. Hockey Teams Guests Collier St. Men s Club I THE BARRIE EXAMINER, BARRIE. ON'l`.. Cz\N;\D.\ FU]_ ]`(IV4 D. k,HlIlll'lllII.\l' wuu \\u:~ nun... in the Spanish Rivvr V\'I (-(`k and :~:i(lerI , , mUv_ wont to hvv in Nurth I .:iy. He he- ;(.Vl. (:zim4- :1 I`>: cu!` .ui`ri(- in 192l 1930. and cuminncd In l`(':iti(' In-rv iill ht- Il'L`IHU\ L`U lo 'l`ill:.nnl_mr;4 in 1929. I I in- % Dr. Byrnvs war: \ ('I'\ :H'liV(' in 1114.- two Church Union Mr>\'vin<~m which had ;md|i1s ('ulmin:11inn in 1.025 and. lzirguiy idin_g]in rt.-cnuzniiiun of 1hi_<. he \\'Zl.` (-It-C-_ are ted PrL-sitlc-m of tho l`omn1,u Cunfcr- ' M]'5,2l`I1(,`(* if thv United L`hui`(-h in 1927. -Mimi An viitliiwiiiiisiic Mnr he was hm hm first \Nm'. M:i.~:1-r of Silver '~`k.fl.u(lnt'. c'..b;m. l.;m-r hv had the Em` \l\l)[`(,IV of Doing: inudo Grand Chap- `d50"- lnin of lhu (irxind l.udg'v if Ontario, I h_Y`gA F. & AM. In Svnnisli Rilv Mas- ``-iunry in- also was km-nly iI)i(.'l'L'S19d T"";- zzind lurid Ihv (nH'i(`l" of Ormm` in the `1<']iI5zix'riz- Lndgv of P(~i`fnc1i)n. ` Dr. Hymn-.~ w:u twivo niarriod. In` ` ~` 1903 he inzirrivd Mi.<.\` Alive Morton. Ayhncr. On! . wlin })l`(`(i(`('(`LlS('d him "in 1915. frmn \\'hin":i l1\Zl!'I'lilg(.` ho is :'.urvi\'mi h_\' two Mrs. R. D Flock. Ml>l1il'l`li1 and M:n`jm`ie at R honio`. also .~'ur\'i\'inL', ll't` his widow. fnrniorly Miss Agnes Villl(`l'. Tillsnn- I -1 ibtirg`. whnin hv married in 1921. tthe I year he rznnv to Bzirric->. and lhroo ~ - -~ ~~--- - Ilun f`_.--any , "Rev. Dr. .1. D. i ._v:`n<~:'_ fun` :1 num- ber of _v(-:n'< :1 wr~H-known resident inf Barrie. ilimi :11 hi: home in 'I`iH-4 snnburg. S:1ur :il`t<.-rnoon. Mar. 30. 1935, in his lith yr-:11`. His health had been ;.:r-.'itly impaired for sev- . em]; years. `_ .'I`he funer.'11 Lu:-k place under Ma- ,s_onic . .1lIS})ic'(:s nu Timsclay after- `_ noon. Scr\`i<'c in A\'und.'1i(` United ` Church was 11:1-;<:n hy Rev. D. M. ' Solundi. Tmwmiu, us. by Rev. ` n.. _i..a..,| ..r 'I`,..-i.mn Run F. F`._ l:()ll].', U1 DUI I It` .uxu I ' bull of Ti1I.~: murlv in I`ill. 1 John Duncan P._v:'m- in Cumbvrhmtl. 0111.. : dainc-(1 a .Pr(sbylm'i:`.n 1903. His firrzl ('hnr;40 Bn. IWilI1lll)lI|iH l.~'1a.v .1 no !';.l.r.H In .\`1-(`mid at C made Supm fur N()l`HH'l` Rev. S. Chil :.. .. Cur.- "4 Iurx-en. t\lI.'mu;m'. ' Among :1 prnfusinn of flural tri- butes rocs~i\'-d xvcrv the following: Ionic I'.od;:e. A F and A M, Bramp- ton. drxn-r_x nf \\'r-.\lun': Y.imited;` l".ss;I Road 1 n-s!),\`1o1`1;a|1 Church. Order of 1119 Eastern Star; Barrie `Crokinole Club. m-ighburs residing on Charles Slrvot. 1.0.1.. 452: A. and iP. Store. Boll Tvlx*})lmlh.` Cu. Bramp- ton; teachers of Prince of Wales minstor in .4 \\':1s= :11 Gore lumluulin lsluml. and his Cul:mll_ In Will he was Eupz-rintt-ml:-nl of Missionsl r(,lu-rn (')nl:n'iu I. . Chilrh-rhn. who \\ ilE'~ killed wrt-(`kl ` in Buy. Itinm-(l Ll yrm-:: ('I'\' winnlion 1.02. : lzniliun 1hi<. was :i(lc-n1 l`omn1,u Cnnfcr-' n1hu.~:1lmsllc Pnbnll had . ._....:.\ F`:-an-yr` rum- J. I). l .\'R\'FS. l).l). -s was born and \vns or- 1 in ml. Huh I.,. ivvtnb I H(.'. l`.. D. . H. 11. Turn- I)...:.,l ur-1.: 1\'Inndny- Young T'euplv'+: lV(e-<-timzs. Wvdnasduy I'mym' Sm`vit'(~ and Hiblv Study in the Hunk of Daniel ....H.. f`l.nrnh ` u-,,,. rn.`._,_:. :- .. XVI I.\.`HJH.\ ' wane: rwk) . 1 1.. l\ln vv........- ..;-. -.-.u. On Monday evening the Collier St. and Burlon Ave. Ymmg People's hold 11 joint meeting at (Tnllicr St. A repnrl will be fmmrl in the Allan- dnle news. ' ` solmnl; Ontario I 1lI'!`i(` Ans 4 |....... l)EH'lll'. Among: Hmsc whu ultmnlwl lht` tum-rul frum out of tuwn \v<-re iho following: Mrs. Charles Mitrht-ll and son David. Konushn. WiH.; Roy Reid. Hurry ROM, Mr. and Mrs. Roy ()ut~ 011. Mr. and Mrs. Rulwrt Rvirl. Mr. and Mrs. l):n-irl C. Rom. Mr. zmd Mrs. }-Iurl Sullu-rlnml, Ivlrs. Hnltiv `Spunr1r`I'. Nlrrt. .l:Inw.< Brown. I! nf 'l`m~nmn- I\/`Ir znul Mrc \Vc\I|im!! 'ip_;ArE PUFFS i5"<'$iiit3 BEANS 2 AYLMER CATSUP 2 GRAPENUT FLAKES 2 ; uurnslg WAEEKS 2 Z, (JIIATEAU OR VELVEETA BESEOANUT /I I l..`Vlr.n Vrl Oraniglilrmalade AYI.'lll-IR ('lIl)l(.'I'.' UU.-ILITY l'IlD| I-IGEJIIDI. \alIlllI-II (Cluppormn Street) REV. W. K. R. BATTY, Minister MISS M. KAINE Choir-Leader and Ormmtlt LIBBY '8 0R AYl.Ml'.'R %`ifmii1(v5fi3Enn1Es ins 6MFonr som- nmso I N S 11 'i`i'ii`3i5iiifiAii'<'51N8 -vlIInr.lI nnl`. lnr 'l`|l BACO A Yl.MI:'R (.'Rk'I'.'.`\' I.AIH'.'I.-l'l/Kin` L -1 T ' - " /'I.'\II:`R (.'lI()l(.'I'.' QU.-HJTY 1 Q 119- Page I-Ilgh . INN .\.s'l|` [CK l)()Ml:'5Tl(.' `.`f',f,;`.,;. Ii-. 21 :f;,,ff" lb. 19.: I-RESII .-1`ll..-IVIH.` .'I(h\II -I'll INTI! Cod ;`l.Z?';`.`,.`. ; . lb-15 :f:...f.'."u.1zc Seaerringmllc lf.Il.H'UR`\l.rl `V 4| I'.'I,$ I (` lI.II"UR\l4 uuz. ` zm .~:HLs _~,'['I~.'(.`!. 11. vrvv- -y--y. (JUT FROM FIKFSII )'(N.\l.` I((I.l.`v"I`I\l.' PHIHV SMIIKEI) HRl'f~1l\ F -I H 'I' N siiausnowri cuu: noun .-\ high grndv set of BEF.Tl.F.-W.\lH". ma-n.~ur- ing apunns l"RF.l-I with purrhaso nf :1 pkg. uf gun. - -----.:.-- SUNDAY. APRIL 7. 1935 ll /\.M.~~"A DAY OF SII.F.NCE lC()Hll11lllli()l| > I! P.M.--~'I`ho Bible Schnul Sessinn 7 f'.M.--"WHAT DC)!-`.S IT MEAN mm In.` A r`HYHQ'l`1/\N"" IN) V h'l.h.8'.'s' .vl.\`D RUI.I.EI)--MIl.l\ -I"I'.'l) SPECIAL OFFER ;gj&i#'iaAsr SPARERIBS Prn\'im'i:1l Police. IIHIH If 1Q-5 I LII .H.: I) NEH rtnnrn I545 I .G!!r9'3E.ed Meats htwkvy team this`. win ihvnllh ])l'l'VI'H1('(l him. PLAIN OR l lMEN'l`0 nunr . )Luu_y In un, n First (.`hurc:)z is u Iv`rivmH;/ ("hurvh \ / The Com_}t1ne,t~a!WLife l|suranc\C.bmnanv - mum in lln- um 1'Imn1h1- I Tmlny, 1|u-aw pt-nplv um! Hu-ir dt-.~u'cn(lnnts form nu import- xml pm! uf Hw (Znnmlinn nmiun. Mnny of them owc lht-ir wvll-In-ing In fuw-siy_lIl wlutn Ihry bx.-runm: p0livylmldH'.~a of 'l`ln~ (T I.iI z~ In:~z1n':uu'c Ctnnpzuny--fun-sight whirh M-mrul pmtm-linn nl` llnrii lmuilin-'; .'ng:Iins:1 wzmt. the (`du(`n liml ul' llu-ir l`l|il(IIl`lI. um! su't'urily of hmm-1; mu! living, (luring Iln-ir mu 1' vz-urea. H"HH'l ll INCH! L` Iln-ii` yr `W '2-5 L 1; T Insul-ance\_CwoInp/_,a_,I/gy JOHN w. Hialgs Head 0155?: /- ?.;N. J. L u.._.:.1-... `$x_`rnnnurn A /u,___:_ I`hi-: 2-.:un<- :;I`TVi(`(` of The Cnnlinnmnl Life Insurnnr,(-. (Tuxnpnny in :Ivuilul)h- fur you and yuur family tmluy. Th:-re in :u I1-pl`t`fH`llI:I1i\.'(` 0|` T110 (Itml ill('IH5ll I.if<- In-;l|r.'m(`u (Inmpnny in yuur uumnlnnity. H4-hind him ..HIl1ll.`i ml nll-('.nnm|iun 1`-nnnpnnln-,1, up:-r:niIw_ in u mum):-r whirh hue; won p}>u4lwill um! I": in mlnhip lln'mu1hout the Drnninirm. Co-Builders of Canada '1\HE curly pm`! of the present century suw x1 grunt move- mcn! nl'i1mni5;rnli(m In Cun:Id:1. Visions of opportunity n nrw lzunl brought Hmusnmla of L-mlrngt-nus (`ilizcnex "mm Hm Hrili:;l1 114113 and ullu-r pnrts of the world. 1vv.II\.. President PHZI '3 nl .`l.I( F. Meeting under Auspices Barrie Prayer League Huuml or 5q|Ialrn- (In! L. P. SINGER, Dime: Manager` xluivl (If|`ir|- T`. II:|Hun \'I 'l`nl..n|uu. . FR ES}! PUKK xuggg Hud ome *-ToRg;;I_Io 5i 1 '10, until \.JL4I\` lJll?ll ILL IVIGIIGKC 2: l):|H1m St. 'l`t-I4-plmlw for 1c with purchuu: of _S_Al_.._E :10:-tlzrn Tissue Hamlin]; Hu- nru-hnnd rzuvt-r: ? W 7' V The Barrie and District Ministerial Association nu- 10 ; (hr I'i 1- up. 17 1 lbs. 35"` 'I`hursduy..Aprll 4, 1935 _:__________ H0. 4 Squat Tin 2 "Is. nb- 15 (Ol- Plugs. J10 Jar |4|;l`.. PKG. I'.|Vl.--"WHI\l Urn 1: nvuunn 'I`O HE A CHRIS I`IAN"`` : it truv thnl thuro zu'<- ft-w Chris~ tizms in thv church of Inclny? BARS TINS 7': In. Plug, I, `fa? 5;; LANDER hannnina Dimrvnv l K(}h'. [I1. J. I.I\IV|JLl'\ dannqing Director I (Inc Null 1ltIVl)l`U.`a'(`lII('lIl.`~} I limv in slmppimz. lb. lb. JUBILi`FjiN9!?!!$ II. 18 up. 7 Tjtjjj &2-:-:--- Sum!-.1_\':1t tum: NO`l` \\'HlER}{ T0 lu\\` HIS Hli-\l)" .\\n1'ning Sim`) fur Young \v\'m`:~11imw.'r.~\ l.c:13;uc. 3 l'.M,---MlS5lU.\'.~\R\' I3.-\Y in Our (Ihurch Scluml 7.UU l>`.M.--~'l'hc L`.HRl>"I`|.-\i.\' ll(.>l l lm Hlx`UKl~'\' l l\ 1%` `I`\.. I..|.:I... . ..4 Th}. kl.-m-i.`n At the regular monthly supperl meeting of Collier St. United Men's! Club on 'I`uesdz1y evening, the two hockey teams: of the church were} ` the guests of honor. Fish and ehipsi was the main item on the menu.` l re.'=irlent Frank Craig: was in the` 1-lmir and welt-omecl and congmtu-I lutetl the hockey teams. The spenker of the evening was A. F. A. Mal- :-n_m.son. who gave a fine talk on Playing the Game of Life". He was lnt,r`o(lu(-ed by W. C. Walls until thanked on ha ' " '2 " `* "'1rl[ vi.-:ilor.: by (I. ( .. rm-1: _h.hn-.tam .{l)(llll'\.'lJ the| AFTER- CHURCH MEETING IVIUIVUHI \,|JIV\.|:.l\I In \.uun\.u nuy. .\.,.....,.. Whole prv-gr-.un 3,-`i\`cn by the ll`l h`1\;_(_ :1-.l\i.\" in Mr l\`c`a.1i11g.~_ .m.1 l`l;nH;Hinn .V\cl-dicx in l`1;u1I`.\ti.~n tlmu` I\ ... -` .1` .\ ... `I L-~".-,x;_ \\ _-, \\\\ 1) I) "\ . \ I01 Firat7 7Baptist Church ((`,lnnm-rmn Strmsl) Both Je \\'s;1u\1 (Zlu`i.\!i1n.\ are being pcx'. in ROTII are (`mdix pcu;\lc---i\ this the s;1n1c .-\rc United St_;ucs lmsix1cs.< and !in~.mci:1I pulicic: --shuuld they be F()l.l.0\\MEl) l~_\ other n.1 HUM` can we be SURIS we.` and SOON How will il be puxxilwlc lu \\"lmI Sllll-TS will the l`nitcl1 Sl.uc.\`. hum South .-\nmic;1i I3 :\`\l'S.\'Ul.l\I It`lL`l 15 '.\n_\' other \\`nr` Smnc people H --which :1 by (1. ( Jack Jnlm.~'.lnn .m.(hu'L-u the members of the Midget, team, and rvvimvbd briefly their fine Tl.'C()I`di um ("hurrh 1.:-mzue. in which \\'ill F:I.~'ci.~'1n and 8.15 P.M. MONDAY CONCE'.R'l' [N CHURCH AUDITORIUM ..u. .n...H5121!\:l5~;l\(.l~|.'\mww- IN ~. .N..AL CHURCH nun...-\.u xnvix -1/~uunAv ADDII '1 AND R Hear this discussion Sunday Evening xkiii]3i$.x\'i&`}\zT IV Q JCVouIr--n ------ SUNDAY AND MONDAY, APRIL 7 AND 8 THE (`.()l.()[?lx`l{l) uwe we will h;1vc:nmI1m \\()l\ l I) ~ I 3-3()L):\" "I UL KalI|\I;'I |:\:1 I The Juhilvc Sing'cr~' _;11cs pulic Hhey expert l-`l\`U.\`l`kERl'l`\' and smnc are rigm? rvvimvbd briefly men` rme rs.-cum in the Church 1.1-nmle. they were close rnnners-up. Ken. McKenzie perfm`mcd 11 similar duty for the Bara(:zn.s', who also finished a close s0c(m(l in the Town League. Fm-il `Mn:-I-in uzhn rnnm::(_-ntod tho rld lcauicr ICURRENT EVENTS IN THE LIGHT OF THE BIBLE (`.ummuni.~m hccunlc Nzltinm in. llul}. -l:I.\\.\(`. ('-REE.-\'l`E-R Hun Mu.~* series of the Church Hockey League. 1111)., .._..u .|:......_..... .. ..,.........a:.... "We need diversion or recreation of some sort". said Mr. Mulcomson. "and whether we have a happy and successful life or not depends in a great measure on how we spend our leisure m0ment:~:". Participation in sport, he said. resulted in physical iclevelopment. nleitness. quick lhink-`. ing. self control. a love for fziirness. lthu community spirit. loyalty. unsel- |l'i.~:hness. team play. In the great h:it- I tle of life many of the : prin- ciples hold good. Life is real, life is ezn'nest and the grave is not it; ;.z0.'1l. Paul compared lll e tr) a mu! race: "I press tuwarcls the mark for thr- pri`/,e oi` the high culling of Gml in Clirist Jt.-ms". Anrl Pnul war: HIIN` the Gr:-:11 Couvh wnulrl zilwnys lu- oeluse to him, fur ho snirl: l know whom I have h(`l(iV(-rl and rum pm` silutlml that He is: able to k('t5|) that which I have t-nmmitterl untn lvlim uguimzt that day". The .\'])(`lIkt"l` zul-- vlsed the boys uncl young men to so fit i,l\(.'lnS('lV(,'.\'. pliysimlly. nwntzilly and morzilly. that they would lw uhle to take mi il1l[)0l'1u'lf1i part, in the game of life. In thi,-: (lay znul age snne thinking i.~: imiu-rmivi-." .he Silid. "ziml notliinp, will .-:.'iv- tin- lwurld but the ti-m-liings ill` the Nir/.4 `Dc: 1:: un uu; \,uun\.u ;.\.\..n._, ......=...... -. i-nun /___i,,, Burton Ave. United Churc?11 AI.I.ANDAI.E I I Mini.s'tcr~~~R'1w. W. A. EarlstmL Um" Organist v Mr. Frunlc Dun-hvr K I close sc-com! 1n me '1uwn nu.-ugm-. Cecil Norris, who represented (`nllier St. Men's Club on tho hockey :xe-uutivc, nlso told of the fim: ro- mrd of both temns and 1'o(:r.rnrn(m(l- ed that :1 third tvnm be entered. next yenr, so that Collier F31. would: he repress-med nlsn in the Juvenile IULV. J. 0. .)n\1n.1 1, 171.11., u.u ` Minister ` Edmund Hardy. Mux. Baa, I-`.'I`.C.M.; Organist and Choirmustcr Man. 8 nm. Young People's Sm-i(-ty E W0d.. 8 p.m.~-Pruyt.-r Mevting \ / 1 -nu-on-ul ....v........_`, ..I..... .._,_ ` MAJOR AND MRS unsmu. MA-`a JOR AND MRS. WOOLC`O'I"[` I\NDi nAn'r`v min 1-nn!|IIt'I Em-A-inl Sb! - l'I\HlY wm ('Ul|Ull\'l . vice. includim: Vncul mentul numbe1'.~:. I JUN AND xvutn. VV\}\Jl PARTY will ('(mduvl ..:.... in.-lunlinn \/In-zul The I..:1ml uf Snnrthinv znul I-`lnw('r-: by Rev. W. A. E. DOE of Allumlnlv REV. MR. DOE WILL SING k ` I __ You haven't road Tho Examine: until _vnu'vv rend thv udvts ._.:___._.. 'I`hc- Re.-nowul of Our Y.n_\':|lly" 3 P.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOI. '1 ! .M. Why Did Chri: 'H:I\'t- Hims:elf (.`1`m-il`ivrl'."` Thursday Evening, April 4th .. . rr\r\ Ann 1\.n')c vr()c.\l.'I l\/IA. I \ ST. AN7DREW S Presbyterian Church REV. J. S. SII()RT'I`, M./L, D.D n/hniuhvr \/UIIIUI us: sinuous: vv ..... -. REV. ERNEST E. LONG, B.A., B.D. Minister LLOYD TUF`FO}i .D Organist and Choirmnster /L \ The Salvation Army Citadel l`.l .4V. I}. l. lhl:l1ID\llV 0|` 'I`m'(m1n will preach 111 ll n.m. .'md 7 nm. 3 I`.M. ~SUN DAY SCHOOL Alumnus n..vs......:.,, ..l..... V... DON'T FAIL TO }{F.AR TIIF`. Il.1..US'I`RA'l`ED l.I".C'I`URl-`. Friday Evening, April 5th nrxuvru 1:`/\Il mn 1H'.`.\I .` 'Y`IH'` SUNDAY. APRIL ..-up MONDAY. 8 P.M. V.P.S. SUNDAY. APRII. 7. 1911:"; REV. D. l. ELLISON nl` 'Y`n1~nnG n This Scr 7:i%'1f.1` * iihlc`7 c` ollier St. Ugtga Chara} . ..-...r-nm n vrnurw I) A '-|'ickcl mm` L`. Oddfellows Collier St. Temple Barrie `.-\l \.\\I |`\ JLJL K51 I I\lVl' Rpm-inl Sm`- \ and Instru- \50U.\l) I935`: MONDAY, R RM. YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY WEDNESDAY. 8 P.M. THE MIDWEEK MEETING mndunttm by the Connnitto- nf Stvw`:u'd.*:. You arv cnrdiully invitvrl to am-ml U: 030 :wrvir:vs ` I Jan` Large Attendance at Revival Fellowship Meeting on Sunday ((`rmlril m1t_-(I by W. A. H.) A r'epx't-sorItzn(ivc- Z`lUf`.`n(.'t" that fillc-rl [hr (.)rlrlI`(-llmvs 'l`0mplc- ro- :;y`mr1(l(*(| tn the in\'it.'zlirm ml` the Re- vival I'\'-Ilm\'.:|1i|)" l.'I. Sunr1:nx' night. I'lu- h.'mpy spirii 01' [hr mt-L-tins: lon- lifi:-rl to tho L'|'fi':)('_\' ul` the prayers Ihnt. hnve heen .'l.K`('('I1flil`n to tho 1 Thrmw nf G1-at-0 for n rlvv.ponin_.: of lhn . life of tho pcnplo gun- (.-rnIl_\' mm n more \virl<-:;pr(-.'ud mu (-npl:n|('n- h_\' ullu-I": uf lhv [MN] Jr-. ('hI'l.-tl an ]')"|'! S:\'ium'. Thu ..l . ..(' cl... .~... |'!.ul..|-`I. ?.Fines i In Month of Marchi I EIHVARI) (YL/\Y'I`0N I The death of Edward Clayton 00- l(:urr-xl in Midland hnspiml. on `Mwrvlu 22, 1935, In his 79th year. Ila` hm! hm-n ill I'm` zu numbt-r of yours` D4-m-z|::(-(I was Imrn :11 Ivy in Ilu-A _v(-:u' H'.76_ :1 sun of lhv Inlv Mr. and} 1VlI'.`:, 'I`hun|:I:4 (`,l.'ny!nn. hul ::p~nH moat! ml" his lil`(- in l*`|u::. 5 lxmm-rli:1lc n-l:11iv<-s ::lIrvivinp.: :u'(-1' ll'n'(-v ::i,~:h-rs. Mrs. (`lurk of Winni~ 'p(`]', and Mrs. Mnn.~;hzIw of 'l'uI`Unln.; uml Mrs. John (`minvs HI" Ivy: two: I ... II.. I. I`I. . \ 1.`-Xuvlv wall 5|: OBITUARY I XH|H'|' N-\l"|.\. lvllrs. \l:llr\ In VVIIIIII` IDI1 . and ha/0| lymllu-1`.\'. .Iu:::-ph Clnylnn uf Ivy. um!` l'h<>|n.'Is Cl'|) l()l1 ml` Wind.\m*. also by` l|iI`('('H nnrl In-ph:-ws. 'l`hv ::-rvi(-(- was hold in tho An-5 !14|i`.'uI (`huI`('l1. ivy, rm Mm`. 25 wilh '1|u- Hm: I". V. Ahhnlt, nH'i('i.`Illn;: 'l`|1<- irm-rnwnl was in An;:li('.'m rum- (-h*!`_\'. lv_v. 'l"lw pullluc-zm-rs \Nt`l`( 1|n'(-:- m`~plu-xvs. William. F.|rnm' and |.I'Yl('.`4l (`.nim-s, all of Ivy: (iurliu-Id .l-mwll. /\n1.{u.~:, I. 1". 1.1-nnnx and C.` ` . A. u..n; ..n I. ....- 4|... I'l......l. I'.InI':I \uIIlIl'.\_ III: ul Iv.Y. C. Sullix/:m of Ivy. /\mum{ the flora! 1x'ilml1-2: wn.-: :1 lu-ullliful wrvulh l'I'nm lhv nnrs s` of Midland hu.~:pil:1I. xnu IIl'III ' VVII:I:I.'\lVl K lHVIA\`ll4\`ll I | William (`.ummin1;'. Whn had hm-n3 |in I`:ni|in;z hoznlth for :1 yvnr, divd :11: {his home. 157 Bzn_vl'i-ILI S1,. Barri:-. `,un Sunday. Mnrvh 31. 1935. : 1\/r.- ("InY1n'\inur uvnu I`...-.-. rr..h In jun mummy. xvmrrn .n. n:.).). :H,. H ! Mr. (_`.ummin;.{ wns lmrn Feb. 10,` gm, W 11804. :11 T`m'm1.- and fnrmr-diu`,_. 1;, fur 3] _vonrs un the Old Socunr! Linn , M N or` P`lo.~:. For the past seven yuurs ho had 1`('.<:i(l('(l in Barrio. He was :1 mt-ml):-r ul` S1. An(lr(`w':~: l`r<-s|>ylx-r- : ,4, R inn (`hur(~h. O!` n goniul nn1m'r- ;n1 i highly rr\sp0r~t.v(1 ho had m:m_v - ._;.|. ,; | |l`rionds. Fm'Lv _\'('.'lT`S ago he m.'n'rin.- v;;\'_; u rhm puny wt` SUNDAY. APRIL 7, 1935 ll A.M.-~-HOI.Y COMMUNION (The Junior Church School meets at this hour). It I-`.M.--'I'HE CHURCH SCHOOL 7 I .M.~- "l`H'E MlNIS'l`}'<}R HIH K IHHVH. \}l il ;.`.('IIlil| ll4lIllll' nIII\l` m:m_v- l`rionds. Fm't_v yours Mzn'1,::u'(-I 'I`1u'nm' of Flux. who sur- vivvs tum-lhr-r with one tlanxthtmyg `IVlr.~:. C|.'n'(-nt-v (_`.1u-..~:(, IJ(-zml. Raw` `Viv. and mo sun. (`.`|:u`(-m'(- C'mnmin;:. LS1-('o|1cl Lino. Fins. Ono ln'nthm', - Rnhnri. lives in Brilish Columbia.` Nnnn ' nnrlu F:-on-n Wlvhxvtnln unrl`. I'll`. IIIIH NIH` SUI]. \.|ill'l`I|('t' L llH|l||lH;;. Lino. brut}mr,- Many frit-n(Is from Elmvnlo and`. Pins and Wilson Turner of Sault, SH-. Mario. Mich. znttendod tho fun-1 .1-ml, Tuesday afternoon. In tho ab-5 ,5:-nrv of Rev. Dr. Shorlt, tho .~:or\'i('o*:; \\. (`I'(' 1.'1k(-n by Rev. N. R. D. Sin-l vlnir. of the Essa `Road Prosbyte-r-` ,i:m church. Burial 100k plnov im Hill: C7(`mo1o1'y where the body` was (:.'m'i('d to its last rost.ing piacol by .105. Cumming. Alfred Clnnminpi John Kc-rr, Wm. Cumming. Jr.. Al-' Vin Johnston and Robert Kerr. 1 MRS HENRY GIBSON Tlw sudden death of Mrs. I-Icnx`y' (`.il)son. 110 John Street, Barrie ubuul 7.45 p.m. Tuesday, as the ,re-" suit of :1 110111`! wmxkrmss. came asp" (lisiinvl shock 10 all her ucquaim,-" xnu-(-5. She had bx-on in excellent. hvulth pro.-\'im|sl_\,'. and had spun! :1 \'ur_\' (`H_i<>_ViIb|(` u1't(-rnmyn at the Ihnmv of hl`1' sun and (iuL1g|\1H`i11- `law with whom shv hind ;.-,unL- to 2:1- lond n Hwntro. Dr. L. H. Biucluvv. F.dL'nr. Dr. W. J. S(rol1,_ C()()k.`?Y()\.\ I1. and Dr. W. C. Littlo. Barrio. :m1-n |. ll`l|l| xl (llL'(l|Il'. JJI. L4. ll. L)l}.;l.`IUV\. Cnukstown. and Little. Barrio, vd HUI`. Burn Matilda May Hillnck. daugh- tur mt` the Ian` M1" and Mrs. J:1r'rl(=. Ilillnck. at Niculstnn. near Allisstun. on May 22. 1892. the devcased had rt-. thvrv until her rn2u*riag(- on May 10. 1910. to I-It-nry Cibsnn. lmving their rn:n'ri21g(-. they 1`(`..i(1L`(1 in Barrie until 1923. when thvy mov- Ivd to Windsor for u porind of S(`\`('1l `_v<-ars. r<-turning; to Barrie in |Sh-- was :1 wnman whose chief in-I ._..o |`.......\ l -.._-. sa--cu DEALERS 75 Elizabeth SL, Phone 128 1934 Chev. Special Sedan 1934 Chev. Master Coach 1933 Ford V8 Deluxe lJ\}\J lulu vu AI u n u n x, Coach 1933 Chev, Special Sedan 1933 Rockne Special Sed- an 1932 Chev. Special Sedan 1930 Oldsmobile Coach 1929 Essex Sedan 1930 Buick 5-pass. Coupe 1928 Pontiac Sedan 1928 Essex Coach 1929 Auburn Sedan 1929 Hudson Sedan GENERAL MOTORS I`-`AI ---`rs AYERST & HARRIS LTD. -v--......-v_ ...... - -___--.._-_-_ will nwct at the lxmnc of R1-\'. E. E. Long. Collier SL, 'l`lmrsduy. April 11th, at 2 p.m. l\lmnlmrs and their wives uro urged tn bv pr:-sum fur 'lhi:< social nleuling. Rt. llvv. Dr. J. S .Hlun`tt will be with m: \ I