Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1935, p. 5

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."_ FRANK 1|.-\.u7\1_fT.` . lcitor. NC. x\|.'l<\m:u- 'l'v Barrio. 1\41\HH`_\' 1| Ln.` \`.u.\ lIlL' u|Il_\ HCL'n.L`xl in the (lislricl and WH- . prnpricimx ('.`-C])l`(`!`.K'f`(l :11 lh:-1-:1|Io:u nl` Hm hi-wr AHH U1 Tudhopc .n- nxnnxl Hb| l L'.`.`. rails him 0f the IS .. L..,.l .n\\ mly liconrod (vi and ML VI, \'.`.|)ll'I .\l 3 ml` the Mn: n',':(-(I lh.'x1 I cable: (lumpuund l llll\'| lall S V cge- :~\- ' fur the next few tunnths. '1';-ach' her how to g-.:.u'd her bcnslth at tinx critical time. \\'hcn she is 3 happy. `healthy wife and mother she will 1 thank you. Quin` at all annrl rh-un manage I um. I-nppl. n`('(II)|l).\'l, ?\\\'k".' `])w:1rf Punsu-.s`. Nu:-'1urlium.< lignids. (.`..'n|(:nrIu|:1. (`.:1|Iinp `is. .1 nu- Vost girls in their teens need A tonic and rcgu- lator. Give your dnughler Lydia E. ' Pinkh.m1's Vege- ' (Able Cumnnund L di E.Pinkh ` Vetgble J. I-EDWIN \\'ll.SON. I\.S..\.. Rep.'i.~`tm'u-`(i (\\'lv-\p.'l(lx. 6 Kmg T Barrit`. 'l`vlvphum- 345. HIHIC YOU. Sold at all good drug stores. THE BARRIE EXAMINER, BARBIE. ONT., CANADA I11-iglmt. A_f: H Newmarkefs tax rate is ll mills. a reduction of two mills from last I yea:-`s levy. 'iOrvilli`;- to~IA?.ceive I 1 Full Cost of Relief 1 lVIn_\'m' J. B. Julmstnn has announ- ('('(l hv Inns` been given assurance by Hon. Dnvitl (`mll. minislt-1' of wel- fnro. 1hnl tho prnvim-i:1l i;'0vernment will r'm1h'il)u1<> 50 per cvnt. toward rt-liofin()1'i|li.'1 on vnmliiinn the Dn- minim) <,:m'ornincn1 will do likuwis:r2. , |`hc m:1Hor of making` npplicntiim in Llhv l'(*rlc-ml L{0\ ('l`I1l11(`l1l will be fak- `vn up with L'UUl](`il. tho nmynr said. l'|w (l(`('lHil\I1 nf Hon. M)`. Cmll fulln\\'.` talk of (`lnsing H10 ('01- l<-;:inIv and public lihmry as mnn:s- lll`I"F In l'(`(llIf`(` tho 55,5-niill tax rate xvi, in tho (`SliH12\l(`.K`, 'l`h<~ tnwn has i.*[~:l2().00(l llH(`()li(`L`l(`(l lIII\'(,`S on HP I)mk.<. Hun. Mr. (`roll also ngrorrd 14: r-xtrml the limo limit for payment if lulmr (`n>l.< on Hw Nlinulvn |n'uj(*cl from l`./lnn-I1 CH 14) Julw 30. nmvi(linL: illw l'wlm':1l ;.',u)\'vHnnum nlsu :1gI'u(*(l. `lhv mnym` SlZ|l(.`ll. In 1h<- cw-n1 of tho Iwn Gnvurn- l...,\..a.. .4:.... n. p n . .- ..p |('L0*'li ORILLIA ('O|.l.l'IGl/\'I`E l.\' .\'l'('i(llC.\"I'|'Il) BY M:\\'0R 1' P0::.sil)ili1y i]C[.{i('l1(` instih rhminn Man in |H()()'l`l.l~I(2(}lN(i IN OR>;l.l.l.-\ | .\`('()R`lCI) BY ('l{0 T\' .\'l"l`()RNEY J. ac_\'1ncs. I\Iis.< Orma Scytha mme m. -er the we: -1`. D. Scythes. has he past few weeks . ll (`. (`. I-`l.F.`\llN(I. \'\`(t'l`in:lrinn and SlIl`g:\`nI\ um.-.~. -H1 Rn,v(i\`ld St..I Hnrrw l`hnne- RH 1 `H3!!! .Vlrll|,'l|- Hw =mnv1in;z 11w full ms`! of I`(']i(`f, nmc-nt nfl`ir'inIs will operate n`.~: roliof. Lcythes of Toronto was r weekend. Her fath- not been well for vpki clnsimg . :1: 2: 111. j._-_.:.:_-j- L`nn-espondence) '1" C.nv>vh.:.- 1|I Nnww l'. bcylnes _0l_ Ne I Sunday vxsxtors : Fllllll \\|I.\ Ill!` IL-1.:inl(-'. It is 11' after year r dc-m.'mds fur smno (lrn. res financially ; Orillin co nouns of I`( : discussed 1 Orillin lnw D\.llD.`Il.`\A All Ilin lnwn Is docidml Hm min- rl down ll their Maym` was up- -" H in ('01- n1: IV. I'\. \V(l}.'__l',. Collingzxwmdi-; thix bill \v.'1:< :1 (-unlit 0|" 5 was cxpet'loI.l. Mn:IfI\|'r1 q tllcf , ` _... ,.-. , .... .. .. Of the \'e-,:et:\!)lo.<. (' nninw: were 200 a basket and ('m>kin_'.: ::p-l pips 401'. (.`oIvr_\' was Hlv :1 hz-:u.l. p'.`.I'snip.~' 200:1 baskoi, turnips ;'u- 1-an-h and 1101111003 50(' :1 bag. ` l x V l"hore xvns very little wrmd am the market and only n smmll rulzmlilv of meal. I`lw \w`nH1(-1' \\':u~` \'(-rjc J I I The first maple s_vrnp of tho .\'(`Ri\ll ` made its nppezirznice on Bm`ri(~ t':n'in~ ll`S' market last S:iturd:i_\' lllt)l`niHf.',. The supply was \'er_\' limited but it i was of very gnod qtinlit)`. li::ht nwl clear. of excellent taste. A L`i'u\\'n Hill fzirmer informed 'l`he Fx;uninm' lhnt. sap had not been running vvr_\' much as yet but with inorv frost the supply would be much larger. Tlwru should be :1 good supply on Hit` market this week. l`h- prirv \\':~.<' quoted at from $2.50 :1 5,-nllnn In tiv` :1 quart last week. i Eggs were down in prim`. an tho! :i\'ei';iu(`. zibout. two cents ZI (In/.9n.` Top price on S}l1lll`('ltl_\' \\'.'1.< 231- 1ll1`l i thp bulk of the supply sulrl nt `.2ll<'.| with mine as lnw as l8v. tho lmw-:1 price quoted since last suminer. l .iit- l tor was down one cent in 270 :11 pound. There &l])[)(`1)l`(`(l tn ho fziiri supplies nf buth l)llH(`l` nntl v_:;'..~`. Cliickens were still 23: -. with :1 l)ll_\'(`l' i p.'i_ving: 200 per pmlnd. I .\r u... . .14.. . ... 1 l`()'l`A'l`() DI-)Al.l5l{ /\ l"l`A('K.`< 'rm=; NEW MAnKr'rmn ltl-`.(ill..-\ l`l().\.'.\'} Snmlml Hi:<(\\'. prmninvm 'l`urnnm 11011110 rlvult.-1'. .s-mu-:1 Iusl \'.'t-vk Him? the new mzlrkr-ling l'(`L',ll|.'lli(1ll2< \\H'u regard In pu1;I1oo.< \\'<-1'0 pmvin-..: 'u h:1ndi(`ap in that tho prim` hurl In-4-n pt-;,';,'ed for wlm|vsulm'.-'. \\`hi|<- nHl('|'~: in the trade wort` :u)p:u'0n1|_\' vm:;n:- ml in un<`<)n!1'n|lwl l)mulI(-,:,uin:.:. `Mr. Hist-y said iho l'i.\in_L: ml` Ilh`-: m `~`.t.'ll)(L'Il'(l.\` was lhv (ml_V w:u' in whivh lhv f:u'nwr n-mild ho lwlpml lay It-xt- i.~'lu1im1. lIl'.\l I nun); ll 'lll.\llIl|II (VI 7 in 'T'nl'nnlu. ho :<.'Iirl lluyv wt-z px-llod tn xoll ]ml.'I1m-,- :M privc of 57 1-r.'nl.< :1 l:::.',. 1: pm` 1nnJr'1`:< 1'<`fu: to pay In-r-.'m mmltl ])llI'('h!.\'(` frmn lhv much (:|w:1pm'. .:. AT THE FARMERS MARKET II . . . a.uuun.u'.uu.;.u_L.,. .. performing . . .131: klml will make hundreds of new frimcls-; for I Few automobiles have (`0n!`.ist(-nlly given greater measure per dollar than Pontizm. in style and long. economical service. Consc- quently. few cars have won and maintained public goodwill as successfully as Pontiac. That the 193S model may be \.v0rth_v to carry on so favorable a reputation. Ciuirml Motors has built into this Six cvcry hixsit Pon- BOYS & BOYS. B:u'ri.~:lcrs. Solicitors. Nolnrics Puhliv, (imwvynnccrs. Etc. M()m\_V to loan at Inxve rules of in- terest. ()`i.:v I3 Uwvn SL, l\/lansunlv Templu BId}{.. l!:n`ri_-. l$rum`h uffu-c, Elmvnle. \h'.1\.li>_\'s.l\CLf.. .1. R. Buys. inn; Hm pmiliun 0, he soll : '7 1-nnlu . I.-... -. CHEVROLET ---- PONTIAC -- OLDSMO1 McLAUGHLlN-BUICK -- CHEVROLET AND GMC TRUCKS Exclusive Dealers in Barrie and district for the complete General Motou; line of Lower and Medium Priced _Passenge:- Cars and Trucks, including: There's a big new value. in the low price eld! It`s a PONTIAC SIX nvnnnl-|1_ln,.I-...r .n...r.tl. llblll A|.a a A LILV A smooth-1ook`.ng. .8 .-.-.-...-\.u AYERST 8: HARRIS 5 RN, oms rr\>.I\/r p.uru'n\1|r.r A ~n~r\ CHOOSI. H Hm H NEW Loiwzu. smooth- ! car that 7 Pontiac. CAMICRON .\: (`.;\Ml'Zl{()N. H;n`r|::tur.s'. Rn?-iIu|'~1 nlw H:|I'|'in' 5 ()\\'`l\ Sll`('l'l tiac characteristic. plus an impressive list of improvements. Extra value features include scientific streamlining: S0lid~5`.tccl Turret- Top" Bodies by Fisher; Triple-Sealed Hydraulic Brakes: Comfculcd Tire and Lug- gage Compartment: Fisher No-Druft Ventila- tion; and Double K-Y Frame. As a competent judge of the points by which a fine automobile is recognized. we invite you to see the new Six. and its companion. the Straight Eight. Better still. we suggest that you drive them. Let actual experience be your guide to the happiest selection you could make {nr urnlr navf pru- LII IVL. ulhlll. IJLL d\.LUl1l C4` the sclectk for your next car. OLDSMOBILE Page Flve W. D. Mi.`P.`lKl.\'. Funon Di1`u<`_2or and F.lnlmllI\e`r. .-\mlml;mm~ .'\`ur\'u~v. Phnnt` 41!! 1.xIv1n'.;.~.I'.w Hn`.u'.~`:` If dr- sired. CH1`. Mary and I-`.li.'ubvth SL3.` ,jll|'N..'l) llll /`\[H'l| I` No\vm'n-k:~I will rlim-nnlinlxo rt,-lic-1 April I5. and will ('|(>.`~`.(` tho tr:m.~:E- ems nbmlu April 1. Nfilnnll Rnnrrl Inf F`.Ilnr-ntinn hzw WI'Il.(`ll. (`luwlvv GIN). R. AND |".l.SlI-I /\. BURNS--| Ontario I.im'mx:ac:, (`himpr:u'tic, 0s'l(-n- mnhv_ Mnsamu_-_ l~'nnI auliustnlulxts. Ununrm l.l(`|`llSI.`, L lHI`()[)l'(l(`\ uthy. Mnssugv.-, aul lectm, H_voru_ H:|(HlHli(`, and Sun lrvzltnvxmz. l)u-l ; Therapy. I\`ZlLQ.\' I'vn.~:uI1:1l Dunlap St. I hmu` 405. DUNCAN I". l\l|'(`l7:\I('-. I cessor tn (`rv.\'\\'ivlu` & HM ter. S0li(`ilm'. 01:`. l\l\n1~_\ Ross Bluvk. Ilurrn`. Allistrm H_vr!m Commission had :1 profit on 103*} |)Ll>`il)C.\'}: of $1,202. Midland may have znmtlw-5-1` white- wear imlus1r_v. :1r-(:ru'(Iin; to Captain N. K. \Vm!..I(. (`nil inuuvnIuIl'-: Q hh-hxnntln" nrnlvnI' . LX[IL'l'll'lX. M(*nf0rd s Dmmlrl Mnrr her 95111 ymn rr w n..o I. VV. l|lll('IH'.\l ville rI|'1x;::_vi.<'.. tliv C., on Mnrvh 17. T`)...-`"4 mm .L\.., k... VH1 M Pmwttl branch r Snric-ty r 1\r.....m- pmn m ;; B('r-1mI (rundlwl : O./\.('. N: l )run.ln. \ il ('l"'|H Iiuhl and 1 got :1 Ion vr\:|\* \ l}Ill|U.'\\ (N)H V\. l)l'I{4 hold :1 'll`L{(' ln.'r~':1 um and fur throw lmlxre: I tho swslvnm nf rvlivf. ------------ -../.-...--.......-...v ..---...--..----------...---..--....-......--_------.......... PR0 Ess1bi\%AL'*%i5jiR"ECioRY ;___....... ....- ..__ swEAR7Atb%"$%%fRuIH or STATEMENT; Inrnnln, H-II.-; Fruit -21-! ivvs nflvr Int hm imligos(imI. I to he lit-Ipml 1|: HiVl"~' :1 QIZIIPI DONAIJY I". M;u'I.:` ri .\`n1i-Hm` Uh` lnrmnn,u-mnnus\vm`n:sI:umnun1now I Vrllil-:1-li\'(`s lJ!`Hll){'l| l(l! u*|i(-fl` Inul .-;uI`l'-I'v(| luuily from` (E \\. lllIS mlu-r su|Tc-rL-rs lohclu-Igwtl:|:slu:w;1s. Tlnu! is why he gives :1 Sl:l|('ll\l'lIl nf his (-x['u-rit-nrc. Am] in ml:-r llml nvvrxnmr may he c0nvim`o<| nf {Is Il])SU||ll(' truth Mr, Sunsmu: Inzulv his slam-nu-nl lIIH|(.*r():IHI hoforc :1 nutnrv. In purl, il I'L`ll|h',-" Fur :1 long time I s1I!'|1'I'n:1l l>:ull\' from indiguslinn. I lriorl cvcryllmimz Iml I 6 c(nIlinII(e(| in gvl \vor.=:('. /\ frivml of} mine r(:1`mnIuL-ml(~d IrniI-:1-lives. !\fH-r ` Inmgcslmn. I ll'l(`(l 0vc1'_\}lInm{ um I a '-11: -Ar-NIH culltlntlu 0 wn . mm 0 , nnnc inking llu-In, H was not lung In-fnro I \vns ClHIl`(`|\' WP and vnulxl ml any- thing: \vIl|mlIl ]):Illl or alter vIIm`l.s'." (`npy nl Mr. .\'4m:mu~':: l`h|ll]>|(`ll! xwnrn slut:-um-ul will Iw sc-nl nu wum--4!. \\'IilL' l"I'Inil:ni\':-K: I imilu-ll. UIl2|\\'.n. ('.In-uI.l. FRUIT-A-TlVE`.'r--'15: and 50 EVERYWHERE Thursday, z--.--zh 28, 1935 -(,'l\:!l`l1-I` .n.- (`m Mr. Sum S:|n~,un.-, /F1 Fr Fnrnnln, In-He; In an. vnrn slat _u_Iix~nu `nun J`: In.- rll - A: l.aIvn\.Ir\l OPEN \h`..\' AND .\l(il|'!` 47 Eli:-..xlw(|I .\l. 2 Plmnv L` nun` w.- `a. -.-a;.--... sex savv I7.~lahl|s`lu-d INN?` I"l'.\|-'R.\l. IIll\'I-'(`T()K5 AND lC.\ll.\I..\IlIl{.\` OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Motor ambulzmce In cornccllon BARRIE. 0N'l`.--PIIONI-I 82 G. G: Smith & Co. -g o\./0 A..aA.a\/--.1 FU`Nl:`.RAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER 1\IIL*\' nnnv ax-|\ \-u-n-u~ J. A. (`0RBl".'l"l'. Nu!` vo_\'nm~m- includins: 0 deeds. :n'r:m;:in;: uf 1 ancq` of all kinds. Ex- tratnr and '1`l'l|. "l_".N(`I_._LLOYD u\uI\r~.~-1~r\| lVlill'|'Il ll. ~1:1n_qui. will organize n of the C.`:m:1di:m Rvrl (`.1-n:::~ , ANIDI-ZIKHUN V ('()Ml'z\ nnnxnnl-: '|`r|I (}llIlE.()l'R..A\(?'l`l() .:___.._..____: (A(lr`r'rl.z'.s`r'1n.cn!.) rug 1: 1: DI, .Vl\`.-\I('|'lll`li .uh~llml and Rvpmred. r1l\m~t'< Shnv Stun` nl(lr`:4I iull('Ilm', N0l;u`_V'. k`ull- IT Uwxm St. Musnnic Ilurric. l\/lum-y tn loan. MI-.|u)N. xsnrx'n:u2r:;. ,.'n'riv. 5 Owen Street. l\lnm-_v In Luau. sun. funnm` Hunts- ivd in T r-nliz-fnn. B. R(\l\lR'|' ll. SMI'I`ll. E_V\`: cinlist. t! Dlnilup St Hmlrs 9-li: Sut\Ird:\\'.< till `st 1`os=idc-nt. Mrs. rlivrl Ins! week in at-nth" unmlm. 1irtc(-nth" power ' $650. A deficit . H:Irrisu\x`. Sol- '1'n\})|v Buildingz, mu. mu`, lvlngnvuc HM and 11mm- wlullnlu. 82A V`: 11:` _vx';1:. 1-(-_:gi5'l('l`('(l :11 fun. Frnnl SI root, |:l!(.'IIl(.'llI how . n.|.`.-f * Hill lIll'iIH'n| prnhzuhiy :u'_uin this`. Th. -ioly will uulilinlx inl \.'t '1 -1.; mm! l)A1_Vll.'lu)N .\' l?.`\.VlI`.li . 50HL'il()l`:4,('h'., !:n'riv. Telephmlv -H)`i. Mnnu , PROF. I). E. WEIR. 'I`eacher of Piano and Violin. Piano 1`unor. Phone 614:" 1 :83. Barrie. Ont. DES. l;l'l"l'hI'.' &: l;l'l"l`l4l'2. H1ysu:|ans and Surgmms. }"m1'ri(-.. ()`i('o mud Herz- idenuc. 47 Maple Ave. ()l'I`ix-v hmn-.~:: 1 to 3 p.m.. 7 In 9 p.m., or by amminl- ment. A. '1`. Lime, M.1)., W. L`. Li!- tle. MB. Phone 213. UR. ':\L l`l-IR Il.\\'0()l)l{()\\'. ()riIhzL Suvcossm' to the Into Dr..\.P.Ard:u:h -E_vo. ear, nose and tlxrnat spvci:1li.-t. will ho at Queen's Hotel. Bzurriu. 1 1 V { 3 \'\'-x')' Sulurd:1_\'. 8 :I.m.. to 12! mum g (':l:'(`:% 01 Vvunwn. A:;:s(u`I:II(! K ()l`(:lll`I' Cmlnty nl` Simone. Phurw til. ()II`i(--, 58 Collier St. Hours: 8-9 u.m., l2.:iU-;!, 6.30 8 pm. DR. W. R. I". LUKE-I)R. G. (I. SNI`Il.l.. Eye. Eur, Nose and 1`hrm1I Sp:-u1uIi: Medical Arts Building. 'I`orunLn. B;u'- ` rie ufl'ive: -15 Eli /.u|u:th St. Inmm::i1<~[ Roxy 'I`lwntr0). Phmw 175. ()I'l'i<-0` hours: 2nd and 4th Sz:l111'(l;I)'s n1` llw mnnth. 3 to 7 }).m. .I. II. N. mvlrrll. lV`l.lI.. t'IL\'s|('1:1x1 and `Su\`g(-on. Offivv. Owvn St. ({m`nw1`- 'l_\' 1u'('llpiud by Dr. 1.. J. Sin\pson).\ Rvsidt-Iu'v, 144 Maple An`. Plmno 700.; \'lC'l`0RlAN ORDER OF Nl`RSl..\-; from 2 to 5 o'clock ox"-_-ry Fridn_\'. Ap- plication Tor Iun'so's sox'\'in-s mu) lw I made direct ur through dm-tor. '1`o1c- 1 phonv 168. I (Barrie Branch). Well Bl\_v Clinic!` '\vAL'n-:3 .\1acNv'r'r. A.'l`.(`..\!.. Bur- rie. Teacher of piano. 0i`2(\l\ and The- ory. singing coach. organist and choir- niastvr of l`x`inii_v church. Barrio. Scholarship student for two ycar.< at `T0l`0nl() (`misc-r\':\tor_\ of Music. Ad ldress: 68 Mulcnster St.. phone 1524. i l'lHYllHl]. , fllll [Hill I $V.5()0 nl` mnn- than h u n1.'u.:i. wlm is n Mn] other mllnivipu` I-1. Jnhnslnn hns: form` 76.. I[.... A XII I')..;.l DR. W. A. l.I~IVVlS. Surgery and I nl` Vvumun. A:;:;(,u-Izmr (`mu Al.l`IX:\Nl)l-Ill (`()\\'.\N. Bawrislcr. Solicitor for ul\l;mnn;; prnhznv uf wills. uu:n'di:m: nml :l(llll|l1|}1l';l~ tion. (Gem-ml Sulu-ilur. l\Julury, (`un- invnzzm-r N11` 1'] (hm-n Ht, M: nmv DRS. LlT'l'LI'J & Ll l"I`Ll~7. Physicians Sm'L!mms. Inc. N. M. I..`\l1ILIla, l..lVl.l' .. r'n_ urizm. Specialist in (lxsuu. ,, of chil- dren, Inn-rnnl nwtlivino and mmnr .~:|n'm\rv ()ffim- zmrl M- `)li| (ll'(.`ll, nm-rum. nwuu-nno and mmnm surgoxgv. (_)ff1c-1: and X`(`.~'.l(l(`nL?(?. 2Ii Owun St. Phone 487. Dll. N. W. ll()(`-ICIIS. I h_v. :1 Su1'genn. Assm-lam` Curunu-r. (`um 01' Sinwuv. ()H'ir'o znul l`(':~'i(ll`II(`('1 H\.'1:Irv R1 Phnmr HH DR. I-`RI-ID A. ROSS (l*`m'nu-x`l_\' of Drs. Russ & Ross). Lute` suI'p,cnn spo- cinlist with the Imperial .-'\rm,v. 41-; _vvm'.~:. General Surgery and ()b.-:tct- ricrz. H0 Dunlup SL. Barrio. T01. 710. I--:------------ IIIR. (il`Z()l!.('nl-I ('. SI`IY.\H)l7H. l`h_\ uivinn znnl S`nrnnnn ll ? l<`,li.-~:|ulh K .'.llIU. Tho mnnpzlimn of th Tnurist l')vv(-lupmvnl A: mm-ling with rm-mn'u,:: Tho hlI(l1.{(`l. ('l)\'(`l ill_L', 1} 1'(-znrly .'1nhm\'o(l Fm` 1935` mu mnu-uv. uuu-e mu Mary St. Phuno 101. |l.L0\'D TUFFORD. Onlalxist (`nllivr I St. United Church. 'I`em-her of Plum. ` Organ. Voice. 39 Owen St. Phone `:3 : I When Wilmot Hussey. Allistnn. had his herd of thirty-tln'('-c .l0rsv_\' Cattle tested for tubox`cuIu.~:is 1'cL-ant-l l_\'. more v.'cro ton l`L`ZlCl()l'.\`. Creomore Council has nppninterl J. L. Marshall as utility man of tin- villuge. !~'LlC(`L'C(lln;. 1-1. G. Cm'.~=-ml-l (l(.'l]. Eleven applications were re-i ceivcd. ``rr.nlr - I'll I-nvnrvxnnrun nn 1|-ux (*1.-nu,` V-y . ', . '_l`empl:~ B||;.:._ L'L'lVL'U. Work will commence rm lhe Grav- cnhurst-Balu high\'u_v within :1 I`:-w (lnys. fnlluwim4 st-tilt-men! 0|" :1 rIi.~:- pute over the nlxrvhnst: ml" the ri::!11- of-way. Mll T`mn-i-A Auqrminrm will IUI-\'Vi V. - Mu. I`ouri.<( Associutitm \\'il establish :1 tourist blIl`(`.'1ll and in fnrmzlfirm offirtn at the entr:u1<:r.- I4 (lruv(3nhLI1': rm the hi_L',ll\'.'.`I_V m-:4 lhe nrch gzxtmvny. '1`!-vn rnusmnwlv mnnlinrtu nnd vnic HM u'll'Cll guur\vny. The quarterly meetings nml mis- .sionzu'y convention of the Free Moth- mlist Chuwh of Muskokn (lis1ri(:t w::s hold at tho Frryo Methodist Chum-ix. Orillin, last week. Owen Snunrl lVl.'1ym's:. ::l`l(-r J.'mu- nry l. llliili. will hnlrl ufI`i<,'(\ fur luau Vt-ms, :u'(-m'(lin;', In :1 bill p.'n.~': l:).'. llxo Priv:IlL.- Bills: (`nnwmillvo ml H11`; nn1C:\|-:1. I uni.-lnin.-n _V\'(lI, ll'|'\lll I Ontario l.(yL:is l`uynlu.. '1 :- (fullimgwnnrl "(rmn`-.5 have ('10:-tvrl the fnllz l"r<-. Hm` _\' Sm" |>l'(`-.\`i(!('lIl, Miss Juan `sirr-pr(~e:ir!-:11. Bill I William `:n'mi('h:1r-I. l\'.('n l'InpkinH. rllnrnvnunnni finsnln -nu-um 2| ` 913.700. 1 ' -m.,. Subscribe to The I-`.xz\minor and get all the news while it is news. . Illll IIIk'Hll'|l:ll|l\lllVl'I |I`H won Snuntl lrirIz|.\' last. {out that Orillin is p:L\'iny.z now half the . of 110 who nlxu . 5'(.'\'-I v muni<'ip.'1liti(-s. 'I\/In_\*m~ J, m I'nrwnrd<~d :1 prntrst N. W. R0(_'hlI('k. /\Hul`H("- The mn_s'.i. w\<'~i\H"si .l.. `xrzlduzxtv Mc- Ill'(`.:ll. (,)ITin- and nlwth and Branch H15. O ico hours: {-8 }).m. . } h\'.~'|(`inx1 and nn Q9 (Tn:-nun`- G0ll.l)()N H. I"().\"l`l`}l{. B:lI`l`i: IOHNIUI`, NUl;ll ) . ('(|H\ \'_\':Il|l`('1`. uh`. Monqy In hum. ()l'l'n'v Ii Hwvn SL. Bnrrlu. 'l`<~|vp|mIu~ mu. tho Muslrnlv A.r:.s'nvin1inn K` H. I'| /ulwlh Inn Provincial police and an official or the Pr<`.vin(:i:il Fire Marshal's Dc- nnrtment are conducting an investi- szntitvn into :1 fire which (1(3.\'h`()}'C`(1 n hutei and cizxiwo hall :11 Lmwtttn. Ad- jzuin l`m\'n.s'hip. f.`. l|`i_V I`hm'. morn- imt inst :`-nri om'i:1n:{cx`L-(I the lives of. three ('hil(lx`en and l1]l'C(.` uriuns. ' 5 The fire which started shm'1L\' af- ter midnight in en shed under the dance hall spread with alarming ru- pidity, L-umpieloly r]os1m_\'in;: the imilriinu. nnri 'mI: dnnmzgo (`sli- niuicri at '.'1m7m.\'iinzi1(`l_\' $10,000. The hutv \~.'zi.< tho unlv iicon.-todl ihm... .-.....|.... :.. u-.. -._.: uv-u I IIRHH WIISUH. Dl`U]:H'I(.`1'0] 1h(- belief that the (:;1nsc was inccncliury and 11! pmbc ho mzxrlo. T rm'im-i.'1l ('un.~:l.':l)lc V Allistun. :1(-<-mnpn1'1i(,-d by shall. is inveslulznling. lllnlll [)1 l'\\ [I created by claim as sunn ....n.......: t.. `Loretta Hotel F ire I Is Being Investigated , .. .\ ., ! whi '19)` 1' sprv: L-umplc nnr .~...4...1 ..a IIUIHCKI \'IlIlgl,'.\ HHILIU L"\ H1. 11. D1 dkl` oz. mum-actor. of "tremendous ir- rngul-.\ritie.<" in connection with the Mmdcn power project, a special uppro.\'in1nt('I_v $35110. 0]` [hi r~'1~<:-ni -:n|x.:...-i..Ai..n\~ n.. , Iur I nu m as nffivin 'nm the T0` Oh.` T).\nn.n~ l,_( Nl\l.I, I. NIAIPL.` H8301`. Su!i\`|Im`_ (`tr Building. Unrru` 1\

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