs Tho tvuclxurs Mirzs Em- ily Tedd. W. K. F`. Kendrick. Thorn- ton Mustard and H. E. Cam.-ll--ax`e executives or from -the Turunlo Nor- `mul School. MR. AND MRS. IHCII. l'.ll)VVl-IIJ. I l[*"l`Y-l~`lVl'I YI M \ IHHIEI) Radio Lsbhi start: `Over Air on April 30? I36. Dept. Announces: .\ junim` clan: n< in Inugir Phone 215:: (or goon ]0D printing. |):ll`(l Slllu: il Ul'illlllllll rm. '1 :sivt\ nws.\~:u,{o In the girls. lll'L{ill_L`, 1 In lit, lllvlnst-lvos l'rn` I'ut.In`v :`r:s- qihililios in the church and in community. ~ u. on ` t1`uclwr.~'- -Miss . nd \I1\ .H-an 'I"nu~nn.\ KY.-, |-:-_ an :1':n:d- grinni- ""-" I Allznmluln (,`ump:my nrr: lmvim: 1h0i1`.'nmu:1l church : on Sun- day nmrninp; ll('X1,. IVI4.-mb<-rs of the \r:n`inII< (iuiclo zmd Sunni. m`L'2m' 1-; I:l)('iU a`\5h()L'Iilll|lIl II |Il.'|lIF, I 1V[nn(1:n_v. April 2!). :11 15 pm. :1 ily I :|I`i.s`h Hull. 'J`h(- Rzmggvr Crnnp:m_v is r on 'I`hm`. (`V(`l)ill}.{ this: unluu. Hun: uvill 1|-u rnnu. n Ull lHlll.`(hl_y ('\"'lllll}.'_ llIl.`\ \'\ when they will try .~ of I I"ir.~ Clzuas t,<~sl,s. Who will bu first in win hr-r first vluss h:i Only one fir `l. (`IJISH bmlgu in lust five yen s is 11 I`(.`(34)l'(l w(- nut [H`0ll(i mi . hul. we uxpm-t, in :1 number win l,hi.~: hutlgzn very : h vn HO Hun ('1 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bizlweil. Cnilier Si.. Burrie, were 55 _venr.-: mnrrieri on Suntiny. April 21. 1513:`) The happy event was quietly (`ele- bmted by the voiwrzubie ('nupi4- .11 their hume, in (-nmp:m_v with :1 few l'rienr.is. Among those present were Mr. nnd Mr.-4. (ion. (Tales. Mr, (`nle~: being :1 hruther uf ivirs. Biriweii. Mr. and Mrs. Gm-riun Bil|\V(`|| or YYii.()i1 1-zune h.mu- In he with their parents for the :nmiver.<:nr_v. but the other sum, Albert and /\i'(`il- ie. who live in Monsejnw. H:1.\'i:.. were unnbie in be present. Mr. and Mrs. Bidweii still have fniriy yznnrl health and it is the wish of many` friends that they be spared In en- jny many happy (lays tngu-,ii1z-1'. llIll`Y \1llYlll'.`v l|llVl h.1'- at lhu ('n|)ilnI nvxl 'l`|1o.:du_v nml VJ:- would np1)1'(.-r-inl(- ymlr 1 'l`i('kvIs: urn fur salt` from If (?llUlC(?llll.L W.M.S. tho Chm-<.-hill Auxiliary wuz; held in the (:hurch on April 18, Mrs. John l..u(:zI.~: pm:-:4irlim,r. R(3p0r1..~: from the vuriuus o!`I'ic(.-rs were given vu\'uI`- in;,;` th(- past. Hn'(.-(- monlhs` work uxul, 1111- bu:~'im!.~:.~: of 1.110 Society 'H.`(.'LlS.`S-l vd. Spt-ukor for the day w:ns Mrs. John 1\r1(*FIwvn. \\'ho.s'(: vt-ry in:~:pix'im{ a(ldrr~s.< was much zlppmc.-i21t<.-d um]. . r-njnyorl by all. After tho n1wIi1H.(,l llvn was: survml and :1 social hum`! - ...a I ` 'l`hv regular monthly mm.-|.in;g nfl: nu; u u-bun vd.SpmH Nh uddrnmzw Hum umx: ll'il W: spent. Hly IIIUVHIIII; [l('Xl,. ]VIt`lHL)('l'} ':u`iuus (3ui and m imn; in P:n'riI_.- urn uskml In 'l`h(- :umu:Il xnm.-tin;.{ of H1: .n(':|| .1\s.~:nci:1linn iz: lminL{ /[:.n:l-u: Ann-il `)1! :11 H nvn I.l l"l`l.F. children, tired with play and m-,url_v rt-ady for In-L ealmuld have light. `nour- ishing, easily dig_I:~sl(-.d funds for their evening meal. Kellogg's Corn Flakes, (`.1lH`,ll lwforo hodlimv. help children sleep. Scientific lusts (-onduclml in a large university have prov:-n this. (ihildrc-,n who haul Kelln(_v,g s for emppc-r slop! 3()`/`L more mmndly than those who ate ht-nvior fmuls. `K`liug_-_v"u rt-.~'lm'e energy without m'-rimuiing small Slulmwils. Tiu'_v r' pleasant. upp>li7.inI*. Ciiiltirmi love their crispness and delicious flavor. 'l`llI'I NEWEST l.1{lIN_l)l:Y' h`l`ZRVI(`lC Bug 0' Walsh is lh(- m)w(`. nl` lho modern Inunzlry servit-0:: in hv Ii- censed in Turumtn, tho rights uf lhi-: suvicv being held by Toronto Lann- (lvrers and Dry (`|(,-:nwr.~'. 'I`lu- sur- vive rol`er1'mI to has as its hnsis :1 laundry hm: with which tlw huu. wife is supplied. It has throo sop- nratu and rlistimrt xv:-(inn.~: and lhv number uf ser`tinn:< in which <-lnlluu: are placed fixes the nmmmt Hu- householdor pays. All ,r_-rruvcrs sell Kellogg's Cnrn Flakes. R':ul_v to serve from the WAX'I`|'l`[-`. hag in- sidr the rm]-and-gr:-en pack- ugc-. F.('on0n1i('al. Made by Kvllugg in London, Ontario. CORN PLAKES 141` *`i`s3{ic u1i;"`i?::A 1%a`iNi;i, rizuuus. uN1'.."c'ANAu'A' ... yn;...u-....._-.. .x.... ..u_. p1'(,~r-inl(- y)u1rmm;1(: - lhv (iluitlm: I. )'|`gz1v1i'}:1- 1 I attend.` ` the Guide. run` 1.1.1.: n.-.| up; (I [Juj- Mnnd:n_v. and llxcy ...nn...n. I nu uulur. lwld rm -.I 'l`.-.-., HH'(.`llHg,`,' is \vu their I thcr :4 h:Icl1.{c'. ! u lhei I nu. a..-1. The Spring Sun I Is there anything as W(.'i(.`()lYIt' in: I the spring sun`! I never can under- ( stand those people who pull down I Ithe blinds to keep out the sun. What. ( lit? it might fade the eu1'pet.:~:'. it. if; , too precious to keep out. Do you re- member the ladies in (Irzinrord who 1 .movc(l l1(`\VS|):I[)(fl`S about and fo|- , llowecl the path of the sun, cow-rim: 1 yup the new (':u'pet to keep it from I fu(linL{'. They sewed the newspnper:;,, together and made paths from the , chairs to the tloors. Even when t.hej,' had :1 few intimate fI`it.'l1(t:; to ten` [they left their pupei` paths in place. When they wanted to eat. nn ornnue they retired to the privmry of their room. What :1 pity that anything, that tastes as good its an oi':nu.,'e :-ihoulrli be so Int-ssy to eat. It they cmnld v only develop :1 cross between :m ` uruge and :1 tzniL',erine`.` 'l`ln- orzmpy l'...- (`I-nuuur -nul Hun tannin-rinn The 4 l l)(` 50 In ll) L'dL. ll lu1:_y uuuu } , I;mu,<-rim-`.` ( fur flavour and H14: 1:m;,vt-rirw for, (72lS(.` of h:nn(l|in;.',. I ::(:u'h-cl wi1h liwh spring sun and orirlwl with l.:nn;:m*~-' ines. Mc./Xrcc said not so long ` `that. the best way to write 2: column : was to got started and once: yuu 1{u| , going: you nz.-vcr knew wh-r(,- you . . might. end. I am froqm-ni.|_\,' H1Ix'pri:4 ii .od and Hunn,-linws r'rms:t.m'i|:m~(l in! find how fur I have wnmlvri-(I fmm my beginning. Some nf th<:.s'(.- days must read Crunfm-cl znpzznin. 'l'h.'xi a plcusurt: that inkus p1nr.-r,- at l(.`1l!~`l once :1 year. I L-njuy old frir-ml.-; unri . `Some of my book friontis are vt,-rv ' -,(_`l0SC. 'I`I.. l\/I..-..`hu- nl` I ,(_'lU2-EU. ` I l`ht, Mt-mxles of Living` ti At some time or other, most chil(i- ` iren gr; through what might b(- (-zi|I-- 1 {ed the lTl(.`(l:iL?H of li(.-ing. If pmpc.-i'ly handled it will run its cnursv kw : any other 1i::t.-:is.- and than the child` will bu through with it. In.x't(:n |trcziting the (.lis(-use itself, look the cause and try to l`C!T1()\/L` it. Im-I iIL{in2lU()!I. which is sztmngly d(.-v<.~]- lnnml hlIrl|l`l` Hm :iiIr- ml i'iur- 3 IHC CKIUSC Iln(l try 10 l'(.'Il 1()VL' l|.. 1Hl- which uped bi.-I'm'e the age of five, should be (listinguished from lieing. If you try to trace the ezuise of the lies: that are told you will be SUl`])I`i5<(.'(l to find how often they are the re- sult of femx It. may be l'ear of pun- of loss of affetrtinn, t`(.-ur uf l(:s.s'(-r1- ` inpz prestige, or some other four. Re move that fem` and you will (.-tire thr- , epidemic of living. O('('ilFlt)n&Jl1y "children and yzmwri-tips too will tr-ll lies to make th(.`fn:s'('lV(`t4 irnr)m'l.'int Every child hzis a right to feel im- I purtunt about .~ so it i:: iup to the mother to :;('e that the Ilehiltl has n feeling, of iinportnnc-e. 'Pm`ent:; would he : if they _ were told that they were tr: blzunr I for their eliilrlrt-ri's lleing but it is ` very Often the result of wrong haml- ling. If you as '1 parent are lmving this problem, check up rm your own behaviour. 'ishment, fem` ol` (lisp:ii`;i;:(-inent_ fem` , I Ilnlll Plant an extra quantity of beets` so that you will have plenty to use for greens without robbing your garden of boots. Beet greens are considered by many to be the nicest of all greens. Unfortunately, those of us who have 1,1; bu) `nur vege- tables can never get them. If you pike spinach. plant Swiss Chard for [summer use. I think I prcfm` it in lspinuch, which is at its best in the nv\ unn -n-"I 6'-.11 u nu uunum - .a IHL` CCIIS [U 1'IlZIl((.` lllf`Ill llglll. ll llllly are mu;:hl_v han(llc these air-cells are broken and the air escnpr.-9 and the resulting mixture will not be as ligzht. Egg whites: s:hnul not hr. |stirx'ed or beaten into :1 mixture but folded in gently. To fold in the mn- [lion should be. down. across. and up: u down, across, and up. and this m(~ tinn should be repeated over and over until tlze egg whites are folded In lSUTYHn('l' USU. I spring and full. IIv.. D Frr.-quently rccip(:s: say `fold in` ,the egg whites. It, is zm important, direction and should be carefully followed. Egg whites and whipped cream depend on the air which is m the cells to mzllu: thvm light. ll" they run!) rnnrxhlv hnnrllnzl 1hru !Iil'-('(`K Many people find sponge cakes `difficult to make and yet they really are quite simple. There are two ithings which must be watched care- lfully. The mixture must be handled {gently so that the air-cells in the |lightly beaten eggs will not be brok- Ir-n down. as in :1 true sponge (tnkv eggs are the only lightening agent. land the oven must not be too high! or the cake will be tough. Eggs will not stand a high temperature. I am giving two recipes, one for a true sponge cake and a smaller one that uses some baking powder. 1 (`Mn uiimir 1 run flnnr rrrnfnrl USUS SUITIC UkiKlIl[.', pU\\'LlU1`. 1 cup sugar. 1 cup flour. grated rind one-half lemon. 1 tablespoon lemon juice. 6 eggs. 1/4 teaspoon salt. Beat the yolks until thick and lemon coloured. add sugar gradually and continue beating. Add lemon ljuice. and flour. measured after sift-l ing and sifted three times. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake 1 hour or more in a slow oven at 320 degrees. (`hnnn Rnnnms (`alu- DON T TING 1 181710. J IEBSDOOH DUllL'X'. Mix ingredients thoroughly and cook over a slow fire until the boil- ing point is reached. stirring con- istzmtly. Cool before spreading. I fre- quently split a sponge cake. spread with lemon filling. to use as a des- sert. The small sponge cake makes a good one for this purpose. Sometim- 'es I make the larger recipe and bake a part of it in a medium sized tube pan. the remainder makes a large enough cake for the average family to be used with lemon filling as a- dessert. `-.._..,. ..,......,. `..... | 3 eggs. 1 cup flour. 1 cup sugar. 1% teaspoons baking powder. 2 tea-` spoons vinegar or lemon juice. 1| `tablespoon hot water. 1'4 teaspoon salt. The method is the sumo as for `Sponge Cake in the proceding re- Icxpe. N Lcmnn Filling .....u.. . ..u..,,, 1 cup sugar, 1-}; cup lemon juice. .2`. tablespoons flour. 1 egg. grated rind 1 lemon. 1 teaspoon butter. Miv inrrrndinnvc xnrmnvhh. and I LESSON ONE The baby pulled brother's hnix til he yelled from the pain of it. |h10lhf`I` suuthrd tho \\'oepin;: bn; "Of (`nul`.\`u ho duvsn't know l.,._n.. :. 1.. 'r\..... .4... Lu`: :HlUlllr'l Of 1 badly | mom. She hurried hearing frantic 5 "What in the ` 'ith her'. " she q Nnll1in' `lull. cunt:-nledly. "O1 Written for The Examiner by uunnnwrn |I I ll lsr|r\\Ilnl .u3:"s`i'::'"AL".E.1~}`"i'z'ii6'vs/"ii: HINTS FOR HOMEBQDIES )- (`hcap Sponge ('nk(- -.. 1 .....,. :I....__ 1 ...... 32 Dunlop St.

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