Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Apr 1935, p. 12

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ANOTHER WAR LONG ovmun T0 c9_m soon was held :1 on Wedncsr uttnxndzmcc < wnri fivn \'i APTO -I;1c;1e 45M '1m'gm`o1. -njnyod. u will I) :, wm no m-In at (In May 7. R0- -rvod and the re- 'unin`-.-, was spvnt x;.{ meeting ul held :11 Mrs Vnrlnnunlnv n` ill 1Vll`.\`. W rsduy after 01' l\\'L`H1_\ ilnr: T\/hm f Vaiiious Activities of Barrie Red Cross` The Red Cross wishes to thank the follmving for donations of clmlximz , 1'ecei\'Cd during the past week: Mr.s'.i Y.` hnhunn Nh-u HnrlhIn'1 /\ | Friend". l'(3CCl\'(`Cl (1lll'lll{.'. lllu palm \\'L`L'I\. mum: F. Dobsnn. Mrs. Hurlburi. A Mrs. I :1tl(m. Mrs. Whi1v- brcad. Mrs. Turnbuil. Mrs. Annvitv. I Mrs. Cniemzm. F. W. \Vxml\vm`ih.1' Mrs. Pattc.-rson. Mrs. Turnm`. i Frank H. Huriburt. Mrs. Qunntvui Miss Symc-. Mrs. Kelsey. Mrs. W. Boolh. Miss Scott, Mrs. (`lifforzl Graham. Mr. Malt-0n1.s`m1: milk tick- ets. Citizens` I)nir_v. l 100. 1\r..mhnv no` m~1i-In-4 1-ivnn (mi. IS , BARRIE. ONT.. CANADA C15. LIIIZCHS umry. Number of :1rtic|o:< p_i\'or including 2 beds and 2 ( pleto. Pm-chn. made bv 13:1 plelo. Pur(`haso.= by Barrio Rvzl Cross for stock mum in Febru- ary and M:u'(`h included ov(rx`:1lls.i punts. mitts. lmuts. 1'ubber.<, Imsv.| undcrwozu`. tmvels. slwots. mn1m`i:\I1 bnnl:~'. fur quilts and nwndimz of `H110 101211 znnmlnting to $85.93. NU1l`i1i1)l`I Class % The S()(`()l1(l of .1110 svrius nf .<(\v<`n[ l111l1'i1i()11 (~lu.<: \v21s cmutlmrlml ml April !).\\r'i1h Miss Nvwhm in (~l1:1rp,'v.! `l1Vlis.\' Both I)1'ur_\' and Mrs. Rn(l;;m'.<.' ('nn\'m1m' of the cnnnnillov. ;\xsisle(! Miss Newton in the lvmun. work. '1`hm'o \vvre hvelvo wumvn pro-` sent, tho smnv mnnlwr us :11t0n tht` first l0.s`.~`m1. A prize tlnnnlwl 1))" I I M1`. Shnnnun \\':1.< wun by :1 mom- I All ..r ch.` Ihn~4I\ nru-<(\I11 4-I-xuc l l \\-'nl'K. I pro- by bor of tho (-lziss. All 1l1():~l(` ])1'v.<(`nt scvmorl much iiitoro: Homo Nursing (flu ,. l Tl1(`I'(', ill'(` now t`i1'ty-l"mu' lH1)tll(`l`.` and ynungg, \\'nmcn cnmlh-(I in HM` RL-(l C.I'<.~'s llnmo Nu1'.s'in1,;' (`l:i.s`svs. This work they are : on thv third lesson. So far tlwy l\1|\ (` lx-vn `t;l1u.',ht how tn mukv :1 hm! znul In chzmgv at bed with the patient in it. `take tomporziturv and pulsv and In reC()gni*/.0 the siizns of illn<`.<.~'. 'l`hixi lwuok the lo. will he v. linterestimz as they will he t:uu;lil `to give thv (lit't`orent typos of bed` baths. Tho (`l)I`(lll]]l(`lll too is from fifty cents to (me (lnllnr but this does not (lo1).'1r zinyunc from taking the coursv as tlmsv unable to pay are arhnittc,-(l t'nw. It is cxpvctwl that the fovs tmm tho ('l:lS.\`L`.\` wili d(-fr:1_\' ox1)<-I1.~:v.x' as so muvh uf thv` equipment has l)von l()iIlll`(t or (lun- zited. The Hnmt` Nursing: Mzinunl each student n-(-oi\'os is hmmlit from the Ontario Di\'isi(m Rod Cmss at :1 cost 01' 25` each. A arvnvul Ami nr mutliiisizisiwi is ho- cost 01 me om-n. A grcnl dvnl of (m1ln1si21. is ,ing shown and great good to the lcmnmtmity is 0.\:|)v<'1(.-d 1":`om unud [health habits being: taught. Miss Hum10r: Supc1`\'ism` of thc` Home Nursing, Ontario Di\'i. was in 10wn on her \\':1_\' frum Mi land where she has m';.:ani'/.cd thrcel homo n1u'sin1.: claxsscs. She reports the 1'occnH_v formed Rod Cm.<.< in: that town uro quite taken with 1111`! was our 1)1':1m'h disp1n_v its fIn;;' as it can be somn so '1' by pus- .\.. 4|... min .115`. 11 C211! UU .\t'l'n : scng0r.< on tho train 1\/Ii;-< Hr-nr!m` \ the train. Miss IIon(icr. was rm hm` \\-n,\` to Bmccbri(i;,'0 in form Home Nurx-` inxz Classes. Ono fvvls glzul that :11 lust Barrio is not l:u:,g.:in;: behind in this respect. Home Nursim.: Cius = have been hold all over the Pro- vince for a number of years. Chair and Baby Carriage Ncodvci '1 Has anyone :1 mmfurtnbl(- <-hair they could donate in tho Rvri Cl`n.<.-; as we have an mid ;,`('HU(`ln(\n whu is _ :1 semi-in\'z1liri gin-1111)" in m,-vd nil nrfn is: mirwimil lil` -.I..\ u H)! .\lIH|L'Un lhu-1n. s. |' (`IOOOOOIOOI IOOOOI OOOOOOO 00% I 1 X0 000 IIOOIOIOOOOOOOOOIOOOOIOOJ `\ PALM SUNDAY. 1935 ll A.M.---'l`HE 'l`HRF.E CROSSES" '7 I'.M. THE VERD1C'l` OF HISTORY" `IH|`lH\ dH|| also 21 buhy 4-Ix:-\\r\t\b1r| u B:\\:k('lh:|Y| Finals S1-niur.<. . .- I"--A on 0111. 100,` cuts cum- IICUU U1 I is needed I buy nnv Genuine Crepe Hose . 59 pr. 5l!l|~l;l|\J;llJ\ in A HT. .==nl H111` 3r.Mv~. Regular $1.00 value -.`.. ._~~ V \\'c C:ll`l _\' :1 In Sc1I1i-ScI`\`icc, CHAMOISETTE 490 to $1.50 Pr. French Kid Gloves . . . $1.95'; in mm;m.1 Inc". I um um - I1 . \ . . 1 1 Suede Taffeta {E1-<:xs<:s . $1.00 -us...-u-.- WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR _.*i HOSE l?Vl \'.l For avour DOMINO 1 I. lJ\J1Vl1A1\J Rm] I :1<`1<::urr RICHMELLOC m.... 1'..1.,.v 1 H. A WHITEFI se-4 kegs` I-'n~ h 4 At` H{|.\'H I lLl.l:T ~~n \'l R nmmn salmn |*3.... 1,~vv ; v .\1uo:ur0ni or1 Che;-sc Lnuf i\lmulu_\' Wvtlmwluy -nu SHIRRIFFS .\ Erwwders 34 14 P 8 G6%%g&y?oap ~ 8* 25 SHREDDED WHEAT 2- ~23 RED RIVER CEREAL 23` CLASSIC cLEA:,~s..sER 5" 41- 21: CLOTHES PINS - 3+~-1o" Manyflowers Soap Raisim; DOMINION STORES Bifgm Ba? 0090:; We carry a Fm}! Range of Carter s Foundation Garments l\zl IIVLL4 hluv T.:11>( -I l n|:lL`i>. l*`ri(lny, April will mm-I ll Strum. at 6.4 Make` I-`rs! ( \ $71 3 ~~ 16 58 Elizabeth Sk. 1'!` F .\+_;~ Australian S(`(`d10ss aw 1 clh. COD 75.[ {.;$1.:-;a .~--23 vlh. Calblv :|d\'im`s pm'kin1.: plum frn iudicutvd that I steady. LO ..]`_.. 28 for v:\Iu(- I ` Ewegs pr \Il| k-l<`l`I) veal !`V'_`"'` :>. 1 SC Boneless Fillet Roast Veal "~ 1 5 Centre Leg Cutlet m 22 Rib Roast 16C Blade Roast ' 14c $1.95 AL'l` BROOMS - 33% 39 K|RK S SOAP 5%-:23 CHIPSO 2?1`;;;t15" W11 WHITE BEANS - 6n~-25 TOMATOES 3 f~. w:;; 25` com SYRUP - W39 I Illl Jill.-Illa; \.4lllll\oll 1Cl:1mwru-on Struuh REV. W. Ix . R. BA I"1`\', Ministw MISS M. KAINI-I (Thulr-l.cu(ivr and ()rguui3t BARRIE Suede Taffeta Slips ._ 3 . $1.00 \.|lIH;.;II v n I l \ I ) I Ml CREPE SLIPS . . . . . . $1.49 Pure Silk Satin Slips . . . $1.95 RAYON PANTIES and B1.0Q1q;;Rs ., . ._. _ , . . Cake CREPLE ?:.`.`T`E5 SATIN PANTAlES_ % F*QUE% P3555? or Imlim-d WFIDNFISDAY. H l .M. PASSION WEEK SERVICE`. l('(| by mcmln-r.~.~ nl` 1111- Svssiux ll]: ' 1'-c1I('1`(_)u;I1ii_`. in \\V';\ii. |Hi|IlH_`. Irixlllmul. I ;..`c 4 1 ullpsul LII: _ul;1Hi~n uml I. in \\'hi1c;m.l _IlVI;l`LJ - u n . . . \\'hi1v :I1I.l '|`c:1 |~`~v in \1'\.\' .\'ni;u-.1 \\ v.l\ c :: uuu H|L\l I in \\'l1i1u:xm| 'l'v;| `Roast Roast of Beef` IL` I 11.11 ML'.1.'I1l'1- Lobster CHl.()RlNA'l'ED LIME - - l`k THE l.l('.H'l' IN 'l`HI". WINI)()\V" 4:. . 11...: RI-`.CKlTT'S HLUF. - SNAP powunn CLOTH RS LINES, ll H. BRASSO LL9- SANIFLUSH STF.[~'.l.. W001. l".;u. Sc Thursdzly, April 11, 1935 . Phone 169 '|'1immc\l Int. uuunn nu nun. u-.....\,.. I drumntiv pl`(`.\`L'lllilH()ll uf lhv F}n.~'l :1` musszuzu. will hv ;:iv(-,n in tin- '.`huI`(`h Sohuul Hull nu 'l`lmr.~:(I:x_v waning. April 1mh.:n 3% p.m., h_\' llw `i|.. y no .. 1\~'a`.u.;...v R. Dunbar Predicts Conflict to Clear Way for Armageddon lbs. `|`ri1111mul |( 4)\L` 19` nu PM . Th Tin 12 Pkst. BC Tm 23 I "-1 7C 1 2C 1`hnl 'l"H 23 ~fi;.`1'I}. 49c 89c 33;; 25 All u.u.uu.- . LLOYD TUFFORD Organist and Choirmaster BIBLE PROPHECY Baptist Church 4(`l:n\nurlo-m SlI`N!H ODDFELLOWS TEMPLE H :\\M. ".`\ UAY 01" Il".1.I.U\\ SllIl"' ..-. H... ,. V, L _____ H SUNH.-\\'. :\1`RIl. SUNDAY NIGHT REV. W. A. HINES Revival Fellowship -'l`ht' Biblt` School Svssinll "'l`Hl". }`l..-\(`l-`. (`2\l.l.1*`.1) C.`\l.V:\R\"' r`,......o L`.-.... n. n \`.\|'\`i:u\\ 1 Another world war to clear the wny Tm` the final War of Armagecl-f don is long overdue and will comr: soon. R. Dunbar explained at a well- attended meeting under the auspices of Barrie Prayer League in Odd~ fellows` Temple after church Sunday evening. 'l"numrrl fh close of the meeiinzz. The Crucifixion '5! Church 31 1'1. l:lllV' Ministvr urn nivvnrn ET.\'.l`. n n l*`(`|lu\` I Hilvh` 12th Ith 'l'h\` l\l<`n':: (`lull suppur at 60 l\I:u`y . 1VIuo(im.:s n.... AFTER CHURCH 8.15 MESSAGE: evening. Toward the close meeting, Rev. W. A. Hines. evangelist. arriv- ed from successful ;.{z1therings held in thesouthern part of the County at Thompsonville and Beetnn. The various prayer meetings for the week were announced. an-., 1-\.....l...... ,l,u.1:n~nrl tknl nil rlnurn I be in another war soon as sure as we are sitting in this room", the speaker said. 'n:..........:..... I...-.... .~..,.1-. -. um. uuurl I aycanct ncuu. Discussing how such a war would be financed, the speaker stated, that although the last war has not yet! been paid for, bonds would have to be sold to pile up the debt still fur- ther. All capital and all revenue would be confiscated. There would be a confiscation of wealth. Govern-| ment would be by dictatorship and, everyone would be labelled. I uun_..A ..x.I.... ...:II cl... ...nt:.-..... l x.v\,n_yuuv.. vvvulu us. .u-.n_.u.,\... What sides will the nations take?" asked Mr. Dunbar. He thought. from the image referred to by Daniel the prophet. that the al- llignment would eventually bring about an alliance ot' Europe agaimit [Russia. China, Turkey and Abyssinia. On the one side. Great Britain, Unit- ed States. and France, were indicated in the power in the heel of the foot, Japan was like the instep just pulling: here and there. Austria and Germany were the ball of the font. and Italy was in the toes. Mussolini being the large toe. ruff 'l\/I .-or-nlini llnn L'l \!`n!1`!!\I` l l nugx: tuc. Discussing Mussolini. Ihe speaker said that he was referred to in the Bible in the reference to the ram pushing northward. ST. ANDRI-?W'S MEN'S CLASS l A number of tho men of St. An-! .drew's Church met on April 7. 1935, under the direction nf Clm'en(~c Simpson and the St. Andrew's `Men's Class was formcfl with the following nffit-(~1`s: Hnnnr:n'y Prcsidtmt, Rt. Rev. J. S. Shnrtt. M./\.. D.D.: Pres.. 'I`ho.v.. 'I`ou;.:h; Vict--I 1'(-5., K. M. Mac- Lt.-nnzm: 'I`1'en.-`.., John Rnokt-; Sccy.. F. P. Beurrlsull. cbuwa 4-nllzc mm-n nivnn hv Dr, I". P. Benrrlsull. Short, talks were given by Dr. Campbell. Mr. Tough and Mr. Mac- Lennzm. nn cum!-.v Am-il 14 F` H Prmn. Lennzm. On Sunday. April 14. F. H. Pnprz. fm'm(-rly of Suult Ste. Marie. will .'\clc1ress the rtlrnss. Mrs. W. J. Miller is under H10 doc- 1.m"s (-.'n`(` :11 timo of wriling. Mrs. Charlie Miller. 'I`m`nntn. spent | last week with her sistt-r, Mrs. D. J. Miller. Mi-.-c Fithz-I Mt~M:\. was hnmm l'I'(nn 'l'nr(>mo lho wvokuurl. 1\/Ir zlnrl M` ' Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jnnnott had {I few frientlsa in fur a turkey supper - (m Sul,u1'dz1_v vvoning. 1 Mr. and Nfrs. I-I:1rr_\' Dundns anrl| sons of Eln1_L'mvc spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G00. Ellis. Mrs. fRc`\'.l W. S. Irwin. Morcor and Dorothy of Uhthnff spent. :1 r1.'\_v| ):'. week with Mrs. J. W. .I(.'mw1.1. WI:L'K wclc IllIlI\luA|\,\,\.:. Mr. Dunbar declared that all down ihmugh the ages in the British Em~ pirc. there had been great statesmen and soldiers who, when faced with ' trouble. had been great en0u.I .h to zwlcnowletlge their trust. in God. He mentioned among others. Queen Victoria, Lord RnbeI't,s. Sir Henry I-Invt.-lock. Captain Hotlley Vickcrs, General Gordon. l..m'cl Wolseley. Admiral Bcutty. Sir Evelyn Woods, Lord Kitchener. r ,,....,..l ..r |.:.. ..n..o...-Minn Haul ILILV. J. D. ouuutx, Au.n., u.u. . Minister Ednnmd Hardy. Mus. Baa. F.T.C.M. Organist and Choirmastcr ,Z `T . \. Burton Ave. Umted Church. m.1.AN1.)AL1~: Mini.~:t'r--Rm`. W. A, Flarlston Dov Orgaui.~:t -Mr. Frank Dutch:-r I i lJlal\l`;l I\.' will be n-I\(lul'o by I-`ricl:I_\' t`\'UI\ingL .\':'1`\` inn null l\ I4I|IJI\Ia I 1? ' I .` `REV. LOUIS PICKERING MINISTER S1'.\'!>.\\'. .-\l`I{I1. H. 15315 H ;\ H 'l'Hl". 'l'\\'\\ I-I.\"l'l{ll".i\` INTO .H'fH1'.\`:\I.l-`.`.\1 I\'1und:1_\'. VV(-(lm*.<(l:1_\` nninuu n0 )1 1 #, ST. ANDREW S Presbyterian Church REV. J. S. SIIORT 1`, M.A.. D.D. NI 5 :1 50:1 wr I l'.W|. "'I`I~I[~,`. ME.-\N1NCi OI`-` ' Special Svr\'icv.~` Pu: Sor\'i(~(*s at 11 n.m. and 7 p.111. 3 P.M.---SUNDAY SCHOOL Wcd.. 8 p.m.~Prayc1' Meeting A horu l \Il.l,'lll:lll:I . In support of his contention that there would be another wrn-let war soon. the speaker said that you must refer to Scripture. going back to the Garden of Eden and Genesis. There were certain fundamentals in the Garden of Eden. God e1`ented Ar-am and Eve und because they (tisobcyed, they were east out. Then enme Cain and Abel. Mr. Dunbar ninintuined that without, t.he shecl(tin_-1 or blood. there was no remission of sin then, and without the shedcting or blood there was no remission of sin now. The great mass of the world was in the position Cnin was in. an .. 1,1 Ell`! hmlzinu nt it from ll !\.|Vl. "R4-twwul '1`hmu;:h I (Rm-v<-ptinn and Cu: 1% P.1Vl.- SUNDAY - v\v\;v SUNDAY. APRIL 14. 1935 ,,_..1 -7 .. . ') . . . . . . . . . 4.] 'I`|n-. u. SUND.-\\'. .`\l`RlI. 14. 1935 11 ./\.1V1. Icullluuuhin Hutu`, mung I\vI |\'\|IIb .....,,.._._ E 1`.M. -(`1`u.s".ulvrs Biblo (`lass PM` -OUR CHURCH SCHOOL '7 1` M. 'l`HF. CR UL`Il~`lF.RS OF \'l AND T01).-\\' (,)I .l\ l*`.'1` TO I... ......l.u-.ul lu- Ethel homol I`nr Normal Sohnnl over` numml . UTOPIA Hug; .\t`l \ I\`l' il||U am will bv 1-ukvn. ughlvy. Organist A u \1 -..-n n (`.~\l.Vr\RY" thv (`l\un' an "ivv and am 0 duly.`-\ Int! ])U:~illIu|1 L,u|u wuru nu. I would say. looking at it from all angles. we're in :1 time when we are lrmg nverdlw for :1 world war: the sand glass has run its cm1x'se", Mr. Dunbar declared. m.,... . .......n.: .....-4 nu: ma nu- 5` '1`)-IE CROSS" `ussinn VV1'vk ' I"<~|lo\vshi \r|| - - . . . . . . . . . .. ' SCHOOL illlkl 1'1 u'cluL`l{ . Ivar`! Mrs. F1'od C}x`ig;: is visiting friuml.< at I-lillsrlnlo. Miss Myrtle Greonlnw has 1'c1urn- ` (rd home after sp(-nrling the wintx-1" in I`m'0nt0. R`:-v nnd TVTPS. '7'. D. Jnn(`.<. Rnl. in 'I`n1'0nt0. Rev. and Mrs. Jones and Miss E. l~`n rl:-v in l`m'nnIn, Mrs. Victnr Fr(-chclto and 5 nld are sponcling a mm1lh's in Otlnwzl. \'i.'i(ing with and friond.~'. Miss Irene Midcllc-brook wz .|n 'r`m-nntn In nurse hm` mm >:<>3nv:u1n:n:u:u1oxu1u1u1n::uzuxnxnzuxt- .1:-10 NEWS OF- ELMV ALEE 0:nnz01n:tI1(v;o;rb;I'h; :r1o:o;<);<)t)o:o 56 Eliz:be-tl: St. Nothing is so expressive of true Easter sentiment as Flowers Make your selection c:n'1_y from our 12l1'}{C :1ssm`i1nc11t of Plzmts and Flowers. WU`. IJLIIIULII uc\uuu:u. This war would snrl mll the na- tions. whilv Ar|mu,{o lnlm` will be the final war. I believe wr- will u. u. ~ .-\ngus llurtlrr .u . nu. BoY6Uf7~3Ews .<. /\-nu.-urn ANGUS mu \u x.-;l\i|u.-, \4l c. I` Jcmvs. nslor spent Tucs- WE DELIVER TLB{{s'r' vsl was QIVCTI my I .\'hi('h was much 1 The nvxt Invotix Vlrs. Jns. M2n`lin`.= nxlnnnntu \\`|`l`(\ \' Page Twelve Mrs. (`h:n'1o.s' M('(`nnkc'y of Toronto :-nllod on friends here last Sunday. M1`. and Mrs. Wm. Cmvzm 0|" Bur- lit` spent Sun(luy wilh Nliss Mary Cnwun. V1-ry xmore hn's W.M.S. v BI'udl('y's 01 ml]. with an 21` 4 m<-mbvrs :m G. Bale prcsi ad lmivrx fro DEALERS 75 Elizabeth St., Phone 128 1932 Chev. Special Sedan 1930 Oldsmobile Coach 1929 Essex Sedan 1930 Buick 5-pass. Coupe 1928 Pontiac Sedan 1928 Essex Coach 1929 Auburn Sedan 1929 Hudson Sedan n ...;,~. United Church \V.I\l. .~\....1 S. GENERAL MOTORS .- r AYERST & HARRIS LTD. THE BARRIE EXAMINER, j1 STROUD mm. I by `. In-h /1*` \ Collier St. United Church REV. ERNEST 17.`. LONG, B./1., B.D R/Hniufnr

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