Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Apr 1935, p. 7

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THe's:;' C0. Mi \ .>l11 C. C. F:LEM_ING,MV'.S., B.V. Sc. AL: D.,..fi..n.-i ks . A..'~;.Q"'f}1.""I\'/1'i.i...LS LIMITED THERE Is STT|`LL_T_TIME COOP!-2R; N`);/*Alil37LE FLY POWDER- . -..nI I .u U\%/ITNGSTQN v In _\'h:mlir In: uium.'nInl:m- ~:.`1r 14 -2o R ltl(') -v-uv -t w-uu-1 - to treat your cattle with ....\ .u. . an. -- -. \. I-;r\I\. l'I`.m\_` _ S1red_ K. lv|lAV\J, V -5.10, 46 Hayfield St. lHlIll' uulcl [m lea, -xlrn pmvvr nnul :|l .'| ;1l:Im'-. 'l'ln-av l.'Ilu~`\, lull |lu:uIin;v_ *lmill:ml|::ll:t1nml S(`.I'Vi(`.(6 I hun:- IIH 8v .1` MILLAR vs"/A" Iln.4n./ Tnruntr), (Jr hrrit) Value 1 i5A.RRlE' Sivan 'l'h(`I':u\_\'. Dunlnp S1. ALFX AND l'II{ (`()\`J .-`. N. B:n'x'islt`!`. KAN:-II.\I` I.u- :\l\f|n|n\\' r\r.uh9\h\ nf r\: -.2 g.--...r.;...--...u ()I`I~`.\' n`i\' AND NIGHT 1'1 El&x.xl~<".h St. : Phuno 2 j up: \;u -..-|.AlA\l| us `rup- F.1BYOH\hl`d 1869 I"l'\\ Y:.\l` DIR!-`f`TORS A.\".) I-?T\!B:\I.MERS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Motor ambulance In eornectlon BABRIE. 0N'I`.-PllONl-I 82 G. Gr. Sgnith & Co. -4-` ..n_-.: noun Io\an .4l..4\/I FUNERAL DIREC "OR AN D EMS ALMER I\I~\v I-\:.I' 1\'I\ `-1. Ti.%7i3ii}i{L37Eb}?s" rV mgrxuxxwnnxrvw P. C. LLOYD ` Inurranu I\lnr`t"'l`l\D ('4 `11\'|`_\ . H'.('t`l'. (`I C. `.`.fficu 3 Owen SL. 4` II!) V\ l'.l.l`Il. .l||'li.`~ v L`hur`u'n-d :\(`(' MK`. (`rrnwu Lifv SL. Tnwmlu. umzml: HICHL, . B:n'r1. Sal- 'mn11`c Building. um. G. \'vtorin:\r1an . 48 Bayfiold SL. AN. B:n1`1sl0r. up probate of nd :xd:ninish':I- ` l'.cux's:- II de- ` E.l1:abeth SL5. .._.:__..____._. l`;I('ll(`. U.~:u~n- :ulju.~ xiv. !\1;n:m`li(' I-I nml Hunw '1\.`lhl(`. 82A I.. \.. muc- l\. Barris- to Loan. xstvr. 301` in Lnzin. "K. W. A. l.IWlS. 5|ll`[((`l`)' nd HIS- (`.'l.`i(`.\` of Women. Asxnrinlo Ccmuwr Countv of Simrne. Phone (H. (lfiro. '58 C0133-:21` St. Hours: 8-9 n.m.. 12.2)-2, 6.30 -8 pm. ulau. IL AND I Ontario l.Im*x\:.`-'_ ( x`nlh_\', I\l:1::1\`I1`-N, I.l('L'trn, Hydro, hnd Sun tn-min N 'l"hN':u\_\'. R:\tv;~` Dunlon Ham HRS. I.I'l"l`LE JL Ll'l".l'l:l'1. l'h_\'s1m.'1n.~; mul Stuns:-nxxs. Hzwrio. (`HTim- um] ROS i(lon(`(`. 47 Muplv Ave. ()l'fim- hmu':: 1 in 3 p.m.. 7 in H p.m., or by :1p|m|nI~ mcnl. A. T. Litllt`. M.D.. W. L`. Li! Iln M R Phnnn 9.1.`! DR. W. A. l.lv.`Wl.\`. Sur;:(*r_v nnd Dis- (`nrnm-r DR. W. It. F. LUKI-I-l)R.. G-(`-SNEl1lA- liye. EH1`. Nose` and Thrnnt Spoci.':l1sl.\`. Medical Arts Buildimz. Turnmu. Hur- rio office? 45 Elizzlboth SI. (nppusito ` Roxy Tm;-nh~o\. Plxmw I75. Uffivo hours" 2nd nnd 4th Snh11'dn\'s hf {luv 9 ' EDMIYND HARDY. `MIIs.Bar..F.'I`.C.Nl. Teacher of Plano. Organ. Vocal and ` Musical Theory. Orgamst and Chu:r- I ` master of St. Andrew's I`r(`sb)'K:`rinx\ 1 Church. Gold Medalist Toronto Con- I sorvatory of Musk` and L'nx\'ex'si!)' of ; lTurnnt0. 118 \Vors!cy St- Barrie. HRS. l.l'l"l`l.E IL Ll'I`Tl.lE. Ph_\'si<`inn.~; mul Run :-m\,< H.'n'ri(~ (')!Tin-1-nml Rvxw \ UK. N. M. l.AlIlllI I M (`.(t.. Pl1_vs iciun. Specialist in dis: 3 of (`hil- dren. inlernnl nwdivino nnd Inmnr surgery. Office nnd rcsidonm-. 2:; Owen St. Phone 487. l lsurueon. Associate Comm-r. County DR. N. W. ROGERS. 'hysivi.'n1 nnd 11:`. M Hoxy 'l`ncntrc-L rlxmw I unnvo hours: 2nd and 4th Sn1u1'dn_\'s -v mnmh. 3 tn : p.m. 'DR. N. W. R0(iF.R'.~`. }'hy.~m`1nn nnd `Surgeon. County of Simcoc. Office and rosidoncc: 50 Mary sc. Phone 101. [ I , VVl".L(`Il. .~\N|)l-'l.`4()N .';' l`0.\lI':\N (`hum-1.-r.-.l A\r`1'nIv'|l`:I|I< '|`u-nulm DR. FRED A. ROSS (I-`ormt-rI_v of Drs. Ross & Ross`. Late surgeon spo- oiulist with the Imperial Army. 41".- \}'o.'u`s. General Surgn-ry and 01~.<:tM- rics. 140 Dunlap SL. Bnrriv. Tel. 710 `J. H. N. SMITH. M.D.. F'h3'sici:1x1 and 1` Surgeon. Office. Owen St. (furm(`r- I_v occupied by Dr. L. J. Simpson). Rt-sidt-nce.144 Maple Ave. Phmm 700. I I DR. GEORGE C. SEYMOUR. T`h}`.<- iciun and Surgeon. 97 F.1i'/nhvlh SL. Barrie`. Phone 140. Office hmxrs` 0-10 n.m.: 1-3 p.m.: 7-9 p.m. 5 DR. W`.-ILTER H.'00DROW. Orillin. Successor to the late Dr.A.P..*\rcla_h --E}*e. ear, nose and throat specialist. ' will be at Queen's Hotvl. Barrio. (-\'cr.v Saturday. 8 am. to 12 noon DR. E. G. Tl`RNBUl.l.. Grnmnnto .\lC- ` Gill University. Montreal. omw rmd v.~:u`lmwo curnor Dunlap and PH) 111/. zlrm-1.x. Phnnv 105. Ol`11u~huur.~ n-1n am 1-! nm 7.}! hm` o.~:mmwo uunlup .-m. Offxn 9-10 a.m.. 1-3 p.m.. 7-8 pm. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NIYRSI-`.S- \Barrie Branch). Well Baby Clinic from 2 lo 5 o'clock every F`rida_v. Ap- plicntion for nurse's services mm be made direct or through doctor. Tolu- nlumr 163 mane GXTECI phone 168. SIE I. BRYSON.'l`ei-icher of Piano rgan. Singing and all Theoretical bjects. Pupils prepared for 'I`nmnto nservntory of music exnminzitimis. grades. Special atteniinn at Aft`. .31. work. Free classes in clement- ary Theory and Sight Singing. (Open to pupils only). Recent successes by pupils of Miss Bryson include the winning 0! Medal awarded by Tor- nto Conservatory for the highest ex- amination standing in the Duminiun for the years 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1981. Studio: 27 Bradford SL. Barrio. Ifor the 1827. 1923. 19:9. luau. l 1981. Studio: (H50. IL .-\N|) I-3| /\. HIIRNS-- l\n1Iu-inl n-.~x\_u- I"nI.IIIln'In" [\-.'h|n- MAYDEIZ Mt-AI'l.EY. A.I`.(`.M.. Tea- cher of Piano and Theory. Orsaanist ! St. George's Church. 115 Ba_ve1d St. i 1 V V VVALTER MMNIYTT. A.'l`.C.M.. Bar- V rie. Teacher of piano. organ and The 1 ory. singing coach. organist and choir- 5 master of Trinity church. Barrio. `. Scholarship student for two _vo:1rs at ` Toronto Cnnservamrv of Music. Ad- ` dress: 68 Mulcaster SL. phone i524. ` ` 1 I - | `PROF. D. E. WEIR. Teacher of Piano ' and Violin. Piano Tuner. Phv-ne 6141` 33. Barrie. Qp.t_- \. LLOYD 'l`l'Fl'-`ORD. Orzanist C`nHim- ' S1. United Church. Teacher of Finn`. ` Organ. Voice. 89 Owen St. Phone 292. Ml'Il)l(,`/\L "PToP`;C"~E}E`f{e Merrie? come WAYND HAVE DINNER wma ME TO -NIGHT! \l()'l`()Rl.\"l'.\` l.\'.ll'RI7.D, . .\l()'I`()R (`;\R.\` 0\'l?RTl'R\' `RORFRT H. <\u`I`!!. Y-`vosiszht Spo- ':~in1iet 5:: `,\.- \ Phnnt` 80. PHI. l ivm: "But. doctor. can"! I at Ihcm on xhr street? uc-o. Hem Jr. or mromo was weekend visitor. Mrs. Hugh Moore is Visiting her .i. in C`ookstown. Mr. and Mrs. Number of Hamilton were weekend visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. Reddxck have return- ed to their summer home. having spent the winter in Toronto. Mrs. H. Sheppard has returned to her home in Toronto after visiting her sister. Virs. E. Quantz. for two weeks. H03!` nm sis` weeks. RN10 Belle Ewar' news on March came all entwined with ivy wonderful vine. but 't\\':1s that limo town of "Ivy" we mean. I Reading the advertisements be- forehand saves time in shopping. Ml`. Hvrmun nus gum: nu ma" vuun m the boats. Nlnss Helen Baxter spent the week- :nd in Toronto. Cm. Raid Jr nf Toronto was a Hugh Mm` n Orxllin, Mrs. G00. n-. Tn:-nnln n Tnrnnln. Mr. Norman has gone to his ` .n tho htmls, (Ton Lu Hugh Moor n BELLE EWART 'l`|I|n'.~rdu_v. Aprll ll.`l9.'l5 TIIF. l\A`ltR.ll-`. EX.`\MINF.l'l IIARIHE. 0NT.. {`ANAD.\ ["110 for Last, Week) nrv is visiting his friends . Reid Sr. spent last wt-r-k : 28 be~ 1 ivy. that I pretty ' 7--fM` some TO SEE ` \ +- .u- or: wnrxzosorz" SPEEDWAGONS LIGHT DELIVERY TRUCKS J. ED\\'1.\' \\'T`.~'0\"-. 125..-\.. D;o.., Re`;:i. \\~.'~.:~.1`h, 6 King Block. Darrm '1\*`.-~".~wu` :<- HEAVY DUTY TRUCKS RIF) M()l`0I1<`.f)Ml`/\ll`/ ()l' (1/m/xn/\_ llM|H.l), IOIIOIIIO (llmzidu) CANADA | Ymn` in- |w'linl\ ml" lhv km l.i).(|ll l)-livc-r_v 'l'rm`k will I`(`\`I'.'|` nu vxlrmm-|_v | in<- .'I[b|H'.'ll'.`IllH`, ma-:1Ig-I` (.`I[a.'I iI_\' um r:n'I'_yin;v, lmlky, liyghl unl- mm|ilim;nul.'1ll :|u:1lil_v I":-;|lIIn-6.("H-:nl<-cl In)` I\' n. In H11` "l\'-u Hln-.-ul\\':ugnI1 yun will nal l~`.-n`:-. ;(|~.'ul lH`\\' llllllx -n_:gim- :m<| :I Hunt` ml" IIllII'I' ?~lI|u'|'b Imlum-. llml m.nLu- llw .`~%1n-ml\\.'mcnI Illu- l l`lH;"|Ii/.('l] I('.llll`i in il`; Hrlll. In Ilu- hm II:-:w_\' l)ul_v '|`ru<`|a'a, (`.`(ll`.'I (:Ill}`i|l;(t:I|):I(il}`:II4`t'\ il1I'I\|:||1I).!l:|Il(`l`. It`: (`('H;{.lli/.(`| Ix`:- :m_\'in;(: `NU [U1 4!" lI\|<'. Rn Im 4-xlm NEW streamiined REO TRUCKS represent GROW SOAYA. BEANS. `lnyli: M : ~1\_/ I II 171-`. 4?} Richmond Street West =`.=..s-T72?-:-_-`*_-_-.e.?_`*"""' --lowest prices ----greatest values in Reo history f}i8()5.()O lo $5220.00. Chassis only. I`, l'.u|4;|Y/ ',l.nnI,u:I I-;.;l...u "1|||||.|5|[||I 'l'n\.n \40\ Phone 811 M;.nuractur;aHb;HYEi1NE PRODUCTS Lmn ab Speqial Price--6_0 ce_nts per pound I , !)unL)p gown HEAB" l'U|l.lll`ulI|i` .mI<|m:n\' ` ll:-:w_v u:u|:uily: I Il.'l\'l` R E O W. D. M!?NZKL\`. I~`L:r~.era1 Dire-cjor and Emhninwr A-~,~!~x:`.:mcc Service. I`hun.- 'I-2`. 1,'~~m. .xn 1 .c:n'sv if dc`- .;ma 4'`...- 1\'-..~\- -ma x.`n.~.-math Sis.

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