Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Apr 1935, p. 3

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Add nulltv. r {H111 Hluk ml` u-uinr uh I TCTROCETE18;C6:`: '.& n ..... rv S uuuuuu uh nn Sula Am-il lllh la 17!}: 91.} I l.;l\ll'1IJ \4\Io, lunnvnn A -.u :1-ry Specials 0!) Sale April special The Health Soap" SOAP iLiii=EU OY FLOUR ELIZABETH ST. CSROSSED FISH "sRX?zSinF 2 29c 24-lb. Bag 59` NEW CROP, CALIFORNIA DEMONS GILLETT S Z l.`l..l nucmn smn sug ;NEEDED BULK I HER cnusnpnn Jifiii cm in a C-lass 1 2-02. Bottle AYERST & HARRIS Ltd. 200 Sheet Package I I\'-llr>;-:;,v'.s Al.f`.-.'.3.! .-A.` .X`ig In-lit-1' to Mrs. .\Ium-ely llgfulccd and Pvrfmncd Tin ` Tho hulk" uf ALL-BEAN Is often ` murv c-!Tv~v-tivc than the hu|k" in ` fruits um] vug('tnhlt*Hus it does not ` break down within 1 e body. Two `ml-I.-sgumnfuls daily are usually . sutY'u-ic-nt. I! nut. corrected this way, . sue your doctor. No. 5 `Due to inauic touts. .-\l.!.-BRAN prnvid s h.-In m'n~r(-mm~ ('0 . 2`/2 '1 -:_. Vj cliffs with Aunt Bets_v`s cottage set in the midst of a well-kept green. She was, at the moment. engaged in fm`i_0us combat with three trespass- ing donkey boys. David watched in terror as she swooped down on them and chased them away. But. lrmkinu nn :11. one of the win- 2 Tin Large Size DOZ. n-p|I1ll|( or llilvrill .' Nu eiwu lrlul hrnu I. Elves h-A y. l'liDl`d by and dc: n-.i.l m-n_v. ( rt '.\STHH']`] :. 1-Arud luu Int uinlnms to I-W ,- . run: -151, In. x mm Uh urmw-I pumivr | IHHK m_' n xylung` I\u gu- wide-=4 gentle "hulk" p common constipa- n good source of irnn, 11 Page Three and chased them But looking up dows he. saw 21 jolly. gray-lnaired gentleman who smiled and winked his eyes ;.1'ntesquely. This encour- lgecl David a little. He startccl talking x-nniclly. In gruvjrll [ :3: un . It In I nnonin T-i,.)z:.J? *`~<- '-"perm. lged Llavirl HHIC`. talking rapidly. ` one breath, he told her the whole unhappy story. from the time his mother had died. Aunt Betsy gasp- ed. "Bless my soul alive!" then SC(1Up- ed him UD.'1)I`()ll_L!hl him into the house and dis:t1'aete(l|_v ran about. trying to inin_iste_r in him. The man at the window entered the room and winked at David Il_L{Zlil1 Aunt Be1.~;_v Iuukerl at him. Now Mr.~Dici-:. dt-in-'1 be 21 fnol. l)eeziuso nobody can he more discreet than vuu when you Chou.-4(-." She sketch- rl David's story and nskecl what to I). WIN] :1 blll)l)I( id that n\.'n\ "1V1erc_\' on us! Aunt b`l: seem- ed (:uI\fus(~(L 'I`n bed with yuu nnw." A lwuu1il ul \\`(`.t`k [)ll. ed hy fur David. Mr. Dick was his cunsium. cumpamiun and planylnnlc and lw,:olh- in. Mr. Dick `:~;uck(r(1 `his-thumb and` BARRIE C1` they would go out to fly :1 new kite every day. David. David." Aunt Betsy called. Chapter Two THE DOVER. ROAD SYNOPSIS: Little David Copper- field, fatlrerless, had lived with his mother in ~a pleasant-cottage at Blunderstone, England. His mother had married Mr. Murdstone who md so terrorized her,` she had` died ll 1/em` lmer. David has been said to London to work in a wm'ehouse and to lodge'with- the gay, i r*re.?p0n.sible` 'Micuwbe1-s. In the latter s house now Mr. Micawber. with loud cries, is about to commit suicide. Kzle day. Aunt Betsy hurrying towards them one day. She came up quite out of breath. "D vid. your . coming, t<)(1:1)'." A few hnur< later. the maid enter- ed the parlour and announced the callers. Jnnn T\.`T1|m1-dnnn dnnnnri f'n|'u':n'r] callers. Jane Murdstonc stepped fun-wzml and declared David to be the \\-'or. Loy in the world. Murrls1nne':< i'a(~n (inrkened as he warned 1\ [is:< Trot- wuod he would take David buck and seal with him as he saw fit. Aunt Betsy now asked David what he had to say about it. He made :1 pathetic lilile plea to stay. And You. M1`. Dick`? What do \'nu patliclic mile plea to stay. you. ynu think I should do with this ('L1.ilcl`. Dn`." Ml`. Dick sudcionly bright- ened. lizive him niezlsiirccl for 2: "M11 01' cloth-..\s rlire(:tl_v. Aunt Betsy rose, wc-II-plozwori. Mr. Dick. give me your hand. Yum` (tummon-st -nsn is inv:iIunhlv," l.)l(.'K. RIVO mmd. YHlll' cmnmon-smmc is inv:_1lunble." Tho Murdstcmes walked out ml" the cottage with what dumity they cnuhl n1usteI'v~exiting [mm Du\'id's life was 11`_\ -r ` M1`. Dick . .l`hank n1" n:\\'i _v< ung man with a zest and eagerness; for what the future would bring. Then one day- he was preparing to ` leave for London. bent on a career as an author. He listened intently to A,-mes` words of encouragement. Tlni 1 uh-:11 Inicc vnn Hlrn rnv rihf l`\}-{HES \V0l`ClS U1 llL'UU1":lgCHlCllL. But I shall miss you like my right hand. he said solemnly. I shall z1l\\'uys want to confide in you, Ag- nos." nos. They stopped outside the office ofl Uriah Heep. Wickfield's clerk, as they noticed Wickfield signing a leg- :1l paper at Uriah's urgent request. Then her father stumbled away and Agnes quickly moved off after him. T\,nn';-I u-allrn r-acnnllv intn H19 .`\gneS CIUICKI) IIIUVCU UIL HLLUI llllll. David walked casually into the office. You seem to be very busy those days." he said trying to catch 21 glimpse of the paper in U1`iah's hand. Uriah bowed with oily sub- s'Cl'\'iOl1CC. then handed him :1 letter that had just qomc. _ The next mlnute. David was out the duor making for the Sunn Inn. for the letter was from the Mica\v- hr-rq lat`.-rs. . Arrived there. Micnwber gave him :1 vncil'ex'ous welcome. Copperfield! Companion of my youth!" There were enthusiastic greetings on all sides. Micawber now displayed the m'l\'cr1ising columns of a newspaper. --v.`.. unn f`nnI\nv`rnlrl .m...- frinnl the children ran downstairs. Mr. Micawbe.-i` was "waving a paper dramatically `with one hand and pulling at his neck-cloth and flour- ishing a large razor with the other. A summons,f' he'c1`ied wildly in a voice of agony. This is the end! A summons for debt! He's waiting out- side to take me to prison. Farewell Emma. Faruwcll.myvchildren." Clickott popped hm` head in tho rloor. It isn`t an offit-er. It ain't nobody. He's gone." With magical stlrltloinioss Micaw- her was calm. Now quite himself again, in- brounht up the subject of dinner. The nrnhlr.-m was slmrtly solvo(l._ u(`1\'Cl'1Isll1g_ CUJUIIHIS U1 a nr.-\v.spap::n.| You see, Copperfield, your friend HLCD has been good enough to make ntu a tentative offer of employment in :1 cunt'idCnIiz1l capacity." Dzwirl cuuld not cnnceal his sur- Ipriso. Thu-n . did turn up? ` A week later, he was met by his sl('hn()Il)0y c-hum. Stecrt'm'th. in Lon- t Ill]. PHONE 128 (lull. Ono ovonim; at the theatre, David's zrye was caught by :1 young woman of dazzling brunette beauty, who, {with hvr Iwn maiden aunts, had en- rlvrocl lho lmx next to his. "How \mmior!'ul if 1 could meet her," David said. n. _..u_ ___-u,. .1- 1,. ..m,,,_,. Llu v zu an un Steel-l`m`th spoke decisively. Trust ' an old hand." Then stealthily. he . tipped one of the Auntie opera glass- es in his hnx. As he had expected. she \\'ns di. and he uffered his tl\\'l1 putt`. After some hesitation tliey were lCC(`[)U.`(l and Steerforth , at her \'innin_e.1y. "I notice ,t.lutt _\` box is very badly placed tzmrl that you can see but half the =,. lle stnppud det erentiz1ll_\'. I I \\'-mler whether I might not , ltvmpt yutt and the other ladies to lsliure uLtr.~'." THE BAERIE EXAMlNEl., weekend with B. Mt-(`:ii'non. Mrs. Jos. Loftus has retumcd home after visiting` fin` five \`.'t`(`kS with relatives in Sll`llhl't)_\ and 'l`m`0nt0. Marsh Fire Causes Some Alarm The burning of ;zi'zis.~< in the marsh northwest of the village last wool: caused some 21llXl(`1._\' to :1 few. when a strong northwest wind drove the flames rather close to some build- ings. Telephune calls \\ (_`l'L` rucvi\'vd from a few outsiders. :mxinus tn lmmv about the fire. but they xvere re- lieved to learn that it was mmfined to only the nizirsh lands. The Radio License Owing to the fact that it was pith- lished in the 1)i'e.~4.s'. uml ulsu zin- nnunced same time nigh nvui` the 3 l`i1di(). that the (invcrninviit. intended . discontinuing the $2.00 rndin license fee, many local <-iti7.en.< xvero quite . surprised at receiving it (`nrd from ' Ottawa. notifying them that their license fee was due and must be paid at ()lll`(`. The Filtiit) tax is sure- ly :1 heavy (inc. Nnlmtiy \\'uul uh- ject to $1.00. but llll|t`.~` smut |)l)\\`l`l' nil add to the upkeep in ominv<'ti0n to I the first outlay. \IJnul>I1np l\Ing-nu-Inllinnc Miss Theresa Hayes has zone to 1o1`onto for a month or so. Mr: J Kimr nnd Mi Mao and for month Mrs. J. King and Misres Mae Beta McCarnen of Toronto spent the weekend with B. M(-(`m'non. Nrrc Jns T.nf1n< has rohnrnod , BARBIE. 0NT., CANADA At this. Mrsl. Micawber. David and rz_m downstairs. Mr Mix-nwber was wuvimz nziner nu." Anni. uuuu_y . Weather Obst-rv tions These early brcul;up.~: in tho spr are not always am iiitiiu-ntiun uf early season. as om` will nnticu Lhc actions of the \\'(`. 1HI(`l` whivh been Cold with nnrllwaist and 1 winds daily the past cm of weeks with nip.`htl_\' fmsts 1 have made the \\'h(,`:it Innk mi sick. In fact. smno ml` the l':irn' believe the wheat is (huw fur. : the clover: but your s('|'ihc has I) in r-nnvm-v<:ilim1 with :1 ft-w whu In cnnvcrsulm of the npinim far has been 4 :1 ninn \l1.'lI'l11 ) :1 nice warm I` everything, wn So I am in IN` '|'r0uL M".lI'm- A few ul` tho 1n(':I| spur jubilant m-or thv 1':u-I mm on opens on lho lfnh of instead nf May 1 us pr: nonxrved. but I cmmm much enthusiasm fur it i: `oi the qucslinn tn lind 1 of the slromns .'|l'mmd vnnrn Vvmm nurth nl' In b0 1 ill in H(\|)(`.\' rive shortly :1l'lor "I'--nu! more. liven norm ul few years ngu gum! (`:11 made, one can \\':mdor the bank of :1 . xw catch. outside of "m:u_\ simml 5-inch Irnut. 'i today bring mun)` v streams during Ihv sun nnnl` fieh nnvnr l`\ I`l\ slromns nurxng Hw sum poor fish nv\'m' oven to spawn. 'l`hn. _:,'(m< days fur trout are. 1 forever. Cant] N '/lllln Qvn orever. Good Maplr Syrup Svnsnn Those engaged in tho maple . n1ilnllf:lL'1ll|`iI1_&i have 1-.-.lim:ul:-:1 this is one of tho horzt so snns vnnrc nu n\`n\'\' dnv 1`1n|':- \\ - Inis IS 01 mo D091 years. as o\'or_\' day there \\'u.< :n' CL-Hem run. Nearly c\'vr_\'mw \\-i fortunate in possessing n fc-xv mn has them tuppvd: (won the 5 trees in the villnuc huvc boon c`: on to supply thx-ir . of thv .~' fluid and m:my mt thv Iznlivs been very hu. chn~in_-.: tho ]).'1: weeks utilizing the kitvhcn s (`UV(`l`C(i with puts amt i((`Hit`3 bi'ingin_: this fluid tn tho .<)'l`lID .< Clm'om'e (`ummin_u. \\'hn this |:u1'chzisDd n lxixjazc u\`;um1';1Im`, made about 100 _t.11liilI|1,\` su fzir. \ W. P. Turner. \\'hn has twon in; syrup for 30 )'t`Hl'::_ has this St nvei` 800 trees tnmwd and has I (\\ (`l` 150 _t1lHnns In tutu. Uthvr Dru mm` F` I.nt'1n< Jinx` Kmm (`rs an`: F. l. .lura O`Hzlll:1l'n, Jus. Lnmhic. W: and a few n1h('1's. nll uf wh already broken their room` number uf 1.52:1}:-n.< mum: The price asked by mn. 0| $1.75 and $2.00 per rqullnn quantities huvu hm-n mid : `ped up to tho })rv. brounht the subject of dunner. The prnhlnm shortly solvt-(1. by David's tnkimz smne of lhv silw-r .-:pmm.~: zmd rnakiny, off In the pawn- shnp with them. . I In the rluvs and weeks: lhnt ful- Copperfield. forth." (Mir nnnu onn. Our name replied with sister. CI:n'is. I Aft:-iv` nun-h D 'szs1er. L`lzn .. After much ! Ste-e1`f0rlh sv- I~\:\nnmI\mrin u mz11_u)e11vcrym; beside David. I shall be r "1 snzm no ru cction of Nov David said. wh: her place n!` I`: "Pk`.'1sv. Nlixs ECOOPERATIVE ` PACKERSSPEND4 : mas; FIGURE same Uavui. I `finn nf' Nnr __`...._. (Continued from page mm) .~._.l-.1.. ...V.` .1. Tini-:u>sToN -I1 n` thv : (hr! shop with them. days Inwz-,rt_ David's spirits rose. The Min-awbers had taken him to their bnsnnis so that he felt ililTl(')Hl, like a member :11` the family. On a day when the warehuuse bully. Mick Walker, had been par- tivularly abusive, breaking his stark of bottles, so that the foreman had beaten him -sevemly. David looked up at the closing bell in sec Ciiekett in the tiuorwziy. Mr. Micawber hart been sent to debtors` prison. she told him. and Mrs. Micawber and all the vhilrirt-n had gone trad. Every day thereafter found David at the mate of King`s prisznn, until. along in the Spring. Mr. Mitrawber greeted. him in the prison CtJllI'LVll-l'(i. with gnarl news. Mrs. Mi(.'awher'.<: family harl liquidated their debts and they let ! the next day. But hisi faee dropper] on learning that theyi were all leaving for Plymnnth where I Mrs. Mix-nwher's family had obtained ti pn.=:itinn for her ':u.~4banri. -mu. .t..g..- unnnir r.-a...m" i\/Tit-nut. . I with ` lhut nun zn un\\'1m_: mtod 1 Dora : vslnon : Spun and nvru any ' In-re \\`ho)'e . ll\`hL`.\ (`mild h(` I` nll rl:I\' .-Hull." gm :2 L`jl:Il1(`(` .>(1 nld flshimz hvlic-\'o. gone (`(` u|'l.'< urn quit ml lrnul scan -nso ml go out ; 1 nu} nun-:t hn l`_\'(ilH` \\'H0 )5 1 maples. n s) uiv ('\\ \\'nu :1 Inn ' 41- llmt if in] ll'\\' lIl:I|)IL.. 1 shudv - culled >'\\'m`f l:uliu< 1 \'n I` |]ll.`Il|IIlIl nu Ill'I ':u.`aunIIu. "My (it,-m" young frii.-mi. Micnw~ her said with deep since1'it_v. ymi urc like one 0| our nwn." e wuni mi in oxprcss the wish that when he hml lll:Iillt'(l cminenvo in Piymnilth. David wuulti ho their hmmrcd gilt-st. David lhnnkvri him L l'1l\ CiV. iiwn n u1nvrm:|K- :. kcnny. P. Wm. Stone ' whom have l.`C()l'd in the mlnllhcltlrutl. at` 111050 is nllnn. L:u1qe yld and ship- )5 (`mild h(`| ` (lay :1_lun_tIl ml :1 snuzlv in the dir- Sponlnw." ;|.<('t'l'1:Iim=rl ma non). md forth. .-kilfulLv dun xuncl :1`. mix . while 11&lkHl;.{ \'`2I\'HH \'CI1l` 011141 mple that V TEA 3'n'S=A1i Unvld would [)0 lm.-n~ hun(n`('(1 gtwsl. I g1'a\/ely, hrutuzht up the sllhjocl of his `mn- tzmlu-rml.-:` Aunt Betsy 'I`rntwnn(l. Should ho my in hm" in Dm'.'r'. Mr Mi('nwlw1` l`llHlll.\'iilSli(?&1H}' socnmlvcl the ideal. Afton" K'('(`ilH' Hm Mit-;n\'hm".< nff RED RIVER CERALP1fg- 22c Masi?7CE"G V POWDER 1.11,. Tin 28 N:m1r(~. g l` _. ' I SFCIAL----FLORlDA Marsh Scodless EihiiA`13EfRU1T `: 3 for 17c RINSO CRYSTAL Brand PASTRY tho ulvu. After scvimz tho Mi('u\vhoi"s off the next (lily, David went in tho Blzu-kfriur'.~: rnnrl hour the 0h(.-lisk Spying a young man im.x'i(lv n (innlu-y curl. hv nl`f(.-rucl in pay him six poiwe in take his lu},u.{zu.:c box in tho Dover couch ufficv. The young, man tossed his hux in the curl. Then. with one dc-fi mnvt.-- - mi-nl. he snatched David's coins and y_uas;,ot`1` in the fog`. with only 11 j(-e1-- in- lnugh fur David's cries. uzudlv mid mixvrublv. Dz|\'i(| la C JUICE Soaks Clothes Whiter S K .1- \\`:l((`l` only 20-02. Pkg. 11` -* 1 1 ' ml fur Young and Old Thu.-sd`a,y. April 11, 1935

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