Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Apr 1935, p. 2

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TQIZI -:-: ._.. Wellington Hotel Bloc %D%A(`3ug%las Drug Store \lI..ll:.....a.~.. Hneul Rim-k Phone '15---BARRIE :1 happy thing!! M` V. ("m'ru1h(-r.~' )()|'H. (-9 played: `L1: ,1 C, I{i1`l. Rnawh. I 1\ vouwze A WONDER, GRACE`. HOW ON\ EARTH DO YOU KEEP THE CHILDREN ALWAYS nu CRlSP. CLEAN CLOTHES`? AND wmx ALL YOUR WORK, YOU < ....\..,.. gun l\l\r~-941/I uml lhv .u. Schnl - '1 r\;'|N ..";.,%` Rinse Away HAIR DULLNESS [ I.ovA|.oN 3 for 5 Rinses it hears the motsztops of the rtpring - And feels the songs; [ho mbins sing: "11. makes one rnzirn on :1 miny day '`'`into the fields and far away. To hem` whnl thv unborn vinlcts say. v-Ami when the wind hlnws impishly. Then who so light of hem`? as we " Who share wild April's 01-: ~-- .. Ours are the moods of Ihv sunny hours __'_I`hc lining brnr-'/.u nml tlw sudden slmwvrs. 5. The m:u'<:hin(z m`:i:<.-1 {Hill i'r.'IL:ilv -~ fln\ver.< "uri.,..-. ohn `\v'.-r\L"< '|uI.'|l(.- nun] H11- }\;n April mind is :1 happy thing. \ I 1 V III mg; uuvu _ s`}A'v ` FRESH_ YOUNG` 'Kr:`b"Pt'2E?rv ` '/` Q1. Ill` lII\vl'4VV K} II OAVIILIQ `o The F.asl.er '[`hnnk-ol'fo1'in<,: meet-l ing of St. And1'(rw's W.M.S. will bei` hold in the lacli(:A.<' pm'lnm- uni` 'I`l11u'sd:1y. April 18. :11 3 o'clock. Mrs. N. R. l). Sinvlair nf Allzm(lul<- will (lelivcr the Ezlslcl` nw.~=.<:1I,{c and g{i\'(> :1 report of tho lmvim.'inl mt-ol- ing which was held in Toronto this wvo;-k. The 1z1(lie:< of lho ('nm,:1'~_L{:1- lion um (-urdially invilod. ` (.`0l4l.lI'IR. ST. U I'l`l'Il)' .M.S. l A wvll zlllomlctl mm-ling of 1|u~ Wuman`.< A.\'. nf (.'u|lim' S`. IUnitr=(i Clmrch war: hold in lhv Sun- (lny S(`h(H)l mom un April 3, Mrs` A. A. Smith pr(~si:lim.:. , Mrs. 'I`u1`ner took charge of lhv div l vutionul pt-rind. Miss Jvnn Mal-` cnmsnn gguvo an inlorr-.~:linz.z talk on the different pl-rlnds of furnilur_~.% -'l`his: wus: fnllnwt-rl by :1 (l(`ll;l`llflll' `solo by Miss E. Dnbson. l A.~: the next nwvlinp, will be thr- >` last one for the sa-awn tho nwmlwrs` [wish ln 1-xlvnd :1 S|)l.`l`l.'ll in\'itnlinn= ) to all lnrlios ul` tho ('hux'rh us: wt-ll, -}us to (In slx`nngl~r.s` ill nvw (-nmr`r.< . -i A ClxI';'Il lnnxr \|'i|l I`u\ \'nv-Ill Ill lhf` I {X SOL` ` close. , _ , -.,_,, ,. I`l'I:\.\'lI l` (`()()KlF.S _ 2 1-L{_u` whiI(-re. *3; (`up smzszlr. '~_- lb. Saltvnl pummts. 2 cups (-m'm'l:1kv.<.` -`Br.-at thv egg: whites until slil'1' umli add the sugm' gradually. Fuld im pozlnuts and Cnrnflnk('-S. Drup ml Lmttworl pun by touspnnnfuls nut! bake in :1 slow uvon of 300 d(`L{l`L`(`:w until :1 gnldvn brown. I 1 natural lustre. lovely glcaming V I1 brilliant natural rim to all shadcs nvalon is simple and quick to usc-- spent after each shampoo will bring .........-... :v\ J... L...-nun 1.4 I-mnr ST. ANDREW'S VV.M.S. w . l'I \I , ,u, ..= _., _ _ _ - Phone '/5--BARRlE nu un. Luau`, u. ,\;uI ad nf hair you admire 'UHlll ml tho; ` IN VVOM AN `S REALM ..... . -..... . . . . . . . . - . . mu PRO("I'0R--CORRELl. A quiet. and very p1'(-My weddinrz funk pl.'I('(\ in the Unitvd ('hlll'('h pur- i5`.0ni11.{L`. Hillsdulu. on \V('dnr~::d:Lv. `April 3. 1935. nl c-i_-.:ht n`-hwk in tho Em-.-nium win-n M\'r1|- I\'v1l:I. <'|do.~"u Aur.\:\t vv an 1 A mnnbcr of ;{llC:s1.~: flu: in ']`rc'n-1 `hm un S:u1urd:|_\' fur lhv \\'uddin_u of! Muriel Bos.s'ir- Stmvnrt. d:m;;h1(~r nfi `l`li_::ht-1.1. and Mrs. Rm-,innld Slow-I wri, liontnn, V1iddI(.'. F'.n;1|nnd. `n ': I``I_\'ing ()l'l`i1-m' E(l\\'in /\1'c-hihnld M1`- (:m*.':\n of (`sump R xnn nf1\ ln- ` in-1 J. T. M1-(`.-rwzm and N[Y`.`~'. Mr`Gm.v- r r`<..1..A `,4... Mn 'Y`l\n `...u-n- .....vv4..... K. .\'llll'l'. r1IL;ln-A. ' Fiighl-LL and Mrs Flying Officer .3. IVl('(i0W.'\ N--.\"l`IC\V ART nu.` v1 WEDDINGS 1.1. L. 1.. .<. F. V. Ht-:nke.~' 'Hurle_v:" Musical Festival of I South Simcoe W.I. L, Mt-s| (Bu. Ediliun). 3. The annual festival of music, held under the auspices of the South Sim- (-uv Women's 1'n:~:titute:~: will be held in Baotou this your on May 31, be- ginnlm: :11 2 p.m. Entries should be -:<-n1 to Mrs. G. G. Green, Bradford. May 24 being the clnsin_u, date. Camp- ,lwll Mclnnos. Toronto, is 10 be the :u'ljudiculm`. l nllnwin;.{ is the syl- lnlmsz Aftormmn session ---~ 1. Piano Hull) --l1 years; and under. A Carol and :1 Dum'e." Froncll-Cnn:1dian' Song. .'n`1`:In;.{vd by Flrnest McMillan \-Vhuley-Rnycc-l. 2. Piano S0l0-~-l2- 1G _\'C:ll`.`s`. S-:1'cn:I1.:1 ()1). 15 No. 1." 'llvt-itzulicmnmundt-r 14 _ve.'n`s, Li.-:t4m In the Rain," (Second Rmdor), Mn- l\'n_v. 4. ()ne-rtmm Svlmnl C`hm`us `-("m~niul1 Mnv Rum?" T.m,I|i2.'l1 "Mal-. IRIIWN BRAND tnnnsynup 111013111 5111);,` h(`l`H`.\` N0. `1 \l(I uv :uu=:| in 2 puI'!xL 12. Piano Duel -(.`hil- ("Iron undor 14. IIurnpipc, Roy 1`hmm). 0.\;l'urd Duel S(`l`i(`:: Nu. II` 183 <.'\n;;lo-C;m:1di;m1. 13. Girls" Choir "I`cun mgc girls. Crndlc Sung." Bmlnns (in be sung in lxvuj 1 .\....4..\ . I-4-~7Toron;1>-La_Zi;3$~Visit i MA Local Badminton Club} rlIK'HL'l". `L lA'd(lll'.\ VUl'(ll llllK'L ' "\\'h(-rv My (`:n`:1\':1n Hus Rested." Lnhr I(`hnppoIl 8: Co). 5.1 imua Duc1~ upon, Hun;J,nrinn Dance Nu. '1," Brahms (Wood Editim. 6. R0- Cimtiun--()pon. The Torch of Lif_'." jllonry Newbult (4th Reader). :7. `(`nmru1tn Snln--open. Linden Tegl." Vzmghzm Williams. 8. Male Quar-V" 10110 Down In Rio. Ger- mzm INnv0lln vditinn). 9. Soprano` Sula - npcn. `'Valle_\' 01' I.aup:hlor,"1 izxnm,-r_ 10. Mixmi Qunrtctto -- man 1.. all in Qinnmun (`nnnIv (W 1 1 [)II` III kllllul In \\nU lI:l\'|' l.Il\l'II II and lhmks she might Introduce rudnnwnls of the game in the west. Phone 222 tor good 100 prmtinu. 1. : rning Session 1. Plum) Snln-- I Rnm:xn('C." Joan Sibelius. 2.` ;` S(:lo-~upon. Slave Song," Del n, 3. Violin Sulnv- open, St-hon l:ll.i]1I'. Kroislor tm'rnm_'ed by or). 4. Ladies` Vocal Duct l we lVlV llv.s`tod."l . rVl_ PKI` 0. (`n \ I`. 1`Hnnn THE BARRIE EXAMINER, BARRIE. ONT" CAN.-\I).\ _ O Is EERCI:gUI;ISc:|EDTHA' * MORE CANADIAN cu-nmmau Izdwu I'dshu?I'qi_ ummv. wIniI'I` l.\ U\'\'1 um `u(',('umpli. so 1iH|(~. 'l`< not the winter that i- lm s})rilm. I luvv thv wimvr icli.-'.'m_1'<-1-:1|)lv m-Id (l;1_\ :I :91` which wv .<(-vm tn hnv inn` cn All znmbilitm ':md wo st`-(`n1 14) w:| .-tu ` They tell 11:4 lhnt in Hm p: 7_i:~:h Columbia that an- by the (lhinmyk \\'in(|:`. rp 1 Wm` ni;:h!. Tim! ~-nunui; , ,.p.... ... | \\'u~1` mum. 111.1: -mm-u. .u......~. pt-rh-(:1 lo |Jr- lruv-. W1r.1<-r nnv and : lhr nvxl. Thv l)(p'mluh.`o Woman Anytmo whw \\.`n!`k`~' on an ox I if is 10 x.....- n iiiri iiiulsn "` Hu\v1.-x> `When the br-, . bird's :1 -And the fallnv ' ing- -- `Oh. an April r IIQIJI I) vr PASTE ;j-.-- :--4- \\ m is suppvtl J mnvh timu. |):n'1.\` of Bri- - infllu-mrvd l`hi:: \.V(`l'k, hr-l'm`v 1.lH- /\u,ri('u|lur:ul (" ul' Hue l.-uh-clnlurc-, fnrmi \'./IIIIH-II ml" Hm Pruvinm- wt-rn [mid -I] high u-mnplhm-H1. MI . J. H. l"niI'-` hnlrn. Ac-thug (`hnirmnn uf Hw (In- ll:-riu /\1u'i.-ullurul I):-vvluprnv-pl? Ilznm'vl_ wn.-.' (U.`l('|l.'ur;hIl.{ lhv |m' uff lunn.-z In I`m'uwr.=, zmvl ht tlm-lzm-I tlml lhv first llmuz Hw l|I':p4-a-I-mu: lmnkv t-vrinin nf in wlwlht-r U! lml`| ll... I... In In l|u~ll'Iu" A...l I... Hlilllfi IU llIl'"I('I.`I, "HUI I lhr r.mk(- wine Hm hnmu-wifu H thrlft._y :uMw| Hm! H lhrlfly H! Um furln in I`t'l',nrzlv-cl mt l(I`('.'Ill"$l ntuu-1:4, mul Ulla-I in iumurinm-v gguml ~:lm~I-. In! In! znul 1-nun nu fulln- D:nm.' I ` For ;{(.-neruli tho farm wnmvn `M Ontario have been tlw hriuhl Ul- nnmom of the cnunh*y'.~s hnsir` m- duslry. Their work has been hard, but {heir spirit nv':rt':um- all uh- 'rtnr~! "Drud;_zery'."` Perhnp: thorn at tixnes; that thought but lho mug-1 ho dnnn smrl wnmnnl \'. .'l!3 in lnntff; lnul. lHUu;;In. uuL HM," '.\'nrk must be done, zmd wnmvn turned weurily but hopefully in tho. m,-xt "chore. Hence it is that the [('r)YT`I[)1imCnl paid them by the men 0! mo Agricultural Development. Board is` rivhly (lest-rved. lF.dilnrinl from 'l`m`nnlo (ilnlw) School Nurse Miss Vern A. Mc- . Malian. in her report for Marcli pre- . wntorl to the Board of Education at . Monday evening's meeting. indicated . that there had been twenty-six cases , of mumps in Victoria School. twelve` ; in Prince of Wales School and four in King Edward School. during the month. nnoqnc nr um rnnnrt int-luded tho` F42 Cases of M:n:nps I; in Schools in March`; followmg: No. Child. Defects Defects March Visits Insp. Found TONY] , Victoria ...... .. 16 43-1 16 16 I Pr. of Wales 16 473 17 17 , King Edward 13 336 13 4 E King George 1 13 W. (2. Walls, Mrs. .1. 1). nuuun. 1VLl.\. _""'I3`r(-d Mnrron, IV1r::. E. H. Braden. Miss B('l`lil Scott, Mrs. H. A. I.iljz1,= Mrs. W. B. Undc-rhill, Mrs. A. "~`VVhi1|>3.'. Miss: M. Sinclair, Mrs. C. M. G. Smith. 1V1r.<. F`r-(I Snrjv.'m1. ,,.Mrn. G. S. M('C(mkr-_\' and Mrs. C. - 1.. Cfhitlick. month. | Details of the report included the following: Nn Child. Defects Women as Farm Assets Totals . Ill I31 WHl',lll"l' U! thrmy." Am! huII:'.:-vvlfv . .....Iu.l :... ._ ..f ... OFTEN the introduction of :1 new product benets muny pil'.|\`L`N of Canadian life. This hue been our experience with Kellogg's Rice Krispies. `Va had a double objective in dc- veloping Rice Krispics. First. In cru- ute :1 delicious cereal that \\uulLl appeal to every mic. Sccund. tn help mothers in their task of gcllixui chil- dren to tukc suflicio.-nt milk. ll xms thought that :1 diflcrcnt type: of cc- rcal~-nnc that unuld map. 4.-mcklc. and pop when milk or crcznn \\~.u poured into the bm\'l-unuld slim- ululc appetites. This was true. Tuduy. pcuplo.` of all ages are eniuging Rice Kri~pm'. The cunvenicncc of 5;-r\ ing this A W/0RD ABOUT RICE KRISPIES from W/. K. KELLOGG Page Twu 2/ .?`-*:~; ~UT 94$} BROWN LABEL - 33 1/zlb. ORANGE PEKOE - 40 I/215. c A NUS""N'Kf'i6 "N AWI". ,9 -- N 1' _r j",'. ` .x,-* ` Special Low g_Ho"osE THE BEST lrilllq I`II1IC \lIII-3 \(\lI'IlIII-II I XI` "w"u II'I IIIFFI ~ u}m.g from I:-mu l"r'1'vi.-x_v, .x('r!` 191o1uivim;r):t Sum}.-2) , April 21 ! inr-lu:-iw:. .(.-1urn l:m;1 louvmg 1:pt.u1mdniyhl Mumiay, April 22. FARE AND ONE THIRD FOR ROUND TRIP: Cm/I gning (mun 'I`3 : r ..`-.v- 5... I1RI..n;.'c.-.3`! L-~t`:{nIv A..n|91in:-Inning. Between all Points in (janwlu FARE AND ONE QUARTER FOR ROUND TRIP: (hurl ....... l.......... l...l... |.'_ ,1, A..|1n. ..x, .A.-I H DON"? F??.;\`_i( . n.... .1... V... . nu... . val nuvn... . n v . u-rn 5......` {rum 'l').2.`."~v1':-.j.',.r\;,';l 131w1m'3h `,rM F :1.-v1:4j.', /\pnI21inI:IuHiVo. ]{.-turn limit I(;.'1vm;; up to 1n: 'I'u<;vl::y, April 23. imum Special Fare--Adults 50. Children 25. EASTER FARES In//.'/II/er mfonnulzm ur/77 M Ru/u .1) Tuld A/vrm Allll ml-ZIQAI ready-to-eat cereal has resulted in slmrtcr hUllx'\` fur muthcrs-lcss time spent in the kitchen--more moments of leisure. The success of Rice Krispics has opened :1 large new market for the Czumdiun farmer. The Kellogg Cnmpzxny is daily creating a demand for tremendous quantities of milk, to say nothing of fruit and honey. The Kellngg Company also uses many xnillinn bushels of earn and \\|1e-.n every year. Czmudizm industry also benets. Thn11~`;1ncJ\`nfpcnplc are kn-pl busily L'l11pl0)'Cd in [IN manufacture and nmrko.-ting uf Kellogg Cereals. \\'c are pleuscd that Rice Krispies l1;t\'c-uddcd attempting new rcudy-t0- cal ccrcal to the Canadian table, and hm: delighted millions of mothers und childrcn. \\'c are particularly happy that thix inns helped thousands of pa-nplc to have bc:ttcri.hs.m1dl0 cnjuy life more. >MMv;e5v Thursday. April 11, 1935 _______________ AN APR. MIND Millions use Rinso in tub, washer and clishpcm

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